Results for 'Gabriela Cristina Sganzerla Iglesias'

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  1.  8
    Pensar como uma montanha: a leitura da paisagem por Aldo Leopold (1887-1948).Gabriela Cristina Sganzerla Iglesias & Fernanda da Rocha Brando - 2022 - Filosofia E História da Biologia 17 (2):141-159.
    Aldo Leopold (1887-1948) foi um professor e pesquisador que contribuiu para o campo da ecologia da vida selvagem, destacando-se no ambientalismo norte-americano do século XX. O objetivo deste artigo é discutir sob uma perspectiva filosófica a conservação da biodiversidade adotada por Aldo Leopold a partir de análise de trechos da sua última obra A sand county almanac and sketches here and there (1949). O livro, elaborado em seus anos de experiência na fazenda da família, apresenta uma série de ensaios com (...)
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    Digital Doppelgängers and Lifespan Extension: What Matters?Samuel Iglesias, Brian D. Earp, Cristina Voinea, Sebastian Porsdam Mann, Anda Zahiu, Nancy S. Jecker & Julian Savulescu - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (2):95-110.
    There is an ongoing debate about the ethics of research on lifespan extension: roughly, using medical technologies to extend biological human lives beyond the current “natural” limit of about 120 years. At the same time, there is an exploding interest in the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to create “digital twins” of persons, for example by fine-tuning large language models on data specific to particular individuals. In this paper, we consider whether digital twins (or digital doppelgängers, as we refer to (...)
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    Digital Doppelgängers and Lifespan Extension: What Matters?Samuel Iglesias, Brian D. Earp, Cristina Voinea, Sebastian Porsdam Mann, Anda Zahiu, Nancy S. Jecker & Julian Savulescu - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (2):95-110.
    There is an ongoing debate about the ethics of research on lifespan extension: roughly, using medical technologies to extend biological human lives beyond the current “natural” limit of about 120 years. At the same time, there is an exploding interest in the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to create “digital twins” of persons, for example by fine-tuning large language models on data specific to particular individuals. In this paper, we consider whether digital twins (or digital doppelgängers, as we refer to (...)
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  4. The Sharing Economy in Europe: From Idea to Reality.Cristina Miguel, Gabriela Avram, Andrzej Klimczuk, Bori Simonovits, Bálint Balázs & Vida Česnuitytė - 2022 - In Vida Česnuitytė, Andrzej Klimczuk, Cristina Miguel & Gabriela Avram, The Sharing Economy in Europe: Developments, Practices, and Contradictions. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 3–18.
    This chapter explains the rationale behind the book. It provides basic definitions of the concept of the sharing economy as well as the primary meanings related to the subject of the analysis undertaken in the subsequent chapters. This Introduction also includes a description of the main benefits of the analysis of the sharing economy from a European perspective. It highlights that the idea of the book emerged from the collaboration of most co-authors in the COST Action CA16121 ‘From Sharing to (...)
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    Bebês, Materialidade e Objetos Técnicos Na Primeira Inf'ncia No Brasil e Na França.Gabriela Guarnieri de Campos Tebet, Sabrina de Oliveira Caetano, Lidiane Cristina Loiola Souza, Maria Antonieta Impedovo & Julia Costa - 2022 - Childhood and Philosophy 18:01-33.
    The main objective of this work is to discuss the materiality of relationships and experiences of infants in early childhood education, based on a dialogue with the Brazilian curriculum guidelines for Early Childhood Education in 3 municipalities in the state of São Paulo, and with the concepts of technical objects and individuation developed by Simondon. This is a qualitative research that uses bibliographic and documentary research as a methodology and the production of cartographies of scenes in which relationships between babies (...)
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    La extranjería en las formas breves: la traducción y el injerto.Gabriela Román & Cristina Graef - 2020 - Argos 7 (20):31-43.
    La intertextualidad es uno de los objetos inmanentes de toda poética, cada texto literario es el germen de uno anterior, por lo que los modos en que se incluye en las textualidades pueden ser múltiples. Los trabajos de investigación en formas breves de Denevi, Blaisten, Amable y Liniers nos conducen a configurar la categoría de “fragmentos extranjeros” que nos permite identificar las variantes de co-presencia literaria que presentan los textos. Hablamos, entonces, de traducción e injerto como dos líneas posibles. El (...)
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    Construção e aplicação de matrizes bibliométrica e epistemológica para análise do referencial freireano no Ensino de Ciências.Gabriela Zauith & Maria Cristina Piumbato Innocentini Hayashi - 2014 - Filosofia E Educação 6 (2):113-145.
    O artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa que investigou a apropriação do referencial teórico de Paulo Freire em teses e dissertações nas áreas de Ensino de Ciências e Educação CTS. Através de uma análise bibliométrica e epistemológica de quatro matrizes que agregam os niveis epistemológico, ontológico e gnosiológico foi identificada a presença do referencial teórico de Paulo Freire nesses trabalhos.
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    El origen de los nuevos movimientos religiosos cristianos en Corea: el caso de la Iglesia de la Unificación.Cristina Bahon Arnaiz - 2023 - Araucaria 25 (52).
    La presencia de nuevos movimientos religiosos cristianos, también conocidos como sectas, aunque este término incluye un matiz peyorativo, es cada vez más evidente en Corea del Sur. En la actualidad hay alrededor de dieciocho grupos operativos, entre los que destacan cinco: la Federación de Familias para la Paz y la Unificación Mundial, más conocida como la Iglesia de la Unificación; la Iglesia Shincheonji de Jesús: el Templo del Tabernáculo del Testimonio; La Iglesia de Dios Sociedad Misionera Mundial; la Misión Cristiana (...)
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    Pastorado, soberanía y salvación: la dualidad gubernativa y soberana de la Iglesia plenomedieval ante la analítica foucaultiana del poder.Cristina Catalina - 2018 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 35 (1):27-49.
    This paper confronts the medieval Church with Foucault´s conceptualization of Christendom in his writing on governmentality. In order to do so, this paper analyzes the formation of an ecclesiastical dual rule –jurisdiccional and pastoral– from the perspective of a genealogy of western political forms. For this purpose, a critical dialogue is stablished with Foucault’s analytics of pastoral power and of the subjectivation technologies involved in it. While the transformations supported by the pontifical power gave rise to the first western juridical (...)
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  10. Un llamado ético a la inclusión de mujeres embarazadas en investigación: Reflexiones del Foro Global de Bioética en Investigación.Carla Saenz, Jackeline Alger, Juan Pablo Beca, José Belizán, María Luisa Cafferata, Julio Arturo Canario Guzman, Jesica Candanedo, Lissette Duque, Lester Figueroa, Ana Garcés, Lionel Gresh, Ida Cristina Gubert, Dirce Guilhem, Gabriela Guz, Gustavo Kaltwasser, Roxana Lescano, Florencia Luna, Alexandrina Cardelli, Ignacio Mastroleo, Irene Melamed, Agueda Muñoz del Carpio Toia, Ricardo Palacios, Gloria Palma, Sofía Salas, Xochitl Sandoval, Sergio Surugi de Siqueira, Hans Vásquez & Bertha Villela de Vega - 2017 - Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública 41 (e13):1-2.
    El Foro Global de Bioética en Investigación (GFBR por sus siglas en inglés) se reunió el 3 y 4 de noviembre en Buenos Aires, Argentina, con el objetivo de discutir la ética de la investigación con mujeres embarazadas. El GFBR es una plataforma mundial que congrega a actores clave con el objetivo de promover la investigación realizada de manera ética, fortalecer la ética de la investigación en salud, particularmente en países de ingresos bajos y medios, y promover colaboración entre países (...)
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    A Cozinha Gaúcha: um resgate dos sabores e saberes da Gastronomia do Rio Grande do Sul.Tainá Bacellar Zaneti, Valdeni Terezinha Zani, Lorena Cândido Fleury, Isabel Cristina Kasper Machado, Caio Bonamigo Dorigon, Gabriela Pereira, Sara Schwambach de Almeida, Ariane Thiele Lima, João Lopes Martin Neto, Bruno Garcias, Yasmin Vellinho, Fábio Rohde, Sérgio Schneider & Carolina Pereira Kechinski - 2016 - Ágora – Revista de História e Geografia 18 (1):28.
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  12. The Sharing Economy in Europe: Developments, Practices, and Contradictions.Vida Česnuitytė, Andrzej Klimczuk, Cristina Miguel & Gabriela Avram (eds.) - 2022 - Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This open access book considers the development of the sharing and collaborative economy with a European focus, mapping across economic sectors, and country-specific case studies. It looks at the roles the sharing economy plays in sharing and redistribution of goods and services across the population in order to maximise their functionality, monetary exchange, and other aspects important to societies. It also looks at the place of the sharing economy among various policies and how the contexts of public policies, legislation, digital (...)
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  13.  21
    La concepción antropológica en Orígenes de Alejandría: preexistencia del alma y su vinculación con la ἀποκατάστασις.Gabriela Caram - 2020 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 25 (1):119-138.
    Orígenes de Alejandría fue un importante referente de la Iglesia oriental, destacado por su enorme saber. Se lo ubica y valora como el primer exégeta que hizo obra científica y como uno de los más grandes pensadores del cristianismo antiguo, ya que en todos los dominios fue capaz de marcar un momento decisivo para el pensamiento contemporáneo suyo y posterior. Maestro de Alejandría y de Cesarea, realizó la primera gran síntesis de teología especulativa y conocimiento de la realidad.En sus reflexiones, (...)
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  14. The Collaborative Economy in Action: European Perspectives.Andrzej Klimczuk, Vida Česnuityte & Gabriela Avram (eds.) - 2021 - Limerick: University of Limerick.
    The book titled The Collaborative Economy in Action: European Perspectives is one of the important outcomes of the COST Action CA16121, From Sharing to Caring: Examining the Socio-Technical Aspects of the Collaborative Economy that was active between March 2017 and September 2021. The Action was funded by the European Cooperation in Science and Technology - COST. The main objective of the COST Action Sharing and Caring is the development of a European network of researchers and practitioners interested in investigating the (...)
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  15.  16
    Nicolás Wiseman en Sevilla: "I am here in my native city".Antonio Garnica Silva - 2023 - Isidorianum 8 (15):165-210.
    Nicholas Wiseman (Sevilla, 1802-Londres, 1865), primer cardenal arzobispo de Westminster, nació en Sevilla, de padres irlandeses, y es probablemente el único hijo nativo de la ciudad que ha sido honrado con el birrete rojo. Visitó su ciudad natal y su país en el invierno de 1844-45, cuando era coadjutor del Dr. Walsh, vicario de la Dr. Walsh, vicario apostólico de los Midlands. Aparte de Sevilla y y Cádiz, donde desembarcó y de donde zarpó de regreso a Inglaterra, visitó otras ciudades (...)
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  16. Lanzamiento de la Red Latinoamericana de Estudios Patrísticos (RELAEP).Estiven Valencia Marín & Andrés Mauricio Quevedo Rodríguez - 2023 - Patristica Et Mediaevalia 44 (1):133-136.
    Convocada por diferentes estudiosos de los Padres de la Iglesia y del cristianismo antiguo en Latinoamérica, a saber, los profesores Ana Cristina Villa Betancourt, Andrés Mauricio Quevedo Rodríguez y Estiven Valencia Marín, de Colombia; Alejandro Nicola y Francisco Basttita-Harriet, de Argentina; Bruno Gripp, de Brasil; Pamela Chávez Aguilar, de Chile; y Jesús Ma. Aguiñaga Fernández, de México.
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  17. The suffering of invertebrates: An approach from animal ethics.Alejandro Villamor-Iglesias - 2021 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 61:403-420.
    Invertebrate animals are usually seen as a kind of “aliens” which do not deserve any moral consideration. However, there is a growing amount of evidenceindicating that many of them do have the capacity to experience pain. The samecriteria that are usually applied in order to infer that vertebrates are sentient beings (behavioral response, learning capacity, memory, a certain specific neurophysiological structure…) lead to the idea that many invertebrates aresentient as well. Therefore, under the skeptical premise that we have no directevidence (...)
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  18.  36
    In vitro fertilisation: the major issues.T. Iglesias - 1984 - Journal of Medical Ethics 10 (1):32-37.
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    Moral distress related to ethical dilemmas among Spanish podiatrists.M. E. Losa Iglesias, R. Becerro de Bengoa Vallejo & P. Salvadores Fuentes - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (5):310-314.
    Objectives To describe the distress experienced by Spanish podiatrists related to ethical dilemmas, organisational matters, and lack of resources. Design A 2008 email survey of a representative sample of 485 Spanish podiatrists presenting statements about different ethical dilemmas, values and goals at the workplace. Results The response rate was 44.8%. Of all the respondents, 57% described sometimes having to act against their own conscience as distressing. Time constraints is the main cause of moral distress (67%) and 58% of respondents said (...)
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  20.  22
    Esquemas y Rudimentos.Manuel Hernández Iglesias - 2004 - Ideas Y Valores 53 (125):99-112.
    In this paper the Davidsonian principle of translatability according towhich it is not possible to have languages not mutually intertranslatable isdiscussed and revised. The discussion is addressed to show that thisprinciple is incompatible with the explanation on the acquisition andevolution of lan..
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  21.  35
    O papel da actual educación escolar na conformación do suxeito posmoderno.Alejandro Villamor Iglesias - 2018 - Agora 37 (2).
    El objeto de este artículo es la construcción del sujeto en la Posmodernidad. A partir de la comprensión del sujeto posmoderno como un constructo elaborado mediante prácticas discursivas, en el sentido foucaultiano, que se propagan y normalizan en diferentes espacios, se defenderá que la función de la escuela está en nuestros días amalgamada a los intereses del sistema capitalista. Así, tanto el modo en que nuestra sociedad torna en “sociedad de control” como la manera en que esta se legitima y (...)
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    The role of metaphor in the philosophical boundaries.Antonio Correa Iglesias - 2005 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 3:104-129.
    The relationships that there has always been between philosophy and language is a zone we are interested in exploring from the image of the metaphor as a figure which it is contextualized in this essay having its basis on the western origin of the speculative act and the repetitiveness that the metaphoric has had in that particular period of thought.The metaphoric then become the gorgian node which start to reveal as this puzzle appears in the poetic text as a generative (...)
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    The Linguistic Turn in Hermeneutic Philosophy.Cristina Lafont - 1999 - MIT Press.
    Cristina Lafont draws upon Hilary Putnam's work in particular to criticize the linguistic idealism and relativism of the German tradition, which she traces back to the assumption that meaning determines reference.
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    Democracy without Shortcuts. A participatory conception of deliberative democracy.Cristina Lafont - 2020 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This book articulates a participatory conception of deliberative democracy that takes the democratic ideal of self-government seriously. It aims to improve citizens' democratic control and vindicate the value of citizens' participation against conceptions that threaten to undermine it. The book critically analyzes deep pluralist, epistocratic, and lottocratic conceptions of democracy. Their defenders propose various institutional ''shortcuts'' to help solve problems of democratic governance such as overcoming disagreements, citizens' political ignorance, or poor-quality deliberation. However, all these shortcut proposals require citizens to (...)
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    Resenhas.Lucas Bittencourt Vasconcellos, Iracy Ferreira dos Santos Júnior, Clêmie Blaud & Renata Arruda - 2023 - Discurso 53 (1):236-252.
    Resenhas dos seguintes livros: Scarlett Marton. Nietzsche e as mulheres: Figuras, imagens e tipos femininos. Autêntica, 2022; Marie-Frédérique Pellegrin. Pensées du corps et différences des sexes à l’époque moderne. ENS Éditions, 2020; e Ana Gabriela Colantoni; Georgia Cristina Amitrano; Carla Milani Damião (orgs.). Ensaios de filósofas brasileiras. Ape’Ku Editora, 2022.
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    Generalism without foundations.Manuel Hernández-Iglesias - 2006 - Acta Analytica 21 (2):71-86.
    This paper is a defence of a holistic version of the generalist view of moral reasoning based on prima facie principles. In Section 1 I summarise Dancy’s arguments for particularism. Then I argue that particularism goes against strong intuitions regarding reasoning in general (Section 2), fails to account for the asymmetry of reasons (Section 3) and to make sense of compunction and moral imbecility (Section 4). I conclude (Section 5) that a holistic generalism is the right view of moral reasoning. (...)
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  27. Comunicación de masas, ideología dominante y reacción "contestataria".María Pérez Iglesias - 1980 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 48:183-192.
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  28. David S. Oderberg and Jacqueline A. Laing (eds), Human Lives.T. Iglesias - 1997 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 5:483-485.
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    Estética, o, Teoría de la sensibilidad.Severo Iglesias - 1994 - Morelia, Michoacán: Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Secretaría de Difusión Cultural, Editorial Universitaria.
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    Familia y trabajo de la mujer.Julio Iglesias de Ussel - 2004 - Arbor 178 (702):167-185.
    Un interesante utopista del XIX, Fourier, formuló una acertada apreciación sobre la dinámica histórica. Vinculaba la evolución de la sociedad, directamente, a la situación de la mujer, al escribir que: «Los progresos sociales y los cambios de fases históricas se producen en razón del progreso de las mujeres hacia la libertad, y las decadencias de orden social se operan en función de la limitación de la libertad de las mujeres» («Théorie des Quatre mouvements» vol. 1.°, ed. Anthropos, Paris, 1966 pag. (...)
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    The effect of context variables on cognitive effort in multiattribute binary choice.S. Iglesias-Parro, E. I. De la Fuente & A. R. Ortega - 2002 - Theory and Decision 52 (2):101-125.
    This article reports an empirical investigation of the cognitive effort required to decide in multiattribute binary choice using a variation of the Additive Difference strategy. In contrast with other studies, this paper focuses on the effect of various context variables (rather than task variables) on cognitive effort. In order to select the context variables to be manipulated, we used the model proposed by Shugan (1980; J. Consumer Res. 75 (1980) 99). Our results indicate that there is a positive relationship between (...)
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    Una discusión humanista inaplazable: la persona frente a la ley. Reflexiones bíblico-teológicas de razón hinkelammertiana.Loida Sardiñas Iglesias - 2013 - Franciscanum 55 (159).
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    Situación de la mujer científica en el Área de Alimentos del CSIC.Manuela Juárez Iglesias - 2002 - Arbor 172 (679-680):519-535.
    El CSIC ha sido pionero en fomentar la investigación en Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos lo que se ha plasmado en la creación, desde los años cincuenta, de seis institutos monográficos y dos departamentos, dentro de institutos mayoritariamente de otras áreas. No obstante, el persona científico adscrito es solo el 8,3% del total del organismo, 176 investigadores en las tres escalas de los que un 39,8% son mujeres. Los porcentajes de mujeres en las tres escalas científicas son de 28% en (...)
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    Democracy without shortcuts.Cristina Lafont - 2019 - Constellations 26 (3):355-360.
  35. Episodic future thinking.Cristina M. Atance & Daniela K. O'Neill - 2001 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 5 (12):533-539.
  36.  56
    Books briefly noted.James L. Hyland, Teresa Iglesias, Peter J. King, Ciaran McGlynn, Jaime Nubiola, Brian O'Connor, Patrick Gorevan, Rachel Vaughan & Máire O'Neill - 1994 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 2 (1):173-179.
    Political Freedom By George G. Brenkert Routledge, 1991. Pp. 278. ISBN 0–415–03372–1. £35 hbk.Wittgenstein: A Bibliographical Guide By Guido Frongia and Brian McGuinness Basil Blackwell, 1990. Pp. x + 438. ISBN 00631–13765–3. £60.00.Metaphysics By Peter van Inwagen Oxford University Press, 1993. Pp. xiii + 222. ISBN 0–19–8751400. £11.95 pbk.The Nature of Moral Thinking By Francis Snare Routledge, 1992. Pp. 187. ISBN 0–415–04709–9. £9.99 pbk.Filosofía analitica hoy: Encuentro de tradiciones Edited by Mercedes Torrevejano Servicio de Publications Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, (...)
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    La técnica moderna y las "superaciones del hombre": mutaciones de la experiencia.Lorena Acosta Iglesias & Pablo López Alvarez (eds.) - 2018 - Madrid: Escolar y Mayo Editores.
    La filosofía del siglo XX apenas puede entenderse sin lo que tiene de constatación de una grave crisis. Transformaciones históricas de largo alcance como la redefinición del Estado burocrático, la irrupción de la cultura de masas o el despliegue de la técnica industrial modificaron sustantivamente la experiencia que los hombres tenían de sí mismos y del mundo.La ambivalencia de esos cambios en lo que tienen, por un lado, de hitos de progreso racional, y, por otro, de verdaderas amenazas para el (...)
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    A Child’s Perspective.Jorge Iglesias - 2022 - The Chesterton Review 48 (3-4):483-489.
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  39. Bastable, Patrick, Kevin dublin, october 25, 1918 september 27, 1992-in-memoriam.T. Iglesias - 1993 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 1 (1):173-173.
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  40. El cambio de sentido en la ciencia desde la revolución epistemológica: las implicaciones de la obra de Ilya Prigogine.Antonio Correa Iglesias - 2009 - A Parte Rei 62:10.
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    El estudio de la metáfora y la ironía a través de la teoría de la relevancia.Alejandro Villamor Iglesias - 2020 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 30 (1):111-118.
    Desde su desarrollo como teoría cognitiva de la comunicación humana, la teoría de la relevancia es en la actualidad una de las concepciones pragmáticas con un mayor apoyo. Ello se debe presumiblemente a su capacidad para aportar una explicación intuitiva no solo del funcionamiento del lenguaje, sino del proceso comunicativo humano en su conjunto. En el presente trabajo se analizan desde el marco conceptual de la teoría de la relevancia dos de los aspectos comunicativos más escurridizos en su interpretación, la (...)
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  42. La" imagen" de Venus en Lucrecio.Jaime Alvarez Iglesias - 1983 - El Basilisco 16:57-61.
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    (1 other version)Russell's Introduction to Wittgenstein's "Tractatus".M. Teresa Iglesias - 1977 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies:21.
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    Sistemas pedagógicos: un cambio necesario que se debe toda la sociedad.José P. Iglesias - 1991 - Buenos Aires, Argentina: J.P. Iglesias.
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    Environmental sustainability and the carbon emissions of pharmaceuticals.Cristina Richie - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (5):334-337.
    The US healthcare industry emits an estimated 479 million tonnes of carbon dioxide each year; nearly 8% of the country’s total emissions. When assessed by sector, hospital care, clinical services, medical structures, and pharmaceuticals are the top emitters. For 15 years, research has been dedicated to the medical structures and equipment that contribute to carbon emissions. More recently, hospital care and clinical services have been examined. However, the carbon of pharmaceuticals is understudied. This article will focus on the carbon emissions (...)
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    Ethical Pathways: Transitioning Whole-Eye Transplantation Into Clinical Practice.Martín Iglesias & Anneke Farías-Yapur - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (5):95-98.
    Sight is undoubtedly the most crucial sense, and accidents resulting in its loss are a significant tragedy for individuals. The scientific community embarked on a journey of scientific innovation i...
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    Bedrock Truths and the Dignity of the Individual.Teresa Iglesias - 2001 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 4 (1):114-134.
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    Generation Et Substance: Aristote Et Averroes Entre Physique Et Metaphysique.Cristina Cerami - 2015 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    This book is the first study of Aristotle s theory of generation and its revival by Averroes. For the first time, major treatises by Averroes on the physics, theory of elements, and biology of Aristotle are considered in their mutual relationship and in their connection to metaphysics. This study reveals issues at the foundation of Averroes philosophy and reinterprets them as fundamental milestones in the history of philosophy.".
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    Critical Theory in Critical Times: Transforming the Global Political and Economic Order.Cristina Lafont & Penelope Deutscher (eds.) - 2017 - New York, USA: Columbia University Press.
    World-renowned specialists in contemporary critical theory address the recent crises and transformations of the global political and economic order.
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  50. (1 other version)Social Norms.Cristina Bicchieri & Ryan Muldoon - 2011
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