Results for 'Frederic Franquesa'

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    Current pluralism, human isolation and education.Frederic J. Company Franquesa - 1983 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 5:145.
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    Constraint acquisition.Christian Bessiere, Frédéric Koriche, Nadjib Lazaar & Barry O'Sullivan - 2017 - Artificial Intelligence 244 (C):315-342.
  3. Particulars of my life.B. Frederic Skinner - 1976 - Behaviorism 4 (2):257-271.
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    Why Won’t You Listen To Me? Predictive Neurotechnology and Epistemic Authority.Alessio Tacca & Frederic Gilbert - 2023 - Neuroethics 16 (3):1-12.
    From epileptic seizures to depressive symptoms, predictive neurotechnologies are used for a large range of applications. In this article we focus on advisory devices; namely, predictive neurotechnology programmed to detect specific neural events (e.g., epileptic seizure) and advise users to take necessary steps to reduce or avoid the impact of the forecasted neuroevent. Receiving advise from a predictive device is not without ethical concerns. The problem with predictive neural devices, in particular advisory ones, is the risk of seeing one’s autonomous (...)
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    Enthusiastic portrayal of 3D bioprinting in the media: Ethical side effects.Frederic Gilbert, John Noel M. Viaña, Cathal D. O'Connell & Susan Dodds - 2017 - Bioethics 32 (2):94-102.
    There has been a surge in mass media reports extolling the potential for using three-dimensional printing of biomaterials to treat a wide range of clinical conditions. Given that mass media is recognized as one of the most important sources of health and medical information for the general public, especially prospective patients, we report and discuss the ethical consequences of coverage of 3D bioprinting in the media. First, we illustrate how positive mass media narratives of a similar biofabricated technology, namely the (...)
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    Do Telomeres Influence Pace‐of‐Life‐Strategies in Response to Environmental Conditions Over a Lifetime and Between Generations?Mathieu Giraudeau, Frederic Angelier & Tuul Sepp - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (3):1800162.
    The complexity of the physiological phenotype currently prevents us from identifying an integrative measure to assess how the internal state and environmental conditions modify life‐history strategies. In this article, it is proposed that shorter telomeres should lead to a faster pace‐of‐life where investment in self‐maintenance is decreased as a means of saving energy for reproduction, but at the cost of somatic durability. Inversely, longer telomeres would favor an increased investment in soma maintenance and thus a longer reproductive lifespan (i.e., slower (...)
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    Les concepts meurent-ils? Survivances et revenances dans les sciences.Frédéric Fruteau de Laclos - 2022 - Philosophia Scientiae 26:151-167.
    Les concepts scientifiques, même usés, même désuets, ne sont jamais définitivement périmés. Ils peuvent toujours faire retour dans les conjonctures théoriques ultérieures. Cela tient à la nature très particulière du concept, irréductible aux descriptions positivistes : issus de l’expérience et ayant vocation à en rendre raison, les concepts représentent autant d’arrachements à l’expérience et de survols explicatifs de l’expérience. Des épistémologues antipositivistes du xxe siècle ont été attentifs à de telles caractéristiques philosophiques. On expose ici leur modèle de la conceptualisation (...)
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  8. Ontological Axiology in Nikolai Lossky, Max Scheler, and Nicolai Hartmann.Frederic Tremblay - 2019 - In Moritz Kalckreuth, Gregor Schmieg & Friedrich Hausen (eds.), Nicolai Hartmanns Neue Ontologie und die Philosophische Anthropologie: Menschliches Leben in Natur und Geist. De Gruyter. pp. 193-232.
    The prominent Russian philosopher Nikolai Lossky and his ex-student Nicolai Hartmann shared many metaphysical and epistemological views, and Lossky is likely to have influenced Hartmann in adopting several of them. But, in the case of axiological issues, it appears that Lossky also borrowed from the axiologies of Hartmann and the latter's Cologne colleague, Max Scheler. The links between the theories of values of Scheler and Hartmann have been studied abundantly, but never in relation to Lossky. In this paper, I examine (...)
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  9. Bridging the Gap between Rationality, Normativity and Emotions.Frédéric Minner - 2019 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 20 (1):79-98.
    Intentional explanation, according to Elster, seeks to elucidate an action by showing that it was intentionally conducted, in order to bring about certain goals . Intentional actions furthermore, are rational actions: they imply that agents establish a connection between the goals they target and the means that are appropriate to reach them, by way of different beliefs about the means, the goals and the environment. But how should we understand intentional actions in the light of philosophical research on emotions, rationality, (...)
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  10. L’indignation : ses variétés et ses rôles dans la régulation sociale.Frédéric Minner - 2019 - Implications Philosophiques 1.
    Qu’est-ce que l’indignation ? Cette émotion est souvent conçue comme une émotion morale qu’une tierce-partie éprouve vis-à-vis des injustices qu’un agent inflige à un patient. L’indignation aurait ainsi trait aux injustices et serait éprouvée par des individus qui n’en seraient eux-mêmes pas victimes. Cette émotion motiverait la tierce-partie indignée à tenter de réguler l’injustice en l’annulant et en punissant son auteur. Cet article entreprend de montrer que cette conception de l’indignation n’est que partielle. En effet, l’indignation ne porte pas que (...)
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  11. Les Émotions dans l'internalisation et l'émergence des normes sociales.Frédéric Minner - 2019 - SociologieS 1.
    Cet article s’intéresse aux émotions dans l’internalisation et l’émergence des normes sociales. Nous y montrons comment les normes sociales ont un impact sur les émotions et comment les émotions ont un impact sur les normes sociales. Pour le faire, trois approches complémentaires mais souvent traitées indépendamment les unes des autres dans la littérature scientifique sont discutées. La première a trait à la façon dont les normes sociales (les normes émotionnelles) régulent les émotions. Cette régulation se comprend comme l’internalisation de la (...)
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  12. Jalousie.Frédéric Minner - 2018 - Encyclopédie Philosophique.
    On conçoit souvent la jalousie comme une émotion ayant pour objet les relations de proximité (amour, amitié, fratrie, etc.). Elle a généralement mauvaise presse et est typiquement envisagée comme une émotion moralement condamnable, voire comme un vice. Or, la jalousie ne porte pas uniquement sur les relations de proximité : elle peut également porter sur divers biens (prestige, richesses, biens matériels, privilèges, etc.). Par ailleurs, certains auteurs soutiennent que des cas de jalousie pourraient être moralement justifiés, voire que la jalousie (...)
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    Editorial: High Performance Cognition: Information-Processing in Complex Skills, Expert Performance, and Flow.Benjamin Ultan Cowley, Frederic Dehais, Stephen Fairclough, Alexander John Karran, Jussi Palomäki & Otto Lappi - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity presents Bioethics and the future of medicine: a Christian appraisal.John Frederic Kilner, Nigel M. S. Cameroden & David L. Schiedermayer (eds.) - 1995 - Grand Rapids, Mich.: William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co..
    "The extensive attention devoted to abortion has led Christians for too long to overlook much of the exploding bioethics agenda. Moreover, to focus only on 'issues' is to fail to address the profound changes taking place in the very nature of the medical profession. This book signals the commitment of the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity to help expand the church's bioethical vision and to foster a more substantial Christian contribution to the public debate."--BOOK JACKET.Title Summary field provided by (...)
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    Avant-propos.Stéphane Feuillas & Frédéric Wang - 2020 - Diogène n° 265-265 (1-2):3-11.
    Dans le courant du XVII e siècle se multiplient en Chine les discours sur l’amitié. En partie liés à la déliquescence des structures traditionnelles et notamment familiales qui servaient de base au fonctionnement social de l’empire, ils proposent de réévaluer le lien amical dans l’organisation politique. He Xinyin (1517-1579) est à cet égard l’un des penseurs les plus innovants et radicaux. À travers la lecture de quelques essais majeurs recueillis dans le recueil de ses œuvres complètes, l’article entend expliciter la (...)
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    Convolution and modal representations in Thagard and Stewart’s neural theory of creativity: a critical analysis.Pierre Poirier & Jean-Frédéric Pasquale - 2016 - Synthese 193 (5):1535-1560.
    According to Thagard and Stewart :1–33, 2011), creativity results from the combination of neural representations, and combination results from convolution, an operation on vectors defined in the holographic reduced representation framework. They use these ideas to understand creativity as it occurs in many domains, and in particular in science. We argue that, because of its algebraic properties, convolution alone is ill-suited to the role proposed by Thagard and Stewart. The semantic pointer concept allows us to see how we can apply (...)
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    A defense of Collingwood's theory of presuppositions.John Frederic Post - 1965 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 8 (1-4):332 – 354.
    Collingwood's theory of presuppositions has never been taken very seriously. But critics have completely overlooked its significance as a theory or model of inquiry intimately tied to certain aspects of discourse in a context of investigation. Viewed this way, Collingwood's theory is on very strong ground, especially when it is reconstructed with the aid of a formal language. The reconstruction shows what is essential to the theory and what is not, allowing us to disregard those of Collingwood's extravagant claims which (...)
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  18. ¿ Empieza Africa con los Pirineos? los relatos de viaje en la formación de los tipos nacionales: el caso franco-español en el siglo XVII.Jean Frédéric Schaub - 1991 - El Basilisco 7:61-68.
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    Ontologie contemporaine : Structure, Identité et Métaontologie.Yann Schmitt & Frédéric Nef - 2017 - Paris, France: Vrin.
    Avec des textes de D. Armstrong, M.Esfeld, K. Fine, D. Lewis, H. Mellot, K. Mulligan, M. Rea, P. Unger, P. van Inwagen, D. Zimmerman. L’ontologie est la partie de la métaphysique qui traite de l’être en général, et non d’un être en particulier, et son domaine d’enquête excède même le monde actuel puisqu’elle porte sur l’ensemble du possible, sur les objets possibles et réels ainsi que sur leurs propriétés ou sur leurs structures ultimes. Ce volume fournit les textes fondamentaux pour (...)
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  20. Goal-driven hypothesis testing in a rule discovery task.Frédéric Vallée-Tourangeau & Teresa Payton - 2008 - In B. C. Love, K. McRae & V. M. Sloutsky (eds.), Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. pp. 2122--2127.
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  21. Bleibt diachrone personale Identität unergründlich?Nils-Frederic Wagner - 2013 - In Gasser/Schmidhuber Georg/Martina (ed.), Personale Identität, Narrativität und Praktische Rationalität. Mentis.
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    An experimental analogue of repression: III. The effect of induced failure and success on memory measured by recall.Anchard Frederic Zeller - 1951 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 42 (1):32.
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    Dire et vouloir dire dans la logique médiévale : Quelques jalons pour situer une frontière.Frédéric Goubier - 2014 - Methodos 14.
    La philosophie médiévale du langage présente deux séries d’affinités remarquables avec les approches contemporaines. L’une se situe du côté des sémantiques formelles et, plus généralement, des analyses logiques des conditions de vérité des énoncés. L’autre relève plutôt de la pragmatique, notamment des perspectives contextuelles sur les actes de langage. Les logiciens, grammairiens et théologiens du Moyen Âge étaient, de fait, pleinement conscients qu’ils avaient à leur disposition deux types d’approche des énoncés, selon qu’ils prenaient en compte les seules propriétés sémantiques (...)
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    Les monuments attalides du Dromos à Délos (I) : la « base des Galates ».Frédéric Herbin & François Queyrel - 2016 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 139:267-319.
    Cet article constitue la publication architecturale de la base dite « des Galates » (IG XI, 4, 1110), située devant l’extrémité Nord du Portique Sud, à Délos. L’analyse des vestiges conservés in situ et des blocs erratiques attribués au monument par R. Vallois, Chr. Llinas et nous‑mêmes, permet de resti­tuer une grande base à orthostates à peu près carrée. Les traces de fixation encore visibles à la face supérieure de son couronnement laissent penser que le monument supportait la représentation d’un (...)
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    The humanist question of the "good nature" in the phenomenological uses of Descartes.Frédéric Lelong - 2018 - Methodos 18.
    Ce texte a pour objet de comparer différentes lectures phénoménologiques de la théorie cartésienne de la connaissance, en montrant comment celle-ci est mobilisée pour répondre à certaines inquiétudes contemporaines. En premier lieu, nous pouvons constater une tension intéressante entre le modèle d’un « monde crépusculaire » de la science cartésienne développé par Jean-Luc Marion et celui d’un « monde de lumière » décrit par Emmanuel Levinas dans De l’existence à l’existant. Alors que le premier traduit l’emprise métaphysique d’une volonté de (...)
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    How to understand international society differently: Mauss and the chains of reciprocity.Frédéric Ramel - 2018 - Journal of International Political Theory 14 (2):165-182.
    In international relations, reciprocity means a phenomenon based on international law that maintains equality, continuity, and stability of cooperation between states. Most of the time, the logic of contract and rationalist perspectives prevail to deal with it. Nevertheless, reciprocity does not exclusively embody a contractual mechanism that aims at a symmetrical balance between two partners. Marcel Mauss was one of the first sociologists to observe the existence of group cohesion when studying reciprocity in his gift-giving model. Beyond a dual relationship, (...)
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  27. Malebranche. Une philosophie de l'expérience, coll. « Bibliothèque des philosophes ».Denis Moreau, Frédéric de Buzon & Pierrette Bonnet - 2005 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 195 (2):224-226.
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    A philosophical study of religion in Africa: going beyond religious traditions.Frederic Ntedika Mvumbi - 2010 - Nairobi: [S.N.].
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    Some notes on exchange and control.Frederic Schick - 1980 - Erkenntnis 15 (2):183 - 187.
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    Roi mineur et naissance de la majesté dans les discours auliques.Frédéric Gabriel - 2009 - Revue de Synthèse 130 (2):233-265.
    Les nombreux traités sur la raison d’État relèvent d’un genre qui théorise a posteriori les actions politiques. Ne serait-il pas possible pour la raison d’État de s’exprimer directement et publiquement? Comment est-elle mise en scène par l’État lui-même? La littérature aulique, avec une fine dialectique de l’imitation et de l’idéalité, propose un abondant matériau exemplaire de cette manifestation comme représentation, d’autant plus significative quand elle concerne les interrègnes. La minorité du Dauphin, son sacre et la cérémonie de majorité sont des (...)
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  31. The positive evolution of Religion.Frederic Harrison - 1913 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 76:441-441.
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    (1 other version)De la controverse en biologie.Frédéric Houssay - 1903 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 11 (5):537 - 572.
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    Edward Pols, "Whitehead's Metaphysics: A Critical Examination". [REVIEW]Paul Frederic Schmidt - 1969 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 7 (1):99.
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    Gerald N. Izenberg, "The Existential Critique of Freud: The Crisis of Autonomy". [REVIEW]Paul Frederic Schmidt - 1979 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 17 (1):118.
  35. Book Review. [REVIEW]Frederic Wakeman Jr - 1967 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 87 (4):603-605.
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    Alexander of Aphrodisias de Anima - Bergeron, Dufour Alexandre d'Aphrodise: De l''me. Pp. 416. Paris: Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, 2008. Paper, €45. ISBN: 978-2-7116-1973-3. [REVIEW]Frederic M. Schroeder - 2010 - The Classical Review 60 (1):84-86.
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    Joyce Friedman. A semi-decision procedure for the functional calculus. Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery, vol. 10 , pp. 1–24. - Joyce Friedman. A computer program for a solvable case of the decision problem. Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery, vol. 10 , pp. 348–356. [REVIEW]Frederic B. Fitch - 1964 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 29 (2):101.
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    De la situation du Tresor public au ler juin 1791: Par les Commissaires de la Tresorerie Nationale Condorcet, Lavoisier, de Vaines, Dutremblay, Rouille de l'Etang Cornut de la Fontaine by Jean-Pierre Poirier. [REVIEW]Frederic L. Holmes - 1999 - Isis 90 (4):815-816.
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    Burnt in Your Memory or Burnt Memory? Ethical Issues with Optogenetics for Memory Modification.Frederic Gilbert, Alexander R. Harris & Michael Kidd - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 12 (1):22-24.
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    Is Theory Fading Away from Reality? Examining the Pathology Rather than the Technology to Understand Potential Personality Changes.Frederic Gilbert, Joel Smith & Anya Daly - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (1):45-47.
    Haeusermann et al. (Citation2023) draw three overall conclusions from their study on closed loop neuromodulation and self-perception in clinical treatment of refractory epilepsy. The first is that closed-loop neuromodulation devices did not substantially change epileptic patient’s personalities or self-perception postoperatively. The second is that some patients and caregivers attributed observed changes in personality and self-perception to the epilepsy itself and not to the DBS treatments. The third is that the devices provided participants with novel ways to make sense of their (...)
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    Personajes femeninos de Menandro.Jaime Rossich Franquesa - 1965 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 1920:31-42.
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    Deep Brain Stimulation: Inducing Self-Estrangement.Frederic Gilbert - 2017 - Neuroethics 11 (2):157-165.
    Despite growing evidence that a significant number of patients living with Parkison’s disease experience neuropsychiatric changes following Deep Brain Stimulation treatment, the phenomenon remains poorly understood and largely unexplored in the literature. To shed new light on this phenomenon, we used qualitative methods grounded in phenomenology to conduct in-depth, semi-structured interviews with 17 patients living with Parkinson’s Disease who had undergone DBS. Our study found that patients appear to experience postoperative DBS-induced changes in the form of self-estrangement. Using the insights (...)
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    Understanding Action: An Essay on Reasons.Frederic Schick - 1991 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This is an important new book about human motivation, about the reasons people have for their actions. What is distinctively new about it is its focus on how people see or understand their situations, options, and prospects. By taking account of people's understandings, Professor Schick is able to expand the current theory of decision and action. The author provides a perspective on the topic by outlining its history. He defends his new theory against criticism, considers its formal structure, and shows (...)
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  44. Dutch bookies and money pumps.Frederic Schick - 1986 - Journal of Philosophy 83 (2):112-119.
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    From Groups to Individuals: Evolution and Emerging Individuality.Frederic Bouchard & Philippe Huneman (eds.) - 2013 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
    Our intuitive assumption that only organisms are the real individuals in the natural world is at odds with developments in cell biology, ecology, genetics, evolutionary biology, and other fields. Although organisms have served for centuries as nature’s paradigmatic individuals, science suggests that organisms are only one of the many ways in which the natural world could be organized. When living beings work together—as in ant colonies, beehives, and bacteria-metazoan symbiosis—new collective individuals can emerge. In this book, leading scholars consider the (...)
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  46. Fitness, probability and the principles of natural selection.Frederic Bouchard & Alexander Rosenberg - 2004 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 55 (4):693-712.
    We argue that a fashionable interpretation of the theory of natural selection as a claim exclusively about populations is mistaken. The interpretation rests on adopting an analysis of fitness as a probabilistic propensity which cannot be substantiated, draws parallels with thermodynamics which are without foundations, and fails to do justice to the fundamental distinction between drift and selection. This distinction requires a notion of fitness as a pairwise comparison between individuals taken two at a time, and so vitiates the interpretation (...)
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    Deflating the Deep Brain Stimulation Causes Personality Changes Bubble: the Authors Reply.Frederic Gilbert, John Noel M. Viana & C. Ineichen - 2020 - Neuroethics 14 (1):125-136.
    To conclude that there is enough or not enough evidence demonstrating that deep brain stimulation causes unintended postoperative personality changes is an epistemic problem that should be answered on the basis of established, replicable, and valid data. If prospective DBS recipients delay or refuse to be implanted because they are afraid of suffering from personality changes following DBS, and their fears are based on unsubstantiated claims made in the neuroethics literature, then researchers making these claims bear great responsibility for prospective (...)
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    Dialogic Characteristics of Philosophical Discourse: The Case of Plato's Dialogues.Frédéric Cossutta - 2003 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 36 (1):48-76.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 36.1 (2003) 48-76 [Access article in PDF] Dialogic Characteristics of Philosophical Discourse:The Case of Plato's Dialogues 1 Frédéric Cossutta The dialogic is increasingly acknowledged as a fundamental factor in the study of human language, a factor that transcends its explicit presence in dialogue. Habermas and Apel are examples of philosophers who do not think of the dialogic as subordinate to the monologic, an approach to reflexive (...)
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    The Effects of Closed-Loop Brain Implants on Autonomy and Deliberation: What are the Risks of Being Kept in the Loop?Frederic Gilbert, Terence O’Brien & Mark Cook - 2018 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 27 (2):316-325.
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    Symbolic logic.Frederic Brenton Fitch - 1952 - New York,: Ronald Press Co..
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