Results for 'Glen Bates'

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  1.  39
    The Investigation of Social Anxiety Disorder, Depressive Symptoms and Self-Esteem, and its Effects on Autobiographical Memory Retrieval.Neo Felicia, Ciorciari Joseph & Bates Glen - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Stories of Suffering and Growth: An Investigation of the Lived Experience of Nonattachment.Bradley Elphinstone, Glen Bates & Richard Whitehead - 2018 - Contemporary Buddhism 19 (2):448-475.
    The Buddhist concept of nonattachment refers to a flexible engagement with experience without fixation on achieving specified outcomes. The primary focus of this study was to qualitatively examine how nonattachment and attachment are experienced in individuals identified as having very high and low levels of nonattachment. Specifically, we examined individuals’ descriptions of how their levels of nonattachment and attachment developed, and how nonattachment and attachment affect their lives, their relationships, and their understanding of personal development. Twenty-four in-depth interviews were conducted (...)
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    Letting Go of Self: The Creation of the Nonattachment to Self Scale.Richard Whitehead, Glen Bates, Brad Elphinstone, Yan Yang & Greg Murray - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Revealing Art - By Matthew Kieran.Stanley Bates - 2006 - Philosophical Books 47 (4):374-377.
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    The Ethics Liaison Program: building a moral community.Sarah R. Bates, Wendy J. McHugh, Alexander R. Carbo, Stephen F. O'Neill & Lachlan Forrow - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (9):595-600.
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  6. Virtue, Vice, and Situationism.Tom Bates & Pauline Kleingeld - 2017 - In Nancy E. Snow, The Oxford Handbook of Virtue. Oxford University Press. pp. 524-545.
    On the basis of psychological research, a group of philosophers known as 'situationists' argue that the evidence belies the existence of broad and stable (or 'global') character traits. They argue that this condemns as psychologically unrealistic those traditions in moral theory in which global virtues are upheld as ideals. After a survey of the debate to date, this article argues that the thesis of situationism is ill-supported by the available evidence. Situationists overlook the explanatory potential of a large class of (...)
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    Efficient data compression in perception and perceptual memory.Christopher J. Bates & Robert A. Jacobs - 2020 - Psychological Review 127 (5):891-917.
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  8. Machina Ex Deo : William Harvey and the Meaning of Instrument.Donald George Bates - 2000 - Journal of the History of Ideas 61 (4):577-593.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 61.4 (2000) 577-593 [Access article in PDF] Machina Ex Deo: William Harvey and the Meaning of Instrument Don Bates Introduction Since our clocks do consistently disclose each hour of the day and night--do they not seem to partake of another body (beyond the elements), and that more divine? But if, under the dominion and management of [our human] Art, such splendid things (...)
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    From classic to romantic.Walter Jackson Bate - 1946 - Cambridge,: Harvard University Press.
  10.  17
    The domain-specificity of face matching impairments in 40 cases of developmental prosopagnosia.Sarah Bate, Rachel J. Bennetts, Jeremy J. Tree, Amanda Adams & Ebony Murray - 2019 - Cognition 192:104031.
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  11. Knowledge and the Schlolarly Medicine.Don Bates & Danielle Gourevitch - 1997 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 19 (2):291.
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  12. Speculum divinorum et quorundam naturalium. Parts XX -XXIII : On the Heavens, the Divine Movers, and the First Intellect.Henricus Bate, Carlos Steel & Guy Guldentops - 1997 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 59 (2):371-371.
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  13. The Genesis and Spirit of Imagination.Jennifer Ann Bates - 1997 - Dissertation, University of Toronto (Canada)
    Given the importance of imagination for Kant, Fichte and Schelling, it is significant that the word only comes up once in Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit, and that it is not a chapter heading alongside "Sense-Certainty," "Perception," "Understanding" and "Reason." ;Part I. "Imagination in Theory" looks at the development in Hegel's theory of imagination from the Differenzschrift and Faith and Knowledge, through three different versions of the Philosophy of Spirit . Part II. "Imagination in Practice," focuses on the final moment of (...)
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    Razonamiento y Vigilancia Epistémica: Una Explicación Relevantista de los Evidenciales por lo visto y se ve que.Carolina Figueras Bates - 2019 - Pragmática Sociocultural 7 (1):71-108.
    Resumen En el presente estudio se aborda la descripción de la semántica de los marcadores evidenciales por lo visto y se ve que en el marco de la teoría de la relevancia (TR). Tomando como punto de partida el análisis que Albelda, M. (2018). ¿Atenuación del compromiso del hablante?: El caso de los evidenciales por lo visto y se ve que. Rilce, 34.3, 1179–1214. traza de ambos evidenciales en un corpus oral, se realizó un estudio tanto cuantitativo como cualitativo de (...)
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  15. Does Malebranche need efficacious ideas? The cognitive faculties, the ontological status of ideas, and human attention.Susan Peppers-Bates - 2005 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 (1):83-105.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 43.1 (2005) 83-105 [Access article in PDF] Does Malebranche Need Efficacious Ideas? The Cognitive Faculties, the Ontological Status of Ideas, and Human Attention Susan Peppers-Bates But whatever effort of mind I make, I cannot find an idea of force, efficacy, of power, save in the will of the infinitely perfect Being. Malebranche, Elucidation 15 One of the signatures of 17th century rationalists (...)
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  16.  51
    Absolute knowing: Consternation and preservation in hegel’s phenomenology of spirit and shakespeare’s troilus and Cressida.Jennifer Ann Bates - 2016 - Angelaki 21 (3):65-82.
    Hegel’s “Absolute Knowing” and Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida are tragi-comic consternations. They are theatres of ethical panentheism: they present dramatic “absolute” ethical interpretations and actions, each of which is at once ungrounded and completely seeded. I start with the etymology of “consternation.” Then I discuss the comic vs. tragic interpretations of Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit, arguing it is a consternating tragi-comedy. I analyze the predicate “absolute” in terms of consternations, in a few passages of the book. I elaborate especially upon (...)
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    When things fell apart: state failure in late-century Africa.Robert H. Bates - 2008 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  18.  24
    Green Schoolyards in Low-Income Urban Neighborhoods: Natural Spaces for Positive Youth Development Outcomes.Carolyn R. Bates, Amy M. Bohnert & Dana E. Gerstein - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Freedom, Progress, and Human Flourishing.Winton Russell Bates - 2021 - Hamilton Books.
    In this book, Winton Bastes discusses the relationships between freedom, progress, and human flourishing. Bates asserts that freedom enables individuals to flourish in different ways without colliding, fosters progress, allows for a growth of opportunities, and supports personal development by enabling individuals to exercise self-direction.
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    The political theology of entropy: A Katechon for the cybernetic age.David Bates - 2020 - History of the Human Sciences 33 (1):109-127.
    The digital revolution invites a reconsideration of the very essence of politics. How can we think about decision, control, and will at a time when technologies of automation are transforming every dimension of human life, from military combat to mental attention, from financial systems to the intimate lives of individuals? This article looks back to a moment in the 20th century when the concept of the political as an independent logic was developed, in a time when the boundaries and operations (...)
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    The Mystery of Truth: Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin's Enlightened Mysticism.David Bates - 2000 - Journal of the History of Ideas 61 (4):635-655.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 61.4 (2000) 635-655 [Access article in PDF] The Mystery of Truth: Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin's Enlightened Mysticism David Bates "... what truth! and what error!" --Goethe on Saint-Martin 1It is hardly surprising that Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin (1743-1803), the philosophe inconnu of late Enlightenment Europe, remains almost completely unknown outside of the marginalized and exotic disciplines of esoterism, theosophy, and mysticism. Although influential in (...)
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    The Crosslinguistic study of sentence processing.Brian MacWhinney & Elizabeth Bates (eds.) - 1989 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Queer affordances: The human as trans*ecology.Tarsh Bates - 2017 - Angelaki 22 (2):151-154.
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    The Idea of Royal Empire and the Imperial Crown of England, 1542–1698.Zach Bates - 2019 - Journal of the History of Ideas 80 (1):25-46.
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  25. Divine Simplicity and Divine Command Ethics.Susan Peppers-Bates - 2008 - International Philosophical Quarterly 48 (3):361-369.
    In this paper I will argue that a false assumption drives the attraction of philosophers to a divine command theory of morality. Specifically, I suggest the idea that anything not created by God is independent of God is a misconception. The idea misleads us into thinking that our only choice in offering a theistic ground for morality is between making God bow to a standard independent of his will or God creating morality in revealing his will. Yet what is God (...)
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    Aesthetics.Stanley Bates & Andy Hamilton - 2003 - Philosophical Books 44 (2):187-192.
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    Look at all those big knobs! Online audio technology discourse and sexy gear fetishes.Eliot Bates & Samantha Bennett - 2022 - Convergence 5 (28):1241–1259.
    Despite a predominantly digital, 21st century music production landscape, analogue hardware professional audio technologies persist. In the discoursal throes of the leading online audio technology message forum Gearslutz, such technologies are routinely objectified, sexualized, fetishized and socialized into gear. Situated in a contemporary critical, interdisciplinary framework of fetish, masculinity and sexuality studies, this research interrogates how audio technologies manufactured and intended for music production contexts become sexy. Applying a mixed-mode methodology, including an intensive discourse, image and material-semiotic analysis of an (...)
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  28. Comments on Foster’s “on Tarski’s Theory of Logical Consequence-a Reply to Bates”.Jared Bates - 2000 - Southwest Philosophy Review 16 (2):191-194.
    In the present commentary, I argue that Foster has attacked an uncharitable reconstruction of Etchemendy's argument against Tarski's account of the logical properties. I provide an alternative, more charitable reconstruction of that argument that withstands Foster's objections.
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    Mediating Trauma and Anxiety: Letters to Françoise Dolto, 1976-1978.Richard Bates - 2020 - Journal of Medical Humanities 42 (2):269-276.
    Françoise Dolto was a prominent French cultural figure thanks to her practice of dispensing psychoanalytically-informed child-rearing advice via the radio. From 1976 to 1978, on her show Lorsque l’enfant paraît, she responded to thousands of letters sent in by listeners requesting help with parenting problems and personal questions of a psychological nature. The article explores Dolto’s cultural position as a child psychoanalyst – understood in the 1960s and 1970s as a radical profession – but from a conservative, Catholic background. It (...)
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    Stanley Cavell and Literary Skepticism.Stanley Bates - 1990 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 48 (3):239-241.
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    Nicolas Malebranche: Freedom in an Occasionalist World.Susan Peppers-Bates - 2009 - New York: Continuum.
    Malebranche's metaphysics and the problem of human freedom -- God, order, and general volitions -- Arnauld and Malebranche on the power of the human intellect -- The cognitive faculties and the divine ideas -- Malebranche on free will and imminent causation.
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    Boycotted Hospital: The National Anti-Vivisection Hospital, London, 1903–1935.A. W. H. Bates - 2016 - Journal of Animal Ethics 6 (2):177-187.
    The National Anti-Vivisection Hospital opened to patients in 1903, the only district hospital in London not financed by state-controlled funds, which refused it support because of its principles. For three decades the hospital treated the local poor and conscientious objectors to vivisection, who were assured that staff pledged not to experiment on animals or patients. After an overambitious building program, the hospital ran into financial difficulties, and the King’s Fund refused to help unless all references to antivivisection were removed from (...)
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  33.  13
    Critical Approaches to the Production of Music and Sound.Eliot Bates & Samantha Bennett - 2018 - New York, NY, USA: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Who produces sound and music? And in what spaces, localities and contexts? As the production of sound and music in the 21st Century converges with multimedia, these questions are critically addressed in this new edited collection by Samantha Bennett and Eliot Bates. Critical Approaches to the Production of Music and Sound features 16 brand new articles by leading thinkers from the fields of music, audio engineering, anthropology and media. Innovative and timely, this collection represents scholars from around the world, (...)
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    Digital Tradition: Arrangement and Labor in IstanbuL’s Recording Studio Culture.Eliot Bates - 2016 - New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
    Istanbul is home to a multimillion dollar transnational music industry, which every year produces thousands of digital music recordings, including widely distributed film and television show soundtracks. Today, this centralized industry is responding to a growing global demand for Turkish, Kurdish, and other Anatolian ethnic language productions, and every year, many of its top-selling records incorporate elaborately orchestrated arrangements of rural folksongs. What accounts for the continuing demand for traditional music in local and diasporic markets? How is tradition produced in (...)
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    Introduction.Jacob Bates-Firth & John McKeane - 2021 - Paragraph 44 (1):1-10.
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    Technological Innovation in a Rural Intentional Community, 1971-1987.Albert Bates - 1988 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 8 (2):183-199.
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    To the Editor of "Critical Inquiry".Walter Jackson Bate - 1983 - Critical Inquiry 10 (2):365-370.
    II. Without mentioning what most of the article is about, Fish plucks out some remarks from a small part of it and condemns me as being antiblack, antifeminist, and so forth. It seems to me that Fish, after removing a few sentences from context , then does three other things: he summarizes or rephrases these remarks in such a way as to turn them into a polemical statement; he makes an inference—all his own; and he then attacks the inference he (...)
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  38. Popular Music Studies and the Problems of Sound, Society and Method.Eliot Bates - 2013 - IASPM@Journal 3 (2):15-32.
    Building on Philip Tagg’s timely intervention (2011), I investigate four things in relation to three dominant Anglophone popular music studies journals (Popular Music and Society, Popular Music, and the Journal of Popular Music Studies): 1) what interdisciplinarity or multidisciplinarity means within popular music studies, with a particular focus on the sites of research and the place of ethnographic and/or anthropological approaches; 2) the extent to which popular music studies has developed canonic scholarship, and the citation tendencies present within scholarship on (...)
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    ‘The jobs all go to foreigners’: a critical discourse analysis of the Labour Party's ‘left-wing’ case for immigration controls.David Bates - 2023 - Critical Discourse Studies 20 (2):183-199.
    This paper critically examines how senior figures in the UK Labour Party and wider labour movement discussed the topic of immigration in the immediate aftermath of the UK's vote to leave the European Union in 2016. Influenced by the Discourse Historical Approach, the paper is based on an analysis of 86 public interventions by Labour figures, over a 6-month period, delivered in speeches, articles and essays. The paper examines argumentative strategies adopted by Labour figures – including Members of Parliament, advisors (...)
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  40. What Studios Do.Eliot Bates - 2012 - Journal on the Art of Record Production 7 (1).
    Studios resist reductive analyses. Although isolated, they have their own frontstages and backstages, and like the laboratories studied by Knorr-Cetina, function as more than simply “internal environments.” The placeness of studios leaves both audible traces (the early reflections of sounds) and visible ones, if we think of those studios that become shrines or pilgrimage sites, or photo or video documentation of studios that provide the outside world a brief glimpse into the interior isolation of recording studio life. It would seem (...)
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  41. House-Elves, Hogwarts, and Friendship: Casting Away the Institutions which Made Voldemort’s Rise Possible.Susan Peppers-Bates & Joshua Rust - 2012 - Reason Papers 34 (1):109-124.
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    Mobilizing Traditions in the First Wave of the British Animal Defense Movement.A. W. H. Bates - 2021 - Journal of Animal Ethics 11 (2):110-111.
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    The Great Cat and Dog Massacre: The Real Story of World War II’s Unknown Tragedy.A. W. H. Bates - 2019 - Journal of Animal Ethics 9 (2):232-233.
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    Another Mind-Body Problem: A History of Racial Non-Being by John Harfouch.Susan Peppers-Bates - 2020 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 58 (1):183-184.
    Despite ideals of philosophical objectivity, who speaks is as important as what is said, and those who fall outside the Eurocentric male norm often are not heard or invited to participate in theorizing. New work chronicling and challenging the creation of white supremacist ideology in philosophy is needed greatly. In this important book, Another Mind-Body Problem: A History of Racial Non-Being, John Harfouch reveals the hermeneutical injustice that obscures how professional philosophers understand the mind-body problem today and how the terms (...)
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    Malebranche, by Andrew Pyle.Susan Peppers-Bates - 2007 - European Journal of Philosophy 15 (1):127–129.
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    Steven Nadler , Occasionalism: Causation Among the Cartesians . Reviewed by.Susan Peppers-Bates - 2012 - Philosophy in Review 32 (3):214-217.
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  47. Ron’s Right Arm: Tactility, Visualization, And The Synesthesia Of Audio Engineering.Eliot Bates - 2009 - Journal on the Art of Record Production 4 (1).
  48. [no title].David Bates (ed.) - 2007 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Readiness for School, Time and Ethics in Educational Practice.Agnieszka Bates - 2018 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 38 (4):411-426.
    ‘Taking time seriously’ is an enduring human concern and questions about the nature of time bear heavily on the meaning of childhood. In the context of the continuing debates on readiness for school, ‘taking time seriously’ has contributed to policies on ‘early interventions’ which claim to support children in reaching their full potential but limit this potential when enacted in practice. Much of current policymaking takes the meaning of time for granted within a ‘quantitative’ view of time as a neutral, (...)
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    Vinyl as Event: Record Store Day and the Value-Vibrant Matter Nexus.Eliot Bates - 2020 - Journal of Cultural Economy 6 (13):690–708.
    Why would anyone purchase expensive, natural resource-intensive, and seemingly obsolete material carriers of music when streaming providers provide unlimited access to over 40 million songs for a small monthly fee? As I will show, we can no longer assume that contemporary interest is driven solely by a collector’s market or because of the audible qualities of the vinyl listening experience, and must attend to the many ways people engage with record objects today – and by extension, the vinyl record as (...)
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