Results for 'Herrmann Christoph'

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  1.  36
    Transcranial alternating current stimulation: a review of the underlying mechanisms and modulation of cognitive processes. [REVIEW]Christoph S. Herrmann, Stefan Rach, Toralf Neuling & Daniel Strüber - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    'Early'evoked versus 'late'induced gamma oscillations.Christoph S. Herrmann, Matthias H. J. Munk & Andreas K. Engel - 2004 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 8 (8):347-355.
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    Orchestrating neuronal networks: sustained after-effects of transcranial alternating current stimulation depend upon brain states.Toralf Neuling, Stefan Rach & Christoph S. Herrmann - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    Non-invasive Brain Stimulation: A Paradigm Shift in Understanding Brain Oscillations.Johannes Vosskuhl, Daniel Strüber & Christoph S. Herrmann - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Modification of Brain Oscillations via Rhythmic Light Stimulation Provides Evidence for Entrainment but Not for Superposition of Event-Related Responses.Annika Notbohm, Jürgen Kurths & Christoph S. Herrmann - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation Enhances Mental Rotation Performance during and after Stimulation.Florian H. Kasten & Christoph S. Herrmann - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation with Sawtooth Waves: Simultaneous Stimulation and EEG Recording.James Dowsett & Christoph S. Herrmann - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Illusory contours: a window onto the neurophysiology of constructing perception.Micah M. Murray & Christoph S. Herrmann - 2013 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 17 (9):471-481.
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    Tradeoff between User Experience and BCI Classification Accuracy with Frequency Modulated Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials.Alexander M. Dreyer, Christoph S. Herrmann & Jochem W. Rieger - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Corruption: A situational action view.Andrzej Uhl, Christoph Herrmann & Kyle H. Treiber - forthcoming - Theory and Society:1-24.
    This article presents an integrative, analytic, and interactive approach to explaining corruption. We find that extant research, while empirically rich, often lacks grounding on the micro level of analysis, operates on unspecified or implausible decision-making models, does not clearly distinguish between proximal and distal causes, and does not attempt to study the interactions between individual propensities and corruption-conducive settings (situational analysis). The theoretical traditions of rational choice and culture provide insight into some but not all corrupt acts, and are limited (...)
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    (1 other version)Absence of Alpha-tACS Aftereffects in Darkness Reveals Importance of Taking Derivations of Stimulation Frequency and Individual Alpha Variability Into Account.Heiko I. Stecher & Christoph S. Herrmann - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Sustained Aftereffect of α-tACS Lasts Up to 70 min after Stimulation.Florian H. Kasten, James Dowsett & Christoph S. Herrmann - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Increase in short-term memory capacity induced by down-regulating individual theta frequency via transcranial alternating current stimulation.Johannes Vosskuhl, René J. Huster & Christoph S. Herrmann - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    EEG-Neurofeedback as a Tool to Modulate Cognition and Behavior: A Review Tutorial.Stefanie Enriquez-Geppert, René J. Huster & Christoph S. Herrmann - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    The morphology of midcingulate cortex predicts frontal-midline theta neurofeedback success.Stefanie Enriquez-Geppert, René J. Huster, Robert Scharfenort, Zacharais N. Mokom, Johannes Vosskuhl, Christian Figge, Jörg Zimmermann & Christoph S. Herrmann - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    Ten Minutes of α-tACS and Ambient Illumination Independently Modulate EEG α-Power.Heiko I. Stecher, Tania M. Pollok, Daniel Strüber, Fabian Sobotka & Christoph S. Herrmann - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    When holding your horses meets the deer in the headlights: time-frequency characteristics of global and selective stopping under conditions of proactive and reactive control.Christina F. Lavallee, Marie T. Meemken, Christoph S. Herrmann & Rene J. Huster - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Signal-Space Projection Suppresses the tACS Artifact in EEG Recordings.Johannes Vosskuhl, Tuomas P. Mutanen, Toralf Neuling, Risto J. Ilmoniemi & Christoph S. Herrmann - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    BackgroundTo probe the functional role of brain oscillations, transcranial alternating current stimulation has proven to be a useful neuroscientific tool. Because of the excessive tACS-caused artifact at the stimulation frequency in electroencephalography signals, tACS + EEG studies have been mostly limited to compare brain activity between recordings before and after concurrent tACS. Critically, attempts to suppress the artifact in the data cannot assure that the entire artifact is removed while brain activity is preserved. The current study aims to evaluate the (...)
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    The Influence of the Modulation Index on Frequency-Modulated Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials.Alexander M. Dreyer, Benjamin L. A. Heikkinen & Christoph S. Herrmann - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Based on increased user experience during stimulation, frequency-modulated steady-state visual evoked potentials have been suggested as an improved stimulation method for brain-computer interfaces. Adapting such a novel stimulation paradigm requires in-depth analyses of all different stimulation parameters and their influence on brain responses as well as the user experience during the stimulation. In the current manuscript, we assess the influence of different values for the modulation index, which determine the spectral distribution in the stimulation signal on FM-SSVEPs. We visually stimulated (...)
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    Challenges of P300 Modulation Using Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation.Fabian Popp, Isa Dallmer-Zerbe, Alexandra Philipsen & Christoph S. Herrmann - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    How can I find what I want? Can children, chimpanzees and capuchin monkeys form abstract representations to guide their behavior in a sampling task?Elisa Felsche, Christoph J. Völter, Esther Herrmann, Amanda M. Seed & Daphna Buchsbaum - 2024 - Cognition 245 (C):105721.
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    Myocardial infarction as a chance for life.Daniel Broschmann & Christoph Herrmann-Lingen - 2023 - Ethik in der Medizin 35 (1):57-75.
    Definition of the problemA myocardial infarction is often a vitally and emotionally threatening situation for the affected. Unconscious coping mechanisms in dealing with the heart disease may result in, for example, complete denial or emotional decompensation.ArgumentAn understanding of myocardial infarction as a borderline situation may provide theoretical enrichment for clinicians and point to a third coping avenue, described as “posttraumatic growth”. Affected individuals often refer to the event as a “wake-up call”. Clinical knowledge of these different coping mechanisms may in (...)
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    Oscillatory activity in the auditory cortex determines auditory temporal resolution.Baltus Alina & Herrmann Christoph - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  24. From Principles to Practice. An interdisciplinary framework to operationalise AI ethics.Lajla Fetic, Torsten Fleischer, Paul Grünke, Thilo Hagendorf, Sebastian Hallensleben, Marc Hauer, Michael Herrmann, Rafaela Hillerbrand, Carla Hustedt, Christoph Hubig, Andreas Kaminski, Tobias Krafft, Wulf Loh, Philipp Otto & Michael Puntschuh - 2020 - Bertelsmann-Stiftung.
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    Computersimulationen verstehen. Ein Toolkit für interdisziplinär Forschende aus den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften.Andreas Kaminski, Christian Bischof, Petra Gehring, Nico Formanek, Michael Herrmann, Christoph Hubig & Felix Wolf (eds.) - 2017 - Darmstadt: TU Prints.
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    Anthropologie und Ästhetik: interdisziplinäre Perspektiven.Britta Herrmann (ed.) - 2019 - Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.
    Die Kategorie des Menschseins wird aufgrund wechselnder Wissensbestände und Orientierungskrisen immer wieder neu bestimmt. Das Ästhetische ist damit eng verbunden. 'Aisthesis' ist erstens eine Form der sinnlichen und empfindenden Wahrnehmung, ein vorrationaler 'way of worldmaking' (Nelson Goodman), der den Bezug des Menschen zu sich und seiner Welt moduliert. Ästhetische Vorstellungen grundieren zweitens aber auch die Idee des Humanen und die Normen menschlicher Handlungs-weisen. Und drittens sind ästhetische Erkenntnis- und Ausdrucksformen Teil eines 'selbstgesponnenen Bedeutungsgewebes' (Clifford Geertz) der Kultur, das die Grenzen (...)
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    Wilhelm Herrmann and the Birth of the Ritschlian School.Christophe Chalamet - 2008 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 15 (2):263-289.
    The emergence of a school around the theology of Albrecht Ritschl remains an important aspect of modern Protestant theology. On the basis of previously unpublished correspondence between Ritschl and some of his most celebrated students, we are able to investigate anew the circumstances under which the Ritschlian school was formed, and to ask why Ritschl's theology attracted a new generation of theologians and historians of theology. By focusing on Wilhelm Herrmann, one of the most significant systematic theologians of the (...)
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  28.  23
    Basic Motor Competencies of 6- to 8-Year-Old Primary School Children in 10 European Countries: A Cross-Sectional Study on Associations With Age, Sex, Body Mass Index, and Physical Activity. [REVIEW]Marina Wälti, Jeffrey Sallen, Manolis Adamakis, Fabienne Ennigkeit, Erin Gerlach, Christopher Heim, Boris Jidovtseff, Irene Kossyva, Jana Labudová, Dana Masaryková, Remo Mombarg, Liliane De Sousa Morgado, Benjamin Niederkofler, Maike Niehues, Marcos Onofre, Uwe Pühse, Ana Quitério, Claude Scheuer, Harald Seelig, Petr Vlček, Jaroslav Vrbas & Christian Herrmann - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Basic motor competencies are a prerequisite for children to be physically active, participate in sports and thus develop a healthy, active lifestyle. The present study provides a broad screening of BMC and associations with age, sex, body mass index and extracurricular physical activity in 10 different European countries. The different country and regional contexts within Europe will offer a novel view on already established BMC associations. The cross-sectional study was conducted in 11 regions in 10 European countries in 2018. The (...)
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  29.  35
    Breaking Away from the Theoretical: von Herrmann on Husserl and Heidegger.Christopher Edwards - 2018 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 50 (2):139-153.
    ABSTRACTIn his book, Hermeneutics and Reflection, Friedrich-Wilhelm von Herrmann outlines what he sees as the fundamental differences between Edmund Husserl’s “theoretical” phenomenology and Martin Heidegger’s “a-theoretical” phenomenology, which he frames in terms of the distinction between “reflective observation” and “hermeneutic understanding”. In this paper, I will clarify the sense of these terms in order to elucidate some of the crucial similarities and differences between Husserl and Heidegger. Against von Herrmann’s characterization of the Husserlian project, I argue that we (...)
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  30.  18
    1. Wilhelm von Humboldt 1798. Zu Goethes ›Herrmann und Dorothea‹ und der Problematik einer dichterischen Aktualität.Christoph König - 2014 - In Philologie der Poesie: Von Goethe Bis Peter Szondi. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag. pp. 1-23.
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    Critical Heidegger.Christopher E. Macann (ed.) - 1995 - New York: Routledge.
    _Critical Heidegger_ brings together a selection of the best work on Martin Heidegger from a number of key commentators working in Europe. These new and classic essays, for the most part translated from German and French originals, are an essential guide to the current European reception of Heidegger and make available essays that have had considerable impact on English-language Heidegger studies. Essays in this collection: * Marlene Zarader, `The mirror with the triple reflection' * Franco Volpi, `Dasein and Praxis: Aristotle' (...)
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  32.  37
    Sieg f ried Herrmann: Die prophetischen Heilserwartungen im Alten Testament. Ursprung und Gestaltwandel. (Beiträge zur Wissenschaft vom Alten und Neuen Testament 5, 5.) W. Kohlhammer Verlag, Stuttgart 1965. 325 pp. [REVIEW]Hans-Christoph Schmitt - 1973 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 25 (2):183-185.
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    Albrecht Ritschl – Wilhelm Herrmann. Briefwechsel 1875-1889, hg. v. Christophe Chalamet/Peter Fischer-Appelt u.a., Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2013, XII + 520 S. [REVIEW]Görge K. Hasselhoff - 2014 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 66 (3-4):339-341.
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    Inquiry, Knowledge, and Understanding.Christoph Kelp - 2021 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This study takes inquiry as the starting point for epistemological theorising. It uses this idea to develop new and systematic answers to some of the most fundamental questions in epistemology, including about the nature of core epistemic phenomena as well as their value and the extent to which we possess them.
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    Responses to Critics of Hegel on Being.Stephen Houlgate - 2023 - Hegel Bulletin 44 (3):509-535.
    I must first express my heartfelt thanks to Susanne Herrmann-Sinai and Christoph Schuringa for convening this debate. I also owe a special debt of gratitude to the four commentators for generously taking the time to read and think about my book, and for their thought-provoking and challenging comments. I have responded to as many of the latter as I could, and I look forward to hearing or reading, on other occasions, further comments on my responses.1.
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  36. Understanding phenomena.Christoph Kelp - unknown
    The literature on the nature of understanding can be divided into two broad camps. Explanationists believe that it is knowledge of explanations that is key to understanding. In contrast, their manipulationist rivals maintain that understanding essentially involves an ability to manipulate certain representations. The aim of this paper is to provide a novel knowledge based account of understanding. More specifically, it proposes an account of maximal understanding of a given phenomenon in terms of fully comprehensive and maximally well-connected knowledge of (...)
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    What is trustworthiness?Christoph Kelp & Mona Simion - 2023 - Noûs 57 (3):667-683.
    This paper develops a novel, bifocal account of trustworthiness according to which both trustworthinesssimpliciter(as in ‘Ann is trustworthy’) and trustworthiness tophi(as in ‘Ann is trustworthy when it comes to keeping your secrets’) are analysed in terms of dispositions to fulfil one's obligations. We also offer a systematic account of the relation between the two types of trustworthiness, an account of degrees of trustworthiness and comparative trustworthiness, as well as a view of permissible trustworthiness attribution.
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  38. Do we (seem to) perceive passage?Christoph Hoerl - 2014 - Philosophical Explorations 17 (2):188-202.
    I examine some recent claims put forward by L. A. Paul, Barry Dainton and Simon Prosser, to the effect that perceptual experiences of movement and change involve an (apparent) experience of ‘passage’, in the sense at issue in debates about the metaphysics of time. Paul, Dainton and Prosser all argue that this supposed feature of perceptual experience – call it a phenomenology of passage – is illusory, thereby defending the view that there is no such a thing as passage, conceived (...)
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  39. Epistemic Authority.Christoph Jäger - 2025 - In Jennifer Lackey & Aidan McGlynn, Oxford Handbook of Social Epistemology. New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
    This handbook article gives a critical overview of recent discussions of epistemic authority. It favors an account that brings into balance the dictates of rational deference with the ideals of intellectual self-governance. A plausible starting point is the conjecture that neither should rational deference to authorities collapse into total epistemic submission, nor the ideal of mature intellectual self-governance be conflated with (illusions of) epistemic autarky.
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  40. (1 other version)Assertion: A Function First Account.Christoph Kelp - 2018 - Noûs 52 (2):411-442.
    This paper aims to develop a novel account of the normativity of assertion. Its core thesis is that assertion has an etiological epistemic function, viz. to generate knowledge in hearers. In conjunction with a general account of etiological functions and their normative import, it is argued that an assertion is epistemically good if and only if it has the disposition to generate knowledge in hearers. In addition, reason is provided to believe that it makes sense to regulate the practice of (...)
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  41. Two for the Knowledge Goal of Inquiry.Christoph Kelp - 2014 - American Philosophical Quarterly 51 (3):227-32.
    Suppose you ask yourself whether your father's record collection includes a certain recording of The Trout and venture to find out. At that time, you embark on an inquiry into whether your father owns the relevant recording. Your inquiry is a project with a specific goal: finding out whether your father owns the recording. This fact about your inquiry generalizes: inquiry is a goal-directed enterprise. A specific inquiry can be individuated by the question it aims to answer and by who (...)
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  42. Criticism and Blame in Action and Assertion.Christoph Kelp & Mona Simion - 2017 - Journal of Philosophy 114 (2):76-93.
    In this paper, we develop a general normative framework for criticisability, blamelessness and blameworthiness in action. We then turn to the debate on norms of assertion. We show that an application of this framework enables champions of the so-called knowledge rule of assertion to offer a theoretically motivated response to a number of putative counterexamples in terms of blamelessness. Finally, we argue that, on closer inspection, the putative counterexamples serve to confirm the knowledge rule and disconfirm rival views.
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  43. (3 other versions)Knowledge: The Safe-Apt View.Christoph Kelp - 2013 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 91 (2):265-278.
    According to virtue epistemology, knowledge involves cognitive success that is due to cognitive competence. This paper explores the prospects of a virtue theory of knowledge that, so far, has no takers in the literature. It combines features from a couple of different virtue theories: like Pritchard's [forthcoming; et al. 2010] view, it qualifies as what I call an ‘impure’ version of virtue epistemology, according to which the competence condition is supplemented by an additional condition; like Sosa's 2007, 2010 view, it (...)
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  44. Justified Belief: Knowledge First‐Style.Christoph Kelp - 2016 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 91 (1):79-100.
    Recent knowledge first epistemology features a number of different accounts of justified belief, including a knowledge first reductionism according to which to believe justifiably is to know Sutton, Littlejohn, Williamson, a knowledge first version of accessibilism Millar and a knowledge first version of mentalism Bird. This paper offers a knowledge first version of virtue epistemology and argues that it is preferable to its knowledge first epistemological rivals: only knowledge first virtue epistemology manages to steer clear of a number of problems (...)
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  45. ”A succession of feelings, in and of itself, is not a feeling of succession’.Christoph Hoerl - 2013 - Mind 122 (486):373-417.
    Variants of the slogan that a succession of experiences does not amount to an experience of succession are commonplace in the philosophical literature on temporal experience. I distinguish three quite different arguments that might be captured using this slogan: the individuation argument, the unity argument, and the causal argument. Versions of the unity and the causal argument are often invoked in support of a particular view of the nature of temporal experience sometimes called intentionalism, and against a rival view sometimes (...)
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  46. Thinking in and about time: A dual systems perspective on temporal cognition.Christoph Hoerl & Teresa McCormack - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42 (e244):1-77.
    We outline a dual systems approach to temporal cognition, which distinguishes between two cognitive systems for dealing with how things unfold over time – a temporal updating system and a temporal reasoning system – of which the former is both phylogenetically and ontogenetically more primitive than the latter, and which are at work alongside each other in adult human cognition. We describe the main features of each of the two systems, the types of behavior the more primitive temporal updating system (...)
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  47. Knowledge and Safety.Christoph Kelp - 2009 - Journal of Philosophical Research 34:21-31.
    This paper raises a problem for so-called safety-based conceptions of knowledge: It is argued that none of the versions of the safety condition that can be found in the literature succeeds in identifying a necessary condition on knowledge. Furthermore, reason is provided to believe that the argument generalizes at least in the sense that there can be no version of the safety condition that does justice to the considerations motivating a safety condition whilst, at the same time, being requisite for (...)
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  48. The social fabric of understanding: equilibrium, authority, and epistemic empathy.Christoph Jäger & Federica Isabella Malfatti - 2020 - Synthese 199 (1-2):1185-1205.
    We discuss the social-epistemic aspects of Catherine Elgin’s theory of reflective equilibrium and understanding and argue that it yields an argument for the view that a crucial social-epistemic function of epistemic authorities is to foster understanding in their communities. We explore the competences that enable epistemic authorities to fulfil this role and argue that among them is an epistemic virtue we call “epistemic empathy”.
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  49. Experience and time: Transparency and presence.Christoph Hoerl - 2018 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 5:127-151.
    Philosophers frequently comment on the intimate connection there is between something’s being present in perceptual experience and that thing’s being, or at least appearing to be, temporally present. Yet, there is relatively little existing work that goes beyond asserting such a connection and instead examines its specific nature. In this paper, I suggest that we can make progress on the latter by looking at two more specific debates that have hitherto been conducted largely isolation from each other: one about the (...)
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  50. (1 other version)Extended Cognition and Robust Virtue Epistemology: Response to Vaesen.Christoph Kelp - 2013 - Erkenntnis 78 (2):245-252.
    Pritchard and Vaesen have recently argued that robust virtue epistemology does not square with the extended cognition thesis that has enjoyed an increasing degree of popularity in recent philosophy of mind. This paper shows that their arguments fail. The relevant cases of extended cognition pose no new problem for robust virtue epistemology. It is shown that Pritchard’s and Vaesen’s cases can be dealt with in familiar ways by a number of virtue theories of knowledge.
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