Results for 'Hady Ba'

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  1. Science and Epistemic Injustice in advance.Mouhamadou El Hady Ba - forthcoming - CLR James Journal.
    This article argues that the reception of the work of Cheikh Anta Diop by French historians and Egyptologists is a case of epistemic injustice as this concept has been defined by the British philosopher Miranda Fricker. I first explain the concept of epistemic injustice and then show, using Popper’s demarcation criterion, that it is impossible to objectively reject Diop’s work as lacking in scientificity. I thus analyze the heterogeneity of Diop’s work reception depending on the positionality of the actors in (...)
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    How Not to Decolonize Political Theory.Mouhamadou El Hady Ba & Gregory E. Doukas - 2024 - Philosophy and Global Affairs 4 (1):78-105.
    This article addresses a problematic interpretation of African and Indian decolonial political theory, arguing it understates the positive effects anticolonial ideas have had on society and scientific efforts to understand and produce knowledge about it. Another problem is its reliance on the concept of “Western” theory, which presumes genealogical purity. Our response offers creolization as an alternative model for decolonizing political theory and uses the term “Euromodern” instead. It then explores how creolization is at the heart of the ideas of (...)
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  3. Kitāb al-hadīyah al-saʻīdīyah fī al-ḥikmah al-ṭabīʻīyah.Muḥammad Faḍl al-Ḥaqq Khayrābādī - 1905 - Miṣr: Maṭbaʻat al-Manār. Edited by ʻAbd al-Raḥmān Barqūqī & Maḥmūd al-Imām Manṣūrī.
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    Aklın yolu da bir değildir: hadi, baştan alalım--.Alev Alatlı - 2009 - Ankara: Destek Yayınları.
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    İbn Dakīkulʿîd’in Şerḥu’l-İlm'm bi-Eḥ'dîs̱i’l-Aḥk'm’ında Hadisleri Anlama Yöntemi Olarak Hakikat-Mecaz Olgusu.Recep Bilgin - 2024 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 28 (2):526-546.
    Hadislerin doğru anlaşılması ve yorumlanması çabası ilk defa Hz. Peygamber döneminde başlamış, tâbiîn ve tebeu’t-tâbiîn döneminde hadislerin tedviniyle birlikte hız kazanmış ve bu hususta önemli çalışmalar yapılmıştır. İlerleyen süreçte fıkıh usulünün verilerini kullanarak ahkâm hadislerinden hüküm çıkarma ve lafız-mâna ilişkisi konusunda hakikat-mecaz ekseninde yeni yorum yöntemleriyle uygulamalı olarak ele alınan eserler telif edilmiştir. Bu eserlerin başında İbn Dakīkulʿîd’in, Şerḥu’l-İlmâm bi-eḥâdîs̱i’l-aḥkâm’ı gelmektedir. Şerḥu’l-İlmâm hadis şerh edebiyatında muhteva zenginliğini arttıran ve kullanılan bazı izah yöntemlerini geliştirerek kendisinden önceki şerhleri geride bırakmış bir eserdir. (...)
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    “Dünya Müminin Zindanı, K'firin Cennetidir” Rivayetinin Analizi ve Metaforik Bir Yorum Denemesi.Furkan Çakır - 2024 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 28 (1):60-80.
    Bu araştırma Hz. Peygamber’e izafe edilen “Dünya müminin zindanı, kâfirin cennetidir” rivayetini konu edinmektedir. Zikri geçen hadisle ilgili literatür taraması yapıldığında müstakil bir araştırmaya rastlanmamaktadır. Esasında ilim geleneğimizde tek bir hadisi bütün yönleriyle inceleyen pek çok araştırma vardır. Ancak söz konusu haberin müsellem ve mesajı açık kabul edilmesi hem Arap hem de Batı araştırmalarına konu edilmemesinin gerekçesi olabilir. İlgili rivayetin temel hadis kaynaklarında muhtelif metinlerle, beş ayrı sahâbîden aktarıldığı tespit edilmiştir. Araştırmamızda sözü edilen metin ve senedler ayrı ayrı incelenerek rivayetin (...)
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    R'fiî el-Kazvînî ve Tenkîh Faaliyetindeki Rolü.İbrahim Sizgen - 2022 - Marifetname 9 (1):157-186.
    Şâfiî müctehidlerin muteber şahsiyetlerinden biri olan Râfiî el-Kazvînî, ilk olarak babası Muhammed b. Abdilkerîm el-Kazvînî (ö. 580/1184) ve annesinin dayısı Ebü’l-Hayr Ahmed et-Tâlkânî’nin (ö. 589/1193) rahle-i tedrisinde bulunduktan sonra alanında uzman birçok kişiden tefsir, hadis ve fıkıh sahasına ilişkin seviyeli bir eğitim almıştır. Yaşadığı asrın ileri gelen ulemasından İslâmî ilimleri okuyarak fıkıh ilminde ihtisas sahibi olan Râfiî, Kazvîn’de ders halkaları oluşturarak tedris faaliyetinde bulunmuş; dönemin halifeleri tarafından Şam ve Mısır baş kadılık görevine atanan Ahmed b. Halîl el-Mühellebî (ö. 638/1240), Zekiyyüddin (...)
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    Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi Yeni Sayı: Cilt 23 Sayı 3 (Felsefe ve Din Bilimleri Özel Sayısı).Sema Yilmaz - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (3):1073-1076.
    Gayretimin bir kısmı bilim dünyasına hizmet, ama diğer çok mühim bir gayesi ise; koskoca bir İslam aleminin yitirmiş olduğu kendine hürmeti, güveni ve insanlık tarihindeki yerini hatırlatmak, kaybettiklerini inşa etmek içindir. Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin anısına ithaf ettiğimiz Felsefe ve Din Bilimleri Özel Sayımıza hoşgeldiniz. Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin, 24 Ekim 1924 tarihinde Bitlis’te dünyaya gelen Fuat Sezgin, il-kokulu Doğubayazıt’ta, ortaokul ve liseyi ise Erzurum’da bitirdikten sonra 1943 yılında İstanbul’a geldi. İstanbul Üniversitesi şarkiyat (Doğu bilimi) Araştırmaları (...)
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    دراسة وتحقيق لـ"تحفة الأفاضل في صناعة الفاضل" لرضي الدين ابن الحنبلي.Omar Kal Hussien - 2019 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 5 (2):725-802.
    Bu makale, Osmanlı Devleti’nin Halep’teki en güçlü dönemi olan Kânûnî Sultan Süleyman döneminde Halep’in me ş hur alimi Radıyyüddin İ bnü’l-Hanbelî’nin dönemin en me ş hur divân-ı hümâyundaki ba ş kâtib ve ni ş ancısı Celâlzâde Mustafa Çelebi’ye ithafen yazmı ş oldu ğ u bir risalenin tahkikini içermektedir. Eser, devlette kâtiplik ve in ş â ilmi alanında yazılmı ş önemli ve litaretürde yeri olacak bir eserdir. Eseri önemi kılan birçok etken bulunmaktadır. Bu etkenlerin ba ş ında büyük bir dil âlimi (...)
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    Sümeniyye Fırkası ve İslam Âlimleriyle Polemikleri.Abdulvasıf Eraslan - 2020 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 8 (12):69-86.
    İslam’ın bilgi kaynakları Kur’ân, Sünnet ve icmâ’dır. Bunların tamamı aynı zamanda "haber" kategorisinde yer almaktadır. İslam âlimlerinin ittifakıyla bilgi kaynağı olarak kabul edilen haber kısmı ise "mütevâtir haber"dir. İlk dönemlerinden itibaren haberi bilgi kaynağı olarak kabul etmeyen ve bu konuda Müslüman âlimlerle çeşitli polemiklere giren bazı kesimler olmuştur. Bunların başında es-Sümeniyye fırkası gelmektedir. Bu fırkanın hangi kavim veya millet/milletler olduğu yönünde bazı araştırmalar yapılmıştır. Ancak bu çalışmaların söz konusu fırkanın hüviyeti ve bilgi kaynaklarına dair görüşleri hakkında yeterli düzeyde olduğu söylenemez. (...)
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    el-Âlim ve’l-Müte‘allim’in Kaynak Kritiği, Semerkant’ta Yayılışı ve M'türîdî’deki İzleri.Metin Avcı - 2024 - Kader 22 (1):30-59.
    Hz. Peygamberin vefatıyla birlikte, hilâfet tartışması başta olmak üzere ashap birçok problemle karşı karşıya kalmış, sorunlar çözülmüş gibi görünse de bu dönem, sonradan ortaya çıkacak olan mezhep ve fırkaların oluşum sürecini tetiklemiştir. Hilâfetin ilk otuz yılında yaşanan olumsuz hadiselere, Emevî devletinin kurucusu Muâviye (ö. 60/680)’nin izlediği siyaset anlayışından kaynaklanan bazı olumsuzluklar da eklenince ümmet arasında fırkalaşma dönemi başlamıştır. Önce bazı Emevî sonra da bazı Abbasî halifelerinin yanlış uygulamalarına şahit olan Ebû Hanîfe (ö. 150/767), çözüm odaklı görüşleriyle ümmetin bu ihtilaf dönemine (...)
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    Ebü’l-Hasan el-Eşʿarî’ye Göre Rü’yetullah.Mehmet Taşdelen - 2024 - Kader 22 (2):334-361.
    Rü’yetullah, insanın fizyolojik gözüyle Allah’ı görmesi anlamına gelmektedir. Bu tartışmayı Kur’an’daki âyetlerden ve Hz. Peygamber’in sözlerinden hareketle erken döneme kadar götürmek mümkünse de asıl olarak Cehm b. Safvan’ın (ö. 128/745-46) rü’yetullahın mümkün olmayacağını ileri sürmesiyle gün yüzüne çıkmış, Muʿtezile’nin de bu görüşü desteleyerek Allah’ı tenzihten hareketle rü’yetullahın mümkün olmayacağını söylemesiyle yeni bir boyut kazanmıştır. Ehl-i sünnet kelâmını başlatanlardan ve Eşʿarîliğin kurucusu olan Ebü’l-Hasan el-Eşʿarî’de (ö. 324/935-36) Allah’ın baş gözüyle görüleceği üzerinde durmuştur. Allah’ın görülmesi meselesi Ehl-i sünnetin genelinde olduğu gibi Eşʿarî’de (...)
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    Tasavvufta tahta Kiliç semboli̇zmi̇.Abdurrahim Alkiş - 2021 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 9 (15):99-126.
    Tasavvuf erbâbı tabîatleri gereği mâddî unsurlardan ziyâde mânevî değerleri muhafaza etmeye ve geliştirmeye çalışırlar. Fakat tasavvufî çevrelerin sosyal bir yapıya bürünmeleriyle berâber düşüncelerini ve değerlerini sembolize etmek için mâddî bir kısım edevât da kullanmışlardır. Bunların başında keşkül, teber, tahta kılıç, asâ, gül, hırka gibi unsular gelir. Bu çalışmamızda dervîşlerin kullandıkları mâddî edevâttan birisi olan tahta kılıç ve ifâde ettiği mânâlara bakacağız ve örnekler üzerinden tahlîl etmeye çalışacağız. Tasavvuf ehli tahta kılıç ile ilgili bir hadîs-i şerîfden yola çıkarak mânevî bir disiplin, (...)
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    Debates Around Khabar al-Wāhid in the 4th/10th Century in Islamic Legal Theory Literature: al-Jassas's Criticism of al-Jubbāī. [REVIEW]Okan Kadir Yilmaz - 2022 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 24 (46):451-484.
    Haber-i vâhidin delil değeri problemi, 2. (8.) yüzyıldan itibaren kelamcılar (:Mutezile), fıkıhçılar ve hadisçiler arasında tartışılan ve hakkında kayda değer bir literatür ortaya çıkan usûlî konuların başında gelmektedir. Şeybânî (ö. 189/805), Şâfiî (ö. 204/820), İsâ b. Ebân (ö. 221/836) ve Buhârî (ö. 256/870) gibi sünnî ekolün tanınmış fıkıh ve hadis alimlerinin haber-i vâhid lehine ortaya koydukları çalışmalar bu noktada oldukça etkili olmuştur. Bu etkinin bir sonucu olarak başlangıçta haber-i vâhidi toptancı bir yaklaşımla reddeden Mutezili isimler, yerini zamanla Ebû Ali el-Cübbâî (...)
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  15. Macintyre against rationalism and relativism hadi samadi.Hadi Samadi - forthcoming - Philosophical Investigations.
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    Class fairness in online matching.Hadi Hosseini, Zhiyi Huang, Ayumi Igarashi & Nisarg Shah - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence 335 (C):104177.
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  17. Śrī Dhanajibāpunā sānnidhyamāṃ: lekhaka ane emanā mitronā Śrī Dhanajībāpu sāthenā vārtālāpo. Dhanajībāpu - 1990 - Amadāvāda: Vikretāo Navabhārata Sāhitya Mandira. Edited by Māvajī Ke Sāvalā.
    Dialogues with Dhanajībāpu, b. 1922, philosopher from Gujarat, India.
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  18. Śrī Śrījī Bābā abhinandana grantha.Śrījī Bābā & Vinaya (eds.) - 1988 - Bambaī: Śrī Śrījī Bābā Abhinandana Samiti.
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  19. Mājhyā taruṇa mitrānno: Śrī Dattābāḷa yāñcī muktacintane. Dattābāḷa - 1996 - Kolhāpūra: Sĩhavāṇī Priṇṭarsa, Pabliśarsa. Edited by Subhāsha Ke Desāī.
    Transcript of speeches by a Hindu philosopher, chiefly on Hindu philosophy and Hinduism.
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    Bāul philosophy.Pūrṇadāsa Bāula - 2003 - New Delhi: A.P.H. Pub. Co.. Edited by Selina Thielemann.
    () Baul sadhana: introduction The word 'baul, in popular interpretation, is generally equated with singing: with folk song of Bengal or, more concretely, ...
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  21. Why People with Depression Appear to Be Demotivated.Hadis Farokhi - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    Major depressive disorder is a complex and challenging condition that significantly impacts an individual’s motivation. The purpose of this paper is to shed new light on the motivational psychology of people with this condition. To achieve this purpose, first, I will critically analyze two possible accounts of motivation in depression, namely, the Humean and the phenomenological accounts. Subsequently, I will propose an account of why people with depression appear to be demotivated, drawing insights from a prevalent treatment of this condition, (...)
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    Puissance de la multitude et force du régime démocratique.Hadi Rizk - 2017 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 67 (2):45-54.
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    The Metaphysics of Sabzavārī.Hādī ibn Mahdī Sabzavārī - 1977 - Delmar, N.Y.: Caravan Books.
    Translation of the section on metaphysics in Sabzavari's "Sharh al-manzumah fi al-hikmah," a commentary on his poem "Ghurar al-fara'id," both originally written in Arabic.
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  24. Ḥāshiyat al-Bājūrī ʻalā al-Sullam.Ibrāhīm ibn Muḥammad Bājūrī - 1966 - Edited by ʻAbd al-Raḥmān ibn Muḥammad Akhḍarī.
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    Individus et multiplicités: essai sur les ensembles pratiques dans la Critique de la raison dialectique.Hadi Rizk - 2014 - Paris: Éditions Kimé.
    La relation est au coeur de l'existence individuelle et les multiplicités, que déterminent les différents rapports pratiques, affectifs, sociaux et politiques, sont coextensives à l'invention continue de l'individualité par elle-même. Le présent essai veut rendre compte de la constitution, à partir de la seule activité des individus, des diverses formes d'existence et d'organisation que peut revêtir un ensemble pratique : rassemblements, dispositifs collectifs, réseaux et systèmes, associations et communautés plus ou moins étendues et diversement intégrées, institutions et Etats, sans oublier (...)
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    Becoming a nurse as a moral journey: A constructivist grounded theory.Hadi Ranjbar, Soodabeh Joolaee, Abouali Vedadhir, Abbas Abbaszadeh & Colleen Bernstein - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (5):583-597.
    Background: Nursing students, during their study, experience significant changes on their journey to become nurses. A major change that they experience is the development of their moral competency. Objective: The purpose of this study is to explore the process of moral development in Iranian nursing students. Research design: A constructivist grounded theory method was adopted. Twenty-five in-depth, semi-structured, face-to-face intensive interviews with 22 participants were conducted from September 2013 to October 2014. All interviews were audio-taped, transcribed, and analyzed using writing (...)
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  27. Bāzan ʼenemalas.Kirubél Bašāh - 1969 - ʼAdis ʼAbabā: Čémber mātamiyā bét.
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  28. Bkaʼ bstan dgongs ʼgrel khyad ʼphags lta baʼi yang snying zhes bya ba bshugs so. Zla-Ba-Tshe-Ring - 2016 - Mundgod: ʼBras Blo-gling Dpe-mdzod-khang.
    Study on Pratītyasamutpāda, theory of relativity and causality in Buddhism with reference to canonical literature.
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    Youth religious moderation model and tolerance strengthening through intellectual humility.Hadi Pajarianto, Imam Pribadi & Nur S. Galugu - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):10.
    Religious moderation is a crucial issue, along with religious and cultural values that develop in society. Religious moderation’s success will significantly determine millennial Muslim youth’s tolerant attitudes, mediated by intellectual humility. This study aimed to identify and design a model of religious moderation on tolerance by mediating intellectual humility. The research used mixed methods; data analysis used NVivo 12 Plus (software by QSR International), to compile variable nominations; and Partial Least Squares - Structural Equation (PLS-SEM) creates research models. There were (...)
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    Locke : la tolérance et le consentement, ou l’autolimitation du pouvoir politique.Hadi Rizk - 2015 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 65 (2):60-71.
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    The Effect of Various Exercises on Developing Kinesthetic Awareness and Accuracy in Performing the Stabbing and Compound Attack Movement Skillsby Duelingfor Students.Hamid Abdul Shaheed Hadi, Abbas Idrees Noor & Muhannad Nazar Kzar - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1066-1074.
    The problem of the research was represented by the lack of interest of many teachers in the use of diversification and change in various exercises, despite the positive role it plays in generalizing the motor program for any fencing skill, even though most of its skills are characterized by difficulty in performing them, which requires providing the largest number of motor programs in order to be The learner has full readiness and preparedness, and the research aims to prepare various exercises (...)
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    Workload is associated with the occurrence of non-contact injuries in professional male soccer players: A pilot study.Hadi Nobari, Sara Mahmoudzadeh Khalili, Angel Denche Zamorano, Thomas G. Bowman & Urs Granacher - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Injuries in professional soccer are a significant concern for teams, and they are caused amongst others by high training load. This cohort study describes the relationship between workload parameters and the occurrence of non-contact injuries, during weeks with high and low workload in professional soccer players throughout the season. Twenty-one professional soccer players aged 28.3 ± 3.9 yrs. who competed in the Iranian Persian Gulf Pro League participated in this 48-week study. The external load was monitored using global positioning system (...)
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    Human resource management practices effectiveness analysis considering deviant behaviours in workplace: case study.Hadi Teimouri, Kouroush Jenab, Maryam Dezhtaherian & Razieh Aghaei - 2019 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 12 (4):409.
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    Fuzzy Epistemology From View Point of Mystical Theology.Hadi Vakili - 2012 - Kanz Philosophia : A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 2 (1):27.
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    Religious Experience from a Neuro-Psychological View.Hadi Vakili - 2011 - Kanz Philosophia : A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 1 (1):81.
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  36. Bas Van Fraassen, the empirical stance.Bas van Fraassen - manuscript
    Projet En développant son « empirisme constructif », Bas Van Fraassen est devenu une référence incontournable pour la philosophie des sciences contemporaine. Après la vague de critiques qui, vers les années 1960, avait fait perdre à l'empirisme logique sa prédominance dans le champ des idées, le réalisme scientifique semblait s'être imposé comme le seul compte rendu acceptable du travail et des orientations de la recherche. Quine avait beau énoncer ce que pourrait être un empirisme affranchi de ses deux « dogmes (...)
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    (1 other version)Figurative uses of the head-denoting words baş and kafa in Turkish idioms.Melike Baş - 2017 - Pragmatics and Cognition 24 (2):138-163.
    This study analyzes the metaphoric and metonymic nature ofbaş/kafa‘head’ in Turkish idiomatic expressions from a cognitive linguistic perspective. The database for the study is composed of idioms containing the two head-denoting wordsbaşandkafa. Idioms and their definitions are analyzed in terms of their figurative uses of abstract concepts, and the conceptual metaphors and metonymies are identified. Findings are examined under five categories: head as the representative of the person, the seat of mental faculties, the locus of emotions, the sign of superiority/power, (...)
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  38. Bāṃlādeśa Darśana Samitira biśa bachara smāraka saṃkalana, 12 Agrahāẏaṇa 1399/26 Nabhembara 1992.Muhammada Ābadula Bārī & Śarīpha Hāruna (eds.) - 1992 - [Ḍhākā]: Bāṃlādeśa Darśana Samiti.
    Twentieth anniversary souvenir of the Bangladesh Philosophical Association, comprises articles chiefly on Bangladesh philosophy; includes activities of the Association.
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    Speaker positioning in academic instruction: insights from corpus analysis.Hadi Kashiha - 2024 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 20 (1):25-41.
    While previous research has extensively explored the ways writers project themselves into discourse and engage with readers across various written genres, limited attention has been given to understanding how university lecturers express their stance, i.e., expression of positioning and commitment towards propositions and students. To address this gap, this study proposes a functional framework for analyzing stance features in academic lectures using 160 lecture transcripts from four broad disciplinary divisions: arts and humanities, social sciences, physical sciences, and medical sciences. The (...)
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    Posṭamôrṭam: saḍetoḍa gappā Ḍô. Ravī Bāpaṭa yāñcyāśī.Ravī Bāpaṭa - 2011 - Puṇe: Manovikāsa Prakāśana. Edited by Sunīti Jaina.
    Critical analysis of the commercialization and malpractice current in the profession of medicine.
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    Disagreement realizations in Arabic : Evidence from the University of Jordan.Hady J. Hamdan & Radwan S. Mahadin - 2021 - Pragmatics and Society 12 (3):349-372.
    This paper examines disagreement strategies employed by speakers of Jordanian Spoken Arabic with a view to finding out whether variables like gender and social status affect the linguistic choices and disagreement strategies they employ. The subjects are 28 Jordanian Arabic-speaking students at the University of Jordan. The researchers analyze the students’ interactional recorded responses to a set of stimuli included in an oral discourse completion task prepared for this purpose. The ODCT comprises six scenarios in which the respondent is requested (...)
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  42. A critique of the method of explication of concepts in philosophy of science: The case of the concept of unification.Hadi Samadi - 2011 - Philosophical Investigations: Islamic Azad University, Science andResearch Branch 7 (19):23-58.
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    Samarasya: studies in Indian arts, philosophy, and interreligious dialogue: in honour of Bettina Bäumer.Bettina Bäumer, Sadananda Das & Ernst Fürlinger (eds.) - 2005 - New Delhi: D.K. Printworld.
    This Inspirational Guide To An Open, Critical Exchange Between India And The West Is Framed As A Tribute To Dr. Bettina Baumer, An Eminent Scholar Of Indology. Comprising 32 Essays, Segregated Into Three Sections Indian Philosophy And Spirituality, Indian Arts And Aesthetics, And Interreligious And Intercultural Dialogue.
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    Islam and Secularism in Post-Colonial Thought: A Cartography of Asadian Genealogies.Hadi Enayat - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book is a theoretically and historically informed exploration of 'secularism' in Muslim contexts. It does this through a critical assessment of an influential tradition of thinking about Islam and secularism, derived from the work of anthropologist Talal Asad and his followers. The study employs the tools of comparative historical sociology and sociology of knowledge to engage with the assumptions of Asadian theory. Ultimately, Enayat argues against nativist assertions drawn from the experience of Western modernity and provides a qualified defense (...)
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    Intra- and Inter-week Variations of Well-Being Across a Season: A Cohort Study in Elite Youth Male Soccer Players.Hadi Nobari, Maryam Fani, Filipe Manuel Clemente, Jorge Carlos-Vivas, Jorge Pérez-Gómez & Luca Paolo Ardigò - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study describes the weekly variations of well-being ratings relative to fatigue, stress, delayed-onset muscle soreness, sleep quality, and Hooper questionnaire throughout the season. In addition, the well-being variables for the playing position in different moments of the season were discussed. Twenty-one elite young soccer players U17 took part in this study. From the beginning of the pre-season, well-being status was monitored daily by the HQ method throughout 36 weeks, including four periods: pre-season, early-season, mid-season, and end-season. Players trained at (...)
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  46. Sharh-I Ghurar Al-Fara'id.Hadi ibn Mahdi Sabzavari, Muhammad ibn Ma'sum-'ali Hidaji Zanjani, Muhammad Taqi Amuli Tihrani, Mahdi Muhaqqiq & Toshihiko Izutsu - 1969 - Mu'assisah-'I Islami-Yi 'Sh'ba-'I Tihran.
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  47. Darwin's scientific method in practice.Hadi Samadi - forthcoming - Philosophical Investigations.
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    The Effect of Educational Exercises According to the Stages of Building a Motor Program on Learning Some Epee Skills for Students.Hamid Abdul Shaheed Hadi, Zaid Sami Yasser & Abbas Idrees Noor - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1422-1429.
    The research problem focused on curriculum has specific courses with a small number of educational units through which the student must go through all the stages of learning basic skills. Therefore, we must increase the effectiveness of learning these skills and correct the errors that the learner may face. From here, the problem of the research became clear to us in the lack of effectiveness of learning some skills. Basic skills for students in fencing and the many technical errors during (...)
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  49. al-Akhlāq: uṣūluhā al-dīnīyah wa-judhūruhā al-falsafīyah.Muḥammad ʻAlī Bārr - 2010 - Jiddah: Kursī Akhlāqīyāt al-Ṭibb.
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    al-Qīmah al-maʻrifīyah lil-istiqrāʼ: dirāsah muqāranah bayna Kārl Būbir wa-Muḥammad Bāqir al-Ṣadr.Manāl Bāqir - 2021 - Bayrūt: Dār Rawāfid lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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