Results for 'Hardy paradox'

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  1.  55
    VI.—The Paradox of Phenomenalism.W. F. R. Hardie - 1946 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 46 (1):127-154.
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    The construction of the older worker: privilege, paradox and policy.Cynthia Hardy & Susan Ainsworth - 2007 - Discourse and Communication 1 (3):267-285.
    Our study of a public inquiry shows how particular constructions of the older worker — as male and lacking in self-esteem — were privileged as a result of discursive manoeuvres that established comparative disadvantage among different identities. Paradoxically, traditional gender stereotypes were subverted to construct female willingness to accept low status, low paid jobs as a reason why they did not need help in the form of policy initiatives; while men's intransigence meant they deserved greater support. A second paradox (...)
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    Is Yablo's Paradox Liar-Like?James Hardy - 1995 - Analysis 55 (3):197 - 198.
  4.  52
    Counterfactual logic and the Hardy paradox: Remarks on Shimony and Stein's criticism of Stapp's proof.Tomasz Bigaj - unknown
    This is an extended critique of comments made by Abner Shimony and Howard Stein on Henry Stapp’s proof of the non-locality of quantum mechanics. Although I claim that ultimately Stapp’s proof does not establish its purported conclusion, yet Shimony and Stein’s criticism contains a number of weak points, which need to be clarified.
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  5. Hardy’s Non-locality Paradox and Possibilistic Conditions for Non-locality.Shane Mansfield & Tobias Fritz - 2012 - Foundations of Physics 42 (5):709-719.
    Hardy’s non-locality paradox is a proof without inequalities showing that certain non-local correlations violate local realism. It is ‘possibilistic’ in the sense that one only distinguishes between possible outcomes (positive probability) and impossible outcomes (zero probability). Here we show that Hardy’s paradox is quite universal: in any (2,2,l) or (2,k,2) Bell scenario, the occurrence of Hardy’s paradox is a necessary and sufficient condition for possibilistic non-locality. In particular, it subsumes all ladder paradoxes. This universality (...)
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  6.  26
    Broken Arrows: Hardy–Unruh Chains and Quantum Contextuality.Michael Janas & Michel Janssen - 2023 - Entropy 25 (12):1568.
    Hardy and Unruh constructed a family of non-maximally entangled states of pairs of particles giving rise to correlations that cannot be accounted for with a local hidden-variable theory. Rather than pointing to violations of some Bell inequality, however, they pointed to apparent clashes with the basic rules of logic. Specifically, they constructed these states and the associated measurement settings in such a way that the outcomes satisfy some conditionals but not an additional one entailed by them. Quantum mechanics avoids (...)
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    Hardy’s Paradox as a Demonstration of Quantum Irrealism.Nicholas G. Engelbert & Renato M. Angelo - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (2):105-119.
    Hardy’s paradox was originally presented as a demonstration, without inequalities, of the incompatibility between quantum mechanics and the hypothesis of local causality. Equipped with newly developed tools that allow for a quantitative assessment of realism, here we revisit Hardy’s paradox and argue that nonlocal causality is not mandatory for its solution; quantum irrealism suffices.
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  8. Quantum Analogues of Hardy’s Nonlocality Paradox.Tobias Fritz - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (9):1493-1501.
    Hardy’s nonlocality is a “nonlocality proof without inequalities”: it exemplifies that quantum correlations can be qualitatively stronger than classical correlations. This paper introduces variants of Hardy’s nonlocality in the CHSH scenario which are realized by the PR-box, but not by quantum correlations. Hence this new kind of Hardy-type nonlocality is a proof without inequalities showing that superquantum correlations can be qualitatively stronger than quantum correlations.
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    Can Parallel Lives Provide a Solution to Hardy’s Paradox?İnanç Şahin - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (1):1-14.
    Parallel lives is a model which provides an interpretation of quantum theory that is both local and realistic. This model assumes that all quantum fields are composed of point beings called “lives”. Lives interact locally and have a memory of their previous interactions. The reduction of the state vector is not included in this model: lives can be divided into different worlds. This feature resembles many worlds interpretation. However in the parallel lives model, the division of lives into different worlds (...)
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    Hardy's Paradox as a No-go Result for Probabilistic Hidden Variables確率的隠れた変数の不可能性定理としてのハーディーのパラドクス.Katsuaki Higashi - 2019 - Journal of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 47 (1):35-46.
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    Mirabile Dictv (P.) Hardie (ed.) Paradox and the Marvellous in Augustan Literature and Culture. Pp. xiv + 388, ills. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. Cased, £70. ISBN: 978-0-19-923124-9. [REVIEW]Michael S. Cummings - 2011 - The Classical Review 61 (2):465-467.
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    The Soviet Mind: Russian Culture under Communism: by Isaiah Berlin, edited by Henry Hardy, Washington DC, Brookings Institution Press, 2016, xl + 246 pp., $22.00.Yigal Liverant - 2020 - The European Legacy 25 (7-8):873-875.
    Rather paradoxically, the personal and intellectual roots of Sir Isaiah Berlin, an influential contributor to liberal political theory and Western political thought, stem from East-European autocra...
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  13.  45
    ω-Circularity of Yablo's Paradox.Ahmet Çevik - 2020 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 29 (3):325-333.
    In this paper, we strengthen Hardy’s [1995] and Ketland’s [2005] arguments on the issues surrounding the self-referential nature of Yablo’s paradox [1993]. We first begin by observing that Priest’s [1997] construction of the binary satisfaction relation in revealing a fixed point relies on impredicative definitions. We then show that Yablo’s paradox is ‘ω-circular’, based on ω-inconsistent theories, by arguing that the paradox is not self-referential in the classical sense but rather admits circularity at the least transfinite (...)
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  14. Pentagrams and Paradoxes.Piotr Badzia̧g, Ingemar Bengtsson, Adán Cabello, Helena Granström & Jan-Åke Larsson - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (3):414-423.
    Klyachko and coworkers consider an orthogonality graph in the form of a pentagram, and in this way derive a Kochen-Specker inequality for spin 1 systems. In some low-dimensional situations Hilbert spaces are naturally organised, by a magical choice of basis, into SO(N) orbits. Combining these ideas some very elegant results emerge. We give a careful discussion of the pentagram operator, and then show how the pentagram underlies a number of other quantum “paradoxes”, such as that of Hardy.
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    What Is a Quantum-Mechanical “Weak Value” the Value of?Bengt E. Y. Svensson - 2013 - Foundations of Physics 43 (10):1193-1205.
    A so called “weak value” of an observable in quantum mechanics (QM) may be obtained in a weak measurement + post-selection procedure on the QM system under study. Applied to number operators, it has been invoked in revisiting some QM paradoxes (e.g., the so called Three-Box Paradox and Hardy’s Paradox). This requires the weak value to be interpreted as a bona fide property of the system considered, a par with entities like operator mean values and eigenvalues. I (...)
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  16. Heisenberg quantum mechanics, numeral set-theory and.Han Geurdes - manuscript
    In the paper we will employ set theory to study the formal aspects of quantum mechanics without explicitly making use of space-time. It is demonstrated that von Neuman and Zermelo numeral sets, previously efectively used in the explanation of Hardy’s paradox, follow a Heisenberg quantum form. Here monadic union plays the role of time derivative. The logical counterpart of monadic union plays the part of the Hamiltonian in the commutator. The use of numerals and monadic union in the (...)
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    Darwin the writer.George Levine - 2011 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Darwin the writer -- Learning to see : Darwin's prophetic apprenticeship on the Beagle voyage -- The prose of On the origin of species -- Surprise and paradox : Darwin's artful legacy -- Darwinian mind and Wildean paradox -- Hardy's Woodlanders and the Darwinian grotesque -- Coda : the comic Darwin.
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  18.  26
    The Limit to Rationalism in the Immaculately Nonordered Universe.Douglas Chesley Gill - 2023 - Open Journal of Philosophy 13 (3):586-597.
    We claim that the Universe’s fundamental structure is not discoverable through rationalism. The various frameworks studied are logic, mathematics, their application through theories in physics, and finally, the pivotally separate application of logic to historical evidence in formal religious belief. The basis of the prohibition is that rational structure has a limit for consistency that falls short of completeness in absolute terms. The limit of observability reaches only a framework in which correlated elements are formed paradoxically within a parent structure. (...)
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    Lorentz-Invariant, Retrocausal, and Deterministic Hidden Variables.Aurélien Drezet - 2019 - Foundations of Physics 49 (10):1166-1199.
    We review several no-go theorems attributed to Gisin and Hardy, Conway and Kochen purporting the impossibility of Lorentz-invariant deterministic hidden-variable model for explaining quantum nonlocality. Those theorems claim that the only known solution to escape the conclusions is either to accept a preferred reference frame or to abandon the hidden-variable program altogether. Here we present a different alternative based on a foliation dependent framework adapted to deterministic hidden variables. We analyse the impact of such an approach on Bohmian mechanics (...)
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  20. Probability and quantum foundation.Han Geurdes - manuscript
    A classical probabilistics explanation for a typical quantum effect in Hardy's paradox is demonstrated.
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    Quantum Weak Values and Logic: An Uneasy Couple.Bengt E. Y. Svensson - 2017 - Foundations of Physics 47 (3):430-452.
    Quantum mechanical weak values of projection operators have been used to answer which-way questions, e.g. to trace which arms in a multiple Mach–Zehnder setup a particle may have traversed from a given initial to a prescribed final state. I show that this procedure might lead to logical inconsistencies in the sense that different methods used to answer composite questions, like “Has the particle traversed the way X or the way Y?”, may result in different answers depending on which methods are (...)
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  22.  17
    Forgetting the ars memoriae: Ovid, remedia amoris 579–84.Patrick T. Beasom - 2013 - Classical Quarterly 63 (2):903-906.
    During his encounter with Lethaeus Amor in theRemedia amoris, in which he discusses techniques to forget a former lover, Ovid writes the following:quisquis amas, loca sola nocent: loca sola caveto;quo fugis? in populo tutior esse potes.non tibi secretis est opus; auxilio turba futura tibi est.tristis eris, si solus eris, dominaeque relictaeante oculos facies stabit, ut ipsa, tuos.This passage has been discussed in Hardie's treatment of Lethaeus Amor, and, while he directly addresses Ovid's use oflociin this passage as I shall below, (...)
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  23.  13
    Alexandre Kojève: un système anthropologique.Dominique Pirotte - 2005 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    Figure décisive et controversée de l'hégélianisme contemporain, repère pour tant de penseurs français d'avant et d'après-guerre au premier rang desquels Bataille, Lacan et Sartre, Alexandre Kojève apparaît avant tout comme un commentateur de la Phénoménologie de l'Esprit, dont la lecture est le fruit d'un croisement hardi d'heideggerianisme et de marxisme. Demeurent pourtant largement insoupçonnés l'unité et l'enjeu de son projet global : la constitution d'une anthropologie philosophique radicale, finitiste et athée, nouant les catégories existentielle et logique du Désir, de l'Action, (...)
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  24. ‘Frederick L. Will’s Pragmatic Realism: An Introduction’.Kenneth R. Westphal - 1997 - In K. R. Westphal, Frederick L. Will, Pragmatism and Realism. Rowman & Littlefield.
    This critical editorial introduction summarizes and explicates Frederick Will’s pragmatic realism and his account of the nature, assessment, and revision of cognitive and practical norms in connection with: the development of Will’s pragmatic realism, Hume’s problem of induction, the oscillations between foundationalism and coherentism, the nature of philosophical reflection, Kant’s ‘Refutation of Idealism’, the open texture of empirical concepts, the correspondence conception of truth, Putnam’s ‘internal realism’, the redundancy theory of truth, sociology of knowledge, the governance of practice by norms (...)
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    The role of Malebranche in Ernest renan's philosophical development.Benjamin Rountree - 1968 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 6 (1):47.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Role of Malebranche in Ernest Renan's Philosophical Development BENJAMIN ROUNTREE RENANHASBEENCALLEDwith some justification the "Malebranche du dix-neuvi~me si~cle." 1 In his praise of the seventeenth-century philosopher, Renan was unconciously inclined to call attention to the similarities between himself and Malebranche by pointing out qualities which they were apt to share. A thinker as sinuous as Renan was bound to appreciate the power of subtle reasoning in such a (...)
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    Is the Mathematics of the Universe—Quantum, Classical, Both or Neither? A Geometric Model.Douglas Chesley Gill - 2024 - Open Journal of Philosophy 14 (2):424-440.
    Is the mathematical description of the Universe quantum, classical, both or neither? The mandated assumption of rationalism is that if an argument is inconsistent, it is flawed for a conclusion. However, suppose the structural basis of the Universe is fundamentally inconsistent. In that case, paradoxes in the frameworks of logic and mathematics would not be anomalies. A geometric model with a counter-rational framework of inconsistent relationships is applied to analyze Hardy’s paradox, the fine structure constant, and the general (...)
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  27.  14
    The Universal Structure in the Moebius Band.Douglas Chesley Gill - 2023 - Open Journal of Philosophy 13 (4):787-795.
    A geometric model previously developed to analyze the quantum structure of Hardy’s paradox and explore the generic structure of universal states is applied to the Moebius band. The Moebius band’s conformity to the model strengthens its hypothesis. The claim made is that universal states cannot be represented as singular structures without reference to a partition of entangled parts that do not share property with each other. In other words, universal states categorically incorporate a systemic feature of inconsistency within (...)
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    Predatory Grooming and Epistemic Infringement.Lauren Leydon-Hardy - 2021 - In Jennifer Lackey, Applied Epistemology. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. pp. 119-147.
    Predatory grooming is a form of abuse most familiar from high-profile cases of sexual misconduct, for example, the Nassar case at Michigan State. Predatory groomers target individuals in a systematic effort to lead them into relationships in which they are vulnerable to exploitation. This is an example of a broader form of epistemic misconduct that Leydon-Hardy describes as epistemic infringement, where this involves the contravention of social and epistemic norms in a way that undermines our epistemic agency. In this (...)
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  29. The Final Good in Aristotle's Ethics.W. F. R. Hardie - 1965 - Philosophy 40 (154):277-295.
    Aristotle maintains that every man has, or should have, a single end, a target at which he aims. The doctrine is stated in E.N. I 2. ‘If, then, there is some end of the things we do which we desire for its own sake, and if we do not choose everything for the sake of something else, clearly this must be the good and the chief good. Will not the knowledge of it, then, have a great influence on life? Shall (...)
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  30.  82
    X—Aristotle's Doctrine that Virtue is a “Mean”.W. F. R. Hardie - 1965 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 65 (1):183-204.
    W. F. R. Hardie; X—Aristotle's Doctrine that Virtue is a “Mean”, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 65, Issue 1, 1 June 1965, Pages 183–204, https.
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  31. Mathematical proof.G. H. Hardy - 1929 - Mind 38 (149):1-25.
  32. Our knowledge of other minds.C. D. Hardie - 1939 - Philosophy of Science 6 (3):309-317.
    I give some reason for accepting a form of the view that there is some logical, And not just contingent, Connection between publicly observable behavior and a person's psychological states. If my contentions are sound, They open the way to the enterprise of delineating a stratification of psychological state concepts. This involves determining which mental concepts are logically connected to observable behavior and how the other categories of mental states are specified on the basis of these.
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    Bertrand Russell and Trinity.Godfrey Harold Hardy - 1970 - London,: Cambridge University Press.
    In 1916 Bertrand Russell was prosecuted and fined for publishing (in defence of a conscientious objector) 'statements likely to prejudice the recruiting and discipline of His Majesty's forces.' He was almost immediately afterwards dismissed from his Lectureship at Trinity College, Cambridge, by the College Council. This expulsion provoked a storm of protest and the true facts of the case became obscured by misconceptions, prejudices and uninformed gossip, to the discredit of the College. In 1942, therefore G. H. Hardy the (...)
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  34.  21
    The Politics of Teacher Professional Development: Policy, Research and Practice.Ian Hardy - 2012 - Routledge.
    Rather than providing a list of "how-tos" and "must dos," this volume is premised on the understanding that by learning more about the current conditions under which teachers and other educators work and learn, it is possible to understand, ...
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    Applied Algebra: Codes, Ciphers and Discrete Algorithms, Second Edition.Darel W. Hardy, Fred Richman & Carol L. Walker - 2009 - Crc Press.
    Using mathematical tools from number theory and finite fields, Applied Algebra: Codes, Ciphers, and Discrete Algorithms, Second Edition presents practical methods for solving problems in data security and data integrity. It is designed for an applied algebra course for students who have had prior classes in abstract or linear algebra. While the content has been reworked and improved, this edition continues to cover many algorithms that arise in cryptography and error-control codes. New to the Second Edition A CD-ROM containing an (...)
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  36.  12
    Political Ideas in the Romantic Age: Their Rise and Influence on Modern Thought.Henry Hardy (ed.) - 2008 - Princeton University Press.
    It is sometimes thought that the renowned essayist Isaiah Berlin was incapable of writing a big book. But in fact he developed some of his most important essays--including "Two Concepts of Liberty" and "Historical Inevitability"--from a book-length manuscript that he intended to publish but later set aside. Published here for the first time, Political Ideas in the Romantic Age is the only book in which Berlin lays out in one continuous account most of his key insights about the history of (...)
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    (1 other version)De Spinoza a Hegel. Una rehabilitación productiva de la negación.Hardy Neumann - 2017 - Revista de Filosofía 73:179-192.
    En el escrito Vorläufige Thesen zur Refomation der Philosophie, Ludwig Feuerbach atribuye a Spinoza la autoría de la filosofía especulativa. A la zaga queda Schelling, considerado por Feuerbach únicamente como el restaurador de la misma. En la secuencia establecida por éste, Hegel sería, por su parte, solo un elemento más en la constitución de la filosofía especulativa, aunque tiene el mérito de completar tal sistema de pensamiento. En el presente artículo pretendo determinar en qué medida el autor de esta filosofía (...)
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  38. How to catch achilles:* An introduction to the theory of infinitals.James Hardy - 2004 - Logique Et Analyse 185 (47):425-444.
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    Molecular biology of herbicides.R. W. F. Hardy & R. T. Giaquinta - 1984 - Bioessays 1 (4):152-156.
    One of the most dynamic areas of plant molecular biology is the investigation of the actions of three classes of herbicides: s‐triazines (atrazine, simazine), glyphosate, and sulfonylureas (chlorsulfuron, sulfometuron methyl) (Figure 1). The results of this work are expected to provide the first significant applications of plant biotechnology: directly, in the genetic engineering of crop plants resistant to specific herbicides and, indirectly, in providing a molecular basis for the rational design of new herbicides for specific biological targets.s‐Triazines affect photosynthesis by (...)
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  40. Notas a la Introducción al esquematismo trascendental en la Crítica de la razón pura.Hardy Neumann Soto - 2007 - Philosophica 31:31-41.
    El presente artículo expone la doctrina del esquematismo, tal como Kant se refiere a ella en la introducción a su problemática en la Crítica de la razón pura. Además del análisis general del tema, se revisa el marco en que se encuentra el esquematismo y algunos problemas de interpretación del texto.
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  41. Seeking the Truth and Taking Care for Common Goods – Plato on Expertise and Recognizing Experts.Jörg Hardy - 2010 - Episteme 7 (1):7-22.
    In this paper I discuss Plato's conception of expertise as a part of the Platonic theory of a good, successful life (eudaimonia). In various Platonic dialogues, Socrates argues that the good life requires a certain kind of knowledge that guides all our good, beneficial actions: the “knowledge of the good and bad”, which is to be acquired by “questioning ourselves and examining our and others’ beliefs”. This knowledge encompasses the particular knowledge of how to recognize experts in a given technical (...)
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  42.  20
    New Essays on Plato and Aristotle.W. F. R. Hardie - 1967 - Philosophical Quarterly 17 (67):166-168.
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    Probability and Education.Charles D. Hardie - 1977 - Educational Studies 3 (3):227-234.
  44.  30
    A grain boundary groove measurement of the surface tension between ice and water.S. C. Hardy - 1977 - Philosophical Magazine 35 (2):471-484.
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    Berlin's big idea.Henry Hardy - 2000 - The Philosophers' Magazine 11 (11):15-16.
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    Concepts and Categories: Philosophical Essays.Henry Hardy (ed.) - 1999 - Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
    "The goal of philosophy is always the same, to assist men to understand themselves and thus to operate in the open, not wildly in the dark."--Isaiah BerlinThis volume of Isaiah Berlin's essays presents the sweep of his contributions to philosophy from his early participation in the debates surrounding logical positivism to his later work, which more evidently reflects his life-long interest in political theory, the history of ideas, and the philosophy of history. Here Berlin describes his view of the nature (...)
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    Language, Myth, and Man in Lévi-Strauss’ Social Anthropology.Gilbert G. Hardy - 1981 - New Scholasticism 55 (4):403-420.
  48.  48
    Quantum gravity computers: On the theory of computation with indefinite causal structure.Lucien Hardy - 2009 - In Wayne C. Myrvold & Joy Christian, Quantum Reality, Relativistic Causality, and Closing the Epistemic Circle. Springer. pp. 379--401.
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    Réconcilier le formel et le causal : le rôle de la neuroéconomie.Benoit Hardy-Vallee & Benoît Dubreuil - 2009 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 2 (2):25-46.
  50.  9
    Willpower doesn't work: discover the hidden keys to success.Benjamin Hardy - 2018 - New York: Hachette Books.
    Introduction: our environment is out of control -- The foundation: your environment shapes you -- Every hero is the product of a situation : understanding the proximity effect -- How your environment shapes you : the myth of willpower -- Use positive-stress environments to promote change -- Create enriched environments : the key of "forcing functions" to promote change -- More than good intentions : how to adapt to new and difficult environments -- Grow into your goals : outsource your (...)
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