Results for 'Élie Faure'

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    L'esprit des formes.Elie Faure - 1957 - [Paris]: Club des libraires de France.
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    Séance du 8 Avril 1933. DEFENSE ET ILLUSTRATION DE LA MACHINE.Elie Faure, Maurice Blondel, Jean Rimaud, M. Bourgarel, M. Abauzit, Mlle Anziani, M. Urtin, M. Cornil & M. Janot - 1933 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 7 (3/4):121 - 126.
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    The Prescience of Elie Faure.Margaret C. Flinn - 2005 - Substance 34 (3):47-61.
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  4. Proofs and Refutations: The Logic of Mathematical Discovery.Imre Lakatos, John Worrall & Elie Zahar (eds.) - 1976 - Cambridge and London: Cambridge University Press.
    Proofs and Refutations is essential reading for all those interested in the methodology, the philosophy and the history of mathematics. Much of the book takes the form of a discussion between a teacher and his students. They propose various solutions to some mathematical problems and investigate the strengths and weaknesses of these solutions. Their discussion raises some philosophical problems and some problems about the nature of mathematical discovery or creativity. Imre Lakatos is concerned throughout to combat the classical picture of (...)
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  5. The Comparative Reception of Relativity.Thomas F. Glick, Christopher Ray, Mendel Sachs & Elie Zahar - 1991 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 42 (3):413-423.
  6. Preuves et réfutations : essai sur la logique de la découverte mathématique.Imre Lakatos, John Worall, Elie Zahar, Nicolas Balacheff & Jean-Marie Laborde - 1985 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 175 (3):360-362.
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  7. From Peripheral Mathematics to a New Theory of Gravitation.John Stachel, Hermann Grassmann, Tullio Levi-Civita, Hermann Weyl & Elie Cartan - 2007 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 250:1041-1129.
  8. Procès et Réalité.Alfred North Whitehead, Daniel Charles, Maurice Elie, Michel Fuchs, Jean-luc Gantero & Dominique Janicaud - 1996 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 101 (4):582-585.
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  9. Who Am I? Beyond 'I Think, Therefore I Am'.Alex Voorhoeve, Frances Kamm, Elie During, Timothy Wilson & David Jopling - 2011 - Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1234 (1):134-148.
    Can we ever truly answer the question, “Who am I?” Moderated by Alex Voorhoeve (London School of Economics), neuro-philosopher Elie During (University of Paris, Ouest Nanterre), cognitive scientist David Jopling (York University, Canada), social psychologist Timothy Wilson (University of Virginia),and ethicist Frances Kamm (Harvard University) examine the difficulty of achieving genuine self-knowledge and how the pursuit of self-knowledge plays a role in shaping the self.
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    Letters, Notes, & Comments.Aaron L. Mackler, Rabbi Elie Kaplan Spitz & G. Scott Davis - 1999 - Journal of Religious Ethics 27 (2):361 - 374.
    Comment by Aaron L. Mackler on “‘Through Her I Too Shall Bear a Child’: Birth Surrogates in Jewish Law” by Elie Spitz Reply by Elie Kaplan Spitz Research Note by G. Scott Davis.
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    Complexity of consenting for medical termination of pregnancy: prospective and longitudinal study in Paris.Georges Abi Tayeh, Jean-Marie Jouannic, Fersan Mansour, Assaad Kesrouani & Elie Attieh - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):33.
    We analyzed the patients’ perception of prenatal diagnosis of fetal cardiac pathology, and the reasons for choosing to continue with pregnancy despite being eligible to receive a medical termination of pregnancy. We also identified the challenges, the motives interfering in decision-making, and the consequences of the decisions on pregnancy, child and mother. This descriptive, prospective and longitudinal study was conducted in France, amongst pregnant women who wished to continue their pregnancy despite an unfavorable medical advice. Socio-demographic data were collected through (...)
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  12. Risk, Harm, Interests and Rights.P. Belli, G. Calabresi, P. Cane, R. Cooter, R. Dworkin, D. Fairgrieve & M. Faure - 2007 - In Tim Lewens (ed.), Risk: Philosophical Perspectives. New York: Routledge.
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  13. Quantifier Variance and the Demand for a Semantics.Eli Hirsch & Jared Warren - 2017 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 98 (3):592-605.
    In the work of both Matti Eklund and John Hawthorne there is an influential semantic argument for a maximally expansive ontology that is thought to undermine even modest forms of quantifier variance. The crucial premise of the argument holds that it is impossible for an ontologically "smaller" language to give a Tarskian semantics for an ontologically "bigger" language. After explaining the Eklund-Hawthorne argument (in section I), we show this crucial premise to be mistaken (in section II) by developing a Tarskian (...)
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    II The higher education law of 12 November, 1968.Charles de Gaulle, Maurice Couve de Murville, Maurice Schumann, François Ortoli, Edgar Faure & Robert Galley - 1969 - Minerva 7 (4):712-727.
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  15. Excerpts from John Martin Fischer's Discussion with Members of the Audience.Scott MacDonald, John Martin Fischer, Carl Ginet, Joseph Margolis, Mark Case, Elie Noujain, Robert Kane & Derk Pereboom - 2000 - The Journal of Ethics 4 (4):408 - 417.
  16. Articulating a Thought.Eli Alshanetsky - 2019 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    Eli Alshanetsky considers how we make our thoughts clear to ourselves in the process of putting them into words and examines the paradox of those difficult cases where we do not already know what we are struggling to articulate.
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  17. Dividing reality.Eli Hirsch - 1993 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The central question in this book is why it seems reasonable for the words of our language to divide up the world in ordinary ways rather than other imaginable ways. Hirsch calls this the division problem. His book aims to bring this problem into sharp focus, to distinguish it from various related problems, and to consider the best prospects for solving it. In exploring various possible responses to the division problem, Hirsch examines series of "division principles" which purport to express (...)
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    The power of denial: Buddhism, purity, and gender.Bernard Faure & Steven Heine - 2004 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 31 (3):409–412.
  19. Why did Einstein's programme supersede lorentz's? (I).Elie Zahar - 1973 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 24 (2):95-123.
  20.  16
    Double exposure: cutting across Buddhist and Western discourses.Bernard Faure - 2004 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. Edited by Janet Lloyd.
    This book explores the possible relations between Western types of rationality and Buddhism. It also examines some cliche;s about Buddhism and questions the old antinomies of Western culture (“faith and reason,” or “idealism and materialism”). The use of the Buddhist notion of the Two Truths as a hermeneutic device leads to a double or multiple exposure that will call into question our mental habits and force us to ask questions differently, to think “in a new key.” Double Exposure is somewhat (...)
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  21.  25
    Nouvelles recherches de spéléologie et de topographie crétoises.Paul Faure - 1960 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 84 (1):189-220.
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    Las Batallas Cronopolíticas durante la Unidad Popular en Chile (1970-1973): Un esbozo de análisis.Antoine Faure - 2021 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 24 (3):495-504.
    Este ensayo propone un esbozo de análisis temporal de un momento político relevante en la historia mundial del siglo XX, la Unidad Popular chilena (1970-973). Para ello, se hace una revisión de una parte de la literatura secundaria sobre esta experiencia, a partir de dos conceptos forjados que hemos propuesto para indagar la politicidad del tiempo: batallas cronopolíticas y momentum. Este último es entendido como la dinámica de un tempo social donde se puede actuar, ya sea en su capacidad de (...)
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  23. Dire et (d') écrire les pratiques de danse. Opposition entre pratiques discursives et non discursives.Sylvia Faure - 2000 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 108:161-178.
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    Emmanuel Mounier.François Faure - 2022 - [Toulouse]: Domuni-press.
    Tome 1. La personne est son engagement -- tome 2. Montrer, sans démontrer.
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    Entre perception et praxis : à quoi la notion d’affordance en discours peut-elle bien pourvoir?Laurent Fauré - 2019 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 28 (HS).
    Prise en un sens englobant, la notion d’affordance permet de penser en première approximation notre rapport perceptuel aux objets et surtout à ce que nous faisons du dit rapport comme sujets. Transférer cette notion psychologique à l’observation des données langagières paraît d’autant plus bienvenu qu’elle porte sur le rapport à l’activité de signifiance, au sens de Gibson. Toutefois, outre les relectures successives qui ont contribué à en ajuster l’application à l’émergence aux conventions culturelles, ou en tant que disposition à agir, (...)
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  26. E.:«Notes sur le panégyrique VIII».Para Faure - 1961 - Byzantion 31:1-41.
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    Histoire de la Médecine.Olivier Faure, Pierre Macherey, Jean Théodoridès & François-Olivier Touati - 1987 - Revue de Synthèse 108 (1):109-119.
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    Le souvenir et la recréation du passé.Philippe Fauré-Fremiet - 1935 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 119 (3/4):167 - 198.
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  29. Francisco Sanchez's Theory of Cognition and Vico's verum/factum.Faur Josfi - 1988 - New Vico Studies 5:131.
  30. Remedies for expanding liability.Faure Michael & T. O. N. Hartlief - 1998 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 18 (4).
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  31. Why did Einstein's programme supersede lorentz's? (II).Elie Zahar - 1973 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 24 (3):223-262.
  32.  20
    An Ethical Compass: Coming of Age in the 21st Century : the Ethics Prize of the Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity.Elie Wiesel & Thomas L. Friedman (eds.) - 2010 - Yale University Press.
    In 1986, Elie Wiesel received the Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of his victory over “the powers of death and degradation, and to support the struggle of good against evil in the world.” Soon after, he and his wife, Marion, created the Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity. A project at the heart of the Foundation’s mission is its Ethics Prize—a remarkable essay-writing contest through which thousands of students from colleges across the country are encouraged to confront ethical issues of personal (...)
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    In Quest of Platonopolis: Excerpts from Research Visits to Philosophical Communities.Eli Kramer - 2017 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 1 (2):107-115.
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    Walter Benjamin: a philosophical portrait.Eli Friedlander - 2012 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    Language -- Image -- Time -- Body -- Dream -- Myth -- Baudelaire -- Rescue -- Remembrance.
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  35. Democracy and Distrust: A Theory of Judicial Review.John Hart Ely - 1982 - Law and Philosophy 1 (3):481-487.
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    Simone de Beauvoir et Simone Weil: deux trajectoires philosophiques dans la France de l’entre-deux-guerres et de l’après-deuxième guerre mondiale.Christine Fauré - 1984 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 2 (1):98-116.
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    Philosophy of Mind in Sixth-Century China: Paramārtha's "Evolution of Consciousness"Philosophy of Mind in Sixth-Century China: Paramartha's "Evolution of Consciousness".Bernard Faure & Diana Y. Paul - 1985 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 105 (4):758.
  38. Les trois défis de la décentralisation.Alain Faure - forthcoming - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary.
    La décentralisation ne passionne pas les foules. Pourtant, elle n'en demeure pas moins à l'épicentre de trois grands défis de modernisation de l'action publique. Le premier concerne la responsabilité croissante que prennent les hauts fonctionnaires des collectivités locales dans l'animation des dispositifs d'action publique. Le deuxième défi concerne les joutes quotidiennes qui mettent aux prises les différents acteurs de la décentralisation pour trouver concrètement des solutions aux problèmes de logement, de déplacement, d'éducation, de sécurité ou d'emploi. Troisième défi enfin : (...)
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    (1 other version)The UK's PREVENT Counter-Terrorism Strategy appears to promote rather than prevent violence.Rob Faure Walker - 2019 - Journal of Critical Realism 18 (5):487-512.
    ABSTRACTThis paper explores the impacts of the PREVENT Counter-Terrorism Strategy. The conclusion is reached that violence may be being promoted rather than prevented by government attempts to counter ‘radicalisation’ and ‘extremism’. The motivation for this paper is the author's experience of the PREVENT Counter-Terrorism Strategy in a school in east London; and its main recommendation is that counter-extremism strategies can and should be contested. This conclusion, and the explanation for it, is reached by using a critical realist approach to Critical (...)
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    I got to Kansas City on a Thursday, by Friday...Eli M. Bower - 1988 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 31 (3):381.
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    Cavernes et sites aux deux extrémités de la Crète.Paul Faure - 1962 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 86 (1):36-56.
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    Conceptions of time in Greek and Roman antiquity.Richard Faure, Simon-Pierre Valli & Arnaud Zucker (eds.) - 2022 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    This collection of articles is an important milestone in the history of the study of time conceptions in Greek and Roman Antiquity. It spans from Homer to Neoplatonism. Conceptions of time are considered from different points of view and sources. Reflections on time were both central and various throughout the history of ancient philosophy. Time was a topic, but also material for poets, historians and doctors. Importantly, the contributions also explore implicit conceptions and how language influences our thought categories.
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    Francisco Sanchez’s Theory of Cognition and Vico’s verum/factum.José Faur - 1987 - New Vico Studies 5:131-146.
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    Grottes crétoises.Paul Faure - 1956 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 80 (1):95-103.
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  45. Leftist Critique or Fight for Democracy? ‟Contimporanul” Covering the Trial From Dealul Spirii.Emilia Faur - 2019 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:69-83.
    Leftist Critique or Fight for Democracy? Contimporanul Covering the Trial from Dealul Spirii. The general knowledge about the political dimension of the Romanian historical avant-garde places the groups on the left of the political spectrum. However, there is little work on what this means precisely when it comes to the concrete historical situations. It may well be that Contimporanul, the main press organ of the avant-garde supported a political agenda of socialist origin, but what does it mean specifically? In order (...)
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    Passions territoriales.Alain Faure - 2022 - Multitudes 86 (1):237-242.
    Il y a un impensé dans les analyses de l’action publique locale : la question des passions territoriales qui la nourrissent n’apparaît jamais au rang de critère déterminant. Pourtant, les conseils municipaux et les assemblées intercommunales sont un théâtre privilégié où s’expriment émois, désirs et déchirements. Cette charge émotionnelle est peu prise en compte. Les analyses sont centrées sur la façon dont les leaders exercent leur « métier » d’élu local en jouant des émotions et les instrumentalisant pour asseoir leur (...)
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    René Guénon: l'appel de la sagesse primordiale.Philippe Faure (ed.) - 2015 - Paris: Les éditions du Cerf.
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    Un enseignement personnalisé et communautaire.Pierre Faure - 1979 - [Paris]: Casterman.
    Il est de plus en plus fréquent d'entendre parler d'éducation individualisée en même temps que communautaire grâce à l'échange et à l'entraide. Cet ouvrage présente sur le sujet une documentation très fouillée; la 1ère partie fait part des fondements et précurseurs de la méthode, les réalisations font l'objet de la 2e partie et tous les documents et exemples ont été placés en 3e partie.
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    Brain Death False Positives Reliably Track What Matters in Brain Death Cases.Eli Weber - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (3):285-286.
    Nair-Collins and Joffe (2023) rightly call attention to an incompatibility between brain-based criteria for death, as defined by the Uniform Determination of Death Act (UDDA), and what the current...
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    Homo mysticus: a guide to Maimonides's Guide for the perplexed.José Faur - 1998 - Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press.
    Faur's interpretation of this text reveals Maimonides's views on prophecy and philosophy, on imagination and intellect, on providence, on the importance of ...
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