Results for 'Female'

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  1.  18
    13 Gender, Ethnicity and Familial Ideology in Georgetown, Guyana.Female Labour Force & Participation Reconsidered - 2002 - In Patricia Mohammed, Gendered realities: essays in Caribbean feminist thought. Mona, Jamaica: Centre for Gender and Development Studies.
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  2. Egg and sperm: A scientific fairy tale.Stereotypical Male—Female Roles & Emily Martin - 1996 - In Evelyn Fox Keller & Helen E. Longino, Feminism and science. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  3. Martha C. Nussbaum.Human Capabilities & Female Human Beings - 2006 - In Elizabeth Hackett & Sally Anne Haslanger, Theorizing feminisms: a reader. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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    “The Female is Somewhat Duller”: The Construction of the Sexes in Ornithological Literature.M. M. Van de Pitte - 1998 - Environmental Ethics 20 (1):23-39.
    I review ornithological literature in order to demonstrate that conventions of description and illustration, as well as some aspects of biological theory relating to birds, put a strong focus on male birds. I criticize the sexist aspects of ornithology from the standpoint of recent feminist philosophy of science, establishing connections between the ways in which we view animals and the ways in which we viewourselves and arguing that it is costly to humans, specifically women, to suggest that females of the (...)
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  5. Female Presence on Corporate Boards: A Multi-Country Study of Environmental Context.Siri Terjesen & Val Singh - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 83 (1):55-63.
    A growing body of ethics research investigates gender diversity and governance on corporate boards, at individual and firm levels, in single country studies. In this study, we explore the environmental context of female representation on corporate boards of directors, using data from 43 countries. We suggest that women's representation on corporate boards may be shaped by the larger environment, including the social, political and economic structures of individual countries. We use logit regression to conduct our analysis. Our results indicate (...)
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    Female Audit Partners and Extended Audit Reporting: UK Evidence.Tarek Abdelfattah, Mohamed Elmahgoub & Ahmed A. Elamer - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 174 (1):177-197.
    This study investigates whether audit partner gender is associated with the extent of auditor disclosure and the communication style regarding risks of material misstatements that are classified as key audit matters. Using a sample of UK firms during the 2013–2017 period, our results suggest that female audit partners are more likely than male audit partners to disclose more KAMs with more details after controlling for both client and audit firm attributes. Furthermore, female audit partners are found to use (...)
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    Measuring Female Gaming: Gamer Profile, Predictors, Prevalence, and Characteristics From Psychological and Gender Perspectives.Olatz Lopez-Fernandez, A. Jess Williams & Daria J. Kuss - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Research investigating female gaming is relatively scarce, and past research has demonstrated that men are more likely to be problematic gamers. Few studies have focused on female gamers in community samples, and those that have been published have mainly collected data qualitatively in Europe. There is case study evidence suggesting clinicians are increasingly treating problem female gamers. The aim of this study is threefold: (i) to establish an international female gamer profile, (ii) to determine predictors associated (...)
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  8.  26
    Does Female Representation on Boards of Directors Associate With Fortune's “100 Best Companies to Work For” List?Richard A. Bernardi, Susan M. Bosco & Katie M. Vassill - 2006 - Business and Society 45 (2):235-248.
    This study examines the influence of women in business using a sample of firms on Fortune's “100 Best Companies to Work For” list and is an extension of Bernardi et al.'s work. We use the data from Bernardi et al. to determine whether a higher representation of women on a board signals an increased commitment of a firm to a quality environment and employment characteristics necessary to establish the firm on Fortune's “100 Best Companies to Work For” list. Our findings (...)
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    Are female CEOs greener? Female CEOs and green innovation: The role of their political embeddedness.Fei Tang & Dayuan Li - 2024 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 33 (4):633-648.
    Are female CEOs greener? Few studies have explicitly scrutinised the roles of female CEOs and their political embeddedness in green innovation. In the present work, the influence of female CEOs on green innovation is first examined. Then, the effect of politically embedded female CEOs on green innovation is explored by differentiating female CEOs as those who are and who are not politically embedded, respectively. Furthermore, the moderating effects of external environmental factors on this relationship, namely (...)
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  10.  58
    Humanism, Female Education, and Myth: Erasmus, Vives, and More's To Candidus.A. D. Cousins - 2004 - Journal of the History of Ideas 65 (2):213-230.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Humanism, Female Education, and Myth:Erasmus, Vives, and More's To CandidusA. D. CousinsWhen considering pleasure and chance as aspects of human experience, Thomas More sometimes gendered them female; that is to say, at times he represented them by drawing from the mythographies of Venus and of Fortune. But what did he suggest that actual women, as distinct from goddesses, were or should be or might become: what were (...)
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  11. Female Under-Representation Among Philosophy Majors: A Map of the Hypotheses and a Survey of the Evidence.Tom Dougherty, Samuel Baron & Kristie Miller - 2015 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 1 (1):1-30.
    Why is there female under-representation among philosophy majors? We survey the hypotheses that have been proposed so far, grouping similar hypotheses together. We then propose a chronological taxonomy that distinguishes hypotheses according to the stage in undergraduates’ careers at which the hypotheses predict an increase in female under-representation. We then survey the empirical evidence for and against various hypotheses. We end by suggesting future avenues for research.
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  12.  62
    Female coital orgasm and male attractiveness.Todd K. Shackelford, Viviana A. Weekes-Shackelford, Gregory J. LeBlanc, April L. Bleske, Harald A. Euler & Sabine Hoier - 2000 - Human Nature 11 (3):299-306.
    Female coital orgasm may be an adaptation for preferentially retaining the sperm of males with “good genes.” One indicator of good genes may be physical attractiveness. Accordingly, R. Thornhill, S. W. Gangestad, and R. Comer (1995) found that women mated to more attractive men reported an orgasm during a greater proportion of copulations than did women mated to less attractive men. The current research replicates this finding, with several design variations. We collected self-report data from 388 women residing in (...)
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  13. Female Genital Mutilation and Cosmetic Surgery: Regulating Non‐Therapeutic Body Modification.Sally Sheldon & Stephen Wilkinson - 1998 - Bioethics 12 (4):263–285.
    In the UK, female genital mutilation is unlawful, not only when performed on minors, but also when performed on adult women. The aim of our paper is to examine several arguments which have been advanced in support of this ban and to assess whether they are sufficient to justify banning female genital mutilation for competent, consenting women. We proceed by comparing female genital mutilation, which is banned, with cosmetic surgery, towards which the law has taken a very (...)
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  14.  29
    Female Cross-Dressing in Chinese Literature Classics and their English Versions.Anna Wing Bo Tso - 2014 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 16 (1):111-124.
    Cross-dressing, as a cultural practice, suggests gender ambiguity and allows freedom of self expression. Yet, it may also serve to reaffirm ideological stereotypes and the binary distinctions between male and female, masculine and feminine, homosexual and heterosexual. To explore the nature and function of cross-dressing in Chinese and Western cultures, this paper analyzes the portrayals of cross-dressing heroines in two Chinese stories: The Ballad of Mulan, and The Butterfly Lovers. Distorted representations in the English translated texts are also explored..
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  15. Why is there female under-representation among philosophy majors? Evidence of a pre-university effect.Tom Doherty, Samuel Baron & Kristie Miller - 2015 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 2.
    Why does female under- representation emerge during undergraduate education? At the University of Sydney, we surveyed students before and after their first philosophy course. We failed to find any evidence that this course disproportionately discouraged female students from continuing in philosophy relative to male students. Instead, we found evidence of an interaction effect between gender and existing attitudes about philosophy coming into tertiary education that appears at least partially responsible for this poor retention. At the first lecture, disproportionately (...)
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  16. Female Acts in Greek Tragedy. By Helen P. Foley.S. J. Paolini - 2004 - The European Legacy 9 (1):121-121.
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  17.  41
    Female CEOs and Core Earnings Quality: New Evidence on the Ethics Versus Risk-Aversion Puzzle.Alaa Mansour Zalata, Collins Ntim, Ahmed Aboud & Ernest Gyapong - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 160 (2):515-534.
    The question of whether females tend to act more ethically or risk-averse compared to males is an interesting ethical puzzle. Using a large sample of US firms over the 1992–2014 period, we investigate the effect that the gender of a chief executive officer has on earnings management using classification shifting. We find that the pre-Sarbanes–Oxley Act period was characterized by high levels of classification shifting by both female and male CEOs, but the magnitude of such practices is, surprisingly, significantly (...)
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  18.  70
    Trade-Offs between female food acquisition and child care among hiwi and ache foragers.A. Magdalena Hurtado, Kim Hill, Ines Hurtado & Hillard Kaplan - 1992 - Human Nature 3 (3):185-216.
    Even though female food acquisition is an area of considerable interest in hunter-gatherer research, the ecological determinants of women’s economic decisions in these populations are still poorly understood. The literature on female foraging behavior indicates that there is considerable variation within and across foraging societies in the amount of time that women spend foraging and in the amount and types of food that they acquire. It is possible that this heterogeneity reflects variation in the trade-offs between time spent (...)
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  19. Female genital examination and autonomy in medicine.Neda Taghinejadi & Brenda Kelly - 2020 - In Camilla Pickles & Jonathan Herring, Women's birthing bodies and the law: unauthorised intimate examinations, power, and vulnerability. New York, NY: Hart Publishing, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing.
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    Pregnant Females as Historical Individuals: An Insight From the Philosophy of Evo-Devo.Laura Nuño de la Rosa, Mihaela Pavličev & Arantza Etxeberria - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:572106.
    Criticisms of the “container” model of pregnancy picturing female and embryo as separate entities multiply in various philosophical and scientific contexts during the last decades. In this paper, we examine how this model underlies received views of pregnancy in evolutionary biology, in the characterization of the transition from oviparity to viviparity in mammals and in the selectionist explanations of pregnancy as an evolutionary strategy. In contrast, recent evo-devo studies on eutherian reproduction, including the role of inflammation and new maternal (...)
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  21. Commentary. Female circumcision in Nigeria: is it not time for government intervention?Donna Dickenson - 1998 - Health Care Analysis 6 (1):27-30.
    The results of a recent survey of Nigerian women might give pause to opponents of female genital mutilation (FGM). One could well argue that if these Nigerian women themselves favour FGM, then it is ironically paternalistic to oppose it. Should Western feminists actually support FGM if it is what women in the South want? I argue in this commentary that such an argument rests on shaky statistical, psychological, medical, political and philosophical grounds. We should go on opposing female (...)
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  22.  44
    Are Female CEOs and Chairwomen More Conservative and Risk Averse? Evidence from the Banking Industry During the Financial Crisis.Ajay Palvia, Emilia Vähämaa & Sami Vähämaa - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 131 (3):577-594.
    This paper examines whether bank capital ratios and default risk are associated with the gender of the bank’s Chief Executive Officer and Chairperson of the board. Given the documented gender-based differences in conservatism and risk tolerance, we postulate that female CEOs and board Chairs should assess risks more conservatively, and thereby hold higher levels of equity capital and reduce the likelihood of bank failure during periods of market stress. Using a large panel of U.S. commercial banks, we document that (...)
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  23. Females in Aristotle’s Embryology.Jessica Gelber - 2017 - In Andrea Falcon and David Lefebvre, Aristotle’s Generation of Animals: A Critical Guide. pp. 171-187.
    How does Aristotle view the production of females? The prevailing view is that Aristotle thinks female births are teleological failures of a process aiming to produce males. However, as I argue, that is not a view Aristotle ever expresses, and it blatantly contradicts what he does explicitly say about female births: Aristotle believes that females are and come to be for the sake of something, namely, reproduction. I argue that an alternative to that prevailing view, according to which (...)
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  24. The female of the species: reply to Heartsilver.Alex Byrne - 2022 - Journal of Controversial Ideas 2 (1-22).
    Maggie Heartsilver’s “Deflating Byrne’s ‘Are women adult human females?’” subjects the arguments and conclusion of “Are women ...?” to a probing and comprehensive stress ­test. The present paper responds to Heartsilver’s objections, and also discusses the significance of the proposition that trans women are women.
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  25.  73
    Female Genital Cutting : Who Defines Whose Culture as Unethical?Naomi Onsongo - 2017 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 10 (2):105-123.
    The Abagusii are one of the many communities in Kenya that engage in female genital cutting. Locally, the practice is simply known as “circumcision.” Introduced as “female circumcision” to the West, the practice was thought to parallel male circumcision. Both are referred to as tahiri, and both are coming of age rites. However, female circumcision was thought inaccurately to reflect the difference in health outcomes. As presented to the West, FGC results in worse health outcomes for females (...)
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    Reconciling female genital circumcision with universal human rights.John-Stewart Gordon - 2017 - Developing World Bioethics 18 (3):222-232.
    One of the most challenging issues in cross-cultural bioethics concerns the long-standing socio-cultural practice of female genital circumcision, which is prevalent in many African countries and the Middle East as well as in some Asian and Western countries. It is commonly assumed that FGC, in all its versions, constitutes a gross violation of the universal human rights of health, physical integrity, and individual autonomy and hence should be abolished. This article, however, suggests a mediating approach according to which one (...)
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  27. Female imagery in Plato.Angela Hobbs - 2006 - In Frisbee Candida Cheyenne Sheffield, Plato's Symposium: the ethics of desire. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 252--71.
  28.  16
    Female Genital Mutilation/cutting in the UK: Challenging the Inconsistencies.Moira Dustin - 2010 - European Journal of Women's Studies 17 (1):7-23.
    Debates about female genital mutilation/cutting have polarized opinion between those who see it as an abuse of women’s health and human rights, to be ‘eradicated’, and those who may or may not oppose the practice, but see a double standard on the part of western campaigners who fail to challenge other unnecessary surgical interventions — such as male circumcision or cosmetic surgery — in their own communities and cultures. This article interrogates these debates about FGM/c in the context of (...)
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  29. Female genital mutilation (FGM) and male circumcision: Should there be a separate ethical discourse?Brian D. Earp - 2014 - Practical Ethics.
    It is sometimes argued that the non-therapeutic, non-consensual alteration of children‘s genitals should be discussed in two separate ethical discourses: one for girls (in which such alterations should be termed 'female genital mutilation' or FGM), and one for boys (in which such alterations should be termed 'male circumcision‘). In this article, I call into question the moral and empirical basis for such a distinction, and argue that all children - whether female, male, or indeed intersex - should be (...)
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  30.  67
    Homology, female orgasm and the forgotten argument of Donald Symons.Dean J. Lee - 2013 - Biology and Philosophy 28 (6):1021-1027.
    The ‘byproduct account’ of female orgasm, a subject of renewed debate since Lloyd (The case of the female orgasm, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 2005), is universally attributed to Symons (The evolution of human sexuality, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1979). While this is correct to the extent that he linked it to the adaptive value of male orgasm, I argue that the attribution of the theory as we understand it to Symons is based on a serious and hitherto unrecognised (...)
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  31. Female sexual arousal: Genital anatomy and orgasm in intercourse.Kim Wallen & Elisabeth A. Lloyd - 2011 - Hormones and Behavior 59:780-792.
    In men and women sexual arousal culminates in orgasm, with female orgasm solely from sexual intercourse often regarded as a unique feature of human sexuality. However, orgasm from sexual intercourse occurs more reliably in men than in women, likely reflecting the different types of physical stimulation men and women require for orgasm. In men, orgasms are under strong selective pressure as orgasms are coupled with ejaculation and thus contribute to male reproductive success. By contrast, women's orgasms in intercourse are (...)
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  32.  28
    Female bullying among adolescents in Italy: A national mixed-method research.Antonietta De Vita & Giuseppe Burgio - 2023 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 27 (65):61-77.
    The subject of bullying has received widespread academic attention, going back to pioneering studies in the 1970s. However, work in this area has tended to take a gender-neutral/male perspective that does not distinguish between male and female bullying. While retaining a dialogue with generalist literature on the subject, this article seeks to highlight the theoretical and political-social relevance of gender-specific and intersectional approaches when exploring the question of bullying between adolescent girls. Based on the study _Il bullismo femminile a (...)
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  33.  18
    Female owned household enterprises in pakistan.Humera Sultana, Ambreen Fatima & Shaista Alam - 2020 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 59 (2):1-27.
    Female entrepreneurship is steadily increasing around the world especially in developing countries where lack of job opportunities has forced people toward self-employment, Pakistan being no exception. Females in Pakistan are now actively participating in economic activities to get recognition of their abilities and to generate employment opportunities. Given the changing role of females over time, the study seeks the answer to a very important question i.e Are females in Pakistan are motivated towards self-employment then being employed if yes then (...)
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  34. Are women adult human females?Alex Byrne - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (12):3783-3803.
    Are women (simply) adult human females? Dictionaries suggest that they are. However, philosophers who have explicitly considered the question invariably answer no. This paper argues that they are wrong. The orthodox view is that the category *woman* is a social category, like the categories *widow* and *police officer*, although exactly what this social category consists in is a matter of considerable disagreement. In any event, orthodoxy has it that *woman* is definitely not a biological category, like the categories *amphibian* or (...)
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  35. Female Bodily Aesthetics, Politics, and Feminine Ideals of Beauty in China.Eva Kit Wah Man - 2000 - In Peg Zeglin Brand, Beauty Matters. Indiana University Press. pp. 169-196.
    A long and scholarly piece by Eva Kitt WahMan covers the history of Chinese conventionsgoverning female “beauty” from Confuciusthrough Maoism to the present day. Classicalmanuals provide highly specific requirements forcourtesans and concubines. The shrunken, pulpyappendages produced by foot-binding practiceswere regarded as the most sexually stimulatingfeatures of the female body. In 1949, following theinauguration of the Communist regime, womenwere expected to shun ornament and make-up, tohave short hair, wear party uniforms, and to lookas much like men as possible. The (...)
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  36.  21
    A female perspective on Christianity and modernity: Maude Petre (1863–1942) and the history of Catholic Modernism.Giulia Marotta - 2022 - Intellectual History Review 32 (4):709-735.
    In spite of a large and diverse body of research on the topic, the relationship between Christianity and modernity is still an open question and a nodal point for our understanding of Western civilization. This paper aims at providing an original contribution to this debate by bringing into play the impact of gender-related views and practices. In particular, it focuses on Catholic Modernism, and analyzes this phenomenon and its repression by the Vatican hierarchy from the understudied perspective of female (...)
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    The female reproductive axis and its modifications during the post-partum period.J.-C. Thalabard - 1992 - Journal of Biosocial Science 24 (3):289-300.
    The female reproductive axis in mammals is a highly complex dynamic system which goes through different transient or absorbent states during the course of a life-time. Little is known about the mechanisms controlling this system during fetal life and at birth, although it has been shown in numerous species, including primates, that the whole machinery is already functioning . After a delay ranging from a few days to a few weeks, according to the species, the reproductive axis becomes quiescent (...)
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  38.  93
    Female Sports Participation, Gender Identity and the British 2010 Equality Act.Cathy Devine - 2021 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 1 (1):1-23.
    The inclusion of girls and women in sport at all levels depends on single sex categories for most sports from puberty onwards, because of the biological differences between the sexes. Most sport is, by definition, competitive; involving invasion games, teams, leagues, races, competitions and sometimes rankings, from foundation to excellence. Girls and women are underrepresented, particularly in traditional sport, as recognised by the UK Sports Councils and most governing bodies of sport. This paper uses feminist philosophy: Lister on androcentric citizenship, (...)
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  39. A Female Perspective on Economic Man?Rebecca M. Blank - 1992 - In Sue Rosenberg Zalk & Janice Gordon-Kelter, Revolutions in knowledge: feminism in the social sciences. Boulder, Colo,: Westview Press. pp. 111--124.
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    Female Mobility and Postmarital Kin Access in a Patrilocal Society.Brooke A. Scelza - 2011 - Human Nature 22 (4):377-393.
    Across a wide variety of cultural settings, kin have been shown to play an important role in promoting women’s reproductive success. Patrilocal postmarital residence is a potential hindrance to maintaining these support networks, raising the question: how do women preserve and foster relationships with their natal kin when propinquity is disrupted? Using census and interview data from the Himba, a group of semi-nomadic African pastoralists, I first show that although women have reduced kin propinquity after marriage, more than half of (...)
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  41.  29
    Female Executives and Perceived Employer Attractiveness: On the Potentially Adverse Signal of Having a Female CHRO Rather Than a Female CFO.Anja Iseke & Kerstin Pull - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 156 (4):1113-1133.
    We investigate whether female executives influence perceived employer attractiveness for female job seekers. Drawing on signaling theory, we argue that female members in top management may signal organizational justice and organizational support and may therefore enhance perceived employer attractiveness. Findings from a scenario experiment with 357 participants indicate that female job seekers are more attracted to an organization with a female executive holding a non-stereotypical office [such as Chief Financial Officer ] as compared to an (...)
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  42.  57
    The evolution of female sexuality and mate selection in humans.Meredith F. Small - 1992 - Human Nature 3 (2):133-156.
    Understanding female sexuality and mate choice is central to evolutionary scenarios of human social systems. Studies of female sexuality conducted by sex researchers in the United States since 1938 indicate that human females in general are concerned with their sexual well-being and are capable of sexual response parallel to that of males. Across cultures in general and in western societies in particular, females engage in extramarital affairs regularly, regardless of punishment by males or social disapproval. Families are usually (...)
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    Female immigration in Russia: Social risks and prevention.Veronika Romanenko & Olga Borodkina - 2019 - Human Affairs 29 (2):174-187.
    There is an increasing number of female migrants among the international migrants in Russia. The purpose of this study is to identify the social risks female migrants face. Statistics and data from surveys were analyzed, interviews were held with experts providing practical assistance to women and focus groups were conducted with female migrants. The employment sector in which young female migrants face the most risks and are likely to work illegally is commercial sex services. The social (...)
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  44. (Dis)satisfaction of female and early-career researchers with the academic system in physics.Vlasta Sikimić, Kaja Damnjanović & Slobodan Perovic - forthcoming - Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering.
    Modern physics encompasses theoretical and experimental research divided in subfields with specific features. For instance, high energy physics (HEP) attracts significant funding and has distinct organizational structures, i.e., large laboratories and cross-institutional collaborations. Expensive equipment and large experiments create a specific work atmosphere and human relations. While the gender misbalance is characteristic for STEM, early-career researchers are inherently dependent on their supervisors. This raises the question of how satisfied researchers with working in physics are and how different subgroups – (...) and early-career researchers – perceive their work environment. We empirically investigated job satisfaction and satisfaction with the academic system among physicists (N=123) working in large laboratories, universities, and independent institutes. The scale for measuring the satisfaction with the academic system in physics yielded three factors: experience of research autonomy, opportunities to use one's knowledge, and appreciation of the research by the general public. The results show that physicists are less satisfied with the academic system than with their work environment. Moreover, female scientists and junior researchers experience their jobs more negatively. The results emphasize the need for improving work and research conditions for underprivileged groups in physics. Interestingly, no significant effect was found between different types of academic institutions and general job satisfaction. Finally, physicists felt that their work has not been well understood by the public. (shrink)
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    Female Characters in Ahmed Q'sım al-Ariqî's Novel Yawma Māta'sh-Shaytan.Rıfat Akbaş - 2024 - Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 28 (2):33-47.
    Yemeni writer Ahmed Qāsim al-Arīqī, in addition to his profession as a pharmacist, is a writer who has made a name for himself in the country's literary field, especially in the last fifteen years. A prolific writer, al-Arīqī is the author of poetry collections as well as stories and novels that emphasise awareness of the traditional issues of the Yemeni people. He has published "Maḳāmāt al-'Arīḳī" (2006), "Ġalṭṭetu Ḳalem" (2012), "Qurāt al-S̱-S̱elj" (2017), "Ta'riyya" (2018), "Zurbet al-Yumnā" (2018), "Da'wat al-Ḥuḳūl" (2019), (...)
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  46. Does Female Directorship on Independent Audit Committees Constrain Earnings Management?Jerry Sun, Guoping Liu & George Lan - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 99 (3):369 - 382.
    This study examines whether the gender of the directors on fully independent audit committees affects the ability of the committees in constraining earnings management and thus their effectiveness in overseeing the financial reporting process. Using a sample of 525 firm-year observations over the period 2003 to 2005, we are unable to identify an association between the proportion of female directors on audit committees and the extent of earnings management.
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    Female Pain in Prudentius’ Peristephanon.Jacqueline Clarke - 2021 - Classical Quarterly 71 (1):386-401.
    Within Prudentius’Peristephanonthere are three main episodes which focus upon the torture and/or death of women: the torture and death of Eulalia inPerist. 3, that of Encratis inPerist. 4 and the death of Agnes inPerist. 14. This article compares the variety and types of pain that these women are depicted as undergoing during their martyrdoms, analysing the extent to which gender and sexuality play a role in their responses to pain or to the threat of it. The article first examines the (...)
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    Male-female differences in effects of parental absence on glucocorticoid stress response.Mark V. Flinn, Robert J. Quinlan, Seamus A. Decker, Mark T. Turner & Barry G. England - 1996 - Human Nature 7 (2):125-162.
    This study examines the family environments and hormone profiles of 316 individuals aged 2 months-58 years residing in a rural village on the east coast of Dominica, a former British colony in the West Indies. Fieldwork was conducted over an eight-year period (1988–1995). Research methods and techniques include radioimmunoassay of cortisol and testosterone from saliva samples (N=22,340), residence histories, behavioral observations of family interactions, extensive ethnographic interview and participant observation, psychological questionnaires, and medical examinations.Analyses of data indicate complex, sex-specific effects (...)
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  49. The female orgasm and the homology concept in evolutionary biology.Silvia Basanta & Laura Nuño de la Rosa - 2023 - Journal of Morphology 340 (6).
    The definition of homology and its application to reproductive structures, external genitalia, and the physiology of sexual pleasure has a tortuous history. While nowadays there is a consensus on the developmental homology of genital and reproductive systems, there is no agreement on the physiological translation, or the evolutionary origination and roles, of these structural correspondences and their divergent histories. This paper analyzes the impact of evolutionary perspectives on the homology concept as applied to the female orgasm, and their consequences (...)
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    Environmental tracking by females.Del Thiessen - 1994 - Human Nature 5 (2):167-202.
    Human females are generally reserved in their sexuality, in keeping with their heavy investment in reproduction. Males tend to be less reserved. Relative to males, however, females demonstrate more variability in sexuality and are more likely to inhibit or express high levels of sexuality. The heightened variability may in part originate with genetic mechanisms that predispose females toward greater variability. Menarche, menstrual cycles, menopause, food reactions, responses to living conditions, reactions to cultural factors, and responses to sexual stimuli and potential (...)
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