Results for 'Fujita Kåotatsu Hakushi Kanreki Kinen Ronshåu Kankåokai'

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  1. Indo tetsugaku to Bukkyō: Fujita Kōtatsu Hakushi kanreki kinen ronshū.Kåotatsu Fujita & Fujita Kåotatsu Hakushi Kanreki Kinen Ronshåu Kankåokai (eds.) - 1989 - Kyōto-shi: Heirakuji Shoten.
  2. Ju-Butsu-Dō sankyō shisō ronkō: Makio Ryōkai Hakushi kiju kinen.Ryåokai Makio & Makio Ryåokai Hakushi Kiju Kinen Ronshåu Kankåokai (eds.) - 1991 - Tōkyō: Sankibō Busshorin.
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  3. Chūgoku shisō to shoshigaku: Yoshizawa Hidenori Sensei kanreki kinen ronbunshū.Hidenori Yoshizawa & Yoshizawa Hidenori Sensei Kanreki Kinen Ronbunshåu Kankåokai - 1991 - Kyōto-shi: Yoshizawa Hidenori Sensei Kanreki Kinen Ronbunshū Kankōkai.
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  4. Sei to shisaku: Karita Kiichirō Sensei taishoku kinen ronshū.Kiichiråo Karita & Karita Kiichiråo Sensei Taishoku Kinen Ronshåu Kankåokai (eds.) - 1990 - [Hachiōji-shi?]: Karita Kiichirō Sensei Taishoku Kinen Ronshū Kankōkai.
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  5. "Ga" no shisō: Maeda Sengaku Hakushi kanreki kinen ronshū.Sengaku Maeda & Tåokyåo Daigaku (eds.) - 1991 - Tōkyō: Shunjūsha.
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  6. Indogaku Bukkyōgaku ronshū: Takasaki Jikidō Hakushi kanreki kinen ronshū.Jikidō Takasaki (ed.) - 1987 - Tōkyō: Shunjūsha.
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  7. Indo tetsugaku to Bukkyō no shomondai: Ui Hakuju Hakushi kanreki kinen ronbunshū.Hakuju Ui & Shōson Miyamoto (eds.) - 1951 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
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  8. Chūgoku no shūkyō shisō to kagaku: Makio Ryōkai Hakushi shōju kinen ronshū.Ryokai Makio & Makio Ryokai Hakushi Shoju Kinen Ronshu Kankokai (eds.) - 1984 - Tōkyō: Kokusho Kankōkai.
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    Hōshisō no dentō to genzai: Mishima Yoshiomi Kyōju taikan kinen ronshū.Yoshiomi Mishima & Mishima Yoshiomi Kyåoju Taikan Kinen Ronshåu Henshåu Iinkai (eds.) - 1998 - Fukuoka-shi: Kyūshū Daigaku Shuppankai.
    三島教授は、60年代末から70年代はじめの社会的思想的な激動期を挾んで、長年、法思想史・法哲学の研究と教育に携わって、わが国の法哲学界において思想的支柱を担う一人として活躍してこられた。カントをはじめ とするドイツ観念論の法思想、プラトンを中心とする古代ギリシャ法思想、現代自然法論の法思想などに関する一連の研究は、わが国の法思想史研究の画期をなすものであるのみならず、その背後にあって導いている「人間 存在の根源」への真摯な問は、教授の研究に接する者に絶えざる再考を促している。教授の退官を記念して、論集を編むこととなったのは、教授が研究してこられた学問分野と、教授の研究の背後にあるものへのあらたな関 心をよぶ機会としたいと願うからである。.
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  10. Chūgoku tetsugaku shi no tenbō to mosaku.Eiichi Kimura & Kimura Eiichi Hakushi Shoju Kinen Jigyokai (eds.) - 1976 - Sobunsha.
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  11. Ihara Shōren Hakushi koki kinen ronbunshū.Shåoren Ihara & Ihara Shåoren Hakushi Koki Kinenkai (eds.) - 1991 - Fukuoka-shi: Ihara Shōren Hakushi Koki Kinenkai.
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  12. Kuno Akira Kyōju kanreki kinen tetsugaku ronbunshū.Akira Kuno, Akihiro Takeichi & Susumu Kaneta (eds.) - 1995 - Tōkyō: Ibunsha.
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  13. Uno Tetsujin Hakushi beiju kinen ron shū, Chūgoku no shisōka.Tetsujin Uno (ed.) - 1963
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    Gendai no hōshisō: Amano Kazuo, Yasaki Mitsukuni, Yagi Tetsuo Sensei kanreki kinen.Kazuo Amano, Mitsukuni Yasaki, Tetsuo Yagi, Tomonosuke Ōhashi, Shigeaki Tanaka & Mitsunori Fukada (eds.) - 1985 - Tōkyō: Yūhikaku.
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  15. Bigakushi ronsō: Imamichi Tomonobu Kyōju kanreki kinen.Tomonobu Imamichi (ed.) - 1983 - Tōkyō: Hatsubaijo Keisō Shobō.
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  16. Tetsugaku to kyōiku no kontei: Ishizuka Tsuneo Hakushi koki kinen ronbunshū.Tsuneo Ishizuka & Yasuo Watanabe (eds.) - 1983 - Tōkyō: Risōsha.
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  17. Shinran no Bukkyō shikan: Soga Ryōjin Sensei kanreki kinen kōen.Ryōjin Soga - 1983 - Kyōto-shi: Shinshū Ōtaniha Shūmusho Shuppanbu.
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  18. Chūgokugaku ronbunshū: Takeuchi Teruo Hakushi koki kinen.Teruo Takeuchi (ed.) - 1981 - Sapporo-shi: Takeuchi Teruo Hakushi Koki Kinen Ronbunshū Kankōkai.
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  19. Shizenhō to sekaihō: Tanaka Sensei kanreki kinen.Kōtarō Tanaka & Tomoo Odaka (eds.) - 1954 - Tōkyō: Yūhikaku.
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    21-seiki no hō fukushi iryō: sono kadai to tenbō: Yamagami Kenʾichi Hakushi koki kinen ronbunshū.Kenʾichi Yamagami (ed.) - 2002 - Tōkyō: Chūō Keizaisha.
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    Considérations inactuelles: Bergson et la philosophie française du XIXe siècle.Shin Abiko, Hisashi Fujita & Yasuhiko Sugimura (eds.) - 2017 - Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag.
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    Mécanique et mystique: sur le quatrième chapitre des Deux sources de la morale et de la religion de Bergson.Shin Abiko, Hisashi Fujita & Yasuhiko Sugimura (eds.) - 2018 - Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag.
    Dans 'les Deux sources de la morale et de la religion', Bergson évoque rarement le Japon. Et pourtant dans le quatrième chapitre du même texte, intitulé Remarques finales 'Mécanique et mystique', c'était lui qui a bien prévu Hiroshima avec ces mots testamentaires: ' Il faut que tous se battent contre tous, comme firent les hordes des premiers temps. Seulement on se bat avec les armes forgées par notre civilisation, et les massacres sont d'une horreur que les anciens n'auraient même pas (...)
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    Warai no senryaku: dai 9-kai "Tetsugaku Shōrei Yamazaki-shō" jushō kinen shinpojūmu.Kazuhiro Adachi (ed.) - 1984 - Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha.
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    What are considered ‘good facts’?Akira Akabayashi, Eisuke Nakazawa & Nancy S. Jecker - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (7):473-475.
    In the January edition of theJournal of Medical Ethics, Fujita and Tabuchi (hereafter, Authors) responded that we misunderstood the ‘facts’ in our previous article. Our article’s method was twofold. First, it appealed to normative analysis and publicly accessible materials, and second, it targeted a policy-making approach to public funding. We specifically did not focus on the Center for iPS Cell Research and Application or induced pluripotent stem stock projects. The Authors raised five criticisms, including transparency of our interpretation of (...)
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  25. Sei Tomasu Akinasu no shizenhō no shisō.Ōsawa Akira - 1954 - In Kōtarō Tanaka & Tomoo Odaka, Shizenhō to sekaihō: Tanaka Sensei kanreki kinen. Tōkyō: Yūhikaku.
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    Capuchin monkeys judge third-party reciprocity.James R. Anderson, Ayaka Takimoto, Hika Kuroshima & Kazuo Fujita - 2013 - Cognition 127 (1):140-146.
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    Microsatellite Polymorphisms Adjacent to the Oxytocin Receptor Gene in Domestic Cats: Association with Personality?Minori Arahori, Hitomi Chijiiwa, Saho Takagi, Benoit Bucher, Hideaki Abe, Miho Inoue-Murayama & Kazuo Fujita - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  28. Hiroike Hakushi no shiryō kenkyū.Eiichirō Asano - 1971
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  29. Sekai Jinken Sengen to shizenhō.Odaka Asao - 1954 - In Kōtarō Tanaka & Tomoo Odaka, Shizenhō to sekaihō: Tanaka Sensei kanreki kinen. Tōkyō: Yūhikaku.
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  30. Hōgaku kenkyū: Aichi Gakuin Daigaku Hōgakubu setchi jisshūnen kinen.Toyohiko Ashikawa, Kun'ichi Hayashi & Kōichirō Yokoyama (eds.) - 1968 - Tōkyō-to Shinjuku-ku: Seibundō.
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    Evaluating practical negotiating agents: Results and analysis of the 2011 international competition.Tim Baarslag, Katsuhide Fujita, Enrico H. Gerding, Koen Hindriks, Takayuki Ito, Nicholas R. Jennings, Catholijn Jonker, Sarit Kraus, Raz Lin, Valentin Robu & Colin R. Williams - 2013 - Artificial Intelligence 198 (C):73-103.
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    Editorial: The Biology of Language Under a Minimalist Lens: Promises, Achievements, and Limits.Antonio Benítez-Burraco, Koji Fujita, Koji Hoshi & Ljiljana Progovac - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:654768.
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    Zhong Ri gong tong yan jiu Dong Ya jin dai zhe xue de yi yi.Chongdao Bian, Masakatsu Fujita & Shirō Kōsaka (eds.) - 2002 - Sheyang Shi: Shenyang chu ban she.
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    Syntax, action, comparative cognitive science, and Darwinian thinking.Cedric A. Boeckx & Koji Fujita - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:93136.
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    Philosophie Und Religion Beim Jungen Hegel. [REVIEW]Herman J. Cloeren - 1988 - Idealistic Studies 18 (1):79-80.
    Fuijita claims that in spite of the growing interest in the last decades in the early writings of Hegel, not enough attention has been focused on their connection. He presents the phases in Hegel’s thought from his days at Tübingen, Bern, and Frankfurt to his new beginnings at Jena not as being in each case completely new, but rather as developments made possible on the basis of earlier positions prompted by the impulses received from friends and critics. Not only is (...)
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    Gendai shisō e no dōtei: Egawa Yoshitada Sensei koki kinen ronbunshū.Yashitada Egawa, Gishō Numa & Takichi Shimizu (eds.) - 1990 - Tōkyō: Hokuju Shuppan.
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  37. Kawamura Mikio Hakushi no shōgai to sono shisō.Ryūichirō Enomoto (ed.) - 1980
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    The Pedagogy of Special Needs Education: Phenomenology of Sameness and Difference, written by Fujita, C.Norm Friesen - 2023 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 54 (1):138-142.
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    [八千頌般若經] の心性本淨說について.Masahiro Fujita - 1989 - Philosophia (Misc.) 76:133-147.
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  40. Anarchy and analogy : the violence of language in Bergson and Sorel.Hisashi Fujita - 2012 - In Alexandre Lefebvre & Melanie White, Bergson, Politics, and Religion. Durham: Duke University Press.
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    Are birds metacognitive?Kazuo Fujita & Noriyuki Nakamura - 2012 - In Michael J. Beran, Johannes Brandl, Josef Perner & Joëlle Proust, The foundations of metacognition. Oxford University Press. pp. 50.
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    An Interpretation on Structural Realism to Spacetime Used in Big-Bang Cosmology.Sho Fujita - 2017 - Journal of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 44 (1-2):1-14.
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    Almost o-minimal structures and X -structures.Masato Fujita - 2022 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 173 (9):103144.
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    A rebuttal to Akabayashi and colleagues’ criticisms of the iPSC stock project.Misao Fujita & Keiichi Tabuchi - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (7):476-477.
    In the October edition of theJournal of Medical Ethics, Akabayashi and colleagues state that ’to establish a heterogeneous [induced pluripotent stem cell] iPSC bank covering roughly 80% of Japan’s population…the Japanese government decided to invest JPY110 billion (US$ 1.1 billion) over 10 years in regenerative medicine research; a quarter of this was to be allocated to the iPSC stock project'. While they claim this amount of money to be an unfair distribution of state resources, we believe their assessment is based (...)
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  45. Advancing Uncertain Combinatorics through Graphization, Hyperization, and Uncertainization: Fuzzy, Neutrosophic, Soft, Rough, and Beyond. Second volume.Takaaki Fujita & Florentin Smarandache - 2024
    The second volume of “Advancing Uncertain Combinatorics through Graphization, Hyperization, and Uncertainization: Fuzzy, Neutrosophic, Soft, Rough, and Beyond” presents a deep exploration of the progress in uncertain combinatorics through innovative methodologies like graphization, hyperization, and uncertainization. This volume integrates foundational concepts from fuzzy, neutrosophic, soft, and rough set theory, among others, to further advance the field. Combinatorics and set theory, two central pillars of mathematics, focus on counting, arrangement, and the study of collections under defined rules. Combinatorics excels in handling (...)
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  46. Advancing Uncertain Combinatorics through Graphization, Hyperization, and Uncertainization: Fuzzy, Neutrosophic, Soft, Rough, and Beyond. Sixth volume: Various New Uncertain Concepts (Collected Papers).Takaaki Fujita & Florentin Smarandache - 2025 - Gallup, NM, USA: NSIA Publishing House.
    This book is the sixth volume in the series of Collected Papers on Advancing Uncertain Combinatorics through Graphization, Hyperization, and Uncertainization: Fuzzy, Neutrosophic, Soft, Rough, and Beyond. Building upon the foundational contributions of previous volumes, this edition focuses on the exploration and development of Various New Uncertain Concepts, further enriching the study of uncertainty and complexity through innovative theoretical advancements and practical applications. The volume is meticulously organized into 15 chapters, each presenting unique perspectives and contributions to the field. From (...)
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    Bloch electron dynamics.Shigeji Fujita, Salvador Godoy & Diep Nguyen - 1995 - Foundations of Physics 25 (8):1209-1220.
    New equations of motion for a Bloch electron [momentum p=h k,energy ε n(p),zone number n, charge -e]: mjdvjdt=e(E+v×B)jm_j \frac{{dv_j }}{{dt}} = - e(E + v \times B)_j are proposed, where v≡∂εn(p)/∂p is the velocity, and {mj}are the principal masses m j − 1=∂2εn/∂p j 2 along the normal and the two principal axes of curvatures at each point of the constant-energy surface represented by ε=εn(p).Their advantages over the prevalent equations of motion where the left-hand-side is replaced by hk j (...)
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  48. Basic goal distinctions.Kentaro Fujita & Karen E. MacGregor - 2012 - In Henk Aarts & Andrew J. Elliot, Goal-directed behavior. New York, NY: Psychology Press.
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    Bergson's hand: toward a history of (non)-organic vitalism.Hisashi Fujita & Roxanne Lapidus - 2007 - Substance 36 (3):115-130.
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    Book Review: Methods of Statistical Physics. By Tomoyasu Tanaka. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2002, xv + 293 pp., $110.00/$40.00 (hardcover/softcover). ISBN 0-521-58056-0/0-521-58958-4. [REVIEW]S. Fujita - 2004 - Foundations of Physics 34 (4):711-713.
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