Results for 'François Chapeau-Blondeau'

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  1.  53
    Information processing in neural networks by means of controlled dynamic regimes.François Chapeau-Blondeau - 1995 - Acta Biotheoretica 43 (1-2):155-167.
    This paper is concerned with the modeling of neural systems regarded as information processing entities. I investigate the various dynamic regimes that are accessible in neural networks considered as nonlinear adaptive dynamic systems. The possibilities of obtaining steady, oscillatory or chaotic regimes are illustrated with different neural network models. Some aspects of the dependence of the dynamic regimes upon the synaptic couplings are examined. I emphasize the role that the various regimes may play to support information processing abilities. I present (...)
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    Un pas supplémentaire vers l’autonomie de la réparation du défaut d’information médicale!François Vialla, Sophie Périer-Chapeau & Mathieu Reynier - 2012 - Médecine et Droit 2012 (117):170-175.
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    L'activisme contemporain : défection, expressivisme, expérimentation.Laurence Allard & Olivier Blondeau - 2007 - Rue Descartes 55 (1):47-58.
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    La racaille peut-elle parler? Objets expressifs et émeutes des cités : Paroles publiques: Communiquer dans la cité.Laurence Allard & Olivier Blondeau - 2007 - Hermes 47:79.
    Les « émeutes de novembre 2005 » ont donné lieu à de nombreux discours développant une thèse particulièrement univoque et déniant toute capacité de s'exprimer à la jeunesse des cités. À partir d'une veille réalisée sur Internet et portant sur différents objets expressifs , cet article vise à montrer comment la « racaille » s'exprime, entre performance identitaire et resignification critique, en usant des ressources de l'expressivisme généralisé: le remix culturel ou la convergence créative des publics des jeux, de la (...)
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    Frontière entre la mort et le mourir.Mireille Lavoie, Thomas Koninck & Danielle Blondeau - 2009 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 65 (1):67-81.
    Les notions de «mort» et de «mourir», parfois utilisées sans distinctions dans la littérature, font référence à deux dimensions fort différentes pour la personne en fin de vie, de même que pour toutes les personnes appelées à en prendre soin . Alors que la personne malade voit venir la mort, elle doit vivre son mourir. La mort succède ainsi au mourir, dans le temps. Par ailleurs, une réflexion d’ordre philosophique permet de préciser que la mort s’avère une ordonnance de la (...)
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    De la crise des différences à la bioéthique - I.Lucien Morin & Danielle Blondeau - 1984 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 40 (2):227-240.
  7.  52
    The nature of care in light of Emmanuel Levinas.Mireille Lavoie, Thomas De Koninck & Danielle Blondeau - 2006 - Nursing Philosophy 7 (4):225-234.
  8.  52
    (1 other version)Psychosocial determinants of physicians’ intention to practice euthanasia in palliative care.Mireille Lavoie, Gaston Godin, Lydi-Anne Vézina-Im, Danielle Blondeau, Isabelle Martineau & Louis Roy - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):6.
    Euthanasia remains controversial in Canada and an issue of debate among physicians. Most studies have explored the opinion of health professionals regarding its legalization, but have not investigated their intentions when faced with performing euthanasia. These studies are also considered atheoretical. The purposes of the present study were to fill this gap in the literature by identifying the psychosocial determinants of physicians’ intention to practice euthanasia in palliative care and verifying whether respecting the patient’s autonomy is important for physicians.
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    The Philosophical Correspondence and Unpublished Writings of Francois Hemsterhuis.Francois Hemsterhuis - 2023 - Edinburgh University Press.
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    Entrevista a François zourabichvili realizada en bogotá, en la antigua casa Del poeta Pierre languinez, en agosto de 2005.François Zourabichvili, Alberto Bejarano, Gustavo Chirolla Ospina & César Mario Gómez - 2020 - Universitas Philosophica 37 (74):269-279.
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    Dominique Janicaud et Jean-François Mattéi, La métaphysique à la limite. Cinq études sur Heidegger.A. François - 1994 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 92 (1):124-125.
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    Technology and French Thought: a Dialogue Between Jean-Luc Nancy and François-David Sebbah.François-David Sebbah & Jean-Luc Nancy - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (3):1-14.
    This paper is not an article in a regular sense. It is a dialogue between François-David Sebbah, one of the two editors of this topical collection, and Jean-Luc Nancy, one of the most eminent representatives of the contemporary French Thought. This dialogue took place in the first half of 2022 in a written form, because of the sanitary restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic and because Nancy was heavily sick. Sebbah sent to Nancy a text, corresponding to Section 2.1, (...)
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  13. Perspectival Thought: A Plea for Moderate Relativism.François Recanati - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Our thought and talk are situated. They do not take place in a vacuum but always in a context, and they always concern an external situation relative to which they are to be evaluated. Since that is so, François Recanati argues, our linguistic and mental representations alike must be assigned two layers of content: the explicit content, or lekton, is relative and perspectival, while the complete content, which is absolute, involves contextual factors in addition to what is explicitly represented. (...)
  14.  22
    D à la rédaction.Misericôrdia Angles, Jean-Louis Baudoin, Danielle Blondeau, Paul Beauchamp, Richard Bodeus, Stéphane Bingham, Pierre Cariou, Odile Celier, Jean-Marc Charron & Lucien Ceyssens - 1993 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 49 (2):381-384.
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    The dying person: An existential being until the end of life.Mireille Lavoie RN PhD, Danielle Blondeau RN PhD & Thomas Koninck PhdeD - 2008 - Nursing Philosophy 9 (2):89–97.
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    The nature of care in light of Emmanuel Levinas.Mireille Lavoie rn phd, Thomas Koninck phded & and Danielle Blondeau rn phd - 2006 - Nursing Philosophy 7 (4):225–234.
  17. Direct Reference: From Language to Thought.François Récanati - 1993 - Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell.
    This volume puts forward a distinct new theory of direct reference, blending insights from both the Fregean and the Russellian traditions, and fitting the general theory of language understanding used by those working on the pragmatics of natural language.
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  18. Claveau, François; Herfeld, Catherine (2018). Social network analysis: A complementary method of discovery for the history of economics. In: Weintraub, E Roy; Düppe, Till. A contemporary historiography of economics. London: Routledge, n/a.François Claveau, Catherine Herfeld, E. Roy Weintraub & Till Düppe (eds.) - 2018
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  19. Dagognet, Francois and the empirico-transcendental paradox.François Guery - 1981 - Archives de Philosophie 44 (3):371-381.
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    LEPAGE, François, Éléments de logique contemporaineLEPAGE, François, Éléments de logique contemporaine.François Mottard - 1993 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 49 (1):161-161.
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    Jean-Francois Lyotard: The Interviews and Debates.Jean-François Lyotard & Kiff Bamford (eds.) - 2020 - London, UK: Bloomsbury.
    Jean-François Lyotard (1924-1998) was one of the most important French philosophers of the Twentieth Century. His impact has been felt across many disciplines: sociology; cultural studies; art theory and politics. This volume presents a diverse selection of interviews, conversations and debates which relate to the five decades of his working life, both as a political militant, experimental philosopher and teacher. Including hard-to-find interviews and previously untranslated material, this is the first time that interviews with Lyotard have been presented as (...)
  22. The Pragmatics of What is Said.François Recanati - 1989 - Mind and Language 4 (4):295-329.
  23.  29
    Jean-François Courtine, Heidegger et la phénoménologie.A. François - 1994 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 92 (1):119-120.
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  24. François Hemsterhuis, Sophyle ya da Felsefe Üzerine.Arif Yildiz & François Hemsterhuis - 2022 - ViraVerita International Interdisciplinary Encounters 15 (1):292-320.
  25.  85
    ‘china As Philosophical Tool’: François Jullien In Conversation With Thierry Zarcone.François Jullien & Thierry Zarcone - 2003 - Diogenes 50 (4):15-21.
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    Recueil d'Etudes sur les Sources du Droit en l'honneur de François Gény. [With a portrait.].François Gény - 1937 - Recueil Sirey.
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    Jacob T. Levy, Rationalism, Pluralism, and Freedom, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2015.François Boucher - 2018 - Philosophiques 45 (1):328.
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    Detour and access: strategies of meaning in China and Greece.François Jullien - 2000 - New York: Zone Books. Edited by Sophie Hawkes.
    An exploration of the central role of indirect modes of expression in ancient China.In what way do we benefit from speaking of things indirectly? How does such a distancing allow us better to discover--and describe--people and objects? How does distancing produce an effect? What can we gain from approaching the world obliquely? In other words, how does detour grant access? Thus begins Francois Jullien's investigation into the strategy, subtlety, and production of meaning in ancient and modern Chinese aesthetic and political (...)
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  29. Can we believe what we do not understand?François Recanati - 1997 - Mind and Language 12 (1):84-100.
    In a series of papers, Sperber provides the following analysis of the phenomenon of ill-understood belief (or 'quasi-belief', as I call it): (i) the quasi-believer has a validating meta-belief, to the effect that a certain representation is true; yet (ii) that representation does not give rise to a plain belief, because it is 'semi-propositional'. In this paper I discuss several aspects of this treatment. In particular, I deny that the representation accepted by the quasi-believer is semantically indeterminate, and I reject (...)
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  30. On Defining Communicative Intentions.François Recanati - 1986 - Mind and Language 1 (3):213-41.
  31. De re and De se.François Recanati - 2009 - Dialectica 63 (3):249-269.
    For Perry and many authors, de se thoughts are a species of de re thought. In this paper, I argue that de se thoughts come in two varieties: explicit and implicit. While explicit de se thoughts can be construed as a variety of de re thought, implicit de se thoughts cannot: their content is thetic, while the content of de re thoughts is categoric. The notion of an implicit de se thought is claimed to play a central role in accounting (...)
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  32.  13
    Spinoza: une physique de la pensée.François Zourabichvili - 2002 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    Selon Spinoza, les idées appartiennent à la nature au même titre que les corps. Et pourtant ce ne sont pas des corps : seule une physique spéciale, nullement métaphorique, peut rendre compte de l'étrange univers qu'elles composent.
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    La poétique de l'ironie: essai.François Breteau - 2019 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    La poétique de l'ironie prend conscience de la déréliction dans laquelle vit l'homme contemporain : s'il existe un bonheur sociétal, il existe aussi en contrepartie un malheur sociétal. C'est une affaire d'existence que d'affronter poétiquement ce malaise de l'être humain. La vision utilitaire du monde nous fait oublier la liberté du réel, ainsi que la liberté de notre pensée, de notre langage et de notre vécu, bref, la notion d'être en présence du monde, d'autrui et de nous-mêmes. La poétique de (...)
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  34. (1 other version)Unarticulated constituents.François Recanati - 2002 - Linguistics and Philosophy 25 (3):299-345.
    In a recent paper (Linguistics and Philosophy 23, 4, June 2000), Jason Stanley argues that there are no `unarticulated constituents', contrary to what advocates of Truth-conditional pragmatics (TCP) have claimed. All truth-conditional effects of context can be traced to logical form, he says. In this paper I maintain that there are unarticulated constituents, and I defend TCP. Stanley's argument exploits the fact that the alleged unarticulated constituents can be `bound', that is, they can be made to vary with the values (...)
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  35.  30
    Franciscan Bishops.A. Chapeau & C. N. Bransom Jr - 1989 - Franciscan Studies 49 (1):175-254.
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    (2 other versions)Franciscan Bishops.Dom André Chapeau & Charles N. Bransom - 1987 - Franciscan Studies 47 (1):287-372.
  37.  94
    L’intégration des nouveaux préposés aux bénéficiaires dans les organisations gériatriques au Québec : la santé au travail au risque des temporalités.François Aubry - 2014 - Revue Phronesis 3 (4):48-55.
    The objective of this article is to explain how the integration of new oderlies in geriatric organizations in Quebec must be considered as a problematic process in terms of occupational safety and health. This article is based on data from a qualitative study conducted in 2012 in two geriatric organizations in Quebec. We show how the new recruits having to respect two organizational standards: one concerning compliance with the prescribed workload; the other relates to the quality of work. We show (...)
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    Médecine et philosophie chez Huarte de San Juan.François Azouvi - 2001 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 3 (3):399-405.
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    A philosophical use of China: an interview with Francois Jullien.Francois Jullien - 1999 - Thesis Eleven 57 (1):113-30.
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    Qu'est-ce qu'une œuvre interactive?François Zourabi - 2008 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 1 (1):93-96.
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  41. The elephant in the room: What matters cognitively in cumulative technological culture.François Osiurak & Emanuelle Reynaud - 2020 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 43:e156.
    Cumulative technological culture (CTC) refers to the increase in the efficiency and complexity of tools and techniques in human populations over generations. A fascinating question is to understand the cognitive origins of this phenomenon. Because CTC is definitely a social phenomenon, most accounts have suggested a series of cognitive mechanisms oriented toward the social dimension (e.g., teaching, imitation, theory of mind, and metacognition), thereby minimizing the technical dimension and the potential influence of non-social, cognitive skills. What if we have failed (...)
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  42.  11
    Oeuvres Philosophiques De M. F. Hemsterhuis..François Hemsterhuis, Hendrik Jansen, Johann Gottfried Herder, Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi & H. J. Jansen - 2023 - Legare Street Press.
    Cet ouvrage rassemble les oeuvres philosophiques de François Hemsterhuis, l'un des représentants les plus importants du mouvement d'idées appelé le siècle des lumières. Ses écrits portent sur des sujets variés tels que l'esthétique, l'éthique, la métaphysique, etc. Ils sont accompagnés d'une préface de Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi, autre figure marquante du mouvement. Cet ouvrage est un témoignage passionnant de la philosophie du XVIIIe siècle. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge (...)
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    Parti pris de la légèreté.Villais François - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Cher ****, Il émane de ma Rêverie d'aujourd'hui un désir de projet de volumes dans le paysage mieux assis et assumé. Détachement progressif des modes d'insertion confortables — qui ont été néanmoins de bons leviers : M'appuyant sur le « land-art », mobiliser le génie du paysage comme plateforme pour des expressions plastiques de grande échelle afin d'en faire émerger du sens. Utiliser le paysage comme environnement harmonique à un statuaire monumental - Résidence numérique — François Villais.
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  44. What is said.François Recanati - 2001 - Synthese 128 (1-2):75--91.
  45.  21
    Bounding 2d functions by products of 1d functions.François Dorais & Dan Hathaway - 2022 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 68 (2):202-212.
    Given sets and a regular cardinal μ, let be the statement that for any function, there are functions and such that for all,. In, the statement is false. However, we show the theory (which is implied by + “” + “ω1 is measurable”) implies that for every there is a such that in some inner model, κ is measurable with Mitchell order.
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    Looking for the Cosmopolitical Fish: Monitoring Marine Pollution with Anglers and Congers in the Gulf of Fos, Southern France.François Mélard & Christelle Gramaglia - 2019 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 44 (5):814-842.
    Following a controversy over the construction of a waste incinerator in the Fos-sur-Mer industrial area, residents pointed to the lack of knowledge of the industry’s cumulative impact on their health and environment. Under pressure, some of their elected representatives supported the creation of an independent scientific organization, the Ecocitizen Institute for Pollution Awareness. Its objective was to conduct localized scientific research on the effects of pollution and to lobby the administration to change its regulatory practices. This paper examines the efforts (...)
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  47.  32
    Vanessa Agnew. Enlightenment Orpheus: The Power of Music in Other Worlds (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008), xiv+ 263 pp.£ 13.99 cloth. Esref Aksu, ed. Early Notions of Global Governance: Selected Eighteenth-Century Proposals for 'Perpetual Peace'(Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2008), viii+ 244 pp.£ 19.99 paper. [REVIEW]Jean Baudrillard, Marc Guillaume Radical Alterity, Anne-Marie Blondeau, Katia Buffetrille & Authenticating Tibet - 2009 - The European Legacy 14 (4):509-512.
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    Tibetan StudiesTransmission of the Tibetan CanonTibetan Culture in DiasporaDevelopment, Society, and Environment in TibetTibetan Mountain Deities: Their Cults and RepresentationsThe Inner Asian International Style, 12th-14th Centuries. [REVIEW]Edwin Gerow, Helmut Krasser, Michael Torsten Much, Ernst Steinkellner, Helmut Tauscher, Helmut Eimer, Frank J. Korom, Graham E. Clarke, Anne-Marie Blondeau, Deborah E. Klimburg-Salter & Eva Allinger - 2000 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 120 (1):154.
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  49. Cher Benoît, cher François.Francois Recanati - 2003 - In Jean-Louis Aroui, Le sens et la mesure : de la pragmatique à la métrique (hommage à Benoît de Cornulier). Honore Champion. pp. 33-52.
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    Cause et raison des îles désertes.Villais François - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Cher*** Me revoici après neuvaine. Et aujourd'hui, mon regard porte au large. Et la mer apportera à chaque homme des raisons d'espérer, comme le sommeil la cohorte des rêves. C'est le point où la résidence numérique sur « Rhuthmos », en vient à s'enlacer avec l'exposition que je prépare à la « Galerie des Paysages » durant le festival d'Avignon. Le thème aura trait à une poétique intime — tu fais bien de me rappeler, cher ami, mon abus de langage (...)
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