Results for 'Harrisian Integrationism'

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  1.  71
    Integrationism, practice-dependence and global justice.Alex McLaughlin - 2023 - European Journal of Political Theory 22 (4):608-628.
    An increasingly popular approach to global justice claims we should be ‘integrationist,’ where integrationism represents an attempt to unify our theorising between different domains of global politics. These political theorists have argued that we cannot identify plausible principles in one domain, such as climate justice, which are not sensitive to general moral concerns. This paper argues we ought to reject the concept of integrationism. It shows that integrationism is either trivial, or it obscures relevant disagreement by ignoring (...)
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  2. Integrationality(誠): A Metaphysical Basis for the Concept of Causation.Daihyun Chung - 2016 - In Kihyeon Kim (ed.), Philosophical Analysis 17 (1). The Korean Society of Analytic Philosophy. pp. 1-20.
    Philosophers of dispositionalism deny the Humean account of causality in terms of constant conjunction, contiguity, temporal priority and contingency. And some of them go further to explain the causal relation not between events or objects, but between properties, in terms of reciprocity, simultaneity, ubiquity, intentionality and holism. But their exposition seems to remain fragmented even though they try to make use of the notions of intentionality and holim. I would inquire reasons why it is piecemeal, by analysing that they employ (...)
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  3. Integrationism, individualism and personalism : the politics of essentialism.Christopher Hutton - 2021 - In Sinfree B. Makoni & Deryn P. Verity (eds.), Integrational Linguistics and Philosophy of Language in the Global South. New York: Routledge.
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    Integrationalism: essays exploiting spiritual disincentives for humanity.James Felton Keith - 2012 - Champaign, Ill.: Common Ground.
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  5. Integrationism and postcolonialism : convergences or divergences? An integrational discussion on ethnocentricity and the (post)colonial translation myth.Sinead Kwok - 2021 - In Sinfree B. Makoni & Deryn P. Verity (eds.), Integrational Linguistics and Philosophy of Language in the Global South. New York: Routledge.
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    Integrationism and Music Theory’s Resistance.Edwin K. C. Li - forthcoming - Semiotics:101-114.
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  7. Integrationism and the global South : songs as epistemic frameworks.Cristine G. Severo & Sinfree B. Makoni - 2021 - In Sinfree B. Makoni & Deryn P. Verity (eds.), Integrational Linguistics and Philosophy of Language in the Global South. New York: Routledge.
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    Global egalitarianism and climate change: against integrationism.Alex McLaughlin - forthcoming - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy.
    A central question in debates about climate justice concerns how the global emissions sink should be shared among the global population over time. This paper considers how global egalitarians should answer that question. In particular, it defends emissions egalitarianism from a view known as ‘integrationism’, according to which shares of the emissions sink should follow from a more general egalitarian theory of distributive justice. First, I show that emissions egalitarianism can draw on a source of functional support not adequately (...)
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  9. Rhetoric and integrationism : in search of rapprochement.Kundai Chirindo - 2021 - In Sinfree B. Makoni & Deryn P. Verity (eds.), Integrational Linguistics and Philosophy of Language in the Global South. New York: Routledge.
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    (1 other version)Integrating Rorty and (Social) Constructivism: A View from Harrisian Semiology.Adrian Pablé - 2013 - Social Epistemology (1):1-23.
    Integrating Rorty and (Social) Constructivism: A View from Harrisian Semiology. . ???aop.label???. doi: 10.1080/02691728.2013.782587.
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    Some principles of Islamic ethics as found in Harrisian philosophy.S. Aksoy - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (4):226-229.
    John Harris is one of the prominent philosophers and bioethicists of our time. He has published tens of books and hundreds of papers throughout his professional life. This paper aims to take a ‘deep-look’ at Harris' works to argue that it is possible to find some principles of Islamic ethics in Harrisian philosophy, namely in his major works, as well as in his personal life. This may be surprising, or thought of as a ‘big’ and ‘groundless’ claim, since John (...)
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  12. The semiological implications of knowledge ideologies : a harrisian perspective.Xuan Fang - 2021 - In Sinfree B. Makoni & Deryn P. Verity (eds.), Integrational Linguistics and Philosophy of Language in the Global South. New York: Routledge.
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    Hegemony, semiogenesis and the emergence of self-consciousness in Gramsci’s view: A Gramscian reading of integrationism.Gianluigi Sassu - 2018 - Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 9 (2):177-183.
    Roy Harris’ view on language can be compared to Antonio Gramsci’s definition of political hegemony as the capacity to create linguistic structures accepted by the majority and to make them become public. If the creation of meaning is rooted in the practical solution of problems, every creation of meaning is also the result of a power negotiation.
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  14. An Essay towards an Epistemology of Responsibility: A Probabilistic Approach.Masaki Ichinose - 2016 - Philosophical Studies (University of Tokyo) 34:1-32.
    This paper tries to develop an epistemological analysis on the notion of responsibility. After pointing out a peculiar kind of uncertainties concerning the notion of responsibility, I focus upon the issue of criminal responsibility, taking the case of mentally disordered offenders into account, and propose the distinction of the phases between sentence and practice with applying Slobogin's idea of integrationism. Finally, I propose a probabilistic approach to the problem of responsibility through considering the idea of relevance ratio, leading to (...)
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  15.  17
    Are integrationists sceptics?David Eisenschitz - 2018 - Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 9 (2):201-217.
    Integrationism advocates a radical epistemological reform in semiological theory. It is a relatively recent perspective, developed by Oxford Professor Roy Harris (1931–2015); yet integrationism’s main principles are best seen as the outcome of different timid trends in the history of theories of language. The epistemological exigencies that this perspective puts on theorists has often provoked reproaches that this perspective was too negative, nihilistic, destructive, a form of scepticism. This article takes this criticism at its word and outlines a (...)
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  16.  12
    Revisiting the Global Emissions Budget.Megan Blomfield - 2019 - In Global Justice, Natural Resources, and Climate Change. Oxford University Press.
    This chapter reconsiders the global emissions budget using the conception of natural resource justice defended previously. Noting that this is to adopt a method of partial integrationism, it is shown that the two principles can at least be applied not only to the problem of sharing the emissions budget, but also the prior matter of setting it. Applying the principle of collective self-determination to these problems is found to be more difficult, because it grounds many conflicting claims. This difficulty (...)
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    Isolationism and the Equal per Capita View.Olle Torpman - forthcoming - Environmental Politics 7:2020.
    In climate ethics, there is a debate about how the carbon budget, in terms of emissions permits, should be divided between people. One popular proposal, sometimes called The Equal per Capita View, says that everyone should have an equal share of the available emissions permits. Several authors have objected to this view, arguing that: (i) the equal per capita view implies isolationism since it treats emissions permits in isolation from other considerations of justice such as development, poverty and trade; and (...)
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  18. Integration, Community, and the Medical Model of Social Injustice.Alex Madva - 2019 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 37 (2):211-232.
    I defend an empirically-oriented approach to the analysis and remediation of social injustice. My springboard for this argument is a debate—principally represented here between Tommie Shelby and Elizabeth Anderson, but with much deeper historical roots and many flowering branches—about whether racial-justice advocacy should prioritize integration (bringing different groups together) or community development (building wealth and political power within the black community). Although I incline toward something closer to Shelby’s “egalitarian pluralist” approach over Anderson’s single-minded emphasis on integration, many of Shelby’s (...)
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    씨알: 誠的 지향성의 주체.Daihyun Chung - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 50:1123-1129.
    The Seed Thoughts by YU Youngmo and HAM Sukhun each may be summed up in “People are a May-fly seed” and “Seeds embodies the eternal meaning”. They used “seed” to refer to humans or people on the one hand and placed the notion of seed in the holistic context of the Eastern Asian tradition. Then, I seek to connect the anthropological notion and the holistic notion via cheng or integration. 『The Doctrine of the Mean』 says that any ultimate integration (至誠) (...)
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  20. 'Distributive Justice and Climate Change'.Simon Caney - 2018 - In Serena Olsaretti (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Distributive Justice. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    This paper discusses two distinct questions of distributive justice raised by climate change. Stated very roughly, one question concerns how much protection is owed to the potential victims of climate change (the Just Target Question), and the second concerns how the burdens (and benefits) involved in preventing dangerous climate change should be distributed (the Just Burden Question). In Section II, I focus on the first of these questions, the Just Target Question. The rest of the paper examines the second question, (...)
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  21. Can psychiatry refurnish the mind?Dominic Murphy - 2017 - Philosophical Explorations 20 (2):160-174.
    In this paper, I will argue that the NIMH’s new Research Domain of Criteria is a useful test of the philosophical hypothesis of eliminative materialism and demonstrates the superiority of a moderate eliminativism over integrationism, which is a rival philosophical framework for the cognitive sciences. I begin by going over the motivation for RDOC, which rests on the problems with the existing Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders framework in psychiatry. Then, I introduce the main tenets of RDoC (...)
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    The concepts of psychiatry: a pluralistic approach to the mind and mental illness.S. Nassir Ghaemi - 2007 - Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
    The status quo: dogmatism, the biopsychosocial model, and alternatives -- What there is: of mind and brain -- How we know: understanding the mind -- What is scientific method? -- Reading Karl Jaspers's General Psychopathology -- What is scientific method in psychiatry? -- Darwin's dangerous method: the essentialist fallacy -- What we value: the ethics of psychiatry -- Desire and self: Hellenistic and Islamic approaches -- On the nature of mental illness: disease or myth? -- Order out of chaos: from (...)
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  23. Aristotle’s Theory of Language: A Problem of (Re)Construction.Pavol Labuda - 2020 - Cultural History 11 (Supplement):5-17.
    The overall purpose of this paper is to contribute to the debate over a possibility to reconstruct such theories which are not explicitly formulated in the preserved texts of ancient authors. Aristotle is one of those who did not write a single treatise on language, though language – both, as an instrument, as well as an object of the study – was still focal point of his philosophy. In his writings, Aristotle rigorously distinguishes several ways of methodologically examining same phenomenon. (...)
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    Sensations and Situations: A Sensorimotor Integrationist Approach.A. Noe - 2016 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 23 (5-6):66-79.
    In this short paper I propose that the sensorimotor approach to perception is a tree yielding two distinct theoretical fruits. One fruit is sensorimotor reductionism. The other is sensorimotor integrationism. In this paper I try to explain what makes these fruits different.
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    Total speech: an integrational linguistic approach to language.Michael J. Toolan - 1996 - Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press.
    Units, rules, codes, systems: this is how most linguists study language. Integrationalists such as Michael Toolan, however, focus instead on how language functions in seamless tandem with the rest of human activity. In Total Speech, Toolan provides a clear and comprehensive account of integrationalism, a major new theory of language that declines to accept that text and context, language and world, are distinct and stable categories. At the same time, Toolan extends the integrationalist argument and calls for a radical change (...)
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    Interdisciplinary integration in biology? An overview.Wim J. van der Steen - 1990 - Acta Biotheoretica 38 (1):23-36.
    Philosophical theories about reduction and integration in science are at variance with what is happenign in science. A realistic approach to science show that possibilities for reduction and integration are limited. The classical ideal of a unified science has since long been rejected in philosophy. But the current emphasis on interdisciplinary integration in philosophy and in science shows that it survives in a different guise. It is necessary to redress the balance, specifically in biology. Methodological analysis shows that many of (...)
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  27.  45
    (2 other versions)Dispositions: An Integrational Analysis.Daihyun Chung - 2015 - Diogenes 62 (2):32-40.
    Whereas the Humean accounts of causality in terms of contiguity, temporal priority, constant conjunction, and contingency face difficulties of one sort, the dispositional explanations of causality in terms of reciprocity, simultaneity, ubiquity, and holism seem to meet difficulties of another sort. But the difficulties which dispositionalism faces may be dissipated if one can appeal consistently to the logic of naturalism, rather than to the grammar of an implicit dualism, for example, as it is illustrated when G. Molnar tried to advance (...)
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  28. Interdisciplinary integration in biology? An overview.Wim J. Steen - 1990 - Acta Biotheoretica 38 (1).
    Philosophical theories about reduction and integration in science are at variance with what is happenign in science. A realistic approach to science show that possibilities for reduction and integration are limited. The classical ideal of a unified science has since long been rejected in philosophy. But the current emphasis on interdisciplinary integration in philosophy and in science shows that it survives in a different guise. It is necessary to redress the balance, specifically in biology. Methodological analysis shows that many of (...)
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    Introduction: Global Justice and Climate Change.Megan Blomfield - 2019 - In Global Justice, Natural Resources, and Climate Change. Oxford University Press.
    This chapter introduces climate change as a problem of natural resource justice by outlining some real-world examples of resource conflicts that are being generated, or exacerbated, by climate change. It then provides some necessary background for the discussion to follow. The science and predicted impacts of climate change are explained, along with the options for responding to this problem, such as mitigation and adaptation. The chapter then briefly introduces the debate about global justice and climate change, as it has appeared (...)
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    Conclusion: Natural Resource Justice and Climate Change.Megan Blomfield - 2019 - In Global Justice, Natural Resources, and Climate Change. Oxford University Press.
    This chapter summarizes the argument of the work. It situates the conception of natural resource justice that has been defended between the (egalitarian) principle of equal division and the (statist) principle of resource sovereignty. As an interpretation of relational egalitarianism concerning natural resources, the view is shown to avoid three of the most common objections to global egalitarianism. This is because the view is compatible with collective self-determination, protects cultural diversity, and avoids the metric problem. The chapter concludes that the (...)
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    Belief and Inter-religious Economic Ethics.Bernard Reber - 1999 - Ethical Perspectives 6 (2):150-158.
    Ethics is being asked to respond to the globalization of the economy, and among the various responses one can see the emergence of inter-religious approaches including lay groups. This article examines certain of these concrete attempts to integrate ethics, spirituality and economics, and problematizes some of the theoretical underpinnings of these activities, specifically the question of beliefs.In January, 1998, two inter-religious and interdisciplinary organizations — Avicenne and the World Conference on Religion and Peace — participated for the first time in (...)
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    Welcome to the metamodel: A reply to Pablé.Robert T. Craig - 2019 - Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 10 (1):101-108.
    In 2017, Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication published an article by Adrian Pablé, an integrationist linguist, which considers the contribution that Roy Harris’ theory of sign can make to communication theory in terms of the constitutive metamodel of communication theory. This brief response to that contribution concludes that integrationism is a useful but limited perspective and that its claim to exclusive validity should be rejected by communication theorists.
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  33. The Struggle for Climate Justice in a Non‐Ideal World.Simon Caney - 2016 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 40 (1):9-26.
    Many agents have failed to comply with their responsibilities to take the action needed to avoid dangerous anthropogenic climate change. This pervasive noncompliance raises two questions of nonideal political theory. First, it raises the question of what agents should do when others do not discharge their climate responsibilities. (the Responsibility Question) In this paper I put forward four principles that we need to employ to answer the Responsibility Question (Sections II-V). I then illustrate my account, by outlining four kinds of (...)
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  34. The Ubiquity of Humanity and Textuality in Human Experience.Daihyun Chung - 2015 - Humanities 4 (4):885-904.
    Abstract: The so-called “crisis of the humanities” can be understood in terms of an asymmetry between the natural and social sciences on the one hand and the humanities on the other. While the sciences approach topics related to human experience in quantificational or experimental terms, the humanities turn to ancient, canonical, and other texts in the search for truths about human experience. As each approach has its own unique limitations, it is desirable to overcome or remove the asymmetry between them. (...)
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