Results for 'Foucault Feminism'

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  1. the Politics of the Body.”.Foucault Feminism - 1993 - In Caroline Ramazanoglu, Up against Foucault: explorations of some tensions between Foucault and feminism. New York: Routledge.
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  2. Disciplining Foucault: Feminism, Power, and the Body.Jana Sawicki - 1991 - New York: Routledge.
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    Foucault, Feminism, and Informed Choice.Carolyn Ells - 2003 - Journal of Medical Humanities 24 (3-4):213-228.
    The purpose of this paper is to show that the standard notion of informed choice is unacceptable and must be replaced. To do so, I examine Foucault's analysis of people in contemporary society, drawing attention to the ways power relations act upon us, and to the possibility of resistance. I show how feminist moral theory can be enriched by Foucault's analysis. Applying this new understanding of people and moral theory to an analysis of informed choice, I claim that (...)
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    Foucault, Feminism, and Sex Crimes.Chloë Taylor - 2009 - Hypatia 24 (4):1 - 25.
    In 1977 Michel Foucault contemplated the idea of punishing rape only as a crime of violence, while in 1978 he argued that non-coercive sex between adults and minors should be decriminalized entirely. Feminists have consistently criticized these suggestions by Foucault. This paper argues that these feminist responses have failed to sufficiently understand the theoretical motivations behind Foucault's statements on sex-crime legislation reform, and will offer a new feminist appraisal of Foucault's suggestions.
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    The Politics of Anonymity: Foucault, Feminism, and Gender Non-conforming Prisoners.Perry Zurn - 2016 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 6 (1):27-42.
    Against the backdrop of a longstanding feminist critique that Michel Foucault’s call to anonymity is insensitive to the erasure of marginalized persons, I aim to contribute to a critical account of anonymity as a feminist Foucauldian ideal. I do this in two ways. First, I analyze the tactical role of anonymity in the Prisons Information Group, an organization in which Foucault was involved. Second, I analyze the unique paradoxes of anonymity faced by gender non-conforming prisoners then and now. (...)
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  6. Foucault, feminism, and the limits of experience.Liesbeth Schoonheim - 2024 - In Emma Ingala & Gavin Rae, Philosophy across borders: perspectives from contemporary theory. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  7. Foucault, feminism and feeling.Maureen Cain - 1993 - In Caroline Ramazanoglu, Up against Foucault: explorations of some tensions between Foucault and feminism. New York: Routledge. pp. 73.
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  8. foucault, Feminism, And The Care Of The Self: Lessons From Antiquity.Joanne Waugh - 2004 - Florida Philosophical Review 4 (1):49-60.
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    Chloë Taylor, Foucault, Feminism and Sex Crimes: An Anti-Carceral Analysis. New York, and London: Routledge, 2019. Pp. 272. [REVIEW]Kurt Borg - 2022 - Foucault Studies 32:82-88.
  10. Reviews : Jana Sawicki, Disciplining Foucault: feminism, power, and the body. New York: Routledge, Chapman and Hall, 1991. xiii + 130 pp. [REVIEW]Stephen Katz - 1993 - History of the Human Sciences 6 (2):138-140.
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    Feminist Interpretations of Michel Foucault.Susan J. Hekman (ed.) - 1996 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    This volume presents an exploration of the intersection between the work of Michel Foucault and feminist theory, focusing on Foucault's theories of sex/body, identity/subject, and power/politics. Like the other books in this series, this volume seeks to bring a feminist perspective to bear on the interpretation of a major figure in the philosophical canon. In the case of Michel Foucault, however, this aim is somewhat ironic because Foucault sees his work as disrupting that very canon. Since (...)
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  12. Foucault and Feminism: Power, Gender and the Self.Lois McNay - 1992 - Boston: Polity.
  13.  21
    Feminism, new Encounter with Nietzsche and Foucault -Feministic Implication of genealogical Transformation and artistic Transformation-.Sun-Hye Kim - 2007 - Korean Feminist Philosophy 7:31-58.
  14. Up against Foucault: explorations of some tensions between Foucault and feminism.Caroline Ramazanoglu (ed.) - 1993 - New York: Routledge.
    Up Against Foucault offers both a feminist critique of Foucauldian theories as well as an attempt to reconcile these seemingly irreconcilable perspectives. Feminists are often "up against Foucault" because he questions key conclusions in feminism regarding the nature of gender relations, and men's possession of power. This book, however, fills the gap in literature about Foucault by showing how his theories of sexuality and power relations are often applicable to the everyday realities of women's lives. Drawing (...)
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    Feminism and the Final Foucault.Dianna Taylor & Karen Vintges (eds.) - 2004 - University of Illinois Press.
    Feminism and the Final Foucault is the first systematic offering of contemporary, international feminist perspectives on the later work of philosopher Michel Foucault. Rather than simply debating the merits or limitations of Foucault's later work, the essays in this collection examine women's historical self-practices, conceive of feminism as a shared ethos, and consider the political significance of this conceptualization in order to elucidate, experiment with, and put into practice the conceptual "tools" that Foucault offers (...)
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  16. Feminism and Foucault: Reflections on Resistance.Irene Diamond, Lee Quinby, Seyla Benhabib & Drucilla Cornell - 1990 - Hypatia 5 (3):118-124.
    This essay is a critical review of two recent collections, Feminism and Foucault: Reflections on Resistance, edited by Irene Diamond and Lee Quinby and Feminism as Critique: On the Politics of Gender, edited by Seyla Benhabib and Drucilla Cornell. While the collections differ in their manner of addressing the critical sources that have inspired them-the former relying upon a single theorist, the latter attempting to move through some of the philosophical history that constitutes our present theoretical terrain-both (...)
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    Feminism, Foucault, and Embodied Subjectivity.Margaret A. McLaren - 2002 - SUNY Press.
    Addressing central questions in the debate about Foucault's usefulness for politics, including his rejection of universal norms, his conception of power and power-knowledge, his seemingly contradictory position on subjectivity and his ...
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    Foucault and Feminism: Toward a Politics of Difference.Jana Sawicki - 1986 - Hypatia 1 (2):23-36.
    This paper begins with the assumption that the differences among women pose a threat to building a unified feminist theory and practice. Utilizing the work and methods of Michel Foucault, I explore theoretical and practical implications of taking difference seriously. I claim that a politics of difference puts into question the concept of a revolutionary subject and the idea of a social totality. In the final section a brief Foucauldian analysis of the feminist sexuality debates is given.
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  19. Feminism, Foucault, and the Critique of Reason: Re-reading the History of Madness.Amy Allen - 2013 - Foucault Studies 16:15-31.
    This paper situates Lynne Huffer’s recent queer-feminist Foucaultian critique of reason within the context of earlier feminist debates about reason and critically assesses Huffer’s work from the point of view of its faithfulness to Foucault’s work and its implications for feminism. I argue that Huffer’s characterization of Enlightenment reason as despotic not only departs from Foucault’s account of the relationship between power and reason, it also leaves her stuck in the same double binds that plagued earlier feminist (...)
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  20. Foucault and feminism.Aurelia Armstrong - 2003 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Foucault’s Fossils: Life Itself and the Return to Nature in Feminist Philosophy.Lynne Huffer - 2015 - Foucault Studies 20:122-141.
    This essay asks about the return to nature and “life itself” in contemporary feminist philosophy and theory, from the new materialisms to feminist science studies to environmental ethics and critical animal studies. Unlike traditional naturalisms, the contemporary turn to nature is explicitly posthumanist. Shifting their focus away from anti-essentialist critiques of woman-as-nature, these new feminist philosophies of nature have turned toward nonhuman animals, the cosmos, the climate, and life itself as objects of ethical concern. Drawing on Foucault, the essay (...)
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  22. What Foucault fails to acknowledge...: feminists and The History of Sexuality.Judith Still - 1994 - History of the Human Sciences 7:150-150.
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    Sexuality and Power: A Review of Current Work in the History of SexualitySurpassing the Love of Men: Romantic Friendships and Love between Women from the Renaissance to the PresentThe History of Sexuality: An IntroductionTrue Love and Perfect Union: The Feminist Reform of Sex and SocietyProstitution and Victorian Social ReformWomen: Sex and SexualityProstitution and Victorian Society: Women, Class, and the StateSex, Politics and Society: The Regulation of Sexuality since 1800. [REVIEW]Martha Vicinus, Lillian Faderman, Michel Foucault, William Leach, Paul McHugh, Catharine Stimpson, Ethel Spector Person, Judith R. Walkowitz & Jeffrey Weeks - 1982 - Feminist Studies 8 (1):132.
  24. Foucault's ethics and politics: A strategy for feminism.Moya Lloyd - 1996 - In Moya Lloyd & Andrew Thacker, The impact of Michel Foucault on the social sciences and humanities. New York: St. Martin's Press. pp. 78--101.
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  25. Sexual Experience: Foucault, Phenomenology, and Feminist Theory.Johanna Oksala - 2011 - Hypatia 26 (1):207-223.
    This paper explicates Foucault's conception of experience and defends it as an important theoretical resource for feminist theory. It analyzes Linda Alcoff's devastating critique of Foucault's account of sexuality and her reasons for advocating phenomenology as a more viable alternative. I agree with her that a philosophically sophisticated understanding of experience must remain central for feminist theory, but I demonstrate that her critique of Foucault is based on a mistaken view of his philosophical position as well as (...)
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    Feminism and Empowerment: A Critical Reading of Foucault.Monique Deveaux - 1994 - Feminist Studies 20 (2):223.
  27. Foucault and Feminist Philosophy of Disability (winner of the Tobin Siebers Prize for Disability Studies in the Humanities for 2016).Shelley Tremain - 2017 - Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan Press.
  28. Anarchic Bodies: Foucault and the Feminist Question of Experience.Johanna Oksala - 2004 - Hypatia 19 (4):99-121.
    The article shows that Michel Foucault's account of the sexual body is not a naive return to a prediscursive body, nor does it amount to discourse reductionism and to the exclusion of experience, as some feminists have argued. Instead, Foucault's idea of bodies and pleasures as a possibility of the counterattack against normalizing power presupposes an experiential understanding of the body. The experiential body can become a locus of resistance because it is the possibility of an unpredictable event.
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  29. Arlene elowe Macleod.Michel Foucault - 2001 - In Abigail J. Stewart, Theorizing feminism: parallel trends in the humanities and social sciences. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. pp. 387.
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  30. Queering Foucault and the subject of feminism.Jana Sawicki - 1994 - In Gary Gutting, The Cambridge Companion to Foucault. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Feminist experiences: Foucauldian and phenomenological investigations.Johanna Oksala - 2016 - Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
    How is feminist metaphysics possible? -- In defense of experience -- Foucault and experience -- The problem of language -- A phenomenology of birth -- A phenomenology of gender -- The neoliberal subject of feminism -- Feminism and neoliberal governmentality -- Feminist politics of inheritance.
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  32. Feminism, Foucault and the politics of the body1.Susan Bordo - 1993 - In Caroline Ramazanoglu, Up against Foucault: explorations of some tensions between Foucault and feminism. New York: Routledge. pp. 179.
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    Poststructuralism, feminism, and religion: triangulating positions.Carol Wayne White - 2002 - Amherst, N.Y.: Humanity Books.
    In this brilliant assessment of the relation between poststructuralism and feminism to current religious thought, philosopher of religion Carol Wayne White convincingly demonstrates that postmodernist continental and feminist philosophies—far from being antithetical to religious concerns—in fact enrich our understanding of religion and its relevance to debates about contemporary culture. By triangulating these three unique perspectives on culture she expands prevailing views of cultural criticism and opens up the discussion to new creative solutions that arise from the intersecting interests of (...)
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    Feminism and the Final Foucault.Chloé Taylor - 2006 - Symposium 10 (2):644-650.
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    Michel Foucault's History of Sexuality as Interpreted by Feminists and Marxists.Edith Kurzweil - 1986 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 53.
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  36. Narrative, Foucault and feminism: implications for therapeutic practice.Vanessa Swan - 1999 - In Ian Parker, Deconstructing psychotherapy. Thousand Oaks, [Calif.]: Sage Publications. pp. 103--114.
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    Feminism, Foucault and Deleuze.Mariam Fraser - 1997 - Theory, Culture and Society 14 (2):23-37.
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    Feminist Alliances.Lynda Burns (ed.) - 2006 - Rodopi.
    Focus on the prospects for alliance between feminism and other political positions. Contributions are: The Complexities of Coalition; Whose Politics? Who's Correct?; Speaking of Feminism... What Are We Arguing About?; The Purposes of Politics: A Feminist Inquiry; Foucault, Feminism, and History; Emasculating Metaphor: Whither the Maleness of Reason?; Care Ethics, Power and Feminist Socioanalysis; Pornography and Power; Splitting the Difference: Between Young and Fraser on Identity Politics.
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    Foucault and Feminist Philosophy of Disability.Tabetha K. Violet - 2020 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 13 (1):174-177.
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    Materialist feminism and the politics of discourse.Rosemary Hennessy - 1993 - New York: Routledge.
    Rosemary Hennessy confronts some of the impasses in materialist feminist work on rethinking `woman' as a discursively constructed subject. She argues for a theory of discourse as ideology taking into account the work of Kristeva, Foucault and Laclau.
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    Feminist Interpretations of Michel Foucault[REVIEW]Barry Allen - 1999 - Dialogue 38 (1):221-222.
    This is a book in the series Re-Reading the Canon from the Pennsylvania State University Press. The general editor explains that the series offers "feminist interpretations of the writings of major figures in the Western philosophical tradition," with attention to the ways in which philosophers' assumptions about gender figure in their work. Volumes have already appeared on Plato, Hegel, Wollstonecraft, De Beauvoir, and Arendt. Feminist Interpretations of Michel Foucault collects twelve articles, four previously published. Reprinted authors include Nancy Fraser (...)
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    Feminism and Michel Foucault: A Continual Contestation.Luis S. David - 1997 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 1 (3):17-46.
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    Foucault Studies Special Issue: Foucault and Feminism, September 2013.Cressida J. Heyes - 2013 - Foucault Studies 16:3-14.
  44. Feminism and the Final Foucault[REVIEW]Monica Mookherjee - 2005 - Radical Philosophy 130.
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    Darwin's invisible hand: Feminism, reprogenetics, and Foucault's analysis of neoliberalism.Ladelle McWhorter - 2010 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 48 (s1):43-63.
    In his 1979 lecture series now translated as The Birth of Biopolitics, Michel Foucault suggests that there is an important relationship between neoliberalism and the cluster of phenomena he had previously named “biopower.” The relationship between these two apparently very different forms of governmentality is not obvious, however, and Foucault does not explicate it. The question has become a pressing one for feminists because it underlies a set of issues surrounding the emerging field of “reprogenetics.” Feminists have been (...)
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  46. Sex and the American Subject: Foucault's Impact on Feminist and Lesbian/Gay Scholarship.William B. Turner - 1996 - Dissertation, Vanderbilt University
    The French philosopher Michel Foucault's work has had a significant impact on feminist and lesbian/gay scholarship in the United States. These explorations of gender and/or sexuality in which feminist, lesbian, and gay scholars rely on Foucault's ideas carry significant implications for the organization of knowledge in our culture beyond the issues of gender and sexuality narrowly defined. Many feminist, lesbian, and gay scholars in the United States initially read Foucault primarily as a historian. Since roughly 1985, many (...)
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    Feminist Art History and De Facto Significance.Susan Feagin - 1995 - In Peg Zeglin Brand Weiser & Carolyn Korsmeyer, Feminism and Tradition in Aesthetics. Pennsylvania State University Press.
    In her excellent "Feminist Art History and De Facto Significance," for example, aesthetician Susan L. Feagin explains how her initial skepticism about Continental approaches-especially those drawing on Foucault, Marx, Levi-Strauss, Lacan, and "even Derrida and poststructuralist literary theory" - gave way to an appreciation of how these approaches encourage, in a way analytic aesthetics does not, "the trenchant analyses and acute observations that have emerged from feminist art historians" (305). And, indeed, although she goes on to suggest how traditional (...)
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    Toward a Feminist “Politics of Ourselves”.Dianna Taylor - 2013 - In Christopher Falzon, Timothy O'Leary & Jana Sawicki, A Companion to Foucault. Malden Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 401–418.
    Feminists have generally found Foucault's analyses of the workings of modern power and his genealogy of sexuality useful in analyzing and critiquing gender oppression. The feminist view of subjectivity as facilitating or even as being central to emancipatory ethical and political projects goes a long way toward explaining the “tension” that continues to characterize the relationship between feminism and the work of Foucault. The chapter shows that Foucault's critique of subjectivity as such facilitates his articulation of (...)
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    Overcoming “the Penetration Model”: Rethinking Sexuality with Foucault, Shusterman, and Contemporary Feminism.Stefano Marino - 2024 - Foucault Studies 36 (1):170-200.
    ABSTRACT: In the present contribution, dealing with the intellectual legacy of Michel Foucault forty years after his death, I offer an analysis of some possible relations between certain aspects of Foucault’s project of a history of sexuality, Richard Shusterman’s somaesthetic investigation of the experience of lovemaking, and some recent attempts to critically rethink sexuality in the context of feminist scholarship. My approach towards Foucault’s thinking in this contribution is not philological or attentively reconstructive but rather selective and (...)
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    A Feminist Cartography of Critical New Materialist Philosophies.Evelien Geerts - 2024 - In Felicity Colman & Iris van der Tuin, Methods and Genealogies of New Materialisms. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 78-104.
    In ‘Situated Knowledges’, feminist science studies scholar – and, as will be argued in this chapter, critical new materialisms scene-setter – Donna Haraway (1988) reveals her own politicised ‘electroshock’ (578) therapeutic take on epistemology and what it means to create knowledge from the ground up. She builds her argument upon Marxist, historical and feminist materialisms, the rich tradition of feminist epistemology and, above all, Sandra Harding’s (1986, 1987, 1991) standpoint theory. Connecting the foregoing philosophies to the Foucauldian idea of power/knowledge (...)
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