Results for 'Hp Grice'

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  1. Hp Grice.A. Prolegomena - forthcoming - Foundations of Language.
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  2. Predpoklade nemennosti pojmov a inom Karel mácha faustovské reflexie rozhovor S ladislavom hanusom.Dagmar Smreková, Vojtech Filkorn, JÚUUS ŠVIHRAN, Hp Grice, Pf Strawson & Pavel Cmorej - 1992 - Filozofia 47 (7-12):574.
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    Still relevant: HP Grice's legacy in psycholinguistics and philosophy of language.J. Robert Thompson - 2007 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 26 (2):77-109.
    In this paper, I outline evidence of Paul Grice’s enduring influence in Psycho-linguistics and the Philosophy of Language. I focus on two particular cases: the role of intentions within developmental psycholinguistics and the notion of what is said within current debates over the notion of semantic content and the semantic-pragmatic boundary. I end the paper with a brief discussion of a possible difficulty facing those who hope to square Grice’s stance on naturalism with this work.
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    Giraldo, John A.“La teoría causal del significado en HP Grice”, Praxis Filosófica (Universidad del Valle) 16 (2003): 99-128. [REVIEW]Tomás Barrero - 2008 - Ideas Y Valores 57 (136):167-170.
  5.  13
    Grice, HP 105,114 Gross, J. 82 Guillaume, P. 36, 49 Gussenhoven, C. 139, 151 H.G. A. de Laguna, F. B. M. deWaal, G. Dell, E. Deloria, J. L. Dessalles, G. Deutscher, E. A. DiPaolo, R. Dixon, R. I. M. Dunbar & G. Duyk - 2010 - In M. Arbib D. Bickerton, The Emergence of Protolanguage: Holophrasis Vs Compositionality. John Benjamins. pp. 175.
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    The cooperative principle and collaborative inquiry.Philip Cam - 2018 - Journal of Philosophy in Schools 5 (2):5-16.
    The norms associated with HP Grice’s cooperative principle focus on exchange of information and require considerable extension in order to capture the presiding features of discourse that attempts to inquire into a problem or an issue. These features are revealed by looking at the case of collaborative philosophical inquiry. Although it is a special case, the findings have widespread implications for education. When teachers venture beyond the kind of informative discourse that has traditionally monopolised verbal exchange in the classroom (...)
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  7. Studies in the way of words.Herbert Paul Grice - 1989 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  8. (1 other version)Meaning.Herbert Paul Grice - 1957 - Philosophical Review 66 (3):377-388.
  9. (6 other versions)Logic and Conversation.H. Paul Grice - 1975 - In Donald Davidson, The logic of grammar. Encino, Calif.: Dickenson Pub. Co.. pp. 64-75.
  10. The Causal Theory of Perception.H. P. Grice & Alan R. White - 1961 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 35 (1):121-168.
  11. Studies in the Way of Words.Paul Grice - 1989 - Philosophy 65 (251):111-113.
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    Aspects of Reason.Paul Grice - 2001 - Oxford, GB: Clarendon Press.
    Reasons and reasoning were central to the work of Paul Grice, one of the most influential and admired philosophers of the late twentieth century. In the John Locke Lectures that Grice delivered in Oxford at the end of the 1970s, he set out his fundamental thoughts about these topics; Aspects of Reason is the long-awaited publication of those lectures. This immensely rich work, powerfully evocative of the mind of its author, will refresh and illuminate discussions in many areas (...)
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  13. Utterer’s Meaning and Intentions.H. Paul Grice - 1969 - Philosophical Review 78 (2):147-177.
  14. An answer to Kant letters of August 23, 1749.Hp Fischer - 1985 - Kant Studien 76 (1):79-89.
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  15. Avec Wittgenstein entre le doute et la certitude En néerlandais.Gallacher Hp - 1977 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 69 (2):73-94.
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  16. Historical judgment and our knowledge of man.Hp Rickman - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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  17. Ethische und politische Problemperspektiven der Gentechnologie am Beispiel der Humangenetik.Hp Schreiber - 1991 - Studia Philosophica 50:77-86.
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  18. Moglichkeiten und Grenzen des Individualprinzips in der sozialen Marktwirtschaft.Hp Schwintowski - 1988 - Rechtstheorie 19 (4):507-522.
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  19. The causal theory of perception.H. P. Grice - 1988 - In Jonathan Dancy, Perceptual knowledge. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 121-168.
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  20. (2 other versions)In defense of a dogma.H. P. Grice & P. F. Strawson - 1956 - Philosophical Review 65 (2):141-158.
  21. Intention and Uncertainty.H. P. Grice - 1971 - Proceedings of the British Academy 57:263-279.
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  22. Utterer's Meaning, Sentence-Meaning, and Word-Meaning.H. P. Grice - 1968 - Foundations of Language 4 (3):225-242.
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  23. Aspects of reason.H. Paul Grice - 2001 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Reasons and reasoning were central to the work of Paul Grice, one of the most influential and admired philosophers of the late twentieth century. In the John Locke Lectures that Grice delivered in Oxford at the end of the 1970s, he set out his fundamental thoughts about these topics; Aspects of Reason is the long-awaited publication of those lectures. They focus on an investigation of practical necessity, as Grice contends that practical necessities are established by derivation; they (...)
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  24. The Causal Theory of Perception.H. P. Grice - 2000 - In Sven Bernecker & Fred I. Dretske, Knowledge: readings in contemporary epistemology. New York: Oxford University Press.
  25. The causal theory of perception.H. P. Grice - 1988 - In Jonathan Dancy, Perceptual knowledge. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 121-168.
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  26. Personal identity.H. P. Grice - 1941 - Mind 50 (October):330-350.
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  27. Some remarks about the senses.H. P. Grice - 1962 - In R. J. Butler, Analytical Philosophy, First Series. Oxford University Press.
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    The Grounds of Moral Judgement.Geoffrey Russell Grice - 1967 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Originally published in 1967, this book aims to develop an ethical theory which remedies the defects of Utilitarianism while recognising the truths upon which Utilitarians have insisted. Its thesis is offered as a challenge to all schools of moral philosophy which have flourished in the twentieth century. Dr Grice argues that there are two kinds of Judgement of moral obligation. Social Contract theory, in a form which avoids the classical objections, is employed in setting out the ground of basic (...)
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  29. Mantık ve Konuşma.Paul Grice - 2022 - Posseible: Felsefe Dergisi 11 (1):71-87. Translated by Alper Yavuz.
    Grice bu yazıda temel olarak sezdirim kavramını incelemektedir. Sezdirim bir karşılıklı konuşmada konuşucunun, söylediği şey ötesinde dinleyicisine aktardığı düşüncedir. Konuşma sezdirimleri söz konusu olduğunda dinleyici, bir çıkarım sonucunda sezdirimleri saptar. Grice'ın savı, bu çıkarımda nicelik, nitelik, bağıntı ve tarz olmak üzere dört grupta toplanabilen ilkelerin (maksimler) belirleyici rol oynadığıdır.
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    (1 other version)The Conception of Value.Paul Grice - 1991 - Oxford, GB: Clarendon Press.
    The works of Paul Grice collected in this volume present his metaphysical defence of value, and represent a modern attempt to provide a metaphysical foundation for value. The collection includes Grice's three previously unpublished Carus Lectures on the conception of value, a section of his 'Reply to Richards' (previously published in Grandy and Warner (eds.), Philosophical Grounds of Rationality, Oxford, 1986), and 'Method in Philosophical Psychology' (Presidential Address delivered to the Annual Meeting of the American Philosophical Association, 1975).
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    The conception of value.H. Paul Grice - 1991 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The works of Paul Grice collected in this volume present his metaphysical defense of value, and represent a modern attempt to provide a metaphysical foundation for value. Value judgments are viewed as objective; value is part of the world we live in, but nonetheless is constructed by us. We inherit, or seem to inherit, the Aristotelian world in which objects and creatures are characterized in terms of what they are supposed to do. We are thereby enabled to evaluate by (...)
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    Stimulus intensity and response evocation.G. Robert Grice - 1968 - Psychological Review 75 (5):359-373.
  33. Method in Philosophical Psychology (From the Banal to the Bizarre).Paul Grice - 1974 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 48:23 - 53.
  34. Marcella bertuccelli papi where Grice feared to tread: Inferring attitudes and emotions.Where Grice Feared To Tread - 2001 - In Giovanna Cosenza, Paul Grice's Heritage. Brepols Publishers. pp. 247.
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  35. The Grounds of Moral Judgement.Geoffrey Russell Grice - 1967 - Philosophy 44 (169):253-254.
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  36. (1 other version)Aspects of Reason.Paul Grice & Richard Warner - 2002 - Philosophy 77 (301):466-471.
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    The psychological scaffolding of arithmetic.Matt Grice, Simon Kemp, Nicola J. Morton & Randolph C. Grace - 2024 - Psychological Review 131 (2):494-522.
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    Church, society and university: the Paris Condemnation of 1241/4.Deborah Grice - 2020 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    In 1241/4 the theology masters at the university at Paris with their chancellor, Odo of Chateauroux, mandated by their bishop, William of Auvergne, met to condemn ten propositions against theological truth. This book represents the first comprehensive examination of what hitherto has been a largely ignored instrument in a crucial period of the university's early maturation. However, the book's ambition goes wider than this. The condemnation provides a window through which to view the wider doctrinal, intellectual, institutional and historical developments (...)
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    The relation of secondary reinforcement to delayed reward in visual discrimination learning.G. Robert Grice - 1948 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 38 (1):1.
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    Intention and Uncertainty.Herbert Paul Grice - 1971 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
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    Aristotle on the Multiplicity of Being.Paul Grice - 1988 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 69 (3):175-200.
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    Practical and Alethic Reasons: Part I.Paul Grice - 2001 - In H. Paul Grice, Aspects of reason. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Grice continues his project of proving the univocality of common modals by showing how a univocal structural representation can be applied to a certain class of alethic and practical acceptability statements that are at least sometimes valid, subject to license of the involved transitional inferences from a ‘Principle of Total Evidence’. Grice also shows that these acceptability statements can be modified to account for defeasible and non‐defeasible generalizations, which in turn can be utilized to account for a univocal (...)
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    Reason and Reasoning.Paul Grice - 2001 - In H. Paul Grice, Aspects of reason. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Grice deals with the nature of practical and non‐practical reasoning, particularly what may be called imperfect reasoning. It consists of ‘misreasoning’, ‘incomplete reasoning’, and ‘too good to be reasoning’. The last two kinds of reasoning, Grice argues, suggest a distinction between ‘flat rationality’ and ‘variable rationality’.
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    Reason and Reasons.Paul Grice - 2001 - In H. Paul Grice, Aspects of reason. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Grice begins this chapter by discussing to what extent the notion of variable rationality can be derived from that of flat rationality, and thus from the concept of a rational being alone. He then draws a distinction between ‘explanatory’ and ‘justificatory’ reasons, as well as ‘personal’ reasons that combine the two by being reasons acted upon and regarded as justifying by the agent. Finally, he introduces a structural representation for practical and alethic justificatory reasons that shows that ‘common modals’ (...)
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    Some Reflections About Ends and Happiness.Paul Grice - 2001 - In H. Paul Grice, Aspects of reason. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Grice discusses happiness as an end, and its relation to other ends, as it would feature in practical reasoning. He begins by analysing Aristotle's claims towards the self‐sufficiency and finality of happiness as an end, and defends the thesis that happiness is an ‘inclusive end’, consisting of the realization of various other ends that are desirable for their own sakes as well as for the sake of happiness. Grice then briefly discusses the possibility that the components of happiness (...)
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    From means and variances to persons and patterns.James W. Grice - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Consciously Feeling the Pain of Others Reflects Atypical Functional Connectivity between the Pain Matrix and Frontal-Parietal Regions.Thomas Grice-Jackson, Hugo D. Critchley, Michael J. Banissy & Jamie Ward - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Practical and Alethic Reasons: Part II.Paul Grice - 2001 - In H. Paul Grice, Aspects of reason. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter first shows how—given certain circumstances—valid inferences can be drawn from alethic to practical acceptability statements. For this, Grice tries to establish an acceptability statement of the form ‘it is acceptable that if A only if B, then one should A only if one should B’. He then turns to a discussion of the characteristics of practical thinking other than the application of means–ends reasoning. Such practical thinking, Grice suggests, includes the determination of antecedently indeterminate desires and (...)
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    Actions and Events.Paul Grice - 1986 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 67 (1):1-35.
  50. Davidson on 'Weakness of the Will'.H. Paul Grice & Judith Baker - 1985 - In Bruce Vermazen & Merrill B. Hintikka, Essays on Davidson: actions and events. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 27--49.
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