Results for 'Francisco Echeverria'

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  1.  46
    Las lenguas en las sociedades del conocimiento.Javier Echeverría & J. Francisco Álvarez - 2008 - Arbor 184 (734):1025-1033.
    En las sociedades de la información y el conocimiento las lenguas se convierten en un recurso estratégico. Al expresar y compartir conocimiento por medio de los idiomas, las culturas generan yacimientos de conocimiento, que pueden ser transferidos e intercambiados entre comunidades epistémicas diferentes. Las actuales tecnologías de la información y la comunicación han cambiado la estructura de los flujos de conocimiento. La globalización del conocimiento plantea un gran desafío a todas las lenguas, incluyendo la española. Para sobrevivir en el mundo (...)
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  2. Cómo se ordena la potencia de la multitud: Instituciones y derecho de la ciudad en la teoría política de Spinoza.Francisco Javier Peña Echeverría - 2012 - Laguna 31:45-68.
    El concepto de multitud ocupa un lugar central en la teoría política de Spinoza. Al hacer de la potencia de la multitud el fundamento de la sociedad política, se distancia tanto del contractualismo individualista de Hobbes como del organicismo escolástico. Pero, pese a lo que sugieren algunas interpretaciones, la potencia de la multitud necesita expresarse a través de un marco jurídico e institucional que la ordene y canalice. El autogobierno democrático institucionalizado haría posible el mayor grado de integración y estabilidad (...)
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  3. Bounded rationality in social sciences.Javier Echeverría & José Francisco Álvarez - 2008 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 96 (1):173-189.
    Empirical research on Rational Choice Theory has brought up two focus of the economics laws problem. On one hand, we find the authors who state that the neoclassical economics laws are explanatory and predictive on specific cases: in transparent contexts in which the standard rationality operates successfully. On the other hand, we find the authors who state that the descriptive theories of the rational choice opens up a research path in which fundamental principles of the neoclassical building could be questioned. (...)
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    Alice M. Ramos (ed.), Beauty and the Good: Recovering the Classical Tradition From Plato to Duns Scotus (Washington, D.C., 2020). [REVIEW]Francisco Javier Ormazabal Echeverría - 2023 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 30 (1).
  5.  13
    Confianza como virtud y fe intelectual según Leonardo Polo.Juan Fernando Sellés Dauder & Francisco Javier Ormazabal Echeverria - 2023 - Revista de Filosofia: Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción 22 (2):25-39.
    En este trabajo se estudia la virtud de la confianza como requisito de la sociabilidad. Tras revisar, en síntesis y según L. Polo, como se ha estimado esta virtud en la historia de la filosofía, y tras examinar algunas manifestaciones del vicio opuesto de la desconfianza, se indica cuál es su índole, su raíz y sus consecuencias, distinguiéndola al final de la fe intelectual o natural que tiene como tema solo a Dios.
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    Lo imposible es imposible hasta que lo haces posible.Francisco Javier Sigüenza Reyes - 2023 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 8 (1):1-15.
    Hace veinte años se publicó en México el ensayo de Walter Benjamin, La obra de arte en su época de reproductibilidad técnica, traducido por Andrés Echeverría Weikert y con un texto introductorio de Bolívar Echeverría, titulado “Arte y utopía” (Editorial Ítaca, México, 2003). Aprovechando la visita de Andrés a la Ciudad de México, quien reside actualmente en Quito, tuvimos la oportunidad de conversar con él sobre algunas cuestiones en torno a las dificultades que implicó la traducción del texto de Benjamin, (...)
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  7. Reseña de Juan Cristóbal Cruz Revueltas (ed.), "La filosofía en América Latina como problema y un epílogo desde la otra orilla", México, Publicaciones Cruz O., 2003, 229 pp. [REVIEW]Martin Francisco Fricke - 2006 - Península 1 (1):127-131.
  8.  12
    La ciudad sin murallas: política en clave cosmopolita.Peña Echeverría & Francisco Javier - 2010 - Mataró: El Viejo Topo.
    El cosmopolitismo, esto es, la representación del conjunto de los seres humanos como una sociedad universal, tiene una larga historia: las doctrinas y propuestas cosmopolitas atraviesan lo siglos. Pero hoy el cosmopolitismo suscita un renovado e intenso interés, debido tanto a la intensificación de la comunicación e interdependencia económica, cultural y política entre los habitantes y pueblos de la Tierra como a los presupuestos universalistas de los principales planteamientos morales y políticos actuales. Este libro examina los variados aspectos y expresiones (...)
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    Lenguaje y política en Esteban Echeverría, Juan Bautista Alberdi y Francisco Bilbao.María Carla Galfione - 2010 - Cuyo 27:33-51.
    Echeverría, Alberdi y Bilbao pueden ser considerados tres de los pensadores más representativos de las lecturas que el siglo XIX hiciera sobre la Revolución independentista en América. Sus construcciones teóricas fueron elaboradas a la luz de las consecuencias políticas de la Revolución, pero también a partir de la lectura de una serie de teóricos políticos franceses que, de manera contemporánea, pensaban el proceso revolucionario francés. Situar a estos autores en el contexto de los debates intelectuales del momento es un modo (...)
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    Bolívar Echeverría on Márkus.Bolívar Echeverría - 2017 - Thesis Eleven 138 (1):126-131.
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  11. The specious present: A neurophenomenology of time consciousness.Francisco Varela - 1999 - In Jean Petitot, Francisco J. Varela, Bernard Pachoud & Jean-Michel Roy, Naturalizing Phenomenology: Issues in Contemporary Phenomenology and Cognitive Science. Stanford University Press. pp. 266--314.
  12. Artificial Intelligence as a Socratic Assistant for Moral Enhancement.Francisco Lara & Jan Deckers - 2019 - Neuroethics 13 (3):275-287.
    The moral enhancement of human beings is a constant theme in the history of humanity. Today, faced with the threats of a new, globalised world, concern over this matter is more pressing. For this reason, the use of biotechnology to make human beings more moral has been considered. However, this approach is dangerous and very controversial. The purpose of this article is to argue that the use of another new technology, AI, would be preferable to achieve this goal. Whilst several (...)
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  13. Present-time consciousness.Francisco J. Varela - 1999 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 6 (2-3):111-140.
    My purpose in this article is to propose an explicitly naturalized account of the experience of present nowness on the basis of two complementary sources: phenomenological analysis and cognitive neuroscience. What I mean by naturalization, and the role cognitive neuroscience plays will become clear as the paper unfolds, but the main intention is to use the consciousness of present time as a study case for the phenomenological framework presented by Depraz in this Special Issue.
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  14. Oxytocin, Empathy and Human Enhancement.Francisco Lara - 2017 - Theoria. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science 32 (3):367.
    This paper considers, firstly, to what extent the administration of oxytocin can augment the capacity of empathy in human beings; and secondly, whether or not such practice ought to be allowed. In relation to the latter, the author develops an argument in favour of this intervention by virtue of its consistency with the belief that, if a therapeutic treatment is to be considered acceptable, it is essential that it maximizes the well-being of those affected and that it does not compromise (...)
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    Does play constitute the good life? Suits and Aristotle on autotelicity and living well.Francisco Javier Lopez Frías - 2020 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 47 (2):168-182.
    Bernard Suits’ account of play as an autotelic activity has been greatly influential in the philosophy of sport. Suits borrows the notion of ‘autotelicity’ from Aristotle’s ethics, formulating diff...
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  16.  24
    Autonomy, relationality, and brain-injured athletes: a critical examination of the Concussion in Sport Group’s Consensus Statements between 2001 and 2023.Francisco Javier Lopez Frias & Mike McNamee - 2024 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 18 (3):383-403.
    This article critically examines the development and consensus outputs of the Concussion in Sport Group. We examine the six Consensus Statements between 2001 and 2023 to explore the challenges that the presence of contextual forces pose to the development of effective and ethically justifiable medical guidelines to manage situations involving brain-injured athletes. First, we discuss the implicit and explicit ethical framework and goals underlining the statements. Secondly, drawing on a relational account of athlete choice, we expound on the limitations of (...)
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  17.  68
    The Third Way: New Directions in Platonic Studies.Francisco J. Gonzalez - 1995 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The study of Plato's dialogues has traditionally oscillated between two paradigms: one that portrays the dialogues as treatises expounding doctrines and one that sees them as purely skeptical, rhetorical, or literary. This collection of new essays by twelve noted Plato scholars illustrates the fruitfulness of breaking away from those paradigms, which have divided Platonic scholarship and led it to a number of dead ends. While the essays are diverse in their approaches, each seeks to find a 'third way' to understand (...)
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    The Contemporary Theory of Metaphor: Myths, Developments and Challenges.Francisco José Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez & Lorena Pérez Hernández - 2011 - Metaphor and Symbol 26 (3):161-185.
    This article discusses some of the claims of the earlier and later versions of the Contemporary Theory of Metaphor (CTM) and addresses some of the criticism that has been leveled against it. It is argued that much of this criticism arises from common misconceptions as to the real claims made by the theory. However, CTM is still in need of further exploration and empirical support. In this connection, we identify some areas where research is still needed and supply our own (...)
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  19.  46
    Voice, gesture and working memory in the emergence of speech.Francisco Aboitiz - 2018 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 19 (1-2):70-85.
    Language and speech depend on a relatively well defined neural circuitry, located predominantly in the left hemisphere. In this article, I discuss the origin of the speech circuit in early humans, as an expansion of an auditory-vocal articulatory network that took place after the last common ancestor with the chimpanzee. I will attempt to converge this perspective with aspects of the Mirror System Hypothesis, particularly those related to the emergence of a meaningful grammar in human communication. Basically, the strengthening of (...)
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  20.  76
    Will robots ever play sports?Francisco Javier Lopez Frias & José Luis Pérez Triviño - 2016 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 10 (1):67-82.
    This paper addresses the possibility of robots engaging in sports. Recently, several movies like Ex-Machina, Chappi, and Transcendence challenge the spectator to think of the consequences of creating artificial intelligences. Although we refer to athletes who have outstanding sporting performances as machines, for example, in cycling people say ‘the cyclist looked like a machine with wheels,’ the potential participation of such AI in sport has not been addressed. For our argument’s sake, we will assume that the creation of human-like robots (...)
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  21.  50
    Ants, grasshoppers, asshoppers, and crickets cohabit in Utopia: the anthropological foundations of Bernard Suits’ analyses of gameplay and good living.Francisco Javier Lopez Frías - 2021 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 49 (1):117-133.
    In this article, I consider Alkis Kontos’ and Allan Bäck’s critiques to Suits that his theory of games and good living lack ontological grounds or rests on the wrong foundations. Taking these criti...
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  22. Virtual Reality not for “being someone” but for “being in someone else’s shoes”: Avoiding misconceptions in empathy enhancement.Francisco Lara & Jon Rueda - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:3674.
    Erick J. Ramirez, Miles Elliott and Per‑Erik Milam (2021) have recently claimed that using Virtual Reality (VR) as an educational nudge to promote empathy is unethical. These authors argue that the influence exerted on the participant through virtual simulation is based on the deception of making them believe that they are someone else when this is impossible. This makes the use of VR for empathy enhancement a manipulative strategy in itself. In this article, we show that Ramirez et al.’s ethical (...)
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  23. Seriousness, Irony, and Cultural Politics: A Defense of Jorge Portilla.Francisco Gallegos - 2013 - American Philosophical Association Newsletter on Hispanic/Latino Issues in Philosophy 13 (1):11-18.
    This essay discusses Jorge Portilla’s phenomenological analysis of values and freedom in his essay, “The Phenomenology of Relajo.” Portilla argues that genuine freedom requires seriousness and sincerity; it requires wholehearted participation in cultural practices that one finds truly valuable. To support his argument, Portilla examines the ways that values and freedom are undermined when cultural practices are disrupted and break down as a result of the antics of the so-called "relajiento," a kind of “class clown” figure in Mexican culture who (...)
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    Incommensurability and Balancing.Francisco J. Urbina - 2015 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 35 (3):575-605.
    A common objection to the use of balancing tests in human rights adjudication is that it is not possible to perform a quantitative comparison between gains and losses for rights or the public good by means only of rational criteria. Here I provide a general account of the incommensurability objection, with the aim of making explicit its scope, and of dispelling some common misconceptions surrounding it. Relying on this account, I engage with recent defences of balancing against the incommensurability objection.
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    Isócrates y el crítico anónimo del Eutidemo de Platón.Francisco Villar - 2020 - Ágora Papeles de Filosofía 39 (2):169-191.
    El presente artículo propone una lectura del Eutidemo de Platón a partir de la escena que tiene lugar en el prólogo del diálogo, en el cual un personaje misterioso critica a Sócrates y a los hermanos erísticos por la conversación que acaba de tener lugar. Defenderé que esta figura anónima esconde a Isócrates, quien en Contra los sofistas y Encomio de Helena había atacado a todos los discípulos de Sócrates por dedicarse a un tipo de actividad intelectual a su juicio (...)
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    A Critique of Proportionality.Francisco Urbina - 2012 - American Journal of Jurisprudence 57 (1):49-80.
  27.  81
    William J. Morgan’s ‘conventionalist internalism’ approach. Furthering internalism? A critical hermeneutical response.Francisco Javier López Frías - 2014 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 8 (2):157-171.
    Several authors, such as William J. Morgan, John S. Russell and R. Scott Kretchmar, have claimed that the limits between the diverse normative theories of sport need to be revisited. Most of these works are philosophically grounded in Anglo-American philosophical approaches. For instance, William J. Morgan’s proposal is mainly based on Richard Rorty’s philosophy. But he also discusses with some European philosophers like Jürgen Habermas. However, Habermas’ central ideas are rejected by Morgan. The purpose of this paper is to analyse (...)
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  28.  8
    Sobre la filosofía en América.Francisco Romero - 1952 - Buenos Aires,: Editorial Raigal.
  29.  48
    The Birth of Being and Time: Heidegger's Pivotal 1921 Reading of Aristotle's On the Soul.Francisco J. Gonzalez - 2018 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 56 (2):216-239.
    During the 1920s Heidegger gave no less than twelve seminars and lecture courses devoted either exclusively or in large part to the reading of Aristotle's texts. Seven of these, especially the smaller seminars for advanced students, have not been published and apparently will never be included in the Gesamtausgabe. My focus here is on the very first of these. Billed as a reading of Aristotle's De Anima, much of it was devoted to Aristotle's Metaphysics. This decision not to separate Aristotle's (...)
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  30. Natureza, sentido e liberdade em Kant.Francisco V. Jordão - 1992 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 1 (1):63-81.
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    La Recepción del “caso Heidegger” en el campo filosófico español (1988-2008). Una aproximación sociofilosófica.Francisco Vázquez García - 2021 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 54 (1):211-232.
    En este artículo se analiza la polémica sobre el “caso Heidegger”, suscitada en España a raíz de la traducción del libro de Víctor Farías, Heidegger y el nazismo. Para ello se recurre al método de la sociología de la filosofía. En primer lugar se examina lo que suposo la irrupción de este ensayo en el contexto de los lectores, predominantemente académicos, de Heidegger en España. En segundo lugar se estudia la presentación española del libro de Farías en 1989, como si (...)
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  32.  16
    (1 other version)El retrato platónico de los sofistas del siglo V a. C.Francisco Villar - 2021 - Revista de Filosofía 46 (1):81-98.
    En este trabajo me propongo comparar el patrón argumentativo de los sofistas del siglo V a. C. tal como son retratados en la obra de Platón con el de los erísticos del Eutidemo. Defenderé que ninguno de estos sofistas es presentado por Platón como experto en dialéctica refutativa, actividad discursiva que caracteriza a la erística. Por el contrario, el retrato platónico de Pródico, Hipias, Gorgias y Protágoras los muestra como incapaces, desinteresados u hostiles a la argumentación de tipo dialéctica.
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  33.  14
    La filosofía iberoamericana: historia, formas, temas, polémica, realizaciones.Francisco Larroyo - 1978 - México: Editorial Porrúa.
  34. Bentham and Mill on the "Quality" of Pleasures.Francisco Vergara - 2011 - Revue d'Etudes Benthamiennes 9 (2011):web.
    John Stuart Mill and Jeremy Bentham are often said to have held opposed views concerning the way “the value” of different pleasures should be estimated. Mill is accused of being an inconsistent utilitarian because he thought that, when comparing the value of two pleasures, we should not forget to take their “quality” into account. Bentham, on the other hand, is said to have believed that we should take “only quantity” into consideration. By verifying what they actually wrote, and reflecting on (...)
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    Imagens disruptivas: elementos surrealistas na concepção de história de Walter Benjamin.Francisco de Ambrosis Pinheiro Machado - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (2):0039-0070.
    Resumo No Manifesto surrealista, de 1924, Breton explicita o produto da atividade surrealista como uma “luz de imagem”, gerado pela aproximação involuntária de duas realidades distantes. Essa estrutura dupla da imagem surrealista tem um caráter disruptivo, que rompe com a nossa percepção da realidade cotidiana. Com isso, abre-se a possibilidade de um espaço para a crítica social e histórica, bem como para uma intervenção estético-política justamente em uma sociedade na qual as formas tradicionais de crítica parecem estar neutralizadas. Essa experiência (...)
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    The Theory of Chemical Symbiosis: A Margulian View for the Emergence of Biological Systems.Francisco Prosdocimi, Marco V. José & Sávio Torres de Farias - 2020 - Acta Biotheoretica 69 (1):67-78.
    The theory of chemical symbiosis suggests that biological systems started with the collaboration of two polymeric molecules existing in early Earth: nucleic acids and peptides. Chemical symbiosis emerged when RNA-like nucleic acid polymers happened to fold into 3D structures capable to bind amino acids together, forming a proto peptidyl-transferase center. This folding catalyzed the formation of quasi-random small peptides, some of them capable to bind this ribozyme structure back and starting to form an initial layer that would produce the larger (...)
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  37.  28
    Argumentos antisténicos en el eutidemo de platón.Francisco Villar - 2020 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 61 (147):699-721.
    RESUMEN Una interpretación extendida del Eutidemo sostiene que la práctica erística de la cual Platón busca distanciarse en el diálogo constituye una referencia velada a la dialéctica desarrollada por el socrático Euclides y sus seguidores megáricos. No obstante, los expertos reconocen que la segunda demostración erística pone en boca de Eutidemo y Dionisodoro dos posiciones que fueron defendidas por Antístenes, según las cuales no es posible decir falsedades ni contradecir. Este trabajo busca analizar las refutaciones de dicha sección y confrontarlas (...)
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    Connectionist Semantics and the Collateral Information Challenge.Francisco Calvo Garzóan - 2003 - Mind and Language 18 (1):77-94.
    Jerry Fodor and Ernest Lepore have launched a powerful attack against Paul Churchland's connectionist theory of semantics—aka State Space Semantics. In one part of their overall attack, they exploit the potentially orthogonal histories of different individuals to introduce what they labeled ‘the collateral information problem’. Aarre Laakso and Gary Cottrell have recently put forward a mathematical technique for measuring conceptual similarity across neural networks. Churchland uses Laakso and Cottrell's tecnique to defend State Space Semantics. In this paper I shall highlight (...)
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  39. Dialectic and dialogue in the hermeneutics of Paul ricœur and H.g. Gadamer.Francisco J. Gonzalez - 2006 - Continental Philosophy Review 39 (3):313-345.
    The present paper uses the theme of dialectic and dialogue to begin unraveling the similarities and differences between the hermeneutics of Paul Ricoeur and H.G. Gadamer. Ricoeur is shown to distance himself from Heidegger by insisting on a dimension of explanation and distanciation (which he sometimes identifies with Plato's `descending dialectic') that cannot be reduced to, or absorbed by, understanding and appropriation. This same move, however, leads him to reject Platonic dialogue, with the attendant prioritizing of oral conversation over the (...)
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    Brain-Injured Footballers, Voluntary Choice and Social Goods. A Reply to Corlett.Francisco Javier Lopez Frias & Michael John McNamee - 2019 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 14 (2):269-278.
    In this essay, we respond to Angelo Corlett’s criticism of our paper ‘Ethics, Brain Injuries, and Sports: Prohibition, Reform, and Prudence’. To do so, first, we revisit certain assumptions and arg...
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  41. Saúde e conflito de interesses a partir da bidimensionalidade da justiça e da paridade de participação de Nancy Fraser.Francisco Jozivan Guedes de Lima - 2015 - Opinião Filosófica 6 (2).
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  42. The Structure of Evolutionary Theory: on Stephen Jay Gould's Monumental Masterpiece.Francisco J. Ayala - unknown
    Stephen Jay Gould’s monumental The Structure of Evolutionary Theory ‘‘attempts to expand and alter the premises of Darwinism, in order to build an enlarged and distinctive evolutionary theory . . . while remaining within the tradition, and under the logic, of Darwinian argument.’’ The three branches or ‘‘fundamental principles of Darwinian logic’’ are, according to Gould: agency (natural selection acting on individual organisms), efficacy (producing new species adapted to their environments), and scope (accumulation of changes that through geological time yield (...)
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  43. Ciencia y valores.Javier Echeverría - 2002 - Critica 34 (101):100-108.
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    La ética del voto y el gobierno de los pocos. A propósito de Jason Brennan y John Stuart Mill.Francisco Javier Gil Martín - 2017 - Télos 21 (1):43-71.
    In this article Jason Brennan’s arguments about the moral duties relating to our practice of voting are examined. These arguments provide an epistocratic approach of politics and present a conception of abstention at four levels: abstention as a personal choice, as a moral responsibility, as a duty legally enforceable and as an obligation decided by lot. The contrast with John Stuart Mill’s positions helps to highlight the postdemocratic ambivalences and the latent paternalism behind Brennan’s rejection of massive voting and electoral (...)
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    The Politicization of the Event in Deleuze’s Thought.Francisco J. Alcalá - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (3):82.
    This article attempts to elucidate the Deleuzian philosophy of the event between The Logic of Sense and A Thousand Plateaus, where it acquires clearly political nuances. With regard to The Logic of Sense, I show that (i) it takes up the definition of the event of Difference and Repetition, identifying it with that redistribution of pre-individual singularities or individuating differences at the level of the univocal being which defines the conditions of problems; (ii) the event is henceforth also the instance (...)
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    Filosofía de la Ciencia.Javier Echeverría - 1995 - Ediciones AKAL.
    Esta obra está pensada para que sirva como ayuda para cursos universitarios de Filosofía de la Ciencia. Además de ocuparse del conocimiento científico, se propone una filosofía de la actividad científica, en la que se tienen presentes las interrelaciones entre ciencia y tecnología. Se abordan asimismo cuestiones relativas a valores que rigen la práctica científica.
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    Whether or Not to Open the Pandora’s Box: An Analysis of Latent Conflict in Vulnerable Neighbourhoods with High Socio-Cultural Diversity in Spain.Francisco J. Lorenzo Gilsanz, Sergio Barciela Fernández & María Inés Martínez Herrero - 2024 - Ethics and Social Welfare 18 (3):285-305.
    Worldwide, vulnerable neighbourhoods of large cities are often the scene of collective violent conflicts linked with migration and ethnic minorities’ struggles for social justice. However, urban conflicts of this kind have not taken place in Spanish cities with high immigration rates, even though the country has been deeply affected by two recent socioeconomic crises (2009 and 2020). This article reports findings of a study aimed at understanding what lies behind this apparent social peace. The research methodology was based on an (...)
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    María Zambrano y Alfonso Rodríguez Aldave en Chile: algunos artículos olvidados y otros materiales de prensa relacionados con su estancia y actividades en el país andino.Francisco José Martín, María Cecilia Luna Salinas & María Isidora Campano Núñez - 2025 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 42 (1):157-225.
    Edición de 14 documentos desconocidos (artículos, entrevistas, reseñas, etc.) relacionados con María Zambrano y Alfonso Rodríguez Aldave en ocasión de su estancia en Chile entre 1936 y 1937. Descripción y contextualización de los documentos. Censo de las publicaciones de María Zambrano en Chile.
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    For the sake of Venezuela: Power-Sharing mechanism challenges and opportunities.Francisco Salvador Barroso Cortes - 2024 - Araucaria 26 (56).
    Queda por determinar si lo que prevalecerá será una Venezuela unida en la diversidad o una dividida y presumiblemente destruida. Este artículo sugiere que las élites políticas venezolanas podrían contemplar el poder compartido como un medio para restaurar el Estado-nación. El artículo profundiza en los retos y las perspectivas de adoptar el poder compartido como estrategia de las élites no sólo para el mantenimiento de la paz, sino también, y de manera crucial, para los procesos de pacificación. Partiendo de una (...)
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    Political Metaphor Analysis. [REVIEW]Francisco Ocampo - 2018 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 14 (2):335-340.
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