Results for 'Gerd-Bodo Reinert'

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  1.  5
    Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi: anthropologisches Denken und Handeln: ein pädagogisches Konzept für unsere Zeit.Gerd-Bodo Reinert - 1984 - Düsseldorf: Schwann. Edited by Peter Cornelius.
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    Samuel Pufendorf und seine Wirkungen bis auf die heutige Zeit.Bodo Geyer, Helmut Goerlich & Gerd Schliebe (eds.) - 1996 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
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    Metaphysics and Philosophy of Science in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries: Essays in honour of Gerd Buchdahl.Gerd Buchdahl & R. S. Woolhouse - 1988 - Springer Verlag.
    The essays in this collection have been written for Gerd Buchdahl, by colleagues, students and friends, and are self-standing pieces of original research which have as their main concern the metaphysics and philosophy of science of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. They focus on issues about the development of philosophical and scientific thought which are raised by or in the work of such as Bernoulli, Descartes, Galileo, Kant, Leibniz, Maclaurin, Priestly, Schelling, Vico. Apart from the initial bio-bibliographical piece and (...)
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  4. Marketing ethics: an international perspective.Bodo B. Schlegelmilch - 1998 - Boston: International Thomson Business Press.
    pt. I. Fundamentals of marketing ethics -- pt. II. Ethics in international marketing practice : cases -- pt. III. Readings in international marketing ethics -- pt. IV. Business ethics resources.
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  5. Half a Century of Marketing Ethics: Shifting Perspectives and Emerging Trends.Bodo B. Schlegelmilch & Magdalena Öberseder - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 93 (1):1-19.
    Faced with an ever-growing number of ethical marketing issues and uncertainty about the impact of specialized ethics journals, researchers are struggling to keep abreast of developments in the field. In order to address these challenges, our paper provides a comprehensive review of the literature on marketing ethics over almost 50 years, offers a citation analysis and develops a unique marketing ethics impact factor (MEIF). We contribute to the field in three important ways. First, we present a state-of-the-art picture of marketing (...)
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    The Co‐evolution of Speech and the Lexicon: The Interaction of Functional Pressures, Redundancy, and Category Variation.Bodo Winter & Andrew Wedel - 2016 - Topics in Cognitive Science 8 (2):503-513.
    The sound system of a language must be able to support a perceptual contrast between different words in order to signal communicatively relevant meaning distinctions. In this paper, we use a simple agent-based exemplar model in which the evolution of sound-category systems is understood as a co-evolutionary process, where the range of variation within sound categories is constrained by functional pressure to keep different words perceptually distinct. We show that this model can reproduce several observed effects on the range of (...)
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    (1 other version)Which words are most iconic?Bodo Winter, Marcus Perlman, Lynn K. Perry & Gary Lupyan - 2017 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 18 (3):443-464.
    Some spoken words are iconic, exhibiting a resemblance between form and meaning. We used native speaker ratings to assess the iconicity of 3001 English words, analyzing their iconicity in relation to part-of-speech differences and differences between the sensory domain they relate to. First, we replicated previous findings showing that onomatopoeia and interjections were highest in iconicity, followed by verbs and adjectives, and then nouns and grammatical words. We further show that words with meanings related to the senses are more iconic (...)
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    Die sogenannte Sattelzeit.Bodo Mrozek - 2023 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 75 (2):133-153.
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    Le rôle de la répétition dans la représentation du sens et son approche statistique par la mÉthode ALCESTE.Max Reinert - 2003 - Semiotica 2003 (147).
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    Making Judgments Based on Similarity and Proximity.Bodo Winter & Teenie Matlock - 2013 - Metaphor and Symbol 28 (4):219 - 232.
    In this study, we investigate the conceptual structure of the metaphor “SIMILARITY IS PROXIMITY.” The results of four experiments suggest a tight mental link between similarity and proximity. Two experiments revealed that people judge entities to be more similar to each other when they are placed closely in space, while two other experiments showed that entities are judged to be closer to each other when they are thought to be more similar. We discuss this bidirectional metaphor transfer effect in light (...)
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  11. Ontological omniscience in Lewisian modal realism.J. Reinert - 2013 - Analysis 73 (4):676-682.
    A simple argument against Lewisian modal realism as portrayed in On the Plurality of World arises from its treatment of doxastic modalities. It is easily shown that if it is true, it is impossible to doubt the theory on ontological grounds, or, that, if it is possible to maintain doubt about modal realism’s existential postulate, it has to be false. The argument hinges on the fact that modal realism’s main ontological hypothesis, if true, is necessarily true.
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    Grundlagen der Erklärung menschlichen Handelns: zur Kontroverse zwischen Konstruktivisten und kritischen Rationalisten.Bodo Abel - 1983 - Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr.
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    Eastern Feminism? Some Considerations on Women and Religion in a Post-Communist Context.Márta Bodó - 2015 - Feminist Theology 24 (1):23-34.
    In the context of mainstream feminism, Eastern-European women, coming from a post-Communist context are overwhelmed. As they have been unable to access the newest developments of feminist thought, feminist theology, they cannot find their own place and voice. In order to overcome this state of mind, this article puts forward an approach and a strategy. Drawing from the main ideas of contemporary Romanian and Transylvanian feminists – Mihaela Mudure, Mihaela Miroiu, Réka Geambasu, Enikő Magyari-Vincze and others – the article aims (...)
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    Evolutionary ethics.Reinert - 1951 - Ethics 62 (1):48-54.
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    Die richtungweisende Eroberung der Insel Rhodos durch den Johanniterorden um das Jahr 1308.Bodo Hechelhammer - 2010 - In David Wirmer & Andreas Speer (eds.), 1308: Eine Topographie Historischer Gleichzeitigkeit. De Gruyter. pp. 883-898.
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    Philosophie des Ökonomischen Menschenbilds.Bodo Herzog - 2020 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76 (2-3):1161-1186.
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  17. Towards a theory of cognitive learning.Bodo Krause - 1997 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 56:177-194.
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    Development of the Tetron Model.Bodo Lampe - 2009 - Foundations of Physics 39 (3):215-236.
    The main features of the tetron model of elementary particles are discussed in the light of recent developments, in particular the formation of strong and electroweak vector bosons and a microscopic understanding of how the observed tetrahedral symmetry of the fermion spectrum may arise.
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  19. Das Verfassungsgericht als kommunikatives Element moderner Verfassungsstaatlichkeit.Bodo Pieroth - 2003 - Rechtstheorie 34 (3):299-305.
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    (1 other version)Teaching Philosophy in High School.Harry Reinert - 1969 - Journal of Critical Analysis 1 (3):236-240.
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  21. The role of repetition in the representation of meaning and its statistical approach by the'ALCESTE'method.M. Reinert - 2003 - Semiotica 147 (1-4):389-420.
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  22. (1 other version)Der Anruf des Evangeliums an den modernen Menschen.Bodo Volkman - 1966 - Verlag der Liebenzeller Mission:
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    Philosophische probleme der Elementarteilchephysik.Bodo Wenzlaff, I. V. Kuznet︠s︡ov, [From Old Catalog] & M. E. Omelʹi︠a︡novsʹkyĭ (eds.) - 1976 - Berlin,: Deustcher Verlag der Wissenschaften.
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  24. Zum Wandel der normativen Grundlagen der Wissenschafts-, Hochschul- und Bildungspolitik.Bodo Zeuner - 2006 - In Hubertus Buchstein, Rainer Schmalz-Bruns & Gerhard Göhler (eds.), Politik der Integration: Symbole, Repräsentation, Institution: Festschrift für Gerhard Göhler zum 65. Geburtstag. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
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    Apprendre à être humain : la part de la culture africaine.Mireille Alathé Bodo - 2020 - Diogène n° 263-263 (3-4):45-55.
    Nous sommes une seule et même espèce humaine, mais nous avons parfois différentes manières de nous manifester. Les diverses expressions de l’humain sont les signifiants d’un même signifié : l’homme. Ce dernier a donc une marge de manœuvre plus ou moins grande qui lui permet de mener la vie digne qui convient. Pour ce faire, il doit travailler son image du monde afin de la rendre adéquate au concept du meilleur des mondes possibles. Il a besoin de faire en sorte (...)
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  26.  23
    Spoken language achieves robustness and evolvability by exploiting degeneracy and neutrality.Bodo Winter - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (10):960-967.
    As with biological systems, spoken languages are strikingly robust against perturbations. This paper shows that languages achieve robustness in a way that is highly similar to many biological systems. For example, speech sounds are encoded via multiple acoustically diverse, temporally distributed and functionally redundant cues, characteristics that bear similarities to what biologists call “degeneracy”. Speech is furthermore adequately characterized by neutrality, with many different tongue configurations leading to similar acoustic outputs, and different acoustic variants understood as the same by recipients. (...)
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    Vision dominates in perceptual language: English sensory vocabulary is optimized for usage.Bodo Winter, Marcus Perlman & Asifa Majid - 2018 - Cognition 179 (C):213-220.
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    More is Better: English Language Statistics are Biased Toward Addition.Bodo Winter, Martin H. Fischer, Christoph Scheepers & Andriy Myachykov - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (4):e13254.
    We have evolved to become who we are, at least in part, due to our general drive to create new things and ideas. When seeking to improve our creations, ideas, or situations, we systematically overlook opportunities to perform subtractive changes. For example, when tasked with giving feedback on an academic paper, reviewers will tend to suggest additional explanations and analyses rather than delete existing ones. Here, we show that this addition bias is systematically reflected in English language statistics along several (...)
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  29. Inductivist Versus Deductivist Approaches in the Philosophy of Science as Illustrated by Some Controversies Between Whewell and Mill.Gerd Buchdahl - 1971 - The Monist 55 (3):343-367.
    The contrast between the two approaches alluded to in the title has gained a certain prominence in our own day. With the knowledge of hindsight it will be of interest therefore to study its incidence in an earlier period, in the writings of Whewell and Mill, Which may thus yield added significance for a later generation. Right at the start there is a difficulty. Not all inductivists agree on their principles, or their interpretation of the logic of scientific reasoning, and (...)
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    XIV—The Relation Between ‘Understanding’ and ‘Reason’ in the Architectonic of Kant's Philosophy1.Gerd Buchdahl - 1967 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 67 (1):209-226.
    Gerd Buchdahl; XIV—The Relation Between ‘Understanding’ and ‘Reason’ in the Architectonic of Kant's Philosophy1, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume.
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    Simple Heuristics That Make Us Smart.Gerd Gigerenzer, Peter M. Todd & A. B. C. Research Group - 1999 - New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press USA. Edited by Peter M. Todd.
    Simple Heuristics That Make Us Smart invites readers to embark on a new journey into a land of rationality that differs from the familiar territory of cognitive science and economics. Traditional views of rationality tend to see decision makers as possessing superhuman powers of reason, limitless knowledge, and all of eternity in which to ponder choices. To understand decisions in the real world, we need a different, more psychologically plausible notion of rationality, and this book provides it. It is about (...)
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    How to improve Bayesian reasoning without instruction: Frequency formats.Gerd Gigerenzer & Ulrich Hoffrage - 1995 - Psychological Review 102 (4):684-704.
  33.  27
    Creative Destruction in Economics.Erik S. Reinert & Hugo Reinert - 2015 - New Nietzsche Studies 9 (3):1-23.
    This paper argues that the idea of creative destruction enters the social sciences by way of Friedrich Nietzsche. The term itself is first used by German economist Werner Sombart, who openly acknowledges the influence of Nietzsche on his own economic theory. The roots of creative destruction are traced back to Indian philosophy, from where the idea entered the German literary and philosophical tradition. Understanding the origins and evolution of this key concept in evolutionary economics helps clarifying the contrasts between today’s (...)
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    Axiomatic rationality and ecological rationality.Gerd Gigerenzer - 2019 - Synthese 198 (4):3547-3564.
    Axiomatic rationality is defined in terms of conformity to abstract axioms. Savage limited axiomatic rationality to small worlds, that is, situations in which the exhaustive and mutually exclusive set of future states S and their consequences C are known. Others have interpreted axiomatic rationality as a categorical norm for how human beings should reason, arguing in addition that violations would lead to real costs such as money pumps. Yet a review of the literature shows little evidence that violations are actually (...)
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    Blut, Blutmensch, Blutmessias Politische Körpersprache und subversive Rhetorik in Danton’s Tod von Georg Büchner.Bodo Morawe - 2013 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 87 (2):217-239.
    Der Aufsatz untersucht die Blutmetaphorik in Danton’s Tod und deutet das Drama als ein jakobinisches Palimpsest. Eine besondere Bedeutung hat in diesem Zusammenhang Büchners provokante Körpersprache, die im Sinne Bachtins vom ‚karnevalistischen’ Protest des Leiblich-Materiellen, dem beispiellosen Affront einer plebejischen Volkskultur gegen die affirmative Hochkultur bestimmt ist.
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  36. Beyond the responsibility gap. Discussion note on responsibility and liability in the use of brain-computer interfaces.Gerd Grübler - 2011 - AI and Society 26 (4):377-382.
    The article shows where the argument of responsibility-gap regarding brain-computer interfaces acquires its plausibility from, and suggests why the argument is not plausible. As a way of an explanation, a distinction between the descriptive third-person perspective and the interpretative first-person perspective is introduced. Several examples and metaphors are used to show that ascription of agency and responsibility does not, even in simple cases, require that people be in causal control of every individual detail involved in an event. Taking up the (...)
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    Einleitung: Der Gallus Anonymus im Lichte neuerer Forschungsansätze.Gerd Althoff - 2009 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 43 (1):293-296.
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  38. The Protestant Clergy and Public Issues 1817–1848.John R. Bodo - 1954
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    Ivrit Tova: 'Iyunim Btaḫbir Halašon Ha"nxona"'Ivrit Tova: 'Iyunim Btahbir Halason Ha"nxona.Gerd Fraenkel, Haim Rosén & Haim Rosen - 1960 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 80 (2):142.
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    Konstitutionsbedingungen, Inhalt und Funktion der Theorie Louis Althussers.Bodo Grimm - 1980 - Köln: Pahl-Rugenstein.
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    Illusionen der Brüderlichkeit: d. Notwendigkeit, Feinde zu haben.Gerd-Klaus Kaltenbrunner (ed.) - 1980 - Wien: Herder.
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  42. Osobowość mówiącego a sposób wypowiadania się.Gerd Lenga - 1982 - Studia Semiotyczne 12:47-60.
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  43. Zur zyklischen Form der Spruchdichtung Hergers.Bodo Mergell - 1953 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 27 (1):31-47.
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    Eine Duplik.Bodo Morawe - 2015 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 89 (3):477-480.
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    Die Traditionen über Apollonius von Tyana und das Neue Testament.Gerd Petzke - 1970 - Leiden,: Brill.
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    "Gewalttätigkeit" und "moralisches Motiv"?: das Konzept zweier Weltaspekte als Auflösung eines geschichtswissenschaftlichen Dilemmas ; mit einem Epi(dia)log zu den drei Bänden 2007-2009.Gerd Pohlenz - 2010 - Berlin: Lit. Edited by Gerd Pohlenz.
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    Zur Lage der Philosophie: ihre verborgene historische Kontinuität und Zielperspektive.Gerd Pohlenz - 2012 - Berlin: Lit.
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    Individual Strategies of Response Organization in Multitasking Are Stable Even at Risk of High Between-Task Interference.Roman Reinert & Jovita Brüning - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Recently, reliable interindividual differences were found for the way how individuals process multiple tasks and how they organize their responses. Previous studies have shown mixed results with respect to the flexibility of these preferences. On the one hand, individuals tend to adjust their preferred task processing mode to varying degrees of risk of crosstalk between tasks. On the other, response strategies were observed to be highly stable under varying between-resource competition. In the present study, we investigated whether the stability of (...)
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    Ḫāqānī als Dichter: Poetische Logik und Phantasie.Benedikt Reinert - 1972 - De Gruyter.
    Studies in the History and Culture of the Middle East (the former: Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur des Vorderen Orients) are published as supplement to Der Islam founded in 1910 by Carl Heinrich Becker, an early practitioner of the modern study of Islam. Following Becker's lead, the mission of the series is the study of past societies of the Middle East, their belief systems, and their underlying social and economic relations, from the Iberian Peninsula to Central Asia, and from the (...)
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  50. Domain-specific reasoning: Social contracts, cheating, and perspective change.Gerd Gigerenzer & Klaus Hug - 1992 - Cognition 43 (2):127-171.
    What counts as human rationality: reasoning processes that embody content-independent formal theories, such as propositional logic, or reasoning processes that are well designed for solving important adaptive problems? Most theories of human reasoning have been based on content-independent formal rationality, whereas adaptive reasoning, ecological or evolutionary, has been little explored. We elaborate and test an evolutionary approach, Cosmides' social contract theory, using the Wason selection task. In the first part, we disentangle the theoretical concept of a “social contract” from that (...)
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