Results for 'Globalization Economic aspects.'

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  1.  22
    Some economic aspects of globalization: blessing or curse!Mate Babić - 2002 - Disputatio Philosophica 4 (1):125-144.
  2.  27
    Globalization and economic ethics: distributive justice in the knowledge economy.Albino Barrera - 2007 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    What is the appropriate criterion to use for distributive justice? Is it efficiency, need, contribution, entitlement, equality, effort, or ability? Globalization and Economic Ethics maintains that far from being rival principles of distributive justice, efficiency and need satisfaction are, in fact, complementary norms in our emerging knowledge economy. After all, human capital plays the central role in effecting and sustaining long-term efficiency in the Digital Age. This book explores the vital link between human capital formation and allocative efficiency (...)
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    Uluslararası kaos mu?: Türkiye'de kriz mi?Kenan Mortan - 2001 - Bağcılar, İstanbul: Dünya Yayıncılık.
    Globalization; economic aspects; economic conditions; foreign economic relations; Turkey.
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  4. Globalisation: states, markets and class relations.Peter Burnham - 1997 - Historical Materialism 1 (1):150-160.
    The concept of ‘globalisation’ increasingly dominates economic and political debate in the 1990s. However, despite a profusion of commentaries and case studies on aspects of ‘globalisation’ such as ‘Japanisation', ‘Americanisation', ‘McDonaldisation’ and, of course, global information technologies, there are few radical interrogations of the notion of ‘globalisation/internationalisation’ and little discussion of the theoretical implications of recent changes in the global political economy. The central argument of this paper is that in order to make sense of these developments a broad (...)
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  5. Globalization and economic sovereignty.John Quiggin - 2001 - Journal of Political Philosophy 9 (1):56–80.
    In this paper, attention will focus primarily on economic and financial aspects of the globalization debate, and on their implications for public policy. Nevertheless, these issues cannot be separated from their historical and political context. The current discussion of globalization can only be understood in relation to the development of economic and political institutions over the past century. Globalization is frequently discussed as a counterpoint to national sovereignty. It is commonly asserted that globalization has (...)
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    Globalization and political ethics.Richard B. Day & Joseph Masciulli (eds.) - 2007 - Boston: Brill.
    This book measures the current institutional and political realities surrounding globalization against philosophical ideals.
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    Dialogue, Culture and Globalisation.Gerald Cipriani - 2018 - Culture and Dialogue 6 (2):119-125.
    Globalisation has pervaded all aspects of our lives in many parts of the world. The phenomenon is obviously not only economic and technological; globalisation has affected human and cultural relationships, identity formations, and our ability and willingness to be attentive to our fellow human beings and the places of our worlds. Globalisation has generated particular forms of cultural practices and the ways we perceive and interpret them. But beyond the simple realisation of such mutations, the question is whether cultural (...)
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    The economics of human rights.Elizabeth M. Wheaton - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
    Economics plays a key role in human rights issues as decision-makers weigh the incentives associated with choosing how to use scarce resources in the context of committing or escaping human rights violence. This textbook provides an introduction to the microeconomic analysis of human rights utilizing economics as a lens through which to examine social topics including capital punishment, violence against women, asylum seeking, terrorism, child abuse, genocide, and hate. Whether analyzing the decisions made in capital punishment cases, the causes and (...)
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    Macrohistory and Globalization.Leonid Grinin - 2012 - Volgograd: Uchitel Publishing House. Edited by I. V. Ilʹin.
    The present monograph considers some macrohistorical trends along with the aspects of globalization. Macrohistory is history on the large scale that tells the story of the entire world or of some major dimensions of historical process. For the present study three aspects of macrohistory have been chosen. These are technological and political aspects, as well as the one of historical personality. Taken together they give a definite picture of unfolding historical process which is described from the beginning of human (...)
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  10.  14
    Concept of economics of education in modern pedagogical discourse.Myroslav Bak - 2015 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac:139-146.
    Effectiveness of implementation of any educational innovations can not be complete without considering their cost, expense, return and so on. In the modern pedagogical discourse issue concerning those processes is covered by the concept of economic of education. As for the economic aspects of education informatization it mainly refers to the introduction of efficiency in the educational sphere of computer technology, information and multimedia technologies, software and more. In the article the substantive examination review of forming and development (...)
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  11. Globalization and consumer culture: social costs and political implications of the COVID-19 pandemic.Christopher Ryan Maboloc - 2020 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 30 (3):77-79.
    Using the available data and literature on pandemics, this investigation looks into the COVID-19 crisis from an economic as well as social aspect, and elaborates the political and moral implications of the outbreak. The paper argues that globalization and consumerism contribute to the impact of the pandemic to the millions of lives around the world. It counters the idea of property rights to address issues related to the affordability of future vaccines and access of the poor to modern (...)
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    ʻAwlamat al-akhlāq: al-tashayyuʼ wa-al-ightirāb.Aḥmad Anwar - 2014 - al-Qāhirah: Markaz al-Maḥrūsah lil-Nashr wa-al-Khidmāt al-Ṣuḥafīyah wa-al-Maʻlūmāt.
    Ethics; philosophy, Modern; globalization; economic aspects.
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  13.  22
    Globalization as/or Americanization?Johannes Weiss - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 38:83-93.
    1. In this paper have done what Niklas Luhmann always recommended us to do: I have drawn a distinction – or to be more precise, I have some distinctions. I have done so because I think, and you all know, that in the ongoing debates on so-called “globalization” there is not enough of distinction, and no distinction at all very often. And that is particularly unsatisfactory if the critique, or even the rejection, of globalization is at stake. 2. (...)
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  14.  26
    Global justice and international economic law: opportunities and prospects.Chi Carmody, Frank J. Garcia & John Linarelli (eds.) - 2012 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Global justice is one of the most important subjects in law and political theory today. What principles of justice might tell us about the actual practices of the WTO and other international economic institutions is of vital importance to states and their citizens. This volume reflects the results of a symposium held at Tillar House, the ASIL headquarters in Washington, DC, in November 2008 which brought together philosophers, legal scholars, and economists to discuss the problems of understanding international (...) law from the standpoint of rights, justice, and economic efficiency. The book makes advances in developing the normative criterion for ecaluation and justifying the international economic legal order. (shrink)
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  15. Globalization, Capitalism, and Collapse in Prehistory and the Present.Louise Hitchcock - 2021 - In C. Ronald Kimberling & Stan Oliver, Libertarianism: John Hospers, the Libertarian Party’s 50th Anniversary, and Beyond. Jameson Books. pp. 292-297.
    As a libertarian studying, embracing, and teaching a philosophy of individual freedom, John Hospers, like many of us, was heavily influenced by the philosophical writings of Ayn Rand. Rand’s major novels The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged continue to delight and empower readers through embracing the heroic creator or inventor, technological and scientific progress, and the competent individual. These are some of the archetypes of the Randian hero. At the other end of the scale were the incompetent looters and moochers who (...)
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  16.  35
    Globalization and Cosmopolitanism: Some Challenges.Vihren Bouzov - 2015 - Dialogue and Universalism 25 (2):236-243.
    This paper covers views on certain major challenges to the justification of ethical cosmopolitanism `s existence. They could be understood in the context of effects of the global economy on human life and values, due its social imbalances and inequalities. The foremost, guiding idea of ethical cosmopolitanism is the one that all humans must be considered as equal However, this postulate is way too much questioned today in the Globalization era. Forced migration is the first challenge in topicality nowadays. (...)
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  17.  17
    Zygmunt Bauman’s Ethical Warnings in the Area of Economics. The Third Millennium’s Perspective.Rafał Matera - 2014 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 17 (4):7-22.
    Zygmunt Bauman is not only a sociologist and philosopher reputable in the world of science, he is also a father figure for people interested in the phenomenon of globalization. Bauman investigates how current economic and political changes influence the lives of particular societies. It was important to underline that also economists can make use of Bauman’s ideas but with a few reservations That is why the following crucial areas were proposed relating to economic aspects: the meaning of (...)
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  18.  16
    The ethics and economics of liberal democracies: foundations for PPE.Carl Cavanagh Hodge - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge. Edited by A. D. Irvine.
    Rarely in the short history of liberal-democratic government has a primer on basic liberal-democratic values and institutions been more needed than now. Popular discontent, even anger, with democratic governments has grown steadily over the past twenty years. And not since the 1930s have citizens and their elected officials been so baffled about their respective roles in the maintenance of both democratic governments and liberal economies. This book attempts to address this growing need. Especially written as a primer for courses in (...)
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  19. Transformation of dairy activity in Mexico in the context of current globalization and regionalization.Luis Arturo García Hernández, Estela Martínez Borrego, Hernán Salas Quintanal & Aysen Tanyeri-Abur - 2000 - Agriculture and Human Values 17 (2):157-167.
    To explain globalization of the Mexicandairy production more precisely, globalization indairy systems worldwide and within Mexico ispresented, using an intensive dairy operation in theregion of La Laguna (North Mexico), and a traditionaldairy operation in Los Altos de Jalisco (West Mexico)as examples. The focus is on the economic aspects ofregionalization, and how it relates to theglobalization process. In this context, the process ofregionalization of the North American dairy systemsand their relationships with the local systems in LaLaguna and Los (...)
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  20.  12
    Globalization and Working Time: Working Hours and Flexibility in Germany.Damian Raess & Brian Burgoon - 2009 - Politics and Society 37 (4):554-575.
    This article challenges popular wisdom that economic globalization uniformly increases working time in industrialized countries. International investment and trade, they argue, have uneven effects for workplace bargaining over standard hours and over work-time flexibility, such as use of temporary or fixed work contracts. The authors explain how such globalization will tend to more substantially decrease standard hours than it does work-time flexibility. And they explain how works councils and union-led collective bargaining alter the way globalization affects (...)
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  21.  42
    Religion, the Globalization of War, and Restorative Justice.Nathan L. Tierney - 2006 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 26 (1):79-87.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Religion, the Globalization of War, and Restorative JusticeNathan TierneyAs the pace of globalization increases, the world's religions find themselves in a perilous dilemma that they have yet to resolve in either practical or conceptual terms. On the one hand, the globalization of markets exerts a powerful pressure toward consumerist and materialist values, which undermine and undercut religious perspectives and sensibilities. On the other hand, the (...) of war heightens the intensity of these religious perspectives and sensibilities, and distorts them in the direction of violence and religious extremism. This dilemma plays itself out in different ways in the developed and developing world, but, as the term "globalization" indicates, it is a problem for all of us. Governments, in developing countries especially, often find themselves forced to choose between one horn of the dilemma or the other, with often disastrous results as they take one or the other side in a "West versus the rest" scenario. In the long run, the only viable solution is one that addresses both horns of the dilemma at the same time, and this is possible only if, in turn, religions themselves become truly global. This will require a large-scale and focused cooperative effort in which the religions of the world actively and jointly engage with both problems, working with governments, NGOs, religious communities, and interfaith groups to harmonize religious life with economics and to promote a culture of peace and justice.Because "globalization" is a familiar term in relation to markets, I'll begin by clarifying what I mean by the globalization of war. There are two main aspects to this phenomenon. First, the term refers to a specific transformation in the nature, purposes, and conditions of warfare brought about by the forces of globalization. By globalization I mean the growing trend of the world's cultural, economic, and political forces to bypass national borders and operate on a world scale. This process creates new possibilities for both integration and conflict. When that conflict passes beyond the possibility of diplomatic negotiation, we have the conditions for globalized war. Globalized war is not necessarily world war. It can be relatively local in its sphere of combat; for example, the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan was a collective response to a worldwide threat of terrorism. What makes it a globalized war, as distinct from international war, is the global nature of the forces that produced it and [End Page 79] are affected by it. Globalized war in this sense has come only lately onto the scene, but its scale and impact is likely to grow in the coming century.The second aspect of the globalization of war is the tendency of conflict to mutate beyond the interests and concerns of nation-states and be taken up by broader civilizational units, even if they were not originally a response to global pressures. The most likely trajectory for this mutation has been well described by Samuel P. Huntington in his influential article "The Clash of Civilizations" (1993) and his book-length treatment of the same subject (1997). Huntington argues that the fault lines of conflict will not be primarily ideological or economic but cultural, where "cultural" is to be understood at its broadest level—the level of civilizations. He divides the world into seven or eight competing civilizations: Western, Sinic, Japanese, Hindu, Islamic, Orthodox, Latin American, and possibly African. Societies sharing cultural affinities will cooperate with one another, and the attempt by the West to universalize its dominant version of consumer capitalism and liberal democracy will be resisted in an increasingly determined way—eventually to the point of outright war: "the next world war, if there is one, will be a war between civilizations."1In Huntington's analysis, then, the globalization of war refers to a coming clash of civilizations. He believes that religion will play a central role in this clash as the focal point of civilizations: "Civilizations are differentiated from each other by history, language, culture tradition and, most important, religion."2 While Western civilization has experienced several decades of decline and decay, in both its cultural unity and its sense of identity, other civilizations have grown both in economic terms and... (shrink)
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  22.  13
    Structural cultural globalization: A threat to positive and sustainable peace.Samreen Bari & Nabeel A. Zubairi - 2018 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 57 (1):77-86.
    Globalization refers to more and more interdependence and Integration of relations among people, trade, capital flows, and migration, ideas and culture, religion and customs. Scholars and experts have been disagreeing about the denotation and effect of globalization. For some it is the salvation of humanity, the only way to promote universal prosperity and peace. But some Scholars also realize the fact that as a result of globalization states and its citizens faces the problems of social fragmentation: creating (...)
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  23.  43
    Economic Democracy, Social Dialogue, and Ethical Analysis: Theory and Practice. [REVIEW]Jorge Arturo Chaves - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 39 (1/2):153 - 159.
    The purpose of this article is to present in a summarized form a new approach to the ethical analysis of economic policies and to illustrate its importance with a reference to recent experiences of social dialogue in Costa Rica. A general view of the Latin American scenario is presented, with the belief that some of the main problems there observed call for a type of analysis like the one here proposed. In the second place, a brief characterization of this (...)
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  24.  69
    Gender, ‘race’, poverty, health and discourses of health reform in the context of globalization: a postcolonial feminist perspective in policy research.Joan M. Anderson - 2000 - Nursing Inquiry 7 (4):220-229.
    Gender, ‘race’, poverty, health and discourses of health reform in the context of globalization: a postcolonial feminist perspective in policy researchIn this paper, I draw on extant literature and my empirical work to discuss the impact of globalization and healthcare reform on the lives of women — those from countries of the South as well as of the North. First, I review briefly the economic hardships identified in different sectors of the population that have been attributed to (...)
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    How has Australia significantly been affected by globalization? A critical realist explanatory analysis.Cheryl Livock & Yahna Richmond - 2019 - Journal of Critical Realism 18 (3):303-313.
    This article discusses whether and how globalization has had a significant effect on Australia, by referencing normative concepts of good or bad, of presence or absence and whether normative truth questions can be asked. These questions are answered by employing Bhaskar’s most recent iteration of the RRREI(C) schema for explanatory analysis. Viewed generally, the essential or necessary component of globalization is the ideology of neo-liberalism from which has emerged the more radical neo-conservatism. Overall these ideologies, which underpin (...), are having a detrimental effect economically and socially: economically because of widening wealth inequalities both in Australia and globally; and socially because of growing push for protectionism in wealthier countries like Australia. These emerging social and economic ontologically real phenomena are causing consternation and fuelling divisiveness worldwide. Nevertheless, by conducting this explanatory analysis, we were able to identify feasible interventions that would, if implemented, possibly absent the negative aspects of globalization. (shrink)
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    Occupational Gender Segregation, Globalization, and Gender Earnings Inequality in U.S. Metropolitan Areas.Michael Wallace, Maura Kelly & Gordon Gauchat - 2012 - Gender and Society 26 (5):718-747.
    Previous research on gender-based economic inequality has emphasized occupational segregation as the leading explanatory factor for the gender wage gap. Yet the globalization of the U.S. economy has affected gender inequality in fundamental ways and potentially diminished the influence of occupational gender segregation. We examine whether occupational gender segregation continues to be the main determinant of gender earnings inequality and to what extent globalization processes have emerged as important determinants of inequality between women’s and men’s earnings. We (...)
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    The Dynamics of Migrant Communication in the Age of Globalization. Part 2.Wioleta Danilewicz - 2017 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 52 (1):31-39.
    One of the aspects of modern migration is transnationality. Such a community is characterized by physical mobility and economic, cultural, and social transfers; by the functioning of migrants “here and there”, multilateral contacts – both family and more often professional contacts – as well as others. The ways of communicating with the country have changed. These changes are due to, inter alia, the progress of telecommunications and communication, the development of new media. Never before in the history of the (...)
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  28.  6
    Kredda í kreppu: frjálshyggjan og móteitrið við henni.Stefán Snævarr - 2011 - Reykjavík: Heimskringla.
  29.  7
    Filosofía en un mundo global.Ignacio Ayestarán & Xabier Insausti (eds.) - 2008 - Rubí, Barcelona: Anthropos Editorial.
    Investigación interdisciplinar sobre el debate de la globalización desde una perspectiva filosófica y reflexiva a partir de dos hipótesis metodológicas: «Qué significa pensar dentro de la globalización y qué supone pensar la globalización». Para ello se exploran los problemas del ser humano dentro del creciente proceso de mundialización, así como algunas vías que conduzcan a posibles alternativas y soluciones en este nuevo contexto planetario.
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  30. A global ethic for global politics and economics.Hans Küng - 1997 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    As the twentieth century draws to a close and the rush to globalization gathers momentum, political and economic considerations are crowding out vital ethical questions about the shape of our future. Now, Hans Kung, one of the world's preeminent Christian theologians, explores these issues in a visionary and cautionary look at the coming global society. How can the new world order of the twenty first century avoid the horrors of the twentieth? Will nations form a real community or (...)
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  31. Care, gender and global social justice: Rethinking 'ethical globalization'.Fiona Robinson - 2006 - Journal of Global Ethics 2 (1):5 – 25.
    This article develops an approach to ethical globalization based on a feminist, political ethic of care; this is achieved, in part, through a comparison with, and critique of, Thomas Pogge's World Poverty and Human Rights. In his book, Pogge makes the valid and important argument that the global economic order is currently organized such that developed countries have a huge advantage in terms of power and expertise, and that decisions are reached purely and exclusively through self-interest. Pogge uses (...)
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  32.  7
    The Age of Post-Rationality: Limits of Economic Reasoning in the 21st Century.Val Colic-Peisker & Adrian Flitney - 2017 - Singapore: Springer Singapore. Edited by Adrian Flitney.
    This book challenges the hegemonic view that economic calculation represents the ultimate rationality. The West legitimises its global dominance by the claim to be a rational, democratic, science-based and progressive civilisation. Yet, over the past decades, the dogma of economic rationality has become an ideological black hole whose gravitational pull allows no public debate or policy to escape. Political leaders of all creeds are held in its orbit and public language is saturated by it. This dogma has pervaded (...)
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  33.  44
    Who is down on the farm? Social aspects of Australian agriculture in the 21st century.Margaret Alston - 2004 - Agriculture and Human Values 21 (1):37-46.
    Globalization, international policymanipulations such as the US farm bill, andnational policy responses have received a greatdeal of media coverage in recent times. Theseinternational and national events are having amajor impact on agricultural production inAustralia. There is some suggestion that theyare, in fact, responsible for a downturn in thefortunes of agriculture. Yet, it is more likelythat these issues are acting to continue andexacerbate a trend towards reduced viabilityfor farm families evident in economic andsocial trends since at least the 1950s.Nevertheless, (...)
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  34.  97
    The Relevance of Hannah Arendt’s Reflections on Evil: Globalization and Rightlessness. [REVIEW]Patrick Hayden - 2010 - Human Rights Review 11 (4):451-467.
    The centenary of Hannah Arendt’s birth in 2006 has provided the catalyst for a body of literature grappling with the legacy of her thought, especially the question of its enduring political relevance. Yet this literature largely excludes from consideration a significant aspect of Arendt’s legacy, namely, her account of evil and its devastating political reality. This article contends that the neglect of Arendt’s understanding of the dynamic reality of evil unnecessarily delimits the opportunities her legacy affords to diagnose forms of (...)
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    Taiwan Education at the Crossroad: When Globalization Meets Localization.Zhuying Zhou - 2011 - Palgrave-Macmillan. Edited by Gregory S. Ching.
    Taiwan Education at the Crossroad examines the processes of schooling in Taiwan amidst the social, cultural, economic, and political conflicts resulting from local and global dilemmas and issues. The book opens with an introductory chapter detailing the recent world-wide phenomenon in education, i.e. globalization and localization, followed by parts one through five to showcase the different perspectives of Taiwan's education. Collectively these sections offer a panoramic and in-depth glimpse from the past to the future of educational trends in (...)
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  36.  47
    El Impacto de la Globalización en la Educación y el Perfil del Administrador Internacional (The Impact of Globalization on Education and the Profile of the International Manager).Manuel Barragán Codina - 2010 - Daena 5 (2):239-245.
    Resumen. Una de las prioridades de un egresado universitario, es su insersión en el mercado laboralprofesional, y es ahí donde realmente puede comprobar la aplicación de sus conocimientosprofesionales adquiridos durante sus estudios profesionales, y lo que experimenta frecuentemente ennuestro país, es que le resulta extremadamente dificl colocarse dentro de las empresas, cuando optapor esta alternativa, y esto da lugar a un reflexión academica sobre que tanto debe o puede hacer unainstitución de educación superior en Mexico, para facilitar o por lo (...)
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    Globalizations from below: the normative power of the world social forum, ant traders, Chinese migrants, and Levantine cosmopolitanism.Theodor Tudoroiu - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Globalizations from Below uses a Constructivist International Relations approach that emphasizes the centrality of normative power to analyze and compare the four globalizations 'from below'. These are: (1) the counter-hegemonic globalization represented by the 'movement of movements' of alter-globalization transnational social activists, who try to put an end to the Neoliberal nature of the Western-centered globalization 'from above;' (2) the non-hegemonic globalization enacted by 'ant traders' that are part of the transnational informal economy; (3) the partially (...)
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    Philosophische Theorien globaler Ordnung: realistische Entwürfe oder nur Utopien?Rainer Opgen-Rhein - 2009 - Marburg: Metropolis-Verlag.
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    La forme des crises: Logique et épistémologie.Daniel Parrochia - 2008 - Seyssel: Champ vallon.
  40.  10
    Origins of the Concept of “Libertarian Paternalism” in Scientific Literature: Social and Philosophical Aspect.A. Kravchenko & S. Bezrukov - 2021 - Philosophical Horizons 45:8-17.
    In the article, the authors attempt to analyze the various origins of libertarian paternalism - political, social, cultural, and try to explore the essence of this social and social phenomenon. Libertarian paternalism has both positive and negative features, which are actualized, in turn, by modern planetary challenges.The aim and the tasks: analysis of the essence of the social phenomenon of libertarian paternalism, and the study of its origins - political, social, cultural. Research methods are historical, structural and functional, systemic and (...)
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    Human geography: issues for the 21st century.Peter Daniels (ed.) - 2001 - New York: Prentice-Hall.
    Machine generated contents note: SECTION 1 THE WORLD BEFORE GLOBALIZATION: CHANGING -- SCALES OF EXPERIENCE Edited by Denis Shaw -- Chapter 1 Pre-capitalist worlds Denis Shaw -- Chapter 2 The rise and spread of capitalism Terry Slater -- Chapter 3 The making of the twentieth-century world Denis Shaw -- SECTION 2 SOCIETY, SETTLEMENT AND CULTURE Edited by Denis Shaw -- Chapter 4 Cities Allan Cochrane -- Chapter 5 Rural alternatives Ian Bowler -- Chapter 6 Geography, culture and global change (...)
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    Sŏsan sasang kwa sinjayujuŭi.Chi-gyŏn Sin - 2008 - Sŏul-si: Hwaŭn'gak.
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    Global disorder: America and the threat of world conflict.Robert Harvey - 2003 - New York: Carroll & Graf.
    In 1990, when the Berlin Wall fell and the Cold War ended, economic and political analysts declared the world a safer place. But not political journalist Robert Harvey. The roar of international optimism only intensified the pangs of his geopolitical anxiety. In 1995, in The Return of the Strong, he warned Western democracies that the tides of economic globalization were sweeping the world toward a new crisis. Unfortunately, the attack on the World Trade Center in New York (...)
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  44. Globalizing Justice: The Ethics of Poverty and Power.Richard W. Miller - 2010 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Richard Miller presents a bold new program for international justice. He argues for new standards of responsible conduct by governments, firms, and individuals in developed countries, to govern trade, investment, environmental policy, and the use of force. He offers an urgently needed strategy for moving humanity toward genuine global co-operation.
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    Environmental Ethics and Uncertainty: Wrestling with Wicked Problems.Whitney Bauman & Kevin James O'Brien - 2019 - New York, NY: Routledge. Edited by Kevin J. O'Brien.
    "This book offers a multidisciplinary environmental approach to ethics in response to the contemporary challenge of climate change caused by globalized economics and consumption. This book synthesises the incredible complexity of the problem and the necessity of action in response, highlighting the unambiguous problem facing humanity in the 21st century, but arguing that it is essential to develop an ethics housed in ambiguity in response. Environmental Ethics and Uncertainty is divided into theoretical and applied chapters, with the theoretical sections engaging (...)
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    Globalización, Internet y marketing: una respuesta ética.Javier Barraca Mairal & Francisco J. Roa (eds.) - 2003 - [Murcia?]: UCAM-AEDOS, Cat́edra de Ciencias Sociales, Morales y Políticas.
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    Le bien commun comme réponse politique à la mondialisation.Olivier Delas & Christian Deblock (eds.) - 2003 - Bruxelles: Bruylant.
    La mondialisation est un des traits dominants de la société internationale contemporaine. Mais alors que celle-ci se traduit par une interdépendance et une interpénétration à un niveau global de fonctions traditionnellement locales, la société internationale demeure encore principalement organisée autour des Etats souverains et de leurs prérogatives territorialement limitées, restreignant d'autant la portée de toutes actions et décisions collectives. Le concept de bien commun pourrait être un moyen de cristalliser les conditions de légitimité indispensable à toute action collective et à (...)
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    Sot︠s︡ialʹno-ėkonomicheskai︠a︡ garmonii︠a︡: paradigma, zakony i problemy: materialy mezhdunarodnogo kruglogo stola.U. B. Baĭmuratov (ed.) - 2016 - Almaty: Ėkonomika baspasy.
  49.  28
    Desafios éticos da globalização.Manfredo Araújo de Oliveira - 2002 - São Paulo, SP, Brasil: Paulinas.
    Nesta obra, o autor apresenta uma série de artigos que tecem uma reflexão interdisciplinar sobre a ética, analisando-a no contexto da pós-modernidade, da globalização e do capitalismo. O estudo de Manfredo Araújo de Oliveira baseia-se na premissa de que, na chamada pós-modernidade, a razão deixa de ser capaz de estabelecer critérios para situar-se no mundo, já que os mercados financeiros impõem cada vez mais suas leis ao processo global de configuração da vida humana, com conseqüências desastrosas como - pobreza, instabilidade (...)
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  50.  11
    (1 other version)Invisible hands: voices from the global economy.Corinne Goria & Kalpona Akter (eds.) - 2014 - San Francisco: McSweeney's Books.
    The men and women in Invisible Hands reveal the human rights abuses occurring behind the scenes of the global economy. These narrators--including phone manufacturers in China, copper miners in Zambia, garment workers in Bangladesh, and farmers around the world--reveal the secret history of the things we buy, including lives and communities devastated by low wages, environmental degradation, and political repression. Sweeping in scope and rich in detail, these stories capture the interconnectivity of all people struggling to support themselves and their (...)
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