Results for 'H. Mccoll'

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  1.  14
    III.--Symbolical reasoning.H. Mccoll - 1880 - Mind (17):45-60.
  2. Primary Care and Clinical Governance.N. H. S. Executive, A. McColl, P. Roberick, H. Smith, E. Wilkinson, M. Moore, A. Farooqui, K. Khunti & R. Sorrie - 2002 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 6 (2):111-20.
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  3. Proofs of valid categorical syllogisms in one diagrammatic and two symbolic axiomatic systems.Antonielly Garcia Rodrigues & Eduardo Mario Dias - manuscript
    Gottfried Leibniz embarked on a research program to prove all the Aristotelic categorical syllogisms by diagrammatic and algebraic methods. He succeeded in proving them by means of Euler diagrams, but didn’t produce a manuscript with their algebraic proofs. We demonstrate how key excerpts scattered across various Leibniz’s drafts on logic contained sufficient ingredients to prove them by an algebraic method –which we call the Leibniz-Cayley (LC) system– without having to make use of the more expressive and complex machinery of first-order (...)
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    Symbolical reasoning.Hugh McColl - 1880 - Mind 5 (17):45-60.
  5.  31
    Terror and Hope in South Africa.R. McColl & J. Alt - 1987 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1987 (74):151-164.
    Title: Move Your ShadowPublisher: PenguinISBN: 0140093265Author: Joseph LelyveldTitle: Crossing the LinePublisher: PerseaISBN: 0892553251Author: William FinneganTitle: South Africa Without ApartheidPublisher: University of California PressISBN: 0520057708Author: Heribert Adam and Kogila Moodley.
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    Music Criticism in Vienna, 1896-1897: Critically Moving Forms.Sandra MacColl & Sandra McColl - 1996 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Music Criticism in Vienna records a culture in which musical criticism had achieved the status of a minor art form. The period covered - October 1896 to December 1897 - was an eventful time in Vienna. Bruckner died, then Brahms; Mahler arrived; premieres of works by Czech composers coincided with increasing tension in the Empire between Czechs and Germans; Puccini's La Boheme reached Vienna on its sensational progress around the world; and the great programme music debate continued. These events and (...)
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  7.  13
    Chemokines: extracellular messengers for all occasions?Lisa M. Gale & Shaun R. McColl - 1999 - Bioessays 21 (1):17-28.
    Movement of leukocytes from peripheral blood into tissues, also called leukocyte extravasation, is absolutely essential for immunity in higher organisms. Over the past decade, our understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in white blood cell extravasation during both normal immune surveillance and the generation of protective immune responses has taken a great leap forward with the discovery of the chemokine gene superfamily. Chemokines are low-molecular-weight cytokines whose major collective biological activity appears to be that of chemotaxis of both specific and (...)
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  8.  18
    Subversion of the chemokine world by microbial pathogens.Adrian Liston & Shaun McColl - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (5):478-488.
    It is well known that microbial pathogens are able to subvert the host immune system in order to increase microbial replication and propagation. Recent research indicates that another arm of the immune response, that of the chemokine system, is also subject to this sabotage, and is undermined by a range of microbial pathogens, including viruses, bacteria, and parasites. Currently, it is known that the chemokine system is being challenged by a number of mechanisms, and still more are likely to be (...)
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  9.  26
    The basophil: Resolved questions and new avenues of investigation.Ervin E. Kara, Shaun R. McColl & Iain Comerford - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (8):670-670.
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    Leukocytes on the move with phosphoinositide 3-kinase and its downstream effectors.Erik Procko & Shaun R. McColl - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (2):153-163.
    Cell signalling mediators derived from membrane phospholipids are frequent participants in biological processes. The family of phosphoinositide 3-kinases (PI3Ks) phosphorylate the membrane lipid phosphatidylinositol, generating second messengers that direct diverse responses. These PI3K products are fundamental for leukocyte migration or chemotaxis, a pivotal event during the immune response. This system is therefore of significant biomedical interest. This review focuses on the biochemistry and signalling pathways of PI3K, with particular emphasis on chemokine (chemotactic cytokine)-directed responses. The key objectives of chemotaxis are (...)
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  11.  33
    An immune paradox: How can the same chemokine axis regulate both immune tolerance and activation?Iain Comerford, Mark Bunting, Kevin Fenix, Sarah Haylock-Jacobs, Wendel Litchfield, Yuka Harata-Lee, Michelle Turvey, Julie Brazzatti, Carly Gregor, Phillip Nguyen, Ervin Kara & Shaun R. McColl - 2010 - Bioessays 32 (12):1067-1076.
    Chemokines (chemotactic cytokines) drive and direct leukocyte traffic. New evidence suggests that the unusual CCR6/CCL20 chemokine receptor/ligand axis provides key homing signals for recently identified cells of the adaptive immune system, recruiting both pro‐inflammatory and suppressive T cell subsets. Thus CCR6 and CCL20 have been recently implicated in various human pathologies, particularly in autoimmune disease. These studies have revealed that targeting CCR6/CCL20 can enhance or inhibit autoimmune disease depending on the cellular basis of pathogenesis and the cell subtype most affected (...)
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  12.  29
    Regulation of chemotactic networks by 'atypical' receptors.Iain Comerford, Wendel Litchfield, Yuka Harata-Lee, Robert J. B. Nibbs & Shaun R. McColl - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (3):237-247.
    Directed cell migration is a fundamental component of numerous biological systems and is critical to the pathology of many diseases. Although the importance of secreted chemoattractant factors in providing navigational cues to migrating cells bearing specific chemoattractant receptors is now well‐established, how the function of these factors is regulated is not so well understood and may be of key importance to the design of new therapeutics for numerous human diseases. While regulation of migration clearly takes place on a number of (...)
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  13. Taking property rights seriously: The case of climate change: Jonathan H. Adler.Jonathan H. Adler - 2009 - Social Philosophy and Policy 26 (2):296-316.
    The dominant approach to environmental policy endorsed by conservative and libertarian policy thinkers, so-called “free market environmentalism”, is grounded in the recognition and protection of property rights in environmental resources. Despite this normative commitment to property rights, most self-described FME advocates adopt a utilitarian, welfare-maximization approach to climate change policy, arguing that the costs of mitigation measures could outweigh the costs of climate change itself. Yet even if anthropogenic climate change is decidedly less than catastrophic, human-induced climate change is likely (...)
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  14.  19
    Der Begriff der Implikation in einigen frühen Schriften von Hugh McColl.Michaela Stroh - 1993 - In Werner Stelzner (ed.), Philosophie Und Logik: Frege-Kolloquien 1989 Und 1991. De Gruyter. pp. 128-144.
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  15.  71
    Spinoza and british idealism: The case of H. H. Joachim.G. H. R. Parkinson - 1993 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 1 (2):109 – 123.
  16.  31
    The Liminal Body: Comment on “Privacy in the Context of ‘Re-emergent’ Infectious Diseases” by Justin T. Denholm and Ian H. Kerridge.Paul H. Mason - 2014 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 11 (4):565-566.
    If James has a latent tuberculosis infection , he is at risk of developing active tuberculosis disease but he is not yet sick. LTBI is a liminal space between health and illness. Diagnosed with LTBI, James could be conceptualised as having a liminal body. Treatments for LTBI are available, but why would a person seek treatment for a disease he does not yet have? One thing is definite: James needs to be educated about the symptoms and severity of active tuberculosis (...)
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  17.  96
    Bentham and Blackstone: A Lifetime's Dialectic*: J. H. Burns.J. H. Burns - 1989 - Utilitas 1 (1):22-40.
    The full range of Bentham's engagement with Blackstone's view of law is beyond the scope of a single article. Yet it is important to recognize at the outset, even in a more restricted enquiry into the matter, that the engagement, begun when Bentham, not quite sixteen years of age, started to attend Blackstone's Oxford lectures, was indeed a lifelong affair. Whatever Bentham had in mind when, at the age of eighty, in 1828, he began to write a work entitled ‘A (...)
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  18. Līlīt wa-al-ḥarakah al-nisawīyah al-ḥadīthah.Ḥannā ʻAbbūd - 2007 - Dimashq: Wizārat al-Thaqāfah.
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  19. Wa-mā baʻda 2020!: ishkālīyāt ḥaḍārīyah fī ʻawlamah bi-lā huwīyah.Ḥātim ʻAlāmī - 2019 - Bayrūt: Markaz al-Baḥth fī al-Jāmiʻah al-Ḥadīthah lil-Idārah wa-al-ʻUlūm MUBS.
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  20.  50
    Neoplatonism and early Christian thought: essays in honour of A.H. Armstrong.A. H. Armstrong, H. J. Blumenthal & R. A. Markus (eds.) - 1981 - London: Variorum Publications.
    "The studies collected in this book are all concerned with aspects of the Platonic tradition, either in its own internal development in the Hellenistic age and the period of the Roman Empire, or with the influence of Platonism, in one or other of its forms, on other spiritual traditions, especially that of Christianity." [Book jacket].
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  21. Perush ʻal haḳdamat ha-Rambam le-Fereḳ Ḥeleḳ: Igeret teḥiyat ha-metim.Shelomoh Ḥayim Aviner - 2012 - Bet-El: Sifriyat Ḥaṿah.
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  22.  21
    Qaḍīyat al-taḥsīn wa-al-taqbīḥ: ṭabīʻat al-mabdaʼ al-akhlāqī fī al-fikr al-Islāmī wa-ahamm ishkālīyātuh wa-abʻāduh.ʻAbd Allāh Aḥmad Baqqālī - 2023 - Irbid, al-Urdun: Rakāʼiz lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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  23.  68
    The human web: A Bird's-eyeview of world history by J. R. McNeill and William H. McNeill.Jerry H. Bentley - 2005 - History and Theory 44 (1):102–112.
  24.  31
    J. KALMA, De Mensch; een evolutiebeeld. Menschwording. Haarlem, H. D. Tjeenk Willink & Zoon N.V., 1940.J. H. Diemer - 1941 - Philosophia Reformata 6 (2-3):145-158.
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    J. KALMA, De involutietheorie. Haarlem, H. D. Tjeenk Willink & Zoon, N.V., 1941.J. H. Diemer - 1942 - Philosophia Reformata 7 (1-2):64.
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  26. al-Islām wa-al-ḥaḍārah: aḍwāʼ ʻalá maẓāhir al-takhalluf fī al-ʻālam al-ʻArabī wa-ʻawāmil taqaddumih: dirāsah naqdīyah.Mahdī Faḍl Allāh - 2004 - Bayrūt: Dār al-Hādī.
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  27.  51
    Computer Reliability and Public Policy: Limits of Knowledge of Computer-Based Systems*: JAMES H. FETZER.James H. Fetzer - 1996 - Social Philosophy and Policy 13 (2):229-266.
    Perhaps no technological innovation has so dominated the second half of the twentieth century as has the introduction of the programmable computer. It is quite difficult if not impossible to imagine how contemporary affairs—in business and science, communications and transportation, governmental and military activities, for example—could be conducted without the use of computing machines, whose principal contribution has been to relieve us of the necessity for certain kinds of mental exertion. The computer revolution has reduced our mental labors by means (...)
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  28.  80
    Hartshorne's Social Feelings and G. H. Mead.Peter H. Hare - 1966 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 4 (2):69-70.
  29.  44
    (1 other version)Would Hegel Be A 'Hegelian'Today?H. S. Harris - 2007 - Cosmos and History 3 (2-3):5-15.
    In this paper H. S. Harris argues that it is misguided to suggest that Hegelrsquo;s philosophical project was a dialectical illusion generated by his historical situation and that he would never have believed that his vision was achievable if he had been faced with the world that we face today. Not only does Harris proclaim himself to be a Hegelian, he claims that Hegel would today also remain a Hegelian. He goes on to argue that despite the fragmentation of the (...)
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  30. al-Manhajīyāt al-muʻāṣirah lil-mabāḥith al-ʻaqlīyah ʻinda al-Shīʻah al-Imāmīyah: Madrasat al-Najaf unmūdhajan.Fāliḥ Ḥasan Jabbār - 2011 - al-Najaf al-Ashraf, al-ʻIrāq: al-ʻAtabah al-ʻAlawīyah al-Muqaddasah.
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  31. Philosophy in the West Readings in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy [Edited by] Joseph Katz [and] Rudolph H. Weingartner. With New Translations by John Wellmuth and John Wilkinson.Joseph Katz & Rudolph H. Weingartner - 1965 - Harcourt, Brace & World.
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  32.  19
    Feeling faint: Review essay of A.H. Modell - Imagination and the Meaningful Brain.H. Looren De Jong - unknown
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  33.  6
    Mesilat yesharim: kolel kol ʻinyene musar ṿe-yirʼat ha-Shem:... Derekh ʻets ḥayim.Moshe Ḥayyim Luzzatto - 1956 - Jerusalem: Mosad "Haśḳel". Edited by Ezekiel Sarna.
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  34.  11
    Kāvishī naw dar akhlāq-i Islāmī va shuʼūn-i ḥikmat-i ʻamalī.Ḥusayn Maẓāhirī - 2004 - Tihrān: Muʼassasah-i Nashr va Taḥqīqāt-i Z̲ikr.
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  35. Libās: miyān̲ bīvī ke ḥuqūq va farāʼiz̤.Ḥanīf Aḥmad Maḥmūd - 2003 - Islāmābād: Lajnah Imāʼillāh.
    On the rights of husband and wife according to Islamic teachings.
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  36. Falsafat al-qirāʼah wa-ishkālīyāt al-maʻná: min al-miʻyārīyah al-naqdīyah ilá al-infitāḥ al-qirāʼī al-mutaʻaddid: dirāsah.Ḥabīb Mūnsī - 2002 - Wahrān: Dār al-Gharb lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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  37. Rifāʻī kashkol: daʻvatī, iṣlāḥī, fikrī va maʻlūmātī maz̤āmīn.Shāh Qādirī Sayyid Musṭafá Rifāʻī Jīlānī Nadvī - 2009 - Lakhnaʼū: Idārah-yi Iḥyāe ʻIlm va Daʻvat.
    Articles; chiefly on Islamic ethics and conveying non Muslims for Islam.
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    Manṭiq al-kalām: min al-manṭiq al-jadalī al-falsafī ilá al-manṭiq al-ḥujjājī al-uṣūlī.Ḥammū Naqārī - 2005 - al-Rabāṭ: Dār al-Amān.
  39.  14
    Sight and Insight: Essays On Art and Culture in Honour of E.H. Gombrich At 85.John Onians & E. H. Gombrich - 1994 - Phaidon Press.
    A collection of essays written in affectionate tribute to Gombrich.
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    Everything connects: in conference with Richard H. Popkin: essays in his honor.Richard H. Popkin, James E. Force & David S. Katz (eds.) - 1999 - Boston: Brill.
    This latest book, whose editors were among those who prepared the first two volumes, centers on Popkin's crucial role in bringing together scholars from around ...
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  41.  4
    Islāmī naẓriyah-yi ak̲h̲lāq.Aṣg̲h̲ar Iʻjāz Qāʼimī - 2008 - Dihlī: Ejūkeshnal Pablishing HāʼŪs.
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  42. Contemporary Indian Philosophy by M.K. Gandhi [and Others] Edited by S. Radhakrishnan and J.H. Muirhead.S. Radhakrishnan & John H. Muirhead - 1958 - Allen & Unwin.
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  43.  9
    Umūr-i intiẓāmī dar niẓām-i ḥasabah-i Islāmī.Ḥasan Riz̤ā Rafīʻī - 2001 - Tihrān: Dānishgāh-i ʻUlūm-i Intiẓāmī.
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  44.  7
    Mudīriyat-i siyāsī az dīdgāh-i Khvājah Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī =.Ḥusayn Ramaz̤ānī Khiradmardī - 2002 - Tihrān: Muʼassasah-i Farhangī-i Dānish va Andīshah-ʼi Muʻāṣir.
    On the political and social views of Naṣīr al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad Ṭūsī, 1201-1274.
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  45.  34
    Evil Communications.H. J. Rose - 1925 - Classical Quarterly 19 (2):92-93.
    Mr. P. H. Ling's suggestion that the famous line θερουσιν θη χρσθ' μιλαι κακα stood at the beginning of a play of Euripides seems to me to lack anything like cogent proof. A gnomic verse of this sort—to take the characteristics of the line in the order given by Mr. Ling—may indeed begin a play, as in the fragment of the Stheneboia which he quotes; but it may also begin a speech, as Hec. 864; or come early in a speech, (...)
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  46. ʻUnwān al-bayān wa-bustān al-adhhān wa-majmūʻ naṣāʼiḥ fī al-ḥikam.ʻAbd Allāh ibn Muḥammad Shabrāwī - 2020 - al-Qāhirah: Maktabat al-Thaqāfah al-Dīnīyah. Edited by Ibn Fakhr & ʻAbd al-ʻAlī ibn ʻAbd al-Ḥayy.
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  47. Falsafat al-jamāl wa-masāʼil al-fann ʻinda Abī Ḥayyān al-Tawḥīdī.Ḥusayn Ṣiddīq - 2003 - Ḥalab: Dār al-Rifāʻī.
  48.  21
    Self-interest and social order in classical liberalism: the essays of George H. Smith.George H. Smith - 2017 - Washington, D.C.: Cato Institute.
    There is a well-worn image and phrase for libertarianism: "atomized individualism." This hobgoblin has spread so thoroughly that even some libertarians think their philosophy unreservedly supports private persons, whatever the situation, whatever their behavior. Smith's Self-Interest and Social Order in Classical Liberalism, corrects this misrepresentation with careful intellectual surveys of Hume, Smith, Hobbes, Butler, Mandeville, and Hutcheson and their respective contributions to political philosophy.
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  49. Muwāfaqat ṣaḥīḥ al-manqūl li-ṣarīḥ al-maʻqūl.Ibn Taymīyah & Aḥmad ibn ʻAbd al-Ḥalīm - 1985 - Bayrūt, Lubanān: Dār al-Kutub al-ʻIlmīyah.
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    Ėstetika buĭynsa russa-bashqortsa qythqasa an︠g︡latmaly ḣu̇thlek.T. I. Ĭăḣu̇t︠h︡in - 2008 - Ȯfȯ: Zăĭnăb Biisheva isemendăge "Kitap" năshriăte.
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