Harrison C. Walker [3]Helen Walker [3]Heather Walker [2]Harry Walker [2]
Howard Walker [2]Henry A. Walker [2]Hanne B. Walker [1]H. J. Walker [1]

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  1.  55
    Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Deep Brain Stimulation Think Tank: Advances in Neurophysiology, Adaptive DBS, Virtual Reality, Neuroethics and Technology.Adolfo Ramirez-Zamora, James Giordano, Aysegul Gunduz, Jose Alcantara, Jackson N. Cagle, Stephanie Cernera, Parker Difuntorum, Robert S. Eisinger, Julieth Gomez, Sarah Long, Brandon Parks, Joshua K. Wong, Shannon Chiu, Bhavana Patel, Warren M. Grill, Harrison C. Walker, Simon J. Little, Ro’ee Gilron, Gerd Tinkhauser, Wesley Thevathasan, Nicholas C. Sinclair, Andres M. Lozano, Thomas Foltynie, Alfonso Fasano, Sameer A. Sheth, Katherine Scangos, Terence D. Sanger, Jonathan Miller, Audrey C. Brumback, Priya Rajasethupathy, Cameron McIntyre, Leslie Schlachter, Nanthia Suthana, Cynthia Kubu, Lauren R. Sankary, Karen Herrera-Ferrá, Steven Goetz, Binith Cheeran, G. Karl Steinke, Christopher Hess, Leonardo Almeida, Wissam Deeb, Kelly D. Foote & Okun Michael S. - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  2.  60
    Diagnosing the Human Superiority Complex: Providing Evidence the Eco-Crisis is Born of Conscious Agency.Mark A. Schroll & Heather Walker - 2011 - Anthropology of Consciousness 22 (1):39-48.
    This article is an amendment to Drengson (2011) that offers examples from fieldwork and reporting of practices influenced by the technocratic paradigm. Specifically (1) Krippner's work with Brazilian shamans and the theft of their tribal knowledge by the biotechnology industry that Krippner refers to as ecopiratism. (2) Hitchcock's field research with indigenous populations in the northwestern Kalahari Desert region of southern Africa and his documented assault of these indigenous peoples by private companies that Hitchcock refers to as developmental genocide. And (...)
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  3.  57
    Local anatomy, stimulation site, and time alter directional deep brain stimulation impedances.Joseph W. Olson, Christopher L. Gonzalez, Sarah Brinkerhoff, Maria Boolos, Melissa H. Wade, Christopher P. Hurt, Arie Nakhmani, Bart L. Guthrie & Harrison C. Walker - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Directional deep brain stimulation contacts provide greater spatial flexibility for therapy than traditional ring-shaped electrodes, but little is known about longitudinal changes of impedance and orientation. We measured monopolar and bipolar impedance of DBS contacts in 31 patients who underwent unilateral subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation as part of a randomized study. At different follow-up visits, patients were assigned new stimulation configurations and impedance was measured. Additionally, we measured the orientation of the directional lead during surgery, immediately after surgery, and (...)
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  4. Spinning gold from straw: On cause, law and probability.Henry A. Walker - 1987 - Sociological Theory 5 (1):28-33.
  5.  33
    A Decision Theory Perspective on Wicked Problems, SDGs and Stakeholders: The Case of Deforestation.Anthony Alexander, Helen Walker & Izabela Delabre - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 180 (4):975-995.
    The Sustainable Development Goals are an opportunity to address major social and environmental challenges. As a widely agreed framework they offer a potential way to mobilise stakeholders on a global scale. The manner in which the goals, with time-based targets and specific metrics, are set out within a voluntary reporting process adopted by both governments and business, provides a fascinating and important case for organisational studies. It is both about advancing performance measurement and evidence-based policy-making for sustainable development, and also (...)
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  6.  48
    Panel: Lines on Paper Lynda Barry, Ivan Brunetti, R. Crumb, Gary Panter.Hamza Walker - 2014 - Critical Inquiry 40 (3):237-254.
  7.  11
    Doing Wholeness, Producing Subjects: Kinesiological Sensemaking and Energetic Kinship.Hanne Bess Boelsbjerg, Hanne Kjærgaard Walker, Line Hillersdal & Kristina Grünenberg - 2013 - Body and Society 19 (4):92-119.
    This article is concerned with the ways in which bodies and subjects are enacted and negotiated in the encounter between client and practitioner within specialized kinesiology – a specific complementary and alternative medical practice. In the article we trace the ideas of connections and disconnections, which are conceptualized and practised within kinesiology. We attempt to come to grips with these specific notions of relatedness through the introduction of the concept ‘energetic kinship’ and to relate them to more general discussions about (...)
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  8.  22
    Brain MR spectroscopy in autism spectrum disorder—the GABA excitatory/inhibitory imbalance theory revisited.Maiken K. Brix, Lars Ersland, Kenneth Hugdahl, Renate Grüner, Maj-Britt Posserud, Åsa Hammar, Alexander R. Craven, Ralph Noeske, C. John Evans, Hanne B. Walker, Tore Midtvedt & Mona K. Beyer - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  9.  21
    Comparison of anticipation and recall methods in paired-associate learning.Charles N. Cofer, Florence Diamond, Richard A. Olsen, Judith S. Stein & Howard Walker - 1967 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 75 (4):545.
  10.  32
    Studies on free recall of nouns following presentation under adjectival modification.Charles N. Cofer, Erwin Segal, Judith Stein & Howard Walker - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 79 (2p1):254.
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  11. Theory construction and development in sociology: An appropriate framework.William A. Harris & Henry A. Walker - 1992 - Sociological Theory 10 (1):111-117.
  12.  13
    Walking Speed Reliably Measures Clinically Significant Changes in Gait by Directional Deep Brain Stimulation.Christopher P. Hurt, Daniel J. Kuhman, Barton L. Guthrie, Carla R. Lima, Melissa Wade & Harrison C. Walker - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Introduction: Although deep brain stimulation often improves levodopa-responsive gait symptoms, robust therapies for gait dysfunction from Parkinson's disease remain a major unmet need. Walking speed could represent a simple, integrated tool to assess DBS efficacy but is often not examined systematically or quantitatively during DBS programming. Here we investigate the reliability and functional significance of changes in gait by directional DBS in the subthalamic nucleus.Methods: Nineteen patients underwent unilateral subthalamic nucleus DBS surgery with an eight-contact directional lead in the most (...)
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  13.  24
    Commentaries on Hurd's Integral Archaeology.Heather Walker - 2011 - Anthropology of Consciousness 22 (1):100-101.
  14.  11
    Démosthène.H. J. Walker - 1991 - History of European Ideas 13 (4):489-490.
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  15.  19
    Interaction of imagery, associative overlap, and category membership in multitrial free recall.Howard J. Walker - 1971 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 88 (3):333.
  16.  10
    (1 other version)Record of an experience while under the influence of ether.Harry Walker - 1910 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 7 (16):437.
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  17. The heart of things.Henry Milton Walker - 1906 - Los Angeles, Cal.,: The Segnogram Publishing co..
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  18.  34
    The Relation of Plana and Bravais to Theory of Correlation.Helen Walker - 1928 - Isis 10 (2):466-484.
  19.  28
    The Second Yearbook of Research and Statistical Methodology. Oscar Krisen Buros.Helen Walker - 1943 - Isis 34 (4):375-377.
  20.  43
    College Physics. [REVIEW]H. N. Walker - 1942 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 17 (3):572-574.