Results for 'Gosudarstvennaia Publichnaia Biblioteka Imeni M. E. Saltykova-Shchedrina'

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  1. Pomety G.V. Plekhanova na knigakh ego biblioteki.Irina Nikolaevna Kurbatova, S. S. Volk, T. I. Filimonova & Gosudarstvennaëiìa Publichnaëiìa Biblioteka Imeni M. E. Saltykova-Shchedrina - 1900 - Leningrad: Gos. publichnai︠a︡ biblioteka im. M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrina. Edited by S. S. Volk & T. I. Filimonova.
    -- vyp. 3. Pomety na knigakh o istorii, filosofii i obshchestvennoĭ mysli Rossii.
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  2. Filosofskie nauki v XVIII veke: izdanii︠a︡ 1725-1800 gg.: katalog.N. F. Gosudarstvennaia Publichnaia Istoricheskaia Biblioteka Rsfsr, Chernysheva & Ministerstvo Kul Tury Rossiiskoi Federatsii - 1986 - Moskva: Gos. publichnai︠a︡ istoricheskai︠a︡ biblioteka.
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  3. Mir glazami materialista: o marksistsko-leninskoĭ filosofii: rekomendatelʹnyĭ bibliograficheskiĭ ukazatelʹ.T. N. Malysheva, N. V. Loshchenkova & Gosudarstvennaia Biblioteka Sssr Imeni V. Lenina (eds.) - 1986 - Moskva: "Kniga".
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  4.  18
    Immanuel Kant in the Historical Philosophy of Gustav Shpet.Tatiana G. Shchedrina - 2022 - Kantian Journal 41 (3):124-151.
    This article assesses the role of Immanuel Kant’s ideas in the historical philosophy of Gustav Shpet (1879—1937). This theme has been largely ignored by Shpet scholars who have concentrated on comparing his logical-methodological theories with the ideas of representatives of phenomenology (E. Husserl, R. Ingarden and others) and hermeneutics (F. Schleiermacher, W. Dilthey, H. Lipps, H.-G. Gadamer and others). Accordingly, the authors consistently reconstruct “the sphere of conversation” within which Shpet’s concept of “historical philosophy” was formed and reveal the place (...)
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  5. Obratnai︠a︡ svi︠a︡zʹ s MGU: novoe izmerenie: kollektivnai︠a︡ monografii︠a︡ odnokursknikov filosofskogo fakulʹteta MGU imeni M.V. Lomonosova 1980-1985 godov.E. A. Kogaĭ & M. V. Malinin (eds.) - 2020 - Moskva: Izdatelʹstvo "MosKard".
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  6.  70
    N. M. Nagornyj. Nékotoryé obobščénia ponátiá normaľnogo algorifma, . Problémy konstruktivnogo napravléniá v matématiké, 1, Sbornik rabot, edited by N. A. Šanin. Trudy Matématičéskogo Instituta iméni V. A. Stéklova, vol. 52, Izdatéľstvo Akadémii Nauk SSSR, Moscow and Leningrad1958, pp. 7–65. [REVIEW]E. M. Fels - 1962 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 27 (3):360-362.
  7.  8
    Obratnai︠a︡ svi︠a︡zʹ s MGU: novoe izmerenie: kollektivnai︠a︡ monografii︠a︡ odnokursknikov filosofskogo fakulʹteta MGU imeni M.V. Lomonosova 1980-1985 godov.E. A. Kogaĭ (ed.) - 2020 - Moskva: Izdatelʹstvo "MosKard".
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  8.  26
    (1 other version)S. Ú. Maslov. O “Tag”-problémé E. L. Posta . Problémy konstruktivnogo napravléniá v matématiké, 3, Sbornik rabot, edited by N. A. Šanin, Trudy Matématičéskogo Instituta iméni V. A. Stéklova, vol. 72, Izdatél′stvo “Nauka,”Moscow and Leningrad1964, pp. 57–68. [REVIEW]E. M. Fels - 1968 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (4):526-527.
  9.  25
    (1 other version)S. Ú. Maslov. Nékotoryé svojstva apparata kanoničéskih isčislénij E. L. Posta . Problémy konstruktivnogo napravléniá v matématiké, 3, Sbornik rabot, edited by N. A. Šanin, Trudy Matématičéskogo Instituta iméni V. A. Stéklova, vol. 72, Izdatél′stvo “Nauka,”Moscow and Leningrad1964, pp. 5–56. [REVIEW]E. M. Fels - 1968 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (4):524-526.
  10.  41
    N. A. Šanin. Konstruktivnyé véščéstvénnyé ĉisla i konstruktivnyé funkcional'nyé prostranstva (Constructive real numbers and constructive functional spaces). Problémy konstrukticnogo napravléniá v matématik, 2 (Konstruktivnyj matématičéskij analiz), Sbornik rabot, edited by N. A. Šanin, Trudy Matématičéskogo Instituta imèni V. A. Stéklova, vol. 67Izdatél′stvo Akadémii Nauk SSSR, Moscow and Leningrad1962, pp. 15–294. [REVIEW]E. M. Fels - 1969 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 34 (2):290-292.
  11.  39
    A. A. Markov. O konstruktivnyh funkciáh . Problémy konstruktivnogo napravléniá v matématiké, 1, Sbornik rabot, edited by N. A. Šanin, Trudy Maté-matičéskogo Instituta imèni V. A. Stéklova, vol. 52, Izdatél′stvo Akadémii Nauk SSSR, Moscow and Leningrad1958, pp. 315–348. [REVIEW]E. M. Fels - 1966 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 31 (2):255-258.
  12.  55
    G. S. Céjtin. Associativnoé isčslénié s nérazréšimoj problémoj ekvivaléntnosti . Problémy konstruktivnogo napravléniá v matématiké, 1, Sbornik rabot, edited by N. A. Šanin, Trudy Matématičéskogo Instituta iméni V. A. Stéklova, vol. 52, Izdatél'stvo Akadémii Nauk SSSR, Moscow and Leningrad1958, pp. 172–189. [REVIEW]E. M. Fels - 1965 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 30 (2):254-255.
  13.  86
    N. N. Vorob′év. Novyj algorifm vyvodimosti v konstruktivnom isčislénii uyskazyvanij . Problémy konstruktivnogo napravléniá v matématiké, 1, Sbornik rabot, edited by N. A. Šanin, Trudy Matématičéskogo Instituta imèni V. A. Stéklova, vol. 52, Izdatél′stvo Akadémii Nauk SSSR, Moscow and Leningrad1958, pp. 193–225. [REVIEW]E. M. Fels - 1964 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 29 (2):108-109.
  14. (1 other version)Russkie filosofy: problema khristianstva i kulʹtury v istorii dukhovnoĭ kritiki XX veka: biograficheskie ocherki, teksty sochineniĭ, bibliografii︠a︡.L. G. Filonova & Rossiiskaia Gosudarstvennaia Biblioteka (eds.) - 2002 - Moskva: Pashkov dom.
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  15.  5
    Vera: vstrechi, filosofii︠a︡ zemnogo mirozdanii︠a︡.E. I︠U︡ Saltykova (ed.) - 2004 - Moskva: T︠S︡entr gumanitarnogo obrazovanii︠a︡.
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  16.  28
    Semyon Frank and Yakov Golosovker: On Kantian Motives in the Works of Dostoyevsky.Tatiana G. Shchedrina & Boris I. Pruzhinin - 2023 - Kantian Journal 42 (1):92-106.
    Russian philosophy is “a sphere of conversation” in which thought is “divined”. It is a realm of search for “universal meaning” and “cultivation” of historical reality. Such a “conversation” around the work of Dostoyevsky took place in the 1920s among philosophers (including members of the Free Philosophical Association or Volfila in its abbreviated form). The theme takes on added significance at the hands of Ya. E. Golosovker and S. L. Frank whose intellectual affinity manifests itself today in the way they (...)
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    Evgeniĭ Nikolaevich Trubet︠s︡koĭ.S. M. Polovinkin & T. G. Shchedrina (eds.) - 2014 - Moskva: ROSSPĖN.
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  18. Arkhiv ėpokhi: tematicheskoe edinstvo russkoĭ filosofii.T. G. Shchedrina - 2008 - Moskva: ROSSPĖN (Rossiĭskai︠a︡ politicheskai︠a︡ ėnt︠s︡iklopedii︠a︡).
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  19.  2
    Ascent to “Natural Humanness”: Immanuel Kant in the Philosophical Anthropology of Gustav Shpet.Tatiana G. Shchedrina & Boris I. Pruzhinin - 2024 - Kantian Journal 43 (3):104-121.
    The archive of Gustav Shpet contains scattered preparatory materials for his works. Some of these handwritten rough drafts are devoted to Immanuel Kant. These jottings enable us to take a new look at possible trajectories of philosophical anthropology. The main goal of this article is to show, on the one hand, the modern relevance of Kant’s reflections on the essence of the human being and, on the other hand, the productiveness of their critical reinterpretation by Shpet. In effect, Kant’s reflections (...)
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  20.  8
    Gustav Shpet: zhiznʹ v pisʹmakh: ėpistoli︠a︡rnoe nasledie.T. G. Shchedrina (ed.) - 2005 - Moskva: ROSSPĖN.
  21. "I︠A︡ pishu kak ėkho drugogo--": ocherki intellektualʹnoĭ biografii Gustava Shpeta.T. G. Shchedrina - 2004 - Moskva: Progress-Tradit︠s︡ii︠a︡.
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  22. Lyubov Axelrod on Kant: Reflections on Marxist Discussions of the 1920s and 1930s in the USSR.Tatiana G. Shchedrina, Irina O. Shchedrina & Jürgen Stolzenberg - 2025 - Kantian Journal 43 (4):155-168.
    The authors attempt to look back on discussions of Marxist philosophy and historical materialism in this country without censoring, obfuscating, or simplifying issues in order to assess the prospects of their development. They focus on the work of a follower of Georgy Plekhanov, Lyubov Axelrod, who, in developing the concept of historical materialism, turned to Kant. Axelrod’s published works (from early articles and a dissertation on Tolstoy’s worldview, to her mature works on the history of materialism and philosophical-sociological texts on (...)
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  23.  63
    Ecrits: A Selection.M. E. Ragland Sullivan, Jacques Lacan & Alan Sheridan - 1978 - Substance 6 (21):166.
  24.  39
    Evidence of divergence in vertebrate learning.M. E. Bitterman - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (4):659.
  25.  47
    Algebra of proofs.M. E. Szabo - 1978 - New York: sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier North-Holland.
    Provability, Computability and Reflection.
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    From Canon Fodder to Canon-Formation: How Do We Get There from Here?M. E. Waithe - 2015 - The Monist 98 (1):21-33.
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    Neutron irradiation damage in molybdenum.M. E. Downey & B. L. Eyre - 1965 - Philosophical Magazine 11 (109):53-70.
  28.  30
    Mimicry eases prediction and thereby smoothens social interactions.M. E. Kret & R. Akyüz - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (5):794-798.
    In their “social contextual view” of emotional mimicry, authors Hess and Fischer (2022) put forward emotional mimicry as a social regulator, considering it a social act, bound to certain affiliative contexts or goals. In this commentary, we argue that the core function of mimicry is to ease predicting conspecifics’ behaviours and the environment, and that as a consequence, this often smoothens social interactions. Accordingly, we make three main points. First, we argue that there is no good reason to believe that (...)
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    Realization of φ -types and Keisler’s order.M. E. Malliaris - 2009 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 157 (2-3):220-224.
    We show that the analysis of Keisler’s order can be localized to the study of φ-types. Specifically, if is a regular ultrafilter on λ such that and M is a model whose theory is countable, then is λ+-saturated iff it realizes all φ-types of size λ.
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    Hypergraph sequences as a tool for saturation of ultrapowers.M. E. Malliaris - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (1):195-223.
    Let T 1 , T 2 be countable first-order theories, M i ⊨ T i , and ������ any regular ultrafilter on λ ≥ $\aleph_{0}$ . A longstanding open problem of Keisler asks when T 2 is more complex than T 1 , as measured by the fact that for any such λ, ������, if the ultrapower (M 2 ) λ /������ realizes all types over sets of size ≤ λ, then so must the ultrapower (M 1 ) λ /������. (...)
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    The neural correlates of consciousness: An analysis of cognitive skill learning.M. E. Raichle - 2000 - In Michael S. Gazzaniga, The New Cognitive Neurosciences: 2nd Edition. MIT Press.
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    Open questions related to the problem of Birkhoff and Maltsev.M. E. Adams, K. V. Adaricheva, W. Dziobiak & A. V. Kravchenko - 2004 - Studia Logica 78 (1):357-378.
    The Birkhoff-Maltsev problem asks for a characterization of those lattices each of which is isomorphic to the lattice L(K) of all subquasivarieties for some quasivariety K of algebraic systems. The current status of this problem, which is still open, is discussed. Various unsolved questions that are related to the Birkhoff-Maltsev problem are also considered, including ones that stem from the theory of propositional logics.
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    Research ethics committee audit: differences between committees.M. E. Redshaw, A. Harris & J. D. Baum - 1996 - Journal of Medical Ethics 22 (2):78-82.
    The same research proposal was submitted to 24 district health authority (DHA) research ethics committees in different parts of the country. The objective was to obtain permission for a multi-centre research project. The study of neonatal care in different types of unit (regional, subregional and district), required that four health authorities were approached in each of six widely separated health regions in England. Data were collected and compared concerning aspects of processing, including application forms, information required, timing and decision-making. The (...)
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    Transfers between logics and their applications.M. E. Coniglio & W. A. Carnielli - 2002 - Studia Logica 72 (3):367-400.
    In this paper, logics are conceived as two-sorted first-order structures, and we argue that this broad definition encompasses a wide class of logics with theoretical interest as well as interest from the point of view of applications. The language, concepts and methods of model theory can thus be used to describe the relationship between logics through morphisms of structures called transfers. This leads to a formal framework for studying several properties of abstract logics and their attributes such as consequence operator, (...)
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  35.  32
    An objective formulation of orthodox quantum mechanics.M. E. Burgos - 1984 - Foundations of Physics 14 (8):753-766.
  36. Republicanism as a Paradigm for Public Health--Some Comments.M. E. J. Nielsen - 2011 - Public Health Ethics 4 (1):40-52.
    Some theorists, worried about liberalism’s potential as a foundation for public health ethics, suggest that republicanism provides a better background of justification for public health policies, interventions, etc. In this article, this suggestion is put to the test, and it is argued that (i) contemporary (civic) republicanism and liberalism are not nearly as opposed as it is sometimes suggested, and that (ii) the kind of republicanism which one leading scholar in the field, Bruce Jennings, as an alternative to liberalism, does (...)
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  37.  84
    The characteristic sequence of a first-order formula.M. E. Malliaris - 2010 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 75 (4):1415-1440.
    For a first-order formula φ(x; y) we introduce and study the characteristic sequence ⟨P n : n < ω⟩ of hypergraphs defined by P n (y₁…., y n ):= $(\exists x)\bigwedge _{i\leq n}\varphi (x;y_{i})$ . We show that combinatorial and classification theoretic properties of the characteristic sequence reflect classification theoretic properties of φ and vice versa. The main results are a characterization of NIP and of simplicity in terms of persistence of configurations in the characteristic sequence. Specifically, we show that (...)
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    Analysis of 3-D network structures.M. E. Glicksman † - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (1):3-31.
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    The Basic Works of Aristotle. [REVIEW]E. A. M. - 1941 - Journal of Philosophy 38 (20):553-555.
  40. Topics in the Philosophy of Biology.M. Grene & E. Mendelsohn - 1978 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 40 (1):150-150.
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    Edge distribution and density in the characteristic sequence.M. E. Malliaris - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 162 (1):1-19.
    The characteristic sequence of hypergraphs Pn:n<ω associated to a formula φ, introduced in Malliaris [5], is defined by Pn=i≤nφ. We continue the study of characteristic sequences, showing that graph-theoretic techniques, notably Szemerédi’s celebrated regularity lemma, can be naturally applied to the study of model-theoretic complexity via the characteristic sequence. Specifically, we relate classification-theoretic properties of φ and of the Pn to density between components in Szemerédi-regular decompositions of graphs in the characteristic sequence. In addition, we use Szemerédi regularity to calibrate (...)
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  42.  29
    The influence of amount of practice upon the formation of a scale of judgment.M. E. Tresselt - 1947 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 37 (3):251.
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    Begging the Question?M. E. Williams - 1968 - Dialogue 6 (4):567-570.
  44.  34
    The Legislative Authority.M. E. Newhouse - 2019 - Kantian Review 24 (4):531-553.
    This article develops an account of the nature and limits of the state’s legislative authority that closely attends to the challenge of harmonizing Kant’s ethical and juridical theories. It clarifies some key Kantian concepts and terms, then explains the way in which the state’s three interlocking authorities – legislative, executive, and judicial – are metaphysically distinct and mutually dependent. It describes the emergence of the Kantian state and identifies the preconditions of its authority. Then it offers a metaphysical model of (...)
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  45.  36
    The Mystical Philosophy of Muhyid Dín: Ibnuí' Arabí.E. A. M. - 1941 - Philosophy 16 (61):99-99.
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  46.  15
    Cognitive evolution: A psychological perspective.M. E. Bitterman - 2000 - In Celia Heyes & Ludwig Huber, The Evolution of Cognition. MIT Press. pp. 61--79.
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    An objective interpretation of orthodox quantum mechanics.M. E. Burgos - 1984 - Foundations of Physics 14 (8):739-752.
    A new interpretation of quantum theory is proposed. It coincides in a number of points with the orthodox interpretation, the main difference being that the projection of the state vector can occur without the intervention of any observer.
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  48.  27
    Influence of interference on delayed matching in monkeys.M. E. Jarvik, T. L. Goldfarb & J. L. Carley - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 81 (1):1.
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    A cut elimination theorem for stationary logic.M. E. Szabo - 1987 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 33 (C):181-193.
  50.  38
    Was There Such a Thing as Stellar Astronomy in the Eighteenth Century?M. E. W. Williams - 1983 - History of Science 21 (4):369-388.
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