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  1.  35
    Definable types in algebraically closed valued fields.Pablo Cubides Kovacsics & Françoise Delon - 2016 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 62 (1-2):35-45.
    In, Marker and Steinhorn characterized models of an o‐minimal theory such that all types over M realized in N are definable. In this article we characterize pairs of algebraically closed valued fields satisfying the same property. In o‐minimal theories, a pair of models for which all 1‐types over M realized in N are definable has already the desired property. Although it is true that if M is an algebraically closed valued field such that all 1‐types over M are definable then (...)
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    Some model theory for almost real closed fields.Francoise Delon & Rafel Farre - 1996 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 61 (4):1121-1152.
    We study the model theory of fields k carrying a henselian valuation with real closed residue field. We give a criteria for elementary equivalence and elementary inclusion of such fields involving the value group of a not necessarily definable valuation. This allows us to translate theories of such fields to theories of ordered abelian groups, and we study the properties of this translation. We also characterize the first-order definable convex subgroups of a given ordered abelian group and prove that the (...)
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  3. Extensions séparées et immédiates de corps valués.Francoise Delon - 1988 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 53 (2):421-428.
    Separated and immediate extensions of valued fields. The notion of separated extension of valued fields was introduced by Baur. He showed that extensions of maximal fields are separated. We prove that, when (K, v) is Henselian with residual characteristic 0, then $(K, v) \subset (L, w)$ is separated iff L is linearly disjoint over K from each immediate extension of K.
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  4. XVIIeme Probleme de Hilbert sur les Corps Chaine-Clos.Françoise Delon & Danielle Gondard - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (3):853.
    A chain-closed field is defined as a chainable field which does not admit any "faithful" algebraic extension, and can also be seen as a field having a Henselian valuation $\nu$ such that the residue field $K/\nu$ is real closed and the value group $\nu K$ is odd divisible with $|\nu K/2\nu K| = 2$. If $K$ admits only one such valuation, we show that $f \in K$ is in $\mathbf{\Sigma} K^{2n} \operatorname{iff}$ for any real algebraic extension $L$ of $K, "f (...)
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  5.  16
    Classification of ℵ0-categorical C-minimal pure C-sets.Françoise Delon & Marie-Hélène Mourgues - 2024 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 175 (2):103375.
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  6. Undecidable wreath products and skew power series fields.Francoise Delon & Patrick Simonetta - 1998 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 63 (1):237-246.
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    Corps portant un nombre fini de valuations.Françoise Delon - 1987 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 52 (4):994-1004.
    L. van den Dries proved that the theory of n-valued rings has a model companion. We show here that this result is still true when the valuation rings are required to satisfy given inclusion relations (we restrict ourselves to the case of residual characteristic zero).
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  8.  54
    Espaces ultramétriques.Françoise Delon - 1984 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 49 (2):405-424.
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    Indécidabilité de corps de séries formelles.Françoise Delon & Yamina Rouani - 1988 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 53 (4):1227-1234.
    Consider k((G)) in the language of valued fields enriched with a unary predicate for the set of constants and another one for the cross-section. For perfect k, this structure is undecidable if it does not satisfy Kaplansky's conditions.
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    Indecidabilite de la theorie Des paires immediates de corps values henseliens.Françoise Delon - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (4):1236-1242.
    The theory of immediate pairs of Henselian valued fields, with a given residual theory (of characteristic zero) and a given theory of valuation group (nonzero), is undecidable and has 2ℵ0 completions.
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  11.  47
    Inclusions et produits de groupes abéliens ordonnés étudiés au premier ordre.Françoise Delon & François Lucas - 1989 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 54 (2):499-511.
  12.  18
    Logic Colloquium 2007.Françoise Delon, Ulrich Kohlenbach, Penelope Maddy & Frank Stephan (eds.) - 2010 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The 2007 proceedings from the Annual European Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic.
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  13.  50
    Plongement Dense d'un Corps Ordonne dans sa Cloture Reelle.Françoise Delon - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (3):974-980.
    We study the structures $$, where $K$ is an ordered field and $K^\mathrm{r}$ its real closure, in the language of ordered fields with an additional unary predicate for the subfield $K$. Two such structures $$ and $$ are not necessarily elementary equivalent when $K$ and $L$ are. But with some saturation assumption on $K$ and $L$, then the two structures become equivalent, and we give a description of the complete theory.
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  14.  83
    Périodicité des théories élémentaires des corps de séries formelles itérées.Françoise Delon - 1986 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 51 (2):334-351.
    C. U. Jensen suggested the following construction, starting from a fieldK:and asked when two fieldsKαandKβare equivalent. We give a complete answer in the case of a fieldKof characteristic 0.
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    Un Principe d'ax-kochen-Ershov pour Des structures intermediares entre groupes et corps values.Francoise Delon & Patrick Simonetta - 1999 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 64 (3):991-1027.
    An Ax-Kochen-Ershov principle for intermediate structures between valued groups and valued fields. We will consider structures that we call valued B-groups and which are of the form $\langle G, B, *, v\rangle$ where - G is an abelian group, - B is an ordered group, - v is a valuation defined on G taking its values in B, - * is an action of B on G satisfying: ∀ x ∈ G ∀ b ∈ B v(x * b) = v(x) (...)
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    Une fonction de Kolchin pour les corps imparfaits de degré d'imperfection fini.Françoise Delon - 2005 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 70 (2):664 - 680.
    Non-perfect separably closed fields are stable, and not superstable. As a result, not all types can be ranked. We develop here a new tool, a "semi-rank", which takes values in the non-negative reals, and gives a sufficient condition for forking of types. This semi-rank is built up from a transcendence function, analogous to the one considered by Kolchin in the context of differentially closed fields. It yields some orthogonality and stratification results. /// Un corps séparablement clos non algébriquement clos est (...)
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  17.  26
    Definable completeness of P-minimal fields and applications.Pablo Cubides Kovacsics & Françoise Delon - 2022 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 22 (2).
    Journal of Mathematical Logic, Volume 22, Issue 02, August 2022. We show that every definable nested family of closed and bounded subsets of a P-minimal field K has nonempty intersection. As an application we answer a question of Darnière and Halupczok showing that P-minimal fields satisfy the “extreme value property”: for every closed and bounded subset [math] and every interpretable continuous function [math] (where [math] denotes the value group), f(U) admits a maximal value. Two further corollaries are obtained as a (...)
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  18.  43
    Alexander Prestel. Einführung in die mathematische Logik und Modelltheorie. Vieweg studium, no. 60. Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn, Brunswick et Wiesbaden 1986, xiv + 286 pp. [REVIEW]Francoise Delon - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (1):341-343.