Results for 'Holly Man'

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  1.  12
    The Mythological Man: Navigating HealthCare and Traumatic Brain Injury as a Rural New Graduate Nurse.Holly Gumz - 2019 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 9 (2):108-110.
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    Models of Man: Philosophical Thoughts on Social Action.Martin Hollis - 1977 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    All social theorists and philosophers who seek to explain human action have a 'model of man'; a metaphysical view of human nature that requires its own theory of scientific knowledge. In this influential book, Martin Hollis examines the tensions that arise from the differing views of sociologists, economists and psychologists. He then develops a rationalist model of his own which connects personal and social identity through a theory of rational action and a priori knowledge, allowing humans to both act freely (...)
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    Models of Man.Martin Hollis - 1979 - Mind 88 (350):309-312.
  4. Rational Economic Man. Hollis & Edward J. Nell - 1975 - Cambridge University Press.
    Economics is probably the most subtle, precise and powerful of the social sciences and its theories have deep philosophical import. Yet the dominant alliance between economics and philosophy has long been cheerfully simple. This is the textbook alliance of neo-Classicism and Positivism, so crucial to the defence of orthodox economics against by now familiar objections. This is an unusual book and a deliberately controversial one. The authors cast doubt on assumptions which neo-Classicists often find too obvious to defend or, indeed, (...)
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  5. This view of wife : a reflection on Darwin's chapters 19-20. Secondary sexual characters of man.Holly Dunsworth - 2021 - In Jeremy M. DeSilva (ed.), A most interesting problem: what Darwin's Descent of man got right and wrong about human evolution. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  6. (3 other versions)Rational Economic Man: A Philosophical Critique of Neo-Classical Economics.Martin Hollis & Edward Nell - 1976 - Science and Society 40 (3):359-362.
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  7. (1 other version)Models of Man: Philosophical Thoughts on Social Action.Martin Hollis - 1978 - Human Studies 1 (4):395-398.
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  8. A brief history of time consciousness: Historical precursors to James and Husserl.Holly K. Andersen & Rick Grush - 2009 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 47 (2):277-307.
    William James’ Principles of Psychology, in which he made famous the ‘specious present’ doctrine of temporal experience, and Edmund Husserl’s Zur Phänomenologie des inneren Zeitbewusstseins, were giant strides in the philosophical investigation of the temporality of experience. However, an important set of precursors to these works has not been adequately investigated. In this article, we undertake this investigation. Beginning with Reid’s essay ‘Memory’ in Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man, we trace out a line of development of ideas about (...)
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    The freedom of man.Arthur Holly Compton - 1935 - New York,: Greenwood Press.
    A great physicist, winner of the Noble Prize in 1927, here gives his views of man’s place in the world. His position is unmistakable and he states it with clarity and vigor. Mankind, in the author’s opinion, is far from a creature who fundamentally obeys inevitable laws; the universe is fundamentally unpredictable and man is fundamentally free.
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    Man's destiny in eternity.Arthur Holly Compton (ed.) - 1970 - Freeport, N.Y.,: Books for Libraries Press.
    Preface, by F. L. Windolph.--A modern concept of God, by A. H. Compton.--The immortality of man, by J. Maritain.--The idea of God in the mind of man, by M. Royden.--Psychical research and the life beyond death, by H. Hart.--Religion and modern knowledge, by R. Niebuhr.--Immortality in the light of science and philosophy, by W. E. Hocking.--"To whom shall ye liken God?" By C. E. Park.--Man's destiny in eternity, by W. L. Sperry.--The idea of God as affected by modern knowledge, by (...)
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    J. S. Mill's Political Philosophy of Mind.Martin Hollis - 1972 - Philosophy 47 (182):334 - 347.
    That freedom involves a power to choose is a natural idea. But it requires a model of man which English philosophers have usually rejected. It requires an agent equipped with a will, who is faced with genuine alternatives and is, in some sense, autonomous. So it is rejected both by those, like Hobbes, who hold a strong version of determinism and by those, like Hume, who deny the existence of an autonomous self. The will, says Hobbes, is simply ‘the last (...)
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    The composition of Callimachus' Aetia in the Light of P. Oxy. 2258.A. S. Hollis - 1986 - Classical Quarterly 36 (02):467-.
    Rudolf Pfeiffer believed that, as a young man, Callimachus wrote four books of Aetia. To these the poet added in his old age a Reply to his Critics , and a slightly revised version of his recent occasional elegy, the Lock of Berenice ; this revised Coma became the last poem in Aetia book 4, to be followed by an Epilogue which may mark a transition to the Iambi. Pfeiffer's theory generally held the field until the brilliant article of P. (...)
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    The Boy Bishop and the "Uncanonized Saint" St. Louis of Anjou and Peter of John Olivi as Models of Franciscan Spirituality in the Fourteenth Century.Holly J. Grieco - 2012 - Franciscan Studies 70:247-282.
    On August 19, 1297, a young man of royal heritage died in the household of the Count of Provence and King of Naples at Brignoles, a short distance from Marseille. The young man was Louis of Anjou, a Franciscan friar and Bishop of Toulouse, who had renounced his inheritance and claim to the Kingdom of Naples to pursue a religious vocation. Only twenty-three years old when he died, Louis nevertheless had long been inspired by Franciscan spirituality, and less than eight (...)
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    Rights of Way in Ovid ( Heroides 20.146) and Plautus ( Curculio 36).A. S. Hollis - 1994 - Classical Quarterly 44 (02):545-.
    Acontius rhetorically addresses the young man to whom Cydippe's parents have betrothed her, whom he imagines as showing excessive familiarity while visiting the girl's sickbed. In line 146, ‘spes’ may be considered the vulgate reading; the noun can be used concretely, of the object of one's hopes , a person in whom hopes are centred , or sometimes as an endearment . For application to a girl with suitors, cf. Ovid, Met. 4.795 ‘multorumque fuit spes invidiosa procorum’. Or one could (...)
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  15.  22
    The politics of everybody: feminism, queer theory, and Marxism at the intersection.Holly Lewis - 2016 - London: Zed Books.
    It's commonly understood within the academy that the terms "man," "woman," and "other" are socially constructed, and that their meanings are maintained by the current political order. But few thinkers have attempted to reconcile that knowledge - which is rooted in Marxism - with queer theory. The few who have, meanwhile, usually attempt to do so through issues of libidinal desire and sexual expression. In the Politics of Everybody, Holly Lewis argues powerfully that the emphasis on desire, though seemingly (...)
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  16. Socrates, Fifth-Century Sage.Holly G. Moore - 2000 - Dissertation, Pennsylvania State University
    An undergraduate honors thesis, this work addresses the question of whether or not the historical Socrates is best understood as a sophist, the charge Plato seems most keen to refute. Using the evidence of both Plato's dialogues and other contemporary sources, this study assesses potential arguments regarding Socrates' identity, putting forward the position that Socrates is most accurately to be described not as a sophist but as a "sage" (Greek: sophos). Although the "sage" is a model drawn from the 6th (...)
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    Is It Wrong to Buy Sex?.Holly Lawford-Smith & Angie Pepper - 2024 - Routledge.
    Is it wrong for a man to buy sex from a woman? In this book, Holly Lawford-Smith argues that it is wrong: commercial sex is quintessentially hierarchical sex, and it is wrong both to have, and to perpetuate a market in, hierarchical sex. Angie Pepper argues that it isn’t wrong: men are permitted to buy sex from those women who freely choose to sell it. -/- Important but different interests are at stake in these two positions. According to the (...)
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  18. Gender.Holly Lawford-Smith & Michael Hauskeller - 2022 - In Michael Hauskeller (ed.), The Things That Really Matter: Philosophical Conversations on the Cornerstones of Life. UCL Press. pp. 65-83.
    We often talk and behave as if being a man required more than just being male, and being a woman required more than just being female. There are expectations that need to be met if someone wants to fully qualify as a man or a woman in their social environment, expectations regarding their behaviour as well as character. It is, however, not entirely obvious what ‘being a man’ or ‘being a woman’ actually means and in what way and to what (...)
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  19. Hollis and Nell's Rational Economic Man: A Philosophical Critique of Neo-Classical EconomicsRational Economic Man: A Philosophical Critique of Neo-Classical Economics. M. Hollis, E. Nell.C. A. Hooker - 1979 - Philosophy of Science 46 (3):470-.
  20. HOLLIS, M. and NELL, E. "Rational Economic Man: A Philosophical Critique of Neo-Classical Economics". [REVIEW]H. Steiner - 1977 - Mind 86:614.
  21. HOLLIS, M., "Models of Man: Philosophical Thoughts on Social Action". [REVIEW]R. Brown - 1980 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 58:202.
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    Martin Hollis's Models of Man. [REVIEW]Irving Thalberg - 1978 - Noûs 12 (4):489.
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  23. HOLLIS, M. "Models of Man". [REVIEW]R. Harre - 1979 - Mind 88:309.
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    Models of Man: Philosophical Thoughts on Social Action. By Martin Hollis. Cambridge University Press, 1977, vii + 195 pp., £7.00, £2.50 paper. [REVIEW]Mary Midgley - 1978 - Philosophy 53 (204):279-.
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    Models of Man: Philosophical Thoughts on Social Action by Martin Hollis. [REVIEW]Daniel M. Hausman - 1979 - Journal of Philosophy 76 (7):386-391.
  26.  33
    Book reviews : Models of man: Philosophical thoughts on social action. By Martin Hollis. Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 1977. Pp. VII + 198. [REVIEW]Gary W. Trompf - 1980 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 10 (3):336-341.
  27.  23
    Books in Review : MODELS OF MAN by Martin Hollis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1977. Pp. 198. $14.95 cloth, $4.95 paper. [REVIEW]John G. Gunnell - 1978 - Political Theory 6 (2):259-262.
  28.  69
    Tolkien’s Faith: A Spiritual Biography, By Holly Ordway. [REVIEW]Steven Umbrello - 2024 - Literature and Theology 38 (1):83-90.
    While J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings and other creations enthrall readers through immersive adventures and captivating characters, a deeper understanding of the author’s faith unlocks a new dimension of appreciation. Tolkien declared his works “fundamentally religious and Catholic,” but their subtle nuances often escape surface-level readings. Delving into his faith journey unveils crucial threads woven into the very fabric of his narratives. -/- In the expansive corpus of literature dedicated to J.R.R. Tolkien, his faith has often been overshadowed (...)
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    Ideal Character and Life Perspective in Gubong Song Ik-phil’s Taoist Thought. 이종성 - 2018 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 94:463-488.
    구봉 송익필(1534-1599)은 조선 중기를 대표하는 성리학자요 예학자이다. 그는 율곡 이이, 우계 성혼 등과 도의지교를 맺었을 뿐만 아니라 그들과 필적할만한 학문적 능력을 갖추었던 인물이다. 그런데 구봉집에는 유교지식인들에게는 특이하게 비쳐질 수밖에 없는 도가적 사유의 스펙트럼을 통해 해석된 세계와 인간에 대한 다수의 시선들이 확인된다.BR 특히 구봉은 『장자』의 내편, 외편, 잡편의 전편에 걸쳐있는 주요 철학개념들을 자유롭게 원용하여 자신의 삶의 지평을 이상적으로 설계해보고자 한 특징이 확인된다. 그는 논문의 형식보다는 자유로운 형식의 문학 장르의 하나인 시의 양식을 통해 자신과 세계에 대한 내면적 심상을 피력하는 모습을 보여준다. 이는 (...)
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    Nature and conduct.Richard Stanley Peters (ed.) - 1975 - New York: St. Martin's Press.
    Bambrough, R. Essay on man.--Quinton, A. Has man an essence?--Warnock, G. J. Kant and anthropology.--Honderich, T. On inequality and violence, and the differences we make between them.--Cherry, C. Agreement, objectivity and the sentiment of humanity in morals.--Gregory, I. Psycho-analysis, human nature and human conduct.--Gosling, J. The natural supremacy of conscience.--Scruton, R. Reason and happiness.--Wollheim, R. Needs, desires, and moral turpitude.--Hollis, M. My role and its duties.--Watkins, J. Three views concerning human freedom.--Letwin, S. R. Nature, history, and morality.--Passmore, J. Attitudes to (...)
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  31. The economic agent: Not human, but important.Don Ross - manuscript
    Critics of mainstream economics typically rest important weight on the differences between people and the 'agents' that populate economic theory and economic models. Hollis and Nell (1975) is both representative of and ancestral to many more recent variations on the theme. Lately, the upgraded status of behavioral economics (BE) within the discipline's mainstream has encouraged a number of writers to use revolutionary rhetoric in promotion of a 'paradigm shift' that includes the rejection of 'rational economic man' (Ormerod 1994, Heilbroner and (...)
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  32. Understanding Political Feasibility.Holly Lawford-Smith - 2012 - Journal of Political Philosophy 21 (3):243-259.
  33. Non-Ideal Accessibility.Holly Lawford-Smith - 2013 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 16 (3):653-669.
    What should we do when we won't do as we ought? Suppose it ought to be that the procrastinating professor accept the task of reviewing a book, and actually review the book. It seems clear that given he won't review it, he ought not to accept the task. That is a genuine moral obligation in light of less than perfect circumstances. I want to entertain the possibility that a set of such obligations form something like a 'practical morality'; that which (...)
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  34. Belief: An Essay.Jamie Iredell - 2011 - Continent 1 (4):279-285.
    continent. 1.4 (2011): 279—285. Concerning its Transitive Nature, the Conversion of Native Americans of Spanish Colonial California, Indoctrinated Catholicism, & the Creation There’s no direct archaeological evidence that Jesus ever existed. 1 I memorized the Act of Contrition. I don’t remember it now, except the beginning: Forgive me Father for I have sinned . . . This was in preparation for the Sacrament of Holy Reconciliation, where in a confessional I confessed my sins to Father Scott, who looked like Jesus, (...)
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  35. We the People: Is the Polity the State?Stephanie Collins & Holly Lawford-Smith - 2021 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 7 (1):78-97.
    When a liberal-democratic state signs a treaty or wages a war, does its whole polity do those things? In this article, we approach this question via the recent social ontological literature on collective agency. We provide arguments that it does and that it does not. The arguments are presented via three considerations: the polity's control over what the state does; the polity's unity; and the influence of individual polity members. We suggest that the answer to our question differs for different (...)
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    Theological Indications of Early Turkish-Muslim Faith in Dede Korkut Stories.Murat Serdar & Harun Işik - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (1):489-513.
    Dede Korkut Stories are a national cultural heritage that narrates about events and challenges of Oghuz Turks in 10th-11th centuries. This period of time is important, as it was the times when Turks became Muslims. In this work, heroism, customs, habits and traditions, socio-cultural and moral life of the Turks before and after becoming Muslims are analysed. One of the topics addressed in this work is religious beliefs and worships of the Turks after became Muslims. In this context, the belief (...)
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  37. The Motivation Question: Arguments from Justice, and from Humanity.Holly Lawford-Smith - 2012 - British Journal of Political Science 42:661-678.
    Which of the two dominant arguments for duties to alleviate global poverty, supposing their premises were generally accepted, would be more likely to produce their desired outcome? I take Pogge's argument for obligations grounded in principles of justice, a "contribution" argument, and Campbell's argument for obligations grounded in principles of humanity, an "assistance" argument, to be prototypical. Were people to accept the premises of Campbell's argument, how likely would they be to support governmental reform in policies for international aid, or (...)
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  38. Benefiting from Failures to Address Climate Change.Holly Lawford-Smith - 2014 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 31 (4):392-404.
    The politics of climate change is marked by the fact that countries are dragging their heels in doing what they ought to do; namely, creating a binding global treaty, and fulfilling the duties assigned to each of them under it. Many different agents are culpable in this failure. But we can imagine a stylised version of the climate change case, in which no agents are culpable: if the bad effects of climate change were triggered only by crossing a particular threshold, (...)
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  39. The Sense of Self in Epictetus: Prohairesis and Prosopon.Robert Francis Dobbin - 1989 - Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley
    The thesis concerns the sense of self in Epictetus, with special reference to two key terms in his philosophy: prohairesis and prosopon. ;The first chapter explores the range of meaning behind the word prohairesis as Epictetus employs it. I begin by reviewing the background of the word, particularly in Aristotle. A discussion of the problem of free will and determinism in Stoic ethics follows, with reference to prohairesis in Epictetus. The implications of equating prohairesis with "the will" are then explored, (...)
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  40. The Metaphysics of Intersectionality Revisited.Holly Lawford-Smith & Kate Phelan - 2021 - Journal of Political Philosophy 30 (2):166-187.
    ‘Intersectionality’ is one of the rare pieces of academic jargon to make it out of the university and into the mainstream. The message is clear and well-known: your feminism had better be intersectional. But what exactly does this mean? This paper is partly an exercise in conceptual clarification, distinguishing at least six distinct types of claim found across the literature on intersectionality, and digging further into the most philosophically complex of these claims—namely the metaphysical and explanatory. It’s also partly a (...)
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    Differential payment to research participants in the same study: an ethical analysis.Govind Persad, Holly Fernandez Lynch & Emily Largent - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (5):318-322.
    Recognising that offers of payment to research participants can serve various purposes—reimbursement, compensation and incentive—helps uncover differences between participants, which can justify differential payment of participants within the same study. Participants with different study-related expenses will need different amounts of reimbursement to be restored to their preparticipation financial baseline. Differential compensation can be acceptable when some research participants commit more time or assume greater burdens than others, or if inter-site differences affect the value of compensation. Finally, it may be permissible (...)
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  42. (1 other version)The Transfer of Duties: From Individuals to States and Back Again.Stephanie Collins & Holly Lawford-Smith - 2016 - In Michael Brady & Miranda Fricker (eds.), The Epistemic Life of Groups: Essays in the Epistemology of Collectives. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 150-172.
    Individuals sometimes pass their duties on to collectives, which is one way in which collectives can come to have duties. The collective discharges its duties by acting through its members, which involves distributing duties back out to individuals. Individuals put duties in and get (transformed) duties out. In this paper we consider whether (and if so, to what extent) this general account can make sense of states' duties. Do some of the duties we typically take states to have come from (...)
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    Ethically Allocating COVID-19 Drugs Via Pre-approval Access and Emergency Use Authorization.Jamie Webb, Lesha D. Shah & Holly Fernandez Lynch - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (9):4-17.
    Allocating access to unapproved COVID-19 drugs available via Pre-Approval Access pathways or Emergency Use Authorization raises unique challenges at the intersection of clinical care and research....
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  44. (1 other version)Cosmopolitan Global Justice: Brock vs. The Feasibility Sceptic.Holly Lawford-Smith - 2011 - Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric (4).
  45.  20
    Testing a Self-Determination Theory Model of Healthy Eating in a South African Township.Jeroen De Man, Edwin Wouters, Peter Delobelle, Thandi Puoane, Meena Daivadanam, Pilvikki Absetz, Roy Remmen & Josefien van Olmen - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  46. (1 other version)Ending Sex-Based Oppression: Transitional Pathways.Holly Lawford-Smith - 2020 - Philosophia 49 (3):1021-1041.
    From a radical feminist perspective, gender is a cage. Or to be more precise, it’s two cages. If genders are cages, then surely we want to let people out. Being less constrained in our choices is something we all have reason to want: theorists in recent years have emphasized the importance of the capability to do and be many different things. At the very least, we should want an end to sex-based oppression. But what does this entail, when it comes (...)
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  47. Feasibility Constraints for Political Theories.Holly Lawford-Smith - 2010 - Dissertation, Australian National University
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    Implications of complex adaptive systems theory for interpreting research about health care organizations.Michelle Jordon, Holly Jordan Lanham, Ruth A. Anderson & Reuben R. McDaniel Jr - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (1):228-231.
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    The Emergence of Clinical Research Ethics Consultation: Insights From a National Collaborative.Kathryn M. Porter, Marion Danis, Holly A. Taylor, Mildred K. Cho & Benjamin S. Wilfond - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (1):39-45.
    The increasing complexity of human subjects research and its oversight has prompted researchers, as well as institutional review boards, to have a forum in which to discuss challenging or novel ethical issues not fully addressed by regulations. Research ethics consultation services provide such a forum. In this article, we rely on the experiences of a national Research Ethics Consultation Collaborative that collected more than 350 research ethics consultations in a repository and published 18 challenging cases with accompanying ethical commentaries to (...)
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  50. The Importance of Being Earnest, and the Difficulty of Faking It.Holly Lawford-Smith - 2010 - In M. Baurmann, G. Brennan, R. Goodin & N. Southwood (eds.), Norms and Values. Nomos Verlag.
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