Results for 'Ex Typographia Erpcniana Lingu Batavorum'

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  1. mm snprr" una iqd jttidd npnyn oy D^ mroi□, N', n3.Ex Typographia Erpcniana Lingu Batavorum - 1908 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 1:367.
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  2. min snpn"" arc-\ DD npnyn oy D^ ITTOT 0^: 12.Ex Typographic Erpeniana Lingu Batavorum - forthcoming - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library.
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    Térence en France au XVI e Siècle. Editions et Traductions par Harold Walter Lawton. Pp. 570. Paris: Jouve et Cie, 1926. 8s. 6d. - P. J. H. Müller: De Veterum Grammaticorum in Terentio Studiis Criticis. Aachen: Ex typographia ‘Buco,’ 1926. [REVIEW]J. D. Craig - 1927 - The Classical Review 41 (05):204-.
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    Bedeutung und Begriff.Siegfried J. Schmidt - 1969 - Vieweg.
    Es ist ein aufHilliger Zug in der heutigen intellektuellen Welt, daß an vielen Orten und in vielen Zusammenhängen die Rolle und die Wichtigkeit der Sprache betont oder neu hervorgehoben wird. Die Reaktionen auf dieses gestiegene und noch weiter steigende Interesse sind, soweit es die eigentlich sprachorientierten Disziplinen betrifft, unterschied lich: Die neueren Philologien haben immer dann, wenn sie in modernerer Ausrichtung betrieben und vertreten werden, die sprachlichen Gegebenheiten ihrer Objektbasis, also ihrer kulturrelevanten Texte, mitzuberücksichtigen versucht; die Sprachwissenschaft selbst hat im (...)
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    Bedeutung und Begriff.Siegfried J. Schmidt - 1969 - Vieweg.
    Es ist ein aufHilliger Zug in der heutigen intellektuellen Welt, daß an vielen Orten und in vielen Zusammenhängen die Rolle und die Wichtigkeit der Sprache betont oder neu hervorgehoben wird. Die Reaktionen auf dieses gestiegene und noch weiter steigende Interesse sind, soweit es die eigentlich sprachorientierten Disziplinen betrifft, unterschied lich: Die neueren Philologien haben immer dann, wenn sie in modernerer Ausrichtung betrieben und vertreten werden, die sprachlichen Gegebenheiten ihrer Objektbasis, also ihrer kulturrelevanten Texte, mitzuberücksichtigen versucht; die Sprachwissenschaft selbst hat im (...)
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    Renati Descartes Opera philosophica.René Descartes & Typographia Blaviana - 1663 - Ex Typographia Blaviana.
    The Elzevirs printed Descartes' philosophical works in quarto format six times between 1644 and 1677, and the parts of each ed. were sold together and separately, in many different combinations; cf. Willems, 1008. The present configuration of texts consists of the first 3 works of the 1650 (2nd) ed.--the Principia, Specimina, and Passiones animae-- to which has been added the 1654 ed. of the Meditationes.
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    R. Des-Cartes opuscula posthuma, physica et mathematica.René Descartes, Nicolas-Joseph Poisson, Rembertus Goethals, Typographia Blaviana & Janssoons van Waesberghe - 1704 - Ex Typographia P. & J. Blaeu, Prostant Apud Janssonio-Waesbergios, Boom, & Goethals.
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  8. Ion Storm.Deus Ex - forthcoming - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte.
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  9. Communication, Change, and the Contemporary Crisis.Frank Ex Dance - 1968 - In Peter Koestenbaum, Proceedings. [San Jose? Calif.,: [San Jose? Calif..
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  10. Coelll/ihehvie teopi/II/ic flpakti/ikopi ïiytem hpofpammhpobahhoîo obyliehi/ih.Kohctahtbi‘Ïi Ex - 1972 - Paideia 2:133.
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  11. The ex ante pareto principle.Anna Mahtani - 2017 - Journal of Philosophy 114 (6):303-323.
    The concept of ‘pareto superiority’ plays a central role in ethics, economics, and law. Pareto superiority is sometimes taken as a relation between outcomes, and sometimes as a relation between actions—even where the outcomes of the actions are uncertain. Whether one action is classed as (ex ante) pareto superior to another depends on the prospects under the actions for each person concerned. I argue that a person’s prospects (in this context) can depend on how that person is designated. Without any (...)
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  12. Ex Ante and Ex Post Contractualism: A Synthesis.Jussi Suikkanen - 2019 - The Journal of Ethics 23 (1):77-98.
    According to contractualist theories in ethics, whether an action is wrong is determined by whether it could be justified to others on grounds no one could reasonably reject. Contractualists then think that reasonable rejectability of principles depends on the strength of the personal objections individuals can make to them. There is, however, a deep disagreement between contractualists concerning from which temporal perspective the relevant objections to different principles are to be made. Are they to be made on the basis of (...)
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  13. On Ex Ante Contractualism.Korbinian Rüger - 2018 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 13 (3).
    Ex ante contractualism holds that in situations involving risk we ought to act in accordance with principles that license the action that satisfies the strongest individual claim, where those claims are a function of the expected value that a given policy gives each person ex ante. I here challenge ex ante contractualism on contractualist grounds. I argue that adopting ex ante contractualism would have far reaching implications that contractualists, or many nonconsequentialist in general, would find very hard to accept. I (...)
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  14. Ex-Ante Prioritarianism Violates Sequential Ex-Ante Pareto.Johan E. Gustafsson - 2022 - Utilitas 34 (2):167-177.
    Prioritarianism is a variant of utilitarianism. It differs from utilitarianism in that benefiting individuals matters more the worse off these individuals are. On this view, there are two standard ways of handling risky prospects: Ex-Post Prioritarianism adjusts for prioritizing the worse off in final outcomes and then values prospects by the expectation of the sum total of those adjusted values, whereas Ex-Ante Prioritarianism adjusts for prioritizing the worse off on each individual's expectation and then values prospects by the sum total (...)
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  15. Ex‐offender Restrictions.Zachary Hoskins - 2014 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 31 (1):33-48.
    Individuals convicted of crimes are often subject to numerous restrictions — on housing, employment, the vote, public assistance, and other goods — well after they have completed their sentences, and in some cases permanently. The question of whether — and if so, when — ex-offender restrictions are morally permissible has received surprisingly little philosophical scrutiny. This article first examines the significance of completing punishment, of paying one's debt to society, and contends that when offenders' debts are paid, they should be (...)
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  16. Ex-Ante Pareto and the Opaque-Identity Puzzle.Johan E. Gustafsson & Kacper Kowalczyk - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophy.
    Anna Mahtani describes a puzzle meant to show that the Ex-Ante Pareto Principle is incomplete as it stands and, since it cannot be completed in a satisfactory manner, decades of debate in welfare economics and ethics are undermined. In this paper, we provide a better solution to the puzzle which saves the Ex-Ante Pareto Principle from this challenge. We also explain how the plausibility of our solution is reinforced by its similarity to a standard solution to an analogous puzzle in (...)
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  17. t. 3. Libros VI-VII et indices continens.Textum Graecum Recognoverunt Brevique Adnotatione Critica Instruxerunt Leen van Campe Et Carlos Steel & Ultimam Partem Ex Latino in Graecum Vertit Carlos Steel - 2007 - In Carlos Steel, Procli in Platonis Parmenidem Commentaria: Tomus I, Libros I-Iii Continens. New York: Oxford University Press UK.
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  18. Lingue e Lingua.David Lewis - 1973 - Versus 4:2-21.
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    A pesquisa lingüística no Brasil, 1968-1988.Maria Cristina Salles Altman - 1998 - São Paulo: Humanitas Publicações, FFLCH/USP.
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  20. Las ideas lingüísticas vascas en el s. XVI: Zaldibia, Garibay, Poza.Zubiaur Bilbao & José Ramón - 1990 - San Sebastián, Spain: Cuadernos Universitarios (E.U.T.G.--Mundaiz).
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    La relatividad lingüística: (variaciones filosóficas).Antonio Blanco Salgueiro - 2017 - Madrid, España: Akal Ediciones.
    El presente libro aborda la cuestión clásica de la relación entre el lenguaje y el pensamiento humanos, poniendo el foco en la hipótesis de la relatividad lingüística (RL), esto es, en la idea de que la diversidad lingüística acarrea una correlativa diversidad cognitiva. Aparte de las aportaciones filosóficas sustantivas a este debate, hay una tarea preliminar de aclaración que es ineludible (la hagan o no los filósofos), dada la complejidad del problema. Existe una tendencia a plantear las cuestiones sin muchos (...)
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    Lingüística y filosofía.Mario Bunge - 1983 - Barcelona: Ariel.
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    Creatio Ex Nihilo Recovered.David B. Burrell - 2013 - Modern Theology 29 (2):5-21.
    Creatio ex nihilo sounds like a philosophical teaching, but philosophy has been utterly unprepared to offer proper expression for an origination which presupposes nothing at all! Yet each of the Abrahamic faiths insists on such an origination, so it proved serendipitous when sufficient contact opened between these diverse religious traditions to allow thinkers to assist one another in what proved to be a shared task—and indeed gain assistance from others as well, as Sara Grant elucidates the sui generis relation between (...)
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  24. La interdicción lingüística: mecanismos del eufemismo y disfemismo.Miguel Casas Gómez - 1986 - [Cádiz]: Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad de Cádiz.
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    Saggio sulla filosofia delle lingue e altri scritti.Melchiorre Cesarotti & Francesco Caliri - 1973 - [Reggio Calabria],: Parallelo 38. Edited by Francesco Caliri.
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    Saggio sulla filosofia delle lingue e altri scritti.Melchiorre Cesarotti & Francesco Caliri - 1973 - [Reggio Calabria],: Parallelo 38. Edited by Francesco Caliri.
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  27. (1 other version)Saggio sulla filosofia delle lingue.Melchiorre Cesarotti - 1785 - Pescara: Campus. Edited by Ugo Perolino.
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  28. Il dialogo delle lingue e la globalizzazione.Donatella Di Cesare - 2011 - Giornale di Metafisica 33 (1-2):17-26.
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    Introduzione alla filosofia delle lingue.Lia Formigari - 2007 - Roma/Bari: Laterza.
  30. Lingue e linguaggio. Testi fondativi nella storia delle teorie.Lia Formigari - 2018 - Blityri. Studi di Storia Delle Idee Sui Segni E le Lingue 7 (1):24-43.
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    De la lingüística a la hermenéutica: teoría y método de interpretación del texto.Judith Gil Clotet - 2015 - Vigo, Pontevedra (España): Editorial Academia del Hispanismo.
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  32. Lingue e linguaggi.Augusto Guzzo - 1958 - Filosofia 9 (2):173.
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  33. Las ideas lingüísticas en España durante el siglo XVIII.Fernando Lázaro Carreter - 1949 - Madrid,:
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    La varietà delle lingue: pensieri sul linguaggio, lo stile e la cultura italiana.Giacomo Leopardi - 1998 - Scandicci (Firenze): La nuova Italia. Edited by Stefano Gensini & Alessandro Prato.
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  35. IL LINGUAGGIO E LE LINGUE: TRA TEORIA E STORIA Atti del I Convegno Cispels, Roma 17–19 Settembre 2018.Maria Silvia Marini (ed.) - 2021 - Rome, Metropolitan City of Rome, Italy:
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    Idéias lingüísticas: formulação e circulação no período JK.Bethania Mariani & Vanise Medeiros (eds.) - 2010 - Campinas, SP: RG Editora.
    Esta obra visa mostrar os conflitos sobre a língua nacional causados pelo funcionamento político do simbólico, durante o governo de JK - anos 50 do século XX.
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    La lingüística en Salta: algunos estudios.Susana Martorell de Laconi - 2018 - Salta, Argentina: Mundo Editorial.
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    La teoría lingüística en la España del siglo XIX.Manuel Mourelle de Lema - 2002 - Madrid: GRUGALMA Ediciones.
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  39. La teoría lingüística en la España del siglo XIX.Manuel Mourelle-Lema - 1968 - [Madrid]: Editorial Prensa Española.
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    Esteganografía lingüística en lengua española basada en modelo N-gram y ley de Zipf.Alfonso Muñoz Muñoz & Irina Argüelles Álvarez - 2014 - Arbor 190 (768):a160.
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    El reconocimiento lingüístico de la verdad.Carlos Parajón - 1987 - Buenos Aires, Argentina: Editorial Biblos.
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    Historia de la lingüística en Venezuela desde 1782 hasta 1929.Francisco Javier Pérez - 1988 - San Cristobal: Universidad Católica del Táchira.
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    Senso e controsenso. Uno studio filosofico su grammatica e logica delle lingue naturali.Salvatore Pistoia-Reda - 2024 - Roma: Carocci editore.
    Il volume introduce una nuova prospettiva sul rapporto tra senso e controsenso nelle lingue naturali. Le concezioni tradizionali attribuivano alla grammatica il compito di definire l’ambito della sensatezza linguistica – di ciò che ha senso dire in una data lingua – e presumevano che nel far ciò essa ammettesse come possibili (e quindi sensate) strutture che non trasmettono informazioni significative sul mondo. È il caso delle contraddizioni classiche, che non a caso i parlanti giudicano ammissibili benché letteralmente “controsense”. Eppure, la (...)
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    Historiografia lingüística valenciana.Manuel Prunyonosa (ed.) - 1996 - [Valencia]: Universitat de València.
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  45. Aspectos de semántica lingüístico-textual.Estanislao Ramón Trives - 1979 - Madrid: Istmo.
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  46. Typographia: A Hybrid, Alphabetic Exploration of Raleigh, NC.David Rieder - 2010 - Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 14 (2):n2.
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    Aspectos de lingüística histórica española en el contexto europeo.Ígor Rodríguez-Iglesias - 2018 - Muenchen: Lincom. Edited by Francisco Marcos Marín.
    El libro supone un acercamiento a la conformación de la lingüística española, a partir de la introducción en España por parte de Manuel Vilá i Fontanals de las novísimas metodologías y estudios científicos de las lenguas y el lenguaje que Alemania dio a luz a lo largo del siglo XIX. Hasta llegar a la figura importantísima en la lingüística histórica hispana, el autor realiza el recorrido desde Vilá, pasando por Menéndez Pelayo, hasta llegar al discípulo de ambos (de quienes bebe), (...)
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  48. Da lingüística à linguagem pelo discurso.Edma Romariz - 1984 - Brasília: Centro Gráfico do Senado Federal.
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    Introduzione alle lingue semitiche.Franz Rosenthal, Giovanni Garbini & Olivier Durand - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (2):279.
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    Ex 5,22-6,1: A oração de Moisés e a resposta divina.Marcos Eduardo Melo dos Santos - 2016 - Revista de Teologia 10 (17):71-83.
    Ex 5,22-6.1 presents Moses appealing to the Lord and God's answer to the prophet. Moses' prayer is configured as a cry of despair stemming from a bewilderment of his vocation as a promoter of liberty, subdued by human conditions. The prophet of failure is paradoxical, since it reveals both as a personal and divine failure. For these reasons, Moses has faith put to the test. His reaction shown by a fiery prayer and full of fervor. God responds with the renewal (...)
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