Results for 'Felipe Amaral'

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  1. Definite descriptions are ambiguous.Felipe S. Amaral - 2008 - Analysis 68 (4):288-297.
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    Surveillance e as “novas” tecnologias de Controle biopolítico.Augusto Jobim do Amaral & Felipe da Veiga Dias - 2019 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 64 (1):e33427.
    O presente estudo tem como tema o surveillance e a sociedade do controle biopolítico, sendo dada ênfase à conexão com o sistema penal e as tecnologias dispostas nas práticas de segurança. Tem-se como problema de pesquisa como e de que forma operam os “novos” mecanismos de surveillance em prol da segurança no modelo biopolítico do Estado penal? Conclui-se que o modelo de controle atual baseado em riscos e algoritmos emprega o surveillance em uma atuação securitária seletiva, adotando o discurso “científico/tecnológico” (...)
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    Funcionalismo e causação mental.Paulo Abrantes & Felipe Amaral - 2002 - Manuscrito 25 (3):13-45.
    O que colocou o funcionalismo no centro do debate em torno do problema mente-corpo nos últimos trinta anos parece ter sido a sua capacidade de conciliar intuições fisicalistas com uma espécie de não-reducionismo: se por um lado postula-se a existência de entes físicos somente, distribuídos em uma ontologia estratificada, por outro não se falha em explicitar uma distinção real entre as propriedades de entes capacitados a sentir e representar. A superveniência mente-corpo aparentava esclarecer essas intuições dos fisicalistas não-redutivos. Vários dos (...)
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    Política da Criminologia, de Augusto Jobim do Amaral.Felipe da Veiga Dias & Roberta da Silva Medina - 2021 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 66 (1):e40436.
    AMARAL, Augusto Jobim. Política da Criminologia. São Paulo: Tirant Lo Blanch, 2020.
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    Amor para corajosos.Luiz Felipe Pondé - 2017 - São Paulo, SP: Planeta.
    O poeta Vinícius de Moraes ensinava a amar "porque não há nada melhor para a saúde que um amor correspondido". Se não há nada mais importante do que amar, pensar o amor em suas diversas formas e vínculos é fundamental. Em Amor para corajosos, o filósofo Luiz Felipe Pondé conduz o leitor por um passeio sobre o tema. Não se trata de um manual para amar melhor ou um estudo acadêmico. Na sua tradicional prosa ao mesmo tempo provocativa e (...)
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  6. La amistad desde Gilgamesh a Cervantes y Shakespeare: un apunte desde la literatura.David Felipe Arranz Lago - 2010 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 60 (966):72-77.
    La amistad concebida como indica el Diccionario de la RAE en su primera acepción como "afecto personal, puro y desinteresado, compartido con otra persona, que nace y se fortalece con el trato "ha sufrido modificaciones a lo largo de la historia. A nadie se le oculta que estamos viviendo tiempos difíciles para la amistad en nuestra sociedad del tiempo líquido, según el sociólogo Zygmunt Barman, donde no precisamente el desinterés ni la pureza caracterizan las relaciones interpersonales. De hecho, en su (...)
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    Pobreza, estigmatización y ejemplaridad amorosa en la Hija de Celestina (1612) de Alonso Jerónimo de Salas Barbadillo: una lectura moralizante de la pícara a través de la cortegiana filosofía y las Novelle.Daniel Ortiz Pereira - 2020 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 47:121-141.
    Durante el reinado de Felipe III la sociedad española vivió unos intensos procesos de elitización y marginalización procedentes en su mayoría de una particular recepción y asimilación del modelo antropológico y cultural presentado por Castiglione –lo que ha pasado a definirse con el nombre de cortegiana filosofia– que, en último término, se sirvieron del antiguo ideal de la teoría neoplatónica del amor para presentar un nuevo paradigma común de virtud y honestidad públicas destinado a preservar y sustentar instituciones sociorreligiosas (...)
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    Board Gender Diversity and Corporate Response to Sustainability Initiatives: Evidence from the Carbon Disclosure Project.Walid Ben-Amar, Millicent Chang & Philip McIlkenny - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 142 (2):369-383.
    This paper investigates the effect of female representation on the board of directors on corporate response to stakeholders’ demands for increased public reporting about climate change-related risks. We rely on the Carbon Disclosure Project as a sustainability initiative supported by institutional investors. Greenhouse gas emissions measurement and its disclosure to investors can be thought of as a first step toward addressing climate change issues and reducing the firm’s carbon footprint. Based on a sample of publicly listed Canadian firms over the (...)
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    An Accident Waiting to Happen.Amar Bhidé - 2009 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 21 (2-3):211-247.
    ABSTRACT Banks provide a valuable but inherently unstable combination of deposit‐taking and lending functions that were successfully held together for several decades after the New Deal by tough banking rules. The weakening of the rules after the 1970s promoted the displacement of traditional relationship‐based banking with securitized, arms‐length alternatives that encouraged banks to undertake activities about which bankers lacked deep relationship‐based knowledge of the risks. Ironically, this risky behavior, encouraged by loosened regulation, was reinforced by progressively tightened securities regulation, which (...)
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    The Ethics of Climate Crisis.Amar Maruf, Ivy Ganadillo & Tsilavonarivo Heriniaina Johanes - forthcoming - Philosophical Quarterly.
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  11. Filosofia da educação.Amaral Fontoura - 1969 - Rio de Janeiro,: Ed. Aurora.
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    Rethinking Adolescent Assent: A Triangular Approach.Amar D. Trivedi - 2005 - American Journal of Bioethics 5 (5):75-76.
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    A new approach to cyclic ordering of 2D orientations using ternary relation algebras.Amar Isli & Anthony G. Cohn - 2000 - Artificial Intelligence 122 (1-2):137-187.
  14. The Many Facets of Trust.Riccardo Baratella, Glenda Amaral, Tiago Prince Sales, Renata Guizzardi & Giancarlo Guizzardi - 1998 - In Nicola Guarino, Formal Ontology in Information Systems. IOS Press.
    Trust is an attitude that an agent (the trustor) has toward an entity (the trustee), such that the trustor counts upon the trustee to act in a way that is benefi- cial w.r.t. to the trustor’s goals. The notion of trust is relevantly discussed both in in- formation science and philosophy. Unfortunately, we still lack a satisfying account for this concept. The goal of this article is to contribute to filling this gap. First, we take issue with some central tenets (...)
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  15. Novelty versus Replicability: Virtues and Vices in the Reward System of Science.Felipe Romero - 2017 - Philosophy of Science 84 (5):1031-1043.
    The reward system of science is the priority rule. The first scientist making a new discovery is rewarded with prestige, while second runners get little or nothing. Michael Strevens, following Philip Kitcher, defends this reward system, arguing that it incentivizes an efficient division of cognitive labor. I argue that this assessment depends on strong implicit assumptions about the replicability of findings. I question these assumptions on the basis of metascientific evidence and argue that the priority rule systematically discourages replication. My (...)
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    Nonstandard Functional Interpretations and Categorical Models.Amar Hadzihasanovic & Benno van den Berg - 2017 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 58 (3):343-380.
    Recently, the second author, Briseid, and Safarik introduced nonstandard Dialectica, a functional interpretation capable of eliminating instances of familiar principles of nonstandard arithmetic—including overspill, underspill, and generalizations to higher types—from proofs. We show that the properties of this interpretation are mirrored by first-order logic in a constructive sheaf model of nonstandard arithmetic due to Moerdijk, later developed by Palmgren, and draw some new connections between nonstandard principles and principles that are rejected by strict constructivism. Furthermore, we introduce a variant of (...)
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  17. O crime de lavagem de dinheiro nas organizações religiosas.Felipe Gabriel da Silva Alvares & Tiago Teixeira Coelho - 2014 - Revista Fides 5 (2).
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  18. Mandado de injunção em perspectiva no direito brasileiro.Rafael Caiado Amaral - 2007 - Aletheia: Cuadernos Críticos Del Derecho 3:17-39.
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  19. Can the Behavioral Sciences Self-correct? A Social Epistemic Study.Felipe Romero - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 60 (C):55-69.
    Advocates of the self-corrective thesis argue that scientific method will refute false theories and find closer approximations to the truth in the long run. I discuss a contemporary interpretation of this thesis in terms of frequentist statistics in the context of the behavioral sciences. First, I identify experimental replications and systematic aggregation of evidence (meta-analysis) as the self-corrective mechanism. Then, I present a computer simulation study of scientific communities that implement this mechanism to argue that frequentist statistics may converge upon (...)
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  20. Is God the Best Explanation of Things?: A Dialogue.Felipe Leon & Joshua Rasmussen - 2019 - Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book provides an up to date, high-level exchange on God in a uniquely productive style. Readers witness a contemporary version of a classic debate, as two professional philosophers seek to learn from each other while making their cases for their distinct positions. In their dialogue, Joshua Rasmussen and Felipe Leon examine classical and cutting-edge arguments for and against a theistic explanation of general features of reality. The book also provides original lines of thought based on the authors’ own (...)
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    Bioethics—The Basics by Alastair V. Campbell.Amar Jesani - 2014 - Asian Bioethics Review 6 (2):197-200.
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    The representative system.Felipe Rey - 2023 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 26 (6):831-854.
    There are two ways to approach political representation. We can view each type of representation or each site of representation – namely a representative actor or institution – on an individual basis and study its internal dynamics. Alternatively, we can look at how different forms of representation and representative actors and institutions interact in a system of representation. In this article, I develop the second view. I make three contributions to the theory of representation from systemic thinking. Methodologically, I explain (...)
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    ¿Cómo pensar el cuerpo al margen de la idea de sujeto corporal? ‘Mera presencia’ y ‘claro del ser’ en ‘Zollikoner Seminare’ de Heidegger.Felipe Johnson - 2020 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 37 (1):85-98.
    . Este artículo se propone discutir las dificultades que pertenecen al ejercicio de pensarnos en cuanto corporales. Guía de estas reflexiones son los índices heideggerianos sobre la corporalidad humana realizados en Zollikoner Seminare. Dichos seminarios advierten que la actual experiencia de nuestro cuerpo, pese a poder ser estimada como inmediata, se halla mediada por nuestros propios supuestos epocales y se enraiza ya en el pensar ontológico de Occidente. Así, este artículo intentará examinar las aporías filosóficas de tal mediación histórico-epocal, exponiendo (...)
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  24. Emotional sharing and the extended mind.Felipe León, Thomas Szanto & Dan Zahavi - 2019 - Synthese 196 (12):4847-4867.
    This article investigates the relationship between emotional sharing and the extended mind thesis. We argue that shared emotions are socially extended emotions that involve a specific type of constitutive integration between the participating individuals’ emotional experiences. We start by distinguishing two claims, the Environmentally Extended Emotion Thesis and the Socially Extended Emotion Thesis. We then critically discuss some recent influential proposals about the nature of shared emotions. Finally, in Sect. 3, we motivate two conditions that an account of shared emotions (...)
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  25. El entretien de M. Pascal et M. de sacy: Historia Del texto, hipótesis sobre su composición Y prespectivas de investigación.Op Felipe Trigueros Buena - 2009 - Studium : revista de filosofía y teología 49 (3):375-422.
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    La scène originelle de l'esprit: la pensée tragique.Amar Fernandes - 2022 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Si le tragique n'est pas le propre de la tragédie grecque mais bien celui de 'l'être au monde de l'homme', sa conceptualisation n'advient qu'avec Wilderlin lorsque celui-ci s'approprie la question 'Comment lit-on la tragédie?', non plus selon son acception poétique, mais en tant que forme philosophique. Et si l'on suit sa réflexion, à la question 'Qu'est-ce que le tragique?', on notera qu'il est une façon d'être au monde de manière spéculative. L'union des contraires, de la poésie et de la sagesse, (...)
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    Société civile et gouvernance de l'internet : La construction d'une légitimité ambiguë : Paroles publiques: Communiquer dans la cité.Amar Lakel & Francoise Massit-Follea - 2007 - Hermes 47:167.
    Le SMSI a affiché et promu une démarche de multipartenariat entre gouvernements, monde économique et société civile. Nous avons étudié la liste de diffusion électronique de l'un des caucus, « Civil Society - Internet Governance », au long d'une période clé de l'initiative onusienne. En analysant les modalités des échanges, nous nous sommes demandé quels types de tactiques et de stratégies émergent de ce dispositif, et dans quelle mesure il participe du débat public. Enfin, nous nous sommes interrogés sur les (...)
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    Una estética deleuzeana.Felipe Larrea - 2017 - Aisthesis 62:29-47.
    The article explores the construction of an aesthetics in the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze beyond the period of his work where art obtains direct attention. According to Deleuze, aesthetics is not simply a disciplinary zone of philosophy, but is derived from a series of formulations developed from his earliest works until Différence et répétition and Logique du sens. During the sixties, concepts such as genesis, sign or forces, among others, stand out in his work to serve a rereading of empiricism (...)
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    Da afirmação da vontade de vida: "Suplemento 45".Felipe Cardoso Martins Lima, Marcelo Prates de Souza & Edy Klévia Fraga de Souza - 2010 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 1 (2):150.
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  30. The (Un)desirability of Immortality.Felipe Pereira & Travis Timmerman - 2020 - Philosophy Compass 15 (2):e12652.
    While most people believe the best possible life they could lead would be an immortal one, so‐called “immortality curmudgeons” disagree. Following Bernard Williams, they argue that, at best, we have no prudential reason to live an immortal life, and at worst, an immortal life would necessarily be bad for creatures like us. In this article, we examine Bernard Williams' seminal argument against the desirability of immortality and the subsequent literature it spawned. We first reconstruct and motivate Williams' somewhat cryptic argument (...)
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  31. About the author.Pedro Amaral - manuscript
    Science starts out with the idea of a person as billions of neurons housed in a body that is a cloud of particles. Common sense starts out with the idea of a person having capacities belonging to a single individual. The common sense person does not have parts. Our objectifying science slowly takes over the person as it tends toward physical materialism. Where will it end? What is being gradually pushed out of the world? If science had already taken over, (...)
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    Um horizonte feminino em Arendt.Carolina Giovanetti do Amaral - 2024 - Controvérsia 20 (1):24-33.
    A questão feminina não é um tema visado por Arendt. O paradoxo encontrado por algumas teóricas em relação ao fato desta reconhecer-se enquanto judia, mas não enquanto mulher, faz afastar a essência do pensamento político arendtiano do movimento filosófico do feminismo, acusando Arendt de ceder à hegemonia masculina. Este prisma perde muito ao não reconhecer como sua crítica da modernidade oferece uma base sólida para pensar a mulher contemporaneamente. Sobretudo, tolhe a saída mais digna: a que reconhece o humano. O (...)
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    Authoritarian personality, antidemocratic behavior, and ethnocentrism in Brazil.Mônica Guimarães Teixeira do Amaral, Marina Pereira de Almeida Mello & Maria da Glória Calado - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (7):711-723.
    Inspired by the Studies on authoritarian personality and based on contemporary research on authoritarianism in Brazil, we will analyze the construction of the idol aura surrounding former president Bolsonaro, which allowed the far right to be elected and remain in power until the last elections in 2022. We see his rise as mostly due to the digital violence that largely benefited his campaign and was directed against the block of left-wing candidates. So as to clarify this issue, we will revisit (...)
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  34. Why there isn’t inter-level causation in mechanisms.Felipe Romero - 2015 - Synthese 192 (11):3731-3755.
    The experimental interventions that provide evidence of causal relations are notably similar to those that provide evidence of constitutive relevance relations. In the first two sections, I show that this similarity creates a tension: there is an inconsistent triad between Woodward’s popular interventionist theory of causation, Craver’s mutual manipulability account of constitutive relevance in mechanisms, and a variety of arguments for the incoherence of inter-level causation. I argue for an interpretation of the views in which the tension is merely apparent. (...)
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  35. Variation within and across Romance Languages. Selected papers from the 41st Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages.Patricia Amaral & Fabio Del Prete - 2014
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    Dispositivi della Normatività.Augusto Jobim Do Amaral & José Luís Ferraro - 2021 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 66 (1):e40228.
    O presente texto constitui-se como resenha do livro Dispositivi della Normatività, de Antonio Tucci, professor da Università degli Studi di Salerno, Itália. Ao longo da obra, Tucci joga luzes sobre a questão da norma, da normalização e dos dispositivos de segurança, inserindo temas como o da soberania — referente às questões fronteiriças —, da identidade e da cidadania —, ao abordar questões relacionadas aos processos de subjetivação e à necessária reespacialização do espaço político, em um panorama da governamentalidade biopolítica.
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  37. Rudolf Malter e o pessimismo crítico schopenhaueriano.Felipe dos Santos Durante - 2019 - Sofia 7 (2):94-102.
    Este artigo tem por objetivo, a partir da leitura do célebre livro de Rudolf Malter – O pensamento único: introdução à filosofia de Arthur Schopenhauer, em especial da seção intitulada Característica conclusiva: Pessimismo – um conceito crítico –, apresentar a hipótese hermenêutica de um dos mais eminentes interpretes da filosofia schopenhaueriana, a qual versa sobre o pessimismo enquanto conceito crítico, e que pode ser entendida como um dos pontos de sustentação para a justificativa de interpretação da filosofia schopenhaueriana a partir (...)
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    Jihadi Salafism is a new phenomenon in international politics.Amar Kanah - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 68:109-113.
    Multidimensional practical demand has made Islamology one of the most "trendy" branches of Oriental studies and has created a host of serious difficulties and problems associated with an adequate scientific response to the "Islamic challenge". Excessive politicization of the study of such a phenomenon as Islamic fundamentalism, radicalism in the world, undoubtedly, undermines the true scientific knowledge, preventing the specialists from understanding this complex phenomenon.
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    El averroísmo contemporáneo. Intelecto, imaginación y la cuestión del humano.Mauricio Guillermo Amar Díaz - 2020 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 25 (1):45-59.
    El artículo indaga en la reemergencia de ciertos principios que la Edad Media vinculó al pensamiento de Averroes en pensadores contemporáneos como Giorgio Agamben, Roberto Esposito, Emanuele Coccia y Jean Baptiste Brenet. La eternidad del mundo y la separación del itnelecto vuelven a aparecer como sustento de una filosofía capaz de poner en tela de juicio ideas fundamentales de la modernidad como la de sujeto o persona, sin por ello entramparse en el nihilismo.
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    \(\mathcal{L}\)−weakly 1−Absorbing Prime Ideals and Filters.Natnael Teshale Amare - 2024 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 53 (4):491-510.
    In this manuscript, we have presented the concept of \(\mathcal{L}\)-weakly 1-absorbing prime ideals and \(\mathcal{L}\)-weakly 1-absorbing prime filters within an ADL. Mainly, we illustrate the connections between \(\mathcal{L}\)-weakly prime ideals (filters) and \(\mathcal{L}\)-weakly 1-absorbing prime ideals (filters), as well as between \(\mathcal{L}\)-weakly 1-absorbing prime ideals (filters) and \(\mathcal{L}\)-weakly 2-absorbing ideals (filters). Lastly, we have shown that both the image and inverse image of \(\mathcal{L}\)-weakly 1-absorbing prime ideals (filters) result in \(\mathcal{L}\)-weakly 1-absorbing prime ideals (filters).
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    ¿Movimiento humano o motricidad humana? Análisis de algunas perspectivas filosóficas.Felipe Nicolás Mujica Johnson - 2024 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Teórica y Práctica 2 (1):159-178.
    Las ideas filosóficas del ámbito de la actividad física suelen estar sustentadas en concepciones que trascienden la propia disciplina de estudio aludida, de modo que es importante estudiarlas en profundidad. Este ensayo tiene por objetivo comprender la interpretación de los términos movimiento humano y motricidad humana desde la mirada de tres corrientes filosóficas que han sido utilizadas por referentes de la actividad física, el deporte y la Educación Física. La primera corriente filosófica analizada es la de corte idealista, que entiende (...)
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  42. Philosophy of science and the replicability crisis.Felipe Romero - 2019 - Philosophy Compass 14 (11):e12633.
    Replicability is widely taken to ground the epistemic authority of science. However, in recent years, important published findings in the social, behavioral, and biomedical sciences have failed to replicate, suggesting that these fields are facing a “replicability crisis.” For philosophers, the crisis should not be taken as bad news but as an opportunity to do work on several fronts, including conceptual analysis, history and philosophy of science, research ethics, and social epistemology. This article introduces philosophers to these discussions. First, I (...)
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  43. Why Frankfurt-Examples Don’t Need to Succeed to Succeed.Felipe Leon & Neal A. Tognazzini - 2010 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 80 (3):551-565.
    In this paper we argue that defenders of Frankfurt-style counterexamples to the Principle of Alternative Possibilities do not need to construct a metaphysically possible scenario in which an agent is morally responsible despite lacking the ability to do otherwise. Rather, there is a weaker (but equally legitimate) sense in which Frankfurt-style counterexamples can succeed. All that's needed is the claim that the ability to do otherwise is no part of what grounds moral responsibility, when the agent is indeed morally responsible.
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    Russell e a análise proposicional.Murilo Garcia de Matos Amaral - 2020 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 20 (2):258-280.
    O presente artigo explica o que é e como funciona o método de análise lógica de Russell no contexto do atomismo lógico, apontando os objetivos e preceitos que ele leva em conta quando se propõe a fazer análises proposicionais. Após explorar o desenvolvimento geral da análise em sua obra, examinamos dois exemplos de análise proposicional: o de proposições relacionais e o de proposições que contêm descrições. Nos dois casos, notamos que Russell busca romper com uma lógica restrita à forma sujeito-predicado, (...)
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  45. TOPICS: 150. Foundations of knowledge.Pedro Amaral - unknown
    Integration Area C. Nature, sources, and limits of human knowledge; roles of perception, reason, testimony, and intuition in acquiring rational beliefs; e.g. science, mathematics, values, the arts, religion, social issues, and psychological states. G.E. Integration IC.
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  46. Pueblo intonso, pueblo asnal: la democracia directa desde Marsilio de Padua.Felipe Castañeda - 2007 - In Rodolfo Arango Rivadeneira, Filosofía de la democracia: fundamentos conceptuales. Bogotá, D.C.: Ediciones Uniandes, CESO. pp. 47--64.
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    Die Gewalt der Wahrheit. Hegel und die Kritische Theorie.Felipe Catalani - 2020 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2020 (1):349-355.
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  48. Ethics in health research: a social science perspective.Amar Jesani & Tejal Barai-Jaitly (eds.) - 2005 - Mumbai: Centre for Studies in Ethics and Rights.
    Contributed articles with reference to India.
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    La cosa que se traza a sí misma: límites y aporías del aparecer sensible desde la fenomenología temprana.Felipe Johnson - 2021 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 33 (2):265-292.
    Este artículo se propone indagar la presencia de las cosas sensibles a la luz de los trabajos de la fenomenología temprana. Para ello se elaborará una reflexión desde las problemáticas que algunos pensadores del círculo de Gotinga esbozaron en el contexto de las tesis husserlianas referentes a la Abschattung. Así, distinguiremos entre las cosas y su trazo sensible, detectando las posibilidades de su mutua vinculación y desvinculación fenoménica. Por esta vía, se identificará una relación triple en la que la cosa (...)
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    Structure, innovation and agency in pattern construction: The Kōlam of Southern India.Amar S. Mall - 2007 - In Elizabeth Hallam & Tim Ingold, Creativity and cultural improvisation. New York, NY: Berg. pp. 55--78.
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