Results for 'Georges Rioux'

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  1.  52
    What Counts as a Number?Jean W. Rioux - 2013 - International Philosophical Quarterly 53 (3):229-249.
    Georg Cantor argued that pure mathematics would be better-designated “free mathematics” since mathematical inquiry need not justify its discoveries through some extra-mental standard. Even so, he spent much of his later life addressing ancient and scholastic objections to his own transfinite number theory. Some philosophers have argued that Cantor need not have bothered. Thomas Aquinas at least, and perhaps Aristotle, would have consistently embraced developments in number theory, including the transfinite numbers. The author of this paper asks whether the restriction (...)
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    Freedom, Equality, Community: The Political Philosophy of Six Influential Canadians.James Bickerton, Stephen Brooks & Alain-G. Gagnon - 2006 - McGill Queens Univ.
    The contributions of George Grant, Harold Innis, André Laurendeau, Marcel Rioux, Charles Taylor, and Pierre Trudeau to the political traditions of French and English Canada.
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  3. Sensational sentences switched.Georges Rey - 1992 - Philosophical Studies 68 (3):289 - 319.
  4.  67
    12. Toward a Computational Account of Akrasia and Self-Deception.Georges Rey - 1988 - In Amelie Oksenberg Rorty & Brian P. McLaughlin (eds.), Perspectives on Self-Deception. University of California Press. pp. 264-296.
  5.  26
    Knowledge of Life.Georges Canguilhem - 2022 - Fordham University Press.
    As the work of thinkers such as Michel Foucault, François Jacob, Louis Althusser, and Pierre Bourdieu demonstrates, Georges Canguilhem has exerted tremendous influence on the philosophy of science and French philosophy more generally. In Knowledge of Life, a book that spans twenty years of his essays and lectures, Canguilhem offers a series of epistemological histories that seek to establish and clarify the stakes, ambiguities, and emergence of philosophical and biological concepts that defined the rise of modern biology. How do (...)
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    Discerning ethical challenges for marketing in China.Georges Enderle & Qibin Niu - 2012 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 1 (2):143 - 162.
    Abstract Along with China’s stunning economic growth, marketing has become a multi-billion dollar business, afflicted by a plethora of marketing scandals. However, little attention has been paid, until now, to a more systematic approach to marketing ethics in China. This essay attempts to provide a broad and timely, but far from complete, view on marketing issues in China. It uses four ethical guidelines which capture the fundamental features particularly relevant to marketing activities: practicing honest communication; enhancing human capabilities; fostering creative (...)
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    Beelzebub's tales to his grandson: an objectively impartial criticism of the life of man.Georges Ivanovitch Gurdjieff - 1992 - New York: Arkana.
    This richly complex book, one of the most challenging and rewarding works of twentie -century literature, is generally considered Gurdjieff's masterpiece.
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    Pessimisme et individualisme.Georges Palante - 1999 - Bédée: Folle avoine.
    Pessimisme et Individualisme vaut la lecture parce qu'on y trouve réexposée la thématique classique de son auteur : le corps fournit la grande raison ; tout est affaire de sensibilité ; la métaphysique procède de la physiologie ; l'émotivité nourrit la théorie ; le social vit de la négation des individualités ; la résistance des individualités toujours en péril est nécessaire, pour autant, elle est condamnée à l'échec car le collectif triomphe en permanence : l'héroïsme suppose de ne pas se (...)
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  9. Empty representations in linguistic perception.Georges Rey - unknown
    I argue that, pace Chomsky (2000, 2003), standard theories of linguistic competence are committed to taking talk of representations seriously, in particular, to recognizing that the “of x” clause that invariably follows “representation” is a way of specifying that representation’s intentional content. One reason to insist upon intentional content in such cases is that the “x” in “of x” may not exist (as in "of Zeus"). This issue is especially relevant to linguistics since, recapitulating considerations raised by many linguists, I (...)
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  10.  47
    Constituent causation and the reality of mind.Georges Rey - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (4):620-621.
  11.  50
    Towards Business Ethics as an Academic Discipline.Georges Enderle - 1996 - Business Ethics Quarterly 6 (1):43-65.
    Recalling several profound disagreements about business ethics as it is currently discussed in Western societies, I emphasize the need for business ethics as an academic discipline that constitutes the “backbone” for both teaching business ethics and improving business practice (section 1). Then I outline a conceptual framework of business ethics that promotes a “bottom-up” approach (section 2). This “problem-and action-oriented” conception appears to be fruitful in terms of both practical relevance and theoretical understanding. Finally, I argue for (section 3) the (...)
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  12.  64
    Remembering Jerry Fodor and his work.Georges Rey - 2018 - Mind and Language 33 (4):321-341.
    This is a reminiscence and short biographical sketch of the late philosopher and cognitive scientist Jerry Fodor. It includes a summary of his main proposals about the mind: his “Language of Thought” hypothesis; his rejection of analyticity and conceptual role semantics; his “mad dog nativism”; his proposal of mental modules and—by contrast—his skepticism about a computational theory of central cognition; his anti‐reductionist, but still physicalist, views about psychology; and, lastly, his attacks on selectionism. I conclude with some discussion of his (...)
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  13.  4
    Microdurées: le temps atomisé.Georges Sebbag - 2012 - Paris: Éditions de la Différence.
    Dieu est mort et l'histoire moderne aussi, nous dit Georges Sebbag. La foi dans le progrès a disparu, la chronologie n'a plus cours, la flèche du temps s'est brisée. Le fil du temps a cédé la place au temps sans fil. Les hommes ne faisant plus l'histoire, les individus du grand nombre visionnent et fabriquent des microdurées. Ils ingèrent des clips, concoctent des vidéos en retouchant les images. Ainsi vibrionnent des myriades d'acteurs et de réalisateurs sur la scène ensorcelante (...)
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  14.  37
    Why presume analyses are on-line?Georges Rey - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (1):74-75.
  15. Searle's misunderstandings of functionalism and strong AI.Georges Rey - 2002 - In John Mark Bishop & John Preston (eds.), Views Into the Chinese Room: New Essays on Searle and Artificial Intelligence. London: Oxford University Press. pp. 201--225.
  16.  17
    The first mining works at Maroneia-Kamariza in Lavrion.Georges N. Dermatis - 2019 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 143:225-242.
    La lecture des documents modernes (rapports techniques des ingénieurs grecs et français et cartes minières de la Compagnie Française des Mines du Laurium, élaborés lors de la reprise des travaux miniers à Camariza du Laurium au xixe s.) qui décrivent les restes des travaux miniers antiques à Camariza, qu’il s’agisse des terres accumulées en quantités considérables au fur et à mesure de l’extraction (haldes), des plynites rejetées au cours de la concentration ou des scories issues de la fusion, permet de (...)
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  17. Fodor's ingratitude and change of heart?Georges Rey - 2004 - Mind and Language 19 (1):70-84.
    One would have thought that Fodor's justly famous computational views about the mind and his covariation approaches to content owed a lot to the twentieth century that he now reviles. On the other hand, a number of lines he pursues in the target article make one wonder whether he hasn’t perhaps changed his mind about those famous views. Specifically, I argue that his own theory of content is open to the very same objections he raises against ‘sorting’ theories, and that (...)
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    Le Val des Muses, et les Muses chez les auteurs anciens.Georges Roux - 1954 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 78 (1):22-48.
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  19. Descartes and the Meditations.Georges Dicker - 2005 - Philosophical Review 114 (1):122-125.
  20.  7
    Études de philosophie grecque.Georges Rodier - 1926 - Paris,: J. Vrin. Edited by René Hubert.
    C'est dans l'esprit des travaux d'Octave Hamelin que se situent ces Etudes de philosophie grecque: l'activite propre de l'historien de la philosophie s'y manifeste comme une reconstruction des pensees du dedans, a partir d'une minutieuse preparation historique. Ces essais donnent une idee assez precise de l'ampleur des travaux de Georges Rodier dans le domaine de la philosophie grecque: le volume s'ouvre en effet sur une etude approfondie de la figure emblematique qu'est Socrate, envisage ensuite de maniere chronologique certains aspects (...)
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  21.  24
    l4 The possibility of a naturalistic Cartesianism regarding intuitions and introspection.Georges Rey - 2013 - In Matthew C. Haug (ed.), Philosophical Methodology: The Armchair or the Laboratory? New York: Routledge. pp. 243.
  22.  64
    Explanation, not Experience: Commentary on John Campbell,Reference and Consciousness.Georges Rey - 2005 - Philosophical Studies 126 (1):131-143.
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  23. Resisting normativism in psychology.Georges Rey - 2007 - In Brian P. McLaughlin & Jonathan Cohen (eds.), Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Mind. Wiley-Blackwell.
    “Intentional content,” as I understand it, is whatever serves as the object of “propositional” attitude verbs, such as “think,” “judge,” “represent,” “prefer” (whether or not these objects are “propositions”). These verbs are standardly used to pick out the intentional states invoked to explain the states and behavior of people and many animals. I shall take the “normativity of the intentional,” or “Normativism,” to be the claim that any adequate theory of intentional states involves considerations of value not essentially involved in (...)
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  24.  13
    Les métamorphoses du cercle.Georges Poulet - 2016 - Plon.
    Dans Les Métamorphoses du cercle, ouvrage incontournable de l'histoire des idées, Georges Poulet propose une analyse lumineuse et pénétrante des variations innombrables de la figure du cercle à travers les penseurs et poètes depuis la Renaissance. Le cercle apparaît alors comme une métaphore fondamentale qui de tout temps servit aux hommes à penser le inonde et la vie tout court. Sa simplicité et sa perfection en font la première de ces formes privilégiées qui se retrouvent au fond de toutes (...)
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  25. Kant's refutation of idealism.Georges Dicker - 2008 - Noûs 42 (1):80–108.
  26.  14
    L'histoire du marxisme, de Leszek Kolakowski.Georges Labica - 1988 - Actuel Marx 4 (1):155.
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  27. Strajk proletariacki.Georges Sorel - 1983 - Colloquia Communia 6 (1):59-82.
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    Locke on Knowledge and Reality: A Commentary on an Essay Concerning Human Understanding.Georges Dicker - 2019 - New York: Oup Usa.
    Georges Dicker here provides a commentary on John Locke's masterwork, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding-the foundational work of classical Empiricism. Dicker's commentary is an accessible guide for students who are reading Locke for the first time; a useful research tool for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students; and a contribution to Locke scholarship for professional scholars. It is designed to be read alongside the Essay, but does not presuppose familiarity with it.
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    Chomsky, Intentionality, and a CRTT.Georges Rey - 2003 - In Louise M. Antony & Norbert Hornstein (eds.), Chomsky and His Critics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 105–139.
    This chapter contains section titled: Introduction Chomsky's Commitment to CRTT Prospects and Problems of CRTT Technical Notions? Does Chomsky Need Intentionality? Chomsky's Dilemma.
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  30. (1 other version)La Vocation actuelle de la Sociologie.Georges Gurvitch - 1952 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 142:574-576.
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  31.  65
    In Defense of Folieism.Georges Rey - 2008 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 8 (2):177-202.
    According to the “Folieism” I have been recently defending, communication is a kind of folie à deux in which speakers and hearers enjoy a stable and innocuous illusion of producing and hearing standard linguistic entities (“SLE”s) that are seldom if ever actually produced. In the present paper, after summarizing the main points of the view, I defend it against efforts of Barber, Devitt and Miščević to rescue SLEs in terms of social, response-dependent proposals. I argue that their underlying error is (...)
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  32.  23
    Les derniers moments de David Hume d'après Les papiers intimes de Boswell : Compte rendu de ma derniére conversation aveg David Hume.Georges Beaulavon & DAVID HUME - 1939 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 46 (3):471 - 476.
  33. Originalité et finalité des étres vivants.Georges Dubois - 1956 - Studia Philosophica 16:108.
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  34.  21
    (8 other versions)Notes de lecture.Georges Daux - 1957 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 81 (1):391-395.
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    Modernité des Grecs : L'importance de la pensée grecque et les raisons de l'enseigner dans le programme collégial de philosophie.Georges Leroux - 1997 - Philosophiques 24 (1):141-160.
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  36. Isaac Albalag.Georges Vajda - 1960 - Paris,: Librairie philosophique J. Vrin.
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    On Nietzsche.Georges Bataille - 1992 - New York: Paragon House.
    I live — if I choose to see things this way- — among a curious race that sees earth, its chance events and the vast interconnectedness of animals, mammals, ...
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  38. La Philosophie Sociale et la Sociologie de Proudhon.Georges Gurvitch - 1997 - In Raymond Boudon, Mohamed Cherkaoui & Jeffrey C. Alexander (eds.), The classical tradition in sociology: the European tradition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. pp. 1--1.
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    Les sciences de l'homme sont-elles des sciences humaines?Georges Gusdorf - 1967 - Faculté des Lettres de l'Université de Strasbourg.
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    Problèmes déliens.Georges Roux - 1981 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 105 (1):41-78.
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    Discussion Notes on the Lecture by Dr. Gooddy.Georges Schaltenbrand - 1972 - In J. T. Fraser, F. C. Haber & G. H. Mueller (eds.), The Study of Time. Springer Verlag. pp. 547--550.
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  42. Les conséquences socialistes de la Révolution française.Georges Sorel & Elodia Baldelli - 2013 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 90 (1):1-24.
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  43.  49
    The Problem of Consciousness: Essays Towards a Resolution.Georges Rey & Colin McGinn - 1993 - Philosophical Review 102 (2):274.
  44.  69
    Should Visual Arguments be Propositional in Order to be Arguments?Georges Roque - 2015 - Argumentation 29 (2):177-195.
    An important issue for visual argumentation is its relationship to propositions, since it has been argued that, in order to be arguments, images should be propositional. The first part of the paper will approach this debate from a theoretical perspective. After quickly surveying the field on the issue, I will address the relationship between images and propositions. Three specific questions will be examined: can propositions accurately account for the way images express arguments?; are verbal propositions necessary to reconstruct arguments that (...)
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  45.  16
    What has philosophy ever done for nursing: A discursive shift from margins to mainstream.Jane M. Georges - 2023 - Nursing Philosophy 24 (3):e12451.
    This paper is a personal dialogue of maneuvering the landscape of scholarship in the United States as a nurse faculty. The principal thesis of this paper is that a discursive shift from margins to mainstream literature has occurred within nursing discourse during the past 20 years as the result of a growing body of work by nurse philosophers. I utilize my own work in nursing philosophy as an exemplar and provide a narrative situated in a feminist‐critical paradigm. This paper: (1) (...)
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  46. Sociology of Law.Georges Gurvitch & Roscoe Pound - 1943 - Ethics 53 (3):228-230.
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  47. Mythe et métaphysique. — Introduction à la philosophie.Georges Gusdorf - 1953 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 8 (3):325-327.
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    (1 other version)The Rashness of Traditional Rationalism and Empiricism.Georges Rey - 2004 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 34 (sup1):227-258.
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  49. Sensational sentences.Georges Rey - 1993 - In Martin Davies & Glyn W. Humphreys (eds.), Consciousness: Philosophical and Psychological Essays. Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell.
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    On utility functions.Georges Bernard - 1974 - Theory and Decision 5 (2):205-242.
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