Results for 'Good and evil Biblical teaching.'

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  1.  57
    Good and evil, two interpretations: I. right and wrong.Martin Buber - 1953 - New York,: Scribner. Edited by Martin Buber.
    "Scribner library ; SL 45."A Hebrew version of the first essay was published in 1950 under title: (romanized form) ha-Tsedek veha-ʻavel ʻal-pi tseror mizmore Tehilim. I. Right and wrong, translated by R.G. Smith. --II. Images of good and evil, translated by M. Bullock.
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    Good and evil in the garden of democracy.Rodney Wallace Kennedy - 2023 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books.
    Democracy faces threats from an emerging right-wing movement in democratic governments around the world. This may be even more prevalent in the United States because there is an evil that uses rhetorical tropes to undermine the anchor institutions of democracy: press, courts, universities, and Congress. This evil has a personification--former President Donald Trump. All the rhetorical critiques of Trump, that he is a demagogue, an authoritarian, a serial liar, a populist on steroids, fail to take into account the (...)
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    Evil: A Historical and Theological Perspective.Hans Schwarz - 1995 - Academic Renewal Press.
    All human beings--indeed, all creatures--experience evil in various forms. How can the hurtful and harmful aspects of life be understood and faced? What differing perspectives on evil can be gained from - Behavioral science and psychology - Biblical faith and the history of Christian thought - Contemporary thinkers - Religious traditions of the East In a constructive conclusion, Schwarz assesses the pervasiveness of evil, human freedom in the face of evil, the personification of evil, (...)
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  4. (5 other versions)Beyond Good and Evil.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1886 - New York,: Vintage. Edited by Translator: Hollingdale & J. R..
    “Supposing that truth is a women-what then?” This is the very first sentence in Nietzsche’s Beyond Good and Evil . Not very often are philosophers so disarmingly explicit in their intention to discomfort the reader. In fact, one might say that the natural state of Nietzsche’s reader is one of perplexity. Yet it is in the process of overcoming the perplexity that one realizes how rewarding to have one’s ideas challenged. In Beyond Good and Evil, Nietzsche (...)
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  5.  11
    Biblical Symbols of the Struggle with Evil.Stephen R. Palmquist - 2015 - In Stephen Palmquist (ed.), Comprehensive commentary on Kant's Religion within the bounds of bare reason. Hoboken: Wiley. pp. 215–247.
    In Section Two of Second Piece of Religion, Immanuel Kant presents a step‐by‐ step assessment of the biblical account of salvation, starting with the Genesis narrative, proceeding from there to the life and teachings of Jesus, and concluding with his death and resurrection as the source of a new freedom. The main text of the Second Piece then ends with a summary interpretation of the rational meaning of biblical symbols regarding the struggle between good and evil. (...)
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    Biblical knowing: a scriptural epistemology of error.Dru Johnson - 2013 - Eugene, OR: Cascade Books. Edited by Craig G. Bartholomew.
    Description: With major themes like "the knowledge of good and evil," "knowing that YHWH is your God," knowing that Jesus is the Christ, and the goal of developing Israel into a "wise and discerning people," Scripture clearly stresses human knowledge and the consequences of error. We too long for confidence in our understanding, the assurance that our most basic knowledge is not ultimately incorrect. Biblical Knowing assesses what Israel knew, but more importantly, how she was meant to (...)
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  7.  19
    What Can a Conversation between Ayn Rand, Socrates, and the Apostle Paul Teach Us about Our Highest Good?Owen Anderson - 2021 - Studia Gilsoniana 10 (5):1089–1106.
    Ayn Rand, through her character Fransisco d’Anconia in Atlas Shrugged, taught that the Apostle Paul is wrong when he says money is a root of all kinds of evil. Instead, she argues that money is perhaps the greatest invention of humanity and is the foundation of civilization. In this article, Dr. Anderson challenges Rand’s understanding of good and evil first by comparing d’Anconia to Thrasymachus and then by considering good and evil in the Biblical (...)
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    Utility and Identity: A Catholic Social Teaching Perspective on the Economics of Good and Evil.Clemens Sedmak - 2015 - Studies in Christian Ethics 28 (4):461-477.
    This paper discusses two key claims of Tomas Sedláček’s Economics of Good and Evil in the light of Catholic social teaching—that mainstream economics cannot grasp the domain of the human because of its focus on ‘utility-maximisation’ and that human interiority with its wild desires is at the roots of economic dynamics. I call these claims the ‘H-claim’ and the ‘I-claim’ respectively. After having clarified these claims I look at Catholic social teaching and its perspective on interiority and on (...)
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  9. The Goodness and Evil of Objects and Ends.Thomas M. Osborne Jr - 2015 - In M. V. Dougherty (ed.), Aquinas's Disputed Questions on Evil: A Critical Guide. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. pp. 126-45.
    Thomas claims that a human act is specified both by the object and the end, and that the exterior act is the interior act’s object. These claims are best understood in light of the De Malo’s explicit mature teaching that the exterior act can be essentially good or bad, and that it is both the proximate end and the object of the interior act. Since the interior act wills the end, it wills the apprehended exterior act as the formality (...)
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    Quod deterius potiori insidiari soleat. Philo - 2023 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Adam Kamesar & Philo.
    Presents the Greek text of Philo's treatise Quod deterius in a redesigned format, along with a new English translation. The commentary attempts to facilitate the reading of this sometimes difficult author by means of reconstruction of the contexts of his discussions and by accessible analyses of the train of thought.
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    Gut und Böse: die Anfangslektionen der Hebräischen Bibel.Jörn Kiefer - 2018 - Wien: Herder.
    Nicht zufällig beginnt das theologische Nachdenken über Gut und Böse bis heute immer wieder mit den ersten Kapiteln der Genesis. Sie sind bewusst als Anfang der Tora konzipiert und wollen selbst vom Anfang erzählen - vom Anfang der Menschheit und darin auch vom Anfang des Guten und Bösen. Texte, die so im Fokus stehen, werden bekanntlich oft theologisch überfrachtet mit Interessen und Vorurteilen. Diese Untersuchung möchte die biblischen Texte von dogmatischem Ballast befreien und deren ureigenen Beitrag zu der immer noch (...)
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    Christ versus Satan in our daily lives: the cosmic struggle between good and evil.Robert Spitzer - 2020 - San Francisco: Ignatius Press.
    Spiritual Writer, theologian, and philosopher, Fr. Robert Spitzer S.J., tackles the topic of recognizing and overcoming spiritual evil. His focus is the human heart. His goal: our spiritual and moral transformation, which leads to true peace and genuine happiness. The book is divided into two main parts: (1) the realities of God's goodness and of spiritual evil, and (2) recognizing and overcoming the diabolical tactics of deception, temptation, and sin. The author synthesizes the best advice given by Catholic (...)
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    Tales of Good and Evil, Help and Harm. [REVIEW]Todd Eckerson - 1998 - Teaching Philosophy 21 (4):398-400.
  14.  18
    The Metaethical Turn: Beyond ›Good‹ and ›Evil‹.Ronald Shusterman - 2022 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 67 (2):66-75.
    Does art have to be moral? The first point that might be made is that this question is not necessarily a question ›in‹ aesthetics. Indeed, the philosophy of art should be considered as research into the concepts, implications, scope, and workings of artistic practise and reception. In that sense, the moral evaluation of art would be no different from the moral evaluation of any other human activity. All of the questions raised by the focus of this issue would thus remain (...)
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    Emerging in the image of God to know good and evil.Jason P. Roberts - 2011 - Zygon 46 (2):471-481.
    Abstract. Found in the Primeval History in Genesis, the biblical concepts of the “image of God” and the “knowledge of good and evil” remain integral to Christian anthropology, especially with regard to the theologoumena of “fall” and “original sin.” All of these symbols are remained important and appropriate descriptors of the human condition, provided that contemporary academic theological anthropology engages in constructive dialogue with the natural and social sciences. Using Paul Ricoeur's notion of “second naïveté experience,” I (...)
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  16.  11
    Das Böse, der Teufel und Dämonen =.Jan Dochhorn, Susanne Rudnig-Zelt & Benjamin G. Wold (eds.) - 2016 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Im Zentrum des vorliegenden Sammelbandes steht die Frage nach dem Bösen in Religionen, die als monotheistisch verstanden werden oder für die zumindest die Herrschaft des Hauptgottes über alle anderen Götter und Mächte ein entscheidendes Anliegen ist. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf dem sich formierenden Judentum und Christentum sowie dem Alten Testament. Besonderes Interesse gilt den Texten aus Qumran, und darüber hinaus erfolgt ein Blick auf mittelalterliche Heiligenlegenden. Die Beiträge des Bandes zeigen, dass es in den antiken jüdischen und christlichen Texte eine (...)
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  17.  29
    Whatever Happened to Good and Evil[REVIEW]Winfried Corduan - 2004 - Teaching Philosophy 27 (4):391-392.
  18.  59
    Nietzsche's task: an interpretation of Beyond good and evil.Laurence Lampert - 2001 - New Haven: Yale University Press.
    " Now Laurence Lampert sets out to fulfill this prophecy by providing a section by section interpretation of this philosophical masterpiece that emphasizes its unity and depth as a comprehensive new teaching on nature and humanity.According ...
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  19. On God, Goodness, and Evil: A Theological Dialogue.Richard Oxenberg - manuscript
    In this theological dialogue two characters, the skeptical Simon and the man of faith, Joseph, engage in a wide-ranging conversation touching on the meaning of morality, God, revelation, the Bible, and the viability of faith in a world full of evils.
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    Breve storia dell'etica.Sergio Cremaschi - 2012 - Roma RM, Italia: Carocci.
    The book reconstructs the history of Western ethics. The approach chosen focuses the endless dialectic of moral codes, or different kinds of ethos, moral doctrines that are preached in order to bring about a reform of existing ethos, and ethical theories that have taken shape in the context of controversies about the ethos and moral doctrines as means of justifying or reforming moral doctrines. Such dialectic is what is meant here by the phrase ‘moral traditions’, taken as a name for (...)
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  21.  41
    Francis Bacon: The Theological Foundations of Valerius Terminus.Benjamin Milner - 1997 - Journal of the History of Ideas 58 (2):245-264.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Francis Bacon: The Theological Foundations of Valerius TerminusBenjamin MilnerFrancis Bacon’s Great Instauration for learning and the sciences, formally launched with the publication of Novum Organum (1620), may fairly be said to have commenced fifteen years earlier with the publication of The Proficience and Advancement of Learning, Divine and Human (1605), which, revised and translated into Latin as De Dignitate et Augmentis Scientiarum (1623), became an integral part of the (...)
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  22.  10
    Lamah devarim raʻim ḳorim la-anashim ṭovim: masaʻ be-ʻiḳvot ha-teshuvot she-heʻeniḳah ha-tarbut ha-Yehudit = Why bad things happen to good people: a journey through the Jewish culture.Ḥen Marḳs - 2022 - Rishon le-Tsiyon: Sifre ḥemed.
    Why do good people suffer? Does fate control the events that come our way? What is the difference between the reactions of men and women when a disaster occurs? Why did Jewish mothers kill their children in Ashkenazi countries? How did the Jews of Yemen tell about the deportation they were sentenced to? What explanation did the Hasidic Rebbe provide for what happened in the Holocaust? This is an unexpected journey through the Jewish bookcase - sometimes it is amusing, (...)
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  23.  31
    Nietzsche’s Task: An Interpretation of “Beyond Good and Evil.”. [REVIEW]Paul Kirkland - 2003 - Review of Metaphysics 56 (3):659-660.
    Laurence Lampert has written an engaging, bold, and insightful book that should stand above much recent Nietzsche scholarship for its attention to Nietzsche’s purposes and its care with Nietzsche’s text. Nietzsche’s Task offers the first book length exegesis of Nietzsche’s Beyond Good and Evil, attending to its structure and offering commentary on each section, or aphorism, of the book. Lampert provides a valuable contribution to Nietzsche scholarship, an extraordinary guide to the major issues of political philosophy, and a (...)
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  24.  27
    Does computing need to go beyond good and evil impacts?Randy Connolly & Alan Fedoruk - 2015 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 13 (3/4):190-204.
    Purpose– This paper aims to demonstrate that computing social issues courses are often being taught by articulating the social impacts of different computer technologies and then applying moral theories to those impacts. It then argues that that approach has a number of serious drawbacks.Design/methodology/approach– A bibliometric analysis of ETHICOMP papers is carried out. Papers from early in the history of ETHICOMP are compared to recent years, so as to determine if papers are more or less focused on social scientific examinations (...)
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    The inflated self: human illusions and the Biblical call to hope.David G. Myers - 1980 - New York: Seabury Press.
    Human illusions and the Biblical call to hope.
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    Demystifying evil: a biblical and personal exploration.Ingrid Faro - 2023 - Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.
    How can we understand God's work in a world permeated with evil? Narrating her own wrestling with evil as well as engaging in biblical and philosophical analysis, biblical scholar Ingrid Faro explores the many dimensions to evil in a way that is soberly honest, biblically engaged, and theologically nuanced.
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  27. The goodness of creation, evil, and Christian teaching.Patrick Lee - 2000 - The Thomist 64 (2):239-269.
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  28. Good, evil and spiritual power: Reflections on Sufi teachings.John Bousfield - 1985 - In David J. Parkin (ed.), The Anthropology of evil. New York, NY: Blackwell. pp. 194--208.
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  29.  47
    Biblical Definitions of God and Man in Light of Dialectical Metaphysics of Choice.Ryszard Paradowski - 2011 - Dialogue and Universalism 21 (4):45-58.
    The paper presents, according to the dialectical metaphysics of choice, arguments in favor of the proposition that the biblical story of creation is a philosophical construct, within which the religious message (obedience, disobedience, sin) is abrogated in the philosophical perspective of the Absolute (equality of the subjects in the definition of good and evil); it has been stated that the story of creation contains an antinomian perception of God as a symbol of man (both a hierarchical and (...)
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  30.  29
    Sports Teaching, Traditional Games, and Understanding in Physical Education: A Tale of Two Stories.Raúl Martínez-Santos, María Pilar Founaud, Astrid Aracama & Asier Oiarbide - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:581721.
    Unlike Dickens’s novel, this is not a tale of light and darkness, order and chaos, good and evil… It is, though, a story worth to be told about two standpoints about games and sports, teaching and research, physical education simply put, that have pursued similar interests on parallel tracks for too long, despite their apparent closeness and expected shared cultural grounds. The objective of this conceptual analysis is to try and reconcile two perspectives, namely motor praxeology and teaching (...)
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  31.  44
    Evil, Sin, and Christian Theism.Andrew Ter Ern Loke - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book offers a compelling examination of the problem of evil and the doctrine of sin. It engages with and advances extant discussions on the topic by drawing together philosophical arguments, theological reflections, scientific evidence, Biblical exegesis, and real-life stories. The chapters provide a comprehensive evaluation of objections by anti-theodicists and atheists, and bring recent philosophical work concerning the arguments for Christian theism and advances in science and religion to bear on the discussion. The author defends the Cosmic (...)
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  32.  20
    Innately Good: Dispelling the Myth That You're Not.Jan Denise - 2008 - Health Communications.
    Introduction -- Part I: The lie that we are not good enough as we are -- Where the lie came from and why we bought it -- Trying to meet the criteria for good enough -- Perpetuating the striving and the lack -- Part II: Dead ends and what they teach us -- Money/stuff -- Appearance -- Religion -- Food -- Drugs/alcohol -- Sex/romantic love -- Accomplishment/education/notoriety -- Busyness -- Part III: The truth : we are innately (...) -- Evil is an alternative, not our nature -- Lighting our darkness to let go of fear, false beliefs, and all negative -- Emotion -- Looking at our essence, which is love, or everything good -- Being who we are ... it means overcoming our separateness -- Invoking love -- Aligning with love -- Being love innately more than we ever dreamed of being. (shrink)
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  33.  13
    “Teaching” of Vladimir Monomakh as Synthesis of Ethical Traditions Byzantine Patristics and National Paganism.Anastasiia A. Volkova & Волкова Анастасия Алексеевна - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (2):372-389.
    The research is devoted to the ethical views of Vladimir Monomakh, reflected in the “Teaching” of the Grand Duke. The author’s reflections concerning such fundamental moral categories as good and evil, virtue and vice, the meaning of life and death, free will, duty, happiness are considered and analyzed. A partial continuity of the Grand Duke’s views concerning the relationship to the categories of good and evil, as well as virtue and vice, with the Byzantine Christian tradition, (...)
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  34.  14
    Teaching villainification in social studies: pedagogies to deepen understanding of social evils.Cathryn van Kessel & Kimberly Edmondson (eds.) - 2024 - New York: Teachers College Press.
    These inquiries into villainification offer powerful insights for teaching about historical wrongdoing in more nuanced ways. Includes topics related to U.S. politics, financial education, Holocaust education, difficult histories, apocalypse fiction, the Marvel Cinematic Universe, technology use, LGBTQ school experiences, rape culture, geographies of invasion, and the female body.
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  35. Good and Evil: An Absolute Conception.Raimond Gaita - 1991 - New York: Routledge.
    Raimond Gaita's _Good and Evil_ is one of the most important, original and provocative books on the nature of morality to have been published in recent years. It is essential reading for anyone interested in what it means to talk about good and evil. Gaita argues that questions about morality are inseparable from the preciousness of each human being, an issue we can only address if we place the idea of remorse at the centre of moral life. Drawing (...)
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  36. Natural Inclination and the Intelligibility of the Good in Thomistic Natural Law.Stephen Brock - 2005 - Vera Lex 6 (1/2):57-78.
    Size is not always a gauge of significance. The issue that I propose to address here centers on a single clause from the Summa theologiae. But it goes nearly to the heart of St Thomas's teaching on natural law. It concerns the way in which Thomas thinks the human mind comes to understand good and evil. The specific question raised by the clause is the role played in this process by what Thomas calls "natural inclination." This question leads (...)
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  37.  8
    Gut und Böse in Mensch und Welt: philosophische und religiöse Konzeptionen vom Alten Orient bis zum frühen Islam.Heinz-Günther Nesselrath & Florian Wilk (eds.) - 2013 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    English summary: Questions about the origins and reality of good and evil and about their mutual relationship play a central part in the history of philosophy and religion from their very beginning. Giving answers to these questions had a decisive influence on how the world and its civilization(s) as well as human beings and their ethics were perceived in their relations to higher beings (god or gods). The contributions within this conference volume illustrate which concepts regarding these questions (...)
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  38. Beyond Good and Evil / on the Genealogy of Morality: Volume 8.Keith Ansell-Pearson (ed.) - 2014 - Stanford University Press.
    _Beyond Good and Evil_ is Nietzsche's first sustained philosophical treatment of issues important to him. Unlike the expository prose of the essayistic period, the stylized forays and jabs of the aphoristic period, and the lyrical-philosophical rhetoric of the Zarathustra-period, _Beyond Good and Evil_ inscribes itself boldly into the history of philosophy, challenging ancient and modern notions of philosophy's achievements and insisting on a new task for "new philosophers." This is a watershed book for Nietzsche and for philosophy in (...)
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    Non-utilitarian Consequentialism and its Application in the Ethics of Teaching.Marta Gluchmanova - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 37:67-75.
    This paper aims to present of the ethics of social consequences (a form of non-utilitarian consequentialism) as a theoretical basis for the examination of teacher ethics and a tool for dealing with practical moral problems of the teaching profession. Teachers’ duty is to help students, teach them to recognize the difference between good and evil, right and wrong, show them that they have moral responsibility for their actions and all this can be very well attained on the basis (...)
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    The problem of evil.François Petit - 1959 - New York: Hawthorn Books.
    In this study of evil in the framework of theology and its practical consequences in the light of Christian teaching, the author holds that the problem of evil is insoluble apart from ideas of the Fall and redemption. The volume is designed to summarize Christian doctrine in which "evil, itself an absence of being, becomes, by the void that it creates, an appeal to God and to the divine action.".
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  41. Good and evil.Richard Taylor - 1984 - Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    The discussion of good and evil must not be confined to the sterile lecture halls of academics but related instead to ordinary human feelings, needs, and desires, says noted philosopher Richard Taylor. Efforts to understand morality by exploring human reason will always fail because we are creatures of desire as well. All morality arises from our intense and inescapable longing. The distinction between good and evil is always clouded by rationalists who convert the real problems of (...)
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  42.  58
    Exploring Good, Evil and Justice in Crisis: The Master and Margarita.Charles De Belloy - 2022 - Questions 22:3-3.
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    On Good and Evil, the Mistaken Idea That Technology Is Ever Neutral, and the Importance of the Double-Charge Thesis.Luciano Floridi - 2023 - Philosophy and Technology 36 (3):1-5.
  44.  15
    Good and Evil: Quaker Perspectives.Jackie Leach Scully & Pink Dandelion - 2007 - Routledge.
    In this multi-disciplinary collection, we ask the question, 'What did, and do, Quakers think about good and evil?' There are no simple or straightforwardly uniform answers to this, but in this collection, we draw together contributions that for the first time look at historical and contemporary Quakerdom's approach to the ethical and theological problem of evil and good. Within Quakerism can be found Liberal, Conservative, and Evangelical forms. This book uncovers the complex development of metaethical thought (...)
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    (5 other versions)Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1907 - Moscow, Idaho: Oxford University Press UK. Edited by Helen Zimmern & Brian Brown.
    Nietzsche's mature masterpiece, Beyond Good and Evil considers the origins and nature of Judeo-Christian morality; the end of philosophical dogmatism and beginning of perspectivism; the questionable virtues of science and scholarship; liberal democracy, nationalism, and women's emancipation. A superb and new translation by Marion Faber, this highly annotated edition is complemented by a lucid introduction by one of the most eminent of Nietzsche scholars, Robert C. Holub.
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  46. Beyond Good and Evil.Friedrich Nietzsche & Helen Zimmern - 1908 - International Journal of Ethics 18 (4):517-518.
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    Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future.Marion Faber (ed.) - 1998 - Oxford: Oxford Paperbacks.
    This superb new translation of Nietzsche's mature masterpiece, Beyond Good and Evil, offers the most comprehensively annotated text, complemented by a lucid introduction by one of the most eminent of Nietzsche scholars, Robert C. Holub.
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    (1 other version)Being good: Buddhist ethics for everyday life. Xingyun & Yün Hsing - 1998 - New York: Weatherhill. Edited by Tom Graham.
    The aim of this book is simple: to invite readers to consider what it means to lead a good life, and to offer practical advice, based on the Buddhist teachings, as to how this can be accomplished. In each of more than thirty brief essays, Master Hsing Yun treats a specific moral or ethical issue, using quotations from the rich treasury of the Buddhist scriptures as a point of departure for his discussion. Among the topics he considers are control (...)
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    The Concept of Intrinsic Evil and Catholic Theological Ethics.Nenad Polgar & Joseph A. Selling (eds.) - 2019 - Lanham: Fortress Academic.
    The Concept of Intrinsic Evil and Catholic Theological Ethics examines the origin and meaning of the concept of intrinsic evil and its use in sexual ethics in the teachings of the Catholic Church, and in the construction of a systematic approach to theological ethics. It concludes with a suggestion of how the concept might be used in future ethical discourse.
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  50. Geach: Good and Evil.R. M. Hare - 1956 - Analysis 17 (5):103 - 111.
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