Results for 'Fernand deligny'

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  1.  9
    The Arachnean and Other Texts.Fernand Deligny - 2013 - Univocal Publishing.
    The Arachnean and Other Texts by Fernand Deligny is a collection of writings from the second half of the 1970s. Long before the digital age of social networks, meshworks, and digital webs, Fernand Deligny speaks to us in his own autobiographical and aphoristic manner, always experiencing life in the form of “the network as a mode of being.”.
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    Fernand Deligny e os diferentes registros perceptivos do humano.Carlos Henrique Machado - 2024 - Controvérsia 20 (2):5-19.
    Em Empirismo e subjetividade (1953) Gilles Deleuze irá afirmar que o principal problema do pensamento de Hume é determinar de que modo o espírito devém sujeito. Tomamos essa distinção geral no pensamento humeano para, a partir daí, efetuarmos distinções específicas que colocam em lados distintos animais humanos em sua vida na linguagem e na cultura e certos animais humanos cujos modos de vidas não se conformam aos gabaritos de um padrão majoritário e hegemônico que se tornou, por norma, o traço (...)
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    Unconjugating Community with Fernand Deligny and Jean-Luc Nancy.Madeleine Chalmers - 2024 - Paragraph 47 (2):125-141.
    This article takes as its point of departure unexpected similarities in the ways that the experimental educator, writer and filmmaker Fernand Deligny and Jean-Luc Nancy conceptualize community. Deligny is remembered for his alternative community for non-speaking children with autism, established in the Cévennes in 1967 and founded on the absence of language and relationality as it is commonly understood. This article probes the paradox that in this community we find a rapprochement with Nancy's relational ontology. Drawing on (...)
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    Contempor'neo Fernand Deligny: cartografar entre a educação e o poder psiquiátrico.Edson Augusto de Souza Neto, Perolina Souza Teles & Fabio Zoboli - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 38:1-32.
    Resumo: O ensaio parte da consideração de que a obra de Fernand Deligny (1913-1996) é uma intersecção entre diversas áreas do saber, como a filosofia, a educação, a psicologia, a antropologia e a etologia. Assim, busca formular um Deligny Contemporâneo, uma figura que se constitui a partir do debate público estabelecido em torno das pessoas diagnosticadas com o autismo na contemporaneidade. A partir de uma revisão bibliográfica narrativa, o texto propõe dois caminhos gerais de compreensão sobre a (...)
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    Fernand Deligny et les idéologies de l'enfance.Pierre-François Moreau - 1978 - Paris: Retz.
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    Fernand Deligny, imager le commun.Anne Querrien - 2006 - Multitudes 1 (1):167-174.
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    Les traces d'erre Fernand Deligny.Alain Milon - 2015 - Symposium 19 (2):111-122.
    Les écrits de Fernand Deligny ont circulé entre plusieurs mains bien avant d’être publiés. Félix Guattari et Jean Oury l’ont accueilli à la clinique de La Borde de 1965 à 1967. En juillet 1967, Deligny quitte la clinique de La Borde pour s’installer dans la propriété de famille des Guattari à Gourdas dans les Cévennes. C’est ainsi que la tentative et non l’institution des Cévennes dirigée par Deligny commence. Il s’agit d’une tentative parce que Deligny (...)
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    Dopo il disastro del linguaggio. Le Lignes d’erre di Fernand Deligny.Amara Lucia - 2016 - la Deleuziana 3:185-208.
    This paper aims to explore the cartographical method as a political option able to destroy the linguistic and semiotic empire of sense. Starting from the difference between map and tracing, Deleuze and Guattari understood the power of a rhizomatic expression, commonly represented by the obsessive and compulsive gesture of autistics, or their impossibility of speaking correctly. This phenomenon has been deeply analysed by Fernand Deligny through his experience in the Cévennes, where he inaugurated his personal anti-psychoanalytic and anti-linguistic (...)
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    Putting the pandemic on the table: what does this crisis reveal about the essence of education?Glenn M. Hudak - 2023 - Ethics and Education 18 (1):86-100.
    The period March 2020–March 2021 marks the time reference for this theoretical study as it denotes the initial surge of the Pandemic, where whole societies were destabilized by the ferocity of Covid-19. Within this context, I posit COVID-19 as a transforming event: one that exhausts worlds. Drawing from Jan Masschelein’s works on Arendt and the architecture of public education, the question at hand is how does Covid-19, as a transforming event, affect and change the very essence of education? I begin (...)
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    In early childhood: What's language about?Liane Mozère - 2007 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 39 (3):291–299.
    This paper argues that in daycare centres in France, where children are cared for from four months to age three, the competence of female staff members is usually denied and unvalued vis à vis the expert opinions. The paper highlights empirical research on early childhood and gender, providing pragmatic access to children's languages of desire, a language mostly ignored. Incorporating the ideas of Foucault, Deleuze and Guattari, the paper draws upon the conceptualization of Fernand Deligny who took care (...)
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    Contra os limites da linguagem, a ética da imagem.Peter Pál Pelbart - 2020 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 65 (2):e37090.
    Como nos autistas com quem trabalhou por muitos anos, para Fernand Deligny a imagem se contrapõe à linguagem pois recusa aquilo que esta carrega: sentido, mensagem, finalidade, palavras de ordem. Na sua teorização sobre o estatuto da imagem, Deligny dá a essa recusa uma dimensão ética e política.
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    The Arachnean and Other Texts.Drew S. Burk (ed.) - 2013 - Univocal Publishing.
    _The Arachnean and Other Texts _by Fernand Deligny is a collection of writings from the second half of the 1970s. In 1968 Deligny established a “network” for informally taking care of children with autism that was more than a mere site of living: it was a _milieu_ created out of a reflection on the _mode of being_ autistic. What is a space perceived outside of language? What is the form of a movement without perspective or goal? How (...)
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    Bebês, Materialidade e Objetos Técnicos Na Primeira Inf'ncia No Brasil e Na França.Gabriela Guarnieri de Campos Tebet, Sabrina de Oliveira Caetano, Lidiane Cristina Loiola Souza, Maria Antonieta Impedovo & Julia Costa - 2022 - Childhood and Philosophy 18:01-33.
    The main objective of this work is to discuss the materiality of relationships and experiences of infants in early childhood education, based on a dialogue with the Brazilian curriculum guidelines for Early Childhood Education in 3 municipalities in the state of São Paulo, and with the concepts of technical objects and individuation developed by Simondon. This is a qualitative research that uses bibliographic and documentary research as a methodology and the production of cartographies of scenes in which relationships between babies (...)
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    La Notion du Divin, depuis Homere jusqu'a Platon.Francis R. Walton, H. J. Rose, Pierre Chantraine, Bruno Snell, Olof Gigon, H. D. F. Kitto, Fernand Chapouthier & W. J. Verdenius - 1957 - American Journal of Philology 78 (1):101.
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    Modeling the Development of Children's Use of Optional Infinitives in Dutch and English Using MOSAIC.Daniel Freudenthal, Julian M. Pine & Fernand Gobet - 2006 - Cognitive Science 30 (2):277-310.
    In this study we use a computational model of language learning called model of syntax acquisition in children (MOSAIC) to investigate the extent to which the optional infinitive (OI) phenomenon in Dutch and English can be explained in terms of a resource-limited distributional analysis of Dutch and English child-directed speech. The results show that the same version of MOSAIC is able to simulate changes in the pattern of finiteness marking in 2 children learning Dutch and 2 children learning English as (...)
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    Developing reproducible and comprehensible computational models.Peter C. R. Lane & Fernand Gobet - 2003 - Artificial Intelligence 144 (1-2):251-263.
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  17. Commentaire sur le traité Du ciel d'Aristote. Volume I. Édition. Simplicius, Guillaume de Moerbeke, Fernand Bossier, Christine Vande Veire & Guy Guldentops - 2005 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 67 (2):354-356.
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  18. Proceedings of the workshop on information and communication technology for teaching and training.Erik D'Hollander, Etienne Kerre, Marc Vanwormhoudt, Dirk Vervenne & Fernand Vandamme - 1999 - Communication and Cognition: Monographies 32.
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    Modeling the Developmental Patterning of Finiteness Marking in English, Dutch, German, and Spanish Using MOSAIC.Daniel Freudenthal, Julian M. Pine, Javier Aguado-Orea & Fernand Gobet - 2007 - Cognitive Science 31 (2):311-341.
    In this study, we apply MOSAIC (model of syntax acquisition in children) to the simulation of the developmental patterning of children's optional infinitive (OI) errors in 4 languages: English, Dutch, German, and Spanish. MOSAIC, which has already simulated this phenomenon in Dutch and English, now implements a learning mechanism that better reflects the theoretical assumptions underlying it, as well as a chunking mechanism that results in frequent phrases being treated as 1 unit. Using 1, identical model that learns from child‐directed (...)
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    What forms the chunks in a subject's performance? Lessons from the CHREST computational model of learning.Peter C. R. Lane, Fernand Gobet & Peter C.-H. Cheng - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (1):128-129.
    Computational models of learning provide an alternative technique for identifying the number and type of chunks used by a subject in a specific task. Results from applying CHREST to chess expertise support the theoretical framework of Cowan and a limit in visual short-term memory capacity of 3–4 looms. An application to learning from diagrams illustrates different identifiable forms of chunk.
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    Specialization Effect and Its Influence on Memory and Problem Solving in Expert Chess Players.Merim Bilalić, Peter McLeod & Fernand Gobet - 2009 - Cognitive Science 33 (6):1117-1143.
    Expert chess players, specialized in different openings, recalled positions and solved problems within and outside their area of specialization. While their general expertise was at a similar level, players performed better with stimuli from their area of specialization. The effect of specialization on both recall and problem solving was strong enough to override general expertise—players remembering positions and solving problems from their area of specialization performed at around the level of players 1 standard deviation (SD) above them in general skill. (...)
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  22.  16
    Some remarks on causality, conditionality, artist and scientist.Nicolas Van Vosselen, Dirk Vervenne & Fernand Vandamme - 2003 - Communication and Cognition: Monographies 36 (3-4):225-234.
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  23. Euphoria versus dysphoria: differential cognitive roles in religion?Yvan I. Russell, Robin I. M. Dunbar & Fernand Gobet - 2011 - In Slim Masmoudi, Abdelmajid Naceur & David Y. Dai (eds.), Attention, Representation & Performance. Psychology Press. pp. 147-165.
    The original book chapter does not have an abstract. However, I have written an abstract for this repository: Religious life encompasses a wide diversity of situations for which the emotional tone is on a continuum from extreme euphoria to extreme dysphoria. In this book chapter, we propose the novel hypothesis that euphoria and dysphoria have distinctly separate functional consequences for religious evolution and survivability. This is due to the differential cognitive states that are created in euphoric and dysphoric situations. Based (...)
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  24.  35
    Simulating the cross-linguistic pattern of Optional Infinitive errors in children’s declaratives and Wh- questions.Daniel Freudenthal, Julian M. Pine, Gary Jones & Fernand Gobet - 2015 - Cognition 143 (C):61-76.
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  25. Towards an evaluation matrix for scenarios.Nicolas Van Vosselen, Alan Vandamme, Ma Li & Fernand Vandamme - 2001 - Communication and Cognition. Monographies 34 (3-4):219-230.
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  26. Brill Online Books and Journals.Eric de Bellaigue, Grzegorz Boguta, Steve Horvath, Gordon Graham, Fernand Baudin, Robin Denniston, Maurice B. Line, Henry Chakava, Judy Webster & Katina Strauch - 1997 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 8 (3).
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  27. Time travel and counterfactual asymmetry.Alison Fernandes - 2021 - Synthese 198 (3):1983-2001.
    We standardly evaluate counterfactuals and abilities in temporally asymmetric terms—by keeping the past fixed and holding the future open. Only future events depend counterfactually on what happens now. Past events do not. Conversely, past events are relevant to what abilities one has now in a way that future events are not. Lewis, Sider and others continue to evaluate counterfactuals and abilities in temporally asymmetric terms, even in cases of backwards time travel. I’ll argue that we need more temporally neutral methods. (...)
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    Virtual Augmented Reality (VAR): insides for web based management education.Nicolas Van Vosselen, M. Mathew & Fernand Vandamme - forthcoming - Communication and Cognition: Monographies.
  29. Connaissance de l'être. Traité d'Ontologie.Joseph de Finance & Fernand Van Steenberghen - 1971 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 27 (3):325-326.
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  30. Electronic chart systems software (ecs) an introduction.Yousong Han, Lin Wang, Peter Kaczmarski & Fernand Vandamme - 2009 - Communication and Cognition. Monographies 42 (3-4):155-228.
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    Simple environments fail as illustrations of intelligence: A review of R. Pfeifer and C. Scheier, Understanding Intelligence☆☆MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1999. 700 pages. Price US$ 63.00 (cloth). ISBN 0-262-16181-8. [REVIEW]Peter C. R. Lane & Fernand Gobet - 2001 - Artificial Intelligence 127 (2):261-267.
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    Five Seconds or Sixty? Presentation Time in Expert Memory.Fernand Gobet & Herbert A. Simon - 2000 - Cognitive Science 24 (4):651-682.
    For many years, the game of chess has provided an invaluable task environment for research on cognition, in particular on the differences between novices and experts and the learning that removes these differences, and upon the structure of human memory and its paramaters. The template theory presented by Gobet and Simon based on the EPAM theory offers precise predictions on cognitive processes during the presentation and recall of chess positions. This article describes the behavior of CHREST, a computer implementation of (...)
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    HERRERO, MONTSERRAT, La política revolucionaria de John Locke, Tecnos, Madrid, 239 pp.António Horta Fernandes - 2018 - Anuario Filosófico 51 (1):186-190.
  34. Revelation: Universal or Christian?Fernand Menegoz - 1939 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 20 (2):160.
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    The role of the written script in shaping mirror-image discrimination: Evidence from illiterate, Tamil literate, and Tamil-Latin-alphabet bi-literate adults.Tânia Fernandes, Mrudula Arunkumar & Falk Huettig - 2021 - Cognition 206 (C):104493.
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    The Poetic Structure of the World: Copernicus and Kepler.Fernand Hallyn - 1990 - Zone Books.
    The Poetic Structure of the World is a major reconsideration of a crucial turningpoint in Western thought and culture: the heliocentric revolution of Copernicus and Kepler. FernandHallyn treats the work of these two figures not simply in terms of the history of science orastronomy, but as events embedded in a wider field of images, symbols, texts, and practices. Thesenew representations of the universe, he insists, cannot be explained by recourse to explanations of"genius" or "intuition."Instead, Hallyn investigates the problem of how (...)
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    Exu: sagrado e profano.Alexandre De Oliveira Fernandes - 2017 - Odeere 2 (3).
    Nosso estudo retoma contribuições de Georges Bataille, Pierre Verger, Edgar Morin, Ronilda Iyakemi Ribeiro, Stefania Capone, Monique Augras com vistas a discutir Exu, deus nagô e dos terreiros de umbanda, ambíguo e paradoxal, macho e fêmea, sagrado e profano. Responsável pela ordem do universo tem caráter virulento, atrevido e sem vergonha. Vindo ao mundo com um porrete mágico, metonímia de seu falo ereto, choca o decoro, a moral e a cristandade. Constrange os proscritos e as normas, embaralha as dicotomias bem (...)
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  38. Freedom, self-prediction, and the possibility of time travel.Alison Fernandes - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (1):89-108.
    Do time travellers retain their normal freedom and abilities when they travel back in time? Lewis, Horwich and Sider argue that they do. Time-travelling Tim can kill his young grandfather, his younger self, or whomever else he pleases—and so, it seems can reasonably deliberate about whether to do these things. He might not succeed. But he is still just as free as a non-time traveller. I’ll disagree. The freedom of time travellers is limited by a rational constraint. Tim can’t reasonably (...)
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  39.  47
    Histoire et sciences sociales – La longue durée.Fernand Braudel - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce texte a paru initialement dans ANNALES ESC. Vol. 13, n° 4, oct.-déc. 1958, p. 725-753, puis a été réédité dans Écrits sur l'histoire, Paris, Flammarion, 1969. p. 44-83. Il est également disponible, mais dans une version assez fautive, ici. Il y a crise générale des sciences de l'homme : elles sont toutes accablées sous leurs propres progrès, ne serait-ce qu'en raison de l'accumulation des connaissances nouvelles et de la nécessité d'un travail collectif, dont l'organisation intelligente reste à mettre (...) (...)
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    A pattern-recognition theory of search in expert problem solving.Fernand Gobet - 1997 - Thinking and Reasoning 3 (4):291 – 313.
    Understanding how look-ahead search and pattern recognition interact is one of the important research questions in the study of expert problem solving. This paper examines the implications of the template theory Gobet & Simon, 1996a , a recent theory of expert memory, on the theory of problem solving in chess. Templates are chunks Chase & Simon, 1973 that have evolved into more complex data structures and that possess slots allowing values to be encoded rapidly. Templates may facilitate search in three (...)
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  41. A Deliberative Approach to Causation.Fernandes Alison Sutton - 2017 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 95 (3):686-708.
    Fundamental physics makes no clear use of causal notions; it uses laws that operate in relevant respects in both temporal directions and that relate whole systems across times. But by relating causation to evidence, we can explain how causation fits in to a physical picture of the world and explain its temporal asymmetry. This paper takes up a deliberative approach to causation, according to which causal relations correspond to the evidential relations we need when we decide on one thing in (...)
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  42. (2 other versions)Déontologie des affaires.Fernand Baudhuin - 1944 - Louvain,: Société d'études morales, sociales et juridiques.
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    Apresentação.Geni Chaves Fernandes - 2015 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 1 (2):i-iv.
    À crescente valorização do estatuto da informação, pelo menos desde o final do século XIX, articularam-se diferentes momentos de seu exame, uso e entendimentos. Pode-se dizer que a trajetória das interrogações e respostas sobre a informação co-responderam, no sentido de que responderam juntamente e em cada tempo, aos modos de sociabilidade, de produção e distribuição de bens e conhecimentos, às inovações tecnológicas e ao pensamento filosófico. A afirmação de Nietzsche (1994, p. 100, tradução livre nossa) de que "[...] só se (...)
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  44. Entrevista com o Prof. Dr. Thomas Kesselring.Alexandre Cortez Fernandes & Geraldo Antônio Rosa - 2018 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 23 (Especial):224-234.
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    Ética Originária, Hermenêutica e (Bio)Tecnologia: Notas sobre a possibilidade de uma Ética para a sociedade (Bio)Tecnológica em Hans-Georg Gadamer.Maurício Fernandes - 2016 - Pensando - Revista de Filosofia 7 (13):110.
    Vivemos uma época expressivamente marcada pelo avanço sem precedentes de intervenções tecnocientíficas como resultado de um desenvolvimento histórico de visões naturalistas auto-objetivadoras do homem nos moldes físico-matemáticos das Ciências Naturais. Hans Georg Gadamer nos apresenta em vários momentos da arquitetônica de seu pensamento uma compreensão da experiência hermenêutica como uma proposta ao cientificismo objetificador, fundando-a no mundo-da-vida e reconhecendo-a na prática cotidiana das relações intersubjetivas ultrapassando o campo metodológico da ciência moderna. Analisaremos nas páginas que se seguem a posição de (...)
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    Quelle «médecine chinoise» pour les praticiens occidentaux actuels?Fernand Meyer - 1987 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 40 (2):217-222.
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    Georg Kerschensteiner als Hochschullehrer und Bildungstheoretiker.Fernande Walder - 1992 - Bad Heilbrunn/Obb.: J. Klinkhardt.
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    How to explain the direction of time.Alison Fernandes - 2022 - Synthese 200 (5):1-30.
    Reichenbach explains temporally asymmetric phenomena by appeal to entropy and ‘branch structure’. He explains why the entropic gradients of isolated subsystems are oriented towards the future and not the past, and why we have records of the past and not the future, by appeal to the fact that the universe is currently on a long entropic upgrade with subsystems that branch off and become quasi-isolated. Reichenbach’s approach has been criticised for relying too closely on entropy. The more popular approach nowadays (...)
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    Les ambitions de l'histoire.Fernand Braudel - 1997
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  50. H. CHAVANNES: "L'analogie entre Dieu et le monde selon saint Thomas d'Aquin et selon Karl Barth".Fernand Brunner - 1972 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 22:246.
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