Results for 'Gil Ast'

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  1.  52
    Alternative splicing: current perspectives.Eddo Kim, Amir Goren & Gil Ast - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (1):38-47.
    Alternative splicing is a well‐characterized mechanism by which multiple transcripts are generated from a single mRNA precursor. By allowing production of several protein isoforms from one pre‐mRNA, alternative splicing contributes to proteomic diversity. But what do we know about the origin of this mechanism? Do the same evolutionary forces apply to alternatively and constitutively splice exons? Do similar forces act on all types of alternative splicing? Are the products generated by alternative splicing functional? Why is “improper” recognition of exons and (...)
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    (1 other version)Lexicon Platonicum 3 Volume Set: Sive Vocum Platonicarum Index.Friedrich Ast - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    The German philosopher and philologist Friedrich Ast published this monumental lexicon in three volumes. A professor of classical literature at the University of Landshut and member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences, Ast wrote widely on the history of philosophy. He edited a complete edition of Plato with Latin translation, identifying spurious interpolations and false attributions, using this as a basis for his Lexicon. The entries give citations both from Plato and from later works that extensively quote Plato. Though the (...)
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    Ethics and Synthetic Gametes. Testa&ast & Giuseppe 1 - 2005 - Bioethics 19 (2):146-166.
    The recent in vitro derivation of gamete‐like cells from mouse embryonic stem (mES) cells is a major breakthrough and lays down several challenges, both for the further scientific investigation and for the bioethical and biolegal discourse. We refer here to these cells as gamete‐like (sperm‐like or oocyte‐like, respectively), because at present there is still no evidence that these cells behave fully like bona fide sperm or oocytes, lacking the fundamental proof, i.e. combination with a normally derived gamete of the opposite (...)
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  4. Oblikovanje znanstvene kulture Didier Gil Bachelard et la culture scientifique PUF, Paris 1993, 123 str.Didier Gil - forthcoming - Filozofski Vestnik.
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  5. Upward and Downward Causation from a Relational-Horizontal Ontological Perspective.Gil C. Santos - 2014 - Axiomathes 25 (1):23-40.
    Downward causation exercised by emergent properties of wholes upon their lower-level constituents’ properties has been accused of conceptual and metaphysical incoherence. Only upward causation is usually peacefully accepted. The aim of this paper is to criticize and refuse the traditional hierarchical-vertical way of conceiving both types of causation, although preserving their deepest ontological significance, as well as the widespread acceptance of the traditional atomistic-combinatorial view of the entities and the relations that constitute the so-called ‘emergence base’. Assuming those two perspectives (...)
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    ¿Qué es ver? por José Gil.José Gil - 2011 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 44:205-218.
    El presente artículo tiene por objeto analizar los límites y exigencias de la mirada en la poética de Alberto Caeiro, heterónimo de Fernando Pessoa. Esta mirada, sostiene Gil, es singular, supone un proceso de crítica de la tradicional relación sujeto - objeto en el acto de conocer. Una especie de epojé en el sentido fenomenológico. No es una mirada empírica, no apela a los sentidos, es una mirada que tiene más bien el carácter de “una intuición intelectual de los sentidos”. (...)
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    Lexicon Platonicum.Friedrich Ast - 1835 - New York,: B. Franklin.
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    Random and frozen states in complex triangulations.Tomaso Aste, Ruggero Gramatica & T. Di Matteo - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (1-3):246-254.
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  9. Ḳabalah la-guf ṿela-neshamah: ha-guf be-filosofyah, be-madaʻ uve-ḳabalah: hashlakhot musariyot.Gil-Avraham Morali - 2012 - [Jerusalem: Ḥ. Mo. L.. Edited by An Goldshṭain & Shelomit Hendelsman.
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    Lexicon Platonicum: Volume 1: Sive Vocum Platonicarum Index.Friedrich Ast - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    The German philosopher and philologist Friedrich Ast published this monumental lexicon in three volumes. A professor of classical literature at the University of Landshut and member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences, Ast wrote widely on the history of philosophy. He edited a complete edition of Plato with Latin translation, identifying spurious interpolations and false attributions, using this as a basis for his Lexicon. The work is arranged alphabetically, Volume 1 covering Alpha to Epsilon. The entries give citations both from (...)
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    Blood: A Critique of Christianity.Gil Anidjar - 2014 - Columbia University Press.
    _Blood_, according to Gil Anidjar, maps the singular history of Christianity. As a category for historical analysis, blood can be seen through its literal and metaphorical uses as determining, sometimes even defining Western culture, politics, and social practices and their wide-ranging incarnations in nationalism, capitalism, and law. Engaging with a variety of sources, Anidjar explores the presence and the absence, the making and unmaking of blood in philosophy and medicine, law and literature, and economic and political thought from ancient Greece (...)
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    Physicians’ duty to climate protection as an expression of their professional identity: a defence from Korsgaard’s neo-Kantian moral framework.Henk Jasper van Gils-Schmidt & Sabine Salloch - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (6):368-374.
    The medical profession is observing a rising number of calls to action considering the threat that climate change poses to global human health. Theory-led bioethical analyses of the scope and weight of physicians’ normative duty towards climate protection and its conflict with individual patient care are currently scarce. This article offers an analysis of the normative issues at stake by using Korsgaard’s neo-Kantian moral account of practical identities. We begin by showing the case of physicians’ duty to climate protection, before (...)
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    Lexicon Platonicum: Volume 2: Sive Vocum Platonicarum Index.Friedrich Ast - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    The German philosopher and philologist Friedrich Ast published this monumental lexicon in three volumes. A professor of classical literature at the University of Landshut and member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences, Ast wrote widely on the history of philosophy. He edited a complete edition of Plato with Latin translation, identifying spurious interpolations and false attributions, using this as a basis for his Lexicon. The work is arranged alphabetically, Volume 2 covering Theta to Omicron. The entries give citations both from (...)
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    Lexicon Platonicum: Volume 3: Sive Vocum Platonicarum Index.Friedrich Ast - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    The German philosopher and philologist Friedrich Ast published this monumental lexicon in three volumes. A professor of classical literature at the University of Landshut and member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences, Ast wrote widely on the history of philosophy. He edited a complete edition of Plato with Latin translation, identifying spurious interpolations and false attributions, using this as a basis for his Lexicon. The work is arranged alphabetically, Volume 3 covering Pi to Omega. The entries give citations both from (...)
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    Sparse Causality Network Retrieval from Short Time Series.Tomaso Aste & T. Di Matteo - 2017 - Complexity:1-13.
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    Self-referential order.T. Aste, P. Butler & T. Di Matteo - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (31-33):3983-3992.
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    Scientific reasoning.Thomas Gil - 2012 - Hannover: Wehrhahn Verlag.
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    The Topography of Symbol: Between Late Antique and Modern Jewish Understanding of Cities.Gil P. Klein - 2006 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 58 (1):16-28.
    This article explores the theological role of cities in Judaism as settings for the mediation between the heavenly and earthly realms. By way of juxtaposing the late antique city of Sepphoris and the modern settlement of Me'ah She'arim in Jerusalem, two understandings of this mediation will be studied dialectically. The differences and similarities between the two communities and their self-representation through urban architecture reveal the ways in which the highest religious symbols are manifested in the life of a city. They (...)
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  19. Persona y destino.Gil Salguero & Luis Eduardo - 1937 - Montevideo:
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    Taking a moral holiday? Physicians’ practical identities at the margins of professional ethics.Henk Jasper van Gils-Schmidt & Sabine Salloch - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (9):626-633.
    Physicians frequently encounter situations in which their professional practice is intermingled with moral affordances stemming from other domains of the physician’s lifeworld, such as family and friends, or from general morality pertaining to all humans. This article offers a typology of moral conflicts ‘at the margins of professionalism’ as well as a new theoretical framework for dealing with them. We start out by arguing that established theories of professional ethics do not offer sufficient guidance in situations where professional ethics overlaps (...)
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    Self-consciousness and alzheimer's disease.Roger Gil, E. M. Arroyo-Anllo, P. Ingrand, M. Gil, J. P. Neau, C. Ornon & V. Bonnaud - 2001 - Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 104 (5):296-300.
    Gil R, Arroyo-Anllo EM, Ingrand P, Gil M, Neau JP, Ornon C, Bonnaud V. Self-consciousness and Alzheimer’s disease. Acta Neurol Scand 2001: 104: 296–300. # Munksgaard 2001. Objectives – To propose a neuropsychological study of the various aspects of self-consciousness (SC) in Alzheimer’s disease. Methods – Forty-five patients with probable mild or moderate AD were included in the study. Severity of their dementia was assessed by the Mini Mental State (MMS). Fourteen questions were prepared to evaluate SC. Results – No (...)
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    Toys are me: Children’s extension of self to objects.Gil Diesendruck & Reut Perez - 2015 - Cognition 134 (C):11-20.
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    The Deliberative Test, a New Procedural Method for Ethical Decision Making in Integrative Social Contracts Theory.Federico Ast - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (1):207-221.
    Integrative Social Contracts Theory is a popular framework to assist managers in making decisions on international moral dilemmas. Although the theory has been praised for its comprehensiveness and sophistication, commentators have raised concerns regarding the justification and identification of substantive hypernorms, fundamental moral principles valid across cultures. This paper introduces the deliberative test, a new method for testing the cross-cultural validity of ethical norms in ISCT. The test relies on the concept of Deliberative Capacity, arising from new developments in system-level (...)
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  24.  8
    Funktionen der Seele.Thomas Gil - 2015 - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. Edited by Wolfgang Mack.
    Thomas Gil und Wolfgang Mack befassen sich aus der Perspektive zweier unterschiedlicher Disziplinen –Philosophie und Psychologie – mit der Frage nach den Funktionen der Seele. Aus der Sicht der Philosophie wird untersucht, was unter psychischen Funktionen zu verstehen ist. Aus der Sicht der Psychologie wird der Begriff der Seele historisch-kritisch diskutiert. Ist für die Psychologie die Seele als wissenschaftlicher Begriff möglicherweise (wieder) geeignet? In gemeinsamer Diskussion beantworten die Autoren die Frage danach, was das Psychische ist.
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    When Organizational Identification Elicits Moral Decision-Making: A Matter of the Right Climate.Suzanne van Gils, Michael A. Hogg, Niels Van Quaquebeke & Daan van Knippenberg - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 142 (1):155-168.
    To advance current knowledge on ethical decision-making in organizations, we integrate two perspectives that have thus far developed independently: the organizational identification perspective and the ethical climate perspective. We illustrate the interaction between these perspectives in two studies, in which we presented participants with moral business dilemmas. Specifically, we found that organizational identification increased moral decision-making only when the organization’s climate was perceived to be ethical. In addition, we disentangle this effect in Study 2 from participants’ moral identity. We argue (...)
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  26.  14
    Measuring School Absenteeism: Administrative Attendance Data Collected by Schools Differ From Self-Reports in Systematic Ways.Gil Keppens, Bram Spruyt & Jonas Dockx - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Logic as a methodological discipline.Gil Sagi - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):9725-9749.
    This essay offers a conception of logic by which logic may be considered to be exceptional among the sciences on the backdrop of a naturalistic outlook. The conception of logic focused on emphasises the traditional role of logic as a methodology for the sciences, which distinguishes it from other sciences that are not methodological. On the proposed conception, the methodological aims of logic drive its definitions and principles, rather than the description of scientific phenomena. The notion of a methodological discipline (...)
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  28. Logicality and meaning.Gil Sagi - 2018 - Review of Symbolic Logic 11 (1):133-159.
    In standard model-theoretic semantics, the meaning of logical terms is said to be fixed in the system while that of nonlogical terms remains variable. Much effort has been devoted to characterizing logical terms, those terms that should be fixed, but little has been said on their role in logical systems: on what fixing their meaning precisely amounts to. My proposal is that when a term is considered logical in model theory, what gets fixed is its intension rather than its extension. (...)
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    Closing the Organ Gap: A Reciprocity-Based Social Contract Approach.Gil Siegal & Richard J. Bonnie - 2006 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 34 (2):415-423.
    Organ transplantation remains one of modern medicine's remarkable achievements. It saves lives, improves quality of life, diminishes healthcare expenditures in end-stage renal patients, and enjoys high success rates. Yet the promise of transplantation is substantially compromised by the scarcity of organs. The gap between the number of patients on waiting lists and the number of available organs continues to grow. As of January 2006, the combined waiting list for all organs in the United States was 90,284. Unfortunately, thousands of potential (...)
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  30.  40
    Foucault, trenta anys després: vigència i potencialitats de la microfísica del poder.Josep Artés Gil - 2015 - Quaderns de Filosofia 2 (1):95-113.
    La microfísica del poder –de la qual Michel Foucault esdevé el principal exponent– emergeix com un efecte del panorama que segueix el Maig del 68, en el qual sorgeix un cicle de noves lluites centrades en el reconeixement i el desenvolupament de nous tipus de subjectivitat. Ara que han passat trenta anys des de la mort de l’autor, defensaré la necessitat d’aplicar la microfísica del poder a una realitat que ja no pot respondre a unes anàlisis fonamentades en paràmetres estrictament (...)
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    Propuesta de un consenso económico superpuesto en el debate sobre la justicia distributiva internacional.Federico Ast - 2015 - Dianoia 60 (74):03-25.
    El debate sobre la justicia distributiva internacional se ha centrado tradicionalmente en una discusión normativa acerca del alcance de las obligaciones de los ciudadanos de los pueblos ricos hacia los pobres del extranjero. Las distintas posiciones presuponen ciertas nociones económicas empíricas a la hora de emitir juicios sobre la justicia del ordenamiento económico internacional. En función de las teorías económicas que se tengan por válidas, una misma posición normativa puede justificar distintos ordenamientos incompatibles de las instituciones económicas internacionales. Este artículo (...)
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  32.  28
    Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum (review).Rodney Ast - 2008 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 101 (4):562-563.
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    A Bíblia como palavra humana.Gil Fabio Moretto - 2014 - Revista de Teologia 8 (14):216-224.
    Neste estudo procuramos avaliar a dimensão humana presente na Palavra de Deus. O autor sagrado está dentro de um contexto de vida cultural, e recebe os condicionamentos do seu tempo. A Bíblia deve ser lida com o espírito que foi escrita e não simplesmente vista como uma palavra literal de Deus para os homens.
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  34. Interoception and the origin of feelings: A new synthesis.Gil B. Carvalho & Antonio Damasio - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (6):2000261.
    Feelings are conscious mental events that represent body states as they undergo homeostatic regulation. Feelings depend on the interoceptive nervous system (INS), a collection of peripheral and central pathways, nuclei and cortical regions which continuously sense chemical and anatomical changes in the organism. How such humoral and neural signals come to generate conscious mental states has been a major scientific question. The answer proposed here invokes (1) several distinctive and poorly known physiological features of the INS; and (2) a unique (...)
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  35.  40
    Acts of Religion.Gil Anidjar (ed.) - 2001 - Routledge.
    Acts of Religion, compiled in close association with Jacques Derrida, brings together for the first time a number of Derrida's writings on religion and questions of faith and their relation to philosophy and political culture. The essays discuss religious texts from Jewish, Christian, and Muslim traditions, as well as religious thinkers such as Kant, Levinas, and Gershom Scholem, and comprise pieces spanning Derrida's career. The collection includes two new essays by Derrida that appear here for the first time in any (...)
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  36.  12
    Filosofía, historia y presente: homenaje a Urbano Gil Ortega.Urbano Gil Ortega & José Ma Aguirre (eds.) - 1993 - Vitoria: Editorial Eset.
  37. Can an evidential account justify relying on preferences for well-being policy?Gil Hersch - 2015 - Journal of Economic Methodology 22 (3):280-291.
    Policy-makers sometimes aim to improve well-being as a policy goal, but to do this they need some way to measure well-being. Instead of relying on potentially problematic theories of well-being to justify their choice of well-being measure, Daniel Hausman proposes that policy-makers can sometimes rely on preference-based measures as evidence for well-being. I claim that Hausman’s evidential account does not justify the use of any one measure more than it justifies the use of any other measure. This leaves us at (...)
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    A human rights-based framework for qualitative dementia research.Alicia Diaz-Gil, Joanne Brooke, Olga Kozlowska, Debra Jackson, Jane Appleton & Sarah Pendlebury - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (7-8):1138-1155.
    Background and Objectives People living with dementia have historically been excluded from qualitative research and their voices ignored due to the perception that a person with dementia is not able to express their opinions, preferences and feelings. Research institutions and organizations have contributed by adopting a paternalistic posture of overprotection. Furthermore, traditional research methods have proven to be exclusionary towards this group. The objective of this paper is to address the issue of inclusion of people with dementia in research and (...)
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  39. (1 other version)Differentiation and Distinction: On the Problem of Individuation from Scotus to Deleuze.Gil Morejón - 2018 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 12 (3):353-373.
    In this paper I present an interpretation of Deleuze's concept of the virtual. I argue that this concept is best understood in relation to the problematic of individuation or differentiation, which Deleuze inherits from Duns Scotus. After analysing Scotus' critique of Aristotelian or hylomorphic approaches to the problem of individuation, I turn to Deleuze's account of differentiation and his interpretation of the calculus in chapter 4 of Difference and Repetition. The paper seeks thereby to explicate Deleuze's dialectics or theory of (...)
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    Contextualism, Relativism and the Liar.Gil Sagi - 2017 - Erkenntnis 82 (4):913-928.
    Contextualist theories of truth appeal to context to solve the liar paradox: different stages of reasoning occur in different contexts, and so the contradiction is dispelled. The word ‘true’ is relativized by the contextualists to contexts of use. This paper shows that contextualist approaches to the liar are committed to a form of semantic relativism: that the truth value of some sentences depends on the context of assessment, as well as the context of use. In particular, it is shown how (...)
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  41.  54
    10. Universal Quantifiers And Distributivity.David Gil - 1995 - In Emmon W. Bach, Eloise Jelinek, Angelika Kratzer & Barbara H. Partee (eds.), Quantification in Natural Languages. Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 2--321.
  42.  9
    Taking a moral holiday? Physicians practical identities at the margins of professional ethics.Henk Jasper van Gils-Schmidt & Sabine Salloch - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (9):626-633.
    Physicians frequently encounter situations in which their professional practice is intermingled with moral affordances stemming from other domains of the physician’s lifeworld, such as family and friends, or from general morality pertaining to all humans. This article offers a typology of moral conflicts ‘at the margins of professionalism’ as well as a new theoretical framework for dealing with them. We start out by arguing that established theories of professional ethics do not offer sufficient guidance in situations where professional ethics overlaps (...)
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    The Vine and Branches Discourse: The Gospel's Psychological Apocalypse.Gil Bailie - 1997 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 4 (1):120-145.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE VINE AND BRANCHES DISCOURSE: THE GOSPEL'S PSYCHOLOGICAL APOCALYPSE Gil Bailie Florilegio Institute Man is after something that cannot be possessed.... Man cannot "have" being, though he absolutely needs it for living. (Roel Kaptein) The anthropological reading of biblical literature which Girard's mimetic theory makes possible sheds new light on many otherwise inscrutable texts. Prominent among these, due to its centrality as well as its elusiveness, is the prologue (...)
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  44. Hollo innŭn sigan e: Kim Tʻae-gil chʻŏrhak esei.Tʻae-gil Kim - 1988 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Samyuk Chʻulpʻansa.
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    Protein network topology metric conservation: from yeast to human.Gil Alterovitz, Michael Xiang, Isaac S. Kohane & Marco F. Ramoni - 2005 - In Alan F. Blackwell & David MacKay (eds.), Power. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 1-5.
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    The economy proper.Gil Anidjar - 2021 - Critical Research on Religion 9 (1):90-93.
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  47. Introducción a las teorías del imaginario. Entre la ciencia y la mística.Marta Herrero Gil - 2008 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 13:241-258.
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    Women in the artistic trades in the Burgundian Low countries (15th century).Marc Gil - 2011 - Clio 34:231-254.
    Les études récentes ont montré que les femmes ont participé, tout au long du Moyen Age, à l’activité économique. Pourtant, leur place dans la production artistique médiévale est généralement ignorée des historiens de l’art, alors même que l’étude de la production d’un artiste ou d’un milieu montre clairement, par les sources et les œuvres, qu’elles ont été présentes à chaque étape du processus de création. La confrontation de la norme à la pratique, par l’analyse de la réglementation de la gilde (...)
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  49. Platón contra la democracia. O las desventuras de la sinergia.Wolfgang Gil - 2010 - Apuntes Filosóficos 19 (37):109-124.
    El propósito de este ensayo es explorar la doctrina política de Platón sobre la democracia a partir del concepto sinergia, es decir, de poder sinérgico, colaboración creativa que reduce los grados de dominación en el régimen político, tal como lo entiende James Craig. Aunque el concepto de poder sinérgico no fue conocido por Platón y ha sido descuidado tanto por la politología como por la filosofía política, considero que es el criterio indispensable para dejar en claro muchas de las ambigüedades (...)
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  50. On the possibility of a neurocognitive biolinguistics.Jose Maria Gil - 2010 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 29 (1):63-80.
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