Results for 'Grotesque en architecture. '

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  1.  9
    Paradigms of Renaissance grotesques.Damiano Acciarino (ed.) - 2019 - Toronto: Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies.
    This collection offers a set of new readings on the history, meanings, and cultural innovations of the grotesque as defined by various current critical theories and practices. Since the grotesque frequently manifests itself as striking incongruities, ingenious hybrids, and creative deformities of nature and culture, it is profoundly implicated in early modern debates on the theological, philosophical, and ethical role of images. This consideration serves as the central focus from which the articles in the collection then move outward (...)
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    Complete Issue.Architecture Philosophy - 2024 - Architecture Philosophy 1 (2).
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    Architecting play.Karmen Franinovic - 2011 - AI and Society 26 (2):129-136.
    From the grotesque pavilions hidden in sixteenth century Italian gardens to the temporary structures in public space in the 70s and recent digitally augmented environments, architectures of play have long been designed to engage explorative experiences. The uncertainty of play allows us to probe new behaviors, to poke into the boundaries of subjectivity and to interact with people, things and systems in unexpected and unfamiliar ways. In this essay, we explore how an interactive system, situated in public space, may (...)
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    Critical realism as an underpinning philosophy for the implementation of digital twins for urban management.Ramy Elsehrawy Bimal Kumar Richard Watson Architecture - 2024 - Journal of Critical Realism 23 (2):187-223.
    Volume 23, Issue 2, April 2024, Page 187-223.
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    Art‐Horror Environments and the Alien Series.Martin Glick - 2017 - In Jeffrey A. Ewing & Kevin S. Decker (eds.), Alien and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 132–139.
    In all the Alien films, the environments are gloomy settings originally inspired by Gothic architecture, but it's the creature design, which leaves the most profound mark on us. The interaction between these art‐horror monsters and the sterileturned‐ grotesque environments of the Alien films can produce disgust or revulsion in the viewer. In Alien a fair amount of time is spent on the relationships between the crew members. One of the most horrific moments of the series is the cry of (...)
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    A Response to Günter Figal’s Aesthetic Monism: Phenomenological Sublimity and the Genesis of Aesthetic Experience.GermanyIrene Breuer Irene Breuer Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Dipl-Ing Arch: Degree in Architecture Phil), Then Professor for Architectural Design Germanylecturer, Phenomenology at the Buwdaad Scholarship Buenos Airesto Midlecturer for Theoretical Philosophy, the Support of the B. U. W. My Research Focus is Set On: Ancient Greek Philosophy Research on the Reception of the German Philosophical Anthropology in Argentina Presently Working on Mentioned Research Subject, French Phenomenology Classical German, Architectural Theory Aesthetics & Design Cf: Https://Uni-Wuppertalacademiaedu/Irenebreuer - 2025 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 11 (1):151-170.
    This paper aims to pay tribute to Figal’s comprehensive and innovative analysis of the artwork and beauty, while challenging both his realist position on the immediacy of meaning and his monist stance that reduces sublimity to beauty. To enquire into the origin of aesthetic feelings and sense, and thus, to break the hermeneutic circle, we first trace the origin of this reduction to the reception of Burke’s concept of the sublime by Mendelssohn and Kant. We then recur to Husserl and (...)
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  7. (1 other version)Collision: A Collision of Gargoyles.S. D. Chrostowska - 2013 - Evental Aesthetics 2 (1):10-20.
    This article addresses the aesthetic status of gargoyles in medieval Gothic architecture. Irreducible to the grotesque yet manifestly discrepant with the core of cathedral and monastic buildings, the gargoyle serves as an entry point for an exploration of the stylistic relations comprising the Gothic and reflecting the cultural duality of the ecclesiastic sites of its historical emergence. The relation between gargoyles and the bulk of Gothic structures and ornamentation is discussed in terms of an “aesthetics of contrast.”.
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    Transformation of the feast of fools: from carnival laughter to Mickey mouse's experience.Lina Vidauskytè - 2018 - RAPHISA REVISTA DE ANTROPOLOGÍA Y FILOSOFÍA DE LO SAGRADO 2 (2).
    The aim of the paper is a critical evaluation of Mikhail Bakhtin’s carnival laughter’s theory, and along the analysis of Walter Benjamin’s notion of laughter, and its relation to modernity. While Bakhtin concentrates his attention on a few medieval festivities, this paper focuses on the “feast of fools” (festa stultorum) as a metaphor for carnival laughter. For Bakhtin, clown, joker, etc. represents Medieval and Renaissance carnival spirit, while an animated Mickey Mouse, alongside with Charlie Chaplin’s movie character, appears in Benjamin’s (...)
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    The grotesque as a literary issue.Gulmariya Ospanova, Altynai Askarova, Balzhan Agabekova, Assel Zhutayeva & Saule Askarova - 2024 - Semiotica 2024 (256):103-116.
    Grotesque imagery is widely used by all genres and movements of art and literature without exception, but its historical development and theoretical aspects have not been sufficiently studied. This study seeks to define and diagnose the main aspects of the development of the grotesque as a literary problem. The leading methods of researching this problem are methods of analysis, deduction, induction, and comparison of approaches. The research covers the approaches to the study of the grotesque phenomenon; the (...)
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    The Art of Interpreting Art.Paul Barolsky - 2020 - Arion 28 (1):101-113.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Art of Interpreting Art PAUL BAROLSKY “The quality of the prose is just as important in nonfiction as in fiction.” —Robert Caro If as Horace famously wrote in the Ars poetica the aim of poetry is to instruct and delight, why shouldn’t the goal of all writing be the same? Why should all readers not enjoy as well as learn from what they read? In the realm of (...)
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    The grotesque knot of the symptom: Heterogeneity and mutability.Rahman Veisi Hasar - 2020 - Semiotica 2020 (233):19-34.
    The present paper aims to shed light on some post-oedipal moments of the Freudian-Lacanian psychoanalysis. Going beyond the stereotypical opposition between the oedipal psychoanalysis and the anti-oedipal schizoanalysis, it endeavors to reinvestigate the semiotic nature of theknotenpunktand thesinthomeby applying some Deleuzian and Bakhtinian concepts. Thus, theknotenpunktis described as a grotesque knot bringing together some heterogeneous elements. The involved disparate components establish a rhizomatic multiplicity irreducible to a common determiner. As far as thesinthomeis concerned, it is also illustrated as a (...)
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  12.  38
    The grotesque in Western art and culture: the image at play.Frances S. Connelly - 2012 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    This book establishes a fresh and expansive view of the grotesque in Western art and culture, from 1500 to the present day. Following the non-linear evolution of the grotesque, Frances S. Connelly analyzes key works, situating them within their immediate social and cultural contexts, as well as their place in the historical tradition. By taking a long historical view, the book reveals the grotesque to be a complex and continuous tradition comprised of several distinct strands: the ornamental, (...)
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  13.  45
    The Marvellous and the Monstrous in the Sculpture of Twelfth‐Century Europe. By KirkAmbrose. Pp. xiv, 194, Woodbridge, The Boydell Press, 2013, £50.00, paperback 2017, £19.99. [REVIEW]Luke Penkett - 2020 - Heythrop Journal 61 (3):523-523.
    Representations of monsters and the monstrous are common in medieval art and architecture, from the grotesques in the borders of illuminated manuscripts to the symbol of the "green man", widespread in churches and cathedrals. These mysterious depictions are frequently interpreted as embodying or mitigating the fears symptomatic of a "dark age". This book, however, considers an alternative scenario: in what ways did monsters in twelfth-century sculpture help audiences envision, perhaps even achieve, various ambitions? Using examples of Romanesque sculpture from across (...)
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    Architecture and Interpretation: Essays for Eric Fernie.Jill A. Franklin, T. A. Heslop & Christine Stevenson (eds.) - 2012 - Boydell Press.
    Essays centred on the methods, pleasures, and pitfalls of architectural interpretation.
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    Architectural Scholarship and Cognitive Capitalism.Gavin Keeney - 2017 - Project 6 (Spring 2017):40-45.
    This essay samples and describes the state of architectural scholarship across various platforms in the age of Cognitive Capitalism. The premise is that, much like scholarship in the Arts and Humanities generally, architectural scholarship suffers from the Either/Or schism between traditional academic research of a non-utilitarian form and the heavily mediatic practices of the mainstream – “mainstream” defined as both online and print publications that eschew the long-form essay or book in favor of the populist modality that serves the neo-liberalization (...)
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    Contagious Architecture: Computation, Aesthetics, and Space.Luciana Parisi - 2013 - MIT Press.
    In Contagious Architecture, Luciana Parisi offers a philosophicalinquiry into the status of the algorithm in architectural and interaction design.
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    Early modern grotesque: English sources and documents 1500-1700.L. E. Semler - 2018 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    The Early Modern Grotesque: English Sources and Documents 1500-1700 offers readers a large and fully annotated collection of primary source texts addressing the grotesque in the English Renaissance. The sources are arranged chronologically in 120 numbered items with accompanying explanatory Notes. Each Note provides clarification of difficult terms in the source text, locating it in the context of early modern English and Continental discourses on the grotesque. The Notes also direct readers to further English sources and relevant (...)
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    Grotesque Realism in O.V Vijayan’s The Saga of Dharmapuri.Maria Rajan Thaliath - 2017 - Tattva - Journal of Philosophy 9 (1):31-43.
    The Saga of Dharmapuri by O.V. Vijayan is a dystopian fantasy set in the imaginary country of Dharmapuri, which could be a depiction of India or any other newly independent country in the post-colonial era. Mikhail Bakhtin in his treatise Rabelais and his World justifies the use of Grotesque Realism, a literary trope that allows the author to move away from the conventions of propriety and decency to convey messages that are real and powerful nevertheless. Usually exaggeration and hyperbole (...)
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  19.  19
    On Architecture.Fred Leland Rush - 2008 - Routledge.
    Architecture is a philosophical puzzle. Although we spend most of our time in buildings, we rarely reflect on what they mean or how we experience them. With some notable exceptions, they have generally struggled to be taken seriously as works of art compared to painting or music and have been rather overlooked by philosophers. In On Architecture , Fred Rush argues this is a consequence of neglecting the role of the body in architecture. Our encounter with a building is first (...)
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    The infantile grotesque: pathology, sexuality, and a theory of religion.Francis J. Sanzaro - 2016 - Aurora, Colorado: Noesis Press.
    The live event grotesque -- Leitmotifs, tropes, and cliches -- Aggressive sensation -- The detail -- Not through the birth canal: religion -- Semen and ash -- The four hour erection -- Go home Socrates -- The vagina and the demon -- Life for sale: religion -- Becoming a lake or a sea.
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    Masters of the grotesque: the cinema of Tim Burton, Terry Gilliam, The Coen brothers and David Lynch.Schuy R. Weishaar - 2012 - Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers.
    The concepts and theories surrounding the aesthetic category of the grotesque are explored in this book by pursuing their deployment in the films of American auteurs Tim Burton, Terry Gilliam, the Coen Brothers and David Lynch"--Provided by publisher.
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    Architecture of Sensation: Affect, Motility and the Oculomotor.Mark Paterson - 2017 - Body and Society 23 (1):3-35.
    Recent social theory that stresses the ‘nonrepresentational’, the ‘more-than visual’, and the relationship between affect and sensation have tended to assume some kind of break or rupture from historical antecedents. Especially since the contributions of Crary and Jay in the 1990s, when it comes to perceiving the built environment the complexities of sensation have been partially obscured by the dominance of a static model of vision as the principal organizing modality. This article returns to some prior historical articulations of the (...)
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    A grotesque in the garden.Hud Hudson - 2020 - Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
    A short philosophical narrative about an angel wrestling with the decision to rebel against God and leave his post in the Garden of Eden.
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    The Riddling Between Oedipus and the Sphinx: Ontology, Hauntology, and Heterologies of the Grotesque.Yuan Yuan - 2015 - Lanham: Upa.
    The Riddling between Oedipus and the Sphinx, Ontology, Hauntology, and Heterologies of the Grotesque probes the polemic status of the other and the dubious nature of the subject from a heterodox perspective of an emblematic grotesque figure, the Sphinx—the mystical trickster and the guardian of sacred knowledge in Egyptian culture.
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    Architecture from the Outside: Essays on Virtual and Real Space.Elizabeth Grosz - 2001 - MIT Press.
    Essays at the intersection of philosophy and architecture explore how we understand and inhabit space. To be outside allows one a fresh perspective on the inside. In these essays, philosopher Elizabeth Grosz explores the ways in which two disciplines that are fundamentally outside each another—architecture and philosophy—can meet in a third space to interact free of their internal constraints. "Outside" also refers to those whose voices are not usually heard in architectural discourse but who inhabit its space—the destitute, the homeless, (...)
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  26. Atmospheric Architectures: The Aesthetics of Felt Spaces.Gernot Böhme - 2017 - Bloomsbury.
    There is fast-growing awareness of the role atmospheres play in architecture. Of equal interest to contemporary architectural practice as it is to aesthetic theory, this 'atmospheric turn' owes much to the work of the German philosopher Gernot Böhme. Atmospheric Architectures: The Aesthetics of Felt Spaces brings together Böhme's most seminal writings on the subject, through chapters selected from his classic books and articles, many of which have hitherto only been available in German. This is the only translated version authorised by (...)
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  27. Cognitive architectures as Lakatosian research programs: Two case studies.Richard P. Cooper - 2006 - Philosophical Psychology 19 (2):199-220.
    Cognitive architectures - task-general theories of the structure and function of the complete cognitive system - are sometimes argued to be more akin to frameworks or belief systems than scientific theories. The argument stems from the apparent non-falsifiability of existing cognitive architectures. Newell was aware of this criticism and argued that architectures should be viewed not as theories subject to Popperian falsification, but rather as Lakatosian research programs based on cumulative growth. Newell's argument is undermined because he failed to demonstrate (...)
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  28. Modular architectures and informational encapsulation: A dilemma.Dustin Stokes & Vincent Bergeron - 2015 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 5 (3):315-38.
    Amongst philosophers and cognitive scientists, modularity remains a popular choice for an architecture of the human mind, primarily because of the supposed explanatory value of this approach. Modular architectures can vary both with respect to the strength of the notion of modularity and the scope of the modularity of mind. We propose a dilemma for modular architectures, no matter how these architectures vary along these two dimensions. First, if a modular architecture commits to the informational encapsulation of modules, as it (...)
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  29. The Architecture of the Mind:Massive Modularity and the Flexibility of Thought: Massive Modularity and the Flexibility of Thought.Peter Carruthers - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press UK.
    This book is a comprehensive development and defense of one of the guiding assumptions of evolutionary psychology: that the human mind is composed of a large number of semi-independent modules. The Architecture of the Mind has three main goals. One is to argue for massive mental modularity. Another is to answer a 'How possibly?' challenge to any such approach. The first part of the book lays out the positive case supporting massive modularity. It also outlines how the thesis should best (...)
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  30. An Architecture for Linguistic and Semantic Analysis on the ARXMLIV Corpus.D. Ginev, C. David & M. Kohlhase - unknown
    The ARXMLIV corpus is a remarkable collection of text containing scientific mathematical discourse. With more than half a million documents, it is an ambitious target for large scale linguistic and semantic analysis, requiring a generalized and distributed approach. In this paper we implement an architecture which solves and automates the issues of knowledge representation and knowledge management, providing an abstraction layer for distributed development of semantic analysis tools. Furthermore, we enable document interaction and visualization and present current implementations of semantic (...)
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    Restructuring Architectural Theory.Marco Diani & Catherine Ingraham (eds.) - 1988 - Northwestern University Press.
    This unique collection of essays will be invaluable to students and scholars as well as to architects and art historians for the range of issues it covers and the depth of analysis it provides.
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  32. The Architecture and Archaeology of Modern Logic. Studies dedicated to Göran Sundholm.Ansten Klev (ed.) - 2024 - Cham: Springer.
    This book honors the original and influential work by Göran Sundholm in the fields of the philosophy and history of logic and mathematics. Borne from two conferences held in Paris and Leiden on the occasion of Göran Sundholm’s retirement in 2019, the contributions collected in this volume represent work from leading logicians and philosophers. Reflecting Sundholm’s contributions to the history and philosophy of logic, this book is divided into two parts: the architecture and archaeology of logic. The essays collected in (...)
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    Architectures of Life and Death: The Eco-Aesthetics of the Built Environment.Andrej Radman & Stavros Kousoulas (eds.) - 2021 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Interdisciplinary in approach, this book combines philosophy, hybrid theory, and architectural theory with case studies, explicitly linking the traditions together to investigate the eco-aesthetics of the urban environment.
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    Decolonizing Architectural Pedagogy: Radical Cities Over Time and Through Space.Asma Mehan - 2024 - In D. R. Cole, M. M. Rafe & G. Y. A. Yang-Heim (eds.), Educational Research and the Question(s) of Time. Singapore: Springer. pp. 387–400.
    In an era where decolonizing architectural pedagogy is imperative, cities stand as the forefront of radical thought, acting as crucibles for ideological, activist, and spatial dynamics. These urban landscapes are not just breeding grounds for new paradigms, but also reflect significant shifts in political and social frameworks. This study adopts the concept of the “radical city” as a prism to understand how local events echo global political and sociocultural disturbances. This research takes an innovative approach by integrating mixed-method pedagogies, student-driven (...)
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  35.  7
    The'Grotesque'Dichotomies Still Unbeautified.Gregory M. Browne - 2006 - Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 8 (1).
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    The Grotesque: Illusion vs. Delusion.Frederick Burwick - 1990 - In Frederick Burwick & Walter Pape (eds.), Aesthetic illusion: theoretical and historical approaches. New York: W. de Gruyter. pp. 122--132.
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    Grotesque un/knowing of suffering.Laurie M. Cassidy - 2012 - In George Yancy (ed.), Christology and Whiteness: what would Jesus do? New York: Routledge. pp. 36.
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  38. Ten Short Theses on Architecture as Art.Gavin Keeney - manuscript
    Drops Dripped - WKCD - What Does It Do? - Techne - Faux Year Zero - Commercium as Ethics - Fictitious Space - The Module - The Image - Art, Love, Revolution. A version of this essay appeared in Gavin Keeney, "Else-where": Essays in Art, Architecture, and Cultural Production 2002-2011 (CSP, 2011), pp. 285-306.
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    Resilient architectures to facilitate both functional consciousness and phenomenal consciousness in machines.Uma Ramamurthy & Stan Franklin - 2009 - International Journal of Machine Consciousness 1 (2):243-253.
    Cognitive theories of consciousness should provide effective frameworks to implement machine consciousness. The Global Workspace Theory is a leading theory of consciousness which postulates that the primary function of consciousness is a global broadcast that facilitates recruitment of internal resources to deal with the current situation as well as modulate several types of learning. In this paper, we look at architectures for machine consciousness that have the Global Workspace Theory as their basis and discuss the requirements in such architectures to (...)
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  40.  14
    The Discipline of Architecture.Andrzej Piotrowski & Julia W. Robinson - 2001 - U of Minnesota Press.
    In the vast literature on architectural theory and practice, the ways in which architectural knowledge is actually taught, debated, and understood are too often ignored. The essays collected in this groundbreaking volume address the current state of architecture as an academic and professional discipline. The issues considered range from the form and content of architectural education to the architect's social and environmental obligations and the emergence of a new generation of architects. Often critical of the current paradigm, these essays offer (...)
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    Meshed Architecture of Performance as a Model of Situated Cognition.Shaun Gallagher & Somogy Varga - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    In this paper we engage in a reciprocal analysis of situated cognition and the notion of ‘meshed architecture’ as found in performance studies (Christensen, Sutton & McIlwain 2016). We argue that the model of meshed architecture can operate as a tool that enables us to better understand the notion of situated cognition. Reciprocally, by means of this new understanding of situation we develop a richer conception of meshed architecture. This enriched notion of a meshed architecture includes affect and bottom-up, non-automatic, (...)
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    Architecture: An Introductory Reader.Rudolf Steiner - 2003 - Rudolf Steiner Press.
    Rudolf Steiner, the often undervalued, multifaceted genius of modern times, contributed much to the regeneration of culture. In addition to his philosophical teachings, he provided ideas for the development of many practical activities including education--both general and special--agriculture, medicine, economics, architecture, science, religion, and the arts. Today there are thousands of schools, clinics, farms, and many other organizations based on his ideas. Steiner's original contribution to human knowledge was based on his ability to conduct spiritual research, the investigation of metaphysical (...)
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    Grotesque oblige G.K. Chesterton, la racionalidad gótica y las estadísticas.Santiago Argüello - 2007 - The Chesterton Review En Español 1 (1):234-243.
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  44. American grotesque tales by Joyce Carol Oates.William Schnabel - 2002 - Iris 24:381-397.
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    The Grotesque and Merleau-Ponty on “Fleshing Out” the Subject.Sara Cohen Shabot - 2006 - Philosophy Today 50 (3):284-295.
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  46. The Ofences of the Imagination: The Grotesque in Kant’s Aesthetics.Beatriz de Almeida Rodrigues - 2024 - British Journal of Aesthetics:1-17.
    In the Critique of the Power of Judgement, Kant claims that ‘the English taste in gardens or the baroque taste in furniture pushes the freedom of the imagination almost to the point of the grotesque’ (KU 5:242). This paper attempts to reconstruct Kant’s views on the grotesque as a theoretical foundation for the modern conception of the grotesque as a negative aesthetic category. The first section of the paper considers and ultimately rejects the interpretation of the (...) as a difficult kind of beauty. The second section contrasts the experience of the grotesque with similar experiences of sublimity and dreams. The third section examines the discord between faculties underlying the experience of the grotesque, defining the grotesque as a subclass of ugliness and addressing potential objections to its inclusion in Kant’s aesthetics. The fourth and final section briefly discusses the specificity of the grotesque as a subclass of ugliness. (shrink)
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    The Ethical Function of Architecture.Karsten Harries - 1996 - MIT Press.
    Can architecture help us find our place and way in today's complex world? Can it return individuals to a whole, to a world, to a community? Developing Giedion's claim that contemporary architecture's main task is to interpret a way of life valid for our time, philosopher Karsten Harries answers that architecture should serve a common ethos. But if architecture is to meet that task, it first has to free itself from the dominant formalist approach, and get beyond the notion that (...)
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  48. Phenomenological architecture of a mind and Operational Architectonics of the brain: the unified metastable continuum.Andrew A. Fingelkurts, Alexander A. Fingelkurts & Carlos F. H. Neves - 2009 - Journal of New Mathematics and Natural Computing. Special Issue on Neurodynamic Correlates of Higher Cognition and Consciousness: Theoretical and Experimental Approaches - in Honor of Walter J Freeman's 80th Birthday 5 (1):221-244.
    In our contribution we will observe phenomenal architecture of a mind and operational architectonics of the brain and will show their intimate connectedness within a single integrated metastable continuum. The notion of operation of different complexity is the fundamental and central one in bridging the gap between brain and mind: it is precisely by means of this notion that it is possible to identify what at the same time belongs to the phenomenal conscious level and to the neurophysiological level of (...)
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  49. The Architecture of the Imagination: New Essays on Pretence, Possibility, and Fiction.Shaun Nichols (ed.) - 2006 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    This volume presents new essays on the propositional imagination by leading researchers. The propositional imagination---the mental capacity we exploit when we imagine that everyone is colour-blind or that Hamlet is a procrastinator---plays an essential role in philosophical theorizing, engaging with fiction, and indeed in everyday life. Yet only recently has there been a systematic attempt to give a cognitive account of the propositional imagination. These thirteen essays, specially written for the volume, capitalize on this recent work, extending the theoretical picture (...)
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    The Grotesque: First Principles.Groffery Harpham - 1976 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 34 (4):461-468.
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