Results for 'Hena Maes-Jelinek'

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  1.  33
    Immanent Substance.Hena Maes-Jelinek - 1999 - CLR James Journal 7 (1):59-77.
  2.  14
    Pronouns, presuppositions, and hierarchies: the work of Eloise Jelinek in context.Eloise Jelinek, Andrew Carnie & Heidi Harley (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    Eloise Jelinek was a leading authority on syntactic and semantic theory, information structure, and several Native American languages (including Lummi, Yaqui, and Navajo). She was one of the very first generative linguists who brought the theoretical implications of the properties of typologically unusual and understudied languages to the forefront of mainstream generative thinking.Jelinek originated the Pronominal Argument Hypothesis the idea that many languages restrict realization of their arguments to pronouns. In other work, Jelinek investigated a broad range (...)
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    "Die Fra ist nur, wenn sie verzichtet zu sein" Ein Gespräch mit Elfriede Jelinek.Elfriede Jelinek & Ursula Konnertz - 1993 - Die Philosophin 4 (8):94-98.
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    15. quantification in straits salish.Eloise Jelinek - 1995 - In Emmon W. Bach, Eloise Jelinek, Angelika Kratzer & Barbara H. Partee (eds.), Quantification in Natural Languages. Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 2--487.
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    Wat is sexy? Een oefening in feministische filosofie.Hans Maes - 2019 - Antwerp: Letterwerk.
    Wanneer ben je sexy, en wie bepaalt dat eigenlijk? Gelden dezelfde normen voor mannen en vrouwen? En hoe moeten we als maatschappij omgaan met de toenemende druk om er hot uit te zien? In dit boek zoekt filosoof Hans Maes een antwoord op deze vragen. Onderweg reflecteert hij over sekssymbolen, over de erotiserende werking van macht en rijkdom, en over de rol van kunst. Hij buigt zich over de notie van seksuele authenticiteit en lanceert ten slotte ook een oproep (...)
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    Existential Aesthetics.Hans Maes - 2022 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 80.
    The aim of what I propose to call “existential aesthetics” is to investigate the various ways in which art and certain kinds of aesthetic practice or aesthetic experience can be of existential importance to people. Section I provides a definition of existential aesthetics, while Section II delineates this emerging field from cognate areas of research. Sections III and IV explore various subcategories and examples of existential aesthetics. Section V seeks to identify important avenues for future research and Section VI presents (...)
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  7. Dynamics in autonomy : articulating one's commitments.Nadja Jelinek - 2012 - In Michael Kühler & Nadja Jelinek (eds.), Autonomy and the Self. London: Springer.
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    The Psychoanalytic and the Commonplace Experience of Silence.Charles Maes - 1983 - Duquesne Studies in Phenomenological Psychology 4:83-89.
  9. Een treffende gelijkenis. Over grappen en kunst.Hans Maes - 2007 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 99 (4):281-296.
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  10. Falling in Love with a Film (Series).Hans Maes & Katrien Schaubroeck - 2021 - In Hans Maes & Katrien Schaubroeck (eds.), Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, Before Midnight: A Philosophical Exploration. New York: Routledge.
    Judging works of art is one thing. Loving a work of art is something else. When you visit a museum like the Louvre you make hundreds of judgements in the space of just a couple of hours. But you may grow to love only one or a handful of works over the course of your entire life. Depending on the art form you are most aligned with, this can be a painting, a novel, a poem, a song, a work of (...)
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  11. Is the Form of the Good a Final Cause for Plato?Elizabeth Jelinek - 2016 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 33 (2):99-116.
    Many assume that Plato's Form of the Good is a final cause. This might be true if one assumes an Aristotelian definition of final cause; however, I argue that if one adopts Plato's conception of final causation as evidenced in the Phaedo and Timaeus, the claim that the Form of the Good is a final cause for Plato is untenable.
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    Sensorimotor Grounding of Musical Embodiment and the Role of Prediction: A Review.Pieter-Jan Maes - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Predicates and pronominal arguments in Straits Salish.Eloise Jelinek & Richard A. Demers - 1994 - In Stephen Everson (ed.), Language: Companions to Ancient Thought, Vol. 3. Cambridge University Press. pp. 697--736.
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  14. Pre-Cosmic Necessity in Plato's Timaeus.Elizabeth Jelinek - 2011 - Apeiron 44 (3):287-305.
    One aim of this paper is to bring to the surface the problems with the traditional, non-literal interpretation of the pre-cosmos in the Timaeus. Contrary to this traditional interpretation, I show that Necessity is an ateleological cause capable of bringing about the events in the pre-cosmos, and that Intelligence is a teleological cause that produces effects only for the sake of maximizing the good. I conclude that there are no grounds for supposing that Intelligence is a causal force operating in (...)
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  15. Evil, Demiurgy, and the Taming of Necessity in Plato’s Timaeus.Elizabeth Jelinek & Casey Hall - 2022 - International Philosophical Quarterly 62 (1):5-21.
    Plato’s Timaeus reveals a cosmos governed by Necessity and Intellect; commentators have debated the relationship between them. Non-literalists hold that the demiurge, having carte blanche in taming Necessity, is omnipotent. But this omnipotence, alongside the attributes of benevolence and omniscience, creates problems when non-literalists address the problem of evil. We take the demiurge rather as limited by Necessity. This position is supported by episodes within the text, and by its larger consonance with Plato’s philosophy of evil and responsibility. By recognizing (...)
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  16.  36
    Bescheidenheid en asymmetrie.Hans Maes - 2001 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 93 (2):117-135.
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    La libéralisation de la recherche sur l’embryon humain et sur les cellules souches issues du corps humain dans le projet de loi relatif à la bioéthique.Anne Gilson-Maes - 2020 - Médecine et Droit 2020 (162):58-67.
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  18. Verse: Dream Within Dream.Mae Winkler Goodman - 1952 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 33 (2):147.
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    Evolutionary theory and World Future.Mae‐Wan Ho - 1993 - World Futures 38 (1):97-106.
    (1993). Evolutionary theory and World Future. World Futures: Vol. 38, Theoretical Achievements and Practical Applications of General Evolutionary Theory, pp. 97-106.
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    On the nature of sustainable Economic systems.Mae-Wan Ho - 1998 - World Futures 51 (3):199-221.
    A sustainable system has all the essential characteristics of an organism?an irreducible whole that develops, maintains and reproduces, or renews, itself by mobilizing material and energy captured from the environment. What is the nature of the material and energy mobilization that makes an organism? I begin with a brief description of a tentative theory of the organism?developed in detail elsewhere (Ho, 1993; 1994a; 1995a,b; 1996b,c)?as a dynamically and energetically closed domain of cyclic non?dissipative processes coupled to irreversible dissipative processes, which (...)
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    Rational taxonomy and the natural system.Mae-Wan Ho & Peter T. Saunders - 1993 - Acta Biotheoretica 41 (4):289-304.
    Since Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection, the idea of descent with modification came to dominate systematics, and so the study of morphology became subgugated to the reconstruction of phylogenies. Reinstating the organism in the theory of evolution (Ho & Saunders, 1979; Webster & Goodwin, 1982) leads to a project inrational taxonomy (Ho, 1986, 1988a), which attempts to classify biological forms on the basis of transformations on a given dynamical structure.Does rational taxonomy correspond to thenatural system that Linnaeus and (...)
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  22.  18
    Dis/abling Religion: Introducing Dis/ability as a Social-Analytical Concept for the Study of Religions.Ramona Jelinek-Menke - 2022 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 30 (2):300-320.
    How do religions and social order interact with each other? Scholars of religions have repeatedly explored this question from numerous perspectives. However, they have yet to utilise the approach of disability studies, which focuses on disability as a social ordering process, to address this question. As such, not only have the manifold empirical relationships between religions and disability often been disregarded, but a great theoretical potential also remains untapped. In this paper, I demonstrate what the study of religions can gain (...)
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  23.  42
    What is Plato’s Epistemic Worry About Phantasia?Elizabeth Jelinek - 2016 - Southwest Philosophy Review 32 (2):61-67.
    Liu argues that Plato’s account of phantasia in the Sophist reveals Plato’s “deep epistemic worry about perceptual experience” (Liu, 2016, p. 175). The purpose of this paper is to identify more precisely the nature and extent of Plato’s epistemic worry. Liu claims that Plato is worried about phantasiai because, “one’s perception-based belief reflects a distorted picture of things,” but by not fully explaining the nature of this worry, Liu leaves the reader with the impression that Plato regards all phantasiai as (...)
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    Chuja taejŏn ch'aŭi munmok p'yŏbo.Mae-sun Kim - 1854 - [Seoul]: Sŏul Taehakkyo Kyujanggak Han'gukhak Yŏn'guwŏn.
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  25. Chapter 6. Is the dysfunction component of the 'Harmful Dysfunction Analysis' stipulative?Maël Lemoine - 2021 - In Luc Faucher & Denis Forest (eds.), Defining Mental Disorders: Jerome Wakefield and his Critics. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
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    Art and Pornography. Essay Review of Jerrold Levinson's Contemplating Art.H. R. V. Maes - 2008 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 42 (3).
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    Ninagawa's Production of Euripides' Medea.Mae Smethurst - 2002 - American Journal of Philology 123 (1):1-34.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 123.1 (2002) 1-34 [Access article in PDF] Ninagawa's Production of Euripides' Medea Mae Smethurst [Figures]The Japanese theater director Yukio Ninagawa, known for expressing his opposition to repressive politics in his productions during the 1960s, claimed that he staged the Medea because he wanted Japanese women to know that they could be as strong, as straightforward, as the character Medea. Japan, which has been the largest (...)
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  28. What Is a Portrait?Hans R. V. Maes - 2015 - British Journal of Aesthetics 55 (3):303-322.
    What I will aim for in answering the title question is extensional adequacy, that is, I will try to formulate an account that captures as much of the extension as possible of what we ordinarily think counts as a portrait. Two philosophers have recently and independently from one another embarked on the same project. Cynthia Freeland’s theory of portraiture, as it is developed in her book, Portraits and Persons, is discussed in Sections 1 and 2 of this paper. Sections 3 (...)
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  29. Truly, Madly, Deeply. On what it is to love a work of art.Hans Maes - 2017 - The Philosophers' Magazine 78:53-57.
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    Peaks and Troughs: Dysepiphany, Antiphany, and Melancholy.Hans Maes - 2023 - Journal of Value Inquiry 57 (1):197-208.
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  31. Art and Pornography: Philosophical Essays.Hans Maes & Jerrold Levinson (eds.) - 2012 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Art and Pornography presents a series of essays which investigate the artistic status and aesthetic dimension of pornographic pictures, films, and literature, and explores the distinction, if there is any, between pornography and erotic art. Is there any overlap between art and pornography, or are the two mutually exclusive? If they are, why is that? If they are not, how might we characterize pornographic art or artistic pornography, and how might pornographic art be distinguished, if at all, from erotic art? (...)
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    Explanation in the Phaedo: An Argument Against the Metaphysical Interpretation of the Clever Αἰτία.Elizabeth Jelinek - 2023 - In D. M. Spitzer (ed.), Studies in ancient Greek philosophy: in honor of Professor Anthony Preus. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 162-179.
    At Phaedo 105c, Socrates introduces a type of explanation (αἰτία) he describes as “clever.” Rather than explaining a body’s hotness in terms of the body’s participation in the Form Hot, for example, the clever αἰτία attributes a body’s hotness to the presence of fire in the body. Traditional interpretations argue that the clever αἰτία accounts for the interaction between fire and the body in terms of logical entailment relationships among the Forms. On this view, fire makes bodies hot because fire (...)
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  33. Die Illustrationen der Floersheim-Haggada im Vergleich mit den Illustrationen der zweiten Darmstädter Pesach Haggada Les illustrations de la haggada de Floersheim comparées à celles de la deuxième haggada de la Pâque conservée à Darmstadt.Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek - 1987 - Kairos (misc) 29 (3-4):176-216.
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  34. Epigenetics & generative dynamics : how development directs evolution.Mae-Wan Ho - 2013 - In Brian C. Goodwin, David Lambert, Chris Chetland & Craig Millar (eds.), The intuitive way of knowing: a tribute to Brian Goodwin. Edinburgh: Floris Books.
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    Meaning of life & the universe: transforming.Mae-Wan Ho - 2017 - New Jersey: World Scientific.
    The scope of this extraordinary selection of essays, distilled from nearly a thousand works that the author has written, is literally the entire universe and universe of knowledge. It charts the author's quest for the meaning of life faced with a dominant knowledge system she regards as incoherent, meaningless, and often acting against people and planet. She shows how contemporary scientific findings across all disciplines already provide an authentic knowledge system that's coherent with life and the universe. The aim is (...)
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    Evaluating the Goodness of Actions on Plato's Ethical Theory.Elizabeth Jelinek - 2015 - Philosophical Inquiry 39 (3-4):56-72.
    Can Plato’s ethical theory account for the goodness of actions? Plato’s Form of the Good is regarded as the ultimate explanatory principle of all good things, which presumably includes good actions. And this is indeed a standard view. However, in this paper I argue that the theory of the Form of the Good cannot explain the goodness of actions. This is a highly contested claim because, if it is accurate, it suggests that there is a significant deficit in Plato’s theory (...)
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  37. The high school in sociological and philosophical perspective.James John Jelinek - 1969 - Tempe,: Bureau of Educational Research and Services, Arizona State University.
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    On sticking labels.Jan Pieter M. A. Maes - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (4):503-504.
    Steels & Belpaeme (S&B) are clearly interested in the possible test their models may provide for human language theories. However, they only superficially address the assumptions underlying their own agent architecture, while these are of crucial relevance to the topic of human language. These assumptions fit an Augustinian picture of language, which Wittgenstein challenges in his Philosophical Investigations. It is too early to draw conclusions regarding human language evolution from such models.
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  39. The Arts vs Art with a Capital "A": Interview with Noël Carroll.Hans Maes - 2012 - Esthetica.
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  40. Further (Ms.) Understanding Legal Realism: Rescuing Judge Anna Moscowitz Kross.Mae C. Quinn - 1997 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 180:81.
  41. One-trial aversive conditioning to contextual crues: effects of time of shock presentation on freezing during conditioning and testing.Jh Roald Maes & Jmh Vossen - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (5):403-406.
  42. Drawing the Line: Art versus Pornography.Hans Maes - 2011 - Philosophy Compass 6 (6):385-397.
    Art and pornography are often thought to be mutually exclusive. The present article argues that this popular view is without adequate support. Section 1 looks at some of the classic ways of drawing the distinction between these two domains of representation. In Section 2, it is argued that the classic dichotomies may help to illuminate the differences between certain prototypical instances of pornography and art, but will not serve to justify the claim that pornography and art are fundamentally incompatible. Section (...)
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    Talia Mae Bettcher: What Is It Like To Be A Philosopher?Talia Mae Bettcher & Clifford Sosis - 2020 - What is It Like to Be a Philosopher.
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  44. Intention, Interpretation and Contemporary Visual Art.Hans Maes - 2010 - British Journal of Aesthetics 50 (2):121-138.
    The role of the artist's intention in the interpretation of art has been the topic of a lively and ongoing discussion in analytic aesthetics. First, I sketch the current state of this debate, focusing especially on two competing views: actual and hypothetical intentionalism. Secondly, I discuss the search for a suitable test case, that is, a work of art that is interpreted differently by actual and hypothetical intentionalists, with only one of these interpretations being plausible. Many examples from many different (...)
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  45. Using Small Group Learning in the Philosophy Classroom.Elizabeth Jelinek - 2013 - Teaching Philosophy 36 (2):137-159.
    I advocate the use of small group learning in the philosophy classroom because it engages a broad cross-section of students and because it proves to be an effective way to teach critical thinking. In this article, I suggest small group activities that are useful for developing philosophical skills, and I propose methods for circumventing common logistical problems that can arise when implementing small group learning in the classroom. Ultimately, I show that small group learning is a pedagogically powerful and logistically (...)
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  46.  34
    Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, Before Midnight: A Philosophical Exploration.Hans Maes & Katrien Schaubroeck (eds.) - 2021 - New York: Routledge.
    "Richard Linklater's trilogy of critically-acclaimed 'Before' films - Before Sunrise, Before Sunset and Before Midnight - depict the ongoing relationship and romantic destiny of two characters played by Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke. This collection of specially commissioned chapters explores the many philosophical issues raised in the films, including: the nature of love, romanticism and marriage the meaning of life the passage and experience of time the narrative self gender death. Including an introduction by the editors summarising the trilogy, and (...)
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  47.  24
    Introduction à la philosophie des sciences médicales.Maël Lemoine - 2017 - [Paris]: Hermann.
    En France, l'épistémologie de la médecine est facilement réduite à l'étude du magistral essai de Canguilhem, Le normal et le pathologique. Toutefois, ce livre publié il y a plus de soixante-dix ans ne reflète plus l'état des sciences médicales contemporaines, ni celui des débats poursuivis par les philosophes des sciences depuis. Le présent livre, premier du genre en langue française, a pour ambition d'introduire le lecteur à la philosophie des sciences médicales. Ses dix chapitres initieront le lecteur aux débats qui (...)
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    "België erkent geen regeringen, enkel staten" : Het geval Cambodja 1979-1991.Marc Maes - 1991 - Res Publica 33 (2):255-302.
    Since 1965 Belgian has stopped recognizing governments confining itself to the recognition of states only and maintaining diplomatie relations with the recognized states through wathever government able of exercising effective controle of those states' territory. Nota single exception to this doctrine was made untill 1979.In 1979 however Belgium refused to recognize the government installed in Phnom Penh following the Vietnamese intervention. One year later it also stopped recognizing the Khmer Rouge. In the UN however Belgium went on to accept the (...)
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    De politieke opiniepeilingen in België in 1987.Marc Maes & Erwin Das - 1988 - Res Publica 30 (2-3):369-389.
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    De politieke opinipeilingen in België in 1986.Marc Maes & Erwin Das - 1987 - Res Publica 29 (3):533-548.
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