Results for 'Gene Chase'

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  1. The Unreality of Realization.Chase Wrenn - 2010 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 88 (2):305-322.
    This paper argues against the realization principle, which reifies the realization relation between lower-level and higher-level properties. It begins with a review of some principles of naturalistic metaphysics. Then it criticizes some likely reasons for embracing the realization principle, and finally it argues against the principle directly. The most likely reasons for embracing the principle depend on the dubious assumption that special science theories cannot be true unless special science predicates designate properties. The principle itself turns out to be false (...)
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    Did doubly uniparental inheritance (DUI) of mtDNA originate as a cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) system?Sophie Breton, Donald T. Stewart, Julie Brémaud, Justin C. Havird, Chase H. Smith & Walter R. Hoeh - 2022 - Bioessays 44 (4):2100283.
    Animal and plant species exhibit an astonishing diversity of sexual systems, including environmental and genetic determinants of sex, with the latter including genetic material in the mitochondrial genome. In several hermaphroditic plants for example, sex is determined by an interaction between mitochondrial cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) genes and nuclear restorer genes. Specifically, CMS involves aberrant mitochondrial genes that prevent pollen development and specific nuclear genes that restore it, leading to a mixture of female (male‐sterile) and hermaphroditic individuals in the population (...)
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    Signs of the times: Mind, evolution, and the twilight of postmodernity.Charles J. Lumsden - 2011 - Semiotica 2011 (183):59-76.
    The creative imagination changes itself and the world in ways we cannot anticipate. This restless creativity gathers not just refutable facts; it hunts self-transforming revelations, semiotic prizes acclaimed and defended in the realms of inner awareness and political power. So doing, it eludes final description in any one set of signs. This means, I argue here, that sign systems must themselves give chase. Texts of this kind will not be the fixed embalmed arrays of signs and symbols that have (...)
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  4. Posterior elongation in the annelid Platynereis dumerilii involves stem cells molecularly related to primordial germ cells.Gazave Eve, Béhague Julien, Lucie Laplane, Guillou Aurélien, Demilly Adrien, Balavoine Guillaume & Vervoort Michel - 2013 - Developmental Biology 1 (382):246-267.
    Like most bilaterian animals, the annelid Platynereis dumerilii generates the majority of its body axis in an anterior to posterior temporal progression with new segments added sequentially. This process relies on a posterior subterminal proliferative body region, known as the "segment addition zone" (SAZ). We explored some of the molecular and cellular aspects of posterior elongation in Platynereis, in particular to test the hypothesis that the SAZ contains a specific set of stem cells dedicated to posterior elongation.We cloned and characterized (...)
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  5. On Slicing an Obvious Salami Thinly: Science, Patent Case Law, and the Fate of the Early Biotech Sector in the Making of EPO.Nicolas Rasmussen - 2013 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 56 (2):198-222.
    There was a time, in the late 1970s and 1980s, when great feats were expected of recombinant DNA biotechnology, some verging on the miraculous. According to both business enthusiasts and sober analysts like the U.S. Congressional Office of Technology Assessment, the new techniques of gene splicing would not only lift the drug industry out of its deep scientific and economic rut (characterized by long-declining introduction rates of genuinely novel medicines), but rejuvenate the American manufacturing sector (Chase 1979; Chemical (...)
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  6. Is externalism about content inconsistent with internalism about justification?James Chase - 2001 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 79 (2):227-46.
    (2001). Is Externalism about Content Inconsistent with Internalism about Justification? Australasian Journal of Philosophy: Vol. 79, No. 2, pp. 227-246.
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  7. Analytic Versus Continental: Arguments on the Methods and Value of Philosophy.James Chase & Jack Reynolds - 2010 - Montréal: Routledge. Edited by Jack Reynolds.
    Throughout much of the twentieth century, the relationship between analytic and continental philosophy has been one of disinterest, caution or hostility. Recent debates in philosophy have highlighted some of the similarities between the two approaches and even envisaged a post-continental and post-analytic philosophy. Opening with a history of key encounters between philosophers of opposing camps since the late nineteenth century - from Frege and Husserl to Derrida and Searle - the book goes on to explore in detail the main methodological (...)
  8. Case-Based Knowledge and Ethics Education: Improving Learning and Transfer Through Emotionally Rich Cases.Chase E. Thiel, Shane Connelly, Lauren Harkrider, Lynn D. Devenport, Zhanna Bagdasarov, James F. Johnson & Michael D. Mumford - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (1):265-286.
    Case-based instruction is a stable feature of ethics education, however, little is known about the attributes of the cases that make them effective. Emotions are an inherent part of ethical decision-making and one source of information actively stored in case-based knowledge, making them an attribute of cases that likely facilitates case-based learning. Emotions also make cases more realistic, an essential component for effective case-based instruction. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of emotional case content, and complementary (...)
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    Steven Chase, Angelic Wisdom: The Cherubim and the Grace of Contemplation in Richard of St Victor. [REVIEW]Steven Chase - 1997 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 42 (2):128-130.
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    The Influence of Anger on Ethical Decision Making: Comparison of a Primary and Secondary Appraisal.Chase E. Thiel, Shane Connelly & Jennifer A. Griffith - 2011 - Ethics and Behavior 21 (5):380 - 403.
    Higher order cognitive processes, including ethical decision making (EDM), are influenced by the experiencing of discrete emotions. Recent research highlights the negative influence one such emotion, anger, has on EDM and its underlying processes. The mechanism, however, by which anger disrupts the EDM has not been investigated. The current study sought to discover whether cognitive appraisals of an emotion-evoking event are the driving mechanisms behind the influence of anger on EDM. One primary (goal obstacle) and one secondary (certainty) appraisal of (...)
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    Panton-Valentine leukocidin genes in Staphylococcus aureus.Leukocidin Genes - 2003 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 9:978-84.
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    Russell, Ryle and Phenomenology: An Alternative Parsing of the Ways.James Chase & Jack Reynolds - 2017 - In Aaron Preston (ed.), Interpreting the Analytic Tradition. New York: Routledge. pp. 52-69.
    In this paper, we examine the historical relationship between phenomenology and the emerging analytic tradition. We pay particular attention to the reception of Husserl’s work by Russell, Moore, and others, and to some convergences between phenomenology and ordinary language philosophy, noted by Wittgenstein, Austin, and Ryle. Focusing on Russell and Ryle, we argue that the historical details suggest an alternative parsing of the ways to the “parting of the ways” narrative made famous by Dummett but also committed to by many (...)
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  13. Unconscious cognition and behaviorism.Philip N. Chase & Anne C. Watson - 2004 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 25 (2):145-159.
    This paper suggests the utility of studying unconscious cognition from a selectionist perspective, specifically as outlined by theory and research in the field of behavior analysis. Currently, issues surrounding the complexity of the unconscious cognitive behaviors, the number of variables involved, and the multidirectional influences of these variables, are of utmost concern to theories of mind and behavior. Unanswered questions about these factors leave us without the ability to predict outcomes in an individual case or adequately manipulate variables in order (...)
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    Philosophy as a Way of Life: Ancients and Moderns - Essays in Honor of Pierre Hadot.Michael Chase, Stephen R. L. Clark & Michael McGhee (eds.) - 2013 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
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    On Types of Certainty: from Buddhism to Islam and Beyond.Michael Chase - 2022 - Comparative Philosophy 13 (2).
    Studies the threefold hierarchy of certainty, from its origins in Mahāyāna Buddhism, through Islam, to 17th century China. This tripartite scheme may be traced back to the ancient Buddhist scheme of the threefold wisdom as systematized by Vasubandhu of Gandhāra in the 4th-5th centuries CE. Following the advent of Islam in the 8th century, it was combined with Qur'anic notions of certainty. Initially taken up by early Islamic mystics such as Sahl al-Tustarī and al-Ḥākim al-Tirmiḏī, the notion of yaqīn was (...)
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    Warning a Potential Victim.Chase Patterson Kimball - 1977 - Hastings Center Report 7 (2):4.
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    Political (W)holes.Rama Lohani-Chase - 2009 - Journal of Philosophy: A Cross-Disciplinary Inquiry 4 (10):32-45.
    This paper considers Salman Rushdie’s location as a migrant writer of the postcolonial generation while looking at criticism on his writing style by foregrounding ways in which Rushdie writes about history, reality and identity in Midnight’s Children. Underlying Rushdie’s deconstructive playfulness is a radical political spirit envisioning a humanism beyond the rigid constructions of a self/other duality, Hindu/Muslim identity, or Eastern/Western dichotomy. Furthermore, Rushdie opens up a discourse on being and belonging as a legitimate place/space for those stranded in that (...)
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  18. Is it rational to pursue the truth?Chase Wrenn - manuscript
    Some philosophers believe science does not or should not aim at the truth. Sometimes they say scientists do not really care much about truth. Sometimes they say truth is an outdated Enlightenment hand-me-down, full of confusion and rhetoric but empty of explanatory or normative importance. And sometimes they argue that it is irrational to pursue the truth. This last claim is the target of the present paper.
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    Alethic pluralism and truth-attributions.Chase Wrenn - 2020 - American Philosophical Quarterly 57 (4):311-324.
    The core of alethic pluralism is the idea that truth is a different property in some discourses from others. Orthodox pluralists such as Crispin Wright and Michael Lynch share three commitments that motivate their view. One is Ecumenicalism, the view that scientific and moral claims are both truth-apt. The second is Occasional Realism, the view that truth in science is a matter of justification-independent, accurate representation, while truth in ethics is a matter of ideal epistemic justifiability. The third is Normativism, (...)
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  20. Being and Knowledge: A Connoisseur's Guide to Republic V.476e ff.Chase B. Wrenn - 2000 - Apeiron 33 (2):87-108.
    This paper offers an interpretation of Plato's argument in Republic V that lovers of sights and sounds can have only opinion, and philosophers alone have legitimate claims to knowledge. The argument depends on the idea that knowledge is "set over what is" while mere opinion is "set over what is and is not." I argue for an enhanced veridical interpretation of 'to be' in this passage, on which 'what is' means, roughly, "what is so." Given a distinction between what is (...)
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    Naturalism, Reference, and Ontology: Essays in Honor of Roger F. Gibson.Chase B. Wrenn (ed.) - 2008 - Peter Lang Publishing Group.
    The essays address a wide range of topics, including normativity and naturalized epistemology, holism, consciousness, the philosophy of logic, perception, value ...
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    Leiden Journal of International Law.Anthony Chase - 2007 - Historical Materialism 15 (1):223-239.
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    Mr. Whitelaw on 2 Cor. vi. 11—vii. 1.F. H. Chase - 1890 - The Classical Review 4 (04):150-152.
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  24. Porphyre et augustin : Des trois sortes de « visions » au corps de résurrection'.Michael Chase - 2005 - Revue d' Etudes Augustiniennes Et Patristiques 51 (2):233-256.
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    Professional ethics in the age of globalization: How can academics contribute to sustainability and democracy now?Steve Chase - 2003 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 6:52-55.
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    (1 other version)Plotinus or the Simplicity of Vision.Michael Chase (ed.) - 1993 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
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    The role of kinesthesis in ideational maze learning.W. P. Chase - 1934 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 17 (3):424.
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    (1 other version)The New Model of the Universe.Chase William Dautrich - 2018 - Questions: Philosophy for Young People 18:8-10.
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  29. Alethic Pluralism and Logical Form.Chase Wrenn - 2020 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 59 (2):249-265.
    According to strong pluralist theories of truth, ‘true’ designates different properties depending on which sentences it’s applied to. An influential objection to strong pluralism claims it can’t make sense of logically complex sentences whose components have different truth-properties. For example, if ‘true’ designates correspondents for ‘Tabby is a cat’, and it designates coherence for ‘Tabby is beautiful’, what does it designate for ‘Tabby is a beautiful cat’ (Tappolet 1997)? Will Gamester (2019) has proposed a novel pluralist theory meant to avoid (...)
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    Which School of Ancient Greco-Roman Philosophy is Most Appropriate for Life in a Time of COVID-19?Michael Chase - 2021 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 5 (1):7-31.
    The author argues that ancient Skepticism may be most suited to deal with two crises in the Age of COVID-19: both the physical or epidemiological aspects of the pandemic, and the epistemological and ethical crisis of increasing disbelief in the sciences. Following Michel Bitbol, I suggest one way to mitigate this crisis of faith may be for science to become more epistemically modest, renouncing some of its claims to describe reality as it objectively is, and adopting an “intransitive” rather than (...)
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    Agape: An Ethical Analysis.Gene H. Outka - 1972 - Yale University Press.
    This study is the most comprehensive account to date of modern treatments of the love commandment. Gene Outka examines the literature on agape from Nygren's Agape and Eros in 1930. Both Roman Catholic and Protestant writings are considered, including those of D'Arcy, Niebuhr, Ramsey, Tillich, and above all, Karl Barth. The first seven chapters focus on the principal treatments in the theological literature as they relate to major topics in ethical theory. The last chapter explores further the basic normative (...)
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  32. Truth.Chase Wrenn - 2014 - Malden, MA: Polity Press.
    Surveys a full range of theories of the nature of truth and evaluates their philosophical costs and benefits.
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    Interpretation of Porphyry's introduction to Aristotle's five terms.Michael Chase - 2019 - London: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Michael Chase.
    One of his six introductions to philosophy, widely used by students in Alexandria, Ammonius' lecture on Porphyry was recorded in writing by his students in the commentary translated here. Along with five other types of introductions (three of which are translated in the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle volume Elias and David: Introductions to Philosophy with Olympiodorus: Introduction to Logic) it made Greek philosophy more accessible to other cultures. These introductions became standard in Ammonius' school and included a popular set of (...)
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    Herder's phantom public.Chase Richards - 2012 - Modern Intellectual History 9 (3):507-533.
    Some of Herder's most striking ideas stemmed from his early evaluation of German literary publicity, which to his mind stood in stark contrast to conditions in the sociable world. Such a predicament bespeaks the importance of considering the relationship between printed text and lived sociability in the Enlightenment. By charting the heady twists and turns in his intellectual development from 1765 to 1769, this essay treats the young Herder in what for him became an aesthetically charged field between the two. (...)
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    An Ayyubid Notable and His World: Ibn al-ʿAdīm and Aleppo as Portrayed in His Biographical Dictionary of People Associated with the CityAn Ayyubid Notable and His World: Ibn al-Adim and Aleppo as Portrayed in His Biographical Dictionary of People Associated with the City.Chase F. Robinson & David Morray - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (2):322.
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  36. (1 other version)Why There are No Epistemic Duties.Chase B. Wrenn - 2007 - Dialogue: The Canadian Philosophical Review 46 (1):115-136.
    An epistemic duty would be a duty to believe, disbelieve, or withhold judgment from a proposition, and it would be grounded in purely evidential or epistemic considerations. If I promise to believe it is raining, my duty to believe is not epistemic. If my evidence is so good that, in light of it alone, I ought to believe it is raining, then my duty to believe supposedly is epistemic. I offer a new argument for the claim that there are no (...)
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    Teleology and Final Causation in Aristotle and in Contemporary Science.Michael Chase - 2011 - Dialogue 50 (3):511-536.
    ABSTRACT: With a view to suggesting the possible relevance of Aristotelian thought to current notions of complexity and self-organization, studies Aristotlenard cells, and the theories of Schneider, Kay, and D. Sagan.
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    Epidemiology as aTool for Interdisciplinary Peace and Health Studies.Rob Chase & Neil Arya - 2008 - In Neil Arya & Joanna Santa Barbara (eds.), Peace through health: how health professionals can work for a less violent world. Sterling, VA: Kumarian Press. pp. 1161.
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  39. Identification and classification of line lengths by pigeons.S. Chase, Eg Heinemann & M. Glauber - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (5):334-334.
  40. Philosophy.Charles Henry Chase - 1926 - East Lansing, Mich.,: The author.
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    Porphyre sur la Providence.Michael Chase - 2015 - Chôra 13:125-147.
    Studies the doctrine of providence of the Neoplatonic philosopher Porphyry of Tyre. Following a survey of Hellenistic theories of fate and providence, the doctrine of destiny ex hupotheseos, developed on the basis of Plato’s dialogues, is examined : according to it, our acts are free, but their consequences are necessary. As an integral part of Middle Platonic philosophy, this theory was probably transmitted to Late Antiquity by Porphyry. We then move on to examine Porphyry’s treatise On what depends on us, (...)
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    Temporal orienting of attention and predictive timing in anticipatory auditory processing.Sherwell Chase, Garrido Marta & Cunnington Ross - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  43.  14
    Wordsworth and the Production of Poetry: Introduction.Cynthia Chase & Andrzej Warminski - 1987 - Diacritics 17 (4):2.
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    Gender and sexuality in animated television sitcom interaction.Chase Wesley Raymond - 2013 - Discourse and Communication 7 (2):199-220.
    The active ‘doing’ of gender and sexuality in and through social interaction has been a topic of academic inquiry for several decades. This study examines the cultural reproduction of that ‘doing’ through the onscreen discourse of the animated television sitcom. A conversation-analytic approach to various excerpts from two popular series reveals the ways in which the situated interactions of these programs make gender and sexuality overtly relevant to viewers through polarization of ‘the norm’ versus deviations from it at the level (...)
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    Al-ʿAṭṭāf b. Sufyān and Abbasid Imperialism.Chase F. Robinson - 2016 - In Alireza Korangy, Wheeler M. Thackston, Roy P. Mottahedeh & William Granara (eds.), Essays in Islamic Philology, History, and Philosophy. De Gruyter. pp. 357-385.
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    A Local Historian's Debt To Al-ṭabarī: The Case Of Al-azdī's "ta'rīkh Al-mawṣil".Chase Robinson - 2006 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 126 (4):521-535.
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  47. Deflating the Success-Truth Connection.Chase Wrenn - 2021 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 101 (1):96-110.
    ABSTRACT According to a prominent objection, deflationist theories of truth can’t account for the explanatory connection between true belief and successful action [Putnam 1978]. Canonical responses to the objection show how to reformulate truth-involving explanations of particular successful actions, so as to omit any mention of truth [Horwich 1998]. According to recent critics, though, the canonical strategy misses the point. The deflated paraphrases lack the generality or explanatory robustness of the original explanatory appeals to truth [Kitcher 2002; Lynch 2009; Gamester (...)
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    Actions in practice: On details in collections.Chase Wesley Raymond & Rebecca Clift - 2018 - Discourse Studies 20 (1):90-119.
    Several of the contributions to the Lynch et al. Special issue make the claim that conversation-analytic research into epistemics is ‘routinely crafted at the expense of actual, produced and constitutive detail, and what that detail may show us’. Here, we seek to address the inappositeness of this critique by tracing precisely how it is that recognizable actions emerge from distinct practices of interaction. We begin by reviewing some of the foundational tenets of conversation-analytic theory and method – including the relationship (...)
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  49. Analytic philosophy and dialogic conservatism.James Chase - 2010 - In James Williams, Edwin Mares, James Chase & Jack Reynolds (eds.), Postanalytic and Metacontinental: Crossing Philosophical Divides. New York: Continuum. pp. 85.
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  50. Documenta III. Kassel, 1964.Michael Chase - 1965 - British Journal of Aesthetics 5 (1):81-83.
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