Results for 'Freud and uncanniness'

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  1. Freud on the Uncanny: A Tale of Two Theories.Mark Windsor - 2020 - Philosophy and Literature 44 (1):35-51.
    Freud’s famous essay “The ‘Uncanny’” is often poorly understood. In this paper, I clear up the popular misconception that Freud identifies all uncanny phenomena with the return of repressed infantile complexes by showing that he offers not one but two theories of the uncanny: “return of the repressed,” and another explanation that has to do with the apparent confirmation of “surmounted primitive beliefs.” Of the two, I argue that it is the latter, more often overlooked theory that faces (...)
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  2. The Dissolution of the Ego in Freud's Resolution of the Uncanny.Donovan Miyasaki - manuscript
    Freud’s discussion of uncanny [unheimlich] experiences focuses on their peculiar ambivalence. On his view, the uncanny is a paradoxical feeling of both familiarity and alienation. While Freud’s analysis of this paradoxical feeling does succeed in explaining it away, it does little to explain it. One might expect a psychoanalytical demystification of the real experience that is hidden behind the superstitious overtones of uncanny experiences. Instead, the uncanny is attributed rather anti- climactically to the combination of a previous superstition (...)
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    The Uncanniness of the Ordinary: Aesthetic Implications of Stanley Cavell’s Rethinking of Das Unheimliche.Lorenzo Gineprini - 2023 - Open Philosophy 6 (1).
    Through the many reinterpretations of Freud’s essay Das Unheimliche (1919) within French Postmodernism, in recent decades, the uncanny has become a vague synonym for the methodology of deconstruction. The article aims to disambiguate the uncanny by reestablishing its characterizing nucleus and relocating it within the aesthetics through the philosophy of Stanley Cavell. The American philosopher claims that this feeling can be generated by drawing attention to the ordinary, which is so close and familiar to fade out of focus. Cavell (...)
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    The Uncanny Self in Love: Divorced Catholic Women Remember Abortion in Romania.Marc Roscoe Loustau - 2018 - Journal of Religious Ethics 46 (1):63-87.
    This essay presents an ethnographic account of two divorced Catholic women's memories of praying to the Virgin Mary while seeking illegal abortions under the Romanian socialist regime. These women's stories focused on troubling memories of being in love, reflections that were retrospectively shaped by divorce. Drawing on Sigmund Freud's notion of the uncanny, I call these recollections uncanny memories of the self in love. Uncannily remembering one's self in love combines experiential self-examination and ethical assessment of actions. The notion (...)
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    Heidegger on Being Uncanny.Katherine Withy - 2015 - Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
    There are moments when things suddenly seem strange - objects in the world lose their meaning, we feel like strangers to ourselves, or human existence itself strikes us as bizarre and unintelligible. Through a detailed philosophical investigation of Heidegger's concept of uncanniness (Unheimlichkeit), Katherine Withy explores what such experiences reveal about us. She argues that while others (such as Freud, in his seminal psychoanalytic essay, 'The Uncanny') take uncanniness to be an affective quality of strangeness or eeriness, (...)
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    The Uncanny: New Directions.Yochai Ataria - 2024 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 55 (2):205-221.
    This paper delves into the concept of the uncanny, a theme that has fascinated scholars across multiple disciplines, including psychology, philosophy, literature, and film studies. The study’s primary goal is twofold: to examine the theoretical foundations of the uncanny as explored by Jentsch, Freud, and Heidegger, and to propose a new perspective on the uncanny within the context of modern technological and urban developments. The paper argues that urban, technologically advanced environments foster conditions in which the uncanny can easily (...)
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    The uncanny.Nicholas Royle - 2003 - New York: Routledge.
    The uncanny is the weird, the strange, the mysterious, a mingling of the familiar and the unfamiliar. Even Freud, patron of the uncanny, had trouble defining it. Yet the uncanny is everywhere in contemporary culture. In this elegant book, Nicholas Royle takes the reader across literature, film, philosophy, and psychoanalysis as he marks the trace of the uncanny in the modern world. Not an introduction in the usual sense, Nicholas Royle's book is a geography of the uncanny as it (...)
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  8. Paul Celan's Uncanny Speech.Adrian Del Caro - 1994 - Philosophy and Literature 18 (2):211-224.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Adrian Del Caro PAUL CELAN'S UNCANNY SPEECH On October 22, 1960, Paul Celan was in Darmstadt, West Germany, to accept the prestigious Georg-Bûchner-Preis. Winners of this prize are required by custom to give a speech on some aspect of Georg Büchner's writings, and Celan followed suit with a speech entitled "Der Meridian." The speech itself, as an address given in German in Germany to German listeners, was uncanny, but (...)
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  9. The Memory of Place: A Phenomenology of the Uncanny.Dylan Trigg - 2012 - Ohio University Press.
    _ _From the frozen landscapes of the Antarctic to the haunted houses of childhood, the memory of places we experience is fundamental to a sense of self. Drawing on influences as diverse as Merleau-Ponty, Freud, and J. G. Ballard, _The Memory of Place___ __charts the memorial landscape that is written into the body and its experience of the world._ Dylan Trigg’s _The Memory of Place_ _ __offers a lively and original intervention into contemporary debates within “place studies,” an interdisciplinary (...)
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    The transgressive that: Making the world uncanny.Catherine Woods, Robin Wooffitt & Rachael Hayward - 2015 - Discourse Studies 17 (6):703-723.
    In this article, we examine how the demonstrative that may be used to notice an event in the world in such a way as to suggest it has highly unusual or transgressive properties and in so doing invite others to align with that implicit claim. Drawing on Freud’s notion of the uncanny, we examine instances of the transgressive that in circumstances in which participants at least entertain the possibility that they are experiencing anomalous or paranormal objects and entities. The (...)
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  11. 10 The Sandman looks at" The uncanny.Nicholas Rand & Maria Torok - 1994 - In Michael Munchow & Sonu Shamdasani, Speculations After Freud: Psychoanalysis, Philosophy, and Culture. New York: Routledge. pp. 185.
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    King, Queen, Sui-mate: Nabokov’s Defense Against Freud’s “Uncanny”.Catharine Theimer Nepomnyashchy - 2008 - Intertexts 12 (1-2):7-24.
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    The Interpretation of Dreams.Sigmund Freud & A. A. Brill - 1900 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 10 (20):551-555.
  14.  10
    Commentary on Freud.Sigmund Freud - 2005 - In Kim Atkins, Self and Subjectivity. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 195–205.
    This chapter contains section titled: “The Ego and the Id”.
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  15. Beyond the Pleasure Principle.Sigmund Freud - 1975 - Broadview Press.
    Beyond the Pleasure Principle is Freud's most philosophical and speculative work, exploring profound questions of life and death, pleasure and pain. In it Freud introduces the fundamental concepts of the "repetition compulsion" and the "death drive," according to which a perverse, repetitive, self-destructive impulse opposes and even trumps the creative drive, or Eros. The work is one of Freud's most intensely debated, and raises important questions that have been discussed by philosophers and psychoanalysts since its first publication (...)
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    Der Witz und Seine Beziehung Zum Unbewussten.Sigmund Freud & Angela Richards - 1991
    The book stands somewhat apart from the rest of Freud's writings as a study of normal, rather than pathological psychology, and, although it contains the most closely reasoned accounts of complicated psychological processes that Freud ever gave, it remains one of his most readable works. It includes a rich collection of jokes, particularly those of Jewish folk tradition, in which Freud clearly revelled.
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    The Sigmund Freud-Ludwig Binswanger Correspondence, 1908-1938.Sigmund Freud & Ludwig Binswanger - 2003
    Ludwig Binswanger (1881-1966) came from a distinguished Swiss psychiatrist dynasty which had run the internationally-renowned sanatorium Bellevue in Kreuz-lingen for generations. In 1907 he spent a year at the Zurich Burgh lzli under Bleuler and Jung, and indeed it was Jung who took Binswanger with him to Vienna that year for his first visit to Freud.
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    The Future of an Illusion.Sigmund Freud - 1927 - Broadview Press.
    Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, declared that religion is a universal obsessional neurosis in his famous work of 1927, The Future of an Illusion. This work provoked immediate controversy and has continued to be an important reference for anyone interested in the intersection of philosophy, psychology, religion, and culture. Included in this volume is Oskar Pfister's critical engagement with Freud's views on religion. Pfister, a Swiss pastor and lay analyst, defends mature religion from Freud's "scientism." (...)'s and Pfister's texts have been updated in Gregory C. Richter's translations from the original German. (shrink)
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    The Uncanny in the Time of Pandemics.Kevin Aho - 2020 - Gatherings: The Heidegger Circle Annual 10:1-19.
    This paper offers a phenomenological analysis of Heidegger’s account of “the uncanny” as it relates to the coronavirus pandemic. It explores how the pandemic has disrupted Dasein’s sense of “homelike” familiarity and how this disruption has undermined our ability to be, that is, to understand or make sense of things. By examining our experience of temporality, lived-space, and intersubjectivity, the paper illuminates different ways in which the pandemic has left us confused and anxious about our self-interpretations and future projects. The (...)
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    Briefwechsel, 1908-1938.Sigmund Freud & Ludwig Binswanger - 1992
  21.  29
    A Case of Hysteria.Sigmund Freud - 2013 - Oxford University Press UK.
    'I very soon had an opportunity to interpret Dora's nervous coughing as the outcome of a fantasized sexual situation.'A Case of Hysteria, popularly known as the Dora Case, affords a rare insight into how Freud dealt with patients and interpreted what they told him. The 18-year-old 'Dora' was sent for psychoanalysis by her father after threatening suicide; as Freud's enquiries deepened, he uncovered a remarkably unhappy and conflict-ridden family, with several competing versions of their story. The narrative became (...)
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    Electra Vs Oedipus: The Drama of the Mother–Daughter Relationship.Hendrika C. Freud - 2010 - Routledge.
    _Electra vs Oedipus_ explores the deeply complex and often turbulent relationship between mothers and daughters. In contrast to Sigmund Freud’s conviction that the father is the central figure, the book puts forward the notion that women are in fact far more occupied with their mother. Drawing on the author’s extensive clinical experience, the book provides numerous case studies which shed light on women’s emotional development. Topics include: love and hate between mothers and daughters the history of maternal love childbirth (...)
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    Uncanny Brains versus a Lived-Body: Reflections on the “Hard Problem” of Consciousness.Yochai Ataria - 2022 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 53 (2):165-183.
    The natural sciences seek to explain all natural phenomena, including human beings. This lofty objective encompasses the scientific project in all its glory, within which brain science constitutes an integral part. Essentially, however, neuroscientists not only seek to achieve a greater understanding of how the human brain works but rather, and perhaps mainly, aspire to understand human consciousness, that is, the subjective experience. According to this approach, consciousness is merely brain activity, and thus any progress in the study of the (...)
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    Schelling, Freud, and the Philosophical Foundations of Psychoanalysis: Uncanny Belonging.Teresa Fenichel - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
    Schelling, Freud, and the Philosophical Foundations of Psychoanalysisprovides a long-overdue dialogue between two seminal thinkers, Schelling and Freud. Through a sustained reading of the sublime, mythology, the uncanny, and freedom, this book provokes the reader to retrieve and revive the shared roots of philosophy and psychoanalysis. Teresa Fenichel examines the philosophical basis for the concepts of the unconscious and for the nature of human freedom on which psychoanalysis rests. Drawing on the work of German philosopher F.W.J. Schelling, the (...)
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    Uncanny Waters.Caroline Emily Rae - 2022 - Feminist Review 130 (1):61-77.
    In this article, I argue for the notion of what I term ‘uncanny water’ as a conceptual tool for reading contemporary oceanic fictions. The uncanny’s affective capacity to destabilise epistemological and ontological certainties makes it a particularly potent literary tool for challenging the nature/culture binary. I argue that fictions which actively defamiliarise the ocean can be used to redress the anthropocentric privilege found in hitherto narratives of the oceanic that were predicated upon mastery and control, and that uncanny moments of (...)
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    Leonardo da Vinci: A Memory of His Childhood.Sigmund Freud - 1999 - Routledge.
    Sigmund Freud was already internationally acclaimed as the principal founder of psychoanalysis when he turned his attention to the life of Leonardo da Vinci. It remained Freud’s favourite composition. Compressing many of his insights into a few pages, the result is a fascinating picture of some of Freud’s fundamental ideas, including human sexuality, dreams, and repression. It is an equally compelling – and controversial – portrait of Leonardo and the creative forces that according to Freud lie (...)
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    The Uncanny Challenge of Self-Cultivation in the Anthropocene.Jan Varpanen, Antti Saari, Katri Jurvakainen & Johanna Kallio - 2022 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 41 (3):345-362.
    Self-cultivation—taking pedagogical action to educate oneself—is an integral part of non-formal adult education. Ever since Greek antiquity, it has been a central ingredient in the western philosophical and educational tradition. However, we argue that the global challenges that have emerged in the present era of the ecological crisis call for a new kind of understanding of this basic educational phenomenon. Based in particular on recent work in dark ecology and its central concept of the ‘uncanny’, we outline a few key (...)
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  28. ‘An Uncanny Re-Awakening’: Nietzsche’s Renascence of the Renaissance out of the Spirit of Jacob Burckhardt.Martin A. Ruehl - 2008 - In Manuel Dries, Nietzsche on Time and History. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 231--72.
  29. The uncanny.Diane Chisholm - 1992 - In Elizabeth Wright, Feminism and psychoanalysis: a critical dictionary. Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell. pp. 436--40.
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  30. My i smertʹ ; Po tu storonu print︠s︡ipa naslazhdenii︠a︡.Sigmund Freud - 1995 - Sankt-Peterburg: Vostochno-Evropeĭskiĭ in-t psikhoanaliza. Edited by Sigmund Freud & Sergeĭ Ri︠a︡zant︠s︡ev.
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    The uncanny power of words.Paul J. M. Jorion - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (4):622-623.
    In their quality as acoustic or visual percepts, words are linked to the emotional values of the state-of-affairs they evoke. This allows them to engender meanings capable of operating nearly entirely detached from percepts. Such a laying flat of meanings permits deliberation to take place within the window of consciousness. In such a theatre of the imagination, linguistically triggered, resides the originality of the human psyche.
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  32. The reluctant dialectician.J. F. Rychlak & Sigmund Freud - 1976 - In Joseph F. Rychlak, Dialectic: humanistic rationale for behavior and development. New York: S. Karger.
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  33. Wish-fulfilment,'.Richard Wollheim & Sigmund Freud - 1979 - In Ross Harrison, Rational action: studies in philosophy and social science. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 47--60.
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    (2 other versions)The uncanny valley phenomenon.Astrid Rosenthal-von der Pütten & Astrid Weiss - 2015 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 16 (2):206-214.
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  35. Uncanny Landscapes of Photography: The Partage of Double-exposure After Jean-Luc Nancy.Chris Heppell - 2016 - In Carrie Giunta & Adrienne Janus, Nancy and Visual Culture. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
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  36. Uncanny Errors, Productive Contresens. Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenological Appropriation of Ferdinand de Saussure’s General Linguistics.Beata Stawarska - 2013 - Chiasmi International 15:151-165.
    Stawarska considers the ambiguities surrounding the antagonism between the phenomenological and the structuralist traditions by pointing out that the supposed foundation of structuralism, the Course in General Linguistics, was ghostwritten posthumously by two editors who projected a dogmatic doctrine onto Saussure’s lectures, while the authentic materials related to Saussure’s linguistics are teeming with phenomenological references. She then narrows the focus to Merleau-Ponty’s engagement with Saussure’s linguistics and argues that it offers an unusual, if not an uncanny, reading of the Course, (...)
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    The Uncanny Effect of Telling Genealogies.Torsten Menge - 2017 - Southwest Philosophy Review 33 (1):63-73.
    What is the normative import of telling a genealogy of our present reason-giving practices? In this paper, I will focus on Michel Foucault’s materialist genealogies in Discipline and Punish and The History of Sexuality, Vol. 1, which attend to the social and material settings in which we act and give and ask for reasons. A number of influential critics have interpreted them as a critical evaluation of our reason-giving practices. But understood in this way, Foucault’s genealogical project faces significant philosophical (...)
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  38. The uncanny mirror: A re-framing of mirror self-experience.Philippe Rochat & Dan Zahavi - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (2):204-213.
    Mirror self-experience is re-casted away from the cognitivist interpretation that has dominated discussions on the issue since the establishment of the mirror mark test. Ideas formulated by Merleau-Ponty on mirror self-experience point to the profoundly unsettling encounter with one’s specular double. These ideas, together with developmental evidence are re-visited to provide a new, psychologically and phenomenologically more valid account of mirror self-experience: an experience associated with deep wariness.
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    An Uncanny Re-Awakening': Nietzsche's Renascence of the Renaissance out of the Spirit of Jacob Burckhardt'.M. Ruehl - 2008 - In Manuel Dries, Nietzsche on Time and History. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 231--72.
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  40. the Uncanny Proximity: From Democracy To Terror.Farhang Erfani - 2002 - Florida Philosophical Review 2 (2):5-22.
    There is a very fine line separating democracy from terror. Through analysis of the work of the French political philosopher Claude Lefort, I hope to show that there is an uncanny proximity between terror and democracy. In Lefort’s view, political power rests on the contingency and groundlessness that politics has experienced since the French Revolution. Since that time, political power has been separated from the divine and has become a human affair. For Lefort, totalitarianism can come only after the democratic (...)
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    Uncanny Creatures of the Dark.José Tomás Ibarra & Pelayo Benavides - 2021 - Anthropos 116 (1):163-176.
    Belief systems of human societies are deeply related with animals, which are symbolised in traditional narratives. Here we review reported cases from around the world and our own ethnographic observations from southern Chile, to analyse beliefs associated with owls. In particular, we explore the role that owls play in traditional narratives and the likely reasons of their saliency, including their connections with the extraordinary. For the latter, we utilise the concept of “the uncanny” to analyse how owls generate a feeling (...)
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    Uncanny Rest: For Antiphilosophy.Alberto Moreiras - 2022 - Duke University Press.
    In _Uncanny Rest_ Alberto Moreiras offers a meditation on intellectual life under the suspension of time and conditions of isolation. Focusing on his personal day-to-day experiences of the “shelter-in-place” period during the first months of the coronavirus pandemic, Moreiras engages with the limits and possibilities of critical thought in the realm of the infrapolitical—the conditions of existence that exceed average understandings of politics and philosophy. In each dated entry he works through the process of formulating a life’s worth of thought (...)
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  43. "The return of negation: the Doppelganger in Freud's" The 'Uncanny'".Dimitris Vardoulakis - 2006 - Substance 35 (2):100-116.
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  44. What is the Uncanny?Mark Windsor - 2019 - British Journal of Aesthetics 59 (1):51-65.
    I propose a definition of the uncanny: an anxious uncertainty about what is real caused by an apparent impossibility. First, I outline the relevance of the uncanny to art and aesthetics. Second, I disambiguate theoretical uses of ‘uncanny’ and establish the sense of the term that I am interested in—namely, an emotional state directed towards particular objects in the world which are characteristically eerie, creepy, and weird. Third, I look at Edgar Allan Poe’s ‘The Fall of the House of Usher’ (...)
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    The Keep. Uncanny Propriation: Derrida’s Marrano Objection.Alberto Moreiras - 2024 - Derrida Today 17 (2):177-197.
    This essay attempts to offer some reflections on what it is that Jacques Derrida found uncomfortable in Martin Heidegger’s thought at the level of fundamental gestures. The region of disagreement is located in Derrida’s self-identification in a marrano register at an autographic level. This paper studies the notions of propriation and expropriation in Heidegger’s late texts and compares them to Derrida’s ‘uncanny propriation’ as a marrano notion. I offer four propositions regarding Derrida’s marranismo, which I align with Derrida’s proposal for (...)
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    Varela as the Uncanny.Y. Ataria - 2017 - Constructivist Foundations 12 (2):153-154.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Enaction as a Lived Experience: Towards a Radical Neurophenomenology” by Claire Petitmengin. Upshot: Why has the neurophenomenological approach not been adopted as a common and even obligatory tool in the study of consciousness? I suggest that the problem with the neurophenomenological approach is its effectiveness on the one hand and its almost impossible demands from the scientist on the other: One cannot accept the neurophenomenological approach without rejecting not only the paradigm of cognitive science, (...)
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    Crossing the Uncanny Valley.Siobhan Lyons - 2018 - In James B. South & Kimberly S. Engels, Westworld and Philosophy. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 39–49.
    Looking at the often remorseless, inhumane manner in which both the creators and guests approach the robotic hosts, this chapter argues that the integral concept of “humanity” is challenged and transformed in a discussion of Westworld. While the hosts of Westworld are, indeed, robotic, lacking human biological construction, they are made to look increasingly human. In Westworld, evidence of the uncanny valley is seen in the way in which the robot hosts evolve. Taking into consideration the inherent distinctions between the (...)
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    An uncanny dimension: Commentary on Thomas Heyd's 'reflections on reclamation through art'.Allison Hagerman - 2007 - Ethics, Place and Environment 10 (3):347 – 350.
    The aesthetic transformation becomes a vehicle of recognition and indictment. Herbert Marcuse, 1978, p. 9 In his ‘Reflections on Reclamation through Art’, Thomas Heyd poses the question: Can art ef...
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    The Uncanny Doubleness of Emmanuel Levinas.Drew M. Dalton - 2016 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 8 (1):122-130.
    Yael Lin's The Intersubjectivity of Time: Levinas and Infinite Responsibility is the first sustained inquiry into Emmanuel Levinas's theory of temporality, a concept which permeates his work and can in many ways serve as a lens through which his entire system can be examined and understood. As the first book length monograph on the subject, Lin's work promises to be of significant value to scholars of Levinas. The book proceeds by tracing what the author sees as the Western roots of (...)
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    (1 other version)The Unconcept: The Freudian Uncanny in Late-Twentieth-Century Theory.Anneleen Masschelein - 2011 - State University of New York Press.
    Explores the conceptualization of the Freudian uncanny in various late-twentieth-century theoretical and critical discourses (literary studies, psychoanalysis, cultural studies, art history, trauma studies, architecture, etc.).
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