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    An Improved Multibranch Convolutional Neural Network with a Compensator for Crowd Counting.Zhiyun Zheng, Zhenhao Sun, Guanglei Zhu, Zhenfei Wang & Junfeng Wang - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-10.
    Image-based crowd counting has extremely important applications in public safety issues. Most of the previous studies focused on extremely dense crowds. However, as the number of webcams increases, a crowd with extremely high density can obtain less error by summing the images of multiple close-range webcams, but there are still some problems such as heavy occlusions and large-scale variation. To solve the above problems, this paper proposes a new type of multibranch neural network with a compensator, in which features are (...)
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    Huang Zongxi ru xue si xiang yan jiu.Guanglei Zhu - 2019 - Taibei Shi: Han lu tu shu chu ban you xian gong si.
    黃宗羲(1610~1695),字太沖,號梨洲,是明末清初著名的思想家,與顧炎武、王夫之同稱清初三大儒,有「中國思想啟蒙之父」盛譽。 本書以黃宗羲的儒學思想作為研究主軸,界定黃宗羲的思想為內在超越的元氣一本論,並考察了黃宗羲與其師劉宗周的思想關聯,梳理了黃宗羲品評宋明儒學的義理綱維,審定了黃宗羲與呂留良、潘平格、陳乾初的學術爭論,辨 析了黃宗羲針對佛老與天主教的學理批判,闡釋了黃宗羲《明夷待訪錄》的天下情懷。.
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