Results for 'Fausto Pagnotta'

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  1.  18
    Sulla dignità della vecchiaia - Attualità di una prospettiva ciceroniana.Fausto Pagnotta - 2017 - Società Degli Individui 59:13-23.
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    Ruy Fausto.Ruy Fausto - 2020 - Discurso 50 (1):4-5.
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  3. Omaggio a Fausto Nicolini.Fausto Nicolini (ed.) - 1972 - Bologna,:
    I manoscritti dell'abate Galiani.--Catalogo sistematico dei manoscritti dell'abate Galiani.--Intorno al terzo dei Libri della Biccherna.--Due recensioni.--Groce, B. I manoscritti dell'abate Galiani.--Nicolini, B. Profilo di Fausto Nicolini archivista.
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    Quatro poemas de Ruy Fausto.Ruy Fausto - 2009 - Discurso 39 (39):341-356.
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    Team Semantics for Interventionist Counterfactuals: Observations vs. Interventions.Fausto Barbero & Gabriel Sandu - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 50 (3):471-521.
    Team semantics is a highly general framework for logics which describe dependencies and independencies among variables. Typically, the dependencies considered in this context are properties of sets of configurations or data records. We show how team semantics can be further generalized to support languages for the discussion of interventionist counterfactuals and causal dependencies, such as those that arise in manipulationist theories of causation. We show that the “causal teams” we introduce in the present paper can be used for modelling some (...)
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    Attentional coordination in demonstrator-observer dyads facilitates learning and predicts performance in a novel manual task.Murillo Pagnotta, Kevin N. Laland & Moreno I. Coco - 2020 - Cognition 201 (C):104314.
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    Monotone Quantifiers Emerge via Iterated Learning.Fausto Carcassi, Shane Steinert-Threlkeld & Jakub Szymanik - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (8):e13027.
    Natural languages exhibit manysemantic universals, that is, properties of meaning shared across all languages. In this paper, we develop an explanation of one very prominent semantic universal, the monotonicity universal. While the existing work has shown that quantifiers satisfying the monotonicity universal are easier to learn, we provide a more complete explanation by considering the emergence of quantifiers from the perspective of cultural evolution. In particular, we show that quantifiers satisfy the monotonicity universal evolve reliably in an iterated learning paradigm (...)
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  8. Sexing the Body: Gender Politics and the Construction of Sexuality.Anne Fausto-Sterling & Edward Stein - 2004 - Hypatia 19 (3):203-208.
  9.  17
    A Dynamic Systems Framework for Gender/Sex Development: From Sensory Input in Infancy to Subjective Certainty in Toddlerhood.Anne Fausto-Sterling - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:613789.
    From birth to 15 months infants and caregivers form a fundamentally intersubjective, dyadic unit within which the infant’s ability to recognize gender/sex in the world develops. Between about 18 and 36 months the infant accumulates an increasingly clear and subjective sense of self as female or male. We know little about how the precursors to gender/sex identity form during the intersubjective period, nor how they transform into an independent sense of self by 3 years of age. In this Theory and (...)
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  10.  58
    On existential declarations of independence in if logic.Fausto Barbero - 2013 - Review of Symbolic Logic 6 (2):254-280.
    We analyze the behaviour of declarations of independence between existential quantifiers in quantifier prefixes of Independence-Friendly (IF) sentences; we give a syntactical criterion to decide whether a sentence beginning with such prefix exists, such that its truth values may be affected by removal of the declaration of independence. We extend the result also to equilibrium semantics values for undetermined IF sentences.
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  11.  14
    Multiteam Semantics for Interventionist Counterfactuals: Probabilities and Causation.Fausto Barbero & Gabriel Sandu - 2024 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 53 (6):1537-1577.
    In (Barbero and Sandu 2020 Journal of Philosophical Logic, 50, 471-521), we showed that languages encompassing interventionist counterfactuals and causal notions based on them (as e.g. in Pearl’s and Woodward’s manipulationist approaches to causation) as well as information-theoretic notions (such as learning and dependence) can be interpreted in a semantic framework which combines the traditions of structural equation modeling and of team semantics. We now present a further extension of this framework (causal multiteams) which allows us to talk about probabilistic (...)
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    Diversity and language technology: how language modeling bias causes epistemic injustice.Fausto Giunchiglia, Gertraud Koch, Gábor Bella & Paula Helm - 2024 - Ethics and Information Technology 26 (1):1-15.
    It is well known that AI-based language technology—large language models, machine translation systems, multilingual dictionaries, and corpora—is currently limited to three percent of the world’s most widely spoken, financially and politically backed languages. In response, recent efforts have sought to address the “digital language divide” by extending the reach of large language models to “underserved languages.” We show how some of these efforts tend to produce flawed solutions that adhere to a hard-wired representational preference for certain languages, which we call (...)
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  13.  44
    Characterizing Counterfactuals and Dependencies over (Generalized) Causal Teams.Fausto Barbero & Fan Yang - 2022 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 63 (3):301-341.
    We analyze the causal-observational languages that were introduced in Barbero and Sandu (2018), which allow discussing interventionist counterfactuals and functional dependencies in a unified framework. In particular, we systematically investigate the expressive power of these languages in causal team semantics, and we provide complete natural deduction calculi for each language. Furthermore, we introduce a generalized semantics which allows representing uncertainty about the causal laws, and we analyze the expressive power and proof theory of the causal-observational languages over this enriched semantics.
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    Republican Freedom in the Labour Market: Exploitation Without Interpersonal Domination.Fausto Corvino - 2019 - Theoria 66 (158):103-131.
    In this article, I query whether participation in the labour market can hinder neo-republican freedom as non-domination. I briefly present the view of Philip Pettit on the topic, based on the distinction between offering a reward and threatening a punishment. I compare it to the analysis of labour republicans, recently reconstructed by Alex Gourevitch, according to whom, the exclusion of a group of individuals from the control of productive assets represents a form of structural domination. Then, I explain why I (...)
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  15.  44
    Why a uniform carbon tax is unjust, no matter how the revenue is used, and should be accompanied by a limitarian carbon tax.Fausto Corvino - 2024 - Journal of Global Ethics 20 (1).
    A uniform carbon tax with equal per capita dividends is usually advocated as a cost-effective way of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions without increasing, and in many cases even reducing, economic inequality, in particular because of the positive balance between the carbon taxes paid by the worse off and the carbon dividends they receive back. In this article, I argue that a uniform carbon tax reform is unjust regardless of how the revenue is used, because it does not discourage the (...)
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  16.  55
    A ruptura dos direitos humanos na filosofia política de Hannah Arendt.Fausto Brito - 2013 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 54 (127):177-196.
    O objetivo deste artigo é a análise das críticas de Hannah Arendt à concepção dos direitos humanos, introduzida pelo pensamento dos filósofos contratualistas e efetivada, politicamente, pelas revoluções americanas e francesas no final do século XVIII. Contudo, este objetivo não seria plenamente alcançado sem a avaliação da proposta de Arendt para a superação de suas próprias críticas: a reconstrução dos direitos humanos através do reconhecimento que cada indivíduo tem direito a ter direitos, independente das fronteiras do Estado-nação. Arendt vai buscar (...)
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  17.  22
    La traduzione radicale dal cervello: Quine e il neuroscienziato.Fausto Caruana - 2013 - Rivista di Filosofia 104 (1):77-96.
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    «Learning to see». The role of the mirror neurons system, between neuroscience of perception and ordinary language analysis.Fausto Caruana - 2010 - Rivista di Filosofia 101 (3):333-354.
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    Fisica dell'informazione ultima frontiera della scienza: gli ultimi inattesi sviluppi della fisica digitale.Fausto Intilla - 2013 - Roma: Aracne.
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  20. L'idealismo di Arturo Collier.Fausto Meli - 1930 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 11:38.
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    Il De Republica Hebraeorum di Carlo Sigonio.Fausto Parente - 2010 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 65 (3):423-459.
    In 1582, Carlo Sigonio published a text entitled De Republica Hebraeorum. It used the format of the De repubblica Athenensium manual. The question of the political structure in ancient Israel had already been addressed before, but Siconio was the first to adopt a systematic approach. However, he did not know Hebrew and so used the translation of the Septuagint, giving rise to not a few problems.
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    Independence-friendly logic without Henkin quantification.Fausto Barbero, Lauri Hella & Raine Rönnholm - 2021 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 60 (5):547-597.
    We analyze the expressive resources of \ logic that do not stem from Henkin quantification. When one restricts attention to regular \ sentences, this amounts to the study of the fragment of \ logic which is individuated by the game-theoretical property of action recall. We prove that the fragment of prenex AR sentences can express all existential second-order properties. We then show that the same can be achieved in the non-prenex fragment of AR, by using “signalling by disjunction” instead of (...)
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  23.  17
    Cooperation in Games and Epistemic Readings of Independence-Friendly Sentences.Fausto Barbero - 2017 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 26 (3):221-260.
    In the literature on logics of imperfect information it is often stated, incorrectly, that the Game-Theoretical Semantics of Independence-Friendly quantifiers captures the idea that the players of semantical games are forced to make some moves without knowledge of the moves of other players. We survey here the alternative semantics for IF logic that have been suggested in order to enforce this “epistemic reading” of sentences. We introduce some new proposals, and a more general logical language which distinguishes between “independence from (...)
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  24. Opere, a Cura di Fausto Nicolini. --.Giambattista Vico & Fausto Nicolini - 1953 - R. Ricciardi.
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  25. How to build a man.Anne Fausto-Sterling - 1997 - In Vernon A. Rosario (ed.), Science and Homosexualities. New York: Routledge. pp. 219--25.
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    Heavy Tails and the Shape of Modified Numerals.Fausto Carcassi & Jakub Szymanik - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (7):e13176.
    Cognitive Science, Volume 46, Issue 7, July 2022.
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    The Moral Implications of the Global Basic Structure as a Subject of Justice.Fausto Corvino - 2019 - Glocialism. Journal of culture, politics and innovation 2019 (2):1-36.
    In this article, I discuss whether the theory of justice as fairness famously proposed by John Rawls can justify the implementation of global principles of socioeconomic justice, contrary to what Rawls himself maintains. In particular, I dwell on the concept of the basic structure of society, which Rawls defines as “the primary subject of justice” and considers as a prerogative of domestic societies. In the first part, I briefly present Rawls’s theory of socio-economic justice and his account of justice between (...)
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  28.  11
    Mídia e megaeventos esportivos: as cerimônias de abertura dos Jogos Olímpicos de Atenas-1896 a Londres-1948.Fausto Amaro, Filipe Fernandes Ribeiro Mostaro & Ronaldo Helal - 2014 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 1 (24).
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  29. La DC: Iscritti e modello di partito'.Fausto Anderlini - 1989 - Polis 3 (2):277-304.
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    Some observations about generalized quantifiers in logics of imperfect information.Fausto Barbero - 2019 - Review of Symbolic Logic 12 (3):456-486.
    We analyse the two definitions of generalized quantifiers for logics of dependence and independence that have been proposed by F. Engström, comparing them with a more general, higher order definition of team quantifier. We show that Engström’s definitions can be identified, by means of appropriate lifts, with special classes of team quantifiers. We point out that the new team quantifiers express a quantitative and a qualitative component, while Engström’s quantifiers only range over the latter. We further argue that Engström’s definitions (...)
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  31.  8
    Un percorso tra etica e trasparenza per riformare la democrazia in Italia.Fausto Capelli - 2020 - Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino.
    The favorable reception that was received for the book Per salvare la democrazia in Italia (Rubbettino, 2019) did not prevent some demanding readers from raising objections to some passages included in part five of the book, containing proposals to improve the functioning of our democratic system. It was therefore decided to take advantage of the period of forced domicile imposed by the pandemic to write this new book, whose primary objective is to clarify the passages in question while explaining the (...)
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    The Covid-19 Pandemic and Climate Change: Some Lessons Learned on Individual Ethics and Social Justice.Fausto Corvino - 2021 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 77 (2-3):691-714.
    The Covid-19 pandemic has confronted humanity with a complex and unexpected challenge. One part of this challenge concerned individual ethics, i.e., the behaviour of individuals with respect to the rules and restrictions that have been imposed by health authorities in the collective interest. Another part concerned, instead, the social organisation of immunisation campaigns. In this article I wonder whether the lessons we have learned in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic can be applied to climate change mitigation. My first argument (...)
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    História, pré-história: para uma crítica da apresentação marxista da história.Ruy Fausto - 1983 - Discurso 15:49-90.
  34.  20
    Horizon and Vision. The Phenomenological Idea of Experience Versus The Metaphysics of Sight.Fausto Fraisopi - 2015 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 4 (1):124-145.
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    Perspective and Spatiality in the Modern Age.Fausto Fraisopi - 2016 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 9 (1):115-133.
    the domain of Art critique and becoming a philosophical argument. How can we think of Perspective as symbolic Form? Is Perspective really a symbolic form? Why is Perspective so important? Because at the beginning of the Modern Age, Perspective as spiritual figure grounds many symbolic or even many scientific constructions. We could we say that perspective open the foundation of modern science as such. The “Geometrization” of Vision, beginning with perspective, will be for us the interpretative key in order to (...)
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    Il senso del corpo: segni, linguaggio, simboli.Fausto Gianfranceschi - 1986 - Milano: Rusconi.
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  37. Mysterium Creationis tra JG Fichte e sant'Anselmo.Fausto Gianfreda - 2008 - Studium 104 (2):267-300.
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    Lieh-tzŭ.Fausto Tomassini - 1926 - Edited by Tʻang, Ching-kao & [From Old Catalog].
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  39. Gobernantes del futuro..Fausto Luxich - 1944 - Buenos Aires,: F. Vallardi.
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    Religion and cultural evolution.Fausto Massimini & Antonella Delle Fave - 1991 - Zygon 26 (1):27-47.
    The end of the twentieth century marks the slow disintegration of both the Marxist and capitalist socioeconomic theories, inasmuch as both have proven inadequate to meet basic issues of human existence. Their inadequacy rests on the tendency to use the criteria of extrinsic rewards, quantification, production, and consumption to evaluate human personhood and human activity. What is needed is a third alternative to these two systems, one that is based on intrinsic rewards and cultivates internal values rather than production, consumption, (...)
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  41. Della ispirazione cinematografica.Fausto Montesanti - 1941 - Cinema 129 (10):280-281.
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    Heidegger e Anselmo di Canterbury.Fausto Pellecchia - 2001 - Quaestio 1 (1):317-338.
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    (1 other version)La vita come ricerca.Fausto R. Pitigliani - 1938 - Philosophical Review 47:558.
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    How action selection can be embodied: intracranial gamma band recording shows response competition during the Eriksen flankers test.Fausto Caruana, Sebo Uithol, Gaetano Cantalupo, Ivana Sartori, Giorgio Lo Russo & Pietro Avanzini - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  45.  39
    Global Justice, Markets and Domination: A Cosmopolitan Theory.Fausto Corvino - 2020 - Cheltenham, UK – Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar.
    This thought-provoking book analyses the process of labour commodification, through which the individual’s ability to earn a basic living becomes dependent on the conditions of the market relationship. Building on the premise that the separation of a group of individuals from the means of production is an intrinsic element of capitalism, Fausto Corvino theorises that this implies a form of domination in a neo-republican sense. -/- Proposing an original theory of global justice denoted as a minimum de-commodification of labour (...)
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    Types of abduction in tool behavior.Caruana Fausto & Cuccio Valentina - 2017 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 16 (2):255-273.
    Tool-use behavior is currently one of the most intriguing and widely debated topics in cognitive neuroscience. Different accounts of our ability to use tools have been proposed. In the first part of the paper we review the most prominent interpretations and suggest that none of these accounts, considered in itself, is sufficient to explain tool use. In the second part of the paper we disentangle three different types of reasoning on tools, characterized by a different distribution of motor and cognitive (...)
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  47.  20
    Multilanguage hierarchical logics, or: How we can do without modal logics.Fausto Giunchiglia & Luciano Serafini - 1994 - Artificial Intelligence 65 (1):29-70.
  48.  45
    Labour Commodification and Global Justice.Fausto Corvino - 2019 - Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy 33 (1):53-88.
    In this article, I maintain that the social process of labour commodification, through which the individual capability to uphold a decent welfare is bound to participation in the labour market, poses a problem of justice from the republican prospective on freedom as non-domination. I first discuss the reasons we might hold that capitalism brings a form of systemic domination by virtue of one of its intrinsic features: unequal access to the means of production. Then, I argue for a minimum de-commodification (...)
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  49.  49
    The Integration of Emotional Expression and Experience: A Pragmatist Review of Recent Evidence From Brain Stimulation.Caruana Fausto - 2019 - Emotion Review 11 (1):27-38.
    A common view in affective neuroscience considers emotions as a multifaceted phenomenon constituted by independent affective and motor components. Such dualistic connotation, obtained by rephrasing the classic Darwin and James’s theories of emotion, leads to the assumption that emotional expression is controlled by motor centers in the anterior cingulate, frontal operculum, and supplementary motor area, whereas emotional experience depends on interoceptive centers in the insula. Recent stimulation studies provide a different perspective. I will outline two sets of findings. First, affective (...)
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  50.  44
    The forward-looking polluter pays principle for a just climate transition.Fausto Corvino - forthcoming - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy.
    Climate justice demands polluters to take responsibility for both present and future harm caused by past GHG emissions and for future harm caused by future GHG emissions. One problem with this is double climate taxation: people living in historical polluting countries must both shoulder the burden of an effective and inclusive climate transition and repay the climate debt incurred by their predecessors. Although double climate taxation might be defensible on normative grounds, it risks making climate justice politically infeasible. I therefore (...)
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