Results for 'Ferenc Kunszabó'

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  1.  12
    Kerekes Ferenc.Ferenc Kerekes, Katalin Fehâer & Orszâagos Pedagâogiai Kèonyvtâar âes Mâuzeum - 2001 - Budapest: Országos Pedagógiai Könyvtár és Múzeum. Edited by Katalin Fehér.
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    Learning and Awareness.Ference Marton & Shirley A. Booth - 1997 - Lawrence Erlbaum.
    This book presents the psychological basis, methodology, and application of Marton's phenomenographic approach to the theory of learning.
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    Unsinn zur Unzeit: ein Dialog mit Gilles Deleuze über "Ereignis" im homiletischen und liturgischen Horizont.Ferenc Herzig - 2020 - Göttingen: Echter Verlag.
    Diese Studie führt einen Dialog mit dem französischen Philosophen Gilles Deleuze, um anhand seines Denkens die Erscheinungsweisen von Ereignis zeit- und sprachphilosophisch zu beschreiben. Ereignis, dieses Begriffswort, das sich jeder Definition naturgemäß entzieht, wird in der jüngeren Praktischen Theologie und in der Systematischen Theologie seit Karl Barth häufig gebraucht und selten bestimmt. In dieser Studie geht Ferenc Herzig dem Ereignis nach, ohne es mit einer „Was-ist“-Frage einzuzäunen. Die Konsequenzen für liturgische und homiletische Grundfragen werden daraufhin ebenso dargestellt wie der (...)
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    Improved Method for Predicting the Performance of the Physical Links in Telecommunications Access Networks.Ferenc Lilik, Szilvia Nagy & László T. Kóczy - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-14.
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  5. Aspects of the Enlightenment: Aesthetics, Politics and Religion, eds. Ferenc Hörcher and Endre Szécsényi.Endre Szécsényi & Ferenc Hörcher (eds.) - 2004 - Budapest, Hungary: Akadémiai Kiadó.
    Introductory essay / Peter Jones -- The usefulness of the arts and the humanities : the case of Descartes / Gábor Boros -- Roads of remembrance : the treatment of imagination and memory in Gerard's Essay on genius / Zsolt Komáromy -- Diderot's untimeliness / László Kisbali ; transl. Márton Dornbach -- Melody vs. harmony : Rousseau, or, The aesthetics of vowels / Mária Ludassy ; transl. Zsolt Komáromy -- Judgement and taste : from Shakespeare to Shaftesbury / Ferenc (...)
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  6. Sankhya.Ferenc Ruzsa - 2006 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  7. Hermeneutic As Europe's Mainstream Political Tradition.Ferenc Feher - 1989 - Thesis Eleven 22 (1):79-91.
  8.  10
    Metaphysicum et politicum: a magyar tradicionális iskola bibliográfiája.Ferenc Buji - 2008 - [Debrecen]: Centrum Traditionis Metaphysicae.
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    Measurement and Meaning.Ferenc Csatári - 2019 - Lexington Books.
    This book provides a critical survey of measurement theories and a clear exposition of the concerning philosophical questions. The author offers a new, constructive interpretation for measurement in both physics and the social sciences, arguing for a constructivist approach.
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  10. Poza zasadą różnorodności, czyli czemu służy krytyka spekulatywna.Mariusz Ferenc - 2009 - Principia.
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  11. Az irodalom világa: irodalomelméleti alapismeretek.Ferenc Horváth - 1975 - München: Magyar Iskolaegyesület.
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    Die Wissenschaftslehre Fichtes im Zusammenhang mit seiner Geschichts- und Religionsphilosophie.Ferenc L. Lendvai - 1997 - Fichte-Studien 11:229-240.
    Bekanntlich ging Fichte von der Philosophie Kants aus und zwar von der praktischen Philosophie Kants und ihrer Deklaration des Prinzips der menschlichen Freiheit. Fichte war nämlich der Ansicht, daß die theoretische Philosophie Kants trotz ihrer guten Tendenzen keine zureichende Basis für die Erklärung der menschlichen Freiheit biete, da Kant die richtige Tendenz nicht konsequent weiterverfolgt habe. Fichte war deshalb anfangs der Meinung - und bis zu einem gewissen Grade zu Recht - daß das, was er tat, einfach die folgerichtige Ausgestaltung (...)
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    György Lukács 1902–1918: His way to Marx.Ferenc L. Lendvai - 2008 - Studies in East European Thought 60 (1-2):55 - 73.
    At the end of his life György Lukács described his intellectual career as ‘my way to Marx’ [mein Weg zu Marx]. By this he meant that his professional life can be interpreted as an attempt to get to the real Marx. In this paper I use this expression in a narrower and more direct meaning: I attempt to present the road at the end of which the young Lukács arrived at a Marxist standpoint.
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    Alternative Possibilities and Causal Overdetermination.Ferenc Huoranszki - 2017 - Disputatio 9 (45):193-217.
    This paper argues against dismissing the Principle of Alternative Possibilities merely on the ground of so-called Frankfurt-style cases. Its main claims are that the interpretation of such cases depends on which substantive theory of responsibility one endorses and that Frankfurt-style cases all involve some form of causal overdetermination which can be interpreted either as being compatible with the potentially manipulated agent’s ability to act otherwise or as a responsibility undermining constraint. The paper also argues that the possibility of such scenarios (...)
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    Freedom of the Will: A Conditional Analysis.Ferenc Huoranszki - 2010 - New York: Routledge.
    _Freedom of the Will_ provides a novel interpretation of G. E. Moore’s famous conditional analysis of free will and discusses several questions about the meaning of free will and its significance for moral responsibility. Although Moore’ theory has a strong initial appeal, most metaphysicians believe that there are conclusive arguments against it. Huoranszki argues that the importance of conditional analysis must be reevaluated in light of some recent developments in the theory of dispositions. The original analysis can be amended so (...)
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    Kínai filozófia: válogatta, fordította a bevezetéseket és jegyzeteket írta Tőkei Ferenc.Ferenc Tőkei - 1964 - Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.
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    Physical Determinism, Zygote-Manipulation and Responsible Agency.Ferenc Huoranszki - 2021 - Philosophia 49 (4):1525-1540.
    Agents have no control over the formation of their own zygote. Others may do. According to a well-known argument, the so-called Zygote Argument for incompatibilism, these facts, together with a prima facie plausible further assumption, are sufficient to prove that human agents cannot be responsible for their actions if they live in a deterministic universe. This paper argues that the lack of agents’ control over the constitution of their own zygote can undermine their responsibility only in exceptional conditions and that (...)
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  18. Licien Goldman, the "mere recipient" of Georg Lukács.Ferenc Feher - 1979 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 6 (1):2-24.
  19.  34
    Mutational heterogeneity: A key ingredient of bet‐hedging and evolutionary divergence?Thomas Ferenci & Ram Maharjan - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (2):123-130.
    Here, we propose that the heterogeneity of mutational types in populations underpins alternative pathways of evolutionary adaptation. Point mutations, deletions, insertions, transpositions and duplications cause different biological effects and provide distinct adaptive possibilities. Experimental evidence for this notion comes from the mutational origins of adaptive radiations in large, clonal bacterial populations. Independent sympatric lineages with different phenotypes arise from distinct genetic events including gene duplication, different insertion sequence movements and several independent point mutations. The breadth of the mutational spectrum in (...)
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  20. Phenomenography: A research approach to investigating different understandings of reality.Ference Marton - 1986 - Journal of Thought 21 (3):28-49.
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  21. Art and Politics in Roger Scruton's Conservative Philosophy.Ferenc Hörcher - 2022 - Springer Verlag.
    This book covers the field of and points to the intersections between politics, art and philosophy. Its hero, the late Sir Roger Scruton had a longstanding interest in all fields, acquiring professional knowledge in both the practice and theory of politics, art and philosophy. The claim of the book is, therefore, that contrary to a superficial prejudice, it is possible to address the philosophical issues of art and politics in the same oeuvre, as the example of this Cambridge-educated analytical philosopher (...)
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  22.  10
    A társadalom aspektusai: társadalomelméleti tanulmányok Lendvai L. Ferenc köszöntésére.L. Ferenc Lendvai, Tamás Demeter & Judit Hell (eds.) - 2000 - Budapest: Áron Kiadó.
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  23. 1989 And the Deconstruction of Political Monism.Ferenc Feher - 1995 - Thesis Eleven 42 (1):87-112.
  24.  13
    Az ember útja: az egyház társadalmi tanítása.Ferenc Beran - 2012 - Budapest: Szent István Társulat. Edited by Vilmos Lenhardt.
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    A közjó az egyház társadalmi tanításában.Ferenc Beran & Péter Erdő (eds.) - 2008 - Budapest: Szent István Társulat.
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    Az emberré vált ember: tanulmányok.Ferenc Buji - 1999 - Budapest: "Igen" Katolikus Kulturális Egyesület.
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    Is the Novel Problematic? A Contribution To the Theory of the Novel.Ferenc Féher - 1973 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1973 (15):47-74.
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    Government as a British Conservative Understands It: Comments on Oakeshott’s Views on Government.Ferenc Hörcher - 2019 - In Eric S. Kos (ed.), Michael Oakeshott on Authority, Governance, and the State. Springer Verlag.
    This paper provides a short overview of how Oakeshott identifies the functions and limits of government, with reliance primarily on two texts. The first one from “Lectures on the History of Political” thought distinguishes nomocratic and teleocratic ways of governing. Oakeshott describes the two forms in a detached fashion, and indirectly hints at his preference for nomocratic rule. The second text is Oakeshott’s essay “On Being Conservative”, where Oakeshott gives a sceptical and critical description of human nature. The paper argues (...)
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  29.  9
    Aspectual language if aspect is conceived of as belonging to the overall structure of sentences.Ferenc Kiefer - 1982 - In Hungarian General Linguistics. Benjamins. pp. 4--293.
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    Essais de sémantique générale.Ferenc Kiefer - 1974 - [Tours]: Mame.
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    Hegel und Lukács über das Zeitalter des Epos.Ferenc L. Lendvai - 2007 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2007 (1).
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    Stellung und Spuren einer Sozialethik in Fichtes Philosophie.Ferenc L. Lendvai - 2003 - Fichte-Studien 24:127-133.
    Die zweite bedeutende Schaffensperiode Fichtes entfaltet sich in Berlin, der Hauptstadt Preußens, und ist ständig stärker verknüpft mit dem aufgeklärt-absolutistischen preußischen Staat. Selbstverständlich ist dies in vielerlei Hinsicht ein Anzeichen für eine markante Wende im Wirken Fichtes, bei der es sich aber keineswegs um einen unerklärlichen und irrationalen Gesinnungswandel handelt: die Berliner Epoche ist im Vergleich zur Jenaer Periode gleichermaßen gekennzeichnet durch Kontinuität und Diskontinuität. Bezüglich der theoretischen Philosophie bleibt immer die wesentliche Identifikation von Allgemeinem Ich und Gott aufrechterhalten. Doch (...)
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    Civil Society in Eastern Europe? The case of Hungary.Ferenc Miszlivetz - 1990 - World Futures 29 (1):81-94.
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    The History of Ideas: Equality, Justice and Revolution.Ferenc Laczó - forthcoming - Contemporary Political Theory:1-4.
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    Understanding the hillbilly Thomist: The philosophical foundations of Flannery O'Connor's narrative art.Damian Ference - 2023 - Elk Grove Village, Illinois: Word on Fire. Edited by Thomas Joseph White.
    In this new book, Fr. Damian Ference proposes a more precise lens for decoding Flannery O'Connor's narrative art, one that originates in O'Connor's own words about herself: Hillbilly Thomism. The author examines the various ways in which St. Thomas Aquinas and the philosophical tradition of Thomism shaped not only O'Connor's view of reality but also the stories she told to help us see and know it."--from inside front flap.
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    Practical Reason in the Revolution: Kant's Dialogue with the French Revolution.Ferenc Feher - 1989 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 56.
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    The Pyrrhic Victory of Art in its War of Liberation: Remarks on the Postmodern Intermezzo.Ferenc Feher - 1986 - Theory, Culture and Society 3 (2):37-46.
  38.  13
    Beyond Sinophilia and Sinophobia: Tocqueville and Mill in the Continuum of the European Reception of China.Ferenc Takó - 2024 - Philosophy East and West 74 (2):257-280.
    Various approaches have been taken recently to a reinterpretation of the European reception of China and the sinophilia-sinophobia dichotomy (Hung 2003, Millar 2010, Jacobsen 2013). In the present article, a nineteenth-century approach to China is examined using Alexis de Tocqueville (1805–1859) and John Stuart Mill (1806–1873) as examples. It will be argued that this approach differs from earlier attitudes. First, the central currents will be surveyed in the European reception of China between the Jesuit missionaries and early nineteenth-century philosophies of (...)
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    The Dictatorship Over Needs.Ferenc Feher - 1978 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1978 (35):31-42.
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  40. Equality Reconsidered.Ferenc Feher & Agnes Heller - 1981 - Thesis Eleven 3 (1):23-40.
  41.  15
    13. On the Pragmatics of Answers.Ferenc Kiefer - 1988 - In Michel Meyer (ed.), Questions and questioning. New York: W. de Gruyter. pp. 255.
  42. Freedom and the 'social question' (hannah Arendt's theory of the French revolution).Ferenc Feher - 1987 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 12 (1):1-30.
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    Fate, freedom and contingency.Ferenc Huoranszki - 2002 - Acta Analytica 17 (1):79-102.
    Argument for fatalism attempts to prove that free choice is a logical or conceptual impossibility. The paper argues that the first two premises of the argument are sound: propositions are either true or false and they have their truth-value eternally. But the claim that from the fatalistic premises with the introduction of some innocent further premise dire consequences follow as regards to the possibility of free choice is false. The introduced premise, which establishes the connection between the first two premises (...)
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    A vallási tapasztalat megértése: jog, bölcselet, teológia.Ferenc Bányai, Szabolcs Nagypál & Gergely Bakos (eds.) - 2010 - Pannonhalma: Békés Gellért Ökumenikus Intézet.
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    Marie T. Hoffman: Toward mutual recognition: relational psychoanalysis and Christian narrative: Routledge, London, New York, 2011, xix + 256 pp.Ferenc Erős - 2012 - Studies in East European Thought 64 (1-2):149-152.
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    (1 other version)Between relativism and functionalism : Hermeneutics as europe's mainstream political and moral tradition.Ferenc Feher - 1991 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 17 (2):121-148.
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    From Red to Green.Ferenc Feher & Agnes Heller - 1984 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1984 (59):35-44.
    The most important systematic analysis of social movements to date has been Touraine's The Voice and the Eye. Here, one can almost paraphrase Marx's famous dictum: for the French sociologist, the history of all societies is a history of movements. In identifying movements with social classes, Touraine negotiates a radical turn from system theories to a strong version of action theory and breaks with the Procrustean framework of an Althusserian-Poulantzasian structuralism in which everything is accounted for once the economically based (...)
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  48. The status of postmodernity.Ferenc Feher - 1987 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 13 (2):195-206.
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    The Transformation of the Kantian Question in Lukács’ Heidelberg Philosophy of Art.Ferenc Fehèr - 1993 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 16 (2):331-344.
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    Karl Marx and Some Problems in the Theory of the State.Ferenc Gergenyi - 1976 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 15 (3):6-22.
    Marxist philosophers have always given great attention to theoretical questions concerning the historical role and significance of the state and to the processes by which the types and political forms of states have changed. As we know, historical materialism demands both concrete analysis of the political organization of the society of a given socioeconomic system and the discovery of certain general patterns that manifest themselves in the course of world history. Marx's thesis that reality can truly be understood only on (...)
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