Results for 'Geneviève Pinchemel'

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  1. The man of reason.Genevieve Lloyd - 1979 - Metaphilosophy 10 (1):18–37.
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    (1 other version)The Man of Reason: Male and Female in Western Philosophy.Genevieve Lloyd - 1984 - Minneapolis: Routledge.
    This new edition of Genevieve Lloyd's classic study of the maleness of reason in philosophy contains a new introduction and bibliographical essay assessing the book's place in the explosion of writing and gender since 1984.
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    Interview by Genevieve Pollock of ZENIT, with Newman Scholar Joseph Pearce.Genevieve Pollock & Joseph Pearce - 2010 - The Chesterton Review 36 (3/4):269-270.
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  4. Aesthetic revolt and the remaking of national identity in Québec, 1960–1969.Geneviève Zubrzycki - 2013 - Theory and Society 42 (5):423-475.
    Based on archival and ethnographic data, this article analyzes the iconic-making, iconoclastic unmaking, and iconographic remaking of national identifications. The window into these processes is the career of Saint John the Baptist, patron saint of French Canadians and national icon from the mid-nineteenth century until 1969, when his statue was destroyed by protesters during the annual parade in his honor in Montréal. Relying on literatures on visuality and materiality, I analyze how the saint and his attending symbols were deployed in (...)
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    The Man of Reason: "Male" and "Female" in Western Philosophy.Genevieve Lloyd, Joan Kelly & Judith Hicks Stiehm - 1986 - Ethics 96 (3):652-654.
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  6. Modern Slavery in Business: The Sad and Sorry State of a Non-Field.Genevieve LeBaron, Stefan Gold, Andrew Crane & Robert Caruana - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (2):251-287.
    “Modern slavery,” a term used to describe severe forms of labor exploitation, is beginning to spark growing interest within business and society research. As a novel phenomenon, it offers potential for innovative theoretical and empirical pathways to a range of business and management research questions. And yet, development into what we might call a “field” of modern slavery research in business and management remains significantly, and disappointingly, underdeveloped. To explore this, we elaborate on the developments to date, the potential drawbacks, (...)
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    Effects of Premium Increases on Enrollment in SCHIP: Findings from Three States.Genevieve Kenney, R. Andrew Allison, Julia F. Costich, James Marton & Joshua McFeeters - 2006 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 43 (4):378-392.
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  8. Monism in modern education.Genevieve McDermott - 1940 - Washington, D.C.,: The Catholic university of America press.
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    Géographes, une intelligence de la terre.Geneviève Pinchemel - 2005 - Paris: Éditions Arguments. Edited by Philippe Pinchemel.
    Regroupe des articles publiés entre 1944 et 2004. Les auteurs plaident pour la diversité des approches, les changements d'échelles, la sensibilité aux lieux. Ils affirment leur passion pour toutes formes présentes sur la surface de la Terre, le terrain, toutes les représentations de la Terre. L'ouvrage témoigne de l'ambition de participer à la construction de la discipline.
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    The Man of Reason: "Male" and "Female" in Western Philosophy.Genevieve Lloyd & Prudence Allen - 1986 - Philosophy 61 (237):414-418.
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  11. Beheading the Saint: Nationalism, Religion, and Secularism in Quebec.Geneviéve Zubrzycki - unknown
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    The Self as Fiction: Philosophy and Autobiography.Genevieve Lloyd - 1986 - Philosophy and Literature 10 (2):168-185.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Genevieve Lloyd THE SELF AS FICTION: PHILOSOPHY AND AUTOBIOGRAPHY And so it goes on. All the time I'm dressing up the figure of myself in my own mind, lovingly, stealthily, not openly adoring it, for if I did that, I should catch myself out, and stretch my hand at once for a book in self-protection. Indeed it is curious how instinctively one protects the image of oneself from idolatry (...)
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    Part of nature: self-knowledge in Spinoza's Ethics.Genevieve Lloyd - 1994 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
  14. The Power of Spinoza: Feminist Conjunctions: Susan James Interviews.Genevieve Lloyd & Moira Gatens - 2000 - Hypatia 15 (2):40 - 58.
    As a constructive alternative to the exclusionary binaries of Cartesian philosophy, Genevieve Lloyd and Moira Gatens turn to Spinoza. Spinoza's understanding of the body as "in relation" takes the focus of philosophical thought from the homogeneous subject to the heterogeneity of the social, and the focus of politics from individual rights to collective responsibility. The implications for feminism are radical; Spinoza enables a reconceptualization of the imaginary and the possibility of a sociability of inclusion.
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    Effects of Public Premiums on Children's Health Insurance Coverage: Evidence from 1999 to 2003.Genevieve Kenney, Jack Hadley & Fredric Blavin - 2006 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 43 (4):345-361.
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    A study in transborder ethics: justice, citizenship, civility.Geneviève Souillac - 2012 - New York: P.I.E. Peter Lang.
    A renewed approach to democratic ethics is needed, one that takes into consideration the management of complexity and memory in a global world. The expansion of democratic ethics for the stewardship of a postnational, postmetaphysical, and postsecular world is the object of this book. It takes as its point of departure current proposals for global democratic justice, but extends these by incorporating contemporary European ideas on border and existential ethics. The privilege of democratic citizenship includes our conscious involvement with our (...)
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    Mother sense and the image schema of the gift.Genevieve Vaughan - 2013 - Semiotica 2013 (196):57-77.
    Journal Name: Semiotica - Journal of the International Association for Semiotic Studies / Revue de l'Association Internationale de Sémiotique Volume: 2013 Issue: 196 Pages: 57-77.
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  18. Principle of resemblance and heterogeneity of ideas in Berkeley philosophy.Geneviève Brykman - 1985 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 39 (154):242-251.
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    Vers une théologie du dialogue et des rencontres.Geneviève Comeau - 2006 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 4 (4):571-594.
    Pratiques des rencontres et réflexion théologique s’interrogent et se fécondent mutuellement. Ainsi existe-t-il deux dialogues : le dialogue entre croyants de différentes religions, d’une part, où il peut y avoir interférence du théologique, mais pas toujours, le vivre ensemble étant souvent à l’origine ; et, d’autre part, le dialogue théologique au sein des communautés chrétiennes, dialogue suscité par l’existence du pluralisme religieux et donc la question de son interprétation. Sans ignorer la complexité des réalités, G. Comeau, s’appuyant sur son expérience (...)
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    Vertige de l'argent.Geneviève Djenati - 2008 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 181 (3):57-63.
    L’argent joue un rôle important dans le sentiment d’appartenance à un groupe social, et ce dès l’enfance. À la clé, l’exclusion, la honte, l’injustice auront pour effet de donner la priorité au regard des autres qui rendent le sujet vulnérable. On assiste alors à un appauvrissement du monde interne dont les manifestations somatiques témoignent, associées à un sentiment d’imposture et de solitude dans un registre de dépressivité. La place que prend le transgénérationnel dans ce type de problématique, sous la forme (...)
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    Bilan de cinquante ans d'études cartésiennes.Geneviève Lewis - 1951 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 141:249 - 267.
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    5. The Philosopher and the Princess: Descartes and the Philosophical Life.Genevieve Lloyd - 2008 - In Providence lost. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. pp. 160-191.
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    André Bazin, Film Critic for Le Parisien libéré : An Enlightened Defender of French Cinema.Geneviève Sellier - 2013 - Paragraph 36 (1):118-132.
    This article examines a neglected dimension of Bazin's work, namely his writings for the daily newspaper Le Parisien libéré. Four key points emerge from this corpus. First, Bazin goes beyond the film-reviewing norms of the day to analyse the intentions and achievements of the film-makers. Second, Bazin foregrounds the capacity of cinema to address the concerns of contemporary society. Third, as a result, he ascribes a particular value to films that actively engage with the new social realities of post-war France. (...)
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    The gift paradigm in early childhood education.Genevieve Vaughan & Eila Estola - 2007 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 39 (3):246–263.
    This paper promotes a philosophy derived from the direct distribution of goods to needs that occur in mothering and invisibly in many other aspects of life. Such a philosophy is suggested as an alternative to market based values, which currently permeate society. It is important to bring alternative values to consciousness and validate them for both teachers and children so that the orientation towards the other that characterizes the gift paradigm will not be lost in the fight for survival endemic (...)
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    Morale et politique.Geneviève Warland & Hervé Pourtois - 1989 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 87 (4):531-533.
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    Pour une loi organisant l'indemnisation des victimes d'accidents médicaux.Geneviève Viney - 1997 - Médecine et Droit 1997 (24):1-1.
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    Amateurs’ Exploration of Wine: A Pragmatic Study of Taste.Geneviève Teil - 2021 - Theory, Culture and Society 38 (5):137-157.
    Amateurs are neither regular consumers nor professionals. What makes them distinctive? To answer that question, this ethnographic study focuses on wine amateurs who show a distinctive feature compared to regular consumers: for them, wine is not a straightforward reality but a world to explore. Wine exploration drives an evolution that transforms both wine and amateurs’ disposition towards it. Amateurs usually start with the discovery of the wines and their tastes, which may turn into an ability to attune to and finally (...)
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  28. Geneviève Fondane: Une vie vouée au Mystère d'Israël.Michel Cagin & Geneviève Fondane - 2003 - Nova et Vetera 78 (1-2):103-122.
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    Feminism and history of philosophy.Genevieve Lloyd (ed.) - 2002 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This new collection of essays by leading feminist critics highlights the fresh perspectives that feminism can offer to the discussion of past philosophers. Rather than defining itself through opposition to a "male" philosophical tradition, feminist philosophy emerges not only as an exciting new contribution to the history of philosophy, but also as a source of cultural self-understanding in the present.
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    (1 other version)Gender studies et études filmiques : avancées et résistances françaises.Geneviève Sellier - 2009 - Diogène 225 (1):126.
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    Reclaiming wonder: after the sublime.Genevieve Lloyd - 2018 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Genevieve Lloyd illuminates and challenges some perplexing aspects of contemporary attitudes to wonder. She draws especially on Flaubert, who influenced the thought of Jean-Paul Sartre, Gilles Deleuze and Jacques Derrida. She also reaches into contemporary debates on refugees, secularisation and climate change.
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  32. (1 other version)Spinoza and the Ethics.Genevieve Lloyd - 1996 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 59 (3):585-585.
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  33. Providence lost.Genevieve Lloyd - 2008 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Edited by Genevieve Lloyd.
    Introduction -- Euripides, philosopher of the stage -- The world of men and gods -- Agreeing with nature : fate and providence in stoic ethics -- Augustine : divine justice and the "ordering" of evil -- The philosopher and the princess : Descartes and the philosophical life -- Living with necessity : Spinoza and the philosophical life -- Designer worlds -- Providence as progress -- Providence lost.
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    Ethical thought in public relations history: Seeking a relevant perspective.Genevieve McBride - 1989 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 4 (1):5 – 20.
    A serious retardant to development of a specifically public relations (PR) ethical philosophy is the tendency to retain a commitment uniquely journalistic? objectivity. Ivy Lee and Edward Bernays offered two ethical options or imperatives, based on objectivity or on advocacy. Public relations must accept a commitment to the ethics of persuasion in order to reduce a crippling inferiority complex and advance understanding of the profession by its practitioners as well as the public.
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  35. Spinoza's environmental ethics.Genevieve Lloyd - 1980 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 23 (3):293 – 311.
    The paper explores an apparent tension in Spinoza's thought between his treatment of man as part of nature, with no specially privileged position within it; and his treatment of morality as circumscribed by what is good for human beings. These two themes, it is argued, are in fact interconnected in Spinoza's thought. The paper goes on to consider some possible responses, from a contemporary standpoint, to Spinoza's rejection of animal rights. Finally, it is argued that the apparent tension in Spinoza's (...)
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    Blood in the Gutter: The Graphic Art of Narrative Co-poesis in H of H Playbook and The Trojan Women.Genevieve Liveley - 2023 - Classical Antiquity 42 (2):271-279.
    This essay explores the narrative potency of the many silences and gaps, the holes and empty spaces, that shape Carson’s H of H Playbook. It argues that the “comic” styling of this tragedy – that is, its formatting as a comic or a graphic novel analogous to that of Carson’s Euripides’ Trojan Women – engages reader, text, and image in a highly collaborative dynamic of narrative co-production.
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    Illustration de l’articulation croyances-pratiques chez deux enseignantes débutantes de sciences naturelles.Geneviève Therriault, Isabelle Vivegnis, Émilie Morin, Patrick Charland & Anderson Araújo-Oliveira - 2021 - Revue Phronesis 10 (2-3):24-47.
    This article presents the foundation of research around which other contributions in this issue are structured. It follows from a larger study aimed at supporting the professional development of beginning teachers with respect to their personal epistemology. The study explores the link between beliefs and practices in continuing education.It is an avenue that is still little used in research, particularly in Quebec, where research has focused more often on pre-service teachers. Previous studies identified highlight inconsistencies between expressed beliefs (epistemological and (...)
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    Berkeley et l'intérieur absolu Des choses.Geneviève Brykman & George Berkeley - 1980 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 170 (4):421 - 432.
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    Alix Cléo et Jacques Roubaud : l'amour, la mort.Geneviève Guétemme - 2013 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 10 (2):11-25.
    Résumé Alix Cléo Roubaud, gravement asthmatique et hantée par la mort, photographiait son corps. Ce corps, après sa mort, est saisi par son époux Jacques Roubaud, et transformé – notamment dans Quelque chose noir – en poésie. Nous proposons ici, grâce à une étude croisée de quelques images et de textes, d’observer la dimension spectrale d’un corps amoureux disparaissant, ramené à un souffle, posé entre ce qui fait et défait le corps. Ceci nous permettant d’envisager la rencontre intime entre poésie (...)
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    La nature de la complémentarité entre le raisonnable et le rationnel chez Rawls.Geneviève Nootens - 1997 - Philosophiques 24 (1):25-41.
    Rawls symbolise les niveaux de raisonnement moral public et non public par l'utilisation des notions de raisonnable et de rationnel. Dans le contexte du pluralisme raisonnable qui caractérise les sociétés démocratiques libérales, il propose une articulation de ces notions qui doit permettre aux citoyens d'adhérer à leurs propres conceptions générales du bien sans pour autant compromettre l'existence d'une conception commune de la justice. R vise à articuler doctrines particulières et conception commune de façon à laisser la place à l'expression des (...)
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    (1 other version)Liberal Restrictions on Public Arguments: Can Nationalist Claims be Moral Reasons in Liberal Public Discourse?Geneviève Nootens - 1996 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume 22:235-260.
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    Ontologie, philosophie et politique: la critique de la tradition épistémologique chez Charles Taylor.Geneviève Nootens - 1996 - Dialogue 35 (3):553-570.
    La philosophie de Charles Taylor a récemment fait l'objet de plusieurs critiques mettant en question tant l'ontologie morale proposée par Taylor que le modèle politique qu'elle soutient. Par exemple, O. Flanagan a souligné les difficultés posées par le fait de concevoir les agents moraux comme devant nécessairement procéder à des évaluations fortes. D. Weinstock a défendu l'idée que les institutions politiques libérales que critique Taylor sont en réalité plus propices au développement de cette capacité d'évaluation forte que la poursuite d'un (...)
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    Gifts and Infant Games: Implications for Epistemology.Vaughan Genevieve - 2017 - Philosophy Study 7 (10).
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    Les Jeux de Sens de l'identité linguistique en France.Geneviève Vermes - 1993 - History of European Ideas 16 (4-6):385-389.
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  45. Compte-rendu de l'ouvrage de D. Cardon: La Draperie au Moyen Age. Essor d'une grande industrie européenne.Geneviève Xhayet - 2002 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 55 (4).
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    On Sandewall's paper: Nonmonotonic inference rules for multiple inheritance with exceptions.Geneviève Simonet - 1996 - Artificial Intelligence 86 (2):359-374.
  47. No One's Land: Australia and the Philosophical Imagination.Genevieve Lloyd - 2000 - Hypatia 15 (2):26-39.
    Drawing on the work of Michèle Le Dœuff, this paper uses the idea of “philosophical imagination” to make visible the historical intersection between philosophical ideas, social practice, and institutional structures. It explores the role of ideas of “terra nullius” and of the “doomed race” in the formation of some crucial ways in which non-indigenous Australians have imagined their relations with indigenous peoples. The author shows how feminist reading strategies that attend to the imaginary open up ways of rethinking processes of (...)
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    Discursive Democracy in the Transgenerational Context and a Precautionary Turn in Public Reasoning.Genevieve Fuji Johnson - 2007 - Contemporary Political Theory 6 (1):67-85.
    We should seek to justify, from a moral perspective, policies associated with serious and irreversible risks to the health of human beings, their societies, and the environment for these risks may have great impacts on the autonomy of both existing and future persons. The ideal of discursive democracy provides a way of morally justifying such policies to both existing and future persons. It calls for the inclusive, informed, and uncoerced deliberation toward an agreement of both existing and future persons, which (...)
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    Why Do Experts and Amateurs Diverge in Their Tastings? A Pragmatic Analysis of Perception.Geneviève Teil - forthcoming - Theory, Culture and Society.
    This pragmatic study addresses the question of the plural realities that emerge from perception, based on an empirical analysis of the tasting activity of wine amateurs and olfactory experts. Though they share the same requirement of rooting taste in the product under scrutiny, they also significantly differ regarding the constraints with which their tasting results have to comply: repeatability for experts’ tasting results, and activity contiunuation for amateurs. Both therefore foster the emergence of two contrasting realities: a stabilized one for (...)
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    Saturation, nonmonotonic reasoning and the closed-world assumption.Genevieve Bossu & Pierre Siegel - 1985 - Artificial Intelligence 25 (1):13-63.
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