Results for 'Ernesto Reche'

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  1.  4
    Ernesto Laclau: post-marxism, populism, and critique.Ernesto Laclau - 2014 - New York: Routledge. Edited by David R. Howarth.
    Ernesto Laclau has blazed a unique trail in political theory and philosophy since the early 1970s. In so doing, he has articulated a range of philosophical and theoretical currents into a coherent alternative to mainstream models and practices of conducting social and political science.
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    Studi in memoria di Ernesto Grassi.Ernesto Grassi, Emilio Hidalgo-Serna & Massimo Marassi (eds.) - 1996 - Napoli: Istituto italiano per gli studi filosofici.
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    Bibliography of Ernesto Laclau's work.Ernesto Laclau’S. Work - 2004 - In Simon Critchley & Oliver Marchart (eds.), Laclau: A Critical Reader. New York: Routledge.
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    Hegemony and Socialist Strategy: Towards a Radical Democratic Politics.Ernesto Laclau (ed.) - 1985 - Verso.
    In this hugely influential book, Laclau and Mouffe examine the workings of hegemony and contemporary social struggles, and their significance for democratic theory. With the emergence of new social and political identities, and the frequent attacks on Left theory for its essentialist underpinnings, Hegemony and Socialist Strategy remains as relevant as ever, positing a much-needed antidote against ‘Third Way’ attempts to overcome the antagonism between Left and Right.
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    Democracy and the Question of Power.Ernesto Laclau - 2001 - Constellations 8 (1):3-14.
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    Educação e italianidade: a opção pelas congregações religiosas italianas.Gelson Leonardo Rech - 2018 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 23 (Especial):157-180.
    Resumo: No início do século XX, várias congregações religiosas vieram ao Rio Grande do Sul para atender às necessidades da Igreja Católica, evidenciando, também, o zelo pastoral do clero gaúcho. Particularmente, na década de 1920, em meio a uma retomada da italianidade no estado, capitaneada pelos cônsules, observa-se a opção das autoridades pelas corporações religiosas de origem italiana, na medida em que promoviam as escolas étnicas e a manutenção de cursos de italiano. Os documentos analisados informam que tanto o cônsul (...)
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  7. Levy-Bruhl, L., Die geistige Welt der Primitiven.Joh Reche - 1927 - Kant Studien 32:526.
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    Materialismo dialético, luta de classes e insights filosóficos sobre a educação a partir de Slavoj Žižek.Hildemar Luiz Rech & Fernando Facó de Assis Fonseca - 2021 - Educação E Filosofia 34 (71):853-889.
    Materialismo dialético, luta de classes e insights filosóficos sobre a educação a partir de Slavoj Žižek Resumo: O artigo aborda a concepção de luta de classes no atual cenário histórico, político e social. O dogma das democracias ocidentais sugere que vivemos numa era pós-ideológica. Isso implica que não há mais espaço para a ideia de luta de classes. Contudo, segundo Žižek, é esse discurso que deve ser enquadrado no campo ideológico. Žižek retoma o conceito de materialismo dialético a fim de (...)
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    Revisiting Badiou's Theory of the Political Subject.Walter Rech - 2024 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 71 (179):77-107.
    This article argues that Alain Badiou's theory of the subject offers conceptual resources that help make sense of ordinary life-experiences of ‘evental moments’ and enable the critique of hypertrophic forms of political or corporate agency. The article identifies a set of ideas through which Badiou's philosophy contributes to much-needed emancipatory thinking today. As it investigates the notions of horlieu and the event, the article stresses that true political change requires the emancipation of the ‘quasi-totality’, something that ‘reactive’ political or corporate (...)
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    Théorie du complot, secret et transparence.Alejandro Romero Reche - 2020 - Rue Descartes 98 (2):81-102.
    Selon des auteurs comme Byung-Chul Han, la société contemporaine est une société de la transparence, où les espaces de secret et d’intimité diminuent. Cela devait, en principe, réduire la croyance aux théories du complot, étant donné que le complot est seulement possible sous le couvert du secret. Cependant, les théories complotistes disposent encore d’un public nombreux, et d’une large diffusion sur internet et les réseaux sociaux. Cet article examine ainsi comment la spéculation sur le secret et le complot se maintient (...)
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  11. Memórias de docentes: narrativas sobre saberes e fazeres de duas professoras rurais de Caxias do Sul/RS (1920-1950).Gelson Leonardo Rech, Lúcio Kreutz & Terciane Ângela Luchese - 2012 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 17 (2):98-122.
    O presente texto narra a história de duas professoras rurais que atuaram em Caxias do Sul, no período de 1920 a 1950: Alice Gasperin e Irides Lourdes Rech. Entretecer a história da educação do município a partir das histórias ordinárias de vida dessas professoras nos permite compreender os cenários escolares rurais: os saberes ensinados, os fazeres cotidianos, as dificuldades para frequentar a escola, para se tornarem e, mesmo, para se manterem professoras. São histórias ímpares, mas que comungam da condição de (...)
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    Participatory Budgeting as if Emancipation Mattered.Ernesto Ganuza & Gianpaolo Baiocchi - 2014 - Politics and Society 42 (1):29-50.
    Participatory Budgeting has by now been widely discussed, often celebrated, and is now instituted in at least 1,500 cities worldwide. Some of its central features—its structure of open meetings, its yearly cycle, and its combination of deliberation and representation—are by now well known. In this article, however, we critically reflect on its global travel and argue for more careful consideration of some of its less well-known features, namely the coupling of the budgeting meetings with the exercise of power. We disaggregate (...)
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    Psychoanalysis and Marxism.Ernesto Laclau & Amy G. Reiter-McIntosh - 1987 - Critical Inquiry 13 (2):330-333.
    To think the relationships which exist between Marxism and psychoanalysis obliges one to reflect upon the intersections between two theoretical fields, each composed independently of the other and whose possible forms of mutual reference do not merge into any obvious system of translation. For example, it is impossible to affirm—though it has often been done—that psychoanalysis adds a theory of subjectivity to the field of historical materialism, given that the latter has been constituted, by and large, as a negation of (...)
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    Neurolepsis: Anhedonia or blunting of emotional reactivity?Richard H. Rech - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (1):72-73.
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    It’s a World Made of Triangles: Plato’s Timaeus 53B–55C.Ernesto Paparazzo - 2015 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 97 (2).
    Name der Zeitschrift: Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie Jahrgang: 97 Heft: 2 Seiten: 135-159.
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    The Bioethics Advisory Board of Puerto Rico: Personal Reflections on an Initial Agenda.Ernesto A. Frontera - 2009 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 18 (3):251.
    In 2005 the new Governor of Puerto Rico appointed a panel of experts to evaluate the healthcare system of Puerto Rico and make recommendations. Among other things, the panel recommended the creation of an advisory board on bioethics for the commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
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  17. El problema especulativo de la Realidad individual humana.Ernesto Grassi - 1949 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 2 (3):30.
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  18. PAVIANI, Jayme. Platão & a educação. Belo Horizonte: Autêntica, 2008.Gelson Leonardo Rech - 2011 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 16 (3).
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    Rightless Enemies: Schmitt and Lauterpacht on Political Piracy.Walter Rech - 2012 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 32 (2):235-263.
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    The Death of God, Systemic Evolution, and the Event: On the Temporality of International Law.Walter Rech - 2018 - Télos 2018 (185):165-185.
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    The Naming of Evil: Sovereignty, Security and Unlawful Warfare.Walter Rech - 2022 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 54.
    Nombrar al mal: soberanía, seguridad y guerra ilegal Este artículo defiende la importancia fundamental del "nombrar al mal" como operación constitutiva del discurso político moderno. Para lograr este objetivo, el artículo llama primero la atención sobre cómo los discursos institucionales y públicos globales, y aparentemente consensuados, han definido al Estado Islámico de Irak y Siria como una forma contemporánea del "mal" y cómo la comunidad internacional ha concebido su posicionamiento de cara a esta entidad. Basándose en este análisis y en (...)
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    Puntos de encuentro entre pensamiento crítico y metacognición para repensar la enseñanza de ética.Ernesto Joaquín Suárez Ruiz & Leonardo Martín González Galli - 2021 - Sophia. Colección de Filosofía de la Educación 30:181-202.
    La visión tradicional del pensamiento crítico (PC) fundada en un enfoque racionalista ha sido puesta en duda a partir de fines del siglo pasado por la ‘segunda ola’ del PC, la cual, a pesar de no ser un movimiento del todo definido, ha incluido aspectos como la imaginación, la creatividad y el trabajo cooperativo en su comprensión y en su aplicación a la enseñanza. Paralelamente, perspectivas actuales en psicología moral como el modelo ‘intuicionista social’ propuesto por Jonathan Haidt, representan un (...)
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  23. La política de Aristóteles: desafío al liberalismo político.Ernesto Estrada Araque - 2006 - Escritos 14 (32):60-77.
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    Power and Social Communication.Ernesto Laclau - 2000 - Ethical Perspectives 7 (2):139-145.
    Discussion about the viability of democracy in what can broadly be called our `postmodern', technologically dominated age, has mainly turned around two central issues: does not the current dispersion and fragmentation of social actors — deriving partly from the overriding presence of the media in our civilization — conspire against the emergence of strong social identities which could operate as nodal points for the consolidation and expansion of democratic practices?; and is not this very multiplicity the source of a particularism (...)
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  25. Renaissance Humanism: Studies in Philosophy and Poetics.Ernesto Grassi & Walter F. Veit - 1990 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 23 (4):320-324.
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  26. Can Immanence Explain Social Struggles?Ernesto Laclau - 2001 - Diacritics 31 (4):3-10.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Diacritics 31.4 (2001) 3-10 [Access article in PDF] Can Immanence Explain Social Struggles? Ernesto Laclau Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri. Empire. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 2000. In a recent interview 1 Jacques Rancière opposes his notion of "people" (peuple) 2 to the category of "multitude" as presented by the authors of Empire. As is well known, Rancière differentiates between police and politics, the first being the logic of (...)
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    ‘Doing Dignity Work’: Indian Security Guards’ Interface with Precariousness.Ernesto Noronha, Saikat Chakraborty & Premilla D’Cruz - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 162 (3):553-575.
    Increasing global competition has intensified the use of informal sector workforce worldwide. This phenomenon is true with regard to India, where 92% of the workers hold precarious jobs. Our study examines the dynamics of workplace dignity in the context of Indian security guards deployed as contract labour by private suppliers, recognising that security guards’ jobs were marked by easy access, low status, disrespect and precariousness. The experiences of guards serving bank ATMs were compared with those working in large reputed organisations. (...)
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    (1 other version)The Time Is out of Joint.Ernesto Laclau - 1995 - Diacritics 25 (2):85.
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    Negation.Ernesto Napoli - 2006 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 72 (1):233-252.
    The paper is concerned with negation in artificial and natural languages. "Negation" is an ambiguous word. It can mean three different things: An operation(negating), an operator (a sign of negation), the result of an operation. The threethings, however, are intimately linked. An operation such as negation, is realizedthrough an operator of negation, i.e. consists in adding a symbol of negation to an entity to obtain an entity of the same type; and which operation it is dependson what it applies to (...)
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    (Direct) reference.Ernesto Napoli - 1995 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 24 (3):321 - 339.
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    An Unknown Page from the Last Months of Hegel’s Life.Ernesto Caserta - 2008 - New Vico Studies 26:143-165.
  32. Una valoración de la metodología de Imre Lakatos desde la práctica científica contemporánea.Ernesto Fabbricatore - 2011 - Laguna 29:9-24.
    El artículo pretende analizar la metodología de los programas de investigación de Imre Lakatos a la luz de la ciencia contemporánea. Tomando como base las encuestas realizadas a un grupo de físicos del CERN, se constata que las sugerencias de Lakatos sobre el progreso en la ciencia, esto es, sobre cómo determinar el carácter progresivo o no de un programa de investigación, entran en colisión con la práctica cientí? ca. La conclusión es que el modelo lakatosiano no es un marco (...)
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    Why Rhetoric Is Philosophy.Ernesto Grassi & Kiaran O'Malley - 1987 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 20 (2):68 - 78.
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  34. Iniciativas escolares entre imigrantes italianos no Rio Grande do Sul lembradas no Álbum do Cinquentenário da colonização italiana.Gelson Leonardo Rech - 2014 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 19 (3):200-215.
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    Objetividad normativa.Ernesto Sosa - 1996 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 16:171.
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  36. Respuestas a mis comentadores.Ernesto Sosa - 2009 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 28 (1):112-124.
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  37. El papel de la identidad en la constitución de la moralidad.Ernesto Tugendhat - 1990 - Ideas Y Valores 39 (83-84):3-14.
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    En torno al potencial transformador de los CMS (Critical Management Studies).Ernesto Gantman - 2017 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 20:15-34.
    El presente ensayo examina los cms en términos de su potencial transformador respecto al mundo del trabajo. A tal efecto, se brinda una caracterización de este enfoque y un repaso de su desarrollo histórico. Se argumenta que los cms no se agotan en su versión británica, disciplinariamente limitada a escuelas de negocios, y que su objeto ha sido también abordado por académicos de diversos países con afiliaciones institucionales en ciencias sociales distintas a la administración. Finalmente, se concluye que la pluralidad (...)
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  39. Bishop Butler on Forgiveness and Resentment.Ernesto V. Garcia - 2011 - Philosophers' Imprint 11.
    On the traditional view, Butler maintains that forgiveness involves a kind of “conversion experience” in which we must forswear or let go of our resentment against wrongdoers. Against this reading, I argue that Butler never demands that we forswear resentment but only that we be resentful in the right kind of way. That is, he insists that we should be virtuously resentful, avoiding both too much resentment exhibited by the vices of malice and revenge and too little resentment where we (...)
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    Determinants of Frugal Behavior: The Influences of Consciousness for Sustainable Consumption, Materialism, and the Consideration of Future Consequences.Ernesto Suárez, Bernardo Hernández, Domingo Gil-Giménez & Víctor Corral-Verdugo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The transition toward sustainability and the adjustment to climate change should involve the reduction of consumption behavior and the need to maintain social practices of frugality. This paper investigates the influences of consciousness for sustainable consumption, materialism, and the consideration of future consequences on frugal behaviors. Four-hundred-and-forty-four individuals responded to an instrument investigating these variables. Results of a structural model revealed that materialism significantly and negatively influenced the three dimensions of CSC: economic, environmental, and social. The consideration of distant future (...)
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    Glimpsing the future.Ernesto Laclau - 2004 - In Simon Critchley & Oliver Marchart (eds.), Laclau: A Critical Reader. New York: Routledge. pp. 279--328.
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    Croce and Marxism.Ernesto G. Caserta - 1983 - Journal of the History of Ideas 44 (1):141.
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    A-Book: A Feedback-Based Adaptive System to Enhance Meta-Cognitive Skills during Reading.Ernesto Guerra & Guido Mellado - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Marx, Karl. Diferença entre a filosofia da natureza de Demócrito e a de Epicuro.Moisés João Rech & Felipe Taufer - 2019 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 24:019031.
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  45. NODARI, Paulo César. Ética, direito e política: a paz em Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau e Kant. São Paulo: Paulus, 2014, 301p.Moisés João Rech - 2017 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 22 (2):401-407.
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    Debates y combates: por un nuevo horizonte de la política.Ernesto Laclau - 2008 - Buenos Aires: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
    ¿Por qué construír al pueblo es la principal tarea de una política radical? -- Una ética del compromiso militante -- ¿Vida nuda o indeterminación social? -- ¿Puede la inmanencia explicar las luchas sociales? Crítica a Imperio.
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  47. Deconstruction, pragmatism, hegemony.Ernesto Laclau - 1996 - In Chantal Mouffe (ed.), Deconstruction and Pragmatism. New York: Routledge. pp. 47--68.
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    Is Radical Atheism a Good Name for Deconstruction?Ernesto Laclau - 2008 - Diacritics 38 (1):180-189.
    In Radical Atheism: Derrida and the Time of Life, Martin Hägglund fails to proceed deconstructively in his conception of radical atheism, opting instead for one term of an opposition, between the desire for immortality and an irreducible mortality that structures all human desire, rather than exploring the contamination of one term of an opposition by the other. The paper also responds to Hägglund's criticism of the author's account of articulation.
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  49. Why Constructing a People Is the Main Task of Radical Politics.Ernesto Laclau - 2006 - Critical Inquiry 32 (4):646.
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  50. Giordano Bruno.Ernesto Baldi - 1955 - Firenze,: L. Gonnelli.
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