Results for 'Gerardo Mosquera'

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  1.  52
    How to Feel About Climate Change? An Analysis of the Normativity of Climate Emotions.Julia Mosquera & Kirsti M. Jylhä - 2022 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 30 (3):357-380.
    Climate change evokes different emotions in people. Recently, climate emotions have become a matter of normative scrutiny in the public debate. This phenomenon, which we refer to as the normativization of climate emotions, manifests at two levels. At the individual level, people are faced with affective dilemmas, situations where they are genuinely uncertain about what is the right way to feel in the face of climate change. At the collective level, the public debate reflects disagreement about which emotions are appropriate (...)
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    The role of honour concerns in emotional reactions to offences.Patricia M. Rodriguez Mosquera, Antony S. R. Manstead & Agneta H. Fischer - 2002 - Cognition and Emotion 16 (1):143-163.
    We investigated the role of honour concerns in mediating the effect of nationality and gender on the reported intensity of anger and shame in reaction to insult vignettes. Spain, an honour culture, and The Netherlands, where honour is of less central significance, were selected for comparison. A total of 260 (125 Dutch, 135 Spanish) persons participated in the research. Participants completed a measure of honour concerns and answered questions about emotional reactions of anger and shame to vignettes depicting insults in (...)
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    Attack, disapproval, or withdrawal? The role of honour in anger and shame responses to being insulted.Patricia M. Rodriguez Mosquera, Agneta H. Fischer, Antony S. R. Manstead & Ruud Zaalberg - 2008 - Cognition and Emotion 22 (8):1471-1498.
    Insults elicit intense emotion. This study tests the hypothesis that one's social image, which is especially salient in honour cultures, influences the way in which one reacts to an insult. Seventy-seven honour-oriented and 72 non-honour oriented participants answered questions about a recent insult episode. Participants experienced both anger and shame in reaction to the insult. However, these emotions resulted in different behaviours. Anger led to verbal attack (i.e., criticising, insulting in return) among all participants. This relationship was explained by participants’ (...)
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    An Egalitarian Argument against Reducing Deprivation.Julia Mosquera - 2017 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 20 (5):957-968.
    Deprivations normally give rise to undeserved inequality. It is commonly thought that one way of improving a situation with respect to equality is by reducing the incidence of deprivations. In this paper I argue that there is at least one respect in which reducing the incidence of deprivations can make things worse from the point of view of equality. While eliminating deprivations leads to the elimination of inequalities, reducing the incidence of deprivations leads to an uneven distribution of the pairwise (...)
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    Key Factors for In-Store Smartphone Use in an Omnichannel Experience: Millennials vs. Nonmillennials.Ana Mosquera, Emma Juaneda-Ayensa, Cristina Olarte-Pascual & Jorge Pelegrín-Borondo - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-14.
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    Disability, equality, and future generations.Julia Mosquera - unknown
    This thesis is an evaluation of the badness of disability and equality. It argues that disability poses a problem for equality and that, given the new advances in reproductive and gene technologies, egalitarians should strive to give an answer to how we should best reduce the inequality between disabled and non-disabled individuals of future generations. To support the claim that disabilities pose a problem for equality, I argue against the recently proposed Mere Difference View of disability. Firstly, the view is (...)
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    Rule‐consequentialism, procreative freedom, and future generations.Julia Mosquera - 2022 - Ratio 35 (4):333-343.
    In this paper I analyse how procreative freedom poses a challenge for rule-consequentialism. First, I reconstruct the rule-consequentialist case for procreative freedom. Second, I argue that population scenarios resulting from very low fertility pose a problem for rule-consequentialism since such scenarios cannot secure population growth or even avoid human extinction in the long run. Third, I argue that population scenarios resulting from excessive procreation also pose a problem for rule-consequentialism since they are incompatible with the promotion of optimific consequences in (...)
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  8.  31
    QALYs, Disability Discrimination, and the Role of Adaptation in the Capacity to Recover: The Patient-Sensitive Health-Related Quality of Life Account.Julia Mosquera - 2023 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 32 (2):154-162.
    Quality-Adjusted Life Years (QALYs) and Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) are two of the most commonly used health measures to determine resource prioritization and the population burden of disease, respectively. There are different types of problems with the use of QALYs and DALYs for measuring health benefits. Some of these problems have to do with measurement, for example, the weights they ascribe to health states might fail to reflect with exact accuracy the actual well-being or health levels of individuals. But even (...)
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  9.  26
    Actitud frente al hábito de la lectura en jóvenes de 10° del INSEAQ.Rommel Álvarez Mosquera, Yucy Mosquera Torres & Ciro Ernesto Redondo Mendoza - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 12 (4):1-10.
    El presente estudio pretende describir las actitudes más frecuentes, que demuestran estudiantes de educación media, frente a la lectura y los factores que inciden en el gusto o disgusto por ella, pues es de vital importancia poder conocer y descubrir las dificultades que puedan tener los estudiantes en su proceso lector, ya que un temprano conocimiento de aquellas dificultades posibilita la prevención de dificultades específicas de aprendizaje, miedos o desórdenes de hábitos lectores. El estudio se realizó por medio de la (...)
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  10.  33
    Defining disability and the role of the disability and the medical communities.Julia Mosquera - 2022 - Theoria 88 (3):653-665.
    Definitions of disability are useful for different purposes and carry normative significance. However, defining disability has proven a difficult task. Communities with different theoretical backgrounds and practical aims disagree about how to define disability. Recently, Chong‐Ming Lim (2018) has attempted to define disability in a manner accommodating of the different interests and theoretical commitments of the disability and the medical communities. His account aims at broadening Elizabeth Barnes' (2016) definition of disability, which is not sufficiently inclusive of the interests of (...)
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    Reflexiones sobre s. Zizek (2011). Primero como tragedia, después como farsa. Madrid: Akal.Marisol Rama Mosquera - 2022 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 20:251-258.
    A través de esta obra el autor va respondiendo a diferentes cuestiones sobre la realidad, que va enlazando entre sí, dándoles respuesta y preocupándose por la actualidad socioeconómica a través de las reflexiones y cuestiones filosóficas. Realiza una crítica a la ideología capitalista actual y a los pilares que la sostienen.
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  12.  27
    Música e identidad afro en Herencia de Timbiquí. El canto como una afirmación de las identidades Afro-Pacíficas.Angélica Roxanna Barrera Mosquera & Ana María Betancourt Ovalle - 2019 - Argos 7 (19):26-43.
    La identidad se ha constituido como una noción hegemónica y estática, sin embargo, la música de Herencia de Timbiquí consolida identidades múltiples y evidencia la hibridación racial, histórica y cultural por la que han pasado las comunidades Afro-Pacíficas desde la época de la Colonia y la esclavitud negra hasta la globalización y el conflicto armado colombiano. Estos hechos han ido transformando las identidades que originalmente traían las comunidades desde África, pues sus prácticas culturales se fueron entretejiendo con las prácticas indígenas (...)
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  13. Zuleta, cruz vélez y gómez dÁvila: Tres lectores colombianos de Nietzsche: NIETZSCHE.Juan Fernando Media Mosquera - 2000 - Universitas Philosophica 34:257-301.
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    De la argumentación pragmadialéctica como competencia investigativa en los estudiantes de derecho de la Institución Universitaria de Envigado.Víctor Julián Moreno Mosquera - 2012 - Ratio Juris 7 (15):123-148.
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  15. Capítulo II de la Regla benedictina: el abad: comentario crítico y actual.Pedro Motas Mosquera - 2011 - Nova et Vetera: Temas de Vida Cristiana 35 (71):201-207.
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    Colaboración internacional en la industria aeroespacial de defensa.Fernando Mosquera Silvén - 2002 - Arbor 171 (674):457-482.
    En este artículo el lector podrá conocer de forma clara las razones que han llevado a dicha colaboración en Europa, su gestación y programas en curso y futuros. Respecto a los programas en curso, se tratan en profundidad aquellos en los que España está participando, como el Avión de Combate Europeo (Eurofighter 2000), el Avión de Transporte Militar Europeo (A-400M), el Misil Aire-Aire de guía radar activa y alcance superior al visual (Meteor) o el satélite de Observación Helios. Sobre los (...)
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  17.  36
    Coping with the 10th anniversary of 9/11: Muslim Americans' sadness, fear, and anger.Patricia M. Rodriguez Mosquera, Tasmiha Khan & Arielle Selya - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (5):932-941.
  18.  23
    Deleuze hermético: filosofía y prueba espiritual.Óscar Emerson Zuñiga Mosquera - 2019 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 24.
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    Dosis personal de drogas: inconsistencias técnico-científicas en la legislación y la jurisprudencia colombiana.Jairo Alfonso Téllez Mosquera & Juan Camilo Bedoya Chavarriaga - 2015 - Persona y Bioética 19 (1).
    Con la promulgación de la Ley 30 de 1986, se incluyó el concepto del consumo de la dosis personal de drogas. La Corte Constitucional, mediante sentencia C-221 de 1994, resolvió la demanda de constitucionalidad presentada por el ciudadano Alexandre Sochandamandou, ratificando el concepto de “dosis personal de consumo de drogas”, y despenalizando el mismo. En este artículo se plantea el desconocimiento de la legislación y la jurisprudencia acerca de la opinión técnico-científica en cuanto a esta temática, que originó diversas inconveniencias, (...)
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  20.  28
    Honor and harmed social-image. Muslims’ anger and shame about the cartoon controversy.Patricia M. Rodriguez Mosquera - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (6):1205-1219.
    ABSTRACTTwo studies examined anger and shame, and their associated appraisals and behavioral intentions, in response to harm to an in-group's social-image. In Study 1, 37 British Muslims reported incidents in which they were devalued as Muslims. In Study 2, 108 British Muslims were presented with objective evidence of their in-group's devaluation: the controversial cartoons about Prophet Muhammad The appraisal of harm to social-image predicted anger and shame, whereas the appraisal of offense only predicted anger. Anger was a more empowering response (...)
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  21. Hablando de cuervos negros.Eduardo Álvarez Mosquera - 2010 - A Parte Rei 67:17.
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    Impulso a la palabra.Graciela Mosquera - 2016 - Buenos Aires: Vinciguerra.
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  23. Las investigaciones sobre la oralidad y escritura y su aporte al trabajo filosófico.Juan Fernando Mejía Mosquera - 1998 - Universitas Philosophica 29:131-148.
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  24. Las polémicas de la "mimesis" en Platón.Juan Fernando Mejía Mosquera - 2002 - Universitas Philosophica 38:109-118.
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  25.  15
    Mitos del Hades en Platón.Juan Fernando Mejía Mosquera - 2002 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 26:111-132.
    A partir de una distinción entre la crítico al mito tradicional, que puede llevar a hacer usos pedagógicos del mismo una vez reformado y el uso del mito dentro de una investigación filosófica como herramienta del pensamiento, se procede en este trabajo a considerar tres mitos filosóficos y a establecer la forma en que puedan ser leídos adecuadamente, especialmente tratando de establecer las repercusiones del tipo ético que tienen dentro de la obra de Platón. Se realizan, en primer lugar algunas (...)
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  26. On art, globalization and the cultural difference.G. Mosquera - 2003 - Filozofski Vestnik 24 (3):53-86.
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    Os usos da biopolítica em Esposito e Agamben: tensionando a (agro)ecopedagogia / Los usos de la biopolítica en Esposito y Agamben: tensando la (agro)ecopedagogía.Óscar Emerson Zuñiga Mosquera - 2020 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 25:020003.
    O presente trabalho trata dos usos que destacados filósofos italianos têm dado à noção de biopolítica. O estudo é a continuação do diálogo transdisciplinar entre a filosofia da educação e a agroecologia. P arte da pesquisa de doutorado na área de educação, onde se analisaram as práticas pedagógicas da agroecologia, o qual denominamos como agroecopedagogia. Utilizando a ferramenta arqueogenealógica, a pesquisa indagou pelas relações de poder veiculadas em ditas práticas. Aqui apresentamos parte dessa discussão, incorporando também a chamada ecopedagogia. Como (...)
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  28.  29
    Perceived social image and life satisfaction across cultures.Patricia M. Rodriguez Mosquera & Toshie Imada - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (6):1132-1141.
    We studied the relationship between perceived social image and life satisfaction in four different cultural groups. One-hundred nine Indian (63 females, 46 males), 67 Pakistani/Bangladeshi (36 females, 31 males), 76 White British (43 females, 33 males), and 94 European Americans (43 females, 48 males) completed measures on the cultural importance of social image, positive and negative emotions, academic achievement, and perceived social image. Indian and Pakistani/Bangladeshi participants valued social image more than White British and European-American participants. Consistent with this value (...)
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  29. Semiótica del ritual territorial contemporáneo en los aeropuertos/The Semiotics of Contemporary Territorial Ritual in Airports.Alexander Mosquera - 2011 - Telos (Venezuela) 13 (2):160-174.
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    The General hospital and the medical college in the history of Neurosurgery and Orthopedics in Camagüey.Gretel Mosquera Betancourt & Casares Albernas - 2014 - Humanidades Médicas 14 (2):258-270.
    Fundamento. La historia de la Neurocirugía en el territorio está estrechamente relacionada con la de otras especialidades como la Cirugía General y la Ortopedia. Tiene sus primeras referencias establecidas en la etapa colonial en el Hospital General, documentadas en el Boletín del Colegio Médico de Camagüey. Objetivo es resaltar la importancia que tuvieron el Hospital General y el Colegio Médico de Camagüey con su boletín en la historia de la Neurocirugía y la Ortopedia. Método. Es una investigación histórica que se (...)
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  31. Utopía, la posibilidad de la imposibilidad: Una lectura desde Thomas more.Fernando Abilio Mosquera Brand - 2009 - Escritos 17 (38):125-168.
    Utopía, la posibilidad de la imposibilidad: una lectura desde Thomas More, es un trabajo que muestra, por un lado, la vitalidad de la utopía; por otro lado se destaca su grado de necesidad en la sociedad contemporánea. La Utopía de Thomas More se presenta como un paradigma del pensamiento utópico, y del influjo que éste ejerce en las diferentes sociedades. Además, ésta se yergue como el epítome de toda posibilidad de visualizar un mejor mundo, es la máxima expresión de la (...)
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  32. Why Inflicting a Disability is Wrong: The Mere-Difference View and the Causation-Based Objection.Julia Mosquera - 2020 - In Adam Cureton & David Wasserman (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Disability. Oxford University Press. pp. 158-173.
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  33. Claves del pensamiento filosófico.Mosquera Perea & Néstor Emilio - 1989 - Quibdó [Colombia]: Universidad Tecnológica del Chocó, Departamento de Ciencias Sociales.
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    Epistemología de las ciencias pedagógicas: una perspectiva histórica.Mosquera Perea & Néstor Emilio - 2008 - Medellín, Colombia: Editorial Uryco.
  35. De la lógica a la paradójica: (un estudio en torno a Unamuno).Mosquera Villar & José Luis - 1979 - Santiago de Compostela, La Coruña: Secretariado de Publicaciones de la Universidad.
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    Preference purification and the inner rational agent: a critique of the conventional wisdom of behavioural welfare economics.Gerardo Infante, Guilhem Lecouteux & Robert Sugden - 2016 - Journal of Economic Methodology 23 (1):1-25.
    Neoclassical economics assumes that individuals have stable and context-independent preferences, and uses preference satisfaction as a normative criterion. By calling this assumption into question, behavioural findings cause fundamental problems for normative economics. A common response to these problems is to treat deviations from conventional rational choice theory as mistakes, and to try to reconstruct the preferences that individuals would have acted on, had they reasoned correctly. We argue that this preference purification approach implicitly uses a dualistic model of the human (...)
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    On Superdeterministic Rejections of Settings Independence.Gerardo Sanjuán Ciepielewski, Elias Okon & Daniel Sudarsky - 2021 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 74 (2):435-467.
    Relying on some auxiliary assumptions, usually considered mild, Bell’s theorem proves that no local theory can reproduce all the predictions of quantum mechanics. In this work, we introduce a fully local, superdeterministic model that by explicitly violating ‘settings independence’—one of these auxiliary assumptions, requiring statistical independence between measurement settings and systems to be measured—is able to reproduce all the predictions of quantum mechanics. Moreover, we show that contrary to widespread expectations, our model can break settings independence without an initial state (...)
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    Transformative experience and the shark problem.Tim Campbell & Julia Mosquera - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (11):3549-3565.
    In her ground-breaking and highly influential book Transformative Experience, L.A. Paul makes two claims: (1) one cannot evaluate and compare certain experiential outcomes (e.g. being a parent and being a non-parent) unless one can grasp what these outcomes are like; and (2) one can evaluate and compare certain intuitively horrible outcomes (e.g. being eaten alive by sharks) as bad and worse than certain other outcomes even if one cannot grasp what these intuitively horrible outcomes are like. We argue that the (...)
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  39. The Sense of Time.Gerardo Viera - 2020 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 71 (2):443-469.
    It’s often claimed in the philosophical and scientific literature on temporal representation that there is no such thing as a genuine sensory system for time. In this paper, I argue for the opposite—many animals, including all mammals, possess a genuine sensory system for time based in the circadian system. In arguing for this conclusion, I develop a semantics and meta-semantics for explaining how the endogenous rhythms of the circadian system provide organisms with a direct information link to the temporal structure (...)
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    ‘On the Econ within’: a reply to Daniel Hausman.Gerardo Infante, Guilhem Lecouteux & Robert Sugden - 2016 - Journal of Economic Methodology 23 (1):33-37.
    This note replies to a comment by Daniel Hausman on our paper ‘Preference purification and the inner rational agent: a critique of the conventional wisdom of behavioural welfare economics’. We clarify our characterisation of behavioural welfare economics and acknowledge that Hausman does fully endorse this approach. However, we argue that Hausman’s response to our critique, like behavioural welfare economics itself, implicitly uses a model of an inner rational agent.
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  41. The fragmentary model of temporal experience and the mirroring constraint.Gerardo Alberto Viera - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (1):21-44.
    A central debate in the current philosophical literature on temporal experience is over the following question: do temporal experiences themselves have a temporal structure that mirrors their temporal contents? Extensionalists argue that experiences do have a temporal structure that mirrors their temporal contents. Atomists insist that experiences don’t have a temporal structure that mirrors their contents. In this paper, I argue that this debate is misguided. Both atomism and extensionalism, considered as general theories of temporal experience, are false, since temporal (...)
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  42.  40
    Iconicity and Sign Lexical Acquisition: A Review.Gerardo Ortega - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Positive Egalitarianism Reconsidered.Gustaf Arrhenius & Julia Mosquera - 2022 - Utilitas 34 (1):19-38.
    According topositive egalitarianism, not only do relations of inequality have negative value, as negative egalitarians claim, but relations of equality also have positive value. The egalitarian value of a population is a function of both pairwise relations of inequality (negative) and pairwise relations of equality (positive). Positive andnegative egalitarianismdiverge, especially in different-number cases. Hence, an investigation of positive egalitarianism might shed new light on the vexed topic of population ethics and our duties to future generations. We shall here, in light (...)
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    The perceived unity of time.Gerardo Viera - 2022 - Mind and Language 37 (4):638-658.
    While we perceive events in our environment through multiple sensory systems, we nevertheless perceive all of these events as occupying a single unified timeline. Time, as we perceive it, is unified. I argue that existing accounts of the perceived unity of time fail. Instead, the perceived unity of time must be constructed by integrating our initially fragmented timekeeping capacities. However, existing accounts of multimodal integration do not tell us how this might occur. Something new is needed. I finish the paper (...)
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    Universal Procreation Rights and Future Generations.Tim Campbell, Martin Kolk & Julia Mosquera - 2023 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 42 (1):82-95.
    It is often acknowledged that public policies can constrain people's procreative opportunities, in some cases even infringing their procreative rights. However, a topic that is not often discussed is how the procreative choices of one generation can affect the procreative opportunities of later generations. In this article, we argue that the demographic fact that childbearing above the replacement fertility level is eventually unsustainable supports two constraints on universal procreation rights: a compossibility constraint and an egalitarian constraint. We explore the implications (...)
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    Complexity measurement of natural and artificial languages.Gerardo Febres, Klaus Jaffé & Carlos Gershenson - 2015 - Complexity 20 (6):25-48.
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  47. Animals are not cognitively stuck in time.Gerardo Viera & Eric Margolis - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    We argue that animals are not cognitively stuck in time. Evidence pertaining to multisensory temporal order perception strongly suggests that animals can represent at least some temporal relations of perceived events.
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    Hearing non-signers use their gestures to predict iconic form-meaning mappings at first exposure to signs.Gerardo Ortega, Annika Schiefner & Aslı Özyürek - 2019 - Cognition 191 (C):103996.
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    Shades of technocratic solutionism: A discursive-material political ecology approach to the analysis of the Swedish TV series Hållbart näringsliv (‘Sustainable business’).Gerardo Costabile Nicoletta & Nico Carpentier - 2022 - Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 13 (2):117-134.
    This article analyses the Swedish TV series Hållbart näringsliv (HN) to study hegemonic discursive formations over the meaning of the climate crisis. Combining new materialist approaches in discourse studies with a political ecology understanding of the socio-ecological entanglement, we propose the concept of technocratic solutionism to understand how the neo-liberal green economy secures instrumentalist discourses on nature in the Swedish context. The discourse-theoretical analysis of nine HN episodes identifies four nodal points which articulate the technocratic solutionist discourse: capital’s leading role, (...)
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    Coping with Complexity When Predicting Surface Roughness in Milling Processes: Hybrid Incremental Model with Optimal Parametrization.Gerardo Beruvides, Fernando Castaño, Rodolfo E. Haber, Ramón Quiza & Alberto Villalonga - 2017 - Complexity:1-11.
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