Results for 'Francesca Guerrera Brezzi'

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    Filosofia e interpretazione.Francesca Guerrera Brezzi - 1969 - Bologna,: Il mulino.
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  2. Pensare altrimenti la differenza: Levinas e Heidegger in Fenomenologia e metafisica. Il dibattito continua.F. Guerrera Brezzi - 1983 - Aquinas 26 (3):459-483.
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  3. Francesca Brezzi e Fina Birulés su La sapienza di Diotima.Francesca Brezzi & Fina Birulés - 1998 - la Società Degli Individui 2.
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    Piccolo manuale di etica contemporanea.Francesca Brezzi - 2012 - Roma: Donzelli Editore.
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  5. Www. Sfi. it.Francesca Brezzi, Mario De Pasquale, Anna Bianchi, Valerio Bernardi, Cristina Boracchi, Fabio Cioffi, Antonio Cosentino, Ferruccio De Natale, Francesco Dipalo & Armando Girotti - 2016 - Comunicazione Filosofica.
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    A partire dal gioco: per i sentieri di un pensiero ludico.Francesca Brezzi - 1992 - Genova: Marietti.
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    Introduzione a Ricoeur.Francesca Brezzi - 2006 - Roma: Laterza.
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    Ermeneutica e verità.Francesca Brezzi - 1992 - Idee 19:113-118.
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    Il filo(sofare) di Arianna: percorsi del pensiero femminile nel Novecento.Angela Ales Bello & Francesca Brezzi (eds.) - 2001 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Melancholic depression. A hermeneutic phenomenological account.Francesca Brencio & Valeria Bizzari - 2022 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 13 (2):94-107.
    _Abstract_: The overarching aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive account of melancholic depression from the perspective of hermeneutic phenomenology. More specifically, we propose that this condition should be interpreted as an alteration in the intentional arc that affects corporeality, temporality, and spatiality, rather than as a mood disorder. In fact, classifying melancholic depression as a mood disorder seems a particularly poor choice; the mood disorder is not a cause but a consequence of a primary disturbance in operative (...)
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    Exploring the Question of Bias in AI through a Gender Performative Approach.Gabriele Nino & Francesca Alessandra Lisi - 2024 - Sexuality and Gender Studies Journal 2 (2):14-31.
    The objective of this paper is to examine how artificial intelligence systems (AI) can reproduce phenomena of social discrimination and to develop an ethical strategy for preventing such occurrences. A substantial body of scholarship has demonstrated how AI has the potential to erode the rights of women and LGBT+ individuals, as it is capable of amplifying forms of discrimination that are already pervasive in society. This paper examines the principal approaches that have been put forth to contrast the emergence of (...)
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    Measuring machinewashing under the corporate digital responsibility theory: A proposal for a methodological path.Francesca Bernini, Paola Ferretti, Cristina Gonnella & Fabio La Rosa - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    Business Ethics, the Environment &Responsibility, EarlyView.
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    Measuring greenwashing: A systematic methodological literature review.Francesca Bernini, Marco Giuliani & Fabio La Rosa - 2024 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 33 (4):649-667.
    Greenwashing (GW) is a complex, dynamic, interdisciplinary, multidimensional, and multifaceted phenomenon. There are more theoretical than empirical studies on GW because of several difficulties in collecting accurate data and obtaining objective GW measures. After disentangling the multifaceted GW phenomenon by describing its main dimensions, this study provides a systematic methodological literature review on empirical research papers published from 1990 to 2022 in journals of Business, Management, and Accounting to understand how empirical researchers are operationalizing GW and how our methodological choices (...)
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  14. Martin Heidegger e la riflessione sul male. Dall’etica originaria ai Quaderni Neri.Francesca Brencio - 2017 - Magazzino di Filosofia 10:39-95.
  15. Medard Boss.Francesca Brencio - 2020 - In A. Molano & G. Stanghellini (eds.), Storia della fenomenologia clinica. pp. 171-188.
  16. I Quaderni Neri di Martin Heidegger. Osservazioni ‘inutili’ eppure necessarie.Francesca Brencio - 2016 - Idee 12:13-36.
  17.  20
    Mental Imagery Skills in Competitive Young Athletes and Non-athletes.Donatella Di Corrado, Maria Guarnera, Claudia Savia Guerrera, Nelson Mauro Maldonato, Santo Di Nuovo, Sabrina Castellano & Marinella Coco - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Traduire Hegel/Hegel übersetzen.Alain Patrick Olivier & Francesca Iannelli - unknown
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    Children, time, and the sublime. New perspectives in educational aesthetics.Francesca D’Alessandris - 2023 - Studi di Estetica 25.
    Is it possible that children experience something we could judge as the sublime? Some pivotal conjectures have been elicited to positively answer these questions; however, this general topic still stands in need of fuller theoretical and empirical insights. Since taking up this challenge may have important implications in the ever-expanding field of aesthetic education, in this article I will give a philosophical account of the experience of the sublime in 8-10 children, identifying both its plau- sible components and its markers, (...)
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    Attualità e storicità del Dei delitti e delle pene a 250 anni dalla pubblicazione.Giovanni Rossi & Francesca Zanuso (eds.) - 2015 - Napoli: Edizioni scientifiche italiane.
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    Libero arbitrio: teorie e prassi della libertà.Claudio Tugnoli & Francesca Masi (eds.) - 2014 - Napoli: Liguori editore.
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  22. Il filosofo e la grande guerra. Recensione a Les Philosophes et la guerre del 1914-1918. Sous la direction de Stefan Leclercq. [REVIEW]Francesca Brencio - 2016 - Psiche. Rivista di Cultura Psicoanalitica 2:603-608.
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    Haunted by Christ: Modern Writers and the Struggle for Faith. By RichardHarries. Pp. xvi, 240. London, SPCK, 2018, £19.99. [REVIEW]Francesca Bugliani Knox - 2020 - Heythrop Journal 61 (3):590-591.
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    A selection of greek elegy and iambus - (w.) Allan (ed.) Greek elegy and iambus. A selection. Pp. XVI + 254, map. Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2019. Paper, £23.99, us$31.99 (cased, £74.99, us$99.99). Isbn: 978-1-107-55997-4 (978-1-107-12299-4 hbk). [REVIEW]Francesca D'Alfonso - 2022 - The Classical Review 72 (2):419-421.
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    A commentary on greek lyric fragments - (m.) Davies Lesser and Anonymous fragments of greek lyric poetry: A commentary. Pp. XIV + 376, ill. Oxford: Oxford university press, 2021. Cased, £120, us$155. Isbn: 978-0-19-886050-1. [REVIEW]Francesca D'Alfonso - 2021 - The Classical Review 71 (2):291-292.
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    Santa Francesca Romana e papa Eugenio IV: profezia e potere a Roma al tempo del Concilio di Basilea.Francesca Canepuccia - 2022 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 34 (66):31-44.
    A cavallo tra i due concili di Costanza e Basilea, che hanno fortemente influito sul giudizio della Chiesa in relazione alle donne visionarie, si staglia la figura di Francesca Bussa dei Ponziani. Le visioni politiche di Francesca rappresentano un fulgido esempio di come i modelli brigidini e cateriniani siano stati ripresi e rimodellati su un nuovo, mutato contesto storico. La sua consolidata autorità le consentì di ammonire a più riprese papa Eugenio IV riguardo alla sua partecipazione al concilio (...)
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  27. Aria, Terra, Acqua, Fuoco I Quattro Elementi E le Loro Metafore / a Cura di Francesca Rigotti, Pierangelo Schiera = Luft, Erde, Wasser, Feuer : Die Vier Elemente Und Ihre Metaphern / Hrsg. Von Francesca Rigotti, Pierangelo Schiera.Francesca Rigotti & Pierangelo Schiera - 1996
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  28. Ontologia qualitativa, fenomenologia della persona. Intervista a Francesca De Vecchi.Simone Santamato & Francesca De Vecchi - 2024 - Mimesis Scenari.
    In this paper, I interview Francesca De Vecchi (Full Professor of Theoretical Philosophy in Vita-Salute San Raffaele University) about her qualitative ontology and its social and normative implications. If at the foundation of our lifeworld there are significantly qualitative experiences, phenomenology can investigate the most important contemporary issues, such as gender disparity, socio-virtuality depersonalizations and political urgencies.
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    Corpo e spazio. A partire da Francesca Woodman.Francesca Brencio (ed.) - 2014
  30. Assumption-based argumentation for closed and consistent defeasible reasoning.Francesca Toni - 2008 - In Takashi Washio, Ken Satoh, Hideaki Takeda & Akihiro Inokuchi (eds.), New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence. Springer. pp. 390--402.
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    Considerazioni sul cosidetto «Agostinismo politico» (alto)medievale.Paolo Brezzi - 1985 - Augustinianum 25 (1-2):235-254.
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  32. Religione e civiltà in Lamennais.Paolo Brezzi - forthcoming - Studium.
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    Antidepressant Drugs and Physical Activity: A Possible Synergism in the Treatment of Major Depression?Claudia Savia Guerrera, Giovanna Furneri, Margherita Grasso, Giuseppe Caruso, Sabrina Castellano, Filippo Drago, Santo Di Nuovo & Filippo Caraci - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a severe mental illness that affects 5 to 20% of the general population. Current antidepressant drugs exerts only a partial clinical efficacy because approximately 30% of depressed patients failed to respond to these drugs and antidepressants produce remission only in 30% of patients. This can be explained by the fact that the complex pathophysiology of depression has not been completely elucidated, and treatments have been mainly developed following the “monoaminergic hypothesis” of depression without considering the (...)
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  34. Pedagogia assente, pedagogia invasa: prospettive educative nelle strutture penitenziarie.Francesca Rapana - 2006 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 19:107-121.
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    Christliche Unternehmer: Büdinger Forschungen zur Sozialgeschichte 1992 und 1993.Francesca Schinzinger (ed.) - 1994 - Boppard am Rhein: H. Boldt.
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  36. Communicative competence and theory of mind in autism: A test of relevance theory.Francesca G. E. Happé - 1993 - Cognition 48 (2):101-119.
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    Robert Michels, socialism, and modernity.Francesca Antonini - 2024 - History of European Ideas 50 (8):1514-1517.
    Andrew G. Bonnell’s new book is a welcome addition to the panorama of the Anglophone research in Intellectual History and History of Political Thought, foremost because it is the first English-spea...
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  38. Lacan versus Descartes. Il soggetto della scienza.Francesca Bonicalzi - 1996 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 25 (1):53-72.
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    La ricostituzione immaginaria della società: Ruth Levitas e l’utopia come teoria sociale.Francesca Pannozzo - 2017 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 29 (56).
    The essay aims to disclose British sociologist Ruth Levitas’s proposal regarding the thorny issue of the lack of consensus about the definition of the concept of utopia, a issue which, in the Levitas’s view, results in a widespread terminological confusion and in the omnipresent risk of arbitrary selection of the material. After an accurate analysis of the main theoretical and epistemological approaches on the topic, Levitas suggests an inclusive definition which would allow to cross the boundaries imposed by «restrictive» characterizations, (...)
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    The utopia of International peace during the Thirty years war. «Le Nouveau Cynée» written by Eméric Crucé.Francesca Russo - 2016 - Governare la Paura. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 9 (1).
    The main purpose of Le Nouveau Cynée, published by Emeric Crucé in 1623, is to find a better way to establish an enduring peace in the whole world. This pacifist utopia is very interesting, because it contains for the first time the idea of avoiding war, by establishing an international arbitration court settled in Venice. The court is an assembly with representatives of all States, even the Turkish Empire. The assembly is called to discuss any kind of controversy which may (...)
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    La città perduta: Simone Weil e l'universo di Linguadoca.Francesca Veltri - 2002 - Soveria Mannelli (Catanzaro): Rubbettino Editore.
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    What aspects of autism predispose to talent?Francesca Happé & Pedro Vital - 2010 - In Francesca Happé & Uta Frith (eds.), Autism and Talent. Oup/the Royal Society. pp. 364--1522.
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    Stories We Tell After Orlando.Francesca T. Royster - 2018 - Feminist Studies 44 (2):503.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 44, no. 2. © 2018 by Francesca T. Royster 503 Francesca T. Royster Stories We Tell After Orlando We are in Laila’s backyard for a Sunday barbecue, a cool and windy Chicago June day that immediately followed one of the very hottest days so far this year. My partner Annie and I have brought our fouryear -old daughter Cece and her best friend Gilda to (...)
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  44. Method of Tree-Hypersequents for Modal Propositional Logic.Francesca Poggiolesi - 2009 - In Jacek Malinowski David Makinson & Wansing Heinrich (eds.), Towards Mathematical Philosophy. Springer. pp. 31–51.
  45. Die Heimreise: Heidegger e Hebel.Francesca Brencio - 2008 - Davar 1.
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  46. Reflections on education and culture in al-Jabri's thought.Francesca M. Corrao - 2017 - In Mohammed Hashas, Zaid Eyadat & Francesca Maria Corrao (eds.), Islam, state, and modernity: Mohammed Abed al-Jabri and the future of the Arab world. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    (1 other version)Everyday Life in Social Psychology.Francesca Emiliani & Stefano Passini - 2016 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 46 (4).
    In the field of psychology, the topic of everyday life as a specific subject of inquiry has been afforded little attention. Indeed, everyday life has recently been analyzed mainly in psychological studies that examine people's ways of behaving and thinking when they act in situations termed as mundane and ordinary. These studies are mainly carried out in two fields of social psychology which we refer to in general terms as Social Cognition and Social Representation Theory. The aim of this paper (...)
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    The Definition of Translation in Davidson’s Philosophy: Semantic Equivalence versus Functional Equivalence.Francesca Ervas - unknown
    This article discusses how, in addition to providing a definition for translation, the concept of equivalence may explain why we can say that sentence S in language L is a translation of sentence S1 in language L1. It analyzes two main kinds of equivalence that are used in analytical philosophy to define translation: semantic equivalence and functional equivalence. This analysis shows that drawing a distinction between semantic and functional equivalence is a way to understand the distinction between different levels or (...)
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    The Experimental Turn in Philosophical Pragmatics.Francesca Ervas & Elisabetta Gola - 2012 - Humana Mente 5 (23).
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    Averroes's Aesthetics. The Pleasure of Philosophy and the Pleasure of Poetry.Francesca Forte - 2015 - Quaestio 15:287-296.
    The theme of the pleasure of knowledge is central in Averroes’ aesthetical reflection of Aristotle’s Poetics, regardless whether we side with the logical or with the moral interpretation. The first one stresses the continuity between Averroes and previous commentators in his attempt to reconstruct the Poetics as an integral part of the Logic itself, whereby poetic discourse is conceived as a form of reasoning based on syllogisms. According to the latter perspective, however, pleasure is central in that poetry is a (...)
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