Results for 'Giovanni Mazzocchi'

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  1.  10
    Philosophy of Molecular Medicine: Foundational Issues in Research and Practice.Giovanni Boniolo & Marco J. Nathan (eds.) - 2016 - New York: Routledge.
    _Philosophy of Molecular Medicine: Foundational Issues in Theory and Practice_ aims at a systematic investigation of a number of foundational issues in the field of molecular medicine. The volume is organized around four broad modules focusing, respectively, on the following key aspects: What are the nature, scope, and limits of molecular medicine? How does it provide explanations? How does it represent and model phenomena of interest? How does it infer new knowledge from data and experiments? The essays collected here, authored (...)
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    Entre a Pulsão de Morte e os Três Registros Lacanianos.Giovanni Vieira de Carvalho Novelli - 2023 - Cadernos PET-Filosofia (Parana) 22 (1).
    Esse artigo visa demonstrar como o psicanalista francês Jacques Lacan delineou e reformulou o conceito freudiano de pulsão de morte no interior dos três registros da experiência humana. Dito isso, iremos inicialmente compreender de forma geral como o conceito de pulsão de morte aparece na obra lacaniana, de maneira a demonstrarmos como ela é reformulada pelo autor francês. Depois, iremos delinear como esse conceito aparece no interior dos registros do Imaginário, Simbólico e Real; desse modo, estaremos envoltos com o Estágio (...)
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    The Decameron.Giovanni Boccaccio - 2008 - Oxford University Press UK.
    The Decameron was written in the wake of the Black Death, a shattering epidemic which had shaken Florence's confident entrepreneurial society to its core. In a country villa outside the city, ten young noble men and women who have escaped the plague decide to tell each other stories. Boccaccio's skill as a dramatist is masterfully displayed in this virtuoso performance of one hundred tales, vivid portraits of people from all stations in life, with plots which revel in a bewildering variety (...)
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  4. An Unorthodox Viewpoint on Natural Language Syntax and Its Relations to the Lvov-Warsaw School.Giovanni Gobber - 2021 - In Piotr Stalmaszczyk & Mieszko Tałasiewicz (eds.), The Lvov-Warsaw School and Contemporary Philosophy of Language. Boston: BRILL.
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  5. " Alberto Duro" or" Alberto durero"? Change in the name in the italy of the XVI century.Giovanni Maria Fara - 2010 - Rinascimento 50:361-375.
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    Gli Scritti filosofici e religiosi di Aldo Capitini.Giovanni Rota - 1999 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 4.
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  7. Cod. Harl. 3261.Giovanni Santinello - 1977 - Mitteilungen Und Forschungsbeiträge der Cusanus-Gesellschaft 12:18-20.
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    Atti dell'VIII Congresso Nazionale di Storia della FisicaFabio Bevilacqua.Giovanni Battimelli - 1990 - Isis 81 (4):743-744.
  9. Del concepto de 'gracia' al de 'providencia' [en Vico].Giovanni Gentile - forthcoming - Cuadernos Sobre Vico.
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    On the Imagination.Giovanni Francesco Pico Della Mirandola & Harry Caplan - 1930 - Pub. For Cornell University, Yale University Press H. Milford, Oxford University Press.
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    Constructive strong regularity and the extension property of a compactification.Giovanni Curi - 2023 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 174 (1):103154.
  12. Disorders of Body Image.Giovanni Berlucchi & Salvatore M. Aglioti - 2003 - In L. Nadel (ed.), Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. Nature Publishing Group.
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    Ethical and conceptual aspects of mitochondrial replacement techniques (“three-parent child”).Giovanni Rubeis & Florian Steger - 2019 - Ethik in der Medizin 31 (2):143-158.
    Der weltweit erste Mitochondrien-Transfer, auch als Erzeugung eines „Drei-Eltern-Kindes“ bezeichnet, hat 2016 eine intensive Debatte ausgelöst. Hinsichtlich des Verfahrens, das bisher nur in Großbritannien zugelassen ist, werden auch verschiedene ethische Aspekte angesprochen. Dazu gehören die Risikoabwägung, die reproduktive Selbstbestimmung und die psychosoziale Entwicklung eines Kindes, das von drei Individuen abstammt. Dabei fällt auf, dass zentrale konzeptuelle Fragen hinsichtlich des Mitochondrien-Transfers nicht geklärt sind. Ist der Mitochondrien-Transfer eine genetische Intervention in die Keimbahn? Handelt es sich bei dem Verfahren um eine medizinisch (...)
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  14. Kant und die Theologie der Hoffnung.Giovanni B. Sala - 1981 - Theologie Und Philosophie 56 (1):92.
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    Rhetoric and Persuasive Strategies in High Courts' Decisions: Some Remarks on the Recent Decisions of the Portuguese Tribunal Constitutional and the Italian Corte Costituzionale on Same-Sex Marriage.Giovanni Damele - forthcoming - Argumentation.
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    Lost in Dialogue: Anthropology, Psychopathology, and Care.Giovanni Stanghellini - 2016 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    The field of psychiatry has long struggled with developing models of practice; most underemphasize the interpersonal aspects of clinical practice. This essay is unique in putting intersubjectivity front and centre. It is an attempt to provide a clinical method to re-establish the fragile dialogue of the soul with oneself and with others.
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  17. Vito Volterra and the Making of Research Institutions in Italy and Abroad.Giovanni Paoloni - 2011 - Humana Mente 4 (16).
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    Corporate Social Responsibility Performance, Incentives, and Learning Effects.Giovanni-Battista Derchi, Laura Zoni & Andrea Dossi - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 173 (3):617-641.
    This paper examines the effectiveness of the use of executive compensation linked to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) goals across US firms. Empirical analysis of a cross-industry sample of 746 listed companies for the period 2002–2013 showed that the use of CSR-linked compensation contracts for Named Executive Officers (NEOs) promotes CSR performance. More specifically, we found that linking NEOs’ compensation to CSR goals produces positive effects in the 3rd year after adoption. As firms accumulate experience and learn how to use the (...)
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  19. Between Kant and Hegel. Texts in the Development of Post-Kantian Idealism.George Di Giovanni & H. S. Harris - 1989 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 51 (2):370-370.
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    Decomposing Biological Complexity into a Conjunction of Theorems. The Case of the Melanoma Network.Giovanni Boniolo & Luisa Lanfrancone - 2016 - Humana Mente 9 (30).
    The complexity of intracellular molecular pathways can be simplified by the use of Network Biology that breaks down the intricacy of biological processes into components and interactions among them. In the paper we show that any complex interactome, that is, a biological network representing protein-protein, protein-DNA and DNA-RNA interactions, can be decomposed into a conjunction of logical theorems expressed in terms of Zsyntax, a formal language which allows representing biological pathways. This result, illustrated with the case study of melanoma network, (...)
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    The Reception of Descartes in the Seventeenth-Century Scottish Universities: Metaphysics and Natural Philosophy.Giovanni Gellera - 2015 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 13 (3):179-201.
    In 1685, during the heyday of Scottish Cartesianism, regent Robert Lidderdale from Edinburgh University declared Cartesianism the best philosophy in support of the Reformed faith. It is commonplace that Descartes was ostracised by the Reformed, and his role in pre-Enlightenment Scottish philosophy is not yet fully acknowledged. This paper offers an introduction to Scottish Cartesianism, and argues that the philosophers of the Scottish universities warmed up to Cartesianism because they saw it as a newer, better version of their own traditional (...)
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  22. Croce.Scirocco Giovanni - 1973 - Milano,: Academia.
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  23. Il concetto di libertà nella tradizione repubblicana.Giovanni Giorgini - 1999 - Etica E Politica 1 (1).
    The author investigates the origin and development of the concept of liberty and its special meaning in the Republican tradition of political thought. The origin of the Western concept of liberty lies in ancient Greece, in the opposition between liberty and slavery conceived after the liberation of Athens from tyranny and the victory over the Persian empire. The author then investigates the Republican notion of liberty that originates in ancient Rome and reaches its peak with Cicero. This conception of liberty (...)
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    Hegelian Logic and Hegelian Myth.George di Giovanni - 2017 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2017 (1):109-117.
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    Stuart Hampshire and the Case for Procedural Justice.Giovanni Giorgini - 2018 - In Manuel Knoll, Stephen Snyder & Nurdane Şimşek (eds.), New Perspectives on Distributive Justice: Deep Disagreements, Pluralism, and the Problem of Consensus. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter. pp. 91-108.
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  26. La metafisica.Giovanni Giraldi - 1971 - Milano,: Pergamena.
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    Semi-equilibrium models for paracoherent answer set programs.Giovanni Amendola, Thomas Eiter, Michael Fink, Nicola Leone & João Moura - 2016 - Artificial Intelligence 234 (C):219-271.
  28. Scienze humane e umanesimo.Giovanni Santinello - 1979 - Filosofia Oggi 2 (1):54-58.
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    Kant crítico da analogia técnica cartesiana.Giovanni Sarto & Pedro Nagem de Souza - 2022 - Kant E-Prints 17 (1):101-118.
    Objetiva-se mostrar que a filosofia crítica comporta uma refutação integral da analogia técnica operada por Descartes. Para tanto, após apresentar a pertinência do tema da analogia em relação aos movimentos gerais da _Crítica_, utilizamo-la para interpretar o debate moderno acerca da razão dos animais. Posteriormente, acompanhamos a consolidação da noção kantiana da analogia a partir dos cursos de _Lógica _e centramo-nos, em seguida, na _Crítica da Faculdade de Julgar Teleológica_, a qual abriga uma reelaboração do conceito de arte, bem como (...)
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    Tensegrità, multivocità ed etica delle immagini.Giovanni Scarafile - 2018 - Scienza E Filosofia 19:90-100.
    Tensegrity, multivocity and the ethics of images When transposed to the field of philosophy, the notion of tensegrity can become the matrix to justify an approach to reality, based on the contextual action of several factors. This specificity is shown with reference to the photographs of patients allegedly hysterical, photographed at the end of the nineteenth century in the Hospital Salpêtrière in Paris. The ethics of images is anchored in this possibility. In fact, it is not indifferent with respect to (...)
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    Jaspers on "Primary" Delusions.Giovanni Stanghellini - 2012 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 19 (2):87-89.
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    Tre lezioni sulla politica di Aristotele.Giovanni Stelli - 2016 - Pistoia: Petite plaisance.
    Etica-politica come scienza unitaria: problemi di fondazione -- L'originaria costituzione intersoggettiva dell'uomo: amicizia e giustizia -- La comunità politica e la teoria delle costituzioni.
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    Reid's Direct Realism about Vision.Giovanni B. Grandi - 2006 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 23 (3):225 - 241.
    Thomas Reid presented a two-dimensional geometry of the visual field in his Inquiry into the Human Mind (1764). The axioms of this geometry are different from those of Euclidean plane geometry. The ‘geometry of visibles’ is the same as the geometry of the surface of the sphere, described without reference to points and lines outside the surface itself. In a recent article, James Van Cleve has argued that Reid can secure a non-Euclidean geometry of visibles only at the cost of (...)
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  34. Common sense and ideal theory in seventeenth-century Scottish philosophy.Giovanni Gellera - 2018 - In Charles Bradford Bow (ed.), Common Sense in the Scottish Enlightenment. [Oxford, United Kingdom]: Oxford University Press.
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    Paracoherent answer set computation.Giovanni Amendola, Carmine Dodaro, Wolfgang Faber & Francesco Ricca - 2021 - Artificial Intelligence 299 (C):103519.
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    Searching for meaning in marine mammal shared data.Giovanni Bearzi & Olivier Gimenez - 2018 - Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 18:9-13.
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  37. I massimi problemi dell'essere.Giovanni Blandino - 1977 - Alba: Edizioni Paoline.
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  38. Gli studi herderiani di Valerio Verra.Giovanni Bonacina - 2008 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 4 (2):361-370.
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    Intellectual directions for History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, 2019–2023.Giovanni Boniolo & Sabina Leonelli - 2019 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 41 (3):28.
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    Valerio Verra e il giudizio di Hegel sulla filosofia moderna.Giovanni Bonacina - 2008 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 63 (2).
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  41. Scritti sul sistema preventivo nell'educazione della gioventù.Giovanni Bosco - 1965 - [Brescia]: La Scuola editrice. Edited by Braido, Pietro & [From Old Catalog].
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    Su Rudolf otto e sulla diffusione del suo pensiero in italia.Giovanni Rota - 2012 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 2:317-339.
    This article was inspired by the recent publication of a volume that brings together the Italian translation of Das Heilige and other important writings of Rudolf Otto. It explores in particular the reception of this theologian and philosopher of religion's thought in Italy during the first half of the twentieth century by such important figures as Ernesto Buonaiuti, Benedetto Croce, Giovanni Miegge and Piero Martinetti.
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    Tra metafisica classica e filosofia dei valori, il senso del diritto.Giovanni Ambrosetti - 1978 - Modena: S.T.E.M. Mucchi.
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  44. Ii giorno che verrà.Giovanni Antonucci - 2004 - Studium 100 (6):1006-1008.
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    Opere filosofiche.Giovanni Gentile - 1991 - Milano: Garzanti. Edited by Eugenio Garin.
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    Visioni del mondo e nuova progettualità.Giovanni Invitto & Sergio Moravia - 1992 - Franco Angeli.
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    Active inference and cognitive-emotional interactions in the brain.Giovanni Pezzulo, Laura Barca & Karl J. Friston - 2015 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38.
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    Per una ridefinizione dell'alienazione in Marx.Ferruccio Andolfi & Giovanni Sgro - 2018 - Società Degli Individui 62:7-10.
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    Il piano sovietico in teoria e in pratica. Dall’economia marxista all’economia di comando.Giovanni Cadioli - 2020 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 32 (62).
    The centrally-planned Soviet command economy was one of the twentieth century’s most radical and complex economic, political and social experiments. Its establishment did not coincide with the onset of Soviet power across the former Russian Empire in 1917-1918, but instead resulted from fifteen years of shifts, readjustments and breaks, and through experiments with both quasi-socialist market economics and centralised administrative command practices. The present article surveys the conflictual relationship between Soviet planning and Marxism in this period. It demonstrates how the (...)
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    L'intervento critico di Rancière: democrazia, riconoscimento, emancipazione ottocentesca.Giovanni Campailla - 2019 - Milano: Meltemi.
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