Results for 'H. van Golde'

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  1.  23
    Combining Gamma With Alpha and Beta Power Modulation for Enhanced Cortical Mapping in Patients With Focal Epilepsy.Mario E. Archila-Meléndez, Giancarlo Valente, Erik D. Gommer, João M. Correia, Sanne ten Oever, Judith C. Peters, Joel Reithler, Marc P. H. Hendriks, William Cornejo Ochoa, Olaf E. M. G. Schijns, Jim T. A. Dings, Danny M. W. Hilkman, Rob P. W. Rouhl, Bernadette M. Jansma, Vivianne H. J. M. van Kranen-Mastenbroek & Mark J. Roberts - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    About one third of patients with epilepsy have seizures refractory to the medical treatment. Electrical stimulation mapping is the gold standard for the identification of “eloquent” areas prior to resection of epileptogenic tissue. However, it is time-consuming and may cause undesired side effects. Broadband gamma activity recorded with extraoperative electrocorticography during cognitive tasks may be an alternative to ESM but until now has not proven of definitive clinical value. Considering their role in cognition, the alpha and beta bands could further (...)
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    Een handvol filosofen: geschiedenis van de filosofiebeoefening aan de Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam van 1880 tot 2012.H. E. S. Woldring - 2013 - Hilversum: Verloren.
    In 'Een handvol filosofen' staan de filosofen centraal die sinds de oprichting van de Vrije Universiteit in 1880 aan deze instelling verbonden zijn geweest. Het gaat hierbij niet alleen om de inhoud van hun werk, maar ook om de personen zelf. Er waren filosofiedocenten die zich met de universiteit identificeerden en zich volledig konden ontplooien. Er waren er echter ook voor wie dit niet gold, die geïsoleerd of in gewetensnood raakten. Veel filosofiestudenten waren actief betrokken bij wat er in hun (...)
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    Toward a Contemporary Christianity. [REVIEW]O. H. S. - 1968 - Review of Metaphysics 21 (4):757-758.
    Wicker's concern is to build a philosophical and justificational foundation for a "Christian radicalism" which can serve to synthesize the two modern secular themes of self-determination and communalism. He explores particular secular theories of perception, language, and society and rejects them as irrelevant to modern realities. He then constructs in their place three sacred theories, where "sacred" is to be understood not as a sheltered corner of our experience but rather as the basis of the more general intersubjectivity which defines (...)
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    Howard William Hintz 1903-1964.H. Van R. Wilson - 1965 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 39:120 -.
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    Een nieuw argument voor het probabilisme.H. Ernst & A. van Leeuwen - 1956 - Bijdragen 17 (2):201-203.
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  6. Dynamics of nonlinear feedback control.H. Snippe & J. H. van Hateren - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva (ed.), Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 182-182.
    Feedback control in neural systems is ubiquitous. Here we study the mathematics of nonlinear feedback control. We compare models in which the input is multiplied by a dynamic gain (multiplicative control) with models in which the input is divided by a dynamic attenuation (divisive control). The gain signal (resp. the attenuation signal) is obtained through a concatenation of an instantaneous nonlinearity and a linear low-pass filter operating on the output of the feedback loop. For input steps, the dynamics of gain (...)
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    Grenzfälle in der medizinischen Ethik.H. Van Oyen - 1960 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 4 (1):193-207.
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  8. Het sterven van een mens.H. Van Overbeke - 1971 - Antwerpen,: Patmos. Edited by P. Wols & [From Old Catalog].
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  9. The Making of Argumentation Theory: A Pragma-dialectical View.Frans H. van Eemeren & Ton van Haaften - 2023 - Argumentation 37 (3):341-376.
    In ‘The making of argumentation theory’ van Eemeren and van Haaften describe the contributions made to the five components of a full-fledged research program of argumentation theory by four prominent approaches to the discipline: formal dialectics, rhetoric/pragmalinguistics, informal logic, and pragma-dialectics. Most of these approaches do not contribute to all components, but to some in particular. Starting from the pragma-dialectical view of the relationship between dialectical reasonableness and rhetorical effectiveness – the crucial issue in argumentation theory – van Eemeren and (...)
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  10.  47
    A Systematic Theory of Argumentation: The Pragma-Dialectical Approach.Frans H. Van Eemeren & Rob Grootendorst - 2003 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this book two of the leading figures in argumentation theory present a view of argumentation as a means of resolving differences of opinion by testing the acceptability of the disputed positions. Their model of a 'critical discussion' serves as a theoretical tool for analysing, evaluating and producing argumentative discourse. They develop a method for the reconstruction of argumentative discourse that takes into account all aspects that are relevant to a critical assessment. They also propose a practical code of behaviour (...)
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    Kinship: The Relationship Between Johnstone's Ideas about Philosophical Argument and the Pragma-Dialectical Theory Of Argumentation.F. H. Van Eemeren & Peter Houtlosser - 2007 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 40 (1):51-70.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kinship:The Relationship Between Johnstone's Ideas about Philosophical Argument and the Pragma-Dialectical Theory of ArgumentationFrans H. van Eemeren and Peter Houtlosser1. Johnstone on the Nature of Philosophical ArgumentAs he himself declared in Validity and Rhetoric in Philosophical Argument (1978, 1), the late philosopher Henry W. Johnstone Jr. devoted a long period of his professional life to clarifying the nature of philosophical argument. His well-known view was that philosophical arguments are (...)
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  12.  18
    Bemerkungen zu den Leitsätzen von Dr. Fischer: »Evangelische Verantwortung für gesundes Leben«.H. Van Oyen - 1960 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 4 (1):369-372.
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    Gibt es eine evangelische Ethik der Grenzfälle?H. Van Oyen - 1957 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 1 (1):2-17.
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  14. A Propos D'une Histoire De Belgique.H. Laurent & F. van Kalken - 1928 - Revue Belge de Philologie Et D’Histoire 7 (2):807-820.
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    »New Morality« und christliche Ethik.H. Van Oyen - 1967 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 11 (1):34-42.
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    Replik des zur Rede Gestellten.H. Van Oyen - 1967 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 11 (1):374-375.
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  17. Providing good care in the context of restrictive measures : the case of prevention of obesity in youngsters with Prader-Willi syndrome.R. H. Van Hooren [ - 2008 - In Guy Widdershoven (ed.), Empirical ethics in psychiatry. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Antwort auf die kritischen Bemerkungen von G. Stratenwerth zum Aufsatz über die »Grenzfälle in der medizinischen Ethik«.H. Van Oyen - 1960 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 4 (1):365-367.
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    Zur Deutungsgeschichte des »En Christo«.H. Van Oyen - 1967 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 11 (1):129-135.
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  20. Le Concept de Droit // The Concept of Law.H. Hart & Michel van de Kerchove - 1979 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 84 (2):260-261.
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  21. Rhetorical analysis within a pragma-dialectical framework: The case of RJ Reynolds.F. H. Van Eemeren & Peter Houtlosser - 2000 - Argumentation 14 (3):293-305.
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    Causal Discontinuity in Fatalism and Indeterminism.H. Van Rensselaer Wilson - 1955 - Journal of Philosophy 52 (3):70 - 72.
  23. I. Self-organizing endo-matter, the interactive interface and the origin of consciousness.H. Wassenaar, W. Van Roon & C. Ten Hallers - 1995 - Communication and Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Journal 28:187-218.
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    Preface: From Pragmatics and Dialectics to Argument Studies.Katarzyna Budzynska, Frans H. Van Eemeren & Marcin Koszowy - 2014 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 36 (1):7-22.
    Pragmatics and dialectics are two disciplines which have been amongst the first and most important partners for argument studies in the exploration of the complex realm of communication. Treating argumentation as a construct consisting of premises and conclusion allows for investigating some interesting properties of the phenomenon of reasoning, but does not capture a variety of aspects related to the usage of natural language and dialogical context in which real-life argumentation is typically embedded. This special issue explores some of the (...)
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  25. Modal Logics and Bounded First-Order Fragments'.H. Andréka, J. van Benthem & I. Németi - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophical Logic.
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    Ising model for distribution networks.H. Hooyberghs, S. Van Lombeek, C. Giuraniuc, B. Van Schaeybroeck & J. O. Indekeu - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (1-3):168-191.
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    Sexual Life in Ancient China; A Preliminary Survey of Chinese Sex and Society from ca. 1500 B. C. till 1644 A. D.Edward H. Schafer & R. H. van Gulik - 1961 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 81 (4):452.
  28. Leçons de chimie physique.J. H. Van'T. Hoff - 1901 - The Monist 11:309.
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    Applications of distributed artificial intelligence in industry.H. Van Dyke Parunak - 1996 - In N. Jennings & G. O'Hare (eds.), Foundations of Distributed Artificial Intelligence. Wiley. pp. 139-164.
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    Associations Between Interindividual Differences, Expectations and Placebo and Nocebo Effects in Itch.Stefanie H. Meeuwis, Henriët van Middendorp, Dieuwke S. Veldhuijzen & Andrea W. M. Evers - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Introduction: Placebo and nocebo effects are positive and negative health outcomes that can be elicited by the psychosocial context. They can be mediated by expectations, and may emerge in somatic symptoms even when people are aware of these effects. Interindividual differences could impact placebo and nocebo responding, but findings are inconsistent.Methods: The current work examined expectation as a mediator of the association between verbal placebo and nocebo suggestions and histamine-induced itch across three experimental studies. Moreover, we examined whether interindividual differences, (...)
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  31. Self-organizing endo-matter, the interactive interface and the origin of consciousness. I: the principle of recurrent causality, short-and long-looping behaviour and psycho-organic phenomena.H. Wassenaar, W. van Roon & C. ten Hallers - 1995 - Communication and Cognition. Monographies 28 (2-3):127-217.
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    VII. Zur Frage des Pisonerbriefes.J. H. Van Haeringen - 1924 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 80 (2):192-199.
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    Schadenfreude and Gluckschmerz.Richard H. Smith & Wilco W. van Dijk - 2018 - Emotion Review 10 (4):293-304.
    We explore why people feel the socially improper emotions of schadenfreude and gluckschmerz. One explanation follows from sentiment relations. Prior dislike leads to both schadenfreude and gluckschmerz. A second explanation relates to concerns over justice. Deserved misfortune is pleasing and undeserved good fortune is displeasing. A third explanation concerns appraisal of the good or bad fortunes of others as creating either benefit or harm for the self or in-group. Especially in competitive situations and when envy is present, gain is pleasing (...)
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    The ins and outs of lysophosphatidic acid signaling.Wouter H. Moolenaar, Laurens A. van Meeteren & Ben N. G. Giepmans - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (8):870-881.
    Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is a lipid mediator with a wide variety of biological actions, particularly as an inducer of cell proliferation, migration and survival. LPA binds to specific G‐protein‐coupled receptors and thereby activates multiple signal transduction pathways, including those initiated by the small GTPases Ras, Rho, and Rac. LPA signaling has been implicated in such diverse processes as wound healing, brain development, vascular remodeling and tumor progression. Knowledge of precisely how and where LPA is produced has long proved elusive. Excitingly, (...)
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    Domains of Everyday Creativity and Personal Values.Nadezdha Lebedeva, Shalom H. Schwartz, Fons J. R. Van De Vijver, Jonathan Plucker & Ekaterina Bushina - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Metabletica en wetenschap: kritische bestandsopname van het werk van J.H. van den Berg.J. H. van den Berg & J. van Belzen (eds.) - 1997 - Rotterdam: Erasmus Publishing.
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    Paulus se liggaam-metafoor in 1 Korintiërs 12 in literêr-historiese konteks.H. Goede & Fika J. Van Rensburg - 2006 - HTS Theological Studies 62 (4).
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  38. Playing Cards with Hintikka: An introduction to dynamic epistemic logic.H. van Ditmarsch, W. van der Hoek & B. Kooi - 2005 - Australasian Journal of Logic 3:108-134.
    This contribution is a gentle introduction to so-called dynamic epistemic logics, that can describe how agents change their knowledge and beliefs. We start with a concise introduction to epistemic logic, through the example of one, two and finally three players holding cards; and, mainly for the purpose of motivating the dynamics, we also very summarily introduce the concepts of general and common knowledge. We then pay ample attention to the logic of public announcements, wherein agents change their knowledge as the (...)
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    Ad BabrII Fabulas Nuper Repertas.H. Van Herwerden - 1894 - The Classical Review 8 (06):248-.
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    Linguistische Studien.Louis H. Gray & George van Langenhove - 1943 - American Journal of Philology 64 (1):115.
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  41. Leçons de chimie physique, professées à l'université de Berlin.J. H. Van'T. Hoff - 1899 - The Monist 9:634.
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  42. Public Services International (PSI), Education International (EI), International Council of Nurses (ICN)-Communique: World Bank report lets down 58 million public service workers (Reprinted from International Council of Nurses).H. Engelberts, F. van Leeuwen, J. Oulton, M. Waghome, D. Marlet & L. Carrier-Walker - 2004 - Nursing Ethics 11 (2):205-209.
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    Proefskrif-bespreking.J. H. Barkhuizen & H. G. Van der Westhuizen - 1984 - HTS Theological Studies 40 (2).
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    Is there no cross-cultural evidence in colour categories of psychological laws, only of cultural rules?Ype H. Poortinga & Fons J. R. Van de Vijver - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (2):205-206.
    Two points are made on the basis of (mainly) the cross-cultural psychological record. The first is that cross-cultural data indicate at least weak, nontrivial constraints on colour classification. The second is that exceptions to cross-cultural regularities as described by Saunders & van Brakel are compatible with the view that constraints on colour categories are probabilistic rather than deterministic.
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    Literatur.Hermann Goedeking & H. Van Oyen - 1957 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 1 (1):295-299.
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    Une mort tres douce: End-of-life decisions in France; reflections from a Dutch perspective.Margje H. Haverkamp & Johannes J. M. van Delden - 2006 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 9 (3):367-376.
    Cette étude analyse la pensée actuelle sur les décisions-fin-de-vie (DfdV) en France d’un point de vue hollandais. Un nombre limité d’interviews avec des ‘opinion-leaders’ français est pris comme base du project. Jusqu’au jour présent, le domaine des DfdV en France a été troublé en l’absence de définitions et de législation plus spécifiques. Les médecins français pourront faire face à un dilemme en soignant un malade mourant, pris en étau entre le caractère illégal officiel de l’euthanasie d’une part et l’obligation professionnelle (...)
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    Assistance in dying for older people without a serious medical condition who have a wish to die: a national cross-sectional survey.Natasja J. H. Raijmakers, Agnes van der Heide, Pauline S. C. Kouwenhoven, Ghislaine J. M. W. van Thiel, Johannes J. M. van Delden & Judith A. C. Rietjens - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (2):145-150.
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    Marriage and Family Life in Ugaritic Literature.Cyrus H. Gordon & A. van Selms - 1954 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 74 (4):267.
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    (1 other version)The Phenomenological Approach to Psychiatry: An Introduction to Recent Phenomenological Psychopathology.Aron Gurwitsch, J. H. Van Den Berg & Marvin Farber - 1956 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 16 (3):419.
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    How and When Does Consent Bias Research?R. H. H. Groenwold, R. van der Graaf & J. J. M. van Delden - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (4):46 - 48.
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