Results for 'Eugène Faucher'

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  1. Instincts and Poetry.Eugène Faucher - 1968 - Diogenes 16 (63):48-69.
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  2. Racism: Against Jorge Garcia's moral and psychological monism.Luc Faucher & Edouard Machery - 2009 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 39 (1):41-62.
    In this article, we argue that it can be fruitful for philosophers interested in the nature and moral significance of racism to pay more attention to psychology. We do this by showing that psychology provides new arguments against Garcia's views about the nature and moral significance of racism. We contend that some scientific studies of racial cognition undermine Garcia's moral and psychological monism about racism: Garcia disregards (1) the rich affective texture of racism and (2) the diversity of what makes (...)
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  3. Fear and the focus of attention.Luc Faucher & Christine Tappolet - 2002 - Consciousness and Emotion 3 (2):105-144.
    Philosophers have not been very preoccupied by the link between emotions and attention. The few that did (de Sousa, 1987) never really specified the relation between the two phenomena. Using empirical data from the study of the emotion of fear, we provide a description (and an explanation) of the links between emotion and attention. We also discuss the nature (empirical or conceptual) of these links.
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    Defining Mental Disorders: Jerome Wakefield and his Critics.Luc Faucher & Denis Forest (eds.) - 2021 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
    "Grapples with the legacy of Jerome Wakefield, one of the most influential critics of modern psychiatry and the use of the DSM for psychiatric diagnosis"--.
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    The Ontology, Psychology and Axiology of Habits (Habitus) in Medieval Philosophy.Nicolas Faucher & Magali Roques (eds.) - 2018 - Cham: Springer.
    This book features 20 essays that explore how Latin medieval philosophers and theologians from Anselm to Buridan conceived of habitus, as well as detailed studies of the use of the concept by Augustine and of the reception of the medieval doctrines of habitus in Suàrez and Descartes. Habitus are defined as stable dispositions to act or think in a certain way. This definition was passed down to the medieval thinkers from Aristotle and, to a lesser extent, Augustine, and played a (...)
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  6. Introduction: Modularity and the Nature of Emotions.Luc Faucher & Christine Tappolet - 2006 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 32.
    In this introduction, we give a brief overview of the main concepts of modularity that have been offered in recent literature. After this, we turn to a summary of the papers collected in this volume. Our primary aim is to explain how the modularity of emotion question relates to traditional debates in emotion theory.
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    18 The baby in the lab-coat: why child development is not an adequate model for understanding the development of science.Luc Faucher, Ron Mallon, Daniel Nazer, Shaun Nichols, Aaron Ruby, Stephen Stich & Jonathan Weinberg - 2002 - In Peter Carruthers, Stephen P. Stich & Michael Siegal (eds.), The Cognitive Basis of Science. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Alison Gopnik and her collaborators have recently proposed a bold and intriguing hypothesis about the relationship between scientific cognition and cognitive development in childhood. According to this view, the processes underlying cognitive development in infants and children and the processes underlying scientific cognition are _identical_. We argue that Gopnik’s bold hypothesis is untenable because it, along with much of cognitive science, neglects the many important ways in which human minds are designed to operate within a social environment. This leads to (...)
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    Comment: Constructionisms?Luc Faucher - 2013 - Emotion Review 5 (4):374-378.
    Constructionism can take several forms: one can refer to biological, psychological, or social constructionism. What I want to argue in this article is that if one carefully teases out varied forms of constructionism, the frontiers between some of them will begin to blur.
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  9. Fearing new dangers: phobias and the cognitive complexity of human emotions.Luc Faucher & Isabelle Blanchette - 2011 - In Pieter R. Adriaens & Andreas De Block (eds.), Maladapting Minds: Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Evolutionary Theory. Oxford University Press.
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  10. The modularity of emotions.Luc Faucher & Christine Tappolet (eds.) - 2008 - Calgary, Alta., Canada: University of Calgary Press.
    Can emotions be rational or are they necessarily irrational? Are emotions universally shared states? Or are they socio-cultural constructions? Are emotions perceptions of some kind? Since the publication of Jerry Fodor’s The Modularity of Mind (1983), a new question about the philosophy of emotions has emerged: are emotions modular? A positive answer to this question would mean, minimally, that emotions are cognitive capacities that can be explained in terms of mental components that are functionally dissociable from other parts of the (...)
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    Philosophie psychopathologique : un survol.Luc Faucher - 2006 - Philosophiques 33 (1):3-17.
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    Evolutionary Psychiatry and Nosology: Prospects and Limitations.Luc Faucher - 2012 - The Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication 7.
    In this paper, I explain why evolutionary psychiatry is not where the next revolution in psychiatry will come from. I will proceed as follows. Firstly, I will review some of the problems commonly attributed to current nosologies, more specifically to the DSM. One of these problems is the lack of a clear and consensual definition of mental disorder; I will then examine specific attempts to spell out such a definition that use the evolutionary framework. One definition that deserves particular attention, (...)
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  13.  41
    Unity of Science and Pluralism: Cognitive Neurosciences of Racial Prejudice as a Case Study.Luc Faucher - 2012 - In Torres Juan, Pombo Olga, Symons John & Rahman Shahid (eds.), Special sciences and the Unity of Science. Springer. pp. 177--204.
  14. Tirer la responsabilité au clair : le cas des attitudes implicites et le révisionnisme.Luc Faucher - 2012 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 7 (1):179-212.
    Dans cet article, je considère l’influence possible des recherches récentes sur les attitudes en psychologie sociale, principalement dans le paradigme des théories des processus duaux [dual process theories], sur notre compréhension de la responsabilité. La thèse que je soutiens est que certaines révisions à notre façon de comprendre la responsabilité et nos pratiques d’attribution de la responsabilité pourraient être justifiées par ces travaux. Avant de présenter les révisions que j’introduis, je décris les grandes lignes du paradigme que j’utiliserai, soit celui (...)
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    What’s behind a smile? the return of mechanism: Reply to Schaffner.Luc Faucher - 2006 - Synthese 151 (3):403-409.
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    Émotions fortes et constructionnisme faible.Luc Faucher - 1999 - Philosophiques 26 (1):1-33.
    RÉSUMÉ De l'avis de plusieurs, il existe une tension entre le modèle « naturaliste » des émotions qui inspire les psychologues évolutionnistes et le modèle des constructionnistes sociaux. D'un côté, il semble que les émotions sont innées, rigides et panculturelles ; de l'autre, elles sont conçues comme des artefacts culturels, changeant au gré des arrière-plans culturels. Nous examinons chacune des deux approches et montrons que l'approche naturaliste n'est pas incompatible avec une forme de constructionnisme faible, en ce que la première (...)
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    La connaissance des objets de foi chez Henri de Gand, entre infusion, raisonnement et illumination.Nicolas Faucher - 2014 - Quaestio 14:273-298.
    Henry of Ghent, one of the most important theologians of the late 13th century, is well-known for, among other things, defending the unique thesis that theologians can rely on a specific kind of divine illumination to secure their theological knowledge: the lumen medium. His theory of faith, however, which also relies on a kind of divine illumination, has hardly been examined until now. It is, however, most interesting: indeed, within a system that allows for a special kind of theological knowledge (...)
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  18.  13
    Alienation and Precarious Contract Academic Staff in the Age of Neoliberalism.Kane Xavier Faucher - 2014 - Confero Essays on Education Philosophy and Politics 2 (1):35-71.
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    Bataille and the erotics of Hegelian geist.Kane X. Faucher - 2003 - Angelaki 8 (3):133 – 154.
  20. Chapter 2. Facts, Facts, Facts: HD Analysis Goes Factual.Luc Faucher - 2021 - In Luc Faucher & Denis Forest (eds.), Defining Mental Disorders: Jerome Wakefield and his Critics. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
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    Critical Forces: True Critique or Mere Criticism of Deleuze contra Hegel?Kane X. Faucher - 2010 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 4 (3):329-355.
    The principal concern of this paper is to track the first wave of criticism directed against Deleuze's relation to Hegelianism as it has appeared in the English-speaking world. To this end, we assess the criticisms offered by Stephen Houlgate, Judith Butler, and Catherine Malabou, each of whom, in their respective ways, accuse Deleuze of misreading Hegel, claiming that his rejection of Hegelianism merely reinforces a secret or unacknowledged Hegelianism inherent in his own critique. Despite the brisk treatment Houlgate grants Deleuze, (...)
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  22.  43
    D. Andler , Introduction Aux Sciences Cognitives, Paris, Folio, Coll. « Essais », 1992, 516 Pages.Luc Faucher - 1994 - Philosophiques 21 (1):262-267.
  23. Daniel Clement Dennett, La diversité des esprits: une approche de la conscience Reviewed by.Luc Faucher - 1999 - Philosophy in Review 19 (2):97-99.
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    Denis Dennett, La stratégie de l'interprète : le sens commun et l'univers quotidien, Gallimard, NRF Essais, Traduction française de P. Engel, 493 pages.Denis Dennett, La stratégie de l'interprète : le sens commun et l'univers quotidien, Gallimard, NRF Essais, Traduction française de P. Engel, 493 pages.Luc Faucher - 1992 - Philosophiques 19 (1):162-168.
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  25.  35
    DROIN, Jean-Marc, Le Livre des LamentationsDROIN, Jean-Marc, Le Livre des Lamentations.Alain Faucher - 1998 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 54 (1):198-199.
  26.  24
    Encountering Others, Understanding Ourselves in Medieval and Early Modern Thought.Nicolas Faucher & Virpi Mäkinen (eds.) - 2022 - De Gruyter.
    Recent research has challenged our view of the Abrahamic religious traditions as unilaterally intolerant and incapable of recognizing otherness in all its diversity and richness; but a diachronic and comparative study of how these traditions deal with otherness is yet to appear. This volume aims to contribute to such a study by presenting different treatments of otherness in medieval and early modern thought. Part I: Altruism deals with attitudes and behaviors that benefit others, regardless of its motives. We deal with (...)
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    Faith and Rhetoric in Giles of Rome.Nicolas Faucher - 2019 - Vivarium 57 (1-2):1-21.
    Giles of Rome’s view of faith in the reportatio of his questions on book III of the Sentences is founded on a likening of faith to rhetoric. The firm intellectual assent that characterizes them both is caused by the will, motivated by emotion, or affective bias. This paper argues that this is made possible by Giles’ move away from Aquinas’ position on the assent produced by rhetorical discourse, which Aquinas thought to be of little certainty, while Giles affirms that, based (...)
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    Faraway, so close?Luc Faucher - 2007 - Philosophiques 34 (2):375-383.
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    FRETHEIM, Terence E., The PentateuchFRETHEIM, Terence E., The Pentateuch.Alain Faucher - 1998 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 54 (3):622-624.
  30.  7
    Introduction.Nicolas Faucher & Virpi Mäkinen - 2022 - In Nicolas Faucher & Virpi Mäkinen (eds.), Encountering Others, Understanding Ourselves in Medieval and Early Modern Thought. De Gruyter. pp. 1-20.
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    Inférence à la meilleure explication, théorie de l’esprit, psychologie normative et rôle de la culture : Autour du livre Human Evolution and the Origins of Hierarchies. Benoît Dubreuil, Human Evolution and the Origins of Hierarchies.Luc Faucher - 2012 - Philosophiques 39 (1):271-283.
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  32. Les Cahiers Du Lanci.Luc Faucher - unknown
    Le Laboratoire d’ANalyse Cognitive de l’Information (LANCI) effectue des recherches sur le traitement cognitif de l’information. La recherche fondamentale porte sur les multiples conceptions de l’information. Elle s’intéresse plus particulièrement aux modèles cognitifs de la classification et de la catégorisation, tant dans une perspective symbolique que connexionniste. La recherche appliquée explore les technologies informatiques qui manipulent l’information. Le territoire privilégié est celui du texte. La recherche est de nature interdisciplinaire. Elle en appelle à la philosophie, à l’informatique, à la linguistique (...)
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    L'intentionnalité, naturellement!Luc Faucher - 2007 - Philosophiques 34 (1):165-171.
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    Le Research Domain Criteria , le réductionnisme et la psychiatrie clinique.Luc Faucher & Simon Goyer - 2016 - Revue de Synthèse 137 (1-2):117-149.
    L'importance que les défenseurs du Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) accordent aux circuits du cerveau dans la compréhension des désordres mentaux a conduit certains chercheurs à suspecter qu'on avait affaire à un programme de recherche foncièrement réductionniste. Puisque le RDoC devrait éventuellement affecter la psychiatrie clinique, on a craint qu'elle ne se transforme en une science neuro-comportementale appliquée sans tenir compte de l'esprit (mindless). Cet article montre en quoi le projet du RDoC s'éloigne du réductionnisme classique et comment il en évite (...)
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  35.  56
    La théorie des systèmes développementaux et la construction sociale des maladies mentales.Luc Faucher, Pierre Poirier & Jean Lachapelle - 2006 - Philosophiques 33 (1):147-182.
    Dans ce texte, nous proposons un cadre, qui vise à intégrer les contributions des approches constructionnistes et biologiques dans un domaine précis, celui des maladies mentales. Pour ce faire, nous utiliserons quelques propositions récentes faites par des philosophes de la biologie — plus spécifiquement les idées avancées par les tenants de la « théorie des systèmes développementaux » ainsi que la notion d’« enracinement génératif » .In this paper, we are proposing a framework to integrate the core insights of the (...)
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  36.  71
    McDeleuze: What's More Rhizomal than the Big Mac?Kane X. Faucher - 2010 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 4 (1):42-59.
    The popularity of Deleuze and Guattari is an undeniable precedent in current theoretical exchanges, and it could be stated without much contention that one's theoretical positioning must at some point deal with the salient conceptual offerings of Deleuze and Guattari, especially their double-opus, Anti-Oedipus and A Thousand Plateaus wherein a wealth of critique abounds. However, the significant trends concerning Deleuze and Guattari ‘scholarship’ may be jeopardised by the use of certain conceptual themes and methods in their work that are distorted (...)
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  37. O. Flanagan, Psychologie morale et éthique Reviewed by.Luc Faucher - 1997 - Philosophy in Review 17 (6):406-408.
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    Présentation du dossier : Réflexions sur la responsabilité.Luc Faucher - 2012 - Ithaque 10:91-97.
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    Phytosemiotics revisited: Botanical behavior and sign transduction.Kane Faucher - 2014 - Semiotica 2014 (202).
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2014 Heft: 202 Seiten: 673-688.
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    Psychologie évolutionniste et théories interdomaines.Luc Faucher & Pierre Poirier - 2001 - Dialogue 40 (3):453-.
    Evolutionary psychology presupposes relations between theories of different domains that the two traditional models, reduction and autonomy, cannot properly account for. We aim to construct a model of relations between theories that succeeds where traditional models fail. We show that the multiple realizability argument, on which the autonomist model is thought to rest, is compatible with reductionism and, following Kim, that an autonomist reading of the argument deprives psychology of its scientific status. We therefore opt for a reductionist model compatible (...)
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  41.  12
    The Many Virtues of Second Nature: Habitus in Latin Medieval Philosophy.Nicolas Faucher & Magali Roques - 2018 - In Nicolas Faucher & Magali Roques (eds.), The Ontology, Psychology and Axiology of Habits (Habitus) in Medieval Philosophy. Cham: Springer. pp. 1-23.
    This chapter consists of a systematic introduction to the nature and function of habitus in Latin medieval philosophy. Over the course of this introduction, several topics are treated: the theoretical necessity to posit habitus; their nature; their causal contribution to the production of internal and external acts; how and why habitus can grow and decay; what makes their unity when they can have multiple objects and work in clusters. Finally, we examine two specific questions: why intellectual habitus represent a special (...)
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  42. The temptation of atheism.E. V. Faucher - 2000 - Filosoficky Casopis 48 (2):237-256.
  43.  50
    VOGELS, Walter, Abraham et sa légende. Genèse 12,1-25,11VOGELS, Walter, Abraham et sa légende. Genèse 12,1-25,11.Alain Faucher - 1998 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 54 (3):647-650.
  44. Autism, epistemic injustice, and epistemic disablement: a relational account of epistemic agency.Amandine Catala, Luc Faucher & Pierre Poirier - 2021 - Synthese.
    The contrast between third- and first-personal accounts of the experiences of autistic persons has much to teach us about epistemic injustice and epistemic agency. This paper argues that bringing about greater epistemic justice for autistic people requires developing a relational account of epistemic agency. We begin by systematically identifying the many types of epistemic injustice autistic people face, specifically with regard to general assumptions regarding autistic people’s sociability or lack thereof, and by locating the source of these epistemic injustices in (...)
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  45. Social construction and the concept of race.Edouard Machery & Luc Faucher - 2005 - Philosophy of Science 72 (5):1208-1219.
    There has been little serious work to integrate the constructionist approach and the cognitive approach in the domain of race, although many researchers have paid lip service to this project. We believe that any satisfactory account of human beings’ racialist cognition has to integrate both approaches. In this paper, we propose a step toward this integration. We present an evolutionary theory that rests on a distinction between various kinds of groups (kin-based groups, small-scale coalitions and ethnies). Following Gil-White (1999, 2001a, (...)
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  46. Getting Rid of Racism: Assessing Three Proposals in Light of Psychological Evidence.Daniel Kelly, Luc Faucher & Edouard Machery - 2010 - Journal of Social Philosophy 41 (3):293-322.
    At the end of a chapter in his book Race, Racism and Reparations, Angelo Corlett notes that “[t]here remain other queries about racism [than those he addressed in his chapter], which need philosophical exploration. … Perhaps most important, how might racism be unlearned?” (2003, 93). We agree with Corlett’s assessment of its importance, but find that philosophers have not been very keen to directly engage with the issue of how to best deal with, and ultimately do away with, racism. Rather, (...)
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    On the Alleged Inadequacies of Psychological Explanations of Racism.Edouard Machery, Luc Faucher & Daniel R. Kelly - 2010 - The Monist 93 (2):228-254.
  48. (1 other version)Why do we Think Racially? Culture, Evolution, and Cognition.Edouard Machery & Luc Faucher - unknown
    Contemporary research on racial categorization is mostly encompassed by two research traditions—social constructionism and the cognitive-cum-evolutionary approach. Although both literatures have some plausible empirical evidence and some theoretical insights to contribute to a full understanding of racial categorization, there has been little contact between their proponents. In order to foster such contacts, we critically review both traditions, focusing particularly on the recent evolutionary/cognitive explanations of racial categorization. On the basis of this critical survey, we put forward a list of eleven (...)
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    (1 other version)Facts and Values in Emotional Plasticity.Christine Tappolet & Luc Faucher - 2007 - Les Cahiers du Lanci 6 (2007-02):1-37.
    Le Laboratoire d’ANalyse Cognitive de l’Information (LANCI) effectue des recherches sur le traitement cognitif de l’information. La recherche fondamentale porte sur les multiples conceptions de l’information. Elle s’intéresse plus particulièrement aux modèles cognitifs de la classification et de la catégorisation, tant dans une perspective symbolique que connexionniste. La recherche appliquée explore les technologies informatiques qui manipulent l’information. Le territoire privilégié est celui du texte. La recherche est de nature interdisciplinaire. Elle en appelle à la philosophie, à l’informatique, à la linguistique (...)
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  50. Reason and rationality.Richard Samuels, Stephen Stich & Luc Faucher - 2004 - In Ilkka Niiniluoto, Matti Sintonen & Jan Woleński (eds.), Handbook of Epistemology. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic. pp. 1-50.
    Over the past few decades, reasoning and rationality have been the focus of enormous interdisciplinary attention, attracting interest from philosophers, psychologists, economists, statisticians and anthropologists, among others. The widespread interest in the topic reflects the central status of reasoning in human affairs. But it also suggests that there are many different though related projects and tasks which need to be addressed if we are to attain a comprehensive understanding of reasoning.
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