Results for 'Flourishment'

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  1. Scientific life.Ch Rosenberger & How Evil Flourishes - 1992 - Filozofia 47 (7-12):445.
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    The Significance of Emotions, BENNETT W. HELM.Human Flourishings - 1994 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 72 (3).
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  3. Christopher Hamilton.A. Flourishing Life - 1998 - Cogito 12 (1):71-76.
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    A Framework to Integrate Ethical, Legal, and Societal Aspects (ELSA) in the Development and Deployment of Human Performance Enhancement (HPE) Technologies and Applications in Military Contexts.Human Behaviour Marc Steen Koen Hogenelst Heleen Huijgen A. Tno, The Hague Collaboration, Human Performance The Netherlandsb Tno, The Netherlandsc Tno Soesterberg, Aerospace Warfare Surface, The NetherlAndsmarc Steen Works As A. Senior Research ScientIst At Tno The Hague, Value-Sensitive Design Human-Centred Design, Virtue Ethics HIs Mission is To Promote The Design Applied Ethics Of Technology, Flourish Koen Hogenelst Works As A. Senior Research Scientist at Tno ApplicAtion Of Technologies In Ways That Help To Create A. Just Society In Which People Can Live Well Together, His Research COncentrates on Measuring A. Background In Neuroscience, Cognitive Performance Improving Mental Health, Military Domains HIs Goal is To Align Experimental Research In Both The Civil, Field-Based Research Applied, Practical Use To Pave The Way For Implementation, Consultant At Tno Impact Heleen Huijgen Is A. Legal Scientist & StrAtegic Environment Her MIssion is To Create Legal Safeguards Fo Technologies - 2025 - Journal of Military Ethics 23 (3):219-244.
    In order to maximize human performance, defence forces continue to explore, develop, and apply human performance enhancement (HPE) methods, ranging from pharmaceuticals to (bio)technological enhancement. This raises ethical, legal, and societal concerns and requires organizing a careful reflection and deliberation process, with relevant stakeholders. We discuss a range of ethical, legal, and societal aspects (ELSA), which people involved in the development and deployment of HPE can use for such reflection and deliberation. A realistic military scenario with proposed HPE application can (...)
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    Flourishing with Shared Vitality: Education based on Aesthetic Experience, with Performance for Meaning.Christine Doddington - 2021 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 40 (3):261-274.
    In this paper, I set an aspect of what it is to live a flourishing life against the backdrop of neo liberal trends that continue to influence educational policy across the globe. The view I set out is in sharp contrast to any narrow assumption that education’s main task is the measurement of high performing individuals who will thus contribute to an economically viable society. Instead, I explore and argue for a conception of what constitutes a flourishing life that is (...)
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  6. Intellectual Flourishing as the Fundamental Epistemic Norm.Berit Brogaard - 2013 - In Clayton Littlejohn & John Turri, Epistemic Norms: New Essays on Action, Belief, and Assertion. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 11-31.
    According to the extended knowledge account of assertion, we should only assert and act on what we know. Call this the ‘Knowledge Norm’. Because moral and prudential rules prohibit morally and prudentially unacceptable actions and assertions, they can, familiarly, override the Knowledge Norm. This, however, raises the question of whether other epistemic norms, too, can override the Knowledge Norm. The present chapter offers an affirmative answer to this question and then argues that the Knowledge Norm is derived from a more (...)
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    Human Flourishing, Human Nature, and Practices: MacIntyre’s Ethics Still Requires a More Thomistic Metaphysics.Giulia Codognato - 2024 - Filozofia 79 (3):319-333.
    My aim in this paper is to investigate what enables human flourishing from a Thomistic perspective by considering Aquinas’ natural inclinations. I will argue that human beings flourish in different ways, depending on their practices. However, not every practice contributes to human flourishing, but only those that are consistent with human nature, which agents grasp through their natural inclinations. To support this argument, I will critically analyze MacIntyre’s account, referring mainly to his latest work (2016). MacIntyre has the merit of (...)
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    Human flourishing: a conceptual analysis.Eri Mountbatten-O.’Malley - 2024 - London: Bloomsbury Academic.
    In this first systematic reconstruction of the concept of human flourishing, Eri Mountbatten-O'Malley addresses the central problems with the treatment of the concept in psychology, education, policy and science. He develops a sophisticated methodology of conceptual analysis and makes the case for paying closer attention to complex human contexts, purposes and uses. Re-humanizing current research on the concept that is technicalized and detached from ordinary uses, this volume takes the 'human' in conceptions of human flourishing seriously.
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    Flourishing, Sports, and Doping: A Confucian Virtue‐Ethical Meditation.Christopher Panza - 2016 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 43 (1-2):32-50.
    In most sports ethics, doping is addressed from a deontological or consequentialist perspective. It is suggested here that a virtue-ethical analysis informed by Confucianism can capture intuitions about the need to cultivate flourishing in sports. Specifically, it is argued that the Confucian virtues of zhong 忠 and shu 恕, necessary for Confucian ren 仁, can help us to articulate an account of flourishing in sports. As each Confucian virtue is articulated and then applied to sports, consideration is given to how (...)
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    Music and Human Flourishing.Anna Harwell Celenza (ed.) - 2023 - New York, US: OUP Usa.
    It has long been accepted that participating in music, either as a performer, listener, and/or composer can contribute to human flourishing. This volume explores a fourth musical activity, the act of music scholarship, and reveals how engagement with the cultural, social, and political practices surrounding music contributes to human flourishing in a way that listening, performing, and even composing alone cannot. Music and Human Flourishing contains chapters by eleven prominent scholars representing the fields of musicology, ethnomusicology, and music theory. The (...)
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    Flourishing as the aim of education: a neo-Aristotelian view.Kristján Kristjánsson - 2020 - New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
    This book develops a conception of student flourishing as the overarching aim of education. Taking as its basis the Aristotelian concept of eudaimonia, it provides a theoretical study of the foundations of flourishing that goes well beyond Aristotle's approach. Flourishing as the Aim of Education argues that the 'good life' of the student, to which education should contribute, must involve engagement with self-transcendent ideals and ignite awe-filled enchantment. It allows for social, individual and educational variance within the concept of flourishing, (...)
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  12. Flourishing and Finitude.Antti Kauppinen - 2014 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy (2):1-6.
    It would be terrible for us if humanity ceased to exist after we all die. But of course, eventually humanity will go out of existence. Does this result in a vicious regress if our flourishing hangs on what happens after us? Mark Johnston thinks so. In this note, I explain how Johnston's objection can be avoided. Briefly, our activities have a meaning horizon that extends for some generations after us. What matters is that we make a positive difference to the (...)
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  13. Human Flourishing Versus Desire Satisfaction.Richard J. Arneson - 1999 - Social Philosophy and Policy 16 (1):113-142.
    What is the good for human persons? If I am trying to lead the best possible life I could lead, not the morally best life, but the life that is best for me, what exactly am I seeking?This phrasing of the question I will be pursuing may sound tendentious, so some explanation is needed. What is good for one person, we ordinarily suppose, can conflict with what is good for other persons and with what is required by morality. A prudent (...)
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  14. Flourishing on facebook: virtue friendship & new social media.Shannon Vallor - 2012 - Ethics and Information Technology 14 (3):185-199.
    The widespread and growing use of new social media, especially social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, invites sustained ethical reflection on emerging forms of online friendship. Social scientists and psychologists are gathering a wealth of empirical data on these trends, yet philosophical analysis of their ethical implications remains comparatively impoverished. In particular, there have been few attempts to explore how traditional ethical theories might be brought to bear upon these developments, or what insights they might offer, if any. (...)
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  15. Flourishing: Why We Need Religion in a Globalized World.[author unknown] - 2016
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    The flourishing child.Lynne Wolbert, Doret de Ruyter & Anders Schinkel - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 55 (4-5):698-709.
    This paper aims to offer conceptual clarification on the use of the concept of human flourishing with regard to children. We will argue that the concept can meaningfully be applied to parts of human lives, specifically one's childhood, and discuss when we can meaningfully speak of a flourishing child. Viewing children's lives in terms of whether they are flourishing may be able to help us understand and articulate in which ways a child's life may go better or worse. This is (...)
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    Recent Work on Flourishing as the Aim of Education: A Critical Review.Kristján Kristjánsson - 2017 - British Journal of Educational Studies 65 (1):87-107.
    Flourishing, understood along semi-Aristotelian lines, has re-emerged recently as an account of the ideal aim of education, for instance, in works by educational philosophers Brighouse, White and de Ruyter. This article aims at critically reviewing this new paradigm by subjecting it to philosophical and educational scrutiny. Throughout I compare and contrast this paradigm with Aristotelian flourishing and explore the specific role of teachers as facilitators of students’ flourishing and sense of meaning.
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  18. Flourishing ethics.Terrell Ward Bynum - 2006 - Ethics and Information Technology 8 (4):157-173.
    This essay describes a new ethical theory that has begun to coalesce from the works of several scholars in the international computer ethics community. I call the new theory ‚Flourishing Ethics’ because of its Aristotelian roots, though it also includes ideas suggestive of Taoism and Buddhism. In spite of its roots in ancient ethical theories, Flourishing Ethics is informed and grounded by recent scientific insights into the nature of living things, human nature and the fundamental nature of the universe – (...)
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    Flourishing, meaning in life, moral education, positive education, positive psychology, well-being.Lee in tae - 2019 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (124):215-239.
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  20. Flourishing Dogs: The Case for an Individualized Conception of Welfare and Its Implications.Sofia Jeppsson - 2016 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 29 (3):425-438.
    Martha Nussbaum argues that animals are entitled to a flourishing life according to the norm for their species. Nussbaum furthermore suggests that in the case of dogs, breed norms as well as species norms are relevant. Her theses capture both common intuitions among laypeople according to which there is something wrong with the breeding of “unnatural” animals, or animals that are too different from their wild ancestors, and the dog enthusiast’s belief that dogs departing from the norms for their breed (...)
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    Existential Flourishing: A Phenomenology of the Virtues.Irene McMullin - 2018 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    By putting existential phenomenology into conversation with virtue ethics, this book offers a new interpretation of human flourishing. It rejects characterizations of flourishing as either a private subjective state or an objective worldly status, arguing that flourishing is rather a successfully negotiated self-world fit – a condition involving both the essential dependence of the self upon the world and others, and the lived normative responsiveness of the agent striving to be in the world well. A central argument of the book (...)
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    Flourishing Ethics and identifying ethical values to instill into artificially intelligent agents.Nesibe Kantar & Terrell Ward Bynum - 2022 - Metaphilosophy 53 (5):599-604.
    The present paper uses a Flourishing Ethics analysis to address the question of which ethical values and principles should be “instilled” into artificially intelligent agents. This is an urgent question that is still being asked seven decades after philosopher/scientist Norbert Wiener first asked it. An answer is developed by assuming that human flourishing is the central ethical value, which other ethical values, and related principles, can be used to defend and advance. The upshot is that Flourishing Ethics can provide a (...)
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    Human Flourishing and Technology Affordances.Avigail Ferdman - 2023 - Philosophy and Technology 37 (1):1-28.
    Amid the growing interest in the relationship between technology and human flourishing, philosophical perfectionism can serve as a fruitful lens through which to normatively evaluate technology. This paper offers an analytic framework that explains the relationship between technology and flourishing by way of innate human capacities. According to perfectionism, our human flourishing is determined by how well we exercise our human capacities to know, create, be sociable, use our bodies and exercise the will, by engaging in activities that ultimately produce (...)
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    Flourishing and Freedom: Exploring Their Tensions and Their Relevance to Chronic Disease.João Calinas Correia - 2016 - Health Care Analysis 24 (2):148-160.
    In this paper I will briefly discuss flourishing and freedom, relating them to health and disease; discuss the tensions between flourishing and freedom; and exemplify how those discussions are relevant to chronic disease suffering. The concept of freedom has significant connections with the concepts of health, disability and disease. Understanding disease and disability in terms of the loss of aspects of freedom may help our understanding of the suffering that arises from chronic disease. On the other hand, flourishing may require (...)
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  25. Is "Flourishing" a True Alternative Ethics?David Norton - 1985 - Reason Papers 10:101-105.
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  26. Flourishing Life: Now and in the Time to Come.[author unknown] - 2012
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  27. Human Flourishing and the Appeal to Human Nature*: DOUGLAS B. RASMUSSEN.Douglas B. Rasmussen - 1999 - Social Philosophy and Policy 16 (1):1-43.
    If “perfectionism” in ethics refers to those normative theories that treat the fulfillment or realization of human nature as central to an account of both goodness and moral obligation, in what sense is “human flourishing” a perfectionist notion? How much of what we take “human flourishing” to signify is the result of our understanding of human nature? Is the content of this concept simply read off an examination of our nature? Is there no place for diversity and individuality? Is the (...)
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    Flourishing children, flourishing adults: families, equality and the neutralism-perfectionism debate.Christine Sypnowich - 2018 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 21 (3):314-332.
    Political philosophers are divided on the question of whether society should guide individuals in their projects and goals in light of the competing, yet overlapping, values of moral independence and human well-being. The lively neutralism-perfectionism debate appears to be significantly muted, however, when it comes to children who, all parties assume, should be guided by adults in their plans of life. Thus, in their stimulating new book, Family Values: the Ethics of Parent-Child Relationships, liberals Harry Brighouse and Adam Swift affirm (...)
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    To flourish or destruct: a personalist theory of human goods, motivations, failure, and evil.Alan Norrie - 2017 - Journal of Critical Realism 16 (4):423-430.
    Christian Smith’s To Flourish or Destruct is a thorough, sustained, and impassioned argument for what the author calls ‘critical realist personalism’. This is an ontologically based theory of the p...
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    Human flourishing, the goals of medicine and integration of palliative care considerations into intensive care decision-making.Thomas Donaldson - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (8):539-543.
    Aristotle’s ethical system was guided by his vision of human flourishing (also, but potentially misleadingly, translated as happiness). For Aristotle, human flourishing was a rich holistic concept about a life lived well until its ending. Both living a long life and dying well were integral to the Aristotelian ideal of human flourishing. Using Aristotle’s concept of human flourishing to inform the goals of medicine has the potential to provide guidance to clinical decision-makers regarding the provision of burdensome treatments, such as (...)
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    Human Flourishing, Wonder, and Education.Anders Schinkel, Lynne Wolbert, Jan B. W. Pedersen & Doret J. de Ruyter - 2023 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 42 (2):143-162.
    Various authors see human flourishing as the overarching aim to which education should contribute. We ask whether fostering _wonder_ can help education attain this aim. We discuss two possibilities: firstly, it may be that having a sense of wonder as adults (possibly fostered by and/or refined due to education) contributes to flourishing itself. Secondly, it may be that fostering wonder in education increases the likelihood that education promotes flourishing, which it might do simply by increasing children’s intrinsic interest in what (...)
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    The flourishing student – every tutor’s guide to promoting mental health, well-being and resilience in higher education.Andrew West - 2018 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 22 (4):141-142.
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    Plants in Ethics: Why Flourishing Deserves Moral Respect.Angela Kallhoff - 2014 - Environmental Values 23 (6):685-700.
    ‘Flourishing’ is a concept of the good life of plants which comprises an empirical and an evaluative aspect. In this article, I shall discuss this concept as a starting point for addressing the moral status of plants anew; I shall therefore first outline the content of flourishing as explained in botany. The article then explores the evaluative aspect of flourishing in the context of three questions. These questions are: how does the concept of flourishing fit into moral theory? Why do (...)
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    Flourishing and awe.Mark Piper - 2024 - Ethics and Education 19 (4):625-640.
    Kristján Kristjánsson is one of the most prominent neo-Aristotelian defenders of the view that flourishing is the primary aim of education. Although he supports most aspects of Aristotle’s theory, Kristjánsson argues that Aristotle failed to capture the significance of awe for human flourishing. Kristjánsson seeks to remedy this deficiency. While I find Kristjánsson’s work on awe compelling and important, I am not convinced it fits with his wider conception of flourishing. To make room for it, I shall argue, Kristjánsson must (...)
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    Flourishing and Posttraumatic Growth. An Empirical Take on Ancient Wisdoms.Hugh Middleton - 2016 - Health Care Analysis 24 (2):133-147.
    Considerations of well-being or flourishing include Maslow’s and Rogers’ concepts of self-actualisation and actualising tendency. Recent empirical findings suggest that only a modest proportion of the population might be considered to be flourishing. Separate findings focused upon the nature and determinants of post-traumatic growth identify it as comparable to flourishing, and facilitated by supported accommodation to the trauma. This can be understood as reflecting self-actualisation. Empirical findings such as these provide ontological stability to a set of phenomena that share much (...)
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  36. Flourishing as the standard for evaluating the social practice of competitive sport.Donald B. Thompson & Francisco Javier Lopez Frias - 2020 - Dilemata Revista Internacional de Eticas Aplicadas 33:185-197.
    Competitive sport in its many specific forms is an important aspect of many cultures. Particular sports may be considered as what MacIntyre calls “social practices.” We argue that the appropriateness of a competitive sport should be evaluated as a social practice, according to its contribution to the human flourishing of those who engage in the practice. We critique mutualism, a popular putatively virtue-based approach to sport, as a valuable but incomplete position that is inconsistent with its Aristotelian roots. We analyze (...)
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    The ecology of human flourishing embodying the changes we want to see in the world.Brendan McCormack - 2024 - Nursing Philosophy 25 (3):e12482.
    Flourishing is the highest good of all persons, but hard to achieve in complex societal systems. This challenge is borne out through the lens of the global nursing shortages with its focus on the supply of nurses to meet health system demands. However, nurses and midwives spend a significant part of their lives at work and so the need to pay attention to the conditions that facilitate flourishing at work is important. Drawing on ancient and contemporary philosophies, as well as (...)
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    Human Flourishing, Edited by Ellen Frankel Paul, Fred D. Miller and Jeffrey Paul.André Berten - 1999 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 97 (3-4):702-703.
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    Mutual Flourishing: A Dialogical Approach to Environmental Virtue Ethics.Esteban Arcos - 2023 - Philosophies 9 (1):6.
    Environmental virtue ethics is about how things (nature) matter, and this is explicated through the virtues (character and dispositions of the agent). It has been suggested that human virtue should be informed by what constitutes our flourishing and by what constitutes nonhuman entities flourishing. Our flourishing, in other words, involves recognising their flourishing and autonomy. My purpose in this paper is to elucidate the notion of mutual flourishing through a study on the relational space that a recognising attitude or disposition (...)
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    Flourishing while withering: an explication and critique of Simone de Beauvoir’s phenomenology of aging.Fredrik Svenaeus - 2024 - Continental Philosophy Review 57 (4):547-564.
    This paper explores the process of aging from a phenomenological perspective. Supplementing the model of becoming old found in Simone de Beauvoir’s work with a phenomenology of human suffering and flourishing, it asks whether it is possible to lead a good life in the process of becoming old. Is it possible to flourish while experiencing bodily waning? Is it possible to flourish while experiencing the shrinking of one’s everyday world and the passing away of close others? Aging, at least in (...)
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  41. Human Flourishing, Human Dignity, and Human Rights.John Kleinig & Nicholas G. Evans - 2013 - Law and Philosophy 32 (5):539-564.
    Rather than treating them as discrete and incommensurable ideas, we sketch some connections between human flourishing and human dignity, and link them to human rights. We contend that the metaphor of flourishing provides an illuminating aspirational framework for thinking about human development and obligations, and that the idea of human dignity is a critical element within that discussion. We conclude with some suggestions as to how these conceptions of human dignity and human flourishing might underpin and inform appeals to human (...)
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    Animal flourishing in a time of ecological crisis.Chris Armstrong - 2025 - European Journal of Political Theory 24 (1):143-152.
    Three new books by Martha Nussbaum, Jeff Sebo, and Mark Rowlands seek to raise the profile of non-human animals within political theory. They present a series of compelling arguments for making animal flourishing central to discussions about the future, especially in a time of ecological crisis. All three offer important insights into what a genuinely non-anthropocentric political theory could look like. But while they converge in some ways – for instance, all recommend serious restrictions on the human industries that brutalise (...)
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    Flourishing, Mental Health Professionals and the Role of Normative Dialogue.Hazem Zohny, Julian Savulescu, Gin S. Malhi & Ilina Singh - forthcoming - Health Care Analysis:1-16.
    This paper explores the dilemma faced by mental healthcare professionals in balancing treatment of mental disorders with promoting patient well-being and flourishing. With growing calls for a more explicit focus on patient flourishing in mental healthcare, we address two inter-related challenges: the lack of consensus on defining positive mental health and flourishing, and how professionals should respond to patients with controversial views on what is good for them. We discuss the relationship dynamics between healthcare providers and patients, proposing that ‘liberal’ (...)
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  44. Human Flourishing. Monográfico.E. Frankel, Fd Miller & J. Paul - 1999 - Social Philosophy and Policy 16 (1):1-361.
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  45. Human Flourishing and Universal Justice.Thomas W. Pogge - 1999 - Social Philosophy and Policy 16 (1):333-361.
    The question of what constitutes human flourishing elicits an extraordinary variety of responses, which suggests that there are not merely differences of opinion at work, but also different understandings of the question itself. So it may help to introduce some clarity into the question before starting work on one answer to it.
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    The flourishing and dehumanization of students in higher education.Peter E. Kahn - 2017 - Journal of Critical Realism 16 (4):368-382.
    An economic agenda, characterized by the mastery of subject knowledge or expertise, increasingly dominates higher education. In this article, I argue that this agenda fails to satisfy the full range of students’ aspirations, responsibilities and needs. Neither does it meet the needs of society. Rather, the overall purpose of higher education should be the morphogenesis of the agency of students, considered on an individual and on a collective basis. The article builds on recent critical realist theorizing to trace the generative (...)
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    Flourishing at the end of life.Xavier Symons, John Rhee, Anthony Tanous, Tracy Balboni & Tyler J. VanderWeele - 2024 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 45 (5):401-425.
    Flourishing is an increasingly common construct employed in the study of human wellbeing. But its appropriateness as a framework of wellbeing at certain stages of life is contested. In this paper, we consider to what extent it is possible for someone to flourish at the end of life. People with terminal illness often experience significant and protracted pain and suffering especially when they opt for treatments that prolong life. Certain aspects of human goods, however, that are plausibly constitutive of flourishing—such (...)
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    Faith, Flourishing, and Agnosticism.T. Ryan Byerly - 2024 - Oxford University Press.
    Faith, Flourishing, and Agnosticism uses conceptual and empirical methods to argue that the many individuals who have ambiguous evidence for God can grow in virtue and attain greater flourishing by engaging in practices of faith toward God. The book develops a way of thinking about God, called minimal theism. It argues that a sizeable number of people have ambiguous evidence for God, and it provides support for arguments for agnosticism through an evaluation of theistic and atheistic arguments and higher-order evidence (...)
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    Flourishing is not a conception of dignity.Linda Barclay - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (12):975-976.
    Hojjat Soofi develops a modified version of Martha Nussbaum’s capability approach, which he offers as a conception of dignity for people living with dementia.1 He argues that this modified version can address what he identifies as four main criticisms of the concept of dignity. The first and most substantial criticism was developed by Macklin: that appeals to ‘dignity’ add little to moral debates or to the rich field of existing moral values.1 Soofi’s account of dignity does not evade this criticism: (...)
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  50. Flourishing as a theologian.James T. Flynn - 2022 - In Corné J. Bekker & James T. Flynn, Doctors for the Church. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.
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