Results for 'Frances Abrahamer Rothstein'

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  1.  48
    Working towards accomodation: Rabbenu Yonah gerondi's slow acceptance of andalusian rabbinic traditions.Gidon Rothstein - 2003 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 12 (3):87-104.
    Rabbis of thirteenth-century Spain were often exposed to two traditions, that of Northern France-Germany and that of Moslem Spain. Until now, the dominant discussion of how they balanced the contrast has been Bernard Septimus' analysis of Nahmanides (Ramban), who managed to draw fruitfully on both. Rabbenu Yonah b. Abraham of Gerona, Ramban's only slightly less famous relative, presents a useful counterexample.Rabbenu Yonah's early works reflect an almost-total immersion in Northern French ways of thinking and writing. Only gradually does he engage (...)
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    Book Reviews : Science, Politics and the Pharmaceutical Industry: Controversy and Bias in Drug Regulation, by John Abraham. London: UCL Press, and New York: St. Martin's Press, 1995, 320 pp. £40.00 (cloth); £13.95 (paper); $75 (cloth. [REVIEW]Henry Rothstein - 1996 - Science, Technology and Human Values 21 (4):487-489.
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  3. Réponse en forme de dissertation à un théologien.Abraham Gaultier, Olivier Bloch & Claudia Stancati - 2005 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 195 (2):239-240.
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    Die Antwort der Debrecener neuen Orthodoxie auf den theologischen Liberalismus in Ungarn.Ábrahám Kovács - 2014 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 21 (1-2):47-68.
    The Response of Debrecen New Orthodoxy to Liberal Theology in Hungary. The Reformed Church of Hungary was not exempt from the impact of various theological schools of Western Europe during the nineteenth century. The historical theological school of Tübingen, the Swiss liberal and moderate theology and the Dutch ‘moderne theologie’ held a great sway on Hungarian Protestantism in particularly Reformed Theology. Parallel to this development another and distinct trend appeared as a response to the challenges posed by liberal theology, which (...)
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  5. La création scientifique.Abraham A. Moles - 1957 - Genève: R. Kister.
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    TERRÉ, Dominique. Les dérives de l'argumentation scientifique. Paris : Presses Universitaires de France, 1998. (coll. Sociologiques) 310 p.TERRÉ, Dominique. Les dérives de l'argumentation scientifique. Paris : Presses Universitaires de France, 1998. (coll. Sociologiques) 310 p. [REVIEW]Luc Abraham - 1999 - Horizons Philosophiques 9 (2):140-141.
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    (1 other version)Théorie de l'information et perception esthétique.Abraham A. Moles - 1957 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 147 (1):233 - 242.
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    On Shmuel Hugo Bergman's philosophy.Abraham Zvie Bar-On (ed.) - 1986 - Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Distributed in the U.S.A. by Humanities Press.
    ... A. Zvie BAR-ON The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Shmuel Hugo Bergman, one of the most prominent Jewish philosophers of the 20th century, ...
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  9. La création scientifique.Abraham A. Moles - 1958 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 148:117-118.
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    Analyse systémique de la société comme machine.Abraham A. Moles - 1980 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 170 (3):365 - 378.
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    La linguistique méthode de découverte interdisciplinaire.Abraham A. Moles - 1966 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 156:375 - 390.
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    La simulation en tant que mode d'explication structuraliste des phénomènes.Abraham A. Moles - 1965 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 155:229 - 231.
  13.  79
    Concordance et indices de la tradition musulmaneHistoire des croisades et du royaume franc de Jérusalem. Vol. I: L'anarchie musulmane et la monarchie franque (1097-1131)The Kingdom of the CrusadesMoslem Schisms and Sects (al-Farḳ bạin al-Firaḳ)Diwan of Khaki KhorasaniTwo Early Ismaili Treatises, i. e. Haft Babi Bab Sayyid-na and Matlubu'l-Mu'mininTrue Meaning of Religion, i. e. Risala dar Haqqiqati DinAl-Islām w-al-Tajdīd fi MiṣrMonetary and Banking System of SyriaThe Yazīdis, Past and Present. [REVIEW]Philip K. Hitti, A. J. Wensinck, René Grousset, Dana C. Munro, Abraham S. Halkin, W. Ivanow, Nasir'D.-din Tusi, Shihabu' din Shah, Ivanow, 'Abbās Maḥmūd, Sa'īd B. Ḥimādeh, Ismā'īl Beg Chol, Costi K. Zurayq, Anīs Khūri al-Maqdisi, Jibrā'īl S. Jabbūr, Al-amīr Ḥaydar al-Shihābi, Asad Rustum, Fu'ād I. al-Bustāni, Rene Grousset, 'Abbas Mahmud, Sa'id B. Himadeh, Isma'il Beg Chol, Anis Khuri al-Maqdisi, Jibra'il S. Jabbur, Al-Amir Haydar Al-Shihabi & Fu'ad I. al-Bustani - 1936 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 56 (4):510.
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    Abraham Ibn Ezra's scientific corpus basic constituents and general characterization.Shlomo Sela - 2001 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 11 (1):91-149.
    Abraham ibn Ezra's scientific corpus represented an exceptional case: instead of the common Latin model embodied by the scholar coming from the Christian North to the Iberian Peninsula to initiate a translation enterprise, we have in Ibn Ezra the contrary case of an intellectual imbued with the Arabic culture, who abandons al-Andalus, roams around the Christian countries and delivers in his wandering through Italy, France and England, the scientific and cultural cargo that he amassed during his youth in al-Andalus. The (...)
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    Against France: An American Novelistic Fantasy.Jeffrey Mehlman - 2004 - Diogenes 51 (3):121-132.
    Several years before the recent French-American diplomatic squabble, Saul Bellow and Philip Roth, arguably America’s two greatest novelists, wrote major works of a markedly anti-French tenor. Indeed, both Ravelstein and The Human Stain, with their disparate griefs against the French, share a remarkably similar plot: against a back-drop of Gallic treachery, a courageously conservative academic, condemned to death by his sexual excesses, asks, before dying, a novelist friend to write the story of his life. Framed by a consideration of an (...)
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    Translating the psychoanalysis of origins: Reflections on Nicolas abraham’s “introducing thalassa” and Sándor ferenczi’s theoretical legacy.Tom Goodwin - 2020 - Angelaki 25 (6):122-136.
    Nicolas Abraham’s “Introducing Thalassa” contributed to the revival of Sàndor Ferenczi’s ideas in France from the 1960s and initiated a transformation in his own psychoanalytic thinking as the thalassal argument was brought into a new context. This article argues that Abraham’s work provides a pathway to not only remember, but also revitalise Ferenczi’s notion of trauma and its inscription in biological processes from events that have happened is species pre-history as well as personal history. Abraham rethinks this “biological unconscious” through (...)
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    Derrida, Abraham and Responsible Subjectivity.Patrik Fridlund - 2016 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 141 (1):59-78.
    Secrecy is a theme in Genesis 22, in Derrida's reading of the story, in which God commands Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. It is about keeping a secret, not secret as in hiding, but rather the secret of an exclusive relationship. This is embarrassing as it is excluding. Accepting this unique relationship by keeping the secret, Abraham demonstrates his willingness to enter into a relationship based on unconditional love. An essential part of this unconditionality and uniqueness is Abraham not referring to (...)
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  18.  84
    Astronomy and Astrology in the Works of Abraham ibn Ezra.Bernard R. Goldstein - 1996 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 6 (1):9-21.
    Abraham ibn Ezra d'Espagne (m. 1167) fut l'un des plus importants savants ayant contribué à la transmission de la science arabe à l'Occident. Ses ouvrages en astrologie et en astronomie, rédigés en hébreu puis traduits en latin, étaient considéréd comme faisant autorité par de nombreux savants juifs et Chrétiens. Parmi les ouvrages qu'il a traduits de l'arabe en hébreu, certains sont perdus dans leur langue originale et ses propres ouvrages renferment certaines informations concernant des sources anciennes mal ou pas du (...)
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  19. Abraham Aboulafia, cabaliste et prophète. Herméneutique, théosophie et théurgie.Elliot R. Wolfson & Jean-françois Sené - 2002 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 192 (4):433-435.
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    The Testament of the other: Abraham and Torok's failed expiation of ghosts.Christopher Lane - 1997 - Diacritics 27 (4):3-29.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Testament of the Other: Abraham and Torok’s Failed Expiation of GhostsChristopher Lane (bio)Nicolas Abraham and Maria Torok. The Shell and the Kernel. Vol. 1. Ed., trans., and intro. Nicholas T. Rand. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1994.Nicholas Rand and Maria Torok. Questions à Freud: Du Devenir de la Psychanalyse. Paris: Belles Lettres-Archimbaud, 1995.Nicholas Rand and Maria Torok. “Questions to Freudian Psychoanalysis: Dream Interpretation, Reality, Fantasy.” Trans. Rand. Critical (...)
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  21. eller August Abraham?Sven Hort - 2019 - In Bo Rothstein, Sven Engström & Sven E. O. Hort (eds.), Om Bo Rothstein: forskaren, debattören, livsnjutaren. Lund: Arkiv förlag.
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  22. The Great War and the First Triode Designs: Abraham, Bloch, Blondel, Van der Pol.Jean-Marc Ginoux - 2017 - In History of Nonlinear Oscillations Theory in France. Springer Verlag.
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  23. Harming, not aiding, and positive rights.Frances Myrna Kamm - 1986 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 15 (1):3-32.
  24. (1 other version)IFrances M. Kamm.Frances M. Kamm - 2000 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 74 (1):21-39.
    In this article I am concerned with whether it could be morally significant to distinguish between doing something 'in order to bring about an effect' as opposed to 'doing something because we will bring about an effect'. For example, the Doctrine of Double Effect tells us that we should not act in order to bring about evil, but even if this is true is it perhaps permissible to act only because an evil will thus occur? I discuss these questions in (...)
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  25. Computational models: a modest role for content.Frances Egan - 2010 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 41 (3):253-259.
    The computational theory of mind construes the mind as an information-processor and cognitive capacities as essentially representational capacities. Proponents of the view claim a central role for representational content in computational models of these capacities. In this paper I argue that the standard view of the role of representational content in computational models is mistaken; I argue that representational content is to be understood as a gloss on the computational characterization of a cognitive process.Keywords: Computation; Representational content; Cognitive capacities; Explanation.
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  26. Intricate ethics: rights, responsibilities, and permissible harm.Frances Myrna Kamm - 2007 - New York ;: Oxford University Press.
    In Intricate Ethics, Kamm questions the moral importance of some non-consequentialist distinctions and then introduces and argues for the moral importance of ...
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  27. Harming some to save others.Frances Kamm - 1989 - Philosophical Studies 57 (3):227 - 260.
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  28. with Enhancement?Frances Kamm - 2009 - In Nick Bostrom & Julian Savulescu (eds.), Human Enhancement. Oxford University Press. pp. 91.
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  29. Sacrifice and the Death of Christ.Frances M. Young - 1975
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  30. Equal treatment and equal chances.Frances Myrna Kamm - 1984 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 14 (2):177-194.
  31. The placement of shadows : what's inside William Kentridge's Black box/Chambre Noire?Frances Guerin - 2011 - In John David Rhodes & Elena Gorfinkel (eds.), Taking Place: Location and the Moving Image. University of Minnesota Press.
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    Preface.Frances Nethercott - 1994 - Studies in East European Thought 46 (3):149-152.
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    The concept of Lichnost’ in criminal law theory, 1860s–1900s.Frances Nethercott - 2009 - Studies in East European Thought 61 (2-3):189-196.
    This essay discusses criminal law theories in late Imperial Russia. It argues that, although the political climate of Reform and Counter Reform effectively undermined attempts to implement new legislation premised on the idea of the 'rights-enabled person', paradoxically, it fostered the growth of juridical scholarship. Russian criminal law theorists engaged critically with Western juridical science, which, beginning in the 1870s, witnessed a shift away from absolutist theories inspired by the classics of philosophical idealism towards various strains of positivism arguing for (...)
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  34. Ramón Llull y Johannes Scotus Eriugena.Frances Yates - 1962 - Studia Lulliana 6 (1-2):71-82.
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  35. How to think about mental content.Frances Egan - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 170 (1):115-135.
    Introduction: representationalismMost theorists of cognition endorse some version of representationalism, which I will understand as the view that the human mind is an information-using system, and that human cognitive capacities are representational capacities. Of course, notions such as ‘representation’ and ‘information-using’ are terms of art that require explication. As a first pass, representations are “mediating states of an intelligent system that carry information” (Markman and Dietrich 2001, p. 471). They have two important features: (1) they are physically realized, and so (...)
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    Diary of Frances Chesterton, 1904-1905.Frances Chesterton & Aidan Mackey - 1999 - The Chesterton Review 25 (3):283-293.
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  37. Is there a problem with enhancement?Frances M. Kamm - 2005 - American Journal of Bioethics 5 (3):5 – 14.
    This article examines arguments concerning enhancement of human persons recently presented by Michael Sandel (2004). In the first section, I briefly describe some of his arguments. In section two, I consider whether, as Sandel claims, the desire for mastery motivates enhancement and whether such a desire could be grounds for its impermissibility. Section three considers how Sandel draws the distinction between treatment and enhancement, and the relation to nature that he thinks each expresses. The fourth section examines Sandel's views about (...)
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    Resistance, Repression And Gender Politics In Occupied Palestine And Jordan.Frances S. Hasso - 2005 - Syracuse University Press.
    This book focuses on the central party apparatus of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the Democratic Front branches established in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and Jordan in the 1970s, and the most influential and innovative of the DF women's organizations: the Palestinian Federation of Women's Action Committees in the occupied territories. Until now, no study of a Palestinian political organization has so thoroughly engaged with internal gender histories. In addition, no other work attempts to systematically compare branches (...)
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  39. Disagreement.Bryan Frances - 2014 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    Regardless of who you are or how you live your life, you disagree with millions of people on an enormous number of topics from politics, religion and morality to sport, culture and art. Unless you are delusional, you are aware that a great many of the people who disagree with you are just as smart and thoughtful as you are - in fact, you know that often they are smarter and more informed. But believing someone to be cleverer or more (...)
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    My imaginary illness: A journey into uncertainty and prejudice in medical diagnosis, by Chloë G. K. Atkins.Frances R. Batzer - 2012 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 5 (2):186-189.
    Chloë G. K. Atkins, My Imaginary Illness: A Journey into Uncertainty and Prejudice in Medical Diagnosis, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2010, reviewed by Frances R. Batzer.
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    An enquiry concerning the principles of taste.Frances Reynolds - 1951 - Los Angeles,: William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, University of California.
    Since the early nineteenth century it has been known that Frances Reynolds, the sister of Sir Joshua, was the author of an essay on taste, which she had printed but did not publish. Yet persistent search failed to turn up a single copy. It remained one of those lost pieces which every research scholar hoped someday to discover. In 1935 it appeared that the search was over. Among some manuscripts of Mrs. Thrale-Piozzi, long hidden in Wales, was found a (...)
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    Protesting Mobile Phone Masts: Risk, Neoliberalism, and Governmentality.Frances Drake - 2011 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 36 (4):522-548.
    Studies of protests against mobile phone masts typically concentrate on the potential health risks associated with mobile phones and their masts. Beck’s Risk Society has been particularly influential in informing this debate. This focus on health, however, has merely served to limit the discussion to those concerns legitimated by science conveniently ignoring other disputed issues. In contrast, this article contends that it is necessary to use a wider notion of risk to understand fully how the current political emphasis on active (...)
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  43. Moral status and personal identity: Clones, embryos, and future generations.Frances Myrna Kamm - 2005 - Social Philosophy and Policy 22 (2):283-307.
    In the first part of this article, I argue that even those entities that in their own right and for their own sake give us reason not to destroy them and to help them are sometimes substitutable for the good of other entities. In so arguing, I consider the idea of being valuable as an end in virtue of intrinsic and extrinsic properties. I also conclude that entities that have claims to things and against others are especially nonsubstitutable. In the (...)
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    Individualism and vision theory.Frances Egan - 1994 - Analysis 54 (4):258-264.
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    A Multimedia Approach To Computer Ethics.Frances K. Bailie - 1995 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 15 (5-6):248-250.
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    Pollack, Griselda. Vision and Difference: Femininity, Feminism and The Histories of Art.Frances S. Connelly - 1991 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 49 (1):81-82.
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  47. The National Writing Project: Design, Development, and Evaluation.Frances Dunham & Martha Mills - 1981 - Journal of Thought 16 (2):25-38.
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    Epinikion. General Form in the Odes of Pindar.Frances Stickney Newman & Richard Hamilton - 1975 - American Journal of Philology 96 (4):419.
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    The Examined Life.Frances Murphy Hamblin - 1957 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 17 (3):426-427.
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    Authors' Index to the Twenty-Seventh Bibliography.Frances Siegel - 1930 - Isis 13 (3):587-602.
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