Results for 'Harald Schilling'

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  1.  27
    An amorphous model for morphological processing in visual comprehension based on naive discriminative learning.R. Harald Baayen, Petar Milin, Dusica Filipović Đurđević, Peter Hendrix & Marco Marelli - 2011 - Psychological Review 118 (3):438-481.
  2. Contextuality Revisited: Signaling May Differ From Communicating.Thomas Filk & Harald Atmanspacher - 2019 - In J. Acacio de Barros & Carlos Montemayor (eds.), Quanta and Mind: Essays on the Connection Between Quantum Mechanics and Consciousness. Springer Verlag.
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    (2 other versions)Der 'intentionale fehlschluß' — ein dogma?Lutz Danneberg & Hans-Harald Müller - 1983 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 14 (1):103-137.
    Our examination of the controversy surrounding the intentionalist conception of textual interpretation shows that the critics of this approach to questions of meaning and interpretation have so far failed to prove their case. The standard objections to intentionalism, on grounds of logical or empirical fallacy, cannot be maintained. We reconstruct the objections which have been raised in the literature against the intentional conception and discuss them as criticism of a conception hold to be inadequate with respect to the problem of (...)
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  4. Making the canon? : the early reception of the republique in Castilian political thought.Harald E. Braun - 2013 - In Howell A. Lloyd (ed.), The Reception of Bodin. Boston: Brill.
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    Cusanus: Ästhetik und Theologie.Michael Eckert & Harald Schwaetzer (eds.) - 2013 - Münster: Aschendorff Verlag.
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    Meditation - Neuroscientific Approaches and Philosophical Implications.Stefan Schmidt & Harald Walach (eds.) - 2013 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This volume features a collection of essays on consciousness, which has become one of the hot topics at the crossroads between neuroscience, philosophy, and religious studies. Is consciousness something the brain produces? How can we study it? Is there just one type of consciousness or are there different states that can be discriminated? Are so called "higher states of consciousness" that some people report during meditation pointing towards a new understanding of consciousness? Meditation research is a new discipline that shows (...)
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    Wie wir überleben können: eine Ethik für die Zukunft.Albert Schweitzer & Harald Schützeichel - 1994
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  8. Contemporary East Central European social theory.Arpad Szakolczai & Harald Wydra - 2006 - In Gerard Delanty (ed.), The handbook of contemporary European social theory. New York: Routledge. pp. 138.
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  9. Stability criteria for the contextual emergence of macrostates in neural networks.Adam Barrett & Harald Atmanspacher - unknown
    More than thirty years ago, Amari and colleagues proposed a statistical framework for identifying structurally stable macrostates of neural networks from observations of their microstates. We compare their stochastic stability criterion with a deterministic stability criterion based on the ergodic theory of dynamical systems, recently proposed for the scheme of contextual emergence and applied to particular inter-level relations in neuroscience. Stochastic and deterministic..
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    Implicit and Explicit Processes in Risk Perception: Neural Antecedents of Perceived HIV Risk.Ralf Schmälzle, Harald T. Schupp, Alexander Barth & Britta Renner - 2011 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 5.
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    Le CMC-core : un schéma de représentation des corpus de la CMR en TEI.Michael Beißwenger & Harald Lüngen - 2020 - Corpus 20.
    Dans cet article, nous décrivons un schéma et des modèles de représentation développés pour structurer les corpus de communication médiée par ordinateur (CMC) en suivant les recommandations de la Text Encoding Initiative (TEI). Nous considérons le discours CMC comme un échange dialogique entre humains, organisé de manière séquentielle. Nous insistons d’abord sur le fait que de nombreuses caractéristiques de la CMC ne sont pas traitées de manière adéquate par les schémas et les outils actuels d’encodage de corpus. Nous formulons donc (...)
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    Grundbegriffe und -phänomene Edith Steins.Marcus Knaup & Harald Seubert (eds.) - 2018 - Wien: Herder.
    Es gibt ein Ziel, auf das alle philosophische Einzelforschungen hinarbeiten und zu dessen Erreichung sie zusammenwirken: das Ziel, die Welt zu verstehen. (Edith Stein) Edith Stein ist eine Philosophin, die auf Grund der Weite des Horizonts, in dem sie denkt, in kein Raster passt. Die Beitrage dieses Bandes, die auf eine Tagung anlasslich der Prasentation des Edith Stein-Lexikons an der FernUniversitat in Hagen im November 2017 zuruckgehen, machen das systematische und ideengeschichtliche Profil in Steins Denken transparent. Die versammelten namhaften Stein-Forscherinnen (...)
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    (1 other version)An Ethical Reading of the Political Marketing Mix through a Habermasian Lens: Theory of Communicative Action.Rand Irshaidat & Harald Borgebund - 2020 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 1 (1):1.
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    Information loss in knowledge compilation: A comparison of Boolean envelopes.Peter Schachte, Harald Søndergaard, Leigh Whiting & Kevin Henshall - 2010 - Artificial Intelligence 174 (9-10):585-596.
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    Contexts of conscience in early modern Europe, 1500-1700.Edward Vallance & Harald E. Braun (eds.) - 2004 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    In an era of confessional conflict, the conscience served as a powerful mediator between God and man, directing and judging moral actions. This work aims to convey the breadth of the conscience's jurisdiction, analyzing its impact upon a variety of important aspects of early modern society: political allegiance the genre of "advice to princes" religious conformity slavery the regulation of sexual behavior gender roles and the intellectual methods of scientists.
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    Toleranz in europäischen Traditionen [Tolerance in European Traditions].David Bartosch & Harald Seubert - 2012 - In Hamid Reza Yousefi & Harald Seubert (eds.), In Toleranz im Weltkontext: Geschichten – Erscheinungsformen – Neue Entwicklungen [Tolerance in Global Context: Histories – Manifestations – New Developments]. Springer. pp. 53-64.
  17. Logic, Language, and Meaning: Selected Papers From the Seventeenth Amsterdam Colloquium.Maria Aloni, Harald Bastiaanse, Tikitu Jager & Katrin Schulz (eds.) - 2010 - Springer.
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  18.  6
    Den stora humor.Harald Høffding - 1968 - Stockholm,: Raben & Sjögren.
    I bogen "Den store humor" undersøger Harald Høffding humoren som livsanskuelse. "Den store humor" er ifølge Høffding en etisk livsholdning, som et menneske kan leve sit liv efter. Inspireret af filosoffen Søren Kierkegaards stadieteori karakteriserer Harald Høffding humoren som et etisk standpunkt, der nægter at anerkende den kristnes tragiske syn på livet. I stedet formår humoristen, at balancere livets lyse og skyggefulde sider. Humoristen lever sit liv med åbne øjne og har derfor blik for såvel verdens komik som (...)
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    The philosophy of religion.Harald Høffding - 1906 - Freeport, N.Y.,: Books for Libraries Press. Edited by B. E. Meyer.
    Contents.- Problem and procedure.- Epistemological philosophy of religion.- Psychological philosophy of religion.- Ethical philosophy of religion.- Notes.- Index.
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    Uchebnik istorii novoĭ filosofii.Harald Høffding - 2011 - Moskva: Knizhnyĭ dom "Librokom".
    Книга рекомендуется философам, историкам науки, всем заинтересованным читателям.
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    Molecular architecture of intermediate filaments.Sergei V. Strelkov, Harald Herrmann & Ueli Aebi - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (3):243-251.
    Together with microtubules and actin microfilaments, ∼11 nm wide intermediate filaments (IFs) constitute the integrated, dynamic filament network present in the cytoplasm of metazoan cells. This network is critically involved in division, motility and other cellular processes. While the structures of microtubules and microfilaments are known in atomic detail, IF architecture is presently much less understood. The elementary ‘building block’ of IFs is a highly elongated, rod‐like dimer based on an α‐helical coiled‐coil structure. Assembly of cytoplasmic IF proteins, such as (...)
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    Simulation of the dynamics of hard ellipsoids.C. de Michele, R. Schilling & F. Sciortino - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (33-35):4117-4123.
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    High-field magnetoresistance and hall effect in aluminium single crystals. Influence of Fermi surface and defect structure.W. Kesternich, H. Ullmaier & W. Schilling - 1975 - Philosophical Magazine 31 (3):471-488.
  24. Sprachtheorie Und Pragmatik: Akten des 10. Linguistischen Kolloquiums Tübingen 1975.Heinrich Weber & Harald Weydt (eds.) - 1976 - Max Niemeyer.
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    Geschichte der Philosophie. [REVIEW]V. J. McG & Kurt Schilling - 1950 - Journal of Philosophy 47 (19):559.
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  26.  24
    Schilling, G., Die Berechtigung der teleologischen Betrachtungsweise der Natur nach Paulsen und Sigwart.Georg Schilling - 1920 - Kant Studien 24 (1).
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  27.  40
    Rationing, racism and justice: advancing the debate around ‘colourblind’ COVID-19 ventilator allocation.Harald Schmidt, Dorothy E. Roberts & Nwamaka D. Eneanya - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (2):126-130.
    Withholding or withdrawing life-saving ventilators can become necessary when resources are insufficient. In the USA, such rationing has unique social justice dimensions. Structural elements of dominant allocation frameworks simultaneously advantage white communities, and disadvantage Black communities—who already experience a disproportionate burden of COVID-19-related job losses, hospitalisations and mortality. Using the example of New Jersey’s Crisis Standard of Care policy, we describe how dominant rationing guidance compounds for many Black patients prior unfair structural disadvantage, chiefly due to the way creatinine and (...)
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  28.  63
    Martinus Anglicus (dictus Bilond?), Tractatus de suppositione. Einleitung und Text von Harald Berger.Harald Berger - 2007 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 12 (1):157-173.
    L. M. de Rijk supposed in 1982 that two anonymous logical tracts in the Viennese Codex 4698, fol. 18r–27v, may be the work of Martinus Anglicus to whom a tract on consequences and one on obligations are ascribed in that codex. The tract on supposition of which the Viennese codex hands down only a fragment of the beginning is contained completely in Hs I 613 of the Stadtbibliothek Mainz, fol. 20vb–21vb. This finding ensures the authorship of Martinus Anglicus and allows (...)
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    Looking Through “Rose-Tinted” Glasses: The Influence of Tint on Visual Affective Processing.Tim Schilling, Alexandra Sipatchin, Lewis Chuang & Siegfried Wahl - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13:452016.
    The use of color-tinted lenses can introduce profound effects into how we process visual information at the early to late stages. Besides mediating harsh lighting conditions, some evidence suggests that color-tinted lenses can influence how humans respond to emotional events. In this study, we systematically evaluated how color-tinted lenses modified our participants’ psychophysiological responses to emotion-inducing images. The participants passively viewed pleasant, neutral or unpleasant images from the International-Affective-Picture-System (IAPS), while wearing none, blue, red, yellow or green tinted-lenses that were (...)
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    Aristotle, De Anima.Harald A. T. Reiche & David Ross - 1963 - American Journal of Philology 84 (2):205.
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  31.  14
    Der Pauli-Jung-Dialog und seine Bedeutung für die moderne Wissenschaft.Harald Atmanspacher, Hans Primas & Eva Wertenschlag-Birkhäuser - 1995 - Springer.
    Der vorliegende Band enthält eine Sammlung von Beiträgen zum Problem der Wechselwirkung zwischen Geist und Materie, einem der zentralen Probleme europäischer Geistesgeschichte. Die Blickwinkel, die dabei eingenommen werden, sind vorrangig die der Physik und der Psychologie. Die Wechselwirkung dieser Gebiete wird so deutlich wie nie zuvor im Dialog zwischen zwei Forscherpersön lichkeiten dieses Jahrhunderts sichtbar: dem Physiker Wolfgang Pauli (1900- 1958) und dem Psychologen Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961). In zahlreichen Brie fen und Manuskripten Paulis, die erst in den letzten Jahren (...)
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  32. Vanishing borel sets.Kenneth Schilling - 1998 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 63 (1):262-268.
  33.  21
    Edit by Number: A Response.Dennis Schilling - 2023 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 22 (4):633-646.
    This paper reflects on two ideas addressed in Benoît Vermander’s essay “Edit by Number.” First, how can we apply “coherence in structure” to the historical development of textual production and edition in ancient China? And second, what concept of number underlies the considerations in the Huáinán Zǐ 淮南子? To answer the first question, this article compares the different compositional patterns of texts that, as with the Lǎo Zǐ 老子and the Yì Jīng 易經, are available to us in different versions. The (...)
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    Med Harald Sørensen på strejftog i Christen Kolds pædagogik.Harald Sørensen - 1977 - [København]: [eksp. DBK]. Edited by B. B. Lillelund.
  35.  25
    Virtue in the “Book of Changes”.Dennis Schilling - 2021 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 48 (2):117-129.
    The present paper gives a systematic account of the concept of virtue represented by de 德 in the “Book of Changes.” It starts with a short summary of the impact of this concept on later Song dynasty philosophy. In this traditional view, “virtue” is considered to be a natural entity which contains intrinsic dynamics. This naturalistic view of morality is later contrasted with earlier notions of de or “virtue” in the canonized edition of the “Changes.” The paper first examines its (...)
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    On the logic of creeds.Harald Eklund - 1956 - Theoria 22 (2):75-84.
  37. L'idea originaria e le proporzioni della chiesa di Santa Maria della Salute.Gerhard Goebel-Schilling - 1992 - Eidos: The Canadian Graduate Journal of Philosophy 10:72-82.
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    Aristoteles' Gedanke der Philosophie.Kurt Schilling-Wollny - 1928 - München,: E. Reinhardt.
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  39.  33
    Bedeutung, Gegebenheit, Gehalt der Kunst.Kurt Schilling - 1960 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 14 (1):46 - 67.
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    Christliche sozial- und rechtsphilosophie.Otto Schilling - 1933 - München,: M. Hueber.
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  41. Die Staats- und Soziallehre des hl. Thomas v. A.Otto Schilling - 1923 - Paderborn,: F. Schöningh.
  42. Geschichte der Philosophie VI : Von der Renaissance bis Kant.Kurt Schilling - 1954 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 16 (4):669-669.
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    Geschichte der Philosophie, VI, Von der Renaissance bis Kant.Kurt Schilling - 1954 - De Gruyter.
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    Louveau's theorem for the descriptive set theory of internal sets.Kenneth Schilling & Bosko Zivaljevic - 1997 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 62 (2):595-607.
    We give positive answers to two open questions from [15]. (1) For every set C countably determined over A, if C is Π 0 α (Σ 0 α ) then it must be Π 0 α (Σ 0 α ) over A, and (2) every Borel subset of the product of two internal sets X and Y all of whose vertical sections are Π 0 α (Σ 0 α ) can be represented as an intersection (union) of Borel sets with (...)
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  45. Extending the philosophical significance of the idea of complementarity.Harald Atmanspacher - unknown
    Summary. We discuss a specific way in which the notion of complementarity can be based on the dynamics of the system considered. This approach rests on an epistemic representation of system states, reflecting our knowledge about a system in terms of coarse grainings (partitions) of its phase space. Within such an epistemic quantization of classical systems, compatible, comparable, commensurable, and complementary descriptions can be precisely characterized and distinguished from each other. Some tentative examples are indicated that, we suppose, would have (...)
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    Discriminative grandparental solicitude as reproductive strategy.Harald A. Euler & Barbara Weitzel - 1996 - Human Nature 7 (1):39-59.
    1,857 adults rated the grandparental solicitude they received in childhood. Through a simple model based on the evolutionary concepts of ontogenetically differentiated reproductive strategy and paternity confidence, an ordered discriminative pattern of grandparental caregiving was predicted and confirmed by solid main effects, based on 603 complete cases. The maternal grandmother was the most caring. Unlike prevalent gender stereotypes, she was followed by the maternal grandfather, the paternal grandmother, and the paternal grandfather. The preferential grandparental solicitude was not influenced by residential (...)
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  47. [Book Chapter] (in Press).Harald Atmanspacher & Hans Primas (eds.) - 2007 - Springer.
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  48.  56
    Dual-Aspect Monism and the Deep Structure of Meaning.Harald Atmanspacher & Dean Rickles - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge. Edited by Dean Rickles.
    This book investigates the metaphysical position of dual-aspect monism, with particular emphasis on the concept of meaning as a fundamental feature of the fabric of reality.
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  49.  50
    Putting the French Duty of Vigilance Law in Context: Towards Corporate Accountability for Human Rights Violations in the Global South?Almut Schilling-Vacaflor - 2020 - Human Rights Review 22 (1):109-127.
    The adoption of the French Duty of Vigilance law has been celebrated as a milestone for advancing the transnational business and human rights regime. The law can contribute to harden corporate accountability by challenging the “separation principle” of transnational companies and by obligating companies to report on their duty of vigilance. However, the question of whether the law actually contributes to human rights and environmental protection along global supply chains requires empirically grounded research that connects processes in home and host (...)
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  50.  84
    Ancient Scepticism.Harald Thorsrud - 2009 - University of California Press.
    Scepticism, a philosophical tradition that casts doubt on our ability to gain knowledge of the world and suggests suspending judgment in the face of uncertainty, has been influential since its beginnings in ancient Greece. Harald Thorsrud provides an engaging, rigorous introduction to the central themes, arguments, and general concerns of ancient Scepticism, from its beginnings with Pyrrho of Elis to the writings of Sextus Empiricus in the second century A.D. Thorsrud explores the differences among Sceptics and examines in particular (...)
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