Results for 'Ewa Rosiak-Zięba'

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  1.  19
    The Directival Theory of Meaning and the Use of the Term “True”.Ewa Rosiak-Zięba - 2013 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 25:155-168.
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  2. O zabawie logiką w literaturze.Ewa Rosiak - 1999 - Sztuka I Filozofia (Art and Philosophy) 17:254.
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  3. Naïve realism about unconscious perception.Paweł Jakub Zięba - 2019 - Synthese 196 (5):2045-2073.
    Recently, it has been objected that naïve realism is inconsistent with an empirically well-supported claim that mental states of the same fundamental kind as ordinary conscious seeing can occur unconsciously (SFK). The main aim of this paper is to establish the following conditional claim: if SFK turns out to be true, the naïve realist can and should accommodate it into her theory. Regarding the antecedent of this conditional, I suggest that empirical evidence renders SFK plausible but not obvious. For it (...)
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  4. Unconscious Perception, Action, and the Problem of Attribution.Paweł Jakub Zięba - forthcoming - Acta Analytica:1-22.
    According to Phillips, (1) genuine perception is attributable to the individual (i.e. it’s a personal state/event, as opposed to sub-personal states/events in the individual’s brain); (2) since unconscious perceptual representations are ill-suited to guide action, there’s no good reason to attribute them to the individual; (3) not being attributable to the individual, they don’t instantiate genuine perception, thereby failing to support the hypothesis that genuine perception can occur unconsciously. I argue that this reasoning is flawed and can’t be easily fixed. (...)
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    Austere relationalism and seeing aspects.Paweł Jakub Zięba - forthcoming - European Journal of Philosophy:e13059.
    Austere relationalism combines two claims. First, the phenomenal character of perception is at least partially constituted by the perceived items. Second, perception doesn’t consist in representing the perceived items as being a certain way. Recently, Daniel Kalpokas, Avner Baz, and Søren Overgaard have cast doubt on the ability of austere relationalism to account for the peculiar phenomenology of aspect-seeing. I show that this explanatory challenge can be met. Some of the claims made by the critics can be resisted, whereas other (...)
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  6. The epistemic import of phenomenal consciousness.Paweł Jakub Zięba - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy:1-37.
    This paper controverts the ability of intentionalism about perception to account for unique epistemic significance of phenomenal consciousness. More specifically, the intentionalist cannot explain the latter without denying two well-founded claims: the transparency of experience, and the possibility of unconscious perception. If they are true, intentionality of perception entails that phenomenal consciousness has no special epistemic role to play. Although some intentionalists are ready to bite this bullet, by doing so they effectively undermine one of the standard motivations of their (...)
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  7. The Epistemic Import of Phenomenal Consciousness.Przemysław Zięba - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy:1-37.
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  8. Seeing colours unconsciously.Paweł Jakub Zięba - 2022 - Synthese 200 (3):1-36.
    According to unconscious perception hypothesis (UP), mental states of the same fundamental kind as ordinary conscious seeing can occur unconsciously. The proponents of UP often support it with empirical evidence for a more specific hypothesis, according to which colours can be seen unconsciously (UPC). However, UPC is a general claim that admits of many interpretations. The main aim of this paper is to determine which of them is the most plausible. To this end, I investigate how adopting various conceptions of (...)
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  9. Selectionism and Diaphaneity.Paweł Jakub Zięba - 2022 - Axiomathes 32 (Suppl 2):S361–S391.
    Brain activity determines which relations between objects in the environment are perceived as differences and similarities in colour, smell, sound, etc. According to selectionism, brain activity does not create those relations; it only selects which of them are perceptually available to the subject on a given occasion. In effect, selectionism entails that perceptual experience is diaphanous, i.e. that sameness and difference in the phenomenal character of experience is exhausted by sameness and difference in the perceived items. It has been argued (...)
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    Twardowski and husserl on wholes and parts.Marek Rosiak - 1998 - In Katarzyna Kijania-Placek & Jan Woleński, The Lvov-Warsaw school and contemporary philosophy. Dordrecht and Boston, MA, USA: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 85--100.
  11. Unconscious Perception and Perceptual Knowledge.Paweł J. Zięba - 2017 - In Limbeck-Lilienau Christoph & Stadler Friedrich, The Philosophy of Perception and Observation. Contributions of the 40th International Wittgenstein Symposium August 6-12, 2017 Kirchberg am Wechsel. Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society. pp. 301-303.
    It has been objected recently that naïve realism is inconsistent with an empirically well-supported hypothesis that unconscious perception is possible. Because epistemological disjunctivism is plausible only in conjunction with naïve realism (for a reason I provide), the objection reaches it too. In response, I show that the unconscious perception hypothesis can be changed from a problem into an advantage of epistemological disjunctivism. I do this by suggesting that: (i) naïve realism is consistent with the hypothesis; (ii) the contrast between epistemological (...)
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    Substantiality and Causality. Classical and Transcendental Approach.Marek Rosiak - 2014 - In Miroslaw Szatkowski & Marek Rosiak, Substantiality and Causality. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 3-18.
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    (3 other versions)Subject Index.Marek Rosiak & Miroslaw Szatkowski - 2014 - In Miroslaw Szatkowski & Marek Rosiak, Substantiality and Causality. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 196-200.
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  14. Formal and existential analysis of subject and properties.Marek Rosiak - 2006 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 91 (1):285-299.
    The paper is a contribution to the object ontology. The general approach assumed in the investigation is that of Roman Ingarden's The Controversy Over the Existence of the World where an object is the subject-of-properties. The analysis of the form and the mode of existence of properties leads to the rejection of both negative and general properties. Each property is an individual qualitative moment of a particular object. Its form reveals existential heteronomy: the quality of the property is not immanent (...)
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  15. Dysjunktywizm i natura percepcyjnej relacji.Paweł Zięba - 2016 - Analiza I Egzystencja 35:87-111.
    This paper surveys selected (though arguably representative) versions of metaphysical and epistemological disjunctivism. Although they share a common logical structure, it is hard to find a further common denominator among them. Two main conclusions are: (1) a specific standpoint on the nature of perceptual relation is not such a common denominator, which means that it is very unlikely that all of these views could be refuted with a single objection; (2) contrary to what its name suggests, disjunctivism can be correctly (...)
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  16. In Search of the Holy Grail of Epistemology.Paweł J. Zięba - 2014 - Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy 28 (28):55-74.
    Pritchard calls his epistemological disjunctivism ‘the holy grail of epistemology’. What this metaphor means is that the acceptance of this thesis puts the internalism-externalism debate to an end, thanks to satisfaction of intuitions standing behind both competing views. Simultaneously, Pritchard strongly emphasizes that the endorsement of epistemological disjunctivism does not commit one to metaphysical disjunctivism. In this paper I analyze the formulations and motivations of epistemological disjunctivism presented by Pritchard and McDowell. Then I consider the most common argument for the (...)
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  17. Alternatywizm, dysjunktywizm i pluralizm doświadczeniowy.Paweł J. Zięba - 2018 - Studia Humanistyczne AGH 17 (1):7-19.
    The claim currently known as “disjunctivism” is usually interpreted in terms of exclusive disjunction. However, it can be also explicated through the lens of alternative denial. The aim of this paper is to show that the latter interpretation is more accurate. Firstly, it reflects the core of disjunctivism more precisely. Secondly, it reduces metaphysical weight of the claim, thereby making it more plausible.
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  18. Prioritizing Positivity, Styles of Rumination, Coping Strategies, and Posttraumatic Growth: Examining Their Patterns and Correlations in a Prospective Study.Mariusz Zięba, Katarzyna Wiecheć, Natalia E. Wójcik & Michał J. Zięba - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectivesA growing number of studies indicate that coping with the experience of a crisis event, which causes a breach in the individual’s fundamental beliefs regarding the world and his/her place in it, can result in posttraumatic growth. Positive emotions can have an undoing effect on negative emotional arousal and broaden an individual’s scope of action, and they can foster posttraumatic growth. This study aimed to examine relations between prioritizing positivity, styles of rumination, coping strategies, and posttraumatic growth.MethodsOne hundred and sixty-four (...)
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    Existential Analysis in Roman Ingarden's Ontology.Marek Rosiak - 2007 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 12 (1):119-130.
    Ingarden conceives ontology as a philosophia prima, which deals with being as purely possible. It is an intuitive and a priori analysis of the content of the relevant ideas. It consists of three parts: existential, formal and material ontology. Existential ontology deals with the possible modes of existence. Problems of factual existence pertain to metaphysics, which is a separate branch of theoretical philosophy, based on ontology.
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    O uniwersaliach i Bogu — głos w dyskusji.Marek Rosiak - 2024 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 72 (2):293-305.
    Tekst, nawiązujący do artykułu Stanisława Judyckiego „Bóg i uniwersalia”, zawiera analizę zasadniczych stanowisk w sporze o uniwersalia i przedstawia własną interpretację niektórych kluczowych kwestii tej problematyki — zwłaszcza koncepcji tak zwanego realizmu umiarkowanego, przypisywanego Arystotelesowi. Wspomniana jest też ewentualność wykorzystania tego rodzaju rozważań w innym zagadnieniu klasycznej metafizyki — w kwestii istnienia Absolutu.
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    Ziemia obiecana Molochowi – Cmentarzysko Władysława Reymonta w perspektywie widmontologicznej.Barbara Hac-Rosiak - 2024 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 68 (1):39-56.
    Celem artykułu jest odsłonięcie nowych sensów symbolicznych _Cmentarzyska_ Władysława Stanisława Reymonta poprzez poddanie tekstu oglądowi z perspektywy widmontologii, koncepcji filozoficznej i metodologii badawczej autorstwa Jacques’a Derridy. Szczególnie istotny jest dla niej motyw światła i cienia oraz emersji, stopniowego wyłaniania się obiektów z mroku. W tekście światło kojarzone jest z wiedzą, informacją, dźwiękiem rozmowy, zaś ciemność oznacza milczenie, napięcie i oczekiwanie. Zwycięstwo światła nad cieniem ma silne konotacje symboliczne, zarówno w kontekście religijnym – triumf dobra nad złem, jak i filozoficznym – (...)
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  22.  16
    W kwestii Heglowskiej kategorii stawania się.Marek Rosiak - 2009 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 22:161-172.
    The paper aims at a critical investigation of the famous initial chapter of the so called "transcendental deduction of categories" from Hegel's "Science of Logic". At first, some graphic interpretation of the dialectic of becoming is proposed to show how different aspects of it fit the general "thesis–antithesis–synthesis" scheme ruling the transcendental deduction. Then the question is put forward whether the notions involved in Hegel's doctrine of becoming can really serve any explanation or clarification of it. The not very surprising (...)
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    The rhetoric of oppression.Alex Zieba - 1996 - Journal of Social Philosophy 27 (1):140-155.
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    Acknowledgements.Marek Rosiak & Miroslaw Szatkowski - 2014 - In Miroslaw Szatkowski & Marek Rosiak, Substantiality and Causality. Boston: De Gruyter.
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    (1 other version)Author Index.Marek Rosiak & Miroslaw Szatkowski - 2014 - In Miroslaw Szatkowski & Marek Rosiak, Substantiality and Causality. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 193-195.
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  26. Awantury i wybryki analitycznej metafizyki.Marek Rosiak - 2012 - Diametros 33:138-157.
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    (3 other versions)Authors of Contributed Papers.Marek Rosiak & Miroslaw Szatkowski - 2014 - In Miroslaw Szatkowski & Marek Rosiak, Substantiality and Causality. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 189-192.
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    Contents.Marek Rosiak & Miroslaw Szatkowski - 2014 - In Miroslaw Szatkowski & Marek Rosiak, Substantiality and Causality. Boston: De Gruyter.
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    Editorial Introduction.Marek Rosiak & Mirosław Szatkowski - 2014 - In Miroslaw Szatkowski & Marek Rosiak, Substantiality and Causality. Boston: De Gruyter.
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  30. Formalizacja ontologii ufundowania.Marek Rosiak - 1996 - Filozofia Nauki 1.
    The paper refers to the author's informal considerations from his article „The ontology of founding” (published in „Filozofia Nauki”, 1995, no 1-2). The starting point of the paper is a definition of „monadic whole”, i.e. such a whole, which contains no elements mutually linked up by moments of unity. Then definitions of „part stricto sensu”, „whole (in general)”, „identity of two wholes” etc., are formulated. Using the conceptual apparatus, introduced by these definitions, the author gives some theorems withoutlines of their (...)
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    Filozofia pierwsza, metafizyka, ontologia. Z dziejów pojęć, koncepcji i doktryn.Marek Rosiak - 2001 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 14:5-41.
    The aim of the paper is to provide information on the evolution of three correlated notions listed above. Only constructive standpoints, assuming possibility of the relevant sciences are taken into account, no criticism of metaphysics as such, etc. is mentioned. Included are some opinions on the methodology of these disciplines. As Polish reader still cannot find information concerning many basic issues in this field of study, some elements of doxography are also included to fill the most nagging gaps. This provisional (...)
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  32. Heglowski idealizm obiektywny a spór realizm-idealizm.Marek Rosiak - 2010 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia:215-227.
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  33. Husserlowska koncepcja czystej świadomości-proba krytyki immanentnej.Marek Rosiak - 2008 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 44 (2):75-86.
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  34. Investigating the (non) existence of the purely intentional object.Marek Rosiak - 2009 - Filozofia Nauki 17 (1):13.
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    Noemat jako sens. Problem przedmiotu świadomości w transcendentalnym idealizmie Husserla.Marek Rosiak - 2017 - Diametros 52:107-126.
    The paper develops the argument presented in my earlier article, Intentional Reference and Its Object in Husserl’s Transcendental Idealism. It contains further considerations on the proper understanding of Husserl’s notion of noema. My aim is not only to present an interpretation of Husserl’s text, but primarily to understand what constitutes an intentional reference of an act of consciousness. I agree with some of Husserl’s claims in Ideas, Book I, that noema, sense and intentional object are basically the same. This standpoint (...)
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  36. O intendowaniu i byciu intendowanym.Marek Rosiak - 2009 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 45 (2):91-102.
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    Odniesienie intencjonalne i jego przedmiot w perspektywie transcendentalnego idealizmu Husserla.Marek Rosiak - 2016 - Diametros 50:25-42.
    The following issues are considered in the paper: The proper understanding of the ‘attempt to doubt’ recommended by Husserl in Ideas, Book I, as a point of departure on a way to the transcendental reduction. How intentional reference of an act of consciousness is possible and what it consists in, according to Husserl. A logical dependence between the characteristics of intentional reference and the standpoint of transcendental idealism in Husserl’s Ideas, Book I. How to understand Husserl’s claim that the intentional (...)
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  38. O niektórych kategoriach ontycznych (Z zagadnień orzekania).Marek Rosiak - 1999 - Filozofia Nauki 3.
    The problems investigated in the paper concern mainly the question: What do components of the predicative sentence „A is b” refer to? The following particular issues are considered: the Aristotelian distinction between particularity and ontic self-sufficiency; the interpretation of different kinds of predication based on that distinction; a debate on different standpoints in the controversy concerning the nature of the predicate referent, in particular a contemporary version of nominalism called The Resemblance Theory of Universals (with the related problem of the (...)
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  39. Problem kreacjonizmu w sporze realizm-idealizm.Marek Rosiak - 2010 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia:107-114.
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    Some ontological problems concerning predication.Marek Rosiak - 1998 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 6:109.
    The Aristotelian double characterization of a primary substanceexploits the difference between the part-whole relation and the non-linguisticrelation of predication. A problem arises whether and how the second relationcould be reduced to something else. Such a reduction is explicitly declared orat least implicitly assumed in all version of conceptualism and nominalism.The moderate realism is often interpreted as a reductionism of this kindbut such interpretations do not seem corect. Only the so called resemblancetheory can be regarded as a successful attempt at the (...)
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  41. Teoriomnogościowa interpretacja fragmentu monadologii Leibniza.Marek Rosiak - 1988 - Studia Filozoficzne 271 (6-7).
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    The metaphysical assumptions of the aristotelian doctrine of fourfold causality. An ontological analysis.M. Rosiak - 2007 - Kwartalnik Filozoficzny 35 (2):123-145.
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    What do negative sentences say? On functions of sentential negation.Marek Rosiak - 1990 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 7:125-134.
    Klasyczny rachunek zdań w ujęciu semantycznym, uważany niekiedy za idealizację opisowej części języka naturalnego czy też za teorię spójników zdaniowych, traktuje negację jako czystą funkcję prawdziwościową. Przyzwyczajeni do takiego ujęcia, uważamy je za adekwatne, ściśle oddające sens, jaki ma ten funktor w zdaniach opisowych. Tymczasem okazuje się, że w refleksji filozoficznej przypisywano negacji i inne, bardzo różnorodne role. Na przykładzie tego, co o negacji i zdaniach przeczących mówią: Parmenides, sofiści, Platon, Arystoteles, a z filozofów nowożytnych i współczesnych Kant, Hegel, Bergson, (...)
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  44. Własności relacyjne, całości i przedmioty wyższego rzędu.Marek Rosiak - 2001 - Principia.
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  45. W sprawie (nie)istnienia przedmiotu czysto intencjonalnego.Marek Rosiak - 2009 - Filozofia Nauki 17 (1).
    My aim is to show that the elaborated and very attractive theory of the purely intentional object developed by Roman Ingarden within the framework of his ontology is nevertheless untenable. The main reason of this is the false assumption, generally accepted in phenomenology, that some existing object always corresponds to an act of consciousness. This general issue has been investigated in my paper "On Intending and Being Intended" (to appear in Studia Philosophiae Christianae). In the present paper however I am (...)
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    W sprawie „ontologii kulturowej” Barbary Tuchańskiej.Marek Rosiak - 2015 - Diametros 43:158-170.
    Remarks on Barbara Tuchańska’s “Cultural Ontology” , Diametros – An Online Journal of Philosophy, no. 41 , B. Tuchańska, “ Cultural Ontology: the Cultural Constitution of Being ” , Diametros – An Online Journal of Philosophy, no. 42 ).
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    Zagadnienie konkluzywności krytyki idealizmu przeprowadzonej przez Kazimierza Ajdukiewicza.Marek Rosiak - 1993 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 9:73-80.
    Ajdukiewicz podejmował kilkakrotnie próbę analizy i krytyki metafizycznego idealizmu zarówno w jego wersji obiektywnej, jak subiektywnej. Angażował do tego celu pewne pojęcia i wyniki współczesnej metalogiki, co stanowiło przykład zastosowania właściwej mu metody analizy filozoficznej, zwanej metody parafraz. Analiza Ajdukiewiczowskiej argumentacji ukazuje jej dalece niekonkluzywny charakter, jak również zdaje się wykazywać, że metoda parafraz nie znajduje tu swego efektywnego zastosowania. Konkluzją przedstawionych rozważań jest hipoteza, iż fundamentalne przekonania metafizyczne nie poddają się krytyce o charakterze semiotycznym.
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    Rola społecznej odpowiedzialności biznesu w budowaniu konkurencyjności regionu.Beata Wieteska-Rosiak - 2012 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 15:339-346.
    Today, the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility is more popular in Poland. Under the framework, many companies are taking actions to its stakeholders and the environment. These include building human capital, social capital and innovation. These elements are the immaterial factors of competitiveness of the region. This means that the actors in the CSR contribute to increasing the competitiveness of the region and its competitive advantage. The article discusses the factors of competitiveness and also provides examples of companies that build (...)
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  49. Co motywuje nas do troski o daleką przyszłość?Włodzimierz ZIĘBA - 2011 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia:51-70.
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    Coexistence of Post-traumatic Growth and Post-traumatic Depreciation in the Aftermath of Trauma: Qualitative and Quantitative Narrative Analysis.Mariusz Zięba, Katarzyna Wiecheć, Joanna Biegańska-Banaś & Wiktoria Mieleszczenko-Kowszewicz - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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