Results for 'Focalism'

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  1. Australasian Journal of Philosophy Contents of Volume 91.Present Desire Satisfaction, Past Well-Being, Volatile Reasons, Epistemic Focal Bias, Some Evidence is False, Counting Stages, Vague Entailment, What Russell Couldn'T. Describe, Liberal Thinking & Intentional Action First - 2013 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 91 (4).
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    Rationalizing Focal Points.Maarten C. W. Janssen - 2001 - Theory and Decision 50 (2):119-148.
    Focal points seem to be important in helping players coordinate their strategies in coordination problems. Game theory lacks, however, a formal theory of focal points. This paper proposes a theory of focal points that is based on individual rationality considerations. The two principles upon which the theory rest are the Principle of Insufficient Reason (IR) and a Principle of Individual Team Member Rationality. The way IR is modelled combines the classic notion of description symmetry and a new notion of pay-off (...)
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  3. Epistemic Focal Bias.Mikkel Gerken - 2013 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 91 (1):41-61.
    This paper defends strict invariantism against some philosophical and empirical data that have been taken to compromise it. The defence involves a combination of a priori philosophical arguments and empirically informed theorizing. The positive account of the data is an epistemic focal bias account that draws on cognitive psychology. It involves the assumption that, owing to limitations of the involved cognitive resources, intuitive judgments about knowledge ascriptions are generated by processing only a limited part of the available information—the part that (...)
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    Charkha: Focal Thing, Appropriate Technology, and the Wheel of Self-Reliance.Rasleen Kour - 2024 - Techné Research in Philosophy and Technology 28 (3):310-337.
    The Charkha, or the spinning wheel, a symbol of self-sufficiency and freedom, implicitly promoted the idea of togetherness, as it makes people sit and spin yarn together while they share joy and agony. This paper highlights the charkha as an epicenter, where it assimilates all the attributes and values of the focal thing (pre-technological life), a concept developed by Albert Borgmann in contrast to the device paradigm (modern technology). The paper has three objectives: first, to understand how the charkha may (...)
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    Food, Focal Practices, and Decolonial Agrarianism.Lee A. McBride - 2023 - In Samantha Noll & Zachary Piso, Paul B. Thompson's Philosophy of Agriculture: Fields, Farmers, Forks, and Food. Springer Verlag. pp. 131-143.
    Agrarianism, according to Paul B. Thompson, is an environmental philosophy focused on agriculture and the nurturing of food, fuel, and fiber. Agrarianism hopes to re-establish our fundamental connection to the land, helping us approach a tenable understanding of sustainability. Thompson enlists Albert Borgmann’s notion of “focal practices” to discuss farming and the culture of the table. With this comes a critique of “the device paradigm,” the modern technological way of life that alienates us from quotidian beauty, lifecycles and seasonality, and (...)
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    Focal Dependence, Logical Priority and the Unity of Aristotle’s Metaphysics.Gastón Robert - 2021 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 62 (148):7-27.
    RESUMO Um problema de longa data na erudição aristotélica diz respeito à questão de como reconciliar a dupla descrição de Aristóteles da metafísica como ontologia (a ciência universal do ser enquanto ser) e teologia (a ciência da substância imutável e separada). Uma tentativa importante de responder a esta questão (iniciada primeiro por G. Patzig) consiste em dizer que a substância imutável e separada é focalmente anterior (ou o significado focal da) substância e, portanto, de ser em geral (uma vez que (...)
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    Focal points in tacit bargaining games.Andrea Isoni, Anders Poulsen, Robert Sugden & Kei Tsutsui - 2013 - European Economic Review 59.
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  8. Focal points in pure coordination games: An experimental investigation.Judith Mehta, Chris Starmer & Robert Sugden - 1994 - Theory and Decision 36 (2):163-185.
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    A focalized deficit within an elegant system.Irene J. Elkins & Rue L. Cromwell - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (1):27-28.
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    Ethical Focal Points as a Complement to Accelerated Social Change.Andreas Suchanek & Elisa Maria Entschew - 2018 - Humanistic Management Journal 3 (2):221-232.
    In times of digitalization and globalization, social expectations change at an increasing pace. In order to provide orientation in times of frequent change, this article argues to reinforce the meaning of moral principles, norms, or values as focal points, which build the basis of mutually aligned behavioral expectations. Accordingly, the paper explains the abstract meaning of focal points – having reciprocal expectations as foundation for social cooperation – as well as the particular relevance of the focal point ‘do no harm’.
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    Narrative focalization and the historical present in catullus 64.Boris Kayachev - 2017 - Classical Quarterly 67 (2):522-527.
    The subject of this article was suggested by the question of whether the present tense formuĕnitin Catull. 64.85 should be considered anomalous. My analysis will result in a positive answer, and I shall conclude by proposing a way to eliminate this anomaly. However, a study of Catullus' use of the historical present may also be of some relevance for the interpretation of poem 64 as a whole.
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    The Effect of Focal Damage to the Right Medial Posterior Cerebellum on Word and Sentence Comprehension and Production.Sharon Geva, Letitia M. Schneider, Sophie Roberts, David W. Green & Cathy J. Price - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Functional imaging studies of neurologically intact adults have demonstrated that the right posterior cerebellum is activated during verb generation, semantic processing, sentence processing, and verbal fluency. Studies of patients with cerebellar damage converge to show that the cerebellum supports sentence processing and verbal fluency. However, to date there are no patient studies that investigated the specific importance of the right posterior cerebellum in language processing, because: case studies presented patients with lesions affecting the anterior cerebellum, and group studies combined patients (...)
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    Focal contacts: Transmembrane links between the extracellular matrix and the cytoskeleton.Keith Burridge & Karl Fath - 1989 - Bioessays 10 (4):104-108.
    The sites of tightest adhesion that form between cells and substrate surfaces in tissue culture are termed focal contacts. The external faces of focal contacts include specific receptors, belonging to the integrin family of proteins, for fibronectin and vitronectin, two common components of extracellular matrices. On the internal (cytoplasmic) side of focal contacts, several proteins, including talin and vinculin, mediate interactions with the actin filament bundles of the cytoskeleton. The changes that occur in focal contacts as a result of viral (...)
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    Focalization and point of view in fiction film.José Luis Fecé - 1990 - Semiotica 81 (3-4):305-314.
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    Focalized Identity.Everett W. Hall - 1933 - The Monist 43 (2):203-219.
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    Ethical Focal Points in the International Practice of Deep Brain Stimulation.Markus Christen, Christian Ineichen, Merlin Bittlinger, Hans-Werner Bothe & Sabine Müller - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 5 (4):65-80.
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    Focal Length; Poetry for Beginners; ID Photos.Gabeba Baderoon - 2015 - Feminist Studies 41 (1):134.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:134 Feminist Studies 41, no. 1. © 2015 by Gabeba Baderoon Focal Length Gabeba Baderoon I take out the black and white photos I brought with me from Cape Town and haven’t looked at for years and stand them next to one another on the dining room table. In one, my mother in her white coat at the hospital looks up from her notes, distracted, in the grainy matte (...)
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    Dynamic focal points in N-person coordination games.F. Kramarz - 1996 - Theory and Decision 40 (3):277-313.
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    On the So-called Focal Analysis of Friendship in Eudemian Ethics VII.2.Kunio Watanabe - 2024 - Rhizomata 12 (1):104-141.
    Aristotle is believed to have introduced the focal meaning of friendship in Eudemian Ethics VII.2 and then to have formulated it more generally in Metaphysics Γ.2. Bonitz’s unjustifiable emendation of the text underscores these interpretations. This paper therefore reads the MSS and supposes that the EE passage introduces a wider focal meaning based on the theory presented in the Categories, one that does not imply referential relationships between the primary and secondary terms. This wider focal meaning can help explain disputed (...)
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    Narrating and focalizing visually and visual-verbally in comics and graphic novels.Charles Forceville - 2023 - Pragmatics and Cognition 30 (1):180-208.
    Literary narratology has rightly devoted much attention to analysing the source(s) of verbal information about the story world, usually discussed under the label “narration”, and to any agent(s) that present(s) non-verbalized perspectives on it, usually discussed under the label “focalization”. Assessing the identity of narrators and focalizers is crucial for understanding what is going on in the story world. Which narrative agent is in charge? Is the narration and/or focalization layered? If the latter, is there any “colouring” by the higher-level (...)
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    The scope of epistemic focal bias: response to Blome-Tillmann.Mikkel Gerken - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    In this response to Michael Blome-Tillmann's comments on On Folk Epistemology, I defend the book's epistemic focal bias account of the salient alternatives effect that Blome-Tillmann takes to motivate epistemic contextualism. First, I defend the epistemic focal bias account against Blome-Tillmann's criticism that it is insufficiently general insofar as it fails to account for a range of cases. Second, I defend the epistemic focal bias account from Blome-Tillmann's charge that it overgeneralizes insofar as it can ‘explain away the context-sensitivity of (...)
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    ""Focal Paper Halo-Removed Residuals of Fortune's" Responsibility to the Community and Environment"—A Decade of Data.Brad Brown & Susan Perry - 1995 - Business and Society 34 (2):199-215.
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    Focal Color Variability and Unique Hue Stimulus Variability.Rolf Kuehni - 2004 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 5 (3-4):409-426.
    The degree to which physiology and culture have affected the formation of primitive color categories continues to be a matter of discussion. In this paper the degree of agreement between the ranges of individual color term foci for the four hue-based color categories yellow, green, blue, and red and individual choices of Munsell samples representing for the observers Hering's four unique hues is investigated. The color term focus range data are extracted from the survey results of the 110 unwritten languages (...)
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  24. Focal things and practices.Albert Borgmann - 2010 - In Craig Hanks, Technology and values: essential readings. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
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    Prolonged focal attention without binding: Tracking a ball for half a minute without remembering its color.Hui Chen, Garrett Swan & Brad Wyble - 2016 - Cognition 147:144-148.
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    Signaling through focal adhesion kinase.Steven K. Hanks & Thomas R. Polte - 1997 - Bioessays 19 (2):137-145.
    Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) is a nonreceptor protein‐tyrosine kinase implicated in controlling cellular responses to the engagement of cell‐surface integrins, including cell spreading and migration, survival and proliferation. Aberrant FAK signaling may contribute to the process of cell transformation by certain oncoproteins, including v‐Src. Progress toward elucidating the events leading to FAK activation following integrin‐mediated cell adhesion, as well as events downstream of FAK, has come through the identification of FAK phosphorylation sites and interacting proteins. A signaling partnership is formed (...)
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    Focal Coordination and Language in Human Evolution.Roger Myerson - 2024 - Human Nature 35 (3):289-306.
    We study game-theoretic models of human evolution to analyze fundamentals of human nature. Rival-claimants games represent common situations in which animals can avoid conflict over valuable resources by mutually recognizing asymmetric claiming rights. Unlike social-dilemma games, rival-claimants games have multiple equilibria which create a rational role for communication, and so they may be good models for the role of language in human evolution. Many social animals avoid conflict by dominance rankings, but intelligence and language allow mutual recognition of more complex (...)
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    Focal CTC Loss for Chinese Optical Character Recognition on Unbalanced Datasets.Xinjie Feng, Hongxun Yao & Shengping Zhang - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-11.
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    Internal Focalization and Seeing through a Character’s Eyes.Adrian Bruhns & Tilmann Köppe - 2021 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 2:126-141.
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    Focal Points in Recent Heidegger Scholarship.Rudolph Gerber - 1968 - New Scholasticism 42 (4):561-577.
  31. 5. Metaphysical Focality.Malcolm Wilson - 2000 - In Malcolm Wilson & Bonnie MacLachlan, Aristotle's Theory of the Unity of Science. University of Toronto Press. pp. 134-174.
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  32. Rich conscious perception outside focal attention.Ned Block - 2014 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 18 (9):445-447.
    Can we consciously see more items at once than can be held in visual working memory? This question has elud- ed resolution because the ultimate evidence is subjects’ reports in which phenomenal consciousness is filtered through working memory. However, a new technique makes use of the fact that unattended ‘ensemble prop- erties’ can be detected ‘for free’ without decreasing working memory capacity.
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  33. Focal Colour Terms: Element of Colour-Naming Among Children.Frank Sun - 1980 - Nexus 1 (1):5.
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    Medicine in the focal spot of the natural sciences, technology, and humanity.Olav Hilmar Iversen - 1989 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 32 (3):315.
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    Focal striatum lesions impair decision threshold adjustment in humans.Forstmann Birte - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Focal Complexity in Aristotle and Wittgenstein.Michael W. Pelczar - 2004 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 21 (2):131 - 150.
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    Focal things and focal practices.Lawrence Haworth - 2000 - In Eric Higgs, Andrew Light & David Strong, Technology and the good life? Chicago: University of Chicago Press. pp. 55.
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    Focal and marginal consciousness.C. L. Herrick - 1896 - Psychological Review 3 (2):193-195.
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    I*—The Presidential Address: Focal Meaning.D. W. Hamlyn - 1978 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 78 (1):1-18.
    D. W. Hamlyn; I*—The Presidential Address: Focal Meaning, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 78, Issue 1, 1 June 1978, Pages 1–18,
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    Dual focalization, retrospective fictional autobiography, and the ethics of Lolita.James Phelan - 2003 - In Gary D. Fireman & Owen J. Flanagan, Narrative and Consciousness: Literature, Psychology, and the Brain. New York: Oup Usa. pp. 129--145.
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    Focal Reference in Aristotle's Account of Φιλία : Eudemian Ethics VII 2.Julie K. Ward - 1995 - Apeiron 28 (3):183-205.
  42. Selective deficits after focal cerebral injury.Freda Newcombe - 1974 - In Stuart J. Dimond & J. Graham Beaumont, Hemisphere Function in the Human Brain. Elek.
  43. 4. The Structure of Focality.Malcolm Wilson - 2000 - In Malcolm Wilson & Bonnie MacLachlan, Aristotle's Theory of the Unity of Science. University of Toronto Press. pp. 116-133.
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    Polarized and focalized linear and classical proofs.Olivier Laurent, Myriam Quatrini & Lorenzo Tortora de Falco - 2005 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 134 (2):217-264.
    We give the precise correspondence between polarized linear logic and polarized classical logic. The properties of focalization and reversion of linear proofs are at the heart of our analysis: we show that the tq-protocol of normalization for the classical systems and perfectly fits normalization of polarized proof-nets. Some more semantical considerations allow us to recover LC as a refinement of multiplicative.
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    Narcissism A Focal Point for Examining the Interrelatedness of Psychology and Philosophy.Lydia Amir - 2023 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 30 (2):169-172.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Narcissism A Focal Point for Examining the Interrelatedness of Psychology and PhilosophyLydia Amir, PhD (bio)In a groundbreaking article, Aleksandar Fatic challenges the view that mental health is to be dissociated from morality or ethics. His argument targets cluster B personality disorders, such as Borderline and Narcissistic Personality Disorders, but focuses mainly on narcissistic disorders, whether diagnosed or not. Although these persons are not exempt of moral and legal responsibility, (...)
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    Compassion: The Focal Point of Any Future Philosophy.Werner Krieglstein - 2005 - Dialogue and Universalism 15 (1-2):105-120.
    Traditional analysis and reductionism put no value on direct experience. Negative Dialectic allows the human mind to return to an experience of mythical connectedness without falling into the trap of ideological isolation. The paper addresses the problem of truth claims of personal experiences by relating the truth of an experience to its context.The quintessential wholeness of the quantum world corresponds with the commonplace experience of the unity of our mind. Mind is an organic part of the growth process of ever-more (...)
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  47. Philosophy of Science: Focal Issues (Volume 1 of the Handbook of the Philosophy of Science).T. Kuipers (ed.) - 2007 - Elsevier.
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    Structuralist theory of science: focal issues, new results.Wolfgang Balzer & Carles Ulises Moulines (eds.) - 1996 - New York: Walter de Gruyter.
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    El carácter híbrido de las dinámicas grupales online: del grupo de discusión al grupo focal.Francisco Javier Parada Dueñas & Tomás Cano López - 2013 - Aposta 58:5 - 25.
    Este artículo reflexiona sobre formas de acceder a la realidad social a través del uso de metodologías de investigación online que tienen características híbridas. Primero se dan algunas claves para la construcción y ejecución de grupos de discusión en un contexto online. Una de las características centrales de esta técnica es su composición híbrida, moviéndose entre lo que sería un grupo de discusión y un grupo focal. El paso de la mediación a la conducción marca fuertemente la transición de una (...)
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  50. Foundational Consequentialism and Its Primary Evaluative Focal Point.Douglas W. Portmore - manuscript
    Following Shelly Kagan’s useful terminology, foundational consequentialists are those who hold that the ranking of outcomes is at the foundation of all moral assessment. That is, they hold that moral assessments of right and wrong, virtuous and vicious, morally good and morally bad, etc. are all ultimately a function of how outcomes rank. But foundational consequentialists disagree on what is to be directly evaluated in terms of the ranking of outcomes, which is to say that they disagree on what the (...)
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