Results for 'Furio Lilli'

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  1.  9
    Marcel y el estoicismo.Furio Lilli - 1963 - Paraná,: Argentina, Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional del Litoral.
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  2. Descartes's Concept of Mind.Lilli Alanen - 2003 - Harvard University Press.
    Descartes's concept of the mind, as distinct from the body with which it forms a union, set the agenda for much of Western philosophy's subsequent reflection on human nature and thought. This is the first book to give an analysis of Descartes's pivotal concept that deals with all the functions of the mind, cognitive as well as volitional, theoretical as well as practical and moral. Focusing on Descartes's view of the mind as intimately united to and intermingled with the body, (...)
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    Don't SNARC me now! Intraindividual variability of cognitive phenomena – Insights from the Ironman paradigm.Lilly Roth, Verena Jordan, Stefania Schwarz, Klaus Willmes, Hans-Christoph Nuerk, Jean-Philippe van Dijck & Krzysztof Cipora - 2024 - Cognition 248 (C):105781.
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    Descartes on the Will and the Power to do Otherwise.Lilli Alanen - 2002 - In Henrik Lagerlund & Mikko Yrjönsuuri (eds.), Emotions and choice from boethius to descartes. kluwer. pp. 279--298.
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    Spartakus: The Symbology of Revolt.Furio Jesi & Andrea Cavaletti - 2014 - Seagull Books.
    On December 29, 1918, the Spartakus League, a Marxist revolutionary movement, rose up in Germany calling for an end to class rule by the bourgeoisie. Massive demonstrations followed and more than 500,000 Berliners took to the streets in January--only to be crushed by police and anticommunist paramilitary troops. Several leaders of the League were killed and the revolt was quashed. Through a detailed reconstruction of the events of that bloody winter, historian and critic Furio Jesi recasts our understanding of (...)
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    Conceptualizing Politics: An Introduction to Political Philosophy.Furio Cerutti - 2017 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Politics is hugely complex. Some try to reduce its complexity by examining it through an ideological worldview, a one-size-fits-all prescriptive formula or a quantitative examination of as many 'facts' as possible. Yet politics cannot be adequately handled as if it were made of cells and particles: ideological views are oversimplifying and sometimes dangerous. Politics is not simply a moral matter, nor political philosophy a subdivision of moral philosophy. This book is devised as a basic conceptual lexicon for all those who (...)
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    Descartes.Lilli Alanen - 1989 - Journal of Philosophy 86 (1):44-49.
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  8. Descartes, conceivability, and logical modality.Lilli Alanen - 1991 - In Tamara Horowitz & Gerald J. Massey (eds.), Thought Experiments in Science and Philosophy. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This paper examines Descartes' controversial theory of the creation of eternal truths and the views of modality attributed to Descartes in recent interpretations of it. It shows why attempts to make Descartes' view intelligible by distinctions of different kinds of modality fail to do justice to his theory, which is radical indeed without being incoherent or involving universal possibilism or irrationalism. Descartes' opposition to traditional rationalist views of modality, it suggests, can be seen instead as foreshadowing contemporary views prefixed, logical (...)
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  9. Can there be a supranational identity?Furio Cerutti - 1992 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 18 (2):147-162.
  10. Descartes' Concept of Mind.Lilli Alanen - 2006 - Philosophical Quarterly 56 (224):449-450.
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  11. The Role of Will in Descartes’ Account of Judgment.Lilli Alanen - 2012 - In Karen Detlefsen (ed.), Descartes' Meditations: A Critical Guide. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 176-199.
    Discussions of the account of judgment offered in the Fourth Meditation tend to focus on its role in Descartes' epistemology and his response to skepticism. The main focus of the Fourth Meditation is the true and the false, and it completes the discussion conducted in the Second and Third Meditation about truth and falsity and the proper use of the truth rule. This chapter summarizes Descartes' view of the nature of judgment before examining more closely the account of the will (...)
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  12.  36
    Climate ethics and the failures of ‘normative political philosophy’.Furio Cerutti - 2016 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 42 (7):707-726.
    In this article the claim of normative ethics to be the main philosophical access to the problems raised by climate change is contested and instead it is suggested that these problems be addressed from a different perspective: that of a political philosophy that escapes its own reduction to a theory of justice. Part I shows several incidences of how mainstream climate ethics fails with regard to its intention to shape an effective climate policy. Part II argues that ‘politics for the (...)
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  13. Antropocene, storia e politica. Sfide e itinerari critici.Furio Ferraresi - 2025 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 36 (71):125-147.
    Il saggio affronta alcune questioni che il concetto di Antropocene pone non solo alla teoria politica ma anche alle scienze umane e sociali. Lungo un percorso critico fra teorie e autori diversi (da Chakrabarty a Latour, da Moore e Malm fino all'ecofemminismo), il saggio discute il concetto di Antropocene con un approccio di “ecologia politica”. L'obiettivo è di tenere insieme la dimensione comune - umana e non umana - dell’appartenenza agli eco-sistemi terrestri, con la capacità di leggere criticamente e genealogicamente (...)
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    Discussione su "Communitas" di Roberto Esposito.Furio Ferraresi, Simona Forti & Geminello Preterossi - 1999 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 12 (2):413-426.
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    Il fantasma della comunità: concetti politici e scienza sociale in Max Weber.Furio Ferraresi - 2003 - Milano: F. Angeli.
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    Il tutto e le parti. Categorie e soggetti della conflittualità politica nell'antichità.Furio Ferraresi - 2012 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 24 (47).
    Il saggio esamina il modo in cui nell’Antichità classica è stato pensato il conflitto politico a partire dalla riflessione su “fazioni” e “partiti”. L’analisi prende le mosse da Omero ed Esiodo, per i quali la Giustizia è lo strumento con cui dal caos originario si passa al cosmo ordinato. Si concentra quindi sulla nascita della polis come fattore di mediazione del conflitto fra le “parti” sociali, affrontando il pensiero di Tucidide, Platone e Aristotele, che condividono la stessa critica nei confronti (...)
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    Max Weber e Michel Foucault: le ragioni di un confronto.Furio Ferraresi - 2020 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 32 (63):87-105.
    The essay identifies and analyses the main similarities between Weber’s and Foucault’s work. They concern the three main areas of their reflection: knowledge, power and the subject. These thematic axes are always firmly intertwined in their work. With regard to knowledge, both authors practice a form of historical knowledge in which both the “subject” of knowledge and the “object” known are radically called into question. Regarding power, they abandon the model of the state and sovereignty in order to analyse the (...)
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  18. Learning the electric field concept as oriented research activity.C. Furió, J. Guisasola, J. M. Almudí & M. Ceberio - 2003 - Science Education 87 (5):640-662.
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    Bachofen.Furio Jesi - 2005 - Torino: Bollati Boringhieri.
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    Industrial citizenship, cosmopolitanism and European integration.Nathan Lillie & Chenchen Zhang - 2015 - European Journal of Social Theory 18 (1):93-111.
    There has been an explosion of interest in the idea of European Union citizenship in recent years, as a defining example of postnational cosmopolitan citizenship potentially replacing or layered on top of national citizenship. We argue this form of EU citizenship undermines industrial citizenship, which is a crucial support for social solidarity on which other types of citizenship are based. Because industrial citizenship arises from collectivities based on class identities and national institutions, it depends on the national territorial order and (...)
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  21. Zur Funktion solidarischen Handelns in der heutigen Zeit.Waldemar Lilli - forthcoming - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften.
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    Animals in the original position.Lilly-Marlene Russow - 1992 - Between the Species 8 (4):10.
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    Reply.Lilly-Marlene Russow - unknown
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    What Do Animals Care About?Lilly-Marlene Russow - 1995 - Between the Species 11 (1):4.
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    Indifferenza postmoderna.Furio Semerari - 2009 - Milano: Guerini e associati.
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    La certezza incerta: scritti su Giuseppe Semerari.Furio Semerari & Giuseppe Semerari (eds.) - 2008 - Milano: Guerini e associati.
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    Relazioni morali: forme e problemi.Furio Semerari - 2001 - Bari: Adriatica.
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    Senso e forme della comunità, oggi.Furio Semerari (ed.) - 2010 - Milano: Ghibli.
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    Thought-talk: Descartes and Sellars on intentionality.Lilli Alanen - 1992 - American Philosophical Quarterly 29 (1):19-34.
  30. Affects and ideas in Spinoza's therapy of passions.Lilli Alanen - 2017 - In Alix Cohen & Robert Stern (eds.), Thinking About the Emotions: A Philosophical History. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
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    Spinoza on Passions and Self—Knowledge: The Case of Pride.Lilli Alanen - 2012 - In Martin Pickavé & Lisa Shapiro (eds.), Emotion and cognitive life in Medieval and early modern philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 234.
  32.  21
    Hackathons and the Making of Entrepreneurial Citizenship.Lilly Irani - 2015 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 40 (5):799-824.
    Today the halls of Technology, Entertainment, and Design and Davos reverberate with optimism that hacking, brainstorming, and crowdsourcing can transform citizenship, development, and education alike. This article examines these claims ethnographically and historically with an eye toward the kinds of social orders such practices produce. This article focuses on a hackathon, one emblematic site of social practice where techniques from information technology production become ways of remaking culture. Hackathons sometimes produce technologies, and they always, however, produce subjects. This article argues (...)
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    The Powers and Mechanisms of the Passions.Lilli Alanen - 2006 - In Saul Traiger (ed.), The Blackwell Guide to Hume’s Treatise. Oxford: Blackwell. pp. 179–198.
    This chapter contains section titled: Introductory Remarks The Cartesian Background Impressions and Ideas Passions as Reflective Impressions Direct and Indirect Passions Association and the Individuation of Passions Perception and Perceiving Passions and Moral Sentiments Notes References Further reading.
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  34. Personal Identity, Passions, and "The True Idea of the Human Mind".Lilli Alanen - 2014 - Hume Studies 40 (1):3-28.
    Hume is famous for his criticism of substantial minds, free will, and self-consciousness—central elements in traditional philosophical accounts of persons. His empiricism dissolves self-inspecting minds into heaps of distinct perceptions and turns cognitive faculties into successions of causally related, discrete impressions and ideas. Whatever regularities the complex ideas and their bundles or heaps display are explained by laws of association of ideas, which are supposed to play the same role in the mental world as Newton’s laws of gravitation play in (...)
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  35. Descartes, omnipotence, and kinds of modality.Lilli Alanen - 1988 - In Peter H. Hare (ed.), Doing Philosophy Historically. Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books. pp. 182--200.
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    Defining Risk, Motivating Responsibility and Rethinking Global Warming.Furio Cerutti - 2010 - Science and Engineering Ethics 16 (3):489-499.
    This paper breaks with the sociological notion of ‘risk society’ and argues in favour of a philosophical view that sees the two planetary threats of late modernity, nuclear weapons and global warming, as ultimate challenges to morality and politics rather than risks that we can take and manage. The paper also raises the question of why we should feel responsible for the effects of these two global challenges on future generations and in this sense elaborates on the transgenerational chain of (...)
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    Constitutive Reasons and the Suspension of Judgement.Whitney Lilly - 2019 - Dialogue 58 (2):215-224.
    Cet article relève une impasse qui apparaît quand les travaux récents sur la suspension du jugement sont intégrés aux solutions évidentialistes au problème de la «mauvaise sorte de raison» : il semble qu’il n’existe aucune raison pour suspendre le jugement. Deux réponses possibles à cette impasse sont considérées ici : l’une redéfinit la suspension du jugement comme une action mentale, l’autre la redéfinit comme une attitude de second ordre. L’article fait valoir que ces réponses n’évitent l’impasse qu’en compromettant de manière (...)
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    Self-Awareness and Cognitive Agency in Descartes’s Meditations.Lilli Alanen - 2016 - Philosophical Topics 44 (1):3-26.
    There are two main strands in the afterlife of Descartes’s famous redefinition of mind in terms of thinking likely to color one’s reading of his notion of mind or self. The one stressed most by his posterity and developed from early on in the empiricist tradition sees consciousness as its main characteristic. The other focuses on reason and rationality. This paper discusses the textual support for the first reading promoted by Ryle and his followers and aligns itself with the second (...)
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  39. Feminist Reflections on the History of Philosophy.Lilli Alanen & Charlotte Witt (eds.) - 2004 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Feminist work in the history of philosophy has come of age as an innovative field in the history of philosophy. This volume marks that accomplishment with original essays by leading feminist scholars who ask basic questions: What is distinctive of feminist work in the history of philosophy? Is there a method that is distinctive of feminist historical work? How can women philosophers be meaningfully included in the history of the discipline? Who counts as a philosopher? This collection is a unique (...)
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    Studies in Cartesian epistemology and philosophy of mind.Lilli Alanen - 1982 - Helsinki: Akateeminen kirjakauppa.
  41.  80
    Political rationality and security in the nuclear age.Furio Cerutti - 1987 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 13 (1):69-84.
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    Per una storia illuministica.Furio Diaz - 1973 - Napoli,: Guida (Napoli).
  43.  16
    Weber rinasce a cent’anni dalla morte.Furio Ferraresi - 2020 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 32 (63):5-7.
    On the 100th anniversary of the death of Max Weber, we dedicate the monographic section of this issue to his political thought through a series of international contributions which investigate its multiple economic, religious, cultural and social perspectives.
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    La Maison aux Panonceaux.Lilly Grove Frazer - 2014 - Cambridge University Press.
    Originally published in 1914, this book contains an illustrated story of life in a provincial French town in the early twentieth century. The French of the story is accessible for a young audience, and provides an entertaining as well as educational story for readers. This book will be of value to anyone with an interest in French life or the history of French education in Britain.
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    Taking the Long View.Lilli S. Hornig - 2003 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 23 (1):50-52.
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    Une hydrie attique à figures rouges du Musée de Nauplie.Lilly Kahil - 1951 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 75 (1):316-322.
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    The eclipse of earth and man.Reginald Lilly - 1992 - Research in Phenomenology 22 (1):199-207.
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  48.  18
    The system needs the cure.Timothy Lillie - 2001 - American Journal of Bioethics 1 (3):1 – 2.
  49.  39
    Vital organization and the psychic factor.Ralph S. Lillie - 1944 - Philosophy of Science 11 (3):161-170.
    If we may rely for our evidence on simple observation, it would appear that the tendency of random or unguided activity in external nature is opposed to the development of complex organization and favorable to structural simplicity—in the sense of uniformity in the distribution of elements. This anti-organizing trend of purely physical processes is illustrated in ordinary large-scale mixing and stirring operations, as well as in the automatic increase of entropy with time in systems subject to the laws of thermodynamics. (...)
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    Reply: Rawls: Rejecting Utilitarianism and Animals.Lilly-Marlene Russow - 1992 - Between the Species 8 (4):12.
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