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  1. Toward a Metaphysical Freedom: Heidegger’s Project of a Metaphysics of Dasein.François Jaran - 2010 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 18 (2):205-227.
    The 'Metaphysics of Dasein ' is the name which Heidegger gave to a new philosophical project developed immediately after the partial publication of his masterwork Being and Time. As Heidegger was later to recall, an 'overturning' took place at that moment, more precisely right in the middle of the 1929 treatise On the Essence of Ground. Between the fundamental-ontological formulation of the question of being and its metaphysical rephrasing, Heidegger discovered that a 'metaphysical freedom' stood at the root of Dasein (...)
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    Cómo la tradición continental y la tradición analítica se enfrentan con la tradición filosófica.François Jaran - 2011 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 36 (1):171-192.
    The relationship between present-day philosophy and philosophy of the past is a fundamental issue for understanding today’s philosophical division between “analytical” and “continental” philosophy. However, the opposition doesn’t lie in the mere rejection or acceptation of philosophy’s history. In fact, both philosophical traditions conceive the possibility of a dialog with the great philosophers of the past. This paper first characterizes the relationships with past philosophy in both traditions and arguments in favor of the relevancy of philosophy’s history for philosophy.
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    On the Ontological Origins of Ethics.François Jaran - 2018 - Philosophy Today 62 (3):785-801.
    Heidegger’s critique addressed to philosophical anthropology often leads readers to forget the importance of the question of human beings in his writings. The recent publication of the Black Notebooks and some unpublished lectures shed new light on these philosophical problems and help us define more clearly what it would mean to develop the foundation of anthropological knowledge ontologically. This paper argues that while dealing with mythical existence and with the difference between animals and human beings, Heidegger seized the opportunity to (...)
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  4. La phénoménologie face à la philosophie traditionnelle.François Jaran - 2011 - Studia Phaenomenologica 11:117-136.
    Phenomenology was born as an attack against the false constructions of traditional philosophy. Nevertheless, it soon discovered that it had an important bond to Plato’s, Descartes’ or Kant’s philosophical systems. As I show in this paper, both in Heidegger and in Husserl’s last writings, the philosophical endeavor is interpreted as a retrieval of earlier philosophical intentions. However, this does not lead them to a common interpretation of the meaning of philosophy’s history.
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    La pensée métaphysique de Heidegger.François Jaran - 2006 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 1 (1):47-61.
    When Heidegger takes the decision at the end of the 1920’s to « risk again the step into an authentic metaphysics », a very strong solidarity is already established between his philosophical project and that of Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason. This solidarity is testified in the recuperation Heidegger does of the idea – proper to Kant and Baumgarten – of a metaphysica naturalis. The « Metaphysics of Dasein » constitutes the last attempt – after the hermeneutics of facticity and (...)
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  6.  26
    'L'onto-théologie dans l'?uvre de Martin Heidegger.François Jaran - 2006 - Philosophie 4 (4):37.
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    Heidegger on the ontological significance of the principle of noncontradiction.François Jaran - forthcoming - Southern Journal of Philosophy.
    The aim of this article is to break down to its principal arguments the abundant material recently published in Heidegger's Gesamtausgabe related to a conference given in December 1932 on the principle of noncontradiction (PNC). I will first highlight the importance in phenomenology of a correct interpretation of the PNC and then explain Heidegger's general strategy toward logical principles during the 1920s. After showing that Heidegger's 1932 interpretation of the PNC still pertains to Being and Time's fundamental ontology, I will (...)
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    The contribution of “time novels” to a phenomenology of temporality. Thomas Mann, Martin Heidegger, and our experience of time.François Jaran - 2021 - Phainomenon 32 (1):99-117.
    This paper insists on similarities between Heidegger’s presentation of Dasein’s authentic understanding of time in Being and Time (§§ 79-80) and Thomas Mann’s attempts to “narrate time itself” in The Magic Mountain. It shows that Thomas Mann’s temporal experiments can contribute to a phenomenology of temporality, not merely by “illustrating” philosophical theses, but also by achieving something that goes beyond any phenomenological consideration on time: the enactment of fundamental temporal experiences.
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    Ce qu' «être vrai» signifie: Remarques sur Fapparition du concept de vérité de I'être.François Jaran - 2014 - Heidegger Studies 30:109-130.
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    D’une définition herméneutique de la métaphysique.François Jaran - 2014 - Philosophiques 41 (2):379-385.
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  11. Heidegger, du Nous au Geist: La pensée métaphysique de Heidegger. La transcendance du dasein comme source d'une Metaphysica naturalisa.Francois Jaran - 2006 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 1.
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    Heidegger et la constitution onto-théologique de la métaphysique cartésienne.François Jaran - 2003 - Heidegger Studies 19:65-80.
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    Heidegger et le problème de l’accès phénoménologique à la réalité historique.François Jaran - 2017 - Alter: revue de phénoménologie 25:59-77.
    L’histoire et l’historicité constituent deux éléments d’une importance inestimable dans la construction de la phénoménologie heideggérienne. Le caractère historique de l’existence humaine, d’une part, représente incontestablement le point d’achoppement central de sa reprise de la méthode husserlienne et définit la teneur de cette phénoménologie aux accents herméneutiques. D’un autre côté, l’histoire pensée comme région ontologique et comme thème d’une science possible – cette question si se...
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  14. How Heidegger converts a phenomenological method into a hermeneutic tool.Francois Jaran - 2012 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 110 (4):631-658.
  15.  13
    Heidegger inédit: 1929-1930, l'inachevable Être et temps.François Jaran - 2012 - Librairie Philosophique Vrin.
    La publication d'Etre et temps en 1927 a fait de Martin Heidegger une figure d'importance dans le panorama philosophique allemand des annees 1920. Au cours des annees suivantes, il voyage pour donner des conferences qui attirent tant les philosophes que les curieux captives par la reputation du penseur de la Foret Noire. Or, plutot que de se contenter de presenter le projet de 1927, ces conferences ont deja l'ambition de le depasser. Ce livre examine le contenu de quatre conferences inedites (...)
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    Heidegger’s Kantian Reading of Aristotle’s Theologike Episteme.François Jaran - 2010 - Review of Metaphysics 63 (3):567-591.
    During the decade of the 1920s, Martin Heidegger tried to show that a series of unsolved problems was to be found in Aristotle. Besides the problem of being, Heidegger also highlighted the traditional misinterpretations of Aristotle’s problem of the world, which had always understood it as an antecedent of a religious question. Heidegger believed it was still possible to ‘retrieve’ this basic metaphysical problem and sought help from Kant’s concept of a ‘transcendental ideal’ to show that Aristotle’s concept of the (...)
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  17. (1 other version)""Metaphysics as a Remedy for the" Total Hopelessness of the Philosophical Situation" in the 1920s (Martin Heidegger, Max Scheler).Francois Jaran - 2008 - Pensamiento 64 (241):389-407.
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    Mirar a la metafísica a la cara. El pensamiento metafísico como pensamiento comprensivo.François Jaran - 2019 - Studia Heideggeriana 8:7--23.
    La lección de metafísica que imparte Heidegger durante el invierno de 1929/30 caracteriza el pensamiento metafísico como un pensamiento comprensivo, es decir, un pensamiento que “entiende” y que “incluye”. En este contexto, Heidegger busca definir con mayor precisión el vínculo que une su propia metafísica con la tradición moderna criticada unos años antes por “incluir”, precisamente, al sujeto humano en su propia elaboración. Es la ocasión para Heidegger de presentar un retrato mucho más matizado de su vinculación con la filosofía (...)
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    Tres novedades de Heidegger en castellano.François Jaran - 2012 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 29 (1):307-324.
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    Un camino en la hermenéutica fenomenológica.François Jaran - 2020 - Studia Heideggeriana 9:9-23.
    Este texto consiste en un primer momento en una presentación general de la obra del Profesor Ramón Rodríguez García. Se presenta después el concepto de “interpretación fenomenológica” como problema central de la “hermenéutica fenomenológica” tal y como la entiende el Profesor Ramón Rodríguez García. Para terminar, se comenta una intervención del Profesor en el Congreso de los Diputados y los vínculos de los temas abordados con la hermenéutica fenomenológica.
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  21.  25
    Autour de Heidegger. [REVIEW]François Jaran - forthcoming - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale.
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    Ramón Rodriguez: Hermenéutica y subjetividad: Editorial Trotta, Madrid, 2010, 200 pp, 20.00€ , ISBN: 9788498791730. [REVIEW]François Jaran - 2012 - Continental Philosophy Review 45 (4):603-608.