Results for 'Hannah Arendt, Immanuel Kant, impartiality, political thinking, ideology, reflective judgment, representative thinking'

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  1.  2
    Thinking Politically, Seeing Historically”. Hannah Arendt on the Method of Political Thinking.Attila M. Demeter - 2020 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:131-148.
    In my paper, I try to summarize Hannah Arendt’s reflections on the method of political thinking, following them through their genesis. My fundamental assumption is that although she had been preoccupied with the issue before (at least from 1957), she became more seriously interested in it after the controversy following the publication of the Eichmann volume. It is generally known that Arendt believed to have found the pattern for the method of political thinking in Kant’s (...)
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    Hannah Arendt's Theory of Political Action: Daimonic Disclosure of the 'Who'.Trevor Tchir - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book presents an account of Hannah Arendt's performative and non-sovereign theory of freedom and political action, with special focus on action's disclosure of the unique 'who' of each agent. It aims to illuminate Arendt's critique of sovereign rule, totalitarianism, and world-alienation, her defense of a distinct political sphere for engaged citizen action and judgment, her conception of the 'right to have rights,' and her rejection of teleological philosophies of history. Arendt proposes that in modern, pluralistic, secular (...)
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    Hannah Arendt: Thinking between Past and Future.Yuliana Leal-Granobles - 2023 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 68:195-216.
    This essay aims to analyze Arendt’s reflections on the activity of thinking. This activity is essential to understanding our present and reconciling ourselves with contingency and human fragility. Unlike the philosophical tradition that has vindicated contemplative thinking, Arendt recovers the lost treasure of reflective thinking through the portraits of thinkers, such as Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Walter Benjamin, Socrates, Immanuel Kant, and Franz Kafka. In dark times, when the public sphere is destroyed, the challenge of “ (...) without banisters” implies an act of political resistance, by trying to examine the devastating reality, even if the answers are not what we would like to see and hear. Through reflective thinking, we can open up to the world and the drama of human freedom with its heterogeneities and destructive leaks. (shrink)
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  4. Hannah Arendt on judgement: Thinking for politics.Dianna Taylor - 2002 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 10 (2):151 – 169.
    Many of Hannah Arendt's readers argue that differences between her earlier and later work on judgment are significant enough to constitute an actual break or rupture. Of Arendt's completed works, the 'Postscriptum' to Thinking , the first volume of The Life of the Mind , and her Lectures on Kant's Political Philosophy are widely considered to be her definitive remarks on judgment. These texts are privileged for two primary reasons. First, they were written after Arendt's controversial text, (...)
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  5. Sensus communis as a foundation for men as political beings: Arendt’s reading of Kant’s Critique of Judgment.Annelies Degryse - 2011 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 37 (3):345-358.
    In the literature on Hannah Arendt’s Lectures on Kant’s Political Philosophy, two sorts of claim have been made by different interpreters. First, there is Beiner’s observation that there is a shift in Arendt’s thoughts on judgment, which has led to the idea that Arendt develops two distinct theories of judgment. The second sort of claim concerns Arendt’s use of Kant’s transcendental principles. At its core, it has led to the critique that Arendt detranscendentalizes — or empiricalizes — Kant, (...)
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    What Is Political Feeling?Bernadette Meyler - 2000 - Diacritics 30 (2):25-42.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:diacritics 30.2 (2000) 25-42 [Access article in PDF] What is Political Feeling? Bernadette Meyler Anthony Cascardi. Consequences of Enlightenment. Cambridge: Cambridge UP,1999. As disaffection with poststructuralism increases, but new paradigms have not yet emerged, theorists have begun to reconsider the ties that current thought maintains with the tradition it critiques, in particular, its affiliations with the Enlightenment. Focus has inevitably fallen on the writings of Immanuel Kant, (...)
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    Crisi della cultura e valorizzazione del Giudizio estetico-politico in Hannah Arendt.Stefano Marino - 2018 - Philosophical Readings 10 (1).
    In this article I take into examination Hannah Arendt’s original and influential “appropriation” of Immanuel Kant’s Critique of the Power of Judgment, providing both a reconstruction and a critical interpretation of it. In the first section I basically contextualize Arendt’s interest in this topic by showing that it is connected to her more general concern with the wider and more comprehensive question of the crisis of Western civilization. Then, in the second and third sections of my article, I (...)
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    Judging in Arendt's Kant Lectures.Linda M. G. Zerilli - 2024 - In Nicholas Dunn, Hannah Arendt's Lectures on Kant's Political Philosophy. Berlin: De Gruyter.
    Lectures on Kant’s Political Philosophy is the go-to text for readers interested in Hannah Arendt’s theory of judgment. Arendt’s discussion of Kantian aesthetic judgments of taste is typically associated with her own view. However, readers who find her interpretation idiosyncratic, if not wrongheaded, distinguish the author of the Critique of Judgment from Arendt’s Kant. Rather than debate who got Kant ‘right’, this essay explores what Arendt discovered about judging politically by reading Kant in her own Arendtian way. Judgment (...)
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    Lectures on Kant's Political Philosophy.Ronald Beiner (ed.) - 1989 - University of Chicago Press.
    Hannah Arendt's last philosophical work was an intended three-part project entitled _The Life of the Mind_. Unfortunately, Arendt lived to complete only the first two parts, _Thinking_ and _Willing_. Of the third, _Judging_, only the title page, with epigraphs from Cato and Goethe, was found after her death. As the titles suggest, Arendt conceived of her work as roughly parallel to the three _Critiques_ of Immanuel Kant. In fact, while she began work on _The Life of the Mind_, (...)
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  10. Rereading Hannah Arendt's Kant lectures.Ronald Beiner - 1997 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 23 (1):21-32.
    This paper offers a restatement of the basic project of Hannah Arendt's Lectures on Kant's Political Philosophy, tries to trace its theoretical motivation, and presents some criticisms of Arendt's interpretation of Kant's Critique of Judgment. Arendt's political philosophy as a whole is an attempt to ground the idea of human dignity on the publicly displayed 'words and deeds' that con stitute the realm of human affairs. This project involves a philo sophical response both to Plato's impugning of (...)
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  11. Lectures on Kant’s Political Philosophy.Hannah Arendt - 1982 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Ronald Beiner.
    The present volume brings Arendt's notes for these lectures together with other of her texts on the topic of judging and provides important clues to the likely direction of Arendt's thinking in this area.
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    Socrates versus Eichmann. Thinking and Judging in Hannah Arendt’s Political Philosophy.Carolina Ferraro - 2023 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 68.
    This article aims to show the relevance of Hannah Arendt’s political and philosophical thought on the contemporary crisis of “political space”, bureaucratically moralised for the citizens, with a focus on the disorientation of public opinion in state affairs. In her philosophical career, Hannah Arendt investigated the functioning mechanisms of totalitarian regimes and pioneered the famous notion of the “banality of evil”, which she coined during Eichmann trial, held in Jerusalem in 1961. Arendt questions the nature of (...)
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    Rethinking International History, Theory and the Event with Hannah Arendt.Alexander D. Barder & David M. McCourt - 2010 - Journal of International Political Theory 6 (2):117-141.
    This paper reconsiders the event in International Relations (IR) through the writings of Hannah Arendt. The event has for too long been neglected in IR; international events are overwhelmingly conceived as mere happenings that have meaning only within the process and temporal structure of the theory from which they are understood, and as holding no or only limited meaning in and of themselves. In her work on political theory and her reflections on totalitarianism, however, Arendt elaborates a rich (...)
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    Escaping the Shadow.Ryan Lam - 2022 - Voices in Bioethics 8.
    Photo by Karl Raymund Catabas on Unsplash “After Buddha was dead, they still showed his shadow in a cave for centuries – a tremendous, gruesome shadow. God is dead; but given the way people are, there may still for millennia be caves in which they show his shadow. – And we – we must still defeat his shadow as well!” – Friedrich Nietzsche[1] INTRODUCTION Friedrich Nietzsche famously declared that “God is dead!”[2] but lamented that his contemporaries remained living in the (...)
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    On Orientation in Thought.Marguerite La Caze - 2007 - International Studies in Philosophy 39 (4):77-102.
    Immanuel Kant, in ‘What is Orientation in Thinking?’ focuses on reason as the touchstone for speculative thought. The question of how to orient ourselves in thinking is still pressing, particularly if one does not take reason as providing principles for judgment. Hannah Arendt and Michèle Le Dœuff focus on this problem of orientation from a practical point of view and build up a compelling picture of how we can orient our thought. Both take imagination to be (...)
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    Rethinking embodied reflective judgment with Adorno and Arendt.Claudia Leeb - 2018 - Constellations 25 (3):446-458.
    In this article, I develop an account of judgment that I term embodied reflective judgment, which implies that thinking and feeling are connected, entangled, and crucial for critical judgment. How we think about something can prompt an emotional response, and that response can prompt further reflection necessary for critical judgment. I clarify the relationship between thinking and feeling in judgment by foregrounding guilt feelings as a specific issue that individuals and political collectivities must deal with to (...)
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  17. O Etičnem Pomenu SojenjaOn The Ethical Meaning Of Judgment: Interpretacija Kantove »razsodne moči« kot etične hermenevtike pri Hannah Arendt Interpretation of Kant’s “Power of Judgment” as Ethical Hermeneutics in Hannah Arendt.Peter Trawny - unknown - Phainomena 51.
    Hannah Arendt v svoji interpretaciji Kantove teorije »razsodne moči«, le-to vzame iz njenega prvotnega sobesedila, razmisleka o dobrem in lepem, ter ji podeli politični pomen. Po eni strani Kantov pojem »reflektirajoče razsodne moči« Arendtovi omogoči prikaz določene nujnosti v politični presoji, za katero je značilno, da se vedno odvija v singularnih okoliščinah in se ne more sklicevati na nobeno vnaprejšnje, univerzalno ali splošno merilo. Po drugi strani Arendtova interpretira »nezainteresirano ugajanje«, ki je pri Kantu predpostavka za estetsko sodbo, kot (...)
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    Nihilism.Nolen Gertz - 2019 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
    An examination of the meaning of meaninglessness: why it matters that nothing matters. When someone is labeled a nihilist, it's not usually meant as a compliment. Most of us associate nihilism with destructiveness and violence. Nihilism means, literally, “an ideology of nothing. “ Is nihilism, then, believing in nothing? Or is it the belief that life is nothing? Or the belief that the beliefs we have amount to nothing? If we can learn to recognize the many varieties of nihilism, Nolen (...)
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  19. Arendt's Krisis.Steven DeCaroli - 2020 - Ethics and Education 15 (2):173-185.
    Crisis occupies an ambiguous place in the writings of Hannah Arendt. Not only does crisis undermine categories of judgment, but in doing so it eliminates prejudices as well, forcing us to judge without them. Although Arendt never had an opportunity to fully develop her understanding of judgment, we know that she considered it to be ‘the most political of man’s mental abilities,’ and her writings on education reflect this. In her essay, ‘The Crisis in Education’ she draws a (...)
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    Reflective judgment as world disclosure.María Pía Lara - 2008 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 34 (1-2):83-100.
    In this article I deal with Kant's concept of reflective judgment, and recover it through its links to the aesthetic dimension as its fundamental scenario. Then I go on to explain why Hannah Arendt understood this important Kantian connection, and why she thought it would allow her to develop it through a political dimension. Last, having reviewed both Kant and Arendt's contributions to the concept of reflective judgment, I recover my own input to the concept by (...)
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    Reflective judgment as world disclosure.María Pía Lara - 2008 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 34 (1-2):83-100.
    In this article I deal with Kant's concept of reflective judgment, and recover it through its links to the aesthetic dimension as its fundamental scenario. Then I go on to explain why Hannah Arendt understood this important Kantian connection, and why she thought it would allow her to develop it through a political dimension. Last, having reviewed both Kant and Arendt's contributions to the concept of reflective judgment, I recover my own input to the concept by (...)
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  22. Arendt on philosophy and politics.Frederick Dolan - 2000 - In Dana Richard Villa, The Cambridge companion to Hannah Arendt. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 261--276.
    Hannah Arendt disavowed the title of “philosopher,” and is known above all as a political theorist. But the relationship between philosophy and politics animates her entire oeuvre. We find her addressing the topic in The Human Condition (1958), in Between Past and Future (a collection of essays written in the early 1960s), and in Men in Dark Times (another collection of essays, this one from the late sixties). It is treated in her Lectures on Kant’s Political Philosophy, (...)
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  23. Hannah Arendt's Reflections on Violence and Power.Richard J. Bernstein - 2011 - Iris. European Journal of Philosophy and Public Debate 3 (5):3-30.
    Focusing on her essay “On Violence”, I explain and defend the sharp distinction that Hannah Arendt draws between power and violence. Although fully aware of how power and violence are frequently combined, she argues that they are conceptually distinct – even antithetical. I show how these concepts are related to many other themes in her thinking including politics, action, speech, persuasion, and judgment. I also explore the wider context of the role of violence in her philosophic and (...) thinking. She challenges not only contemporary and traditional ways of understanding power and violence but provides an important critical perspective for understanding power and violence in the contemporary world. (shrink)
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    Hannah Arendt: between ideologies.Rebecca Dew - 2020 - Cham: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The absent Arendt -- Arendt reading Aristotle -- Arendt reading Kant -- Arendt relating to Karl Jaspers -- Arendt thinking through Heidegger -- Arendt along with the existentialists -- Arendt as atypical -- Arendt in anticipation.
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    Judgment, Imagination, and Politics: Themes from Kant and Arendt.Ronald Beiner & Jennifer Nedelsky - 2001 - Rowman & Littlefield.
    Fourteen contributions from international academics examine the themes of judgment, imagination, and politics in the philosophy of Hannah Arendt and Immanuel Kant. In the introduction, Beiner and Nedelsky (both political science, U. of Toronto) discuss the problem of political judgment and the recognition of subjectivity. Other topics include the challenges of diversity to the law, the public use of reason, and Arendt's lectures on Kant. c. Book News Inc.
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    The Shadow of Totalitarianism: Action, Judgment, and Evil in Politics.Javier Burdman - 2022 - SUNY Press.
    The Shadow of Totalitarianism develops a new way to think about the problem of evil in politics. Beginning with the commonplace idea that the rise of totalitarianism in the twentieth century marked the emergence of a new form of evil, Javier Burdman finds early seeds of thinking about this form in Immanuel Kant's moral philosophy. Far from being an isolated object of inquiry, evil, Burdman argues, has long shaped and been central to philosophical understandings of political action (...)
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  27. An antinomy of political judgment: Kant, Arendt, and the role of purposiveness in reflective judgment.Avery Goldman - 2010 - Continental Philosophy Review 43 (3):331-352.
    This article builds on Arendt’s development of a Kantian politics from out of the conception of reflective judgment in the Critique of Judgment. Arendt looks to Kant’s analysis of the beautiful to explain how political thought can be conceived. And yet Arendt describes such Kantian reflection as an empirical undertaking that justifies itself only in relation to the abstract principle of the moral law. The problem for such an account is that the autonomy of the moral law appears (...)
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  28.  26
    On thinking: Open letter to Hannah Arendt.Agnes Heller, David Roberts & Peter Beilharz - 2020 - Thesis Eleven 159 (1):23-34.
    Thesis Eleven is honoured to be able to publish this text by our late friend and mentor Agnes Heller. It was secured in the period before her recent death, and is published now posthumously in her memory. Echoing her earlier text written as an Imaginary Preface to Arendt’s Totalitarianism, it responds to themes in the later text, The Life of the Mind. These were among the most eminent of the minds referred to later as Women in Dark Times. Their connection (...)
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  29.  25
    Superfluous People: A Reflection on Hannah Arendt and Evil.Cornelis Van Hattem - 2005 - Upa.
    Superfluous People describes Hannah Arendt's political and philosophical views on Nazi totalitarianism and the Shoah. In her contemplation of evil, Arendt initially spoke of the Shoah as a "radical evil," a term used by Kant. However, unlike Kant, Arendt's radical evil cannot be explained by human motives. Many years later she changed her mind and spoke of "the banality of evil," characterized by an inability to think and judge. Superfluous People seriously considers the question of whether thinking (...)
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    'To Think Representatively': Arendt on Judgment and the Imagination.Maurizio Passerin D. Entreves - 2006 - Philosophical Papers 35 (3):367-385.
    In this article, I reconstruct Hannah Arendt's theory of judgment around a number of key themes. After having distinguished two models of judgment, one based on the standpoint of the actor, the other on the standpoint of the spectator, I go on to examine their most distinctive features, in particular, the link between judgment, the imagination, and the ability to think 'representatively'. I also examine the philosophical sources of Arendt's theory of judgment, namely, Kant's theory of aesthetic judgment and (...)
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    A Political Life: Arendtian Aesthetics and Open Systems.Sue Spaid - 2003 - Ethics and the Environment 8 (1):93-101.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ethics & the Environment 8.1 (2003) 93-101 [Access article in PDF] A Political LifeArendtian Aesthetics and Open Systems Sue Spaid Since the 1990s, artists have broken ground by producing works that are "open systems." That is, they are incomplete, participatory, and elastic. In this paper, I will argue that open systems exemplify Hannah Arendt's conception of vita activa, in contrast to art's traditional role as inspiring vita (...)
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    Narrating Evil: A Postmetaphysical Theory of Reflective Judgment.María Pía Lara - 2007 - Columbia University Press.
    Conceptions of evil have changed dramatically over time, and though humans continue to commit acts of cruelty against one another, today we possess a clearer, more moral way of analyzing them. In _Narrating Evil_, María Pía Lara explores what has changed in our understanding of evil, why the transformation matters, and how we can learn from this specific historical development. Drawing on Immanuel Kant's and Hannah Arendt's ideas about reflective judgment, Lara argues that narrative plays a key (...)
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  33. Hannah Arendt and Susan Griffin: Toward a Feminist Metahistory.Shari Stone-Mediatore - 2000 - In Cecile Thérèse Tougas & Sara Ebenreck, Presenting women philosophers. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
    Efforts to introduce particular-focused and emotionally engaged storytelling into historiography have sparked intense debate. Stone-Mediatore argues that women and other under-represented groups have a particular interest in defending the epistemic value of storytelling, but that we can do so meaningfully -- not by endorsing all storytelling -- but only by articulating a metahistory that challenges the division between history and story as well as makes explicit the interrelated epistemic and ethical goals of historical inquiry. The author draws on Hannah (...)
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    Arendt, Kant, and the enigma of judgment.Martin Blumenthal-Barby - 2022 - Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
    This book analyzes Hannah Arendt's later thought, putting it in dialogue with her other writings and notes on Immanuel Kant's Critique of Judgment to outline Arendt's theory of judgment for the twentieth century.
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    Thought and Political Judgment.Roger W. H. Savage - 2021 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 12 (2):120-137.
    Hannah Arendt’s claim that thinking is the last defense against the moral outrages of criminal political regimes sets the problematic of good and evil in relief. Human freedom, Paul Ricœur reminds us, is responsible for evil. The avowal of the evil of violence is thus the condition of our consciousness of the freedom to act anew. Aesthetic experience’s lateral transposition onto the planes of ethics and politics highlights our capacity to respond to exigencies in apposite ways. Exemplary (...)
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  36. In the Spirit of Kant: Political Judgment in Arendt and Lyotard.Karin A. Fry - 2002 - Dissertation, The University of Memphis
    My dissertation is an exploration of two theories of political judgment that are inspired by Kant's Critique of Judgment. Both Hannah Arendt and Jean Francois Lyotard appropriate different versions of Kantian reflective judgment as a model for making political decisions because it allows for differences in thought and action, and does not reduce politics to a fabrication guided by a universal conception. This dissertation examines the viability of both theories of judgment, and assesses the relation between (...)
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    Hermeneutic Responsibility in Political Judgement. Retrieving Factual Truth From Direct Interaction.Eveline Cioflec - 2022 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia 67 (3):113-134.
    In this paper, I am arguing for hermeneutic responsibility in political judgment, as it can be attributed to Arendt’s work. Political judgment is reflective judgment relying on representation by imagination and therefore only has exemplary validity. Along the line of Arendt’s Lectures on Kant’s Political Philosophy, I point out her argument for a different generality in politics than the generality of concepts. This generality of political judgment always refers back to the particular. Only by this (...)
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  38. Reflective thinking and medical students: some thoughtful distillations regarding John Dewey and Hannah Arendt.Thomas J. Papadimos - 2009 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 4:5-.
    Reflective thought (critical thinking) is essential to the medical student who hopes to become an effective physician. John Dewey, one of America's foremost educators in the early twentieth century, revolutionized critical thinking and its role in education. In the mid twentieth century Hannah Arendt provided profound insights into the problem of diminishing human agency and political freedom. Taken together, Dewey's insight regarding reflective thought, and Arendt's view of action, speech, and power in the public (...)
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  39. Hannah Arendt's Uneasy Relationship with Sociology, review of the Anthem Companion to Hannah Arendt, Peter Baehr and Philip Walsh, eds. [REVIEW]Siobhan Kattago - 2023 - European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology 10 (2):335-341.
    Given the plethora of books on nearly every aspect of Hannah Arendt’s work since the collapse of communism in 1989, it is often difficult to sort through the growing amount of secondary literature about her. The Anthem Companion to Hannah Arendt is neither an overview nor critical introduction to her ideas. Rather this timely volume offers a perspective on her work from within the very discipline that she held is such low esteem – sociology. Skilfully edited by Peter (...)
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    por um horizonte público na educação das crianças: um diálogo com Hannah Arendt.Vania Carvalho de Araújo & Franceila Auer - 2022 - Childhood and Philosophy 18:01-25.
    This paper documents an encounter with some issues that deal with the education of children as mentioned by Hannah Arendt in her essay "The crisis in education." Arendt’s invocation of "the obligation that the existence of children imposes on the whole society" is a key element of an ethical and political commitment to the education of new generations—especially in a world disillusioned by the estrangement of the human, and in which the undeniable criteria that the past – as (...)
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    Estetyzacja polityki w ujęciu Hannah Arendt.Marcin Moskalewicz - 2005 - Filo-Sofija 5 (5):203-220.
    Author: Moskalewicz Marcin Title: AESTHETIZATION OF POLITICS ACCORDING TO HANNAH ARENDT (Estetyzacja polityki w ujęciu Hannah Arendt) Source: Filo-Sofija year: 2005, vol:.5, number: 2005/1, pages: 203-220 Keywords: ARENDT, AESTHETIZATION OF POLITICS, CRITIQUE OF JUDGMENT Discipline: PHILOSOPHY Language: POLISH Document type: ARTICLE Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address): E-mail: www:The article reflects on the problem of aesthetization of politics in Hannah Arendt’s work. It starts with the reconstruction of Arendt’s concept of the human condition, with the intention (...)
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  42. Responsibility and judgment.Hannah Arendt - 2003 - New York: Schocken Books. Edited by Jerome Kohn.
    Each of the books that Hannah Arendt published in her lifetime was unique, and to this day each continues to provoke fresh thought and interpretations. This was never more true than for Eichmann in Jerusalem, her account of the trial of Adolf Eichmann, where she first used the phrase “the banality of evil.” Her consternation over how a man who was neither a monster nor a demon could nevertheless be an agent of the most extreme evil evoked derision, outrage, (...)
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  43. From actor to spectator: Hannah Arendt’s ‘two theories’ of political judgment.Majid Yar - 2000 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 26 (2):1-27.
    The question of judgment has become one of the central problems in recent social, political and ethical thought. This paper explores Hannah Arendt's decisive contribution to this debate by attempting to reconstruct analytically two distinctive perspectives on judgment from the corpus of her writings. By exploring her relation to Aristotelian and Kantian sources, and by uncovering debts and parallels to key thinkers such as Benjamin and Heidegger, it is argued that Arendt's work pinpoints the key antinomy within (...) judgment itself, that between the viewpoints of the political actor and the political spectator. The paper concludes by highlighting some lacunae and difficulties in the development of Arendt's account, difficulties that set challenges for those theorists (such as Seyla Benhabib and Alessandro Ferrara) who wish to appropriate and extend Arendt's contribution into the field of contemporary critical theory. Key Words: action • aesthetics • community • freedom • history • judgment • reflection. (shrink)
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    Apocalyps, notre amour.Thomas Nys - 2019 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 111 (4):505-523.
    Apocalypse, notre amour. An essay The apocalypse entails the idea of a final judgment. Thinking about the apocalypse then invites us to consider the question of mankind’s goodness. With Immanuel Kant, I will argue, that such reflection warrants a deep pessimism. Humankind falters in light of the moral standard. Yet, such pessimism leaves room for a political optimism in which impartiality and reciprocity are key elements. Even if moral goodness is nigh-impossible to achieve, we can and should (...)
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    Conscience, Morality, Judgment: The Bond between Thinking and Political Action in Hannah Arendt.Lenka Ucnik - 2020 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2020 (192):81-100.
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  46. Judging in Arendt's Kant Lectures.Linda M. G. Zerilli - 2024 - In Nicholas Dunn, Hannah Arendt's Lectures on Kant's Political Philosophy. Berlin: De Gruyter.
    Lectures on Kant’s Political Philosophy is the go-to text for readers interested in Hannah Arendt’s theory of judgment. Arendt’s discussion of Kantian aesthetic judgments of taste is typically associated with her own view. However, readers who find her interpretation idiosyncratic, if not wrongheaded, distinguish the author of the Critique of Judgment from Arendt’s Kant. Rather than debate who got Kant ‘right’, this essay explores what Arendt discovered about judging politically by reading Kant in her own Arendtian way. Judgment (...)
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  47. Critique of the Power of Judgment.Hannah Ginsborg, Immanuel Kant, Paul Guyer & Eric Matthews - 2002 - Philosophical Review 111 (3):429.
    This new translation is an extremely welcome addition to the continuing Cambridge Edition of Kant’s works. English-speaking readers of the third Critique have long been hampered by the lack of an adequate translation of this important and difficult work. James Creed Meredith’s much-reprinted translation has charm and elegance, but it is often too loose to be useful for scholarly purposes. Moreover it does not include the first version of Kant’s introduction, the so-called “First Introduction,” which is now recognized as indispensable (...)
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  48. Imagination and judgment in Kant's practical philosophy.Alfredo Ferrarin - 2008 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 34 (1-2):101-121.
    My aim in this article is to understand the role of imagination and practical judgment in Kant's moral philosophy. After a comparison of Kant with Rousseau, I explore Kant's moral philosophy itself — unlike Hannah Arendt, who finds in the enlarged mentality of the third Critique the ground for the activity of imagination in a shared world. Instead, I place the concept of moral legislation in its background, the reflection on particulars relevant to deliberation, and discuss the mutual relation (...)
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  49. Politics, Philosophy, Terror: Essays on the Thought of Hannah Arendt.Dana Richard Villa - 1999 - Princeton University Press.
    Hannah Arendt's rich and varied political thought is more influential today than ever before, due in part to the collapse of communism and the need for ideas that move beyond the old ideologies of the Cold War. As Dana Villa shows, however, Arendt's thought is often poorly understood, both because of its complexity and because her fame has made it easy for critics to write about what she is reputed to have said rather than what she actually wrote. (...)
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    “Judgment without standards”: Arendt's Lectures on Kant's Political Philosophy.Martin Blumenthal-Barby - 2021 - Philosophical Forum 52 (2):165-175.
    This article considers Hannah Arendt's posthumously published Lectures on Kant's Political Philosophy, lectures delivered at the New School for Social Research in the fall semester of 1970. By taking Arendt's highly provocative reading of Kant as a point of departure, the essay probes Arendt's own theory of judgment. Arendt frequently draws distinctions that prove untenable. If the faculty of judgment, in Arendt's words, has to do with one's “ability to make distinctions,” and yet her own distinctions continually falter, (...)
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