Results for 'Himma Ke'

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  1.  10
    A critique of unos liver allocation policy.Himma Ke - 1999 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 8 (3):311-320.
  2.  23
    Kenneth Himma.Kenneth Himma - 2017 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho 1 (11).
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    Coercion and the Nature of Law.Kenneth Einar Himma - 2020 - Oxford University Press.
    This book makes a systematic defence of the Coercion Thesis in law, arguing that coercion or enforcement mechanisms are not only a necessary feature of legal systems, but a conceptually necessary feature of legal systems.
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  4. Thomson's Violinist and Conjoined Twins.Kenneth Einar Himma - 1999 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 8 (4):428-435.
    It is commonly taken for granted that abortion is necessarily impermissible if the fetus is a person with a right to life. In her influential essay Judith Jarvis Thomson offers what I will call the violinist example to show that merely having a right to life does not in and of itself give rise in the fetus to a right to use the mother's body. On Thomson's view, if the fetus has a right to use the mother's body that precludes (...)
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    The Authorisation of Coercive Enforcement Mechanisms as a Conceptually Necessary Feature of Law.Kenneth Einar Himma - 2016 - Jurisprudence 7 (3):593-626.
    One of the most conspicuous features of law, as it works in the world of our experience, is that legal norms are characteristically backed by coercive enforcement mechanisms. Nevertheless, many legal philosophers specializing in conceptual jurisprudence believe that coercion is not a conceptually necessary feature of law. In this essay, I argue that the authorization of coercive enforcement mechanisms is a conceptually necessary feature of law. I ground the argument in the Hartian claim that the sense of ‘law’ requiring explication (...)
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    Morality and the Nature of Law.Kenneth Einar Himma - 2019 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    A complete survey of Himma's acclaimed work in general jurisprudence and a restatement of his influential take on 'inclusive legal positivism', in dialogue with its chief rivals. This book offers an overview of the methodology of conceptual analysis in legal theory and its grounding in moral philosophy.
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  7. Inclusive Legal Positivism.Kenneth Eimar Himma - 2002 - In Jules L. Coleman & Scott Shapiro, The Oxford Handbook of Jurisprudence & Philosophy of Law. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Just 'Cause You're Smarter than Me Doesn't Give You a Right to Tell Me What to Do: Legitimate Authority and the Normal Justification Thesis.Kenneth Einar Himma - 2005 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 27 (1):121-150.
    Joseph Raz's famous theory of authority is grounded in three claims about the nature and justification of authority. According to the Preemption Thesis, authoritative directives purport to replace the subject's judgments about what she should do. According to the Dependence Thesis, authoritative directives should be based on reasons that actually apply to the subjects of the directive. According to the Normal Justification Thesis (NJT), authority is justified to the extent that subjects are more likely to comply with right reason by (...)
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  9. Law's Claim of Legitimate Authority.Kenneth Einar Himma - 2000 - In Jules L. Coleman, Hart's Postscript: Essays on the Postscript to `the Concept of Law'. New York: Oxford University Press UK.
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    On the definition of unconscionable racial and sexual slurs.Kenneth Einar Himma - 2002 - Journal of Social Philosophy 33 (3):512–522.
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  11. Inclusive Legal Positivism.Kenneth Eimar Himma - 2002 - In Jules Coleman & Scott J. Shapiro, The Oxford Handbook of Jurisprudence and Philosophy of Law. New York: Oxford University Press UK.
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  12. When a problem for all is a problem for none: Substance dualism, physicalism, and the mind-body problem.Kenneth E. Himma - 2005 - American Philosophical Quarterly 42 (2):81-92.
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  13.  66
    The Ties that Bind: An Analysis of the Concept of Obligation.Kenneth Einar Himma - 2013 - Ratio Juris 26 (1):16-46.
    Legal positivism lacks a comprehensive theory of legal obligation. Hart's account of legal obligation, if successful, would explain only how the rule of recognition obligates officials. There is nothing in Hart's account of social obligation and social norms that would explain how the legal norms that govern citizen behavior give rise to legal obligations. However, we cannot give a theoretical explanation of the concept of legal obligation without a theoretical explanation of the concept of obligation. If legal, social and moral (...)
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    The Ethics of Subjecting a Child to the Risk of Eternal Torment.Kenneth Einar Himma - 2016 - Faith and Philosophy 33 (1):94-108.
    In “Birth as a Grave Misfortune,” I argue that it is morally wrong, given ordinary moral intuitions about child-bearing decisions together with the traditional Christian doctrines of hell and salvific exclusivism, to bring a child into the world when the probability that she will spend an eternal afterlife suffering the torments of hell is as high as it would be if these two doctrines are true. In a paper published by this journal, Shawn Bawulski responds to my arguments, offering a (...)
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  15. Conceptual Jurisprudence. An Introduction to Conceptual Analysis and Methodology in Legal Theory.Kenneth Einar Himma - 2015 - Revus 26.
    This essay attempts to provide an accessible introduction to the topic area of conceptual analysis of legal concepts and its methodology. I attempt to explain, at a fairly foundational level, what conceptual analysis is, how it is done and why it is important in theorizing about the law. I also attempt to explain how conceptual analysis is related to other areas in philosophy, such as metaphysics and epistemology. Next, I explain the enterprise of conceptual jurisprudence, as concerned to provide an (...)
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  16.  40
    The moral significance of the internet in information: Reflections on a fundamental moral right to information.Kenneth Einar Himma - 2004 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 2 (4):191-201.
    I consider the foundational issue of whether we have a right to information that is fundamental in being independent of other rights and general in protecting all information. To this end, I distinguish two kinds of morally relevant value an entity might have, i.e. intrinsic and instrumental value, and explain the role that each has in determining whether a person has a fundamental moral interest in that entity. Next, I argue that, by itself, the claim that some entity E has (...)
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  17. The free-will defence: evil and the moral value of free will.Kenneth Einar Himma - 2009 - Religious Studies 45 (4):395-415.
    One version of the free-will argument relies on the claim that, other things being equal, a world in which free beings exist is morally preferable to a world in which free beings do not exist (the 'value thesis'). I argue that this version of the free-will argument cannot support a theodicy that should alleviate the doubts about God's existence to which the problems of evil give rise. In particular, I argue that the value thesis has no foundation in common intuitions (...)
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  18. Privacy vs. security: Why privacy is not an absolute value or right.Kenneth Einar Himma - manuscript
    In this essay, I consider the relationship between the rights to privacy and security and argue that, in a sense to be made somewhat more precise below, that threats to the right to security outweighs comparable threats to privacy. My argument begins with an assessment of ordinary case judgments and an explanation of the important moral distinction between intrinsic value (i.e., value as an end) and instrumental value (i.e., value as a means), arguing that each approach assigns more moral value, (...)
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    A dualist analysis of abortion: personhood and the concept of self qua experiential subject.K. E. Himma - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (1):48-55.
    There is no issue more central to the abortion debate than the controversial issue of whether the fetus is a moral person. Abortion-rights opponents almost universally claim that abortion is murder and should be legally prohibited because the fetus is a moral person at the moment of conception. Abortion-rights proponents almost universally deny the crucial assumption that the fetus is a person; on their view, whatever moral disvalue abortion involves does not rise to the level of murder and hence does (...)
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  20.  29
    The intercultural ethics agenda from the point of view of a moral objectivist.Kenneth Einar Himma - 2008 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 6 (2):101-115.
    PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to attempt to resolve some unclarity about the nature and character of intercultural information ethics (IIE).Design/methodology/approachBy survey of some of the relevant literature, the paper identifies and explains the distinctive projects of IIE. In addition, to facilitate the achievement of these projects, the paper attempts to identify the most fruitful metaphysical and meta‐ethical assumptions about truth and moral truth. In particular, to identify and determine which of objectivist theories of truth and morality or intersubjectivist (...)
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  21. Artificial agency, consciousness, and the criteria for moral agency: What properties must an artificial agent have to be a moral agent? [REVIEW]Kenneth Einar Himma - 2009 - Ethics and Information Technology 11 (1):19-29.
    In this essay, I describe and explain the standard accounts of agency, natural agency, artificial agency, and moral agency, as well as articulate what are widely taken to be the criteria for moral agency, supporting the contention that this is the standard account with citations from such widely used and respected professional resources as the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, and the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. I then flesh out the implications of some of these well-settled theories (...)
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  22.  47
    Authority.Kenneth Einar Himma - 2011 - In Colin Aitken, Amalia Amaya, Kevin D. Ashley, Carla Bagnoli, Giorgio Bongiovanni, Bartosz Brożek, Cristiano Castelfranchi, Samuele Chilovi, Marcello Di Bello, Jaap Hage, Kenneth Einar Himma, Lewis A. Kornhauser, Emiliano Lorini, Fabrizio Macagno, Andrei Marmor, J. J. Moreso, Veronica Rodriguez-Blanco, Antonino Rotolo, Giovanni Sartor, Burkhard Schafer, Chiara Valentini, Bart Verheij, Douglas Walton & Wojciech Załuski, Handbook of Legal Reasoning and Argumentation. Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer Verlag. pp. 191-217.
    Authority is defined by the capacity to provide new reasons that apply to its subjects. There are two types of authority that differ from each other with respect to the kind of reasons their directives or opinions create. Authorityepistemic authority is distinguished from Authoritypractical authority in that the former is the source of reasons to believe and the latter is the source of reasons for action. Both kinds of authority are of considerable philosophical importance. This entry, however, is concerned with (...)
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  23. The application-conditions for design inferences: Why the design arguments need the help of other arguments for God’s existence.Kenneth Einar Himma - 2005 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 57 (1):1-33.
  24.  75
    The relationship between the uniqueness of computer ethics and its independence as a discipline in applied ethics.Kenneth Einar Himma - 2003 - Ethics and Information Technology 5 (4):225-237.
    A number of different uniquenessclaims have been made about computer ethics inorder to justify characterizing it as adistinct subdiscipline of applied ethics. Iconsider several different interpretations ofthese claims and argue, first, that none areplausible and, second, that none provideadequate justification for characterizingcomputer ethics as a distinct subdiscipline ofapplied ethics. Even so, I argue that computerethics shares certain important characteristicswith medical ethics that justifies treatingboth as separate subdisciplines of appliedethics.
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    The Practical Otiosity of Exclusionary Reasons.Kenneth Einar Himma - 2024 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 37 (2):457-473.
    One of Joseph Raz’s most influential contributions to legal philosophy is the Exclusionary Thesis, according to which any prescription that counts as mandatory is identical with an exclusionary reason that bars acting on certain reasons favoring noncompliance. This essay argues that exclusionary reasons are otiose in the sense there is no deliberative work they are ever needed to do under objective norms of practical reasoning.
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  26. Moral biocentrism and the adaptive value of consciousness.Kenneth Einar Himma - 2004 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 42 (1):25-44.
  27.  50
    Is the Concept of Obligation Moralized?Kenneth Einar Himma - 2018 - Law and Philosophy 37 (2):203-227.
    Conceptual jurisprudence is concerned to explicate the concept of law and other concepts central to core legal practices, as we understand them. The centrality of obligation-talk to legal practice is obvious, as the very point of litigation is to resolve disputes regarding the obligations of the various parties. In this essay, I argue that the general concept of obligation – of which social, legal, and moral obligation are subtypes – includes a conceptual moral constraint. Just as only a very good (...)
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    (1 other version)Replacement naturalism and the limits of experimental jurisprudence.Kenneth Einar Himma - 2023 - Jurisprudence 14 (3):348-373.
    This essay is concerned with Brian Leiter’s so-called replacement naturalism, according to which the traditional methodology of conceptual jurisprudence ‘should be replaced by reliance on the best social scientific explanations of legal phenomena.’ I argue that, although the methodology of experimental jurisprudence is the only plausible replacement for the traditional methodology, it cannot can replace the philosophical methods traditionally used to address conceptual issues and, further, that experimental jurisprudence needs a theoretical foundation that properly locates its role relative to that (...)
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    Immodesty in Dworkin’s Theory.Kenneth Einar Himma - 2016 - In Wil Waluchow & Stefan Sciaraffa, The Legacy of Ronald Dworkin. New York, NY: Oxford University Press USA.
    Dworkin consistently insists that his legal theory is the same kind of theory as legal positivism, as a matter of logic, a rival to positivism, and a better justified theory than positivism. In this chapter, Utilizing Frank Jackson’s distinction between modest and immodest approaches to conceptual analysis, I explain that Dworkin deploys ICA, while positivism deploys MCA. I argue that by dint of this difference in approach, pace Dworkin,,, and are false. A key premise in my argument is that ICA, (...)
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  30.  6
    Una taxonomía completa de las razones.Kenneth Einar Himma & Kevin Valdivieso - 2024 - Revista Filosofía Uis 23 (2):29-52.
    Este artículo pretende brindar una descripción completa de los diferentes tipos de razones respecto al razonamiento teórico y práctico. Se distinguen los siguientes tipos de razones: (1) epistemológicas y prácticas; (2) basadas en la fuente y el contenido; (3) anulables y concluyentes; (4) objetivas y subjetivas; (5) motivadoras, explicativas y de justificación; (6) de primer y de segundo orden; (7) de inclusión y de exclusión; e (8) intrínsecas e instrumentales. Estas distinciones son aplicadas al problema de la explicación de la (...)
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  31. What Philosophy of Mind Can Tell Us About the Morality of Abortion.Kenneth Einar Himma - 2003 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 17 (1):89-109.
    I attempt to show that, under materialist assumptions about the nature of mind, it is a necessary condition for fetal personhood that electrical activity has begun in the brain. First, I argue that it is a necessary condition for a thing to be a moral person that it is (or has) a self—understood as something that is capable of serving as the subject of a mental experience. Second, I argue that it is a necessary condition for a fetus to be (...)
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  32. Judicial discretion and the concept of law.K. Himma - 1999 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 19 (1):71-82.
    The theoretical core of positivism is thought to consist of three theses about the nature of law. The separability thesis denies the existence of necessary moral constraints on the content of law. The pedigree thesis articulates necessary and sufficient conditions for legal validity having to do with how or by whom law is promulgated. The discretion thesis asserts that judges decide hard cases by making new law. While it is often assumed that these theses form a coherent theoretical whole, such (...)
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  33. Design arguments for the existence of God.Kenneth Einar Himma - 2003 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    La inviabilidad epistémica del análisis conceptual inmodesto.Kenneth Einar Himma & Andrés Botero Bernal - 2024 - Revista Filosofía Uis 23 (1):224-244.
    Este ensayo argumenta que el análisis conceptual inmodesto es epistémicamente inviable para seres como nosotros, porque no tenemos forma de justificar afirmaciones inmodestas acerca de la naturaleza de algo. Como argumento más adelante, las afirmaciones inmodestas no pueden ser justificadas por medios a priori o a posteriori. Si como suponen nuestras prácticas epistemológicas evaluativas tradicionales, no hay otras formas de justificar una creencia, entonces no podemos justificar afirmaciones inmodestas sobre la naturaleza de algo. El análisis conceptual inmodesto es epistemológicamente inviable, (...)
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    Ambiguously stung: Dworkin's semantic sting reconfigured.Kenneth Einar Himma - 2002 - Legal Theory 8 (2):145-183.
    In Laws creation but disagree on whether those facts are sufficient to endow the rule with legal authority. This sort of disagreement is theoretical in nature as it concerns the grounds of law, which, according to positivism, are exhausted by the rule of recognition.
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    H.l.A. Hart and the practical difference thesis.Kenneth Einar Himma - 2000 - Legal Theory 6 (1):1-43.
  37.  54
    A Critique of UNOS Liver Allocation Policy.Kenneth Einar Himma - 1999 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 8 (3):311-320.
    The United Network for Organ Sharing recently changed the policy by which donor livers are allocated to liver failure patients in the United States. Formerly, all liver failure patients were characterized as status 1 and placed at the top of the transplant list. Under the new policy, only patients with liver failure due to acute illness () are eligible for status 1; patients with liver failure due to chronic liver disease () are characterized as status 2. Since donor organs are (...)
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  38. Explaining why this body gives rise to me qua subject instead of someone else : an argument for classical substance dualism.Kenneth Einar Himma - 2011 - Religious Studies 47 (4):431 - 448.
    Since something cannot be conscious without being a conscious subject, a complete physicalist explanation of consciousness must resolve an issue first raised by Thomas Nagel, namely to explain why a particular mass of atoms that comprises my body gives rise to me as conscious subject, rather than someone else.In this essay, I describe a thought-experiment that suggests that physicalism lacks the resources to address Nagel's question and seems to pose a counter-example to any form of non-reductive physicalism relying on the (...)
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    Constitutionalism, Judicial Supremacy, and Judicial Review: Waluchow's Defense of Judicial Review against Waldron.Kenneth Einar Himma - 2009 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho 1 (3):75-99.
    Jeremy Waldron is well known for his disdain of U.S. jurisprudential doc- trine that allows courts to invalidate democratically enacted legislation on the ground it violates certain fundamental constitutional (and quasi-moral) rights. He believes that where disagreement on the relevant substantive is- sues is widespread among citizens and officials alike, it is illegitimate for judges to impose their views on the majority by invalidating a piece of enacted law. Even if we assume, plausibly enough, there are objective moral constraints on (...)
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  40. Konceptualna jurisprudencija. Uvod u konceptualnu analizu i metodologiju u pravnoj teoriji.Kenneth Einar Himma - 2015 - Revus 26:35-63.
    U ovom radu nastojim da čitaoce uvedem u problemsku oblast konceptualne analize pravnih pojmova i njene metodologije. Pokušavam da, na prilično bazičnom nivou, objasnim šta je konceptualna analiza, na koji način se ona obavlja i zašto je ona važna za teoriju prava. Takođe nastojim i da objasnim na koji način je konceptualna analiza povezana sa drugim oblastima filozofije, kao što su metafizika i epistemologija. Zatim, objašnjavam poduhvat u koji se konceptualna jurisprudencija upušta – da opiše ona svojstva po kojima se (...)
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  41. Brian Leiter, ed., Objectivity in Law and Morals Reviewed by.Kenneth Einar Himma - 2001 - Philosophy in Review 21 (6):433-435.
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  42. James Allan, A Sceptical Theory of Morality and Law Reviewed by.Kenneth Einar Himma - 2000 - Philosophy in Review 20 (1):1-3.
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  43. Keith Burgess-Jackson, Rape: A Philosophical Investigation Reviewed by.Kenneth Einar Himma - 1998 - Philosophy in Review 18 (6):397-398.
  44. Robert P. George, In Defense of Natural Law Reviewed by.Kenneth Einar Himma - 2000 - Philosophy in Review 20 (4):255-257.
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  45. Thomas May, Autonomy, Authority and Moral Responsibility Reviewed by.Kenneth Einar Himma - 1999 - Philosophy in Review 19 (2):124-126.
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    A Comprehensive Hartian Theory of Legal.Kenneth Einar Himma - 2013 - In Wilfrid J. Waluchow & Stefan Sciaraffa, Philosophical foundations of the nature of law. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
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  47. A Positivist Account of Legal Principles.Kenneth Einar Himma - 2001 - Dissertation, University of Washington
    In The Concept of Law, H. L. A. Hart propounds three central theses about the nature of law: a standard of behavior is a law in a society S if and only if that standard has been promulgated in accordance with the procedures specified in S's rule of recognition ; there are no necessary substantive moral constraints on the content of law ; and judges have discretion in hard cases to base their decisions on extralegal standards; thus, judges decide hard (...)
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    Bringing Hart and Raz to the Table: Coleman's Compatibility Thesis.Kenneth Einar Himma - 2001 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 21 (4):609-627.
    Inclusive and exclusive positivists disagree on whether criteria of validity can incorporate moral norms. Inclusive positivists believe there are conceptually possible legal systems in which the criteria of validity include moral norms (the ‘Incorporation Thesis’). Exclusive positivists, following Joseph Raz, reject the Incorporation Thesis on the ground that subjects of a putative legal system incorporating moral criteria of validity could not identify the law without evaluating the very reasons the law is supposed to replace. Since law cannot be authoritative unless (...)
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  49. Conceptual analysis , the naturalistic turn, and legal philosophy.K. E. Himma - 2007 - In Josep J. Moreso, Legal theory: legal positivism and conceptual analysis: proceedings of the 22nd IVR World Congress, Granada 2005, volume I = Teoría del derecho: positivismo jurídico y análisis conceptual. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
  50.  17
    ¿Cuál es exactamente el problema con la supremacía judicial? Estado de derecho, legitimación moral y la construcción del derecho constitucional.Kenneth Einar Himma - 2015 - Ratio Juris 10 (20):141-177.
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